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(cid:2)IMAGING COLUMN Pott’s disease: a case of Mycobacterium xenopi infection of the spine Majd Alfreijat, MD1*, Chiagozie Ononiwu, MD1 and Carlton Sexton, MD2 1Department ofInternal Medicine,MedStar Union MemorialHospital, Baltimore, MD, USA; 2Department ofRadiology, MedStarUnion Memorial Hospital, Baltimore,MD, USA Pott’s disease is an infection of the spine with Mycobacterium tuberculosis that causes destruction of the spine elements resulting in progressive kyphosis. We are describing a rare case of Pott’s disease where Mycobacterium xenopiwasthe inculpated organism. Keywords: pott’sdisease;Mycobacteriumxenopi;Nascaculture Received:21 November 2012; Revised:5 December 2012; Accepted:5 December 2012; Published:7 January 2013 A44-year-old Caucasian male with a history of Definition and name origin HIV, Kaposi’s sarcoma (not on HAART), cor- Pott’s disease is defined as an infection of the spinewith onary artery disease status post coronary artery Mycobacteriumtuberculosisthatcausesdestructionofits bypass graft, and HTN presented to the ED with elements, including the disc space and the vertebral complaints of chest pain of 1 day duration, as well as bodies, resulting in progressive kyphosis (1, 2). It was back pain. A physical exam was significant for point first described in 1779 by an English surgeon named tendernessinthelowerthoracicspine.Laboratorystudies Percivall Pott (1714(cid:2)1788). He was a renowned surgeon and was once described by Sir James Paget as the showednormalbloodcountsandelectrolytes,withslight ‘Complete Surgeon’. Not confined to the description of troponin and transaminase elevations. CD4 count was the skeletal TB, hiswritings on the managementof head 674 and HIV viral load was 52,808. Chest CT revealed injuries, and subperiosteal abscesses associated with osteomyelitis and discitis at T9(cid:2)T10 level with a right osteomyelitis, were of great influence (3, 4). paravertebral phlegmon. Review of patient records from an outside hos- Pott’s disease in ancient Americas pital showed that, 5 months prior to this, a lytic le- Using non-destructive autopsy, radiological assessments, sion at T9(cid:2)T10 level had been identified on imaging andDNAanalysis,Pott’sdiseasehasbeendiagnosedin5 studies. Subsequent CT showed collections within the outof1000mummiesstudiedfromtheNascasociety(cid:2)an T9 and T10 vertebral bodies, with destruction of archeological culture that prospered beside the river the intervening disc, as well as paravertebral fluid valleys of the Rio Grande de Nasca by the southern collections consistent with discitis and osteomyelitis coast of Peru between 100 and 1000 AD. With cases (Fig. 1). concentratedinthe900ADperiod,itmighthavereached The patient underwent a CT-guided biopsy that pandemic proportions, suggesting a prevalence of tuber- revealedathickyellowishfluidthatgrewMycobacterium culosis in 10(cid:2)25% of the population in this studied era. xenopi.QuantiferontestforTBwasnegative.Thepatient Gross and radiologic stigmata include kyphosis, osteoly- was restarted on HAARTand also placed on clarithro- tic lesions, pleuro-pulmonary adherence, and collapse of mycin, ethambutol, moxifloxacin, and rifabutin. Acute the intervertebral discs. Evidence of cold abscesses was coronarysyndromewasruledoutonthisadmission,and also found in the studied mummies (Fig. 2). While the patient signedhimselfout against medical advice the the origin of tuberculosis in the Americas remains de- following day. bated,thesefindingsprovetheexistenceofthediseasein JournalofCommunityHospitalInternalMedicinePerspectives2012.#2012MajdAlfreijatetal.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsof 1 theCreativeCommonsAttribution-Noncommercial3.0UnportedLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/),permittingallnon-commercial use,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Citation:JournalofCommunityHospitalInternalMedicinePerspectives2012,2:20150-http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/jchimp.v2i4.20150 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose) MajdAlfreijatetal. Fig. 1. A coronal (left) and a lateral (right) reformation from the CTscan better demonstrate the paraspinal swelling (long arrows) and the collapsed disc, the lytic defects in the vertebra from tuberculous osteomyelitis, and the healing sclerosis postantibiotic treatment(short arrows). pre-Columbian times, serving as the precedent, and have spread into the spinal canal, outside the dura, and potentially, the source for the European outbreak in the that may be compressing the spinal cord (7). 17th century (5). The differential diagnosis for destructive lesions of the spine with paraspinal soft tissue swelling also in- cludes metastatic malignancy, primary bone tumor, Discussion and lymphoma. Other more unusual inflammatory con- On both the chest X-ray and chest CT, our patient ditions that can mimic TB of the spine include sarcoi- manifests imaging findings typical of infectious spondy- dosis, ecchinococcosis, brucellosis, and actinomycosis litis, either pyogenic or tuberculous. The organism (8). spreads hematogenously to the spine, lodging in end While mycobacterial spinal infection is predominantly vessels usually anteriorly in the vertebral body, beneath caused by M. tuberculosis (9), there have been very the endplate (6). Chest X-rays can be the first imaging few cases in the literature where other mycobacteria tip-off to spinal infection, when the thoracic spine is have been inculpated. Mycobacterium xenopi, which our involved. In the lateral view, loss of disc height and patient had, was first isolated in 1959 from skin lesions endplate destruction may be visible (Fig. 3). on an adult female Xenopus laevus (African clawed Using MRI, infection in the disc, bone, and in soft frog) (10). Since 1965, when the first case of M. xenopi tissuesisseentobemanifestedbyincreasedT2signaland infection in humanswas published (11), only eight cases decreased T1 signal. Unlike pyogenic discitis where a of M. xenopi involving the spine have been reported ‘bright’ disc is an early sign, TB discitis may not alter (12(cid:2)19). signal within the disc, the ‘disc sparing’ phenomenon. The optimal treatment for M. Xenopi is yet to be MRImainlyallowsforabetterviewofinfectionthatmay identified. However, a recent study on mice showed Fig. 2. An adultmale mummy fromNascain theNational Museum ofLima (left),withcoronal CTscanof his spine(right) showing anosteolyticlesion involvingT10. 2 Citation:JournalofCommunityHospitalInternalMedicinePerspectives2012,2:20150-http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/jchimp.v2i4.20150 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose) Pott’sdiseasecausedbyMycobacteriumxenopi Fig. 3. A frontal viewof the chest (left) demonstrates subtle evidence of right greater than left paraspinal soft tissue swelling aroundthelowthoracicspine(arrows).NotethatthelungsareclearofanyevidenceofactiveTB.Alateralviewofthechest (right) showsloss of disc heightatT9(cid:2)10(arrows)andsubtle sclerosis. significant bactericidal effect with ethambutol/rifampin 11. Marks J, Schwabacher H. Infection due to Mycobacterium combination with either clarithromycin or moxifloxacin xenopei.BrMedJ1965;1:32(cid:2)3. 12. SobottkeR,ZarghooniK,SeifertH,FaetkenheuerG,Koriller (20). M,MichaelJW,etal.SpondylodiscitiscausedbyMycobacter- iumxenopi.ArchOrthopTraumaSurg2008;128:1047(cid:2)53. Conflict of interest and funding 13. Danesh-CloughT,TheisJC,vanderLindenA.Mycobacterium The authors have not received any funding or benefits xenopiinfectionofthespine:acasereportandliteraturereview. from industryor elsewhere to conduct this study. Spine(PhilaPa1976)2000;25:626(cid:2)8. 14. 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Email:[email protected] 3 Citation:JournalofCommunityHospitalInternalMedicinePerspectives2012,2:20150-http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/jchimp.v2i4.20150 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose)

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