POTENTIAL INTERACTIONS BETWEEN DRUGS AND PHYTOMEDICINES Herb/Herb Group Possible Interacting Drugs Possible Interaction(s) References Aloe Vera gel and juice O(er.agl. hgylipboegnlcylcaameimdeic) drugs Increased hypoglycaemic effects possible Vitamin C & E Increased absorption possible 1 Reduced plasma levels in healthy males Warfarin after 2 weeks ginseng administration 2 American Ginseng (Panax quinqefolium) Possible potentiation of antipsychotic properties Antipsychotics 216 suggested Andrographis Theophylline Drug bioavailability reduced in studies on rats 3 Reduced anticancer activity implicated by in Cisplatin vitro study involving Aloe emodin 2 Anthraquinone laxatives Potassium depletion (hypokalaemia) leading Digoxin and other cardioactive glycosides to increased risk of cardiac toxicity, if large 4,5 doses used. Thiazide diuretics Potassium depletion 4,5 Anxiolytics (Valerian, Hypnotics, tranquillisers, Additive CNS depressant effects, particularly Kava, Passionflower, opiates, and some analgesics with large doses. 6,7 Californian Poppy, Hops acting as CNS.depressants etc) Anti-platelet agents (e.g. ginger, garlic, clove, Anticoagulants (e.g. Potentiation of anticoagulant effect and feverfew) warfarin, heparin) possible bleeding 8 Bacopa monniera Thyroxine Pefofescstisb le potentiation of thyroid hormone 9 Possible reduction in bioavailability of oral Cyclosporin cyclosporin if co administered with large doses Baical Skullcap 10 B(Saciucatel lSlakriual l cbaapic alensis) Etoposide Pwoosgsoinbilne potentiation of antitumour action, by 1 1 Grape seed Potentiated antioxidant effects 12 Rosuvastatin Rroesduuvcaesdta ptilna psmosas cibolen centrations of 12 Barberry Possible enhanced hypotensive effect, with (Berberis vulgaris) Antihypertensives large doses of fruit extract. 13 Betel Nut (Areca Increased parkinsonian side effects reported catechu) Antipsychotic drugs with flupenthixol & fluphenazine 14 Possible potentiation of anticoagulant activity, Bilberry Warfarin with high doses 15 Oral hypoglycaemic drugs Increased hypoglycaemic effects possible, if (e.g. chlorpropamide) large doses taken. 16,17 Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) Reversal of multidrug resistance reported in Vinblastine vitro 18 Copyright, © Phil Rasmussen, 2013 // www.phytomed.co.nz 1 Possible potentiation of thyroid hormone Thyroxine activity 19,20 Antithyroid agents Bladderwrack (carbimazole, propylthiouracil Possible antagonism of antithyroid hormone 19,20 (Fucus vesiculosus) etc) activity Reduced oral drug bioavailability reported in Amiodarone 217 rats B(Croytoismu s scoparius) Antihypertensive drugs Pacotsivsiitbyl e interference with hypotensive 21 Use of large doses may product B(Ruhcakmthnourns frangula) Canatridariarhcy gthlymcoics iadgeesn +ts hypokalaemia, which potentiates drug 4,5 toxicity Antithyroid agents Bugleweed (carbimazole, propylthiouracil Possible potentiation of anti-thyroid effects 22,23 (Lycopus virginicus; etc) Lycopus europaeus) Thyroxine Possible antagonism of thyroxine activity 22,23 Bupleurum spp Cproerdtinciossotneero) ids (eg Tachteioonre otfic caolr ptioctoesntetiraotiiodns of anti- inflammatory 24 B(Puetttearsbituers hybridus) Corticosteroids Easnthhamnac ed anti-inflammatory effects in 25 Possible hypokalaemia with long term Canatshcraarqau (inaonnde o ltahxeart ives) Danigtioaxrrinh,y qthuminiicd dinreu gasn d other ltaoxxaictiitvye o uf scea,r tdhiaucs gploytceonstiidaetins ga npdos sible 4,5 antiarrhythmic agents. Carbamazepine Increased bioavailability likely 25 Cassia auriculata Theophylline Increased bioavailability likely 26 Antacids Possible antagonism of gastroprotective action Capsicum/ Reduced sailicylic acid bioavailability in rats Cayenne pepper Aspirin following large doses of chilli 27 Theophylline Increased bioavailability possible 28 Chamomile Antihistamines Potentiation of antipruritic effects 29 Haloperidol, chlorpromazine, Possible antagonism of antipsychotic or anti- metoclopramide & other emetic effects, due to possible dopaminergic 30 Chaste Tree daonptaagmoniniset sre ceptor action of Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) Progesterone drugs, oral Possible interference with activity of contraceptives, HRT, hormonal drugs, by as yet unknown 31 clomiphene mechanisms Antiarrhythmics Plasma concentration of flecainide increased 32 Antihistamines Vteerfnetnriacudilanre a rrhythmias with astemizole and 33 Cinchona bark (containing quinine) Cardioactive glycosides Plasma concentration of digoxin increased 34 Increased plasma levels quinine due to Cimetidine inhibition of metabolism by cimetidine. 35 Insulin Possible potentiation of hypoglycaemic effect 36 Cinnamon Oral hypoglycaemic drugs Possible potentiation of hypoglycaemic effect Copyright, © Phil Rasmussen, 2013 // www.phytomed.co.nz 2 Foot & mouth disease Enhancement of immune response to vaccine vaccine shown in pigs 37 Cochinchina momordica Influenza vaccination (H5N1) Enhancement of immune responses shown in 38 chickens C(Cooleleuuss forskohlii) Aannttiipcloaategluelta angtse n&t s Pefofetecnt ttihaetioorne toicf aalnlyti cpooasgsuiblalen t or antiplatelet 39 Enhanced stimulant effects possible with Caffeine large doses. 40 Cola Phenytoin Irnecproeratesde din b riaobabviatsil ability of phenytoin 41 Cordyceps sinensis Gamenintoamglyyccoins &id eo tahnetri biotics Protection against nephrotoxicity in rats 86 Case reports of increased anticoagulant Cranberry Warfarin effects, although no effects shown in healthy 43-56 volunteers C(Cuumminin um cyminum) Rifampicin Eexnthraacntc reempoerntet do f plasma levels by aqueous 57 Vinblastine & other cytotoxics Preovsesrisbalel oefn mhaunlticderdu gc yrteostiosxtaicn ecfefe cts due to 58 Curcumin (from Turmeric) Possible protection against alcohol- induced 59 Ethanol neurological disorders Theoretical potentiation of diuretic effects Dandelion leaf Diuretics with large doses Da-Cheng-Qi (CRithriesu amu rtaanntgiuumtic)u m, Ranitidine Increased drug bioavailability reported in rats 60 Anticoagulants Potentiation of anticoagulant effects likely 61 Dan Shen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) Cycosporin Pparoretenctetioranl aSgaalvinias ti nn erapthsr otoxicity from 62 D(eigu rAeptiicusm graveolens) Corticosteroids Iinnccrreeaasseedd priostka assdivuemrs leo sesff (etchteso dreuteic taol only). 63 D(Aonngge Qlicuaa i Anticoagulants Tefhfeecotrse tical risk of enhanced anticoagulant 64 sinensis) I(megm cuyncolosusppporreinses,iv tea cdrrouligmsu s) Tefhfeecotrse,t tihcaolu rgehd uncot icoans iens i mrempournteodsu. ppressive 65 Echinacea Increased sensitivity to pharyngeal irritant Marijuana effects of alkamide-rich liquid preparations 66 reported. Possible antagonism of antihypertensive Antihypertensive agents effect CNS stimulants Sympathomimetic effects; hypertension Digoxin and cardioactive glycosides Arrhythmias possible Ephedra sinica Ergotamine and oxytocin Hypertension possible Halothane Arrhythmias possible Monoamine oxidase inhibitors Life-threatening acute hypertensive response + (MAOI’s) hyperpyrexia & coma possible SSRI antidepressants Potentiation of serotonergic effects possible Evodia rutaecarpa Theophylline Reduction in drug effects possible 67,68 Copyright, © Phil Rasmussen, 2013 // www.phytomed.co.nz 3 Antidiabetic agents Pacotsivsiitbyl (el aprogtee ndtoiasteiosn) of hypoglycaemic 69 Fenugreek Hypolipidaemic agents P(laorsgseib dleo speoste) ntiation of lipid-lowering effects 70 Feverfew Anticoagulants Tefhfeecotrse tical potentiation of anticoagulant 71 Flaxseed Theoretical delay in absorption of drugs (Linum usitatissimum) Many drugs taken simultaneously 72 Protection against cardiotoxicity from large Adriamycin doses 73 Anticoagulants (warfarin, Possible mild potentiation of anticoagulant phenprocoumon) effect 74,75 Gentamycin Protection against nephrotoxicity 76 Garlic Platelet inhibitors (dipyridamole, aspirin, Theoretical potentiation of platelet inhibitory indomethacin etc) effects, with large doses of garlic 77 Saquinavir Rdoesdeusc eodf g palarlsicm a levels reported, with large 78 Gentian (and other bitters) Anti Peptic-ulcer agents Possible antagonism of anti-ulcer effects Theoretical potentiation of anticoagulant Aphnetincporaogcuoluamntosn ()w arfarin, elitftfleec ct,l iwnihceanl e hviigdhe ndcoes es ginger taken, though 79 Theoretical potentiation of antiplatelet effect, Antiplatelet agents (eg when high doses ginger taken, though little Ginger aspirin, dipyridamole) clinical evidence and no effect in healthy 79 volunteers Large doses ginger may reduce bioavailability Cyclosporin of oral cyclosporin 80 Reduced plasma levels seen in rabbits from a Diclofenac combined ginger & pepper preparation 81 Theoretical potentiation of anticoagulant or Anticoagulants & antiplatelet effects, though no effect in healthy antiplatelet agents volunteers 76,79,82 Enhanced anti-atherogenic effect suggested in Cilostazol 219 mice Doxorubicin Reduction in cardiotoxicity in animal studies 83 Gentamycin Pgurointeecat ipoing sa gaanidn smt iocteo toxicity reported in 84 Ginkgo Haloperidol Iamdpverorsvee de fefeffcictsa crey poof rhteadlo peridol & less 85, 86 Metformin Ssuogmgee sptoetde ntiation of hypoglycaemic action 87, 88 Midazolam Possible enhancement in drug availability 89 Reduced oral simvastatin but not simvastatin Simvastatin acid PK bioavailability reported in healthy 220 Tolbutamide Spvoloisglushnitb taeletet ersn u ation of hypoglycaemic effect 89 Albendazole Ifnocllorewaisnegd I Ve xgcinresteionng from GIT reported 90 Caffeine Increased stimulant effects possible 91 Ginseng Digoxin Imnteearsfeurreenmceen wtsit hre cpeorrttaeind laboratory plasma 92, 93 (Panax ginseng) Theoretical potentiation of hypoglycaemic Hypoglycaemic drugs effects, & improvement of insulin resistance 94,82 Possible potentiation of MAOI effects, MAOI antidepressants causing headache, mania. Globe Artichoke Cholesterol-lowering drugs Theoretically additive effects with large doses 70 Copyright, © Phil Rasmussen, 2013 // www.phytomed.co.nz 4 Goji 3 case reports of potentiated anticoagulant (Lycium barbarum) Warfarin effects 95,96,221 Golden Seal Debrisoquine Increased drug levels possible 97 Gotu Kola Adriamycin Possible protection against cardiac toxicity 98 Terfenadine Increased plasma levels reported 99 Calcium channel Increased plasma concentration and thus blockers cardiovascular effects I 100 Chloroquine Increased plasma concentrations 101 Fexofenadine Reduced oral biovailability reported 102 Grapefruit juice Immunosuppressant s (eg cyclosporin, tacrolimus, 100 sirolimus) Increased plasma concentrations Many other drugs Pthousss eibffleec intsc reased plasma concentration and 10 3 Statins Increased plasma levels reported 104 Reduced anticancer effects of Green Tea Bortezomib bortezomib reported in vitro 105 Gotuhaerr gbuumlki n(agn d Antibiotics Absorption of phenoxymethypenicillin reduced 10 6 agents) Gymnema sylvestre Hinycpluodginlygc ainesmuilicn d rugs, Phyopsosgiblylec apeomteinct eiaftfieocnt so f 107 Dgliygcooxsinid &es o ther cardiac Iancctirveiatys,e pdo isnsoibtrloyp riecq aunirdin ogt hdeors caagred rioevdauscctiuolna.r 108 Hawthorn Increased hypotensive effect possible, with Hypotensive drugs large doses of hawthorn. 108 Hemidesmus indicus Gentamicin Panroimteaclt isotnu daigeasi nst nephrotoxicity shown in 109 Reduced plasma levels of carbamazepine Carbamazepine reported following large doses honey in rabbits 110 Honey Diltiazem Rfoellodwucinegd lpalragsem dao lseevse hlso dnieltiya ztoe rma brbepitso rted 11 1 Increased plasma levels of phenytoin reported Phenytoin in rabbits 112 Benzodiazepines, Hops Hanyaplngoetsicicss, ,O Tpriicoyidc lic Potentiation of sedative effects 11 3 antidepressants Anticoagulants & antiplatelet agents such as warfarin and Potentiation of anticoagulant effects reported. 114 aspirin Horsechestnut In vitro potentiation of activity against 5 – Flourouracil hepatocellular carcinoma reported for β- 115 aescin Propylthiouracil, methimazole & other anti- Increased thyrotoxic activity possible with large 116 Horseradish thyroid agents. doses Possible antagonism of thyroxine activity, Thyroxine with large doses 116 K(Maoremlao rdica charantia) Ibnigsuualinn,i dseuslp honylureas, Potentiation of hypoglycaemic effects possible 117 Copyright, © Phil Rasmussen, 2013 // www.phytomed.co.nz 5 Dopamine antagonists (eg antipsychotics, Increased risk of Parkinsonian side effects 118 metoclopramide) theoretically possible. Drugs with a risk of hepatotoxicity Possible increased risk of hepatotoxicity 119 Additive C.N.S. depressant effects possible, Kava Ethanol especially with large doses. 120 Ldeopvoa-mdoinpearg &ic o athgeern ts PPoasrksiinbsleo nre’sd duicsteioans eo.f efficacy of l-dopa in 11 8 Sedative drugs (hypnotics, Additive C.N.S. depressant effects possible, bsoemnzeo dainaazelgpeinseicss, )o piates, especially with large doses. 121 Antithyroid agents (carbimazole, Possible interference with antithyroid activity 19,20 Kelp propylthiouracil etc) Thyroxine Pacotsivsiitbyl e potentiation of thyroid hormone 19, 20 Kyushin (Japanese Possible interference with digoxin plasma preparation) Digoxin assay Possible interference with drug activity if 4,5 Antiarrhythmic drugs hypokalaemia following long term laxative Laxative (anthraquinone- abuse containing) herbs Possible digoxin toxicity due to hypokalaemia Digoxin if long term laxative abuse 4,5 Possible reduction in bioavailability & thus Lemon Chloroquine antimalarial effects 122 Interference with hypotensive effects, Antihypertensives with prolonged use of large doses 123 Azathioprine Lowered risk of hepatotoxicity possible 12 4 Corticosteroids Theoretical potentiation of steroidal effects Liquorice Hypokalaemia leading to adverse Digoxin cardiovascular effects, if large doses taken. 123 Enhanced drug clearance in rats reported for Lignocaine Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chinese liquorice) 125 Hypokalaemia with adverse effects especially Thiazide and loop Diuretics likely when combined with digoxin as above 126 Doxorubicin Pefrfoetcetcst isohno awgna iinn srat mtsy ocardial adverse 12 7 Glibenclamide, metformin Improved diabetic control possible 12 8 Milk Thistle Reduced antibiotic effects possible; Silymarin (St Mary’s Thistle) Metronidazole shown to increase clearance of 12 9 metronidazole Increased oral drug bioavailability reported in Rispiridone 223 rats Myrrh Warfarin Case report of reduced anticoagulant effects 130 Enhanced parenteral and oral bioavailability Nigella sativa Amoxycillin 218 reported in rats Copyright, © Phil Rasmussen, 2013 // www.phytomed.co.nz 6 Ampicillin E&n Phraontecuesd macirtaivbitilyis a sguagingsets Ete Cd oli 13 1 Ocimum Cotrimoxazole Enhanced activity against E Coli suggested 131 gratissimum (African basil) Ketoconazole Enhanced anti-Candida activity suggested 13 1 Nystatin Enhaced ant-Candida activity suggested 131 Atenolol, Celiprolol & possibly Reduced bioavailability following 200ml Orange Juice other beta- blockers orange juice three times daily. 132 Sodium picosulphate & Reduced plasma levels of paeony active Paeony other stimulant laxatives; metabolite possible. 133-134 amoxicillin & metronidazole Benzodiazepines, hypnotics, Passionflower opioid analgesics, tricyclic Theoretical potentiation of sedative effects 7 antidepressants Amoxycillin, cefotaxime & other beta lactam Increased plasma levels possible 135 antibiotics Pepper Reduced plasma levels shown from P(Pipiepre lro nniggruumm ( l(obnlagc)k. ); DNiScAloIfDen daruc g&s o ther craobmbbitisn ed pepper & ginger preparation in 136 Phenytoin, Rifampicin Increased bioavailability shown with piperine 136 Increased bioavailability reported in healthy Pomelo Juice Cyclosporin volunteers 137 (Citrus maxima) Tacrolimus Case report of increased plasma levels 138 Digoxin, warfarin, lithium, Decreased absorption from GIT possible, Psyllium seed carbamazepine with simultaneously administered drugs, 139,140 & possibly other drugs though controversial R(Geaisnhoid meurmshar oluocmid um) Bseednaztoivdeiasz eprines & other Potentiated hypnotic effects shown in rats 141 Increased oral drug bioavailability reported in Rhodiola rosea Losartan 224 rabbits Potassium loss and thus increased risk of Rhubarb 4,5 Digoxin and other cardiac cardiovascular toxicity, with prolonged use or (Rheum palmatum) glycosides abuse Azathioprine Ptorxoicteitcyt ion against azathioprine- induced liver 14 2 Rosemary Enhanced intracellularaccumulation of Chemotherapy drugs doxorubicin and vinblastine reported in-vitro 143 Protection against azathioprine- induced liver Sage Azathioprine toxicity 144 Salboku-to (Asian herbal mixture; contains same herbs as ‘Sho-saiko-to’, plus xiao chai hu tang, Prednisolone or Increased steroidal effects possible 145 Poria cocos, Magnolia prednisone officinalis, Perillae frutescens) Copyright, © Phil Rasmussen, 2013 // www.phytomed.co.nz 7 Enhanced oral drug bioavailability reported for Cyclosporin A 225 low but not high drug dosage in rats Possible enhanced cytotoxic effects by Cytotoxics large doses due to reversal of multidrug 146,147,148 resistance by gomisin A and schisandrol A Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis & sphenanthera) Enhanced oral bioavailability of paclitaxel Paclitaxel in rats 149 Enhanced oral drug bioavailability reported in Rapamycin healthy volunteers Enhanced oral bioavailability shown in Tacrolimus healthy volunteers 150 Sedative drugs (eg Sedatives benzodiazepines, clonidine, (Peags Vsiaolnefrloiawne, rH) ops, Kava, opioid analgesics, Potentiation of sedative effects 7,121 phenobarbitone) Cardiac glycosides & Senna antiarrhythmics (eg Hypokalaemia leading to increased risk of 4,5 (Cassia spp) quinidine) cardiac toxicity. S(Peonlyeggaal a senega) Hypoglycaemic drugs Pefofescstisb le enhancement of hypoglycaemic 15 1 Shankhapushpi Decreased phenytoin concentrations, loss (Ayurvedic preparation) Phenytoin of seizure control 152 “Sho-saiko-to” Reduced plasma levels measured in rats (Minor Bupleurum) Carbamazepine after large doses 153 Siberian Ginseng Interference with certain laboratory serum (sEelnetuicthoesruosc)o ccus Digoxin digoxin measurements reported 154 Theoretical reduction in absorption & thus Slippery Elm Various drugs clinical effects Sophora flavescens Theoretical enhancement of effects through (Kushen) Various drugs inhibition of CYP450 3A4 155 Amitriptyline & nortriptyline Panotsidseibplere rsesdaunctt ieofnfe icnt sp lasma levels and thus 15 6 Rduced hypocholesterolaemic effect Atorvastatin possible 157 Theoretical reduction in plasma levels, Carbamazepine though no effects in a volunteer study. 158 Possible protection against cisplatin Cisplatin nephrotoxicity by pre- treatment with large 159 doses. Possible reduction in plasma immuno- Cyclosporin, tacrolimus & other immunosuppressants suppressant levels, & thus compromised 160 treatment/ transplant rejection. Possible reduction in plasma levels & thus St John’s Wort Daunorubicin failure of cytotoxic effect. 161 Possible reduction in plasma digoxin levels, Digoxin and thus therapeutic failure 162 Possible reduced plasma levels & thus Docetaxel failure of cytotoxic effect. 163 Reduction of plasma levels & thus Fexofenadine antihistaminic effects 164 Gliclazide Reduced plasma levels possible 165 Possible reduced plasma levels & thus Imatinib mesylate failure of cytotoxic effects 166 Indinavir, saquinavir, ritonavir Possible reduction in plasma levels, & & other protease inhibitor thus failure of antiviral effect. 167 antivirals Copyright, © Phil Rasmussen, 2013 // www.phytomed.co.nz 8 Reduced plasma levels of active metabolite Irinotecan SN-38 in cancer patients reported. 168,169 Ivabradine Reduced plasma levels possible 170 Theoretical possibility of serious serotonin MAOI’s syndrome, though no cases reported Case reports of reduced plasma levels in 2 Methadone methadone maintenance patients 171 Midazolam Reduced plasma levels in volunteer study 17 2 Morphine Potentiated antinociceptive effects reported 173 in mice Nevirapine Reduced plasma levels reported 174 St John’s Wort Nifedipine Reduced plasma levels reported 175 continued… Omeprazole Reduced plasma levels reported 176 Increased breakthrough bleeding possible; case reports of unwanted pregnancies Oral contraceptives though no evidence of reduced efficacy 177,178,179 from 3 controlled studies Oxycodone Pthousss aibnlael rgeedsuicc teioffne cint plasma levels and 18 0 Phenobarbitone Theoretical reduction in plasma levels 18 1 Phenprocoumon Refefedcutcse d plasma levels & thus anticoagulant 18 2 Phenytoin Theoretical reduction in plasma levels. 18 1 Single dose of SJW increases Procainamide procainamide plasma levels in mice 183 Quazepam Reduced plasma levels possible 184 Reduced plasma concentrations Simvastatin & thus hypocholesterolaemic effects 185 SSRI antidepressants (eg Theoretical possibility of serious serotonin fluoxetine, sertraline, syndrome, though few case reports to paroxetine) date Talinolol Reduced plasma levels possible 186 Tacrolimus Rtraendsupcleadn tp plaastimenat sle vels reported in renal 187, 188 Tolbutamide Increased incidence of hypoglycaemia 18 2 Triptans (sumatriptan, Theoretical possibility of serotonin naratriptan, rizatriptan, syndrome, though no case reports to date zolmitriptan) Reduced bioavailability reported in healthy Verapamil volunteers 189 Warfarin Possible reduction in anticoagulant effect 190,191 Zolpidem Reduced plasma drug levels reported 192 Copyright, © Phil Rasmussen, 2013 // www.phytomed.co.nz 9 ACE inhibitors Severe hypertension 193 Anaesthetics Arrhythmia 194 Antidepressants Hypertensive crises with MAOIs; 195,196 hypertension, arrhythmias with tricyclics Antihypertensives Antagonism, hypertension (possibly Sympathomimetics Antipsychotics Beta-blockers severe) 197,193 (e.g. ephedrine and pseudoephedrine from Bronchodilators Potentiation Ephedra spp) Diuretics Increased risk of hypokalaemia 19 8 Dopaminergics Increased risk of toxicity with bromocriptine 119939 Sympathomimetics Potentiation and hypertension Vasoconstrictor Increased vasopressor effects 19 7 Choroquine Rine hdeuacltehdy c vhololuronqteueinrse bioavailability shown 129070 Tamarind Increased ibuprofen bioavailability shown in (Tamarindus indica) Ibuprofen healthy volunteers 201 Iron, Zinc, Calcium & mineral Possible reduced mineral absorption from preparations GIT 202 Tannin-rich agents Many drugs Theoretical reduction in absorption from GIT, although virtually no evidence to date Possible reduced protein absorption from Protein rich preparations GIT Tetracycline-based & possibly Potentiation of antibiotic effects against Thyme β-lactam-based antibiotics MRSA possible with large doses 203 Trikatu (Ayurvedic Ibuprofen Reduced bioavailability reported in rabbits 13 6 preparation containing ginger, black pepper, and Rifampicin Rate but not extent of bioavailability Piper longum) reduced in rabbits 204 Platelet inhibitors (eg aspirin, Turmeric dAinptyicriodaagmuolalen)t sa n(wda rfarin) Pwoitshs hibigleh pdootseensti aotfi otunr mofe arnict ioprla ctuerlecut emffine ct 20 5 U(Azyaurrav reodoict preparation) Digoxin Interference with digoxin plasma assay 20 6 Benzodiazepines, hypnotics, Potentiation of sedative effects & Valerian tarnicaylgcleics iacsn,t i daenpareesstshaentitcss, opioid prolongation of anaesthesia 207 Vasoconstrictors Antihypertensives Antagonism 21 (e.g. Broom) Sympathomimetics Hypertension Vasodilators(eg Hawthorn) Antihypertensives Additive effects Anticoagulants Vitamin K antagonizes Folic acid occasionally reduces plasma Anticonvulsants concentration; vitamin D requirements 208 Vitamins increased Diuretics HD yspueprpclaelmcaeenmtaiati owni th thiazides and vitamin 20 9 Dopaminergics Levodopa antagonized with pyridoxine 211 Theoretical potentiation of anticoagulant Willow bark Anticoagulants effects with large doses Antidepressants, selective Plasma concentration of xanthines X(ea.gn.t hCinoela-,r iGchu areramnead,i Mesa te) s(SeSroRtoIsn)i n reuptake inhibitors increased 21 3 Antihypertensives Antagonism of hypotensive effect possible. 214 Y(Poahuimsinbyes t alia yohimbe) Antihypertensives Antagonism of hypotensive effect possible. 21 5 Copyright, © Phil Rasmussen, 2013 // www.phytomed.co.nz 10