Typeset with jpsj2.cls <ver.1.2> Full Paper Potential antiferromagnetic fluctuations in hole-doped iron-pnictide superconductor Ba K Fe As studied by 75As nuclear magnetic resonance 1−x x 2 2 Masanori Hirano1 ∗, Yuji Yamada1, Taku Saito1, Ryo Nagashima1, Takehisa Konishi2, Tatsuya Toriyama1, Yukinori Ohta1,5, Hideto Fukazawa1,5, Yoh Kohori1,5, Yuji Furukawa3, Kunihiro Kihou4,5, Chul-Ho Lee4,5, Akira Iyo4,5, and Hiroshi Eisaki4,5 2 1Department of Physics, Chiba University, Chiba 263-8522, Japan 1 0 2Department of Chemistry, Chiba University, Chiba 263-8522, Japan 2 3Ames Laboratory and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA 4National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba 305-8568, Japan n 5JST, Transformative Research-Project on Iron Pnictides (TRIP), Chiyoda, Tokyo 102-0075, Japan a J 2 We have performed 75As nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and nuclear quadrupole res- 1 onance (NQR) on single crystalline Ba1−xKxFe2As2 for x = 0.27-1. 75As nuclear quadruple resonance frequency (νQ) increases linearly with increasing x. The Knight shift K in normal ] state shows Pauli paramagnetic behavior with slight temperature T dependence. The valueof n o K increases gradually with increasing x.By contrast, nuclearspin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 c innormalstatehasastrongT dependence,whichindicatesexistenceoflargeantiferomagnetic - (AF) spin fluctuations for all x. The T dependence of 1/T1 shows a gap-like behavior below r p approximately 100 K for 0.6 < x < 0.9. These behaviors are well explained by the change of u bandstructurewithexpansionofholeFermisurfacesandshrinkanddisappearanceofelectron s FermisurfacesatBrillouinzone(BZ)withincreasingx.Theanisotropyof1/T1,representedby . t aratioof1/T1ab to1/T1c,isalwayslargerthan1forallx,whichindicatesthatthestripe-type a AF fluctuations is dominant in this system. The K in superconducting (SC) state decreases, m which corresponds toappearanceof spin-singlet superconductivity.TheT dependenceof1/T1 - inSCstateindicatesmultiple-SC-gapfeature.Asimpletwogapmodelanalysisshowsthatthe d largersuperconductinggapgraduallydecreaseswithincreasingxfrom0.27to1andsmallergap n decreases rapidly and nearly vanishes for x>0.6 where theelectron pockets in BZ disappear. o c [ KEYWORDS: iron pnictide superconductor, nuclear magnetic resonance, nuclear quadrupole resonance, spin fluctuations,superconducting gap 2 v 1 1. Introduction ity, magnetic penetration-depth measurements 8 0 Soon after the discovery of LaFeAsO1−xFx with su- in Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2 have shown existence of 6 perconducting (SC) transition temperature T = 26 K nodes in underdoped and overdoped region.10) For c 0. byKamiharaetal.in2008,1)ironbasedsuperconductors BaFe2(As1−xPx)2, angle resolved thermal conductivity 1 have been studied extensively all over the world. High- suggestedtheclosednodalloopslocatedattheflatparts 1 est superconducting transition temperature T of 56 K of the electron Fermi surface,11) while three dimensional 1 was soon observed in RFeAsO2,3) (“1111”, Rcis a rare- nodal structure on hole Fermi surface was proposed : v earth element), which is a high T discovered next to by theoretical calculation using fluctuation exchange c Xi the value in cuprate system. Many iron based super- (FLEX) approximation.12) conductors were observed one after another in AFeAs In Ba1−xKxFe2As2 (BKFA), many experiments re- r a (“111” A is an alkaline element), Fe Se (“11”), and vealedappearanceofmultiplefullSCgaparoundx=0.4 1+δ AEFe2As2 (“122”, AE is an alkaline-earth element). whereTchasamaximumvalueof38K.13–15)Signchang- Among them, AEFe As (AE = Ba, Ca, Sr) occupies ing s±-wave which is mediated by spin fluctuations well 2 2 a singular position, since high quality and large single explainsalotofexperimentalresults.16–19)T dependence crystals were grown. A parent compound BaFe2As2 has ofspin-latticerelaxationrate1/T1 canalsobe explained ThCr Si type crystal structure and has an antiferro- bys±-wave.20,21)However,itispointedouttheoretically 2 2 magnetic (AF) and tetragonal to orthorhombic crystal that s±-waveis veryfragile to nonmagnetic impurity,22) structure phase transition at 140 K. The orthorhombic while iron-pnictide superconductors are experimentally andAFphasewassuppressedandsuperconductivityap- robust against nonmagnetic impurity. No sign changing peared in hole doped Ba1−xKxFe2As2,4) electron doped s++-wave which is mediated by orbital fluctuations and Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2,5)andBaFe2(As1−xPx)26,7)inwhich is robustagainstnonmagneticimpurity isanotherpossi- isovalentPsubstitutionforAsactsaschemicalpressure. blecandidatefortheCooperpairinginthissystem.23–26) Indeed, the direct application of pressure for BaFe As Hence, the SC pairing symmetry in optimum region is 2 2 also induces superconductivity.8,9) still an open question. However, there is consensus that As for SC gap structure, thermal conductiv- the SC gap structure itself is fully gapped one. By contrast, NQR and specific heat, thermal conduc- tivity, and magnetic penetration-depth measurements ∗[email protected] 2 J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper AuthorName for x = 1 (KFe As ) revealed appearance of nodal SC reports the single crystal growth of an end member of 2 2 gap.27–29) Smallangleneutronscattering(SANS) exper- the system, KFe As . The ratio of Ba and K was de- 2 2 iment has pointed out that stable isotropic hexagonal termined by the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. vortex lattice exists when magnetic fields applies paral- Experimental error of the evaluated values was within lel to crystal c axis, which supports nodes in horizontal 5%. The c-axis parameter of the single crystals was de- direction.30) Recentmuonspin relaxationmeasurements termined by X-ray diffraction analysis and the relation of KFe As also supports the SANS results.31) How- between the composition x and lattice parameter c is 2 2 ever, recent angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy consistentwiththe formerreportedrelationbetweenthe (ARPES)andspecificheatmeasurementsindicatenodes nominal composition x and lattice parameter by Rotter inverticaldirection.32,33) Thehorizontalnodalstructure et al.4) withs±-wave19) andnodal-lineSCgapstructurewithd- We determined the Tc and superconducting vol- wave34)aretheoreticallyproposedtothisendcompound. ume fraction of the samples with a commercial ItisnoteworthythatSCgapstructuresinBKFAaredif- superconducting-quantum-interference-device magne- ferent in optimally doped x = 0.4 and in heavily over- tometer. The T ’s of the samples are 38.5 K (x = 0.27), c doped x= 1. 36.5 K (x = 0.31), 38 K (x = 0.39), 30.5 K (x = 0.58), Important feature of BKFA is a wide range real- 26.5 K (x = 0.64), 20.5 K (x = 0.69), 4.5 K (x = 0.94), ization of SC phase for 0.2 < x ≤ 1.4) In BKFA, 3.5 K (x = 1) and the volume fraction for all the x’s is the band structure changes associated with hole dop- approximately 100% except for x = 0.27. For x = 0.27, ing. For x = 0.4, cylindrical hole Fermi surfaces exist the fraction is approximately 60% because the crystal around Γ point and cylindrical electron surfaces around contains the phase-separated antiferromagnetically XpointsoftheBrillouinzone(BZ).Goodnestingcondi- orderedphase40) as we reportthe experimentalevidence tion between disconnected hole and electron Fermi sur- of the phase separation below. We also determined faces enhances AF spin fluctuations and is favorable the T in the NMR-measurement magnetic field by c for superconductivity mediated by AF spin fluctuations. the change of inductance of NMR detecting coil with Within this picture, s±-wave superconductivity is ex- changing T. pected.16–19) Interestingly, the inelastic neutron scatter- The NMR/NQRexperimentonthe 75As nucleus (I = ing revealed that there is incommensurate spin fluctua- 3/2,γ/2π=7.292MHz/T)wascarriedoutusingphase- tionQ=((1±2δ)π,(1±2δ)π,0)withδ =0.16forx=1at coherent pulsed NMR/NQR spectrometers and a super- excitation energies above 3 eV35) where electron Fermi conducting magnet between approximately 3 and 7 T. surfaces completely disappear and apparent good nest- The measurement was performed using a 4He cryostat. ingconditionbetweeninterbandsatFermileveldoesnot The NMR spectra were measured by sweeping the ap- exit.Ontheotherhand,thereisanothertheoreticalpro- plied fields at a constant resonance frequency. Magnetic posal that SC is mediated by orbital fluctuations, which field was applied parallelto the crystal ab plane and the leads to nearly orbital independent SC gap s .23–26) c axis.Field alignmentwas performedwith the eye.The ++ Hence, there remains much work to clarify the SC gap originof the Knightshift K =0 of the 75As nucleus was symmetry in ironpnictide superconductors.Band struc- determined by the 75As NMR measurement of GaAs.41) ture of BKFA changes associated with hole doping. The The NQR spectra were measured by sweeping the fre- hole Fermi surfaces expand with increasing x, whereas quencyinzeromagneticfield.T wasmeasuredbyasat- 1 electron Fermi surfaces shrink gradually and disappear uration recovery method at center of As-spectrum. We for x > 0.6.36–38) In BKFA, T changes smoothly with obtained T at a fixed frequency of 37.15 or 43.75 MHz c 1 increasingx.Itisveryimportanttoclarifythechangeof with an externalfield of 5.06-5.09or 5.9-5.96T in the T SCgapstructuresinBKFAwithinterpolatingoptimally range of 2-300 K, respectively. doped and overdoped regions. The relation between AF 3. Results and discussion spinfluctuationsandT shouldbealsostudied.Recently, c we succeeded in synthesizing high quality large single 3.1 NQR frequency crystals of BKFA for 0.31 ≤ x ≤ 1, which provides us a InFig.1,weshowtheNQRfrequencyν againstsub- Q unique opportunity to solve above problems. stitution concentration x. The experimentally obtained NMR and/or NQR is suitable for study of static and ν was evaluated from the 75As NQR spectra of BKFA Q dynamicalmagneticproperties,andprovidesvaluablein- as shown in the inset of Fig 1. Bars for each data point formation on SC gap symmetry and the gap structures correspondtothefullwidthathalfmaximum(FWHM) throughKnightshift(K)andspinlatticerelaxationrate of the spectra. It is expected that the spectral broaden- (1/T ) measurements. In this paper, we report a 75As- ing was brought out because of the random distribution 1 NMR/NQR study of BKFA. of Ba2+ and K+ in the crystal. Here, z parameter in- As dicates z-coordinate of As site in the unit cell. 2. Experimental The ν generally depends on temperature and these Q Single crystals of BKFA (x = 0.27, 0.31, 0.39, 0.58, spectra were obtained at the different measurement 0.64, 0.69, 0.94, 1) were grown by the BaAs and KAs temperatures. However, note that such temperature self-flux method. X-raydiffractionshowedthat the crys- dependence of ν in each compound is within the bar Q tals had a tetragonal ThCr Si type structure with no in Fig. 1. Hence, it is clear that the x dependence of 2 2 impurity phase. The detailed procedure of single crystal the experimental ν is nearly linear. The principal axis Q growth is basically the same described in ref. 39 which of the electric field gradient is along the crystal c-axis J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper AuthorName 3 tal approximation for alloying effect, where we made calculations for hypothetical materials Ba1−xCsxFe2As2 and Ca1−xKxFe2As2 to see the electronic structure of Ba1−xKxFe2As2. We used experimental lattice parame- ters a and c reported in ref. 4. The obtained Fermi sur- faces using the experimental z parameter of As in the ThCr Si tetragonalstructure are consistentwith Fermi 2 2 surfaces reported by de Haas-van Alphen effect37) and ARPES.15,36,38) The Fermi surfaces obtained using the optimizedvalueofthezparameterwasnotconsistentfor the end member of the system: electron Fermi surfaces donotdisappearatthecornerXpointoftheBZevenfor x = 1. This tendency is already reported by Singh with thesameprocedureusinglocaldensityapproximation.43) In this system changes in the lattice parameters, Fe- Fe interatomic distance, and the position of the As ions upon doping are closely interconnected with the elec- tronicstructure.Inallthecalculatedresults,ν exhibits Q monotonic increase with x and has a same order of the value compared with the experimental ν . Of all the re- Q sults,itissurprisingthattheexperimentalν hasagood Q agreementwiththe νQ calculatedforCa1−xKxFe2As2 in the virtual crystal approximation since such agreement can rarely be seen in other strongly electron-correlated Fig. 1. (color online) Nuclear quadrupole resonance frequency compounds. Such good agreement between experiments νQ against concentration x. BCFA, CKFA, and BKFA and theory suggests that the electronic structure calcu- are abbreviation for Ba1−xCsxFe2As2, Ca1−xKxFe2As2, and lated assuming the experimental z parametersof As can Ba1−xKxFe2As2,respectively. Theexperimental data of νQ for x=0 werequoted fromref.44. Closedcircles areexperimental explain the experimentalelectronic state ofBKFA fairly results ofνQ obtained from75As NQRmeasurements asshown well. intheinset.Opensquaresanddiamondsaretheresultsofband- structure calculation using the experimentally obtained z pa- 3.2 NMR spectra rameter of As inThCr2Si2 tetragonal structure. z parameter is In Fig. 2(a) and (c), we show the NMR spectra of z-coordinate of As siteinthe unitcell. Closedsquares anddia- monds arethecalculated resultsbyoptimizingthez parameter BKFA with magnetic field paralleland perpendicular to with GGA. The NQR spectra in the inset were obtained at 40 the ab plane above T or T . In Fig. 2(b), we show the c N (x=0.39and0.58),35(x=0.64),30(x=0.69),10(x=0.94), temperature dependent NMR spectra of x = 0.27. We and4.2K(x=1). usedthe NMR dataforx=0 fromref.44.Because75As nucleus has quantum number I = 3/2, the nuclear-spin HamiltonianwithanexternalmagneticfieldH isgiven since the As site has a local fourfold symmetry around ext by the c-axis. Hence, asymmetry parameter η at As site ν ibsilibtaysiocfalfilyniηte=η 0in. Hthoewfeovlelor,wwinegwsuilblsdeicstciuonss§th3e.2p.oTsshie- H=−γHextIz−γH~ext·K¯·I~+ 6Q 3Iz2′ −I(I +1) , (2) (cid:0) (cid:1) definitionofν atAssiteinthesematerialsisasfollows: Q (H~ ·K¯ ·I~)/H =−(K sinθ)(I cosθ−I sinθ) ext ext ab x z 3e2qQ νQ = , (1) +(Kccosθ)(Ixsinθ+Izcosθ), 2hI(2I−1) (3) where h, eq, eQ represent the Planck constant, the elec- Iz′ =Ixsinθ+Izcosθ, (4) tric field gradient (EFG), and the nuclear quadrupole moment, respectively. The main contribution of change where K¯ (Kab and Kc) and θ represent the Knight shift in ν can be simply interpreted as a linear increase of tensor (Knight shifts) and the angle between quantiza- Q effective ligand valency by substitution of K for Ba in tion axis and the crystal c axis, respectively. Here, we addition to the change in lattice parameter. These two took the directionof the externalmagnetic field as prin- changes directly bring out the change in the EFG. cipal axis of quantization axis and we also assumed the This tendency is also confirmed by the systemat- diagonalizedK¯ andtheabsenceofin-planeanisotropyof ics obtained in the calculated electronic structures for Kab. The detailed procedure to obtain Kab andKc from BKFA. We performed the electronic structure calcula- the NMR spectra is described elsewhere.45) tionusingWIEN2Kcode,42) wherethefull-potentiallin- The FWHM of the center peak for x=1 is about 48 earized augmented-plane-wave method (FLAPW) with ± 2 kHz. Hence, the analysis using the above expression the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) for elec- works well for x = 1 and it turned out that the actual tron correlations is used. We also used the virtual crys- field misalignment was within approximately 5% accu- 4 J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper AuthorName center line is affected only by the K and the line width c ofthecenterlinewasrathersharper:theFWHM ofthe center peak for these composition is approximately 2-3 times broader than that for x = 1. The satellite lines of x = 0.58, 0.64, and 0.69 seem to have small different structures. It probably arises from appearance of local asymmetries by K doping. Because η does not affect the central transition, we assume η = 0 for the following discussion. The NMR spectra of x = 0.27 are symmetric at 100 and 160 K. However, the overall feature of the spectra slightly changes below about 60 K. In addition to the symmetriccenterandsatellitelines,broadpeakappears: thepositionofthispeakisjustbelowthecenterposition. Below T this feature becomes obvious. This is because c the paramagnetic region and the antiferromagnetically ordered region are phase-separated in this compound. This phenomenon was previously reported for polycrys- talline samples.40) However, recent µSR study of under- dopedBKFAshowsamicroscopiccoexistenceofSCand AF phases without phase separation.46) 3.3 Knight shifts In Fig. 3(a) and (b), we show the temperature depen- denceofKnightshiftK(T)ofBKFAwithmagneticfield parallel and perpendicular to the ab plane. For all the data, the K(T) exhibits weak temperature dependence. Thistendencyissimilartotheisovalentsubstitutionsys- temBaFe2As2−xPx.47)Althoughwecouldnotobtainthe K forx=0.58,0.64,and0.69,systematicdevelopment ab of the K indicates that the K for x=0.58, 0.64, and c ab 0.69 exists between x = 0.27 and 1 and that it also ex- hibits weaktemperaturedependence.With increasingx, K(T)atsametemperaturebasicallyincreases.Thisisat- Fig. 2. (coloronline)TheNMRspectraofBKFAwithmagnetic tributabletotheincreaseofdensityofstatesattheFermi field(a)paralleland(c)perpendiculartotheabplaneaboveTc orTN.Thedataforx=0wasquotedfromref.44.Themeasure- levelwithholedoping.Thus,staticmagneticpropertyis menttemperaturesare141,100,60,50,30,25and4.2Kforx= nearly temperature independent and shows the slight x 0, 0.27, 0.39, 0.58, 0.64, 0.69 and 1, respectively. Solidlines de- dependence: spin fluctuation at around ~q =~0 is not sig- note the fitted parameter obtained from the analysis described nificant in this system. in the text. (b) The temperature dependent NMR spectra of ThehyperfinecouplingconstantA parallelorperpen- x=0.27. i dicular to the ab-plane for x=1 was evaluated from the Knight shift at the As site parallel or perpendicular to racy.45) Butweusedthefollowingapproximationforthe the ab-plane and the magnetic susceptibility parallel or other x’s since the NMR spectra are much broader than perpendicular to the ab-plane by assuming the following that of x=1. formula, ν H≃−γ(1+Kab)HextIz+ 6Q (cid:0)3Ix2−I(I +1)(cid:1) (H//a(b5)), Ki(T)= NAAµdi Bχdi(T)+ NAAiµ0Bχi0, (7) ν χ (T)=χd(T)+χ , i=aborc. (8) H≃−γ(1+K )H I + Q 3I2−I(I +1) (H//c). i i i0 c ext z 6 z (cid:0) (cid:1) (6) Here, NA represents Avogadro’s number. χdi represents T dependentspinsusceptibilityoriginatingfrom3delec- Even with the approximation,we cannot determine K ab tron of Fe. χ represents T independent terms arising for x = 0.58, 0.64, and 0.69 with sufficient accuracy be- i0 from orbital contribution. The evaluated hyperfine cou- cause all the center and satellite lines are broad and the plingconstantsAd andAd originatingfromthetransfer position of the center line is affected by both the Kab ab c from 3d conduction electron to 75As nuclear spin of Fe and ν : the FWHM of the center peak for these com- Q are +26(5)and +13(4) kOe/µ , respectively. These val- positionisapproximately4-8timesbroaderthanthatfor B ues arequite similarto thoseobtainedfor x=0.44) This x=1.Therefore,thesolidlinesinFig.2(a)forx=0.58, indicates that the hyperfine coupling constantnearly re- 0.64, and 0.69 are just reference containing large fitting mains constant with hole doping in this system. error. We can determine the K for x = 0.58, 0.64, and c In the inset of Fig. 3(b), we show the temperature de- 0.69withreasonablefittingerrorsincethepositionofthe J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper AuthorName 5 Fig. 3. (color online) The temperature dependence of Knight shift of BKFA with magnetic field (a) parallel and (b) perpen- dicular to the ab plane. The data for x = 0 was quoted from Fig. 4. (coloronline)Temperaturedependence ofspin-latticere- ref. 44. In the inset, the temperature dependence of Kc below laxation rate inversely multiplied with temperature 1/T1T of 30Kisshownforx=0.39,0.64,0.69. 75As of BKFA with magnetic field (a) parallel and (b) perpen- dicular to the ab plane. The data for x = 0 was quoted from ref.44. The inset shows the typical recovery curve for x=0.69 obtainedat1.45,44,267K. pendence ofK below 30 K for x = 0.39,0.64,0.69.The c K exhibitscleardecreasebelowT (H)forboththesam- c c ples. Since the Knight shifts correspond to the spin sus- of the 75As nucleus,50) ceptibility,thisresultindicatesspin-singletsuperconduc- m(t) t 6t tivity in BKFA for x = 0.39, 0.64, 0.69. Combined with 1− =0.1exp − +0.9exp − , (9) the results for x = 1,45) even in the heavily hole-doped m0 (cid:18) T1(cid:19) (cid:18) T1(cid:19) region,the spin partof superconducting pairingsymme- where m(t) and m are nuclear magnetizations after a 0 try is singlet as realized in other iron-pnictide supercon- time t andenoughtime fromthe NMR saturationpulse. ductors21,38,48,49)whichareclosetoparentcompensated Inthe insetofFig.4,weshowthe typicalrecoverycurve metals. Note that we could not find any anomaly of Kc for x = 0.69 obtained at 1.45, 44, 267 K. Clearly, the associated with multiple SC gap structures. dataarewellfittedtotheaboveidealcurvewithasingle T component.We tried to use this formula for x = 0.27 1 3.4 Spin lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 in normal state belowabout100Kundermagneticfieldparalleltotheab InFig.4,weshowthetemperaturedependenceofspin- plane, but could not obtain good fitting results. This is lattice relaxation rate divided by temperature 1/T1T of duetomorethantwoT1 componentsbelowthistemper- 75As of BKFA in the normal state with magnetic field ature because the center line shownin Fig. 2(b) consists (a) parallel and (b) perpendicular to the ab plane. The of the paramagnetic and AF states. For this composi- nuclear magnetization recovery curve was fitted by the tion parallel to the c axis we could obtain T down to 1 followingdouble-exponentialfunctionasexpectedforthe T because the center line consists of only paramagnetic c center line of the spectrum of the nuclear spin I = 3/2 state. For all the composition, the 1/T T monotonically in- 1 creases down to approximately 100 K. However, be- 6 J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper AuthorName low this temperature there is clear difference. While distance from the AF instability point. The value of χ 0 the 1/T T continuously increases down to T for x = strongly influences evaluation of θ . In the present 1 c CW 0.27, 0.31, 0.39, and 1, it saturates at around 60-80 K, case, we determined χ as a product of 1/T T at 300 K 0 1 and decreases below this temperature for x = 0.58, and coefficient ε(x). ε(x) reflects convergence of T T at 1 0.64, 0.69. This gap-like behavior for x = 0.58, 0.64, hightemperatures:typicalvaluesofε(x)are0.8and0.55 0.69 is remembrance of that in electron-doped system for x = 0 and 1, respectively. In order to discuss the x Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2.48)Inthesystemthetemperaturede- dependenceofθCW,weshouldperformthefittingforthe pendence of 1/T T is interpreted as thermal excitation samerangeoftemperature.However,asdiscussedabove, 1 originatingfromspecificbandstructureowingtothedis- gap-like behavior was observed at around 50-100 K for appearance of the hole Fermi surfaces by electron dop- x = 0.58, 0.64, and 0.69. Therefore, it is adequate to ing.51) In BKFA, Fermi surfaces change with increasing discuss spin fluctuation in this system using higher tem- x:holeFermisurfacesataroundtheΓpointintheBZbe- perature data. We performed the fitting using the data comes larger, and electron Fermi surfaces at around the above 200 K. In Fig. 5, we summarized x dependence of X point shrinks significantly or disappears. This Fermi θ obtained from the fitting and that of T . Because CW c surface change is reported by recent ARPES measure- we adopted the eq. (11) at high temperatures and the ments,38) and it worsen the nesting condition in BKFA. absolute value of θ has ambiguity due to experimen- CW Since the parent compound BaFe As is a compensated tal error of T , the relative values and overall feature 2 2 1 metal,itisnaturaltoconsiderthatthegap-likebehavior ofthe xdependence ofθ areimportantto discussthe CW inthissystemhasthesameoriginexplainedforelectron- spinfluctuationinthissystem.Thexdependenceofθ CW dopedsystemBa(Fe1−xCox)2As2.However,the detailed indicates that the AF fluctuation becomes weaker with change of band structure in hole-doped system is some- increasing x and that the spin fluctuation remains even what different from that in electron-doped system.52) In at the end composition x = 1. The tendency that the Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2, hole Fermi surfaces disappear with AF spinfluctuation becomes weakerwith increasingxis electron doping, and their density of states near Fermi attributabletothepoorernestingconditionofFermisur- level also decrease with further doping. In contrast, in face with increasing x. This is consistent with recent re- BKFA electron Fermi surfaces do not completely disap- portsoninelasticneutronscatteringofBKFA.35,57) The pear with hole doping, but their density of states near θ obtainedathighertemperaturescorrespondstothe CW Fermi level still exist with further doping until x =1. potentialAFfluctuationathighenergyexcitation,which This is confirmed by ARPES measurements36,38,53–56) is responsible forsuperconductivity,comparedwith that and also by band structure calculation.17,35) The recov- obtainedatlowertemperatures.These results showthat ery of increase of the 1/T T at low temperatures in x = there is a correlation between attracting interaction of 1 1 is also indirectevidence for the specific band structure superconductivity and AF spin fluctuation to some ex- of hole-doped system. tent. TheAFspinfluctuationisstrongnearoptimallydoped Although overall feature of temperature dependence region (x = 0.3-0.4). This is confirmed by our previ- of 1/T is quite similar between 1/T with magnetic 1 1 ousNMRmeasurementsusingpolycrystallinesamples40) field parallel to ab plane and that parallel to the c axis. andalsobyneutrondiffractionmeasurements.57)TheAF However, 1/T (T) is always greater than 1/T (T) 1ab 1c spin fluctuation also exists in heavily overdoped region at every temperature for all x’s. In order to discuss for x = 0.94 and 1. Because T independent dynamical this tendency which is related with the dynamical spin susceptibility becomes larger with increasing x, relative susceptibility χ(~q,ω), we adopt the same procedure 1/T T for x = 0.94 and 1 is larger than that for x = described in ref. 59. As described in eq. (10), 1/T T 1 1 0.3-0.4.From the temperature dependence of 1/T T, we is related with the ~q-dependent hyperfine coupling 1 can discuss the ~q-dependent spin fluctuation of system. constant and dynamical susceptibility. This equation 1 χ′′(~q,ω ) can be derived by using fluctuation-dissipation theorem. ∝ |Aq~|2 ⊥ 0 (10) The combination of the hyperfine coupling constant T T ω 1 Xq~ 0 and dynamical susceptibility is intrinsically brought out ′′ from hyperfine field at As site. By using hyperfine field, Here, A and χ (~q,ω) are ~q-dependent hyperfine cou- q~ ⊥ 1/T can be rewritten as follows: plingconstantandperpendicularcomponentagainstthe 1 quantizationaxisofimaginarypartofdynamicalsuscep- tibility, respectively. Based on the self consistent renor- 1 (µ γ )2 +∞ 0 N = dt(hH (t),H (0)i malization theory (SCR) assuming two dimensional AF (cid:18)T1(cid:19)z 2 Z−∞ hf,x hf,x fluctuation, this general expression for 1/T T can be written as follows.58) 1 +hHhf,y(t),Hhf,y(0)i)eiω0t(12) 1 C = (µ γ )2 |H (ω )|2+|H (ω )|2(1.3) =χ + (11) 0 N hf,x 0 hf,y 0 T T 0 T −θ (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 CW Here,directionz correspondstothedirectionofexternal Here, χ0, C, and θCW are constant term of dynamical field. Hhf,x and Hhf,y are hyperfine fields perpendicular susceptibility,Curieconstant,andCurie-Weisstempera- to the z direction. We assume that the hyperfine field ture, respectively. χ0 includes all of the temperature in- H~hAfs at As site is brought out from spin S~ originating dependencetermsofdynamicalsusceptibility.TheCurie- from the nearest neighboring four Fe sites through the Weiss temperature in this definition corresponds to the J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper AuthorName 7 hyperfine interaction tensor A˜. 4 H~As = B˜ S~ =A˜S~ (14) hf i i Xi=1 A D B a 1 A˜= D Ab B2 (15) B B A 1 2 c Here,S~ andB˜ arespinatthei-thFesiteandhyperfine i i coupling interaction tensor between the i-th Fe site and As site, respectively. A (i = a,b,c), B (i = 1,2), and i i D arediagonalcomponentofA˜alongthe i direction,off diagonal component related with wave vector ~q = (π,0) or (0,π), and off diagonal component related with wave vector ~q = (π,π), respectively.60) Note that the wave vector ~q = (π,0) or (0,π) used here corresponds to the wave vector ~q = (π,π) which was experimentally found in inelastic neutron diffraction study.35) By using these Fig. 5. (color online) Phase diagram of BKFA andthe xdepen- equationsandassumingthatdiagonalcomponentsofthe denceofobtainedCurie-WeisstemperatureθCW fromthefitting describedinthetext.Redboldlineisguidetotheeye. tensor and spin are equivalent within ab plane (A = ab A = A , S = S = S ), we obtain relation between a b ab a b the ratio R≡T /T and spin S~. 1c 1ab A S 2 c c 0.5+0.5 :nocorrelation (16a) (cid:18)A S (cid:19) ab ab R= 0.5+ Sab 2 :(π,0)or(0,π) (16b) (cid:18) S (cid:19) c 0.5 :(π,π) (16c) As discussed in the subsection of Knight shifts, there is a tendency that A and K (T) are greater than A ab ab c and K (T) for entire x’s, respectively. Hence, we may c assume that S is also greater than S . This leads that ab c the value of eq. (16a) is less than 1 and that the value of eq. (16b) is greater than 1.5. In Fig. 6, we plotted temperaturedependenceoftheratioR.Risgreaterthan 1 for all x’s within error bar. This result indicates that spin fluctuation with the wave vector~q =(π,0) or (0,π) orwavevectornearsuchwavevector,whichcorresponds tothewavevector~q =(π,π)withthenotationintheBZ Fig. 6. (color online) Temperature dependence of the ratio of for tetragonal I4/mmm structure, is dominant in entire 1/T1ab to1/T1c. x composition of BKFA. Note that the current result anisotropyof 1/T for optimally doped composition x= 1 0.39 is consistent with the report for x = 0.32 by Li et 1/T forx=0.69under5.1TvariesproportionaltoT 1 al.61) Moreover, conclusion obtained in this subsection atlowesttemperatures.Withincreasingexternalfield,T is consistentwith the recentinelastic neutrondiffraction linearregionexpands.AndT linearbehaviordisappeared studies.35,57) under 2.4 T. 1/T for x = 0.69 is consistent with the 1 report of Zhang et al.,62) although steplike feature just 3.5 1/T in superconducting state 1 below T was not observed. c InFig.7,weshowT dependence of1/T1 forx =0.39, In order to understand the change of gap structure, 0.58,0.69 and1.Eacharrowindicates Tc under external we analyze 1/T1 in SC state with two gap model. For a field. 1/T1 has no coherence peak just below Tc and de- simplicity we assume that both gaps have same symme- creases rapidly. T dependence of 1/T1 from Tc to 0.8Tc try suchasfull gappeds± orline node.Here,weassume is approximately proportional to T7 for x = 0.39, T3.2 line node model for s±-wave with line node or d-wave for x = 0.58, T2.2 for x = 0.69. The power-law behavior symmetries. The 1/T in SC state is expressed as, 1 was also observed at lower temperature. The exponent ∞ 1 xα =of p0.o3w9erc-oluawldTnαotdbecereoabsteasinweidthatinlcorweaersintegmxp.e1r/aTtu1rfeosr, T1 ∝iX=1,2n2i Z0 {NSi(E)2+MSi(E)2}f(E){1−f(E)}dE, because the signal intensity dramatically decreases and where Ni(E)2, Mi(E)2, f(E) are the density of states T becomes longer in SC state. S S 1 8 J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper AuthorName Fig. 7. (coloronline)Temperaturedependence ofspin-latticere- laxationrate1/T1 of75AsofBKFA. Figm.a8li.zed(csoplionr-olantltiincee)rNeloarxmatailoiznedratteem1p/Ter1atautrTecdoepfe7n5AdesnocfeBoKfnFoAr-. Black dashed lines and brown solidlines are calculated 1/T1 of fullygappeds± modelandlinenodemodel,respectively. (DOS), the anomalous DOS arising from the coherence effect of Cooper paris, and the Fermi distribution func- tions, respectively. ni presents the fraction of DOS of fitting at low temperatures is worse than that at higher thei-thgapandn1+n2 =1.Thisisthesameprocedure temperatures. utilized in Refs. 20 and 21. InFig.9,weshowthexdependenceofanalyzedsuper- conductinggapparameter∆dividedbyT ofBKFA.The c x dependence of 2∆ /T for both i’s shows monotonous i c Table I. Fittedparameters decrease with increasing x. The smaller gap 2∆2/Tc Gap type x 2∆1(0)/Tc 2∆2(0)/Tc n1 δi/∆i rapidly decreases from x = 0.39 to 0.58. This proba- s± 0.39 9.6 2.5 0.76 0.1 bly originates from the poorer nesting condition which s± 0.58 5.8 0.92 0.75 0.1 arises from the change of band structure by hole dop- s± 0.69 4.8 0.62 0.65 0.1 ing. Smaller gap values above x = 0.58 were strongly s± 1.0 4.0 0.54 0.51 0.1 suppressed. It corresponds to concentrations where the d-wave 0.39 14.2 4.4 0.80 - gapbehaviorisobserved.Thexdependenceof2∆ /T is 2 c d-wave 0.58 8.1 0.91 0.75 - consistentwiththerecentresultsofARPESofBKFA.56) d-wave 0.69 5.6 0.66 0.64 - The larger gap 2∆ /T is related with the inclination of 1 c d-wave 1.0 4.2 0.48 0.50 - 1/T just below T . Compared with the x dependence 1 c of 2∆ /T , the x dependence of 2∆ /T is more gradual 2 c 1 c andthemagnitudedecreasescontinuously.Therefore,we may conclude that there is no SC symmetry change in In Fig. 8, we show experimentally obtained 1/T and 1 BKFAand thatthe nodal-line SC gapstructure realized calculated 1/T . Each 1/T is normalized by the value 1 1 in x = 1 should be explained with the same SC sym- at T in order to clarify x dependence of 1/T . The ex- c 1 metry as that realized in optimally doped region x ∼ perimentaldata for x=1 was quotedfrom Ref.27) using 0.4.We may speculate that nodal-line structure emerges poly crystals,becausewe couldnotperformNMR/NQR from x∼ 0.7 and that it develops gradually without the measurements using single crystals owing to the drastic change of SC gap symmetry in this system. However, reductionofNMRsignalsinSCstate.Blackdashedlines we cannotcompletely deny the possibility of the SC gap areobtainedwithfullygappeds± modelandbrownsolid symmetry change at around x∼ 0.7 since the numerical lineswithlinenodemodel.Thebestfittedparametersare calculationsuggeststhattheSCcondensationenergyfor listed in Table. I. Although we neglected the impurity d-wave nodal-line gap symmetry is slightly lower than effect,theobtainedgapparametersforx=0.39arecon- that for fully-gapped s-wave gap symmetry and that T c sistentwith the previousreportonself-flux-grownsingle andtheSCgap2∆ /T changecontinuouslywithdoping i c crystal for x = 0.32.61) Both models can well reproduce in such case.19,34) the observed 1/T behaviors in SC state, although the 1 The gap symmetry cannot be determined solely with J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper AuthorName 9 doping. Knight shift in SC state exhibits decease below T (H) for x = 0.39, 0.64, 0.69 and the spin part of SC c paringsymmetryisalsosingletintheheavilyhole-doped region. T dependence of 1/T T indicates that AF spin fluc- 1 tuation exist for all x. The gap-like temperature depen- dence for x = 0.58, 0.64, 0.69 is also observed.The gap- like behavior has probably the same originexplained for electron-dopedsystem.Inordertoestimatethe strength of spin fluctuation, we performed the fitting from 200to 300 K using 2D SCR theory. The x dependence of θ CW indicates that the spin fluctuation becomes weaker with increasingx andthat the spine fluctuationremains even at x = 1. The spin fluctuation tends to become weaker with increasing x. This tendency also relates with the x dependence of T . The ratio experimental (1/T ) to c 1 ab (1/T ) is greater than 1 in all T for all x. This indi- 1 c cates that the wave vector ~q = (π,π) with the notation Fig. 9. (color online) The x dependence of analyzed supercon- in the BZ for tetragonal structure is dominant in entire ducting gap parameter ∆ divided by Tc of Ba1−xKxFe2As2. x. Therefore, we may conclude that there is correlation Solid triangles, open triangles, solid diamonds, and open dia- monds denote 2∆1/Tc for full gap model, 2∆2/Tc for full gap between attracting interaction of superconductivity and model,2∆1/Tc fornodal-linegapmodel,and2∆2/Tc fornodal- AF spin fluctuation to some extent. line gap model, respectively. Black dashed line shows zero of T dependence of 1/T in SC state has no coherence 1 2∆i/Tc. peakjustbelowT anddecreasesrapidly.Inordertoun- c derstand the change of gap structure, we calculate 1/T 1 in SC state with two gap model with s± and nodal- NMR measurements, which can be clearly understood line symmetry cases.Both symmetry model can well ex- fromthecalculatedresults.Todeterminegapsymmetry, plaininthissystem,althoughSCsymmetrycouldnotbe not only NMR/NQR experiments but also other exper- determined by only NMR experiments. Both obtained iments such as specific heat, low temperature ARPES, larger gap ∆ /k T and smaller gap ∆ /k T rapidly arenecessaryassuggestedin ourpreviousreport.27) Re- 1 B c 2 B c decreasefromx= 0.39to 0.58.This probablyoriginates cent ARPES experiment of KFA observed vertical node from the poor nesting condition arising from the change on zone central hole Fermi surfaces.32) Since BKFA has ofbandstructure.Furthermore,∆ /k T isstronglysup- complicated band and gap structures, theoretical inter- 2 B c pressed above x = 0.58. The x dependence of ∆ /k T pretationswhichcanexplaintheseresultswithoutincon- 1 B c isdecreasescontinuouslywithincreasingx.Therefore,it sistency are required. can be concluded that there is basically no SC symme- Finally,wediscussedtheoriginofT linearbehaviorfor try change in BKFA. The nodal-line SC gap structure x = 0.69 with increasing magnetic field at lowest mea- may be explained with the same SC symmetry in opti- surement temperature. According to the obtained gap mum doped region. According to the analysis for 1/T values, ratio of ∆ to ∆ is nearly 8. When we assume 1 1 2 forx=0.69undermagneticfields,wealsoconcludethat the upper critical field of SC (H ) is proportional to c2 thesmallergapiscollapsedbytheexternalfieldatlower T (∼20 K), H of ∆ would be 20 T or more than this c c2 1 temperatures. value. Thus H of ∆ becomes equal to or more than c2 2 approximately 2.5 T. By this estimation it is natural to Acknowledgments considerthatthesmallergapiscollapsedbytheexternal The authors thank K. Ohishi, Y. Ishii, I. Watanabe, magnetic field and that T linear behavior under higher K. Okazaki, W. Malaeb, Y. Oota, S. Shin, S. Kittaka, magnetic fields at lower temperatures in SC state was Y. Aoki, and T. Sakakibara for fruitful discussion and observed. permitting the authors to refer their unpublished data. 4. Conclusion This work is supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(Nos.21540351&22684016)fromtheMinistry In summary, we performed NMR/NQR measurement of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for BKFA. The x dependence of the experimental ν Q (MEXT) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of is linear increase with increasing concentration x. This Science(JSPS),andInnovativeAreas“HeavyElectrons” tendencyisconsistentwithobtainedν bytheelectronic Q (Nos. 20102005 & 21102505) from MEXT, Global COE structure calculation using WINE2K code. andAGGST financialsupportprogramfromChibaUni- T dependence of NMR spectra for x = 0.27 revealed versity. This work at Ames Laboratory was supported that the paramagnetic region and antiferromanetically by the Division of Material Sciences and Engineering, ordered region are phase-separated. Knight shift in nor- Office of BasicEnergySciences,U.S. Department ofEn- mal state exhibits weak temperature dependence for all ergy. 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