REVIEW Postoperative care in pediatric liver transplantation Uenis Tannuri,*Ana Cristina Aoun Tannuri UniversityofSa˜oPauloMedicalSchool,PediatricSurgeryandLiverTransplantationDivision,LaboratoryofPediatricSurgeryResearch(LIM-30),Sa˜oPaulo/ SP,Brazil. In the last 25 years, liver transplantation in children has become an effective, definitive, and universally acceptedtreatmentforterminalliverdiseases.Long-termsurvivalexceeds80%andimproveseachyearasthe result of constant technical advancements and improvements in immediate postoperative intensive care and clinical control. KEYWORDS: Liver Transplantation; Living Donor Liver Transplantation; Cadaveric Liver Transplantation; Pediatric LiverTransplantation; Complications OfLiver Transplantation; Postoperative Care. TannuriU,TannuriAC.Postoperativecareinpediatriclivertransplantation.Clinics.2014;69(S1):42-46. E-mail:[email protected] *correspondingauthor Tel.:55113256-8441 & INDICATIONS transplant is used), only the left lateral segment is used. When a brain-dead donor is in a stable hemodynamic Approximately 60% of transplants in children are condition and has normal liver function tests, it is possible indicatedforbiliaryatresia.Otherconditionsincludevirus- tousetheleftlateralsegmentforachildandtherightlobe or drug-related fulminant hepatitis, biliary hypoplasia, for anadult recipient(this case iscalled splitliver). alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, tyrosinemia, Wilson’s dis- ease, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and autoimmune & RECIPIENT’S SURGERY hepatitis (1). Until July 2006, the transplant waiting list in Brazil was Hepatectomy of the recipient is usually difficult due to organizedinchronologicalorder,i.e.,thefirstpersononthe portal hypertension, previous portoenterostomy, intestinal list was the person who had registered first. Currently, the adhesions, and coagulation disorders. To remove the listissortedbyseverity,i.e.,allcandidatesaregivenascore diseased liver, it is necessary to clamp the inferior vena (PediatricEnd-StageLiverDisease[PELD]forchildrenand cava in the supra- and infrahepatic region and the hilar ModelforEnd-StageLiverDisease[MELD]foradults)that structures.Whenthewholeliverortheleftlobeisused,the takesintoaccountserumalbuminlevels,prothrombintime, retrohepaticinferiorvenacavaofthedonoristransplanted bilirubinlevels,andotherdata.Thefirstpersononthelistis alongwiththegraft.Theprocessbeginswithanastomosisof now therefore the one who is in the most critical situation the suprahepatic vena cava followed by the infrahepatic (i.e., has the highest score). vena cava. In left lateral segment transplants, the left suprahepatic inferior vena cava of the recipient is anasto- & DONOR mosed. The portal vein and hepatic artery are then reconstructed, and finally, the biliary tract is restored by The acceptance of a potential donor requires the follow- Roux-en-Y biliary-digestive anastomosis (Figure 1). ing:ABOcompatibility,normaloronlyslightlyalteredliver In children with liver cirrhosis and established collateral function tests, and hemodynamic stability. Because the circulation,totalclampingoftheinferiorvenacavacausesa transplant waiting list is a single regional list, most donors decreaseinbloodpressurethatisusuallyeasilymanageable for children areadults. by volume administration. However, children with acute When an adult liver is transplanted to a child, it is liver failure do not present with collateral circulation, and necessarytoreducethe liversizebytransplantingonlythe there may be greater hemodynamic repercussions due to leftlobe.Whenthediscrepancybetweentheweightsofthe blockageofthevenacava.Insuchcases,onealternativeisto donor and recipient is very large (or when a living donor performonlyapartialclampingoftheinferiorvenacavafor end-to-side anastomosis with the hepatic vein of the graft (Figures 2 and3). Copyright (cid:2) 2014CLINICS–ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunder thetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttributionNon-CommercialLicense(http:// which permits unrestricted non- & POSTOPERATIVE CARE commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the originalworkisproperlycited. Neurological concerns Nopotentialconflictofinterestwasreported. The initial neurological evaluation is difficult due to the DOI:10.6061/clinics/2014(Sup01)08 influence of anesthetic drugs, the metabolism of which is 42 CLINICS2014;69(S1):42-46 Pediatriclivertransplantation TannuriUetal. Figure3-Finalviewofthelivergraftafterimplantation(living donortransplantation,leftlateralsegment). Figure 1 - Surgery scheme for whole liver transplantation. Vascularanastomosesareshown. support may be associated with increased respiratory demand due to pulmonary edema, pleural effusion, atelec- altered by abnormal liver function and possible abnormal tasis, increased carbon dioxide production, or airway kidney function. The level of consciousness is an accurate infection or obstruction. In addition, decreased ventilatory parameter for assessing the function of the newly trans- capacity due to respiratory depression caused by excessive planted liver; therefore, it is imperative that drugs with sedation, liver dysfunction, malnutrition, or metabolic sedativeeffects,especiallybenzodiazepines(whichundergo disorders may also be associated with the need for longer hepatic metabolism), be avoided during the early post- ventilatory support. operative period. Fluid overload causes pulmonary edema and pleural Seizures may occur in up to 30% of children following effusion, typically on the right side. This effusion involves liver transplantation (2,3). Hypoglycemia, electrolyte dis- ascitic fluid that is displaced through the right diaphragm, turbances (including hypomagnesemia), and very high which can be injured during surgery due to the negative serum levels of immunosuppressive drugs, such as cyclos- pressureinthepleuralcavity.Treatmentconsistsoftheuse porineortacrolimus,areamongthecausesofseizures.Any of diuretics and volume restriction because the effusion is generalized tonic-clonic seizures of unknown cause and all self-limitedanddoesnotrequiredrainage.Achesttubemay focal seizures should indicate the use of cranial computed be inserted to drain the liquid and allow lung expan- tomography to evaluate the possibility of central nervous sion, but this is only done in cases involving respiratory system bleeding. compromise. Anonfunctionalprimarygraftcausescerebraledemaand In some cases, the effusion starts to form again after a increased intracranial pressure,often requiring anintracra- month, leading to ventilatory restriction that requires nial pressure monitor to better manage and maintain punctures (sometimes repeatedly). Recurring effusion is cerebral perfusionpressure. usually associated with hepatomegaly and ascites and can occur concurrently with suprahepatic anastomotic stenosis Respiratory concerns (acondition similarto Budd-Chiari syndrome)(4). AlmostallpatientsarriveattheICUwithanendotracheal Electrolyte disturbances, such as hypophosphatemia, tube, although extubation of stable patients is usually hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, and hypokalemia, may possible within 48hours. The need for longer ventilatory lead to respiratory muscle dysfunction and difficulty in extubation. Lung atelectases are important causes of respiratory distress, especially in very young children with ascites and abdominal distension. Attempts to wean chronically undernourishedindividualsfromventilationbeforefeeding are useless and harmful because they merely lead to increased energyconsumption andfatigue. Finally, both pulmonary and systemic infections are a frequent cause of respiratory dysfunction in the early postoperative periodafter liver transplantation. Cardiovascular concerns All patients should continue to receive electrocardio- graphic monitoring and be monitored with invasive and noninvasive blood pressure-measuring devices and central venouspressure-measuring devices. Figure 2 - View of the end-to-side anastomosis between the hepaticveinofthegraftandtheinferiorvenacava.Theinferior Over 70% of patients present with hypertension, which venacavaispartiallyclamped. often requires drug-based treatment (5). The cause of this 43 Pediatriclivertransplantation CLINICS2014;69(S1):42-46 TannuriUetal. hypertension is multifactorial, involving volume overload, Abdominal reexploration is indicated whenever there is elevatedreninlevels,andtheuseofsteroidsandcalcineurin any doubtregarding abdominal pain, increased nasogastric inhibitors.Hypertensionisparticularlydangerousduetoits tubeoutput,orprolongedileus. frequent association with coagulopathy and thrombocyto- penia.Inadditiontotheuseofdiuretics,theuseofsodium Treatment of the liver graft nitroprussideisfrequentinthefirstdaysaftersurgery,and Ischemia-reperfusionleadstocharacteristicinjuriesinthe oral medications, such as amlodipine and eventually newly transplanted liver that are known as preserva- angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, are gradually tion injuries. The histology of the post-reperfusion biopsy introduced. reveals neutrophilic infiltrate in the sinusoids and hepato- The presence of hypotension is associated with liver cyte apoptosis. The progression of this injury is evidenced dysfunction, abdominal bleeding, and systemic infections. by cell ballooning and cholestasis (7). Preservation injury, Finally, approximately 30% of patients may have episodes which is present to some degree in all cases, produces a of bradycardia of unknown cause, without any hemody- characteristic enzymatic curve in which there is a linear namic repercussions (6). increaseinserumhepatocyteenzymesstartingfromthefirst postoperative day and then a decrease from the fourth to Fluids and electrolytes fifth day. The levels of canalicular enzymes (particularly Patients usually experience hypervolemia after surgery, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase or GGT) increase more and the intravascular compartment can be expanded, gradually andslowly decline from the seventhto the tenth normal, or reduced in volume. Heart rate, central venous postoperative day. pressure, arterial pressure, and urine output should be Primary graft dysfunction is the most common cause of monitored tocalculatetheinitialwater requirement,which early graft loss and is characterized by acute liver failure is usually restricted to 60-80% of baseline maintenance. (e.g., encephalopathy, coagulopathy, and hemodynamic Dilutional hyponatremia is commonly observed, with instability), significant elevation in serum liver enzymes increased total body sodium; therefore, this electrolyte (AST/ALT above 2,500 IU/L), and multiple organ failure should not be added to the maintenance fluid. Due to cell (kidney failureandpulmonary complications). lysis in the transplanted organ during the ischemia- Thecauseofprimarygraftdysfunctionistheirreversible reperfusion process, there is a tendency toward hyperkale- loss of hepatocyte function due to ischemia-reperfusion mia;thus,potassiumshouldalsonotbeaddedtothefluid. injury.The riskfactors includea donoragegreater than50 Commonly, there is a need for a packed red blood cell years, macrosteatosis (greater than 30% of hepatocytes), transfusion during the intraoperative period; the citrate severedonorhypernatremia(greaterthan170mEq/L),and anion present in stored blood chelates the calcium ion, prolonged coldischemia time (over18hours) (8). resulting in a tendency toward hypocalcemia in the Thereisnoeffectivetreatmentforprimarygraftdysfunc- immediate postoperative period. tion,andpatientsurvivaldependsonearlyretransplantation. Hypoglycemia occurs in graft dysfunction; however, there is a tendency toward hyperglycemia when the liver Vascular occlusions is functioning well due to the stress caused by the surgical procedure and the use of corticosteroids. A 5% glucose Hepatic artery thrombosis. Thrombosis of the hepatic solutionisthereforeinitiallyused,withperiodicmonitoring arteryisthemostcommonvascularocclusion,especiallyfor ofblood glucose levels. livingdonortransplants,inwhichanastomosisisperformed betweensmallerarteries(8).Itisacatastrophiccomplication Gastrointestinal concerns and may present as acute liver failure, biliary fistula, intermittent fever, or asymptomatic elevation of enzymes. After transplantation, there is risk of ulceration of the Hepatic artery thrombosis and biliary complications are stomach and duodenum due to stress and steroid therapy. correlatedbecauseirrigationofthebiliarytractisexclusively All patients should therefore receive gastric acid secretion arterial. blockers. Arterial thrombosis in recipients of cadaveric grafts When gastrointestinal bleeding is present, coagulation typically manifests in the first two weeks as fulminant abnormalities should be assessed, and anticoagulants and antiplateletdrugsmaybediscontinued.Uppergastrointest- hepatic necrosis with rapid clinical deterioration. Large inal endoscopy is an important resource for the diagnosis increases in hepatocyte enzymes and worsening of ence- and treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding in most cases. phalopathy and coagulation are observed. Late occlusions Whenbleedingesophageal varicesarepresentorwhen the may be asymptomatic and may involve the formation of source of bleeding is not diagnosed by endoscopy, collaterals thatsupplythe liver. emergencyDopplerultrasound oftheabdomenisrequired Diagnosis is made based on the absence of flow in because this bleeding can be a manifestation of portal vein Doppler ultrasound, which is performed daily during the thrombosis. first week after transplantation, with sensitivity rates that Asnoted,mostoftheindicationsforlivertransplantation reach 100% depending on the experience of the examiner. inchildreninvolvebiliaryatresiawithpreviousportoenter- Emergency surgical reexploration and thrombectomy may ostomy.Thus,duringtherecipient’ssurgery,itisnecessary beindicatedincasesofearlyocclusions(9).Inmostpatients, to release large numbers of adhesions between the bowel thrombosisrecurs,indicatingtheneedforretransplantation. loops and liver. It is not uncommon for accidental Apeculiarandinterestingaspectoflivingdonortransplants perforation of these loops or seromuscular injuries to go isthatwithinthefirstfewdaysaftersurgery,hepaticartery unnoticed. The early postoperative immunosuppression thrombosisprogressessilentlywithoutclinicalorlaboratory stateofthetransplanthindersthehealingprocessandmasks manifestations, and a diagnosis may only be performed by the signs and symptoms of perforated acute abdomen. ultrasound examination. 44 CLINICS2014;69(S1):42-46 Pediatriclivertransplantation TannuriUetal. Antiplateletagentsareusedfortheprophylaxisofarterial thrombosis.WhentheInternationalNormalizedRatio(INR) levels are less than or equal to 3.0, intravenous heparin infusion is initiated at a dose of 100U/kg/day, which is maintained for15days. Portal vein thrombosis. This condition is less frequent thanhepaticarterythrombosis.Itmanifestsasliverfailure(in earlythrombosis),complicationsofportalhypertension,such asvaricealbleedingandencephalopathy,oranasymptomatic elevation in enzymes. Diagnosis is performed by Doppler ultrasound,andapositivediagnosisindicatestheneedfora newsurgeryduringearlythrombosis;thesuccessrateofthis approachissatisfactory.Latecasesareusuallyasymptomatic or present as portal hypertension, which tends to be compensatedforovertime. Obstructionofthehepaticveins. Incasesoftransplantation of the left lateral segment (end-to-side anastomosis of the left hepatic vein in the cava of the recipient), the hepatic veinmaybeobstructed(4,11).Thrombosisitselfisrare,and stenosis is most frequently observed in this anastomosis Figure 4 - Histology of the liver graft illustrating canalicular starting at one month after transplantation. Obstruction of biliaryproliferation.Notetheproliferatedductsintheperiphery the hepatic vein presents as hepatomegaly and ascites, oftheportalspace. whichissometimesresponsiblefortheformationofahigh- volume pleural effusion that leads to respiratory failure. activates T lymphocytes, a centralcomponent in transplant Doppler ultrasound can detect large increases in blood rejection. Tacrolimus is a potentially nephrotoxic drug and flow velocity in the region of the anastomosis; thus, can cause vomiting, central nervous system disorders, and cavographyisindicated.Interventionalradiologycandilate hypertension when administered at very high levels. In the region of stenosis or a stent can be fitted, with cases of late renal injury caused by calcineurin inhibitors, immediate relief ofsymptoms(4,11). the doses of these immunosuppressant agents may be Biliodigestiveanastomoticdehiscence. Biliarycomplications reduced by combining them with other drugs with similar typicallyoccurafterthefifthpostoperativeday.Biliaryfistula effects and less renal toxicity, such as mycophenolate and manifests as fever, pain in the right upper quadrant, and sirolimus (10). discharge of bilious liquid through the abdominal drains. Leukocytosis, increased canalicular enzyme levels, and Hematological care eventualfluidcollectionthatcanbedetectedonultrasound Intra-abdominalbleedingmayoccurinthefirstfewdays may occur. New surgical procedures are required for after surgery; thus, periodic monitoring of the serum effective drainage of the fluid collection and detection of hemoglobinlevelandabdominaldrainoutputisimportant. thefistulasite.Iftheleakoriginatesfromtherawliversurface The intensity of bleeding is usually greater in reduced-size in cases of partial transplants, drainage of the fluid collec- liver transplants due to the presence of the raw surface of tion is sufficient. In cases of biliodigestive anastomotic the graft. dehiscence, a new anastomosis with adequate drainage A relatively common scenario known as retained clot shouldbeperformed. syndrome occurs during the early postoperative period. In late fistulas of the raw surface and fistulas that are After the initial gradual improvement in coagulation, difficult to close, the possibility of stenosis of the biliodi- platelet count, and decreased blood drainage, there is a gestive anastomosis must be considered. Stenosis can also significant increase in intracavitary bleeding, thrombocyto- manifestasincreasedcanalicularenzymelevels;inthiscase, penia, and coagulopathy, which do not revert despite the a liver biopsy reveals canalicular biliary proliferation administrationofbloodproducts.Withtheimprovementof (Figure4). liver function, the collected blood in the abdominal cavity Most stenoses can be treated with dilation by percuta- forms large clots due to slow and diffuse hemorrhaging. neoustranshepaticcholangiography,whereinabiledrainis These clots are responsible for the local consumption of placed to shape the anastomosis for approximately six platelets and coagulation factors, thus perpetuating the months. When percutaneous treatment is not possible, a bleeding. Laparotomy is therefore necessary to clean the new surgeryisindicated. cavity and remove the clots, with possible hemostasis of some oftheactive bleeding. Immunosuppression Immediatelyaftergraftreperfusion,20mg/kgofmethyl- & INFECTIOUS DISEASES prednisolone is administered; on the following day, 5 mg/ kg is divided into four doses. Thereafter, the dose is Infectious diseases are very common because patients decreased on a daily basis to 5 mg and is replaced by are generally in a very compromised condition, may be 5 mg of prednisone (or a half dose in young children), malnourished,arelikelytohavemultiplepointsofentryfor which ismaintained for atleast oneyear. microorganisms (e.g., incisions, catheters, probes), and are Inadditiontothecorticosteroid, theimmunosuppressive commonlyusing immunosuppressive drugs. drugofchoiceiscurrentlytacrolimus(FK506),acalcineurin In the first weeks after transplantation, bacteria are the inhibitor that inhibits the action of interleukin-2, which maininfectiousagents,themostcommonofwhichinclude 45 Pediatriclivertransplantation CLINICS2014;69(S1):42-46 TannuriUetal. enterococci and gram-negative bacteria in the abdomen. In cases in which adequate prophylaxis is not adminis- Thus, many centers prophylactically use a combination of tered, viralhepatitis BandC recur with greatfrequencyin ampicillinandcefotaximeintheperioperativeperiod.Signs the transplanted liver. For hepatitis B virus, anti-HBV ofinfectioninchildrenwhohaveundergonetransplantation immunoglobulin and nucleoside analogues (lamivudine) can vary from laboratory abnormalities without clinical maybeadministered.Interferonandribavirinmaybeused symptoms (such as leukocytosis or leukopenia; hyponatre- to preventthe recurrence ofhepatitis Cvirus. mia; and elevated serum, liver, and urea enzymes) to irreversible fulminant septic shock. The presence of fever & AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS may indicate culture collection and investigation of the focus of infection, and it is important to immediately Tannuri U performed the liver transplant surgery and wrote the manuscript. 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