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Posthumanism and Deconstructing Arguments: Corpora and Digitally-driven Critical Analysis PDF

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Posthumanism and Deconstructing Arguments Posthumanism and Deconstructing Arguments: Corpora and Digitally- driven Critical Analysis presents a new and practical approach in Critical Discourse Studies. Providing a data-driven and ethically-based method for the examination of arguments in the public sphere, this ground-breaking book: • Highlights how the reader can evaluate arguments from points of view other than their own; • Demonstrates how digital tools can be used to generate ‘ethical subjectivities’ from large numbers of dissenting voices on the world- wide-web; • Draws on ideas from posthumanist philosophy as well as from Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari for theorising these subjectivities; • Showcases a critical deconstructive approach, using different corpus linguistic programs such as AntConc, WMatrix and Sketchengine. Posthumanism and Deconstructing Arguments is essential reading for lecturers and researchers with an interest in critical discourse studies, critical thinking, corpus linguistics and digital humanities. Kieran O’Halloran is Reader in Applied Linguistics in the School of Education, Communication and Society at King’s College London, UK. Posthumanism and Deconstructing Arguments Corpora and Digit ally-d riven Crit ical Analysis Kieran O’Halloran First published 2017 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN and by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa busi ness © 2017 Kieran O’Halloran The right of Kieran O’Halloran to be iden ti fied as author of this work has been asser ted by him in accorda nce with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprin ted or repro duced or util ised in any form or by any elec tronic, mech an ical, or other means, now known or here after inven ted, includ ing photo copy ing and record ing, or in any inform a tion storage or retrieval system, without permis sion in writing from the publish ers. Trademark notice: Product or corpor ate names may be trade marks or registered trade marks, and are used only for iden ti fic a tion and explan a tion without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing- in-Publication Data A cata logue record for this book is avail able from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging- in-Publication Data Names: O’Halloran, Kieran, author.Title: Posthumanism and deconstructing arguments : corpora and digitally-driven critical analysis / Kieran O’Halloran. Description: Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, [2017] | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2016045305 | ISBN 9780415708777 (hardback) | ISBN 9781315622705 (ebook) Subjects: LCSH: Critical discourse analysis—Methodology. | Discourse analysis, Literary—Data processing. | Corpora (Linguistics)—Data processing. | Functionalism (Linguistics) Classification: LCC P302.5 .O523 2017 | DDC 401/.41— dc23LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016045305 ISBN: 978-0-415-70877-7 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-315-62270-5 (ebk) Typeset in Sabon by RefineCatch Limited, Bungay, Suffolk To Catherine Make a rhizome. But you don’t know what you can make a rhizome with, you don’t know which subter ranean stem is effect ively going to make a rhizome, or enter a becomi ng, people your desert. So experi ment. Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari The notion of the non- human, in- human, or post- human emerges as the defin ing trait of nomadic ethical subjectiv ity. Rosi Braidotti Contents List of figures ix List of tables xii Preface xiii Acknowledgements xvi 1 Introduction 1 PART I Preparing the ground 11 2 Critical thinki ng and pedago gical crit ical discourse analysis 13 3 Deconstruction and Jacques Derrida’s philo sophy of language 44 4 Corpus linguist ics and digital text analysis 68 PART II Using big ready- made corpora to genera te discurs ive subjectiv it ies 99 5 Discursive subjectivi ty 101 6 Bypassing chal lenges of recon struct ion 126 PART III Making corpora to gener ate ethical subjectiv it ies 151 7 Ethical subjectivi ty gener ated with lemmas 153 8 Ethical subjectiv ity gener ated with keywords 187 9 Ethical subjectiv ity gener ated rhizo mat ica lly 219 viii Contents PART IV Reflection: posthu man subjectiv it ies and crit ical reading 249 10 Methodology 251 11 Deterritorialisations 284 Glossary 306 Appendix 310 Bibliography 312 Index 324 Figures 2.1 The rela tion ship between text and d/Discourse in CDA 26 2.2 Fairclough’s CDA frame work (adapted from Fairclough, 2010: 133) 28 2.3 Thirty-s even concord ance lines for ‘east(ern) Europe(an(s))’ from The Sun’s news texts published six weeks before 1 May 2004 34 2.4 Cohesive chains in the Tony Blair speech frag ment 40 3.1 The paradigm for animate skin perfor at ors (‘X’) in rela tion to the syntagm ‘The X bit the man’ 54 3.2 Two ways of under stand ing the supplem ent 59 4.1 Voyant graphic repres ent a tions of ‘yes’ in chapter 18 of Ulysses using Sinclair and Rockwell (2015) 73 4.2 Magnified word cloud for chapter 18 of Ulysses using Sinclair and Rockwell (2015) 74 4.3 Thirty randomly gener ated concord ance lines showing colloc a tion between ‘rife’ and ‘spec ul a tion’ from the UKWaC corpus 77 4.4 Key semantic field cloud for chapter 18 of Ulysses; gener ated using WMatrix (Rayson, 2009) 88 5.1 Deconstruction of cohes ive struc ture due to normal colloc a tion deficit/surplus 103 5.2 Tracing of some cohes ive chains in the pro-GM argu ment 109 5.3 Coherence prob lems around ‘bene fits’ and ‘(GM) corpor ate power’ 110 5.4 Coherence prob lems as a result of the colloc ate surplus ‘envir on ment’ 112 5.5 Deconstruction of cohe sion due to normal colloc a tion surplus of the ellip ted ‘global’ in ‘demon strable global bene fits’ 114 5.6 Cohesion across the argu ment via ‘science’ and ‘tech no logy’ 115 5.7 Deconstruction of cohe sion across the argu ment via ‘science’ and ‘techn o logy’ 116

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