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Post Office Aberdeen Directory PDF

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Digitized bythe InternetArchive in 2011 with funding from National LibraryofScotland http://www.archive.org/details/postofficeaberde187778uns POST-OFFICE ABERDEEN DIRECTORY 1877-78. ABEED EEN: PRINTED FOR THE PROPRIETOR BY A. KING & CO,, STEAM PRINTERS AND STEREOTYPERS, UPPERKIRKGATE. 2 AND SOLD BY THE LETTER CARRIERS. 18 77. ... . ... COUNTING-HOUSE CALENDAR. 1877. |ttlg. %KQ\X!it'. gtyttmbit. SWTFMTSarhuoeuti....d...•......•.... 3124567 111110S129341111122567891022222222346578233....910.... i1| WMTSTFSraehuuoit.d....... 4213 111576890 11111112384756 22222211025394223322.1780.69 SMTWTFSrauhuoeit....d...1 7356428 1111112431059 12112211709286 22222225463789 3............0 §tiohn. Ilotrtmbtr. Ipmmlm". WTSMueou..d. ......123 19087 1111567422223124 33221098 MTWSuoeu...d..•..•. 4657 11111324 1I229S1022225678 MSWTuoue...d.•...•. 3245 1110219 11116798 22223456 33..1.0. Th. ..4 11 18 25 .. Th. ..1 8 15 22 29 Th. .. 6 13 20 27 .. Fri. .. 5 12 19 26 .. Fri. .. 2 9 16 23 30 Fri. .. 7 14 21 28 .. Sat. .. 6 13 20 27 .. Sat. .. 3 10 17 24 .. Sat. I 8 15 22 29 .. &&9&. C\\U--12.Q. SU. >nn* $mumrg. Jclmmn. gbrtf. MSWTThoueU...d. .... .213. 10S79611111457632222212403 2223381970 MTTW?huUoe....d....•.... !56437 1111134120 221111098722222S6754 TMTWShuoeu....d..•....•. 76453 1111134210 22111109872222287654 3......1 SFarit.. ... 541121 11982265 ... SFarit.. .... 21 -89 1156 2232 ... FSrait.. 21 9S 1165 2232 3209 .... I-prtl. P^- $aw. MSuo.. .•.• 1 7S 1154 2212 2298 MSioi.. .•.• 65 1123 2109 2276 MSou.. ..... 32 109 11762234 3.0. WTTFrhuei...d........ 52431112190 11I196S7 22223654 3...0 FTWTruhei...d........ 231 107S9 11115647 222221342233S901 WTFTruhei...d........ 4567 11113124 221I109S22228756 ..... Sat. .. 6 13 20 27 . Sat. 4 11 IS 25 .. Sat, 1 S 15 22 29 .. Terms in Scotland and England. IN SCOTLAND. IN ENGLAND. WheWMCLahanarnimtdtamilsatneusemmn,raadmssaA,,yud,FgaNeMuoybsva.f.tyal2l11,s511No.„,,Sn,,.a;12217343S,,,,unOd.,,,,,,aS.y,theMLMCMihaiorcddnihysdsatuaeDmmylaammysaf,e,osrlDlDeDoaacwyyei,,mnMgbSJaeeuriprsncte,hcon22224s595-idered astheterm. Bank Holidays—1877-78. NewYear'sDay Jan. 1 ThefirstMondayofMay. ChristmasDay Dec. 25 ThefirstMondayofAugust. (If either falls on a Sunday, the And any Day appointed by Boyal followingMonday) Proclamation. Good Friday Apr". 19 Upon Sacramental Fast-days and other Local Holidays,the BankOffices willbeopenonlybetweenthehoursof9and11a.m. ° am n " ..... . CONTEN T S. SECTION I. — PublicRevenueDirectory. Foreign ConMsiuslcesllaneous 28 PAGE AberdeenCornExchangeCo..... 29 PostOffice 5 MercantileMarineBoard 29 Customs 6 AberdeenStockExchange 29 CoastGuard 6 NorthernAgriculturalCo 29 InlandRevenue(Stps.&Taxes).. 6 AberdeenCommercialCo 30 Valuationof Lands & Heritages, AberdeenLime Company 30 InlaannddReRevgeinsutera(tliaotne EoxfcVioset)e.rs... 67 NABoborne-trhdAecercenonrMdCaoPr-rokopeeptre.rCtCoyom.Ipn(vaeLnsiytm.itCeod.). 333100 SECTION II. AberdeenPropertyInvest. Co 31 MunicipalDirectory. ACibtdyn.ofCAob-oepredre.ePnroLpaenrdtyAsInsvoecsita.tCioo.n 31 MGuaiglidsrtyr,at&esDaenadnToofwGnuiClodunCocuirlt.... 78 AbdnLt.imHeirtietd,Security.Invest.Co. 3312 PoliceCourt S AberdeenJuteCompany 32 TBuorwgnhCooruBnaciillli(ePoCloiucretDepart.)... S8 AAbbeerrddeeeennTThreaamtwreay&sOCpoemrpaaHnoyu.s.e. 32 TownCouncil(GasDepart.) 9 Co.(Limited) 32 Aberdeen Harbour 9 AberdeenMusic HallCo 33 IPnrciosronpoErsattaebdlTirsahdmeesnt 190 AAbbeerrddeeeennCCheammetbeerryoCfoCmopmamneyr.ce..,. 33 Parochial Board of St. Nicholas andNorthof Scotland Trade ParoocrhiCailtByoPaarrdisohf.O.l,dMachar... 1110 SociePtryotoefctAicocnouSnoctiaenttys 3333 CommerScEiCTaIlONDiIIrIe.ctory, SECTION IV. — LegalDirectory. Banking Companies AberdeenBankingCompany 11 SocietyofAdvocates 34 UnionBankof Scotland 12 CircuitCourtofJusticiary 35 BNoarntkhooffScSoctoltalnadndBankingCo.. 1134 SheriCfofurStmall Debt and Circuit 3.5 BritishLinen Company 16 Executry and Wills Department 35 AberdeenTown&CountyBank.. 17 SheriffCourt 36 CommercialBank ofScotland.... 18 JusticeofPeaceCourt 36 NationalBankofScotland 19 Just, ofPeaceSmallDebtCourt. 36 RoyalBankofScotland 20 Messengers-at-Arms 36 CityofGlasgowBank 22 Sheriff Officers 37 NationalSecuritySavings'Bank. 23 GeneralRoadTrustees 37 AssuranceCompanies- NATTbohhereertNSdhoceorBetrtntihiteMsirhsunhtPuaranolvdiAnMsce.irac„&lanFtriileendly 22225455 MedicSaEClTDIiOrNecV.tory. AberdeeSnhSiptpeianmgNCaovmipgaantiieosn— 26 RHoosypailtaIlnffiorrmatrhye Relief of Per-, 37 N. of Scot, and Ork. and Shet. sons labouringunder Incur- Steam Navig.Co 26 ableDiseases 38 Abdn,Newcastle,andHullSteam 27 RoyalLunaticAsylum 38 Liverpool, Abdn., Dundee, Stor- OphthalmicInstitut.forDiseases noway,&InvernessSte—amers 27 oftheEyeandEar gS RailxcayCompanies AberdeenDispensaryand.Vaccine Caledonian 27 Institution 38 GreatNorthofScotland 28 Medico-ChirurgicalSociety 39 — ' .. . CONTENTS. PAGE PAGB SECTION VI. ShorePorters'Society 50 Ecclesiastical Directory. VMiacstoorniaLoLdogdegsing-House 5511 EFsrteaebClihsuhrecdhCohfurSccohtlofanSdcotland. 3399 PHuobulsiecBoaftRhesfaungdeS&wNiimgmhitnSghPelotnedr 5523 Episcopalian, United Presbyter- Homeof theAgedand Infirmof ian, &c 40 bothSexes 53 NewspapersinAberdeen 53 SECTION VII. PoliceEstablishment 53 EducationalDirectory. Registration of Births, Deaths, andMarriages 54 UniversityofAberdeen 41 Naval&MillitaryEstablishments 54 FreeChurch College 42 AberdeenSchoolBoard 42 SECTION IX. SchGoroalmsmuanrdeSrcthhooelB.oard: 43 PostalDirectory. Girlsm'oAnctasdtreemeyt in Little Bel- 43 MLiosnteoyfPOorsdterToOfwfnicse,inGoSvcoetrlnamnedn.t. 56 Public ElementarySchools 43 Insurance &Annuity Office, Dr.AndrewBell's Schools 44 andPostOfficeSavingsBank 71 Aberdeen Church of Scotland Post-OfficeTelegraphs 72 TrainingCollegeand Practis- Receiving Houses and Branch ingSchool,Georgestreet 44 MoneyOrderOffices 72 Abdn. FreeChurch TrainingCol- Collections at Receivings Letter lege 44 Boxes 72 DenominationalSchools 45 EndowedSchools 45 AberdeenMailArrangements. Charity School 45 WhenLetterscanbeposted,and AAcbaedredmeieens,SoSnchgooSlcsh,ooalndTeachers 4455 InlawnhdePnosDtealgieveRreigesulcaotimomnesnce.. 7734 Ladies'BoardingandDaySchools 45 Ratesof Postage of Foreignand Mechanics'Institution do. 45 ColonialLetters,<fcc 76 School ofScienceandArt 46 BBooybse'rtanGdorGdiornls''sHHoossppiittaall 4466 ACabrerrideersentoTarnadmwfaryosmAberdeen.. 7778 Institutionfor the Education of CoachesandOmnibuses 79 theDeafandDumb 47 AberdeenShipping 79 Abdn. FemaleOrphanAsylum... 47 BillsofExchange 82 Hospital for Orphan and Desti- tuteFemaleChildren 47 Aberdeen Directory. Sheriff "Watson's Female Indus- trialSchool 47 GeneralDirectory AberdeenFemaleSchoolofIndus. 48 Cottages, Mansions, and Places AbersdoecieantioInndustrial School As- 4S Tradeisn'tahnedSuPbroufrebsssioofnsA'bDeirrdeecetnor.y. 226775 OldmillReformatory 48 AgentsforInsuranceCompanies. 325 AsylumfortheBlind 48 StreetDirectory 329 IndustrialAsylum and Reforma- toryforGirls 49 AlterationsandAdditions 399 SECTIONVIII. Old AberdeenDirectory. PMubilsiccNeelwlsa-nReooomussDirectory.49 MIangciosrtproraatteisoannsdTownCouncil... 440090 Mechanics'InstitutionLibrary... 49 OldMacharSchool Board 400 D. WyllieandSon'sLibrary and Seminariesof Learning. 401 AA.B&rRoeRw.andMiianlngndeCslC'uo.bL'isbLriabrryary 444999 ListWoofoNadmseisde Directory. 401 GTT.hheeMCiARldboudeylbraesdlteoNenon'r,stNhCeierwrc,nulaCanltduinbMgaLsiobn.i.c 544099 CLihsutrcohfeNs,amPeosstOffice,&c 4409 Aberdeen Philosophical Society 50 RoyalNorthernAgricult.Society 50 Advertisements. POST-OFFICE ABERDEEN DIRECTORY. >—»»y- SECTION I.—PUBLIC REVENUE DIRECTORY. Post-Office. Postmaster—WILLIAM MITCHELL. ClerksnO—HIREoFrb,eCrr,LtE„RTCK5uS^m'Cm}*i^CniCgrCc,OutltRanotfbii_eonrDtDueFlprlaa.rsCteorml,leineat.n—dGLeaowrrgeenWcoeoJda.fTray. SortingClerks(UpperSection)—AndrewStuart,FrancisRoss,PatrickSalmond, ThomasG. Halcrow,RobertIngram,andDavidW.Paterson. Sorting Clerks(Lower Section)—George Cooper, John Cran,David Anderson, Alex. S. Ross, JohnMilne,andJohnMurrison. Stampers—DuncanM'Kenzie,J.Hay,ThomasMurray,PeterPardy, andWilliamMitchell. Letter Carriers—James Fraser, Robert Ritchie, Isaac Forsyth,James Mutch, James Abercrombie, James Pirie, Alexander Scott, John Cameron, James A.Marnoch,Hugh Dey,Robert Cruickshank,William Brown, Henry Menzies, Alexander Wright,A.J. Smith, James Cruickshank, JohnBuchan,andGeorgeLane. TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. Superintendent—James M'Cormack. AssistantSuperintendents—JohnC.Taylor,AlexanderDuncan. Clerks—First Class—David M'Intosh, James Murray, John Gordon, William Thompson,W. R. Le—ighton,William Fowler,John Craig,James Bur- ness. Second Class Alexander Mackintosh, Alexander Ferguson, JamesF. Findlay,Alex.George,William Lawson,Alex. Moir,William Brown, Andrew D. Leiper, David Gunn, James Hendrie, James Salmond, David Fraser, John J. Masson, James Black, S. P. Nicol, JohnGrant,CharlesStewart,Simon Armstrong. FemaleClerks—MargaretSmith,Helen Rae,Jane GrayGibson,JaneBurgess, Agnes M. Fi-aser, Mary E. Fraser, Jane Sheriffs,Georgina C. Scott, MargaretTaylor,HelenR.Thomson. 30BoyMessenger.". ENGINEER'S DEPARTMENT. Inspector—Edward Summerfield. Lineman—R.Mitchell. MedicalOfficertoPost-Office—JamesWill,M.D. 1 b PUBLIC REVENUE DIRECTORY. Customs. CollectorandLandingSurveyor—JamesHamiltonBlain. Clei-ks—JohnPirie,WilliamWhitecross,JamesN.Justice. Writer—JohnCampbell. ExaminingOfficers—GeorgeJohnston,AlexanderTaylor,RobertClark,and ThomasBowie. Out-doorOfficers—1stClass—William M'Callum,GeorgeMilne,George Middleton,AlexanderWright,JamesImray. 2ndClass—AndrewForbes, JohnClouston,JohnLeith,Wm.W.Duncan, JosephClark. PrincipalCoastOfficer,Newburgh—RobertReid. CustomHduseAgentandShipbroker—GeorgeB.Anderson. COAST GUARD. InspectingCommander—G. F. HastingsParker,R.N. ChiefOffMiucecrhs—alJlasm;eTshMoamtahserH,alBlr,iKdagteeorfliDnoen;J;aJ.meBsaiLleayi,ngC,ovCoellBiasyton;.J.M'Lean, Sets of Capt. Manby's Apparatus are placed in charge of the Officers at Bridge of Don, Cove Bay, Stonehaven,Muchalls, Colliston, Belhelvie, and Peterhead. Inland Revenue (Stamps and Taxes). SURVEYOR'S DEPARTMENT. Office 27KingStreet. Surveyorfor the First District,or CityofAberdeen andCountyofKincardine- JohnM'Kelvie. SurveyorforSecondDistrict,orCountyofAberdeen—AndrewPhilp. DISTRIBUTOR AND COLLECTOR'S DEPARTMENT. Office 27KingStreet. DistributorandCollector—AndrewJopp. Clerks—JohnM'Diarmid,SamuelM'Hardy,andJamesFleming. StampOfficeopenfrom10to4; onSaturdays,from10to1. TaxOfficeopenfrom10to3; onSaturdays,from10to12. Valuation of Lands and Heritages. AND Registration of Voters. Office,27KingStreet. Openfrom10to4; Saturdays,10to1. John M'Kelvie,AssessorfortheBurghsofAberdeenandInverbervie.

Convener— James Abel. Master of Trades' Hospital—John Mitchell. TRADES. DEACONS. BOXMASTERS. Hammermen. George Chalmers. Alex. Aberfeldy. Forbes M'Intosh. Abington. A. W. Paterson. Alloa. A. & J. Moir. Annan. J. S. Skelton & Son. Anstruther. Philip Oliphant. Arbroath. Win. Rollo. Ayr.
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