Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed1February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev1.4) Post-Newtonian Lagrangian Perturbation Approach to the Large-Scale Structure Formation ⋆ Masahiro Takada and Toshifumi Futamase† InstituteofAstronomy,Graduate SchoolofScience, Tohoku University,Sendai980-8578, Japan 1February2008 9 9 9 ABSTRACT 1 We formulatethe Lagrangianperturbationtheoryto solvethe non-lineardynamicsof n self-gravitating fluid within the framework of the post-Newtonian approximation in a general relativity, using the (3+1) formalism. Our formulation coincides with Newto- J nianLagrangianperturbationtheorydevelopedbyBuchertforthescalemuchsmaller 2 1 than the horizon scale, and with the gauge invariant linearized theory in the longitu- dinal gauge conditions for the linear regime. These are achieved by using the gauge 2 invariantquantitiesattheinitialtime whenthelinearizedtheoryisvalidenough.The v post-Newtoniancorrectionsin the solutionofthe trajectoryfieldof fluid elements are 4 calculatedintheexplicitforms.Thusourformulationallowsustoinvestigatetheevo- 4 3 lution of the large-scale fluctuations involving relativistic corrections from the early 1 regime such as the decoupling time of matter and radiation until today. As a result, 1 we are able to show that naive Newtonian cosmology to the structure formation will 7 be a good approximation even for the perturbations with scales not only inside but 9 also beyond the present horizon scale in the longitudinal coordinates. Although the / h post-Newtonian corrections are small, it is shown that they have a growing trans- p versemode whichis notpresentinNewtoniantheoryaswellasinthe gaugeinvariant - o linearizedtheory. Such post-Newtonian order effects might produce characteristic ap- r pearancesofthelarge-scalestructureformation,forexample,throughthe observation t s of anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). Furthermore a since our approach has a straightforward Newtonian limit, it will be also convenient : v for numericalimplementation basedon the presently available Newtonian simulation. i X Our results easily allow us to perform a simple order estimation of each term in the solution,whichindicatesthatthepost-Newtoniancorrectionsmaynotbeneglectedin r a the early evolution of the density fluctuation compared with Newtonian perturbation solutions. Key words: gravitation–instability–cosmology:theory–large-scalestructure of Uni- verse 1 INTRODUCTION The observation of isotropy of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) indicates that the universe is remarkably isotropic over the horizon scale (Smoot et al.1992). Thus it is natural to describe the large scale spatial geometry of the universe by a homogeneous and isotropic metric, namely, the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) model. However, the real universe is neitherisotropicnorhomogeneousonlocalscalesandhasahierarchicalstructuresuchasgalaxies,clustersofgalaxies, super- clustersofgalaxiesandsoon.Inthestandardbigbangscenario,itiscommonlybelievedthatsuchlarge-scaleinhomogeneous structures of the universe were formed as a result of growth of density fluctuations whose amplitudes had been very small in the early regime in FRW background (see, e.g., Peebles (1980)). Furthermore, such inhomogeneous structures are usually ⋆ Electronicaddress:[email protected] † Electronicaddress:[email protected] (cid:13)c 0000RAS 2 M. Takada and T. Futamase considered to have been formed only due to gravitational instability after matter (baryons) and radiation decoupled. There- fore, the gravitational instability of self-gravitating fluid has been a main subject of the research in cosmology in connection to theformation of structures. The investigation of the nonlinear large-scale structure formation of the universe have been usually studied within the Newtonian theory. This is based on the following fact: as far as the scales of the considered density fluctuations are much smaller than the horizon scale, the Newtonian approximation will be accurate enough to describe their evolutions up to non-linearregimewherethedensitycontrastbecomeslargerthanunity(Peebles1980). Actually,manylarge-scalesimulations basedontheNewtonianapproximationhavebeenperformedtocomparethenumericalresultswiththeobserveddistributions ofgalaxies.AnalyticalapproachestotheevolutionofdensityfluctuationbasedontheNewtonianLagrangianpicturehavealso been developed by Buchert (1989; 1992; 1994) and the other authors (Bouchet et al.1992; Bouchet et al.1995; Catelan1995; Moutarde et al.1991) where it is expected that the approach gives a good approximation up to a certain stage of non-linear regime (Buchert, Mellot & Weiß1994; Mellot, Buchert & Weiß1995; Weiß,Gottl¨ober & Buchert1996). Buchert (1992; 1993) showedthatthegeneralfirst-ordersolutionsforanEinstein-deSitterbackgroundincludewell-knownZel’dovichapproximation (Zel’dovich1970) as a special case. On the other hand, the region of observations of the large-scale structure is steadily increasing. For example,the very ambitiousobservationalprogramSloanDigitalSkySurvey(SDSS;e.g.,Gunn&Weinberg1995)willcompleteaspectroscopic surveyof∼106 galaxiesbrighterthanr′∼18magoverπ steradians,whichcoverstheregionofseveralhundredmegaparsecs. As mentioned above, Newtonian approximation is valid only for system with scales much smaller than the horizon scale, so it is not clear at all if theapplication of theNewtonian theoryis appropriate for such awide region of spacetime. Infact the fluctuations relevant for the large-scale structures have not been always much smaller than horizon scales in the past. For example,thehorizonscaleatthedecouplingtimeisoftheorderofct (1+z )∼80h−1Mpcinthepresentphysicallength. dec dec Thissuggests thatwehavetoemploy therelativistic description fortheevolution offluctuationslargerthanorequivalentto such scales. Thustounderstandtheevolutionofthelarge-scalestructureoftheuniverseclosely,itisimportantandnecessarytohave someformalismtoevaluatetheeffectofgeneralrelativisticcorrectionstotheNewtoniandynamicsonsucharegion.Conversely, untilweobtainsuchaformalism,wearenotconfidentaboutthevalidityoftheNewtoniancosmologyinstudyingevolutionsof perturbations.Thepurposeofthepresentpaperistoprovidesuchaformalism based ontheLagrangian perturbationtheory in the post-Newtonian (PN) framework. In the PN approximation to cosmology (Futamase1996; Shibata & Asada1995), it has been shown that the metric is given in thefollowing form at theNewtonian limit φ φ ds2=− 1+2 (cdt)2+a2(t) 1−2 dl2, c2 c2 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) and the Newtonian-like gravitational potential φ is generated by the density fluctuation field δ via the cosmological Poisson equation ∆φ = 4πGa2ρ δ, where ρ denotes the background density. This includes the non-linear situations for the density b b contrast field where is much larger than unity. The above metric is also applied in deriving the cosmological lens equation for arealistic inhomogeneous universe(Futamase1995; Pyne& Birkinshaw1996). Forrecent years, thestudiesof thegravita- tional lensing in the cosmological circumstance have been widely developed using the equation. For example, Seljak (1996) investigated the secondary effect of gravitational lensing on CMB anisotropies induced by the non-linear large-scale struc- tures using the above Newtonian metric (longitudinal gauge). The future generation of detectors of CMB anisotropies with great accuracy requires theoretical efforts to obtain more precise predictions for the anisotropies. In such a case we need to consider the gravitational lensing of photons traveling across the present horizon scale (∼ 3000h−1Mpc). This indicates that, if using the above metric, we first have to investigate the validity whether the cosmological Newtonian metric is able todescribe accurately thedynamicsof fluctuationswithin such a scale. The following considerations may explain ourresults of the present paper intuitively. The cosmological Poisson equation suggests that the metric perturbation quantity φ/c2 is of the order of (al/(ct))2δ for the density contrast δ with the characteristic scale l in the present physical length. Then (l) (l) we expect that the first PN metric perturbations which determine the first PN force of equations of motion are of the order of (φ/c2)2, namely, (al/(ct))4δ2 . This means that the quantity (al/(ct))2δ is an essential expansion parameter in the PN (l) (l) approach to cosmology. As mentioned later in detail, the fact that the quantity (l/(ct ))2δ(t ) is much smaller than unity 0 0 forthepresenthorizon-scale fluctuation with theusualpower spectraexplainswhythePNapproximation issufficiently able to describe the evolution of the fluctuations not only inside but also beyond the present horizon scale ct . Furthermore, the 0 formalism based on the PN approximation allows us, for example, a more accurate treatment of propagation of photon on thegeometryproducedbymatterinhomogeneities,asrequiredinthestudyofgravitationallensingbycosmicstructures(see, e.g., Schneider,Ehlers, & Falco1992) and otherapplications. Naturally,wealsorequireourformalism toagreewiththegaugeinvariantlinearizedtheorydevelopedbyBardeen(1882) and Kodama & Sasaki (1984) in the linear regime. There have been some studies to investigate the nonlinear large-scale structure formation based on the relativistic Lagrangian perturbation theory (Kasai1993; Kasai1995; Matarrese, Pantano, & Saez1994; Matarrese1996). However, because of the gauge condition adopted in these studies, namely, the synchronous (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 PN Lagrangian Perturbation Approach in the (3+1) formalism 3 comoving coordinates, it is not easy to have contact with the Newtonian Lagrangian approach fully developed and used for the numerical simulation. In particular, Matarrese & Terranova (1996) called their formalism post-Newtonian treatment in spite of starting with the synchronous comoving coordinates. As is well known, a peculiar velocity of any fluid element does notappearexplicitlyinsuchacoordinate,whichmakesthePNtreatmentdifficult.Thuswewillnotrestrictourselvestosuch acoordinates,butweshalluse(3+1)formalism ofgeneralrelativitytoadmitvariouschoicesofthecoordinates.Inparticular weshallstudytheLagrangian perturbationtheoryinthecoordinateswherethecomparison withtheNewtoniancaseismost easily made. In thisway ourformalism would bealso convenient touse for thenumerical simulation straightforwardly based on Newtonian simulations. There have been another relativistic Lagrangian approaches. Bertschinger & Hamilton (1994) and Bertschinger & Jain (1994)havefocusedontheLagrangian evolutionequationsoftheelectricandmagneticpartsoftheWeyltensorforcolddust intheNewtonian limit. They derivedtheequationsusingnot Einstein equationsbuttherelativistic kinematicalprescription for fluid flow developed by Ehlers (1961) and Ellis (1971). They suggested that the magnetic part does not vanish generally intheNewtonianlimit,implyingthattheLagrangian evolutionofthefluidisnotpurelylocal.Thisisaso-called “non-local” problemalsodiscussedbytheotherauthors(Hui&Bertschinger1996; Kofman&Pogosyan1995).Here,weformulateanother relativistic Lagrangian perturbation theory for fluid motion from different point of view. Recently,Matarrese,Mollerach,&Bruni(1998)derivedthesecondordersolutionsofmetricperturbationsinthePoisson gauge that reduces to the longitudinal gauge in the case of scalar first order perturbations. They obtained the solutions by transforming the known solutions in the synchronous comoving coordinates to them in the Poisson gauge, using the second order gauge transformation. We here start with the (3+1) formalism which includes the Poisson gauge from the beginning . Therefore, our PN treatment may be more transparent physically, and can give a physical understanding of the validity of theNewtonian treatment. Actually, the time dependenceof our second order solutions agrees with their results as described below. Thispaperisorganizedasfollows.InSection2weshallwritedownthecosmologicalPNapproximationin(3+1)formalism. In Section 3 we introduce the Lagrangian perturbation theory to iteratively solve the PN equations derived in Section 2. In Section 4wesummarizeourresultsand discusstheeffect ofPN corrections andevaluateexplicitly itsimportance. Summary andconclusions aregivenin Section5.Throughout thispaper,Greek andLatin indicestake0,1,2,3and1,2,3,respectively. 2 THE POST-NEWTONIAN APPROXIMATION IN (3+1) FORMALISM 2.1 The (3+1) formalism in cosmological situation WewishtodeveloptherelativisticLagrangianperturbationtheoryformulatedinthecoordinatessystemwhichhasastraight- forwardNewtonianlimit.Forthispurpose,itisconvenienttousethe(3+1)formalism.Thepost-Newtonian(PN)approxima- tioninthe(3+1)formalism hasbeenformulatedbyoneofauthors(Futamase1992) andfurtherdevelopedbyAsada,Shibata &Futamase(1996).Itscosmological generalization isstraightforward (Futamase1996;Shibata&Asada1995).Wefirstreview the(3+1) formalism in the cosmological situation. Here we shall present the basic equations using the (3+1) formalism. Let us first assume that there exists a congruence oftimelikeworldlinesfromwhichthespacetimelooksisotropic.Weshallcallthefamilyoftheworldlinesbasicobservers,who see no dipole component of anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We can regard that any one of these observersatthespacetimepointxmoveswith4-velocitynµ(x)withoutlossofgenerality.Thetangentvectornµ isnormalized as nµn =−1. These observers are used to foliate the spacetime by their simultaneous surfaces: t=const. We shall assume µ that thethree surfaces form hypersurfaces with the unit normal vector field nµ. In the(3+1) formalism, the metric is split as g =γ −n n , µν µν µ ν n =(−α,0), µ 1 βi nµ = ,− , (2.1) α α (cid:18) (cid:19) whereγ istheprojectiontensorandα,βi,andγ arethelapsefunction,shiftvectorandmetriconthespatialhypersurface, µν ij respectively.Then theline element may bewritten as ds2 = −(n dxµ)2+γ dxµdxν µ µν = −(α2−β βi)(cdt)2+2β (cdt)dxi+γ dxidxj (2.2) i i ij We shall keep the power of c explicitly henceforth because we make the 1/c expansion in various quantities in the post- Newtonian approximation. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 4 M. Takada and T. Futamase Wemay definetheextrinsic curvatureof the hypersurfaceby K =−n (2.3) ij i;j where ; denotes the covariant derivative with respect to the metric g . The basic variables in the (3+1) formalism are then µν the spatial metric and the extrinsic curvature. The lapse function and shift vectors are freely specified as the coordinate conditions. The (3+1) formalism naturally decomposes theEinstein equations, 8πG G = T −Λg , µν c4 µν µν into the constraint equations and the evolution equations. Λ denotes the cosmological constant. The former set of equations constitutes theso-called Hamiltonian and momentum constraints. These become 16πG R−K Kij+K2 = E+2Λ, (2.4) ij c4 8πG D Ki −D K = J , (2.5) i j j c4 j whereK =γijK ,D andRarethecovariant derivativeandthescalar curvaturewith respect toγ ,respectively.E andJ ij i ij i are defined as E =T nµnν, µν J =−T nµγν . (2.6) i µν i The evolution equations for thespatial metric and the extrinsic curvaturebecome 1 ∂ γ =−2αK +D β +D β , (2.7) c∂t ij ij i j j i 1 ∂ K =α(R +KK −2K Kl )−D D α−αΛγ c∂t ij ij ij il j i j ij 8πG 1 +(D βm)K +(D βm)K +βmD K − α S + γ (E−Sl ) , (2.8) j mi i mj m ij c4 ij 2 ij l (cid:16) (cid:17) where R is the Ricci tensor of the hypersurface, and ij S =T γµ γν . (2.9) ij µν i j For the sake of convenience we shall write down the evolution equations for the trace of the spatial metric and the extrinsic curvaturewhich will be sometimes used in thefollowing: 1 ∂ γ =2γ(−αK+D βi), (2.10) c∂t i 1 ∂ 4πG K =α(R+K2)−DiD α+βjD K+ α(Sl −3E)−3αΛ, (2.11) c∂t i j c4 l where γ is thedeterminant of γ . ij For the cosmological application we introduce the scale factor which expresses the expansion of the universe. Following Ehlers (1961), we definethe spatial distance between two nearby timelike worldlines with tangent vector nµ as δℓ=(γ ηµην)1/2, (2.12) µν whereηµ isthevectorconnectingthesetwoworldlines.Thenthechangeofthedistancealongtheworldlinemaybecalculated as d 1 (δℓ)=nµ(δℓ) =−[ K+σ eiej]δℓ (2.13) dτ ;µ 3 ij where ei = ηi/δℓ, with ηi = γi ηµ, is the unit spatial vector and σ is the trace-free part of the extrinsic curvature. It is µ ij natural to interpret the above equation (2.13) as expressing the cosmic expansion, that is, the first and the second terms on theright-handside represent theisotropic and anisotropic expansion,respectively.Motivated bythisinterpretation, weshall introducethe scale factor as 3a˙ K =− , (2.14) ca where ∂a da a˙(t)= = , ∂t dt x (cid:12) where a =(cid:12)a(t) is the scale factor as a function of the cosmic time t. This gives a slice condition for α corresponding to the (cid:12) maximal slicing in an asymptotically flat case. For more general slice conditions, we shall takethefollowing form for K: 3a˙ K =− +θ(x). (2.15) ca (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 PN Lagrangian Perturbation Approach in the (3+1) formalism 5 It turnsout that it is convenient to use thefollowing variables instead of theoriginal variables: γ˜ =a−2(t)γ , R˜=a2R. (2.16) ij ij Wealso defineσ˜ as ij 1 σ˜ ≡a−2σ =a−2 K − γ K . (2.17) ij ij ij 3 ij (cid:16) (cid:17) Weshouldnotethatinournotation,indicesofσ˜ areraisedandloweredbyγ˜ ,sothattherelationsσ˜i =σi andσ˜ij =a2σij ij ij j j hold. Using thesevariables, theconstraint equationsmay berewritten as 1 a˙2 1 1 2 a˙ 1 8πG 1 + R˜− σ˜ σ˜ij− θ+ θ2 = E+ Λ, (2.18) c2a2 6a2 6 ij 3ca 9 3c4 3 2 8πG D˜ σ˜i − D˜ θ= J , (2.19) i j 3 j c4 j whereD˜ andR˜arethecovariantderivativeandthescalarcurvaturewithrespecttoγ˜ ,respectively.Theevolutionequations i ij takethefollowing forms: 1 ∂ 2 a˙ 2 1 γ˜ = (α−1) γ˜ −2ασ˜ − αθγ˜ + D˜ β +D˜ β , (2.20) c∂t ij c a ij ij 3 ij a2 i j j i 1 ∂ σ˜ = 1 α R − 1γ R − D D α− 1γ(cid:0) DkD α −(cid:1) 1(α+2)a˙σ˜ + αθσ˜ c∂t ij a2 ij 3 ij i j 3 ij k c a ij 3 ij h (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)i8πG 1 −2ασ˜ σ˜l +(D˜ βl)σ˜ +(D˜ βl)σ˜ +βl(D˜ σ˜ )− α S − γ Sl , (2.21) il j i lj j li l ij c4a2 ij 3 ij l 11 ∂ 6 a˙ (cid:16) (cid:17) γ˜= (α−1) +2 −αθ+D˜ βi , (2.22) cγ˜∂t c a i 3 a¨ 3 a˙2 1∂(cid:0)θ (cid:1) 2a˙ θ2 1 4πG + (α−1) − =−α σ˜ σ˜ij− θ+ + D˜iD˜ α−βiD˜ θ− α(Si +E)+αΛ, (2.23) c2a c2 a2 c ∂t ij ca 3 a2 i i c4 i (cid:18) (cid:19) where γ˜ denotes thedeterminant of γ˜ . ij We shall now introduce the spatial background geometry motivated by the following consideration. It seems that the metric perturbations in the present universe remain small almost everywhere even when the density contrast is much larger than unity.Thus it is natural to assume that the metric structure of the universe may be described by a small perturbation fromtheFriedmann-Robertson-Walker(FRW)spacetimeinanappropriatecoordinatesystem.Then,weshallfurtherspecify thespatial metric as (Bardeen1882; Kodama & Sasaki1984) γ˜ =(1−2ψ)γ˜(B)+h , γ˜(B)ijh =0, (2.24) ij ij ij ij where γ˜(B) is the spatial metric of theFRW geometry: 1 γ˜(B) = δ , (2.25) ij (1+ Kr2)2 ij 4 whereKrepresentsthecurvatureparameterofFRWmodelsandr2=x2+x2+x2.Wetreattheperturbationsasbeingsmall 1 2 3 quantities, so we are able to regard spatial tensorial quantities in our equations as tensors with respect to the background spatial metric γ˜(B). ij Ourmetric iscompletely general. To reducethegaugefreedom weimpose thefollowing transversality constraintson h ij (Shibata& Asada1995): γ˜(B)jkD˜(B)h =0, (2.26) k ij where D˜(B) denotes covariant derivative with respect to γ˜(B), whose inverse is γ˜(B)ij. By means of the condition (2.26), we i ij canerasethescalarpartandthevectorpartinh ,anditguaranteesthath onlycontainsthetensormodeinthePNorder ij ij whichrepresentsthefreedomofthegravitationalwave.Thusweneedtotakeintoaccountonlythelinearterminh because ij we are interested in the first PN approximation in the present paper. If we erase the scalar part of the shift vector by using theresidualgaugefreedom,thecoordinateconditioncorrespondstotheso-called“longitudinalgauge”(withrespecttoscalar modes)inthelineartheoryor“Poisson gauge”discussedbyBertschinger(1995)andMa&Bertschinger(1995).However,we leavethefreedom hereforthepresentandadoptonlythecondition (2.26) forthesakeofgenerality.Then theinversematrix of γ˜ become ij 1 γ˜ij = γ˜(B)ij−hij, (2.27) 1−2ψ where hi =γ˜(B)ikh . Using theabove variables, we can rewrite R˜ as j kj ij 1 R˜ =2Kγ˜(B)+ (D˜(B)D˜(B)ψ+γ˜(B)D˜(B)kD˜(B)ψ) ij ij 1−2ψ i j ij k (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 6 M. Takada and T. Futamase 1 1 + 3(D˜(B)ψ)(D˜(B)ψ)+γ˜(B)(D˜(B)ψ)(D˜(B)kψ) +3Kh − D˜(B)D˜(B)kh . (2.28) (1−2ψ)2 i j ij k ij 2 k ij (cid:16) (cid:17) The abovediscussion is adequate even if theuniverse hasthe nonlinear structures. As one of the present authors has pointed out (Futamase1989; Futamase1996), the problem of the back reaction of the local inhomogeneities on the global expansion arises when the universe has nonlinear structures (δ ≫ 1) on small scales. However, we are here interested in theevolutions of the fluctuations from sufficiently early time such as thedecoupling time of matter and radiation. Then the linear theory will be valid in the early evolution. Thus we assume that we can define the backgroundtoobey Friedmannlaw untiltheuniversehasquasi-nonlinearstructures(δ>1).Inotherwords, weassumethat ∼ evenifthebackreactionfortheexpansionofbackgroundexists,itisnegligiblysmallsothatwecanperformtheperturbative approach superimposed on FRW cosmologies. Accordingly, from the lowest order of Eq.(2.18), we first set a˙(t) 2 8πGρ (t) Kc2 c2Λ H(t)2= = b − + , (2.29) a(t) 3 a2 3 (cid:18) (cid:19) whereH(t)andρ (t)aretheHubbleparameterandthehomogeneousdensityofthebackgroundFRWuniverse,respectively. b Forsimplicity,wemayregardρb asanaveragedvalueoverthevolumeaslargeasthehorizonscale(ct)3:hρi(ct)3 ≡ρb(t).The continuityequation shows that theaveraged mass density is conserved, namely, ρ a3 is constant for thedust model. b In the following, we only consider the flat universe (K = 0) and use Cartesian coordinates for simplicity. If we fix θ, Eqs.(2.23), (2.18), and (2.21) become respectively 1 4πG 8πG 12πG 1∂θ 1a˙ α D˜ D˜iα= α(Si +E)+α(σ˜ijσ˜ + ρ )− ρ − −2α θ+ θ2+βiD˜ θ, (2.30) a2 i c4 i ij c2 b c2 b c ∂t ca 3 i 3 1 4πGa2 (1−2ψ)2a2 16πG 4a˙ 2 ∆ ψ+ ψ, ψ, = E(1−2ψ)2+ σ˜ σ˜ij− ρ + θ− θ2 , (2.31) f 21−2ψ k k c4 4 ij c2 b ca 3 1 ∂ 1 α 1 (cid:16)1 1 a˙ (cid:17) θ σ˜ = − ∆ h +α R˜ψ − γ˜ R˜ψ − D˜ D˜ α− γ˜ D˜kD˜ α − (α+2) σ˜ +α σ˜ −2σ˜ σ˜l c∂t ij a2 2 f ij ij 3 ij i j 3 ij k c a ij 3 ij il j h (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) 8πG 1(cid:17)i (cid:16) (cid:17) +(D˜ βl)σ˜ +(D˜ βl)σ˜ +βl(D˜ σ˜ )− α S − γ Sl +O(hψ,h2), (2.32) i lj j li l ij c4a2 ij 3 ij l (cid:16) (cid:17) where 1 1 R˜ψ = (ψ, +δ ∆ ψ)+ (3ψ, ψ, +δ ψ, ψ, ), (2.33) ij 1−2ψ ij ij f (1−2ψ)2 i j ij k k 1 R˜ψ = δ R˜ψ, (2.34) 1−2ψ ij ij and ∆ is theLaplacian with respect to δ . f ij Finally,wegivetheequationsformatter.Sinceweshallrestrictourselvestotheevolutionofthedensityfluctuationafter the decoupling of matter and radiation, we shall adopt pressure-free dust as a model of the matter, which will be a good approximation to thepresent universe. The energy momentum tensor for thedust is written as Tµν =ρc2uµuν, (2.35) where uµ and ρ are thefour velocity and the density,respectively.The ρ obeys thecontinuity equation (ρuµ) =0. (2.36) ;µ Also therelation between ui and u0 becomes dxi dxi/dτ ui vi= =c p =c , (2.37) dt cdt/dτ u0 p whereτ representsthepropertimeofadustelement.Weshouldnotethatvi representsapeculiarvelocityofafluidelement p in comoving frame, so thephysical peculiar velocity is avi. Using the peculiar velocity vi, the explicit form of the continuity equation becomes 1∂ρ 1∂(ρ vi) ∗ + ∗ =0, (2.38) c ∂t c ∂xi whereρ∗ =αγ˜21a3ρu0 istheso-calledconserveddensity(Chandrasekhar1965;Will1992).Theequationsofmotionarederived from Tµ =0. (2.39) i;µ Making use of Eq.(2.38), it takes thefollowing form which will beconvenient for ourpresent purpose: 1∂u vj ∂u 1 u u i + i =−αα, u0+βj, u − γ˜jk j k. (2.40) c ∂t c ∂xj i i j 2a2 ,i u0 (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 PN Lagrangian Perturbation Approach in the (3+1) formalism 7 2.2 Cosmological post-Newtonian approximation There have been many studies of the post-Newtonian approximation in the cosmological circumstances in the Eulerian framework (Nariai & Ueno1960; Irvine1965; Peebles1980; Tomita1988; Futamase1988; Futamase1989; Tomita1991). Here we shall develop thePN approximation based on the(3+1) formalism described above(Futamase1996; Shibata & Asada1995). We remark that the metric required to the usual Eulerian Newtonian picture in the perturbed FRW universe is known to takethefollowing form: 2φ 2φ ds2=− 1+ N c2dt2+a2(t) 1− N δ dxidxj, (2.41) c2 c2 ij (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) whereφ istheNewtoniangravitationalpotentialrelatedtothematterdensityfluctuationfieldδ viathePoisson’sequation: N N ∆ φ (x,t)=4πGa2(t)ρ (t)δ (x,t). (2.42) f N b N where ρ =hρ(x,t)i and b VH ρ (x,t)−ρ (t) δ (x,t)≡ N b . N ρ (t) b The above metric is usually used to give an accurate description of the trajectories of nonrelativistic fluid elements such as CDM inside scales much smaller than theHubbledistance cH−1 (Newtonian limit). We shall expand the basic equations by using c−1 as the perturbation parameter in order to have the post-Newtonian approximation under the condition that the lowest order of metric takes the above Newtonian form (2.41). Thus we adopt the coordinate conditions where the lowest order of α and ψ are of the order c−2, and other metric perturbations are of the order c−3 at most. Therefore, according to Chandrasekhar’s description (1965), the PN terms of all metric variables used in thispaper may beexpanded as follows: φ α(4) α=1+ + +O(c−6), c2 c4 ψ(2) ψ(4) ψ= + +O(c−6), c2 c4 β(3)i βi = +O(c−5), c3 h(4) h = ij +O(c−5), ij c4 σ˜(3) σ˜ = ij +O(c−5), ij c3 θ(3) θ= +O(c−5), (2.43) c3 where φ is the Newtonian gravitational potential as shown below. Note that ψ(2) is not same as φ a priori, but actually we willseethattheycoincide.Thusthemetricuptotheorderc−2 agreeswith(2.41). Alsoifweassumethatthelowestorderin βi is of theorder c−3, thelowest order in σ˜ and θ both become c−3 through Einstein equations. Using theabove variables, ij thefour velocity is expanded as 1 1 u0 =1+ a2v2−φ +O(c−4), c2 2 n (cid:16)1 1 (cid:17)o u =− 1+ a2v2+φ +O(c−4) , 0 c2 2 vih n 1(cid:16) 1 (cid:17)o i ui = 1+ a2v2−φ +O(c−5), c c2 2 hvi n vi(cid:16) 1 (cid:17)oi 1 u =a2 + a2v2−φ−2ψ(2) + β(3)i +O(c−5), (2.44) i c c3 2 c3 (cid:20) (cid:26) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:27)(cid:21) where terms in the bracket {} denote the first PN corrections, and vi is equal to that defined in Eq.(2.37) and v2 =δ vivj. ij Following Shibata and Asada (1995), we consider only the PN expansion of βi, not of β , since only βi appears in the above i expressions. E,J ,S and Sl are likewise expanded as i ij l 1 E =ρc2 1+ a2v2+O(c−4) , c2 h vi vi i 1 J =ρc2a2 + a2v2−φ−2ψ(2) + β(3)i+O(c−5) i c c3 c3 (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) S =ρc2a4 vivj+O(c−4) , ij c2 h i (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 8 M. Takada and T. Futamase 1 Si =ρc2a2 v2+O(c−4) . (2.45) i c2 h i By substituting the above expressions into Einstein equations, we can derive the relations between the metric variables and thematter variables in each order of c−n. From Eqs.(2.30) and (2.45), we find 1 1 1 1 ∆ φ+ ∆ α(4)+2ψ(2)∆ φ−ψ(2), φ, = 4πG(ρ−ρ ) a2 c2 f c4 f f k k c2 b h (cid:0) +1 4πG(ρφ+2ρ φ+2ρa(cid:1)2vi2)− ∂ θ(3)−2a˙θ(3) +O(c−6). (2.46) c4 b ∂t a h i The equation for φ is derived in the c−2 orderpart of the aboveequation: ∆ φ=4πGa2(ρ−ρ ). (2.47) f b ThuswemaycallφtheNewtonian-likegravitational potential.Similarly from Eqs.(2.31) and(2.45),wefindtheequationfor ψ(2) as follows: ∆ ψ(2) =4πGa2(ρ−ρ ). (2.48) f b Sowe can conclude ψ(2) =φ. (2.49) The PN potentials α(4) and ψ(4) are obtained by taking thec−4 part of Eqs.(2.46) and (2.31), respectively, ∂θ(3) ∆ α(4) =φ, φ, +4πGa2 2ρa2v2−ρφ+4ρ φ −a2 −2aa˙θ(3), (2.50) f k k b ∂t ∆ ψ(4) =4πGa2 ρa2v2−(cid:0)4(ρ−ρ )φ − 3φ, φ(cid:1), +aa˙θ(3), (2.51) f b 2 i i where we used the New(cid:8)tonian order equati(cid:9)ons(2.47) and (2.49). The relation between β(3)i and the matter variables is obtained from Eqs.(2.19) and (2.45) to be ∂φ, a˙ ∆ β(3)i−β(3)j, −4 i + φ, =16πGa2ρvi, (2.52) f ji ∂t a i (cid:16) (cid:17) where we used the following relation derived from (2.20): ∂φ a˙ θ(3) =3 + φ +β(3)i, , ∂t a i 1(cid:16) (cid:17) 1 σ˜(3) = β(3)i +β(3)j − δ β(3)k, . (2.53) ij 2 ,j ,i 3 ij k Finally,w(cid:0)egivethemater(cid:1)ialequationsuptothefirstPNorder.FromEqs.(2.38) and(2.40),thecontinuityequationand equations of motion become respectively ∂ 1 1 ∂ 1 1 ρa3 1+ a2v2−3φ + ρa3vi 1+ a2v2−3φ +O(c−4)=0, (2.54) ∂t c2 2 ∂xi c2 2 ∂ h n 1(cid:16) 1 (cid:17)oi h∂ n (cid:16)1 1 (cid:17)oi a2vi 1+ a2v2−3φ +vj a2vi 1+ a2v2−3φ ∂t c2 2 ∂xj c2 2 h n (cid:16) 1 (cid:17)oi3 h n (cid:16)∂ (cid:17)oi∂ =−φ,− α(4), + a2v2φ, −a2β(3)j, vj+ (a2β(3)i)+vj (a2β(3)i) +O(c−4). (2.55) i c2 i 2 i i ∂t ∂xj h i The lowest order in these two equations reduces to the Newtonian Eulerian equations of hydrodynamics on the FRW back- ground for a pressureless fluid (Peebles1980), and terms of the order c−2 provide the first PN corrections. For convenience, Eq.(2.55) can berewritten as ∂vi ∂vi a˙ 1 ∂ 1 ∂ 1 +vj +2 vi+ vi a2v2−3φ +vj a2v2−3φ ∂t ∂xj a c2 ∂t 2 ∂xj 2 1 h 1(cid:16)1 (cid:17) (cid:16) ∂ (cid:17)i =− φ, − α(4), +3φφ, +a2v2φ, + (a2β(3)i)+a2vj(β(3)i, −β(3)j, ) +O(c−4). (2.56) a2 i c2a2 i i i ∂t j i h i Eqs.(2.54) and (2.56) are our basic equations for the relativistic Lagrangian approach to the trajectory field of matter fluid elements. WenotethattheaboveequationsdonotcontaintheΛtermexplicitly,exceptintheequationtodeterminetheexpansion law, (2.29). Therefore, they may beused for thecase Λ6=0 as well. Before going into the Lagrangian perturbation theory, we consider linearized theory in the Eulerian picture for PN approximation on the Einstein-de Sitter background (K = Λ = 0). In doing so we remark the order of linear terms of φ/c2 and α(4)/c4, respectively: φ Gρ (al)2 al 2 ∼ b δ∼ δ, c2 c2 ct (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 PN Lagrangian Perturbation Approach in the (3+1) formalism 9 α(4) Gρ (al)2 φ al 4 ∼ b ∼ δ, (2.57) c4 c2 c2 ct (cid:16) (cid:17) where l denotes the characteristic length of a density fluctuation in the comoving frame and we have used Eqs.(2.47) and (2.50). This equation (2.57) means that α(4) may become larger than the quadratic terms of perturbation quantities such as δ2 for fluctuations with scales equivalent to or beyond the horizon scale ct. Therefore, we will leave all linear terms of perturbation quantities in the aboveequations regardless of thepower of c. By linearizing Eqs.(2.54) and (2.56), we get thefollowing equations: ∂ 3φ δ− +vi =0, (2.58) ∂t c2 ,i ∂ (cid:16) a˙ (cid:17) 1 1 1 ∂ vi+2 vi=− φ − α(4) + (a2β(3)i) , (2.59) ∂t a a2 ,i c2a2 ,i ∂t h i where we used the fact that ρ (t)a(t)3 is constant. UsingEqs.(2.47), (2.50) and (2.53), Eq.(2.59) becomes b ∂ a˙ 1 3 ∂2φ a˙ ∂φ vi +2 vi =−4πGρ δ− 4πGρ 2φ+ +3 . (2.60) ∂t ,i a ,i b c2 b c2 ∂t2 a ∂t (cid:18) (cid:19) BysubstitutingEq.(2.58) intoEq.(2.60),wecangettheevolutionequationforthedensitycontrastinourcoordinatesystem: ∂2δ a˙ ∂δ 1 3 a˙ ∂φ +2 −4πGρ δ= 4πGρ ·2φ+ . (2.61) ∂t2 a ∂t b c2 b c2a ∂t Aswewillshowin thenextsection,φremainsconstant duringaperiodwhen thelinear approximationisvalid.Thuswecan integrate Eq.(2.61) to get t 2/3 2 2 δ(x,t)= δ(x,t )+ φ(x) − φ(x), (2.62) t I c2 c2 I (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) where t denotes the initial time and we have considered only the growing mode because the decaying mode (∝ t−1) plays I physically no important role. It is remarked that (δ+2φ/c2) is a gauge invariant quantity in the PN approximation and is guaranteed to be a physical density fluctuation (see Appendix A). In next section we will use Eq.(2.62) as the bridge connecting between the Eulerian perturbation picture and the Lagrangian perturbation picture in order to determine the initial conditions of the first PN displacement vector. 3 LAGRANGIAN PERTURBATION APPROACH TO THE PERTURBED FRW UNIVERSE IN THE FIRST POST-NEWTONIAN APPROXIMATION 3.1 Post-Newtonian Lagrangian evolution equations for the trajectory field In this section our purpose is to construct the complete set of evolution equations for the trajectory field of the the fluid elements in the post-Newtonian approximation by extendingtheformalism in Newtonian theory developed by Buchert. In the following discussion, we only consider gravitational instability on the Einstein-de Sitter background (K=Λ=0) for simplicity: 8 H2(t)= πGρ (t). (3.1) 3 b The generalization to more general FRW background is straightforward and will be presented elsewhere. In theLagrangian description, we concentrate on theintegral curvesx=f(X,t) of the velocity field v(x,t): df ∂f ≡ =v(f,t), f(X,t )≡X, (3.2) dt ∂t I X (cid:12) where X d(cid:12)enote the Lagrangian coordinates which label fluid elements, x are the positions of these elements in Eulerian (cid:12) space at time t,and t is theinitial time when Lagrangian coordinates are defined. It should benoted that we introducethe I Lagrangian coordinates on the comoving coordinates because we have already derived basic equations by using FRW metric defined with the comoving coordinates. As long as the mapping f is invertible, we can give the inverse of the deformation tensor f which is written in terms of variables (X,t): i|j ∂Xi 1 ≡h (X,t)= ǫ ǫ f f , (3.3) ∂xj i,j 2J iab jcd c|a d|b (cid:12)t (cid:12) where(cid:12)(cid:12)J isthedeterminantofthedeformation tensorfi|j,andǫijk isthetotallyantisymmetricquantitywithǫ123 =+1.The comma and the vertical slash in thesubscript denote partial differentiation with respect to theEulerian coordinates and the Lagrangian coordinates, respectively. The following equations are naturally satisfied: (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 10 M. Takada and T. Futamase h f =δ , f h =δ , (3.4) i,k k|j ij i|k k,j ij where δ denotes Kronecker’s delta function. Using theabove equations and thefollowing identities ij d ∂ ∂ ∂ ≡ = +vi , dt ∂t ∂t ∂xi X x t 1 (cid:12)(cid:12)d (cid:12)(cid:12) ∂Xk (cid:12)(cid:12)∂vi(X,t) (cid:12) J(X,t)(cid:12)= (cid:12) , (3.5) J(X,t)dt ∂xi ∂Xk (cid:12)t (cid:12)t (cid:12) (cid:12) thecontinuity equation (2.54) in(cid:12) thePN ap(cid:12)proximation may be written as (cid:12) (cid:12) d 1 ρa3 1+ A(X,t) J(X,t) +O(c−4)=0, (3.6) dt c2 h (cid:16) (cid:17) i where 1 df 2 A(X,t):= a2(t) −3φ(X,t). (3.7) 2 dt (cid:16) (cid:17) Thusthe density field is integrated exactly up to thefirst PN order in theLagrangian pictureas in theNewtonian case: ρ(X,t)a3J(X,t)= 1+ 1A(X,t) −1 ρ◦ (X)a◦3 1+ 1 A◦ (X) +O(c−4), (3.8) c2 c2 (cid:16) (cid:17)◦ (cid:16) (cid:17) where thequantities with ◦ such as a are thequantities at theinitial time tI, and ◦ 1 ◦2◦2 ◦ A(X)= a v (X)−3φ(X), 2 ∆ φ◦ (X)=4πGa◦2 (ρ◦ (X)−ρ◦), X b with∆ beingtheLaplacianwithrespecttotheLagrangiancoordinates.Weshouldremarkthattheρinallequationsbelow X will appear in terms of Jρ. Next we consider the trajectory field f of the pressureless fluid elements in PN approximation. The field f is given by solving Eq.(2.56). Theequations of motion can berewritten formally as d2fi a˙ dfi 1 1 +2 =(N)gi(X,t)+ (PN)gi(X,t)+ (2PN)gi(X,t)+···, (3.9) dt2 a dt c2 c4 where (N)gi, (PN)gi and (2PN)gi denote theacceleration fields in the order c0 ,c−2, and theorder c−4, respectively. By means of theperturbation theory,thetrajectory field given by integrating the aboveequation may be written formally as 1 1 f(X,t)=X +(N)p(X,t)+ (PN)p(X,t)+ (2PN)p(X,t)+···, (3.10) c2 c4 where p denotes thedisplacement vector and thefollowing initial conditions must beimposed byEq.(3.2): (N)p(X,t )=(PN)p(X,t )=···=0. (3.11) I I Now we construct the set of equations to solve the trajectory field f. Likewise as a Newtonian case (Buchert1995), we considerthedivergenceandtherotationofequationsofmotioninPNapproximationwithrespecttotheEuleriancoordinates, respectively. In the Lagrangian picture, the former set becomes basically the evolution equation of the longitudinal part of thetrajectory fieldandthelatterbecomesoneofitstransversepart.First byoperating divergenceonEq.(2.56) with respect to theEulerian coordinates and using Einstein equations in each orderof c, we obtain ∂ d2fi a˙ ∂ dfi +2 ∂xi dt2 a∂xi dt (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 1 ∂ dfidA 1 4 3 =−4πGρ 1+ A +4πGρ − − φ φ +4πG ρ − a2v2+5φ +ρ −a2v2+φ c2 b c2∂xi dt dt c2 a2 ,i ,i 2 b (cid:16) 3 d(cid:17) ∂φ a˙ (cid:20) ∂φ(cid:21) a˙ h n (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:0) (cid:1)o +(v2) φ − a2 + φ −vi ,i + φ +vj β(3)i −β(3)j +O(c−4). (3.12) ,i ,i a2dt ∂t a ∂t a ,i ,i ,j ,i According to the usual procedurenin(cid:16)the Lagran(cid:17)goian form(cid:16)alism, we m(cid:17)odify th(cid:0)e above equation(cid:1)iby using Eqs.(3.2), (3.3) and (3.4) in thefollowing form: 1 d2fi a˙ dfi ǫ ǫ f f +2 2 jab icd c|a d|b dt2 a dt (cid:20) (cid:21) =−4πGa13 ρ◦a◦3 1+ c12 A◦ +4πGρbJ− 21c2ǫjabǫicdfc|afd|b∂X∂j ddftiddAt (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:20) (cid:21) − 1 ǫ ǫ f f f f 2 φ φ + dfl|j dflφ −4πG Jρ −3a2 dfi 2+5φ +Jρ −a2 dfi 2+φ c2J jab kpq c|a d|b c|p d|q a2 |j |k dt dt |k c2 2 dt b dt (cid:26) (cid:27) (cid:20) (cid:26) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:27) (cid:26) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:27)(cid:21) (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000