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Post-Conflict Power-Sharing Agreements: Options for Syria PDF

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Edited by IMAD SALAMEY, MOHAMMED ABU-NIMER, AND ELIE ABOUAOUN P O S T - C O N F L I C T P O W E R - S H A R I N G A G R E E M E N T S OPTIONS FOR SYRIA Post-Conflict Power-Sharing Agreements Imad Salamey • Mohammed Abu-Nimer • Elie Abouaoun Editors Post-Conflict Power- Sharing Agreements Options for Syria Editors Imad Salamey Mohammed Abu-Nimer Institute for Social Justice and Conflict Peacebuilding and Development Resolution Institute Lebanese American University American University Beirut, Lebanon Washington, District of Columbia USA Elie Abouaoun United States Institute of Peace Washington, District of Columbia USA ISBN 978-3-319-60103-8 ISBN 978-3-319-60104-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-60104-5 Library of Congress Control Number: 2017945355 © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2018 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are solely and exclusively licensed by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Cover illustration: © Sergey Pykhonin/Alamy Stock Vector Cover design: Jenny Vong Printed on acid-free paper This Palgrave Macmillan imprint is published by Springer Nature The registered company is Springer International Publishing AG The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland F oreword This edition is composed of several contributions made by international scholars and practitioners, some of whom presented their findings in November 2016 at an international conference for Conflict Mitigation, Dialogue and Reconciliation in Syria hosted by the Lebanese American University (LAU) in collaboration and with the financial support of US Institute of Peace (USIP) and the International Center for Dialogue (KAICIID). The book Post-Conflict Power-Sharing Agreements: Options for Syria targets academic and a general readership, and serves as a guide for policy leaders and diplomats examining innovative approaches to conflict resolu- tion in Syria. The proposition of power-sharing is projected as one of the key aspects for achieving political transition and conflict resolution in Syria. Comparative case study analyses are presented in order to explore power-sharing arrangements that can be applied in the political context of Syria. The book surveys comparative power-sharing models implemented in societies that have faced identity conflicts, with attention given to post- - conflict designs. It analyzes the success and pitfalls of each under different circumstances before adopting a potential model for Syria. Several ques- tions are advanced in order to help guide this research inquiry. What are the post-conflict power-sharing arrangements that have helped yield polit- ical settlements and achieve consensus in deeply divided societies? Which among the set of power-sharing agreements were instrumental in settling protracted armed conflict and providing a platform for dialogue, negotia- tion, and conflict mitigation among the different groups contesting v vi FOREWORD power? Which of these different power-sharing designs might be suitable for Syria? These and other questions are addressed by the different contri- butions provided in this volume. The ability of this work to address the identity-conflict aspects of the war in Syria and assess, from a comparative perspective, various applicable power-sharing possibilities makes this collection stand out as a distinctive undertaking in the field of conflict resolution. Its forward orientation that focuses on the pathways toward conflict mitigation through the potential construction of power-sharing in Syria helps bridge research with practical policy outlooks. It, thus, moves the debate beyond what most published works have offered in terms of conflict mitigation strategies in Syria through projecting possible power-sharing scenarios. Another attractiveness of this work lies in bringing together a multiplic- ity of contemporary and comparative views derived from different interna- tional perspectives. Hence, it places in the hands of the readers and analysts a menu of options derived from an international comparative experience that help inform mediation strategies and political preferences. This will prove critical in the effort to attain a sustainable post-conflict agreement in Syria. C ontents 1 Comparative Post-conflict Power Sharing Models for Syria 1 Imad Salamey, Mohammed Abu-Nimer, and Elie Abouaoun The Dilemma of Post-“Arab Spring” Transition 1 Declining States and Rising Communitarianism 4 The Syrian Conflict and Prospective Resolutions 7 Peacebuilding in Syria 10 Power Sharing as Peacebuilding 13 Comparative Power Sharing Agreements 18 Conclusion 20 References 20 2 Resolving Identity Conflict in the Middle East: A Theoretical Understanding 23 Chahine Ghais Introduction 23 Theoretical Definition of Identity Conflict 25 Resolving Identity Conflict Through Power Sharing 33 The Syrian Conflict and Consociationalism 37 Conclusion 38 References 39 vii viii CONTENTS 3 Bridging Elite and Grassroots Initiatives: The Road to Sustainable Peace in Syria 43 Amal Khoury and Faten Ghosn Introduction 43 The Syrian Conflict: Dilemmas for Mediators 44 Elite Level Process: Power Sharing Arrangements and Non-retributive Justice Measures 46 Political Power Sharing + Non-retributive Justice Initiatives 48 Military Power Sharing + Non-retributive Justice Initiatives 50 Economic Power Sharing + Non-retributive Justice Initiatives 52 Local Level Process: Peacebuilding and Reconciliation 53 Conclusion 57 References 58 4 Peacebuilding in Syria Through Power Sharing: A Study of Possibilities 63 Khairunnisa Aga Introduction 63 The Consociational Model of Power Sharing 66 Peacebuilding and Power Sharing 68 Indian Power Sharing (1947–67) 69 Lebanese Power Sharing (1943–75) 72 Peace Processes Through Power Sharing in Syria 73 Power Sharing Possibilities in Syria 74 Overarching Loyalty 75 External Threat 75 Tradition of Accommodation 76 Small Population and Territory Size 77 Conclusion 77 References 79 5 Women Leading Reconciliation: A Paradigm Shift in Conflict Resolutions 83 Sneha Roy Gender Roles in Peacebuilding 83 Gender Violence in the Syrian Conflict 84 The Existing Debate on Conflict Resolution and Gender 85 Politics, Protection and Privilege 90 The Need for a Paradigm Shift 93 CONTENT S ix Gender Role in Conflict Reconciliation Among the Syrians 94 Conclusions 96 References 99 6 Pathways to Reconciliation in Divided Societies: Islamist Groups in Lebanon and Mali 101 Tine Gade and Morten Bøås Introduction 101 Theological concepts: Meanings and Controversies 102 Reconciliation and Islamist Pathways 103 The Insufficiencies of Classical Approaches 106 Situational Logic and Power Issues 108 The Case of Lebanon: Salafism and the Constraints of Realpolitik 110 The Case of Mali: Global Religious Cleavages  or Local Grievances? 114 Conclusion and Some Tentative Lessons for Reconciliation in Syria 119 References 121 7 Could Partition Be the Way to End the Syrian War? 125 Francisco Salvador Barroso Cortés and Céline Merheb-Ghanem Introduction 125 Burdens and Obstacles for the Success of Desecuritization Strategies 127 The Prospect of Failure for Power Sharing as a Guide to the Desecuritization of Ethnic Conflicts 132 Pros and Cons of a Partition Plan: A New Course of Action Proposed by the International Powers: USA and Russia 137 Final Considerations 142 References 145 8 Ways Forward for Syria 149 Imad Salamey and Samuel Rizk Crisis in Post-Arab Spring National Discourse 149 Conflict Mitigation in Syria 152 Multi-communitarian Consociationalism 153 Power Sharing for Syria: A Reconciliation Pathway 155 x CONTENTS Peacebuilding Prerequisites for Power Sharing Agreements 159 Conclusion: The Challenges Ahead 161 References 163 Bibliography 165 Index 181

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