Possible quantum kinematics. II. Non-minimal case N.A. Gromov Department of Mathematics, 0 1 Komi Science Center UrD RAS 0 Chernova st., 3a, Syktyvkar, 167982, Russia 2 E-mail: [email protected] n a J Abstract 2 2 The quantum analogs of the N-dimensional Cayley-Klein spaces with dif- ferent combinations of quantum and Cayley-Klein structures are described ] h for non-minimal multipliers, which include the first and the second powers of p - contraction parameters in thetransformation of deformationparameter. The h noncommutative analogs of (N − 1)-dimensional constant curvature spaces t a are introduced. Part of these spaces for N = 5 are interpreted as the non- m commutative analogs of (1 + 3) space-time models. As a result the wide [ variety of the quantum deformations of realistic kinematics are suggested. 1 PACS: 02.40.Gh, 02.40.Yy, 04.20.Gz v 8 7 9 1 Introduction 3 . 1 0 Space-time is a fundamental conception that underlines the most significant 0 physical theories. Therefore the analysis of a possible space-time models 1 has the fundamental meaning for physics. In the previous papers [1],[2] : v the noncommutative analogs of the possible commutative kinematics [3] was i X constructed starting from the mathematical theory of quantum groups and r a quantum vector spaces [4]. Cayley-Klein scheme of contractions and ana- lytical continuations was applied to the five dimensional q-Euclidean space. Different combinations of quantum structure and Cayley-Klein scheme was described with the help of permutations σ. The transformation of the deformation parameter z = Jv under contrac- tion is added in the quantum case as compared with the commutative one. The analysis in [1],[2] was confined to the minimal multiplier J, which has the first power multiplication of contraction parameters. This restriction imply that for certain combinations of quantum structure and Cayley-Klein scheme kinematics contractions do not exist. In order to all Cayley-Klein 1 contractions was possible for all permutations σ it is necessary to regard non-minimal multiplier J, which include the first and the second powers of contractionparameters. Inthispaperwefindnon-minimal multipliers forthe general quantum Cayley-Klein spaces (Sec. 2) and describe noncommutative four-dimensional space-time models (Sec. 3). 2 Quantum Cayley-Klein spaces It was shown in the previous paper [1] that the quantum N-dimensional Cayley-Klein space ON(j;σ;C) is characterized by the following commuta- v tion relations of the Cartesian generators (1,σk′) ′ ′ ξ ξ = ξ ξ coshJv −iξ ξ sinhJv, k < m < k , k 6= m, σk σm σm σk σm σk′ (1,σ ) k (1,σm′) ′ ′ ξ ξ = ξ ξ coshJv −iξ ξ sinhJv, m < k < m, k 6= m, σk σm σm σk σm′ σk (1,σ ) m (1) Jv (1,σ )2 [ξ ,ξ ] = 2iǫsinh( )(coshJv)n−kξ2 n+1 + σk σk′ 2 σn+1(1,σk)(1,σk′) sinh(Jv) n +i(coshJv)k+1(1,σk)(1,σk′) m=k+1(coshJv)m((1,σm)2ξσ2m +(1,σm′)2ξσ2m′), X (2) ′ where k,m = 1,2,...,n, N = 2n+1 or N = 2n, k = N +1−k, permuta- tion σ = (σ ,...,σ ) describes definite combination of the quantum group 1 N structure and Cayley-Klein scheme of group contraction. The invariant form under the coaction of the corresponding quantum orthogonal group on the Cayley-Klein space ON(j;σ;C) is written as v (coshJv)n inv(j) = cosh(Jvρ ) ǫ(1,σ )2ξ2 + 1 n+1 σn+1cosh(Jv/2) n + ((1,σk)2ξσ2k +(1,σk′)2ξσ2k′)(coshJv)k−1!. (3) k=1 X The multiplier J in the transformation z = Jv of the deformation pa- rameter need be chosen in such a way that all indefinite relations in com- mutators, which appear under nilpotent values of the contraction param- eters are canceled . As far as multipliers (1,σk) and (1,σk′) enter sym- metrically into the commutators (1),(2), we can put σk < σk′ without loss 2 of generality. Then indefinite relations in commutators (1) take the form (1,σk)(1,σk′)−1 = (σk,σk′), where k = 1,2,...,n for N = 2n + 1 and k = 1,2,...,n−1 for N = 2n. They are eliminated by the multiplier n J0 = (σk,σk′). (4) k=1 [ Ithasthefirst power multiplicationofcontractionparametersandisthemin- imal multiplier, which guarantees the existence of the Hopf algebra structure for the associated quantum group SO (N;j;σ). The analysis in the previous v paper [1] was confined to this minimal case. The “union” of two multipliers is understood as the multiplication of all parameters j , which occur at least in one multiplier and the power of j in k k the “union” is equal to its maximal power in both multipliers, for example, (j j2) (j j ) = j j2j . 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 If we take into account indefinite relations in commutators (2), then we S come to the non-minimal multiplier J, which consist of contraction parame- ters in the first and the second powers. The indefinite relations in commu- tators (2) have the form nm=k+1[(1,σm)2 +(1,σm′)2] = nm=k+1(1,σm)2, (5) P (1,σk)(1,σk′) P(1,σk)2(σk,σk′) k = 1,...,n−1 for even N = 2n and (1,σn+1)+ nm=k+1[(1,σm)2 +(1,σm′)2] = (1,σn+1)+ nm=k+1(1,σm)2, P(1,σk)(1,σk′) (1,σkP)2(σk,σk′) (6) k = 1,...,n for odd N = 2n+1. Let us introduce numbers i = min{σ ,...,σ }, k k+1 n then kth expression in (5) or (6) is equal to (1,i )2 (ik,σk)−2(σk,σk′)−1, ik < σk k = (σk,ik)(ik,σk′)−1, σk < ik < σk′ (1,σk)2(σk,σk′) (σk,σk′)(σk′,ik)2, ik > σk′ and compensative multiplierfor this expression is as follows (ik,σk)2(σk,σk′), ik < σk (k) J1 = (ik,σk′), σk < ik < σk′ (7) 1, ik > σk′. 3 For all expressions in (5) or (6) compensative multiplier J is obtained by 1 (k) the union J = J . Therefore the non-minimal multiplier J in the trans- 1 k 1 formation z = Jv of the deformation parameter is given by S (k) J = J J = J J (8) 0 1 0 1 k [ [ and include the first and the second powers of contraction parameters. The quantum orthogonal Cayley-Klein sphere S(N−1)(j;σ) is obtained v as the quotient of ON(j;σ) by inv(j) = 1. The quantum analogs of the v intrinsic Beltrami coordinates on this quantum sphere are given by the sets of independent right or left generators rσi−1 = ξσiξ1−1, rˆσi−1 = ξ1−1ξσi, i = 1,...,N, i 6= k, σk = 1. (9) Quantum kinematics are realized as quantum orthogonal sphere for N = 5 and certain values of contraction parameters. 3 Quantum kinematics Quantum vector spaces O5(j;σ) are generated by ξ , l = 1,...,5 with com- v σl mutation relations (k = 2,3,4) (1,σ ) 5 ξ ξ = ξ ξ cosh(Jv)−iξ ξ sinh(Jv), σ1 σk σk σ1 σk σ5(1,σ ) 1 (1,σ ) 1 ξ ξ = ξ ξ cosh(Jv)−iξ ξ sinh(Jv), σk σ5 σ5 σk σ1 σk(1,σ ) 5 (1,σ ) 4 ξ ξ = ξ ξ cosh(Jv)−iξ ξ sinh(Jv), σ2 σ3 σ3 σ2 σ3 σ4(1,σ ) 2 (1,σ ) 2 ξ ξ = ξ ξ cosh(Jv)−iξ ξ sinh(Jv), σ3 σ4 σ4 σ3 σ2 σ3(1,σ ) 4 (1,σ )2 [ξ ,ξ ] = 2iξ2 3 sinh(Jv/2), σ2 σ4 σ3(1,σ )(1,σ ) 2 4 [ξ ,ξ ] = 2i ξ2 (1,σ )2cosh(Jv)+(ξ2 (1,σ )2+ σ1 σ5 σ3 3 σ2 2 4 sinh(Jv/2) +ξ2 (1,σ )2)cosh(Jv/2) . (10) σ4 4 !(1,σ1)(1,σ5) By the analysis of the multiplier (8) for N = 5 and commutation re- lations (10) of the quantum space generators we have find three different non-minimal J, namely J = j2j , J = j j2 and J = j2j2. In the first 1 2 1 2 1 2 two cases all different permutations give in result equivalent kinematics, so we can regard only one permutation, say σˆ = (2,1,3,4,5) for J = j2j and 1 2 σˇ = (1,3,2,4,5)forJ = j j2. InthecaseofJ = j2j2 therearefournonequiv- 1 2 1 2 alent quantum kinematics corresponding to the following permutations: σ˜ = (2,3,1,4,5), σ = (3,1,5,2,4), σ = (3,1,2,4,5), σ = (3,2,1,4,5). I II III In order to clarify the relation with the standard Ino¨nu¨–Wigner contrac- tion procedure [5], the mathematical parameter j is replaced by the physical 1 one ˜j T−1, and the parameter j is replaced by ic−1, where the standard de 1 2 Sitter kinematics S(−) with constant negative curvature is realized for ˜j = i 4 1 (+) and anti de Sitter kinematics S with positive curvature is obtained for 4 ˜j = 1. 1 The limit T → ∞ corresponds to the contraction j = ι , and the limit 1 1 c → ∞ corresponds to j = ι . The parameter T is interpreted as the cur- 2 2 vature radius and has the physical dimension of time [T] = [time], the pa- rameter c is the light velocity [c] = [length][time]−1. As far as argument Jv of hyperbolic function must be dimensionless, then the physical dimension of deformation parameter is equal to those of J, i.e. [v] = [J]. For J = j2j 1 2 we obtain [v] = [cT2] = [length][time], for J = j j2 we have [v] = [c2T] = 1 2 [length]2[time]−1 = [length][velocity] and for J = j2j2 the physical dimension 1 2 of the deformation parameter is given by [v] = [c2T2] = [length]2. The generator ξ does not commute with others, therefore it is con- 1 venient to introduce right and left time t = ξ ξ−1,tˆ = ξ−1ξ and space 2 1 1 2 r = ξ ξ−1,rˆ = ξ−1ξ ,k = 1,2,3, generators. The reason for this defini- k k+2 1 k 1 k+2 tionis thesimplification ofexpressions forcommutation relationsofquantum kinematics. It is possible to use only, say, right generators, but its commu- tators are cumbersome in the case of the (anti) de Sitter kinematics. 3.1 Quantum (anti) de Sitter kinematics For σˆ = (2,1,3,4,5) the mathematical multiplier J = j2j is rewritten in the 1 2 form J = ij˜12 = iJˆ. Commutation relations of space and time generators of cT2 5 the (anti) de Sitter kinematics are 1 S4(±)(σˆ) = t,r| tˆr = rˆ tcosJˆv +ir sinJˆv , v ( p p(cid:18) 3c (cid:19) ˜j2 ˜j2 Jˆv cT2 Jˆv tˆr −rˆ t = 2i − 1 rˆ r cosJˆv + 1− 1 rˆ r cos sin , 3 3 c2T2 1 1 c2T2 2 2! 2 ! ˜j2 2 1 cT rˆ r = rˆ cosJˆv −itˆcsinJˆv r , rˆ r = rˆ cosJˆv −itˆ sinJˆv r . p 3 3 p 1 2 2 j˜1 ! 1) (cid:16) (cid:17) (11) The right and left generators are connected as follows 1 ˜j tˆ= tcosJˆv +ir sinJˆv, r = rˆ cosJˆv +ir 1 sinJˆv , 3 1 1 2 c cT ! j˜ Jˆv rˆ −r = 2i 1 rˆ r sin , rˆ = r cosJˆv +itcsinJˆv. (12) 2 2 1 1 3 3 cT 2 For σˇ = (1,3,2,4,5) the mathematical multiplier J = j j2 is rewritten 1 2 in the form J = − j˜1 = −Jˇ. Commutation relations of space and time c2T generators of the (anti) de Sitter kinematics are S4(±)(σˇ) = t,r| rˆt = tˆ r coshJˇv+ir sinhJˇv , v 1 1 2 ( (cid:16) (cid:17) cT tˆr = rˆ coshJˇv +irˆ sinhJˇv t, tˆr = rˆ coshJˇv + sinhJˇv t, 2 2 1 3 3 j˜1 ! (cid:16) (cid:17) Jˇv cT rˆr −r rˆ = 2itˆtc2sinh , rˆ r = rˆ coshJˇv + sinhJˇv r . (13) 1 2 2 1 2 p 3 3 j˜1 ! p) The right and left generators are connected as follows j˜ j˜ t = tˆ coshJˇv − 1 r sinhJˇv , r = rˆ coshJˇv − 1 r sinhJˇv , 3 p p 3 cT ! cT ! 2 j˜2 Jˇv Jˇv rˆ −r = cT tˆtcoshJˇv − 1 (rˆ r +rˆ r )cosh sinh . (14) 3 3 j˜ c2T2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 6 For σ˜ = (2,3,1,4,5) the mathematical multiplier J = j2j2 is rewritten 1 2 in the form J = − j˜12 = −J˜. Commutation relations of space and time c2T2 generators of the (anti) de Sitter kinematics are 1 S4(±)(σ˜) = t,r| tˆr = rˆ tcoshJ˜v −r sinhJ˜v , v ( p p(cid:18) 3c (cid:19) ˜j2 J˜v cT2 J˜v tˆr −rˆ t = −2 coshJ˜v − 1 (rˆ r +rˆ r )cosh sinh , 3 3 " c2T2 1 1 2 2 2 # ˜j2 2 1 c2T2 J˜v rˆ r = rˆ coshJ˜v+tˆcsinhJ˜v r , rˆ r −rˆ r = −2i sinh , (15) p 3 3 p 1 2 2 1 ˜j2 2 ) (cid:16) (cid:17) 1 where k = 1,2,3, p = 1,2. The left and right generators are connected by the relations 1 tˆ= tcoshJ˜v −r sinhJ˜v, rˆ = r coshJ˜v +ir sinhJ˜v, 3 1 1 2 c rˆ = r coshJ˜v −ir sinhJ˜v, rˆ = r coshJ˜v−tcsinhJ˜v. (16) 2 2 1 3 3 For σ = (3,1,5,2,4)commutation relations of space and time generators I of the (anti) de Sitter kinematics are S4(±)(σ ) = t,r| rˆ t = tˆ r coshJ˜v +ir sinhJ˜v , v I 1 1 2 ( (cid:16) (cid:17) T tˆr = rˆ coshJ˜v +irˆ sinhJ˜v , rˆ t = tˆcoshJ˜v +i sinhJ˜v r , 2 2 1 3 ˜j1 ! 3 (cid:16) (cid:17) rˆ r = rˆ r coshJ˜v +ir sinhJ˜v , rˆ r = rˆ coshJ˜v +irˆ sinhJ˜v r , 1 3 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 3 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) ˜j2 ˜j2 J˜v c2T2 J˜v rˆ r −rˆ r = 2i − 1 rˆ r coshJ˜v + 1+ 1 tˆt cosh sinh . 1 2 2 1 " c2T2 3 3 T2 ! 2 # ˜j2 2 ) 1 (17) The left and right generators are connected by the relations rˆ = r coshJ˜v +ir sinhJ˜v, r = rˆ coshJ˜v +irˆ sinhJ˜v, 1 1 2 2 2 1 ˜j ˜j J˜v r = rˆ coshJ˜v +i 1tsinhJ˜v , t−tˆ= 2irˆ r 1 sinh . (18) 3 3 T ! 3 3c2T 2 7 Forσ = (3,1,2,4,5)commutationrelationsofspaceandtimegenerators II of the (anti) de Sitter kinematics are S4(±)(σ ) = t,r| rˆ t = tˆ r coshJ˜v+ir sinhJ˜v , v II 1 1 3 ( (cid:16) (cid:17) cT tˆr = rˆ coshJ˜v +i sinhJ˜v t, tˆr = rˆ coshJ˜v+irˆ sinhJ˜v t, 2 2 ˜j1 ! 3 3 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) rˆ r = rˆ r coshJ˜v +ir sinhJ˜v , rˆ r = rˆ coshJ˜v +irˆ sinhJ˜v r , 1 2 2 1 3 2 3 3 1 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) ˜j2 ˜j2 J˜v c2T2 J˜v rˆ r −rˆ r = 2i 1 tˆtcoshJ˜v + 1− 1 rˆ r cosh sinh . 1 3 3 1 "T2 c2T2 2 2! 2 # ˜j2 2 ) 1 (19) The left and right generators are connected by the relations c J˜v rˆ = r coshJ˜v+ir sinhJ˜v, rˆ = r coshJ˜v +2tˆt˜j sinh , 1 1 3 2 2 1 T 2 ˜j r = rˆ coshJ˜v +irˆ sinhJ˜v, t = tˆcoshJ˜v−tˆr 1 sinhJ˜v. (20) 3 3 1 2 cT For σ = (3,2,1,4,5) commutation relations of space and time genera- III tors of the (anti) de Sitter kinematics are S4(±)(σ ) = t,r| rˆ t = tˆ r coshJ˜v +ir sinhJ˜v , v III 1 1 3 ( (cid:16) (cid:17) cT2 tˆr −rˆ t = −2 sinhJ˜v, tˆr = rˆ coshJ˜v +irˆ sinhJ˜v t, 2 2 ˜j2 3 3 1 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) rˆ r = rˆ r coshJ˜v +ir sinhJ˜v , rˆ r = rˆ coshJ˜v +irˆ sinhJ˜v r , 1 2 2 1 3 2 3 3 1 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) ˜j2 1 J˜v c2T2 J˜v rˆ r −rˆ r = 2i coshJ˜v + 1 tˆt− rˆ r cosh sinh . (21) 1 3 3 1 " T2 (cid:18) c2 2 2(cid:19) 2 # ˜j12 2 ) The left and right generators are connected by the relations rˆ = r coshJ˜v +ir sinhJ˜v, r = rˆ coshJ˜v+ctˆsinhJ˜v, 1 1 3 2 2 1 r = rˆ coshJ˜v +irˆ sinhJ˜v, tˆ= tcoshJ˜v −r sinhJ˜v. (22) 3 3 1 2 c 8 3.2 Quantum Minkowski kinematics ZerocurvaturelimitT → ∞transform(anti)deSitterkinematicstoMinkowski one. For permutations σˆ,σ˜,σ ,σ ,σ left and right space-time generators I II III coincide tˆ= t,rˆ = r and commutation relations take the form k k v M4(σ˜) = t,r| [t,r ] = 0, [t,r ] = − , [r ,r ] = −iv, [r ,r ] = 0, p = 1,2 , v ( p 3 c 1 2 p 3 ) M4(σˆ) = t,r| [t,r ] = 0, [t,r ] = iv, [r ,r ] = 0, i,k = 1,2,3 , v p 3 i k ( ) M4(σ ) = t,r| [t,r ] = 0, [r ,r ] = [r ,r ] = 0, [r ,r ] = iv , v I k 1 3 2 3 1 2 ( ) M4(σ ) = t,r| [t,r ] = 0, [r ,r ] = [r ,r ] = 0, [r ,r ] = iv , v II k 1 2 2 3 1 3 ( ) v M4(σ ) = t,r| [t,r ] = [t,r ] = 0, [t,r ] = − , v III ( 1 3 2 c [r ,r ] = [r ,r ] = 0, [r ,r ] = iv , (23) 1 2 2 3 1 3 ) For permutation σˇ we have tˆ= t,rˆ = r , but rˆ = r − vt2 and Minkowski p p 3 3 c kinematics is given by v M4(σˇ) = t,r| [t,r ] = 0, [t,r ] = t(1−t2), [r ,r ] = 0, v ( p 3 c 1 2 v v [r ,r ] = r (1−t2), [r ,r ] = r (1−t2) . (24) 2 3 2 1 3 1 c c ) M4(σ ) and M4(σ ) are connected by replacement of space generators r v I v II 2 with r and vice-versa, therefore they can be regarded as equivalent kinemat- 3 ics. The same is true for M4(σ˜) and M4(σ ). so we obtain four nonequiv- v v III alent Minkowski kinematics. 9 3.3 Quantum Newton kinematics Newton kinematics are obtained from (anti) de Sitter kinematics by the non- relativistic limit c → ∞ and are characterized by the following commutation relations of generators N4(±)(σ˜) = t,r| [t,r ] = 0, [r ,r ] = −iv, [r ,r ] = 0 , v k 1 2 p 3 ( ) v N4(±)(σˇ) = t,r| [t,r ] = 0, [r ,r ] = i˜j t2, [r ,r ] = 0 , v ( k 1 2 1T p 3 ) ˜j2 N4(±)(σ ) = t,r| [t,r ] = 0, [r ,r ] = [r ,r ] = 0, [r ,r ] = iv 1+ 1 t2 , v I ( k 1 3 2 3 1 2 T2 !) N4(±)(σ ) = N4(±)(σ ) = t,r| [t,r ] = 0, [r ,r ] = [r ,r ] = 0, v II v III k 1 2 2 3 ( ˜j2 [r ,r ] = iv 1+ 1 t2 . (25) 1 3 T2 !) Unlike previous cases, where tˆ = t,rˆ = r , for permutation σˆ the third k k left and right space generators are connected as rˆ = r + i˜j2 v , therefore 3 3 1T2 commutation relations in this case are ˜j2 N4(±)(σˆ) = t,r| [t,r ] = 0, [t,r ] = iv 1+ 1 t2 , v ( p 3 T2 ! v [r ,r ] = −i˜j tr , [r ,r ] = 0 . (26) 1 2 1 1 p 3 T ) Nonequivalent (anti) de Sitter kinematics S4(±)(σ ) and S4(±)(σ ) become v II v III identical one N4(±)(σ ) = N4(±)(σ ) in the non-relativistic limit. N4(σ ) v II v III v I and N4(σ ) are connected by replacement of space generators r with r and v II 2 3 vice-versa, therefore they can be regarded as equivalent kinematics. So there are four nonequivalent Newton kinematics. 3.4 Quantum Galilei kinematics Galilei kinematics can be obtained by the non-relativistic limit c → ∞ of the Minkowski kinematics (23),(24) or by the zero curvature limit T → ∞ of 10