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Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–6(2012) Printed15January2013 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Positron annihilation as a cosmic-ray probe Yutaka Ohira1⋆, Kazunori Kohri1 and Norita Kawanaka2 1Theory Center, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, KEK, 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba 305-0801, Japan 2Racah Institute of Physics, The HebrewUniversity,Jerusalem 91904, Israel 2 1 0 Accepted 2011December 28.Received2011December27;inoriginalform2011November21 2 n a ABSTRACT J Recently, the gamma-ray telescopes AGILE and Fermi observed several middle-aged 4 supernova remnants (SNRs) interacting with molecular clouds. A plausible emission mechanism of the gamma rays is the decay of neutral pions produced by cosmic ray ] (CR)nuclei(hadronicprocesses).However,observationsdonotruleoutcontributions E from bremsstrahlung emission due to CR electrons. TeV gamma-ray telescopes also H observed many SNRs and discovered many unidentified sources. It is still unclear . h whether the TeV gamma-ray emission is produced via leptonic processes or hadronic p processes.InthisLetter,weproposethatannihilationemissionofsecondarypositrons - produced by CR nuclei is a diagnostic tool of the hadronic processes. We investigate o MeV emissions from secondary positrons and electrons produced by CR protons in r t molecular clouds. The annihilation emission of the secondary positrons from SNRs s can be robustly estimated from the observed gamma-ray flux. The expected flux of a [ the annihilation line from SNRs observed by AGILE and Fermi is sufficient for the future Advanced Compton Telescope to detect. Moreover,synchrotron emission from 2 secondarypositrons and electrons and bremsstrahlungemission from CR protons can v be also observed by the future X-ray telescope NuSTAR and ASTRO-H. 0 4 Key words: acceleration of particles – cosmic rays – supernova remnants. 1 4 . 3 0 1 INTRODUCTION TeV gamma-ray emission is produced via inverse Compton 1 scattering of CR electrons (leptonic processes) or hadronic 1 The origin of cosmic rays (CRs) is a longstanding problem : processes. TherearemanyTeV-unIDsources inourgalaxy, v in astrophysics. Supernova remnants (SNRs) are thought and their emission mechanisms are also still unclear. Old i to be the origin of Galactic CRs. The most popular SNR X or middle-aged SNRs are the candidates of the TeV-unID acceleration mechanism is diffusive shock acceleration (e.g. sources(Yamazaki et al.2006;Ohira et al. 2011b).Thus,it r Blandford & Eichler1987).Infact,Fermi andAGILE show a iscrucialtoidentifytheemissionmechanismofgammarays. that middle-aged SNRs (∼ 104 yrsold) interacting with Positronsandneutrinosareproducedinhadronicprocesses. molecular clouds emit GeV gamma rays with broken power On the other hand, they are not produced in leptonic pro- lawspectra(e.g.Abdoet al.2009,2010;Tavani et al. 2010; cesses.1 Therefore,directorindirectdetectionsofthesepar- Giuliani et al.2011)(Hereafter,thesereferencesarereferred ticles will enable us to identify the emission mechanism in to as OBS). Considering a stellar wind before the super- gamma-ray sources. nova explosion, the molecular cloud has been swept away Recently,theCR positron excess hasbeen providedby bythestellarwind.Theinnerradiusofthemolecularcloud PAMELA (Adrianiet al. 2008).Although theorigin of this becomes typically about a few tens of parsecs. Then, the excess has been investigated in many theoretical studies SNR collides with the molecular cloud at typically 104 yrs (Kashiyama et al. 2011; Kawanaka et al. 2010; Ioka 2010, later and the broken power law spectra of GeV gamma and references therein), it still remains unclear. SNRs have rays can be interpreted as the inelastic collision between been discussed as the candidates of the positron sources molecular clouds and CR nuclei that have escaped from (Fujita et al. 2009a; Blasi 2009; Shaviv,Nakar& Piran the SNR (hadronic processes) (Ohira, Murase & Yamazaki 2011a).However,observationsdonotruleoutcontributions from bremsstrahlung emission due to CR electrons (lep- tonic processes). SNRs have been also observed by TeV gamma-ray telescopes, and it is still unclear whether the 1 Strictlyspeaking,leptonicprocessescanproducepositronsvia e−+γ→e−+e−+e+butthisreactionrateissuppressedbythe finestructureconstantcomparedwiththegamma-rayproduction ⋆ E-mail:[email protected] rateofinverseComptonscattering. (cid:13)c 2012RAS 2 Y. Ohira, K. Kohri and N. Kawanaka 2 RELEVANT TIMESCALES 106 In this section, we briefly summarize relevant timescales of 105 CRs in a molecular cloud. Physical quantities of molecular cloudsassociatedwithgamma-raysourceshavenotbeenun- e [ yr ]104 ddeenrsstiotyodisinabdoeutatiln.O=b1s0e2rv−at1io0n3scmsu−g3g,estthethsaiztethiseogfatshneuomrbdeerr al sc of10pc(OBS),andthemagneticfieldinmolecularcloudsis me 103 aboutB=1−100µG(Crutcher et al.2010).InthisLetter, Ti for the molecular cloud we adopt values of the gas number 102 densityn=300cm−3,thesizeRc =30pcandthemagnetic field B = 30µG. We consider ionization and inelastic col- 101 lisions with nuclei as cooling processes of CR protons. On 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 1012 1013 theotherhand,weincludeionization, bremsstrahlung,syn- Kinetic enrgy [ eV ] chrotronemission,andinverseComptonscatteringwiththe cosmic microwave background (CMB) as cooling processes Figure1.TimescalesofinteractionforCRsinamolecularcloud ofsecondarypositronsandelectrons.ForSNRsobservedby withthenumber densityn=300cm−3,the sizeRc =30pcand FermiandAGILE,SNRsinteractwithmolecularcloudsand the magnetic field B = 30µG. The blue and green lines show the expansion of the SNRs is strongly decelerated. There- thecoolingtimesofsecondarypositrons(andelectrons)andCR fore, we heredo not consider theadiabatic cooling. protons, respectively. The red line shows the annihilation time We here define τ = E/E˙ as a cooling time, where cool of positrons. The black solid line shows the diffusion time with E and E˙ are the kinetic energy and the energy loss rate, χ=0.01. respectively.Weadoptan expressionof E˙ forprotonsgiven in Mannheim & Schlickeiser (1994), and that for positrons and electrons given in Strong& Moskalenko (1998). The timescale of direct annihilation of positrons and electrons is represented by 1 τ (E)= , (1) a,± n σ (E)v(E) ∓ a 2009;Biermann et al.2009;Mertsch & Sarkar2009).Hence, where n ,σ and v are the number density of positrons or itisimportanttoobservethepositron productionatSNRs. ± a electrons, the cross section of the annihilation (Dirac 1930) Gamma-ray telescopes showed that the photon flux andthevelocityofsecondaryelectronsorpositrons,respec- above 100MeV from SNRs with an age of about 104yr is F = ∞ dE(dF/dE) = 10−7 − tively. The electron density, n−, is dominated by thermal 10−6photon>s1−010McmeV−2 (ORB1S0)0.MIefVthe gamma rays have a electronsandthepositrondensity,n+,isverysmall,sothat we can neglect theannihilation of secondary electrons. hadronic origin, about the same numbers of positrons are The escape time through diffusion is written by produced. When those positrons lose their energy suffi- ciently, about 80 percent of them would make positro- τ (E)= Rc2 , (2) niums with ambient electrons, and one fourth of them d 4D(E) would decay into two photons with the energy of 511keV where D(E) is the diffusion coefficient. It is notable that (e.g. Prantzos et al. 2010). This means that we can ex- so far thediffusion coefficient around an SNR has not been pect the 511keV photon flux of the order of 10−8 − understoodwell.Thusweassumethediffusioncoefficientin 10−7photons−1cm−2. This flux is sufficiently high for five- molecular clouds to be years observations of the future Advanced Compton Tele- scope (ACT) to detect. D(E)=1028 χv(E) E 0.5cm2s−1 , (3) In this Letter, considering the interaction between c (cid:16)10GeV(cid:17) CR protons and molecular clouds, we estimate anni- where c is the velocity of light. Here χ = 1 might be rea- hilation emission of secondary positrons produced by sonableastheGalacticmeanvalue(Berezinskii et al.1990), the CR protons. We partly refer to analyses of previ- but χ = 0.01 should be preferred in surroundings of SNRs ous works concerning the 511keV line from the Galac- (Fujita et al. 2009b, 2010; Torres et al. 2010; Li & Chen tic center (Agaronyan & Atoyan 1981; Beacom & Yu¨ksel 2010), so that we use χ=0.01 in thisLetter. 2006;Sizun, Cass´e & Schanne2006)andtheGalacticplane In Fig. 1 we show those relevant timescales. The blue (Stecker 1967, 1969), and we apply their treatments to line shows the cooling time of secondary electrons and middle-aged SNRs interacting with molecular clouds. Re- positrons where the synchrotron cooing dominates above cent review of positron annihilation can be found in 100GeV,thebremsstrahlungcoolingdominatesfrom1GeV Prantzos et al. (2010). to100GeV,andtheionization lossdominatesbelow1GeV. We first provide some timescales for CR protons, sec- Thegreen lineshows thecooling timeof CR protons where ondary positrons and electrons inside a molecular cloud the pion production cooing dominate above 1GeV and the (Section 2). We then solve energy spectra of the secondary ionization loss dominates below 1 GeV. CR protons (about positronsandelectrons(Section3)andcalculatetheannihi- 1GeV) producing most positrons do not cool and escape lation line flux as well as the continuum spectrum (Section as long as the SNR age is smaller than the cooling time of 4). Section 5 is devoted to thediscussion. 1GeV protons.Cooling timesofionization, bremsstrahlung (cid:13)c 2012RAS,MNRAS000,1–6 Positron annihilation as a cosmic-ray probe 3 100 negligible, sothatweneglectthediffusionescape.Thenthe solution for secondary positrons and electrons, f , can be 10-2 ± expressed by s ] 10-4 arbitrary unit 111000-1--860 f±(t,E) = |E˙(1E)|ZEE0(t,E)dǫ Q±ǫ(t′,dǫǫ)′ E) ) [ 10-12 ×exp(cid:18)−ZE τa,±|E˙|(cid:19) , (5) Log( f( 1100--1164 where t′ is time for cooling from E0 to ǫ, and defined by 10-18 t′= E0 dǫ′ =t− ǫ dǫ′ , (6) 10-20 Zǫ |E˙(ǫ′)| ZE |E˙(ǫ′)| 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 1012 1013 and E (t,E) is the initial energy of positrons or electrons Kinetic energy [ eV ] 0 before they cool to E and definedby Figure 2. Energy spectra of CR protons, secondary positrons E0 dǫ andelectrons fors=2.8andnt=2.8×1014cm−3s.Thegreen, Z |E˙(ǫ)| =t . (7) red and blue lines show CR protons, secondary positrons and E electronsspectra, respectively. Wecanneglecttheannihilation lossforsecondaryelectrons because thetimescale is muchlonger than the SNRage. Using the code provided by Kamae et al. (2006); emission andinelastic collision areinverselyproportionalto Karlsson & Kamae(2008),wecalculatesecondarypositrons thegasdensity.Therefore,spectralevolutionsofallCRsbe- andelectronssourcespectra,Q ,andthegamma-rayspec- ± low1GeVdependsononlythedensity.Theblacklineshows trum produced by decaying unstable hadrons such as pions the escape time due to diffusion with χ=0.01. The escape and kaons. In addition, for the high-energy electron source of secondary electrons and positrons is negligible compared Q , we consider knock-on electrons produced by Coulomb − with theenergy loss. collisions with CR protons (Abraham,Brunstein & Cline The typical energy of positrons produced by the CR 1966). The knock-on electrons contribute somewhat to the protons is about E ∼ 100MeV (Murphy 1987). Then its t continuumemission as bremsstrahlung emission. cooling timeis about 3×104(n/300cm−3)−1yr.Therefore, To obtain the source term of secondary positrons SNRswith an age longer than its cooling time can produce and electrons Q (t,E), we need to calculate the spectral ± lowenergypositrons.Oncepositronshavecooledto100eV, evolution of CR protons. CR protons are injected from theyformpositroniumsthroughchargeexchange.Thereare SNRs to molecular clouds in an energy-dependent way four possible spin configurations of the positroniums. One (Ohira, Murase & Yamazaki 2010). Moreover, the diffusion of them has the total spin 0 (singlet) and the three others escape from molecular clouds should be considered for CR have the total spin 1 (triplet). The singlet state produces protons above 10GeV (see Fig. 1). However, we do not 511keV linephotons,andthetripletstateproducescontin- needtocalculate theprecisespectrumofCRprotonsabove uum photons below 511keV. Because both the singlet and 1GeV because thanks to AGILE and Fermi, we have al- the triplet state are produced at the same rate, one fourth ready known spectra of CR protons above 1GeV. That is, of positroniums can decay into two 511keV line photons. we do not need to calculate the spectral evolution due to It is remarkable that the annihilation time is approxi- thediffusion escape for CR protons.On theotherhand,we mately 10 times longer than the cooling time of positrons have to calculate the evolution of the spectrum of CR pro- at around 10−100MeV. Then while the positron is being tonsbelow1GeVbecausegamma-rayspectradonottellus cooled, approximately 10–20 percent of positrons directly thespectrumofCRprotonsbelow1GeV.Furthermore,the annihilatewithelectrons.Theyproducecontinuumphotons injectionofCRprotonsisthoughttostopwhenSNRshock above 511keV. collides with molecular clouds (Ohira et al. 2011a), that is, the injection of CR protons stopped of the order of 104yrs ago.Therefore,weassumethatCRprotonsareinjectedasa 3 ENERGY SPECTRA OF SECONDARY deltafunctionintimeandaneffectivesteep-spectrum,Q , CR POSITRONS AND ELECTRONS instead of neglecting thediffusion escape In this section, to calculate the photon spectrum from sec- QCR(t,E)=qCR(E)δ(t) , (8) ondarypositronsandelectronsproducedbyCRprotons,we where q (E) is calculateenergyspectraofpositronsandelectrons,f (t,E). CR ± An evolution of CR spectra is described by q (E)∝ E+m c2 E E+2m c2 −1+2s , (9) CR p p ∂f + ∂ E˙(E)f + f + f =Q(t,E) , (4) where m (cid:0)is the prot(cid:1)on(cid:8)m(cid:0)ass. This ex(cid:1)p(cid:9)ression gives an in- ∂t ∂E τ (E) τ (E) p (cid:0) (cid:1) a d jection term of p−s, where p is the momentum of the CR where Q(t,E) is the source term of CRs, the third and the proton.ObservationsshowthatspectraofCRprotonshave fourth terms of the left hand side are sink terms due to broken power-law forms and the spectral index above the annihilation and diffusion, respectively.As shown in Fig. 1, breakiss=2.7−2.9exceptforW44(OBS).InthisLetter, thediffusionescapeforsecondaryelectronsandpositronsis weadoptthesinglepowerlawwiths=2.8(Thisassumption (cid:13)c 2012RAS,MNRAS000,1–6 4 Y. Ohira, K. Kohri and N. Kawanaka doesnotaffectthefluxoftheannihilationlinesignificantly). 103 Then,thesolutiontoequation(4)forCRprotons,f ,can CR beexpressed by 102 fCR(t,E)= E˙(EE˙0((Et,)E))qCR(E0(t,E)) . (10) -2-1m s ] 101 c V As mentioned in previous section, the cooling of CRs be- e low 1GeV dependson only thedensity.Hence,thesolution E [ 100 d (equation (10)) dependson only nt. F/ d 2 To calculate source terms of secondary electrons and E 10-1 positrons, Q (t′,E), in equation (5), we approximately use ± the present spectrum of CR protons, f (t,E), by chang- CR ingQ±(t′,E)intoQ±(t,E)inequation(5).Thisisbecause 10-2104 105 106 107 CR protons (about 1GeV) producing most positrons do Photon energy [ eV ] not cool and escape for SNRs observed by Fermi and AG- ILE.Thesolutionforthesecondarypositronsandelectrons (equation (5)) depends on only nt below 100GeV. Here- Figure 3. Photon spectrum from an SNR with F>100MeV = 10−6photons−1cm−2,nt= 2.8×1014cm−3s and s=2.8. The after, we use nt as the parameter to describe the system black dashed line shows the total spectrum. The red, blue and (for example, nt= 2.8×1014cm−3s for n=300cm−3 and green lines show the annihilation spectrum, the bremsstrahlung t=3×104yr).Afterthecooling timeof CR protonsabove spectrum from secondary positrons and electrons, and the 1GeV(nt>1.9×1015cm−3s),allCRshavealreadycooled bremsstrahlungspectrumfromCRprotons,respectively. and we do not expect any emission. In Fig. 2 we show the energy spectra of the CR pro- tons, secondary positrons and electrons given in equations 100 (5) and (10), where s = 2.8,nt = 2.8 ×1014cm−3s. For CR protons (green line), the spectrum below 100MeV is modified from the initial spectrum qCR(E) by ionization. eV10-1 M The electron spectrum (blue lines) is dominated by knock- 0 0 1 on elAectsrtoenasdyb-esltoawte10soMluetVio.n is obtained by changing E0 / FeV>10-2 to infinity in equation (5). The steady-state spectrum of 1k 1 5 positrons below the typical energy of the source term Et is F 10-3 approximately obtained by using the following approxima- tion. 10-4 Q+(E)=q+δ(E−Et) , (11) 1013 1014 1015 nt [ cm-3 s ] where q is the total production number of the secondary + positrons per unit time. Then, the steady-state spectrum below Et is given by Figure 4. The line shows F511keV/F>100MeV as a function of ntfors=2.8. q Et dǫ′ f (E)= + exp − . (12) + |E˙(E)| (cid:18) Z τ |E˙|(cid:19) E a,+ Q (t)=|E˙(100 eV)|f (t,100 eV) . (13) Ps + Onefourthofpositroniumsdecayintotwo511keVphotons. 4 RADIATION SPECTRUM Thus the photon flux of the 511keV line, F , is given 511keV by In this section, we calculate the radiation spectrum from secondarypositronsandelectronsatnt=2.8×1014cm−3s. F (t)= QPs(t) . (14) In this case, primary CR electrons are negligible as 511keV 8πd2 long as the ratio of primary CR electrons to CR pro- where d is the source distance. The line width of the anni- tons is K < 0.01 (see Fig. 2). We calculate syn- hilation lineof positroniums emitted from molecular clouds ep chrotronemission,inverseComptonemissionwithCMBand is 6.4keV (Guessoum, Jean & Gillard 2005). Wehere use a bremsstrahlungemissionfromsecondarypositronsandelec- Gaussianprofilewiththe6.4keVwidthasthelinestructure. trons(Strong, Moskalenko & Reimer2000),bremsstrahlung Fig. 3 shows the photon spectrum normalized so as emission from CR protons (Schuster& Schlickeiser 2003), to make F = 10−6photons−1cm−2, where nt = >100MeV and annihilation emission from secondary positrons (e.g. 2.8×1014cm−3sand s=2.8. Weagain notethat thiscon- Sizun et al. 2006). Energy spectra of secondary positrons ditionistypicalformiddle-aged SNRsobservedbygamma- and electrons, obtained from equation (5), are shown in ray telescopes. Annihilation emission (red line) dominates Fig. 2. at aroundthe511keV range. Itis notablethat synchrotron When positrons cool to ∼ 102eV, they form positron- emission and inverseCompton emission with CMB induced iums through charge exchange. The production rate of the by secondary positrons and electrons do not contribute in positroniums, Q , is obtained by the energy range of Fig. 3. Moreover, synchrotron emission Ps (cid:13)c 2012RAS,MNRAS000,1–6 Positron annihilation as a cosmic-ray probe 5 by secondary positrons and electrons depends on the mag- studiesforCRcompositionsarealsoremarkable(Ahn et al. netic field, the maximum energy of CR protons and the 2010; Ohira & Ioka 2011) spectral index of CR protons (s). Bremsstrahlung emission The spectra of secondary positrons and electrons pro- of CR protons (green line) also depends on s. Note that duced by CR protons are different from a single power law bremsstrahlungemission of CR protonscan beobservedby because of their cooling and injection spectra (see Fig. 2). the future X-ray telescope, NuSTAR (Harrison et al. 2005) The spectra of secondary positrons and electrons below and ASTRO-H(Takahashi et al. 2010). 100MeV would become harder than the CR proton spec- For the estimation of the annihilation line, we can ne- trumaround1GeV.Thenumberofsecondarypositronsand glect theescape loss aslong as τ <τ for E <100MeV. electrons can be larger than that of primary CR electrons cool d Moreover,mostpositronsarecooledbytheionizationlossas when the SNR age is larger than about 10 percent of the longasB <1mG(n/300cm3)1/2,sothatthemagneticfield cooling time of CR protons due to the inelastic collision. (B),thesizeofmolecularclouds(R )andthenormalization EvenwhenthenumberoftheprimaryCRelectronsislarger c of the diffusion coefficient (χ) are not important. Hence, thanthatofsecondarypositronsandelectrons,thespectrum the ambiguity of the annihilation line is only nt. Fig. 4 is affected by thecooling. These cooling effects of positrons showsthefluxratio,F /F ,asafunctionofnt, and electrons might be a reason why radio spectra are dif- 511keV >100MeV where s = 2.8. The ratio does not depend on the number ferent from expected from gamma-ray spectra observed by ofCRsandthedistance.Thefluxratio,F /F , Fermi (Uchiyamaet al. 2010). However, the radio emission 511keV >100MeV becomes constant after nt = 2.8×1014cm−3s because al- from SNRs may be originated from inside the SNR, but mostallpositronshavecooledto100eVbythattime.From observed gamma rays may be originated from outside the Fig. 4 we expect F ∼ 10−7photoncm−2s−1 from SNR.Thatis,adifferentcomponentmayproducetheradio 511keV SNRs with nt = 1014 −1015cm−3s and with F ∼ emission. We may have to build more detailed models to >100MeV 106photoncm−2s−1. The expected flux of the annihilation comparethetheoryandobserveddateinfuture.Itisanin- line, F , can be sufficient for five-yearsobservations of teresting future work to compare between observations and 511keV ACTtodetect(Boggs et al.2006).Thereforewecanexpect thetheory for individualSNRs. to detect the annihilation line of secondary positrons pro- ducedbytheCR protonsinSNRsobservedbyAGILE and Fermi. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank K. Ioka for useful comments. This work is sup- ported in part by grant-in-aid from the Ministry of Educa- 5 DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY tion, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) of InthisLetter,wehaveinvestigatedtheMeVemission spec- Japan, No. 21684014 (Y. O.), No. 22740131 (N. K.). K.K. trumduetoCRprotonsfromSNRsinteractingwithmolec- was partly supported by the Center for the Promotion of ularclouds.Wefoundthatfortypicalmiddle-agedSNRsob- Integrated Sciences (CPIS) of Sokendai, and Grant-in-Aid served by AGILE and Fermi, secondary positrons can cool forScientificResearch on Priority AreasNo.18071001, Sci- toanenergysufficienttomakepositroniums.Wecalculated entificResearch(A)No.22244030 andInnovativeAreasNo. annihilation emission of the positrons and other emissions. 21111006. The expected flux of the annihilation line is sufficient for the future gamma-ray telescope, such as ACT, to detect. Therefore, we propose that annihilation emission from sec- REFERENCES ondary positrons is a important tool as a CR probe. 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