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de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics 26 Editors Ο. H. Kegel, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg V. P. Maslov, Academy of Sciences, Moscow W. D. Neumann, The University of Melbourne, Parkville R.O.Wells, Jr., Rice University, Houston de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics 1 The Analytical and Topological Theory of Semigroups, Κ. H. Hofmann, J. D. Lawson, J. S. Pym (Eds.) 2 Combinatorial Homotopy and 4-Dimensional Complexes, H. J. Baues 3 The Stefan Problem, A. M. Meirmanov 4 Finite Soluble Groups, K. Doerk, T. O. Hawkes 5 The Riemann Zeta-Function, A. A. Karatsuba, S. M. Voronin 6 Contact Geometry and Linear Differential Equations, V. E. Nazaikinskii, V. E. Shatalov, B. Yu. Stemin 7 Infinite Dimensional Lie Superalgebras, Yu. A. Bahturin, A. A. Mikhalev, V. M. Petrogradsky, Μ. V. Zaicev 8 Nilpotent Groups and their Automorphisms, Ε. I. Khukhro 9 Invariant Distances and Metrics in Complex Analysis, M. Jarnicki, P. Pflug 10 The Link Invariants of the Chern-Simons Field Theory, E. Guadagnini 11 Global Affine Differential Geometry of Hypersurfaces, A.-M. Li, U. Simon, G. Zhao 12 Moduli Spaces of Abelian Surfaces: Compactification, Degenerations, and Theta Functions, K. Hulek, C. Kahn, S. H. Weintraub 13 Elliptic Problems in Domains with Piecewise Smooth Boundaries, S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Plamenevsky 14 Subgroup Lattices of Groups, R. Schmidt 15 Orthogonal Decompositions and Integral Lattices, A. I. Kostrikin, PH. Tiep 16 The Adjunction Theory of Complex Projective Varieties, M. C. Beltrametti, A. J. Sommese 17 The Restricted 3-Body Problem: Plane Periodic Orbits, A. D. Bruno 18 Unitary Representation Theory of Exponential Lie Groups, H. Leptin, J. Ludwig 19 Blow-up in Quasilinear Parabolic Equations, A.A. Samarskii, V.A. Galaktionov, S. P. Kurdyumov, A. P. Mikhailov 20 Semigroups in Algebra, Geometry and Analysis, Κ. H. Hofmann, J. D. Lawson, Ε. B. Vinberg (Eds.) 21 Compact Projective Planes, H. Salzmann, D. Betten, Τ. Grundhöf er, Η. Hühl, R. Löwen, M. Stroppel 22 An Introduction to Lorentz Surfaces, Τ. Weinstein 23 Lectures in Real Geometry, F. Broglia (Ed.) 24 Evolution Equations and Lagrangian Coordinates, A. M. Meirmanov, V. V. Pukhnachov, S. I. Shmarev 25 Character Theory of Finite Groups, B. Huppert Positivity in Lie Theory: Open Problems Editors Joachim Hilgert Jimmie D. Lawson Karl-Hermann Neeb Ernest B.Vinberg W DE _G Walter de Gruyter · Berlin · New York 1998 Editors Joachim Hilgert Jimmie D. Lawson Karl-Hermann Neeb Ernest Β. Vinberg Institut für Mathematik Dept. of Mathematics Mathematisches Institut Chair of Algebra Technische Universität Louisiana State University Universität Erlangen- Dept. of Mechanics Clausthal Baton Rouge, LA 70803 Nürnberg & Mathematics 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld USA 91054 Erlangen Moscow State University Germany Germany 119899 Moscow, Russia 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 17Bxx, 17Cxx, 20Gxx, 20Mxx, 22Exx, 32Exx, 43-XX, 52-XX, 60Bxx, 93-XX Keywords: Causality, compression semigroups, conformal geometry, control systems, discrete series represen- tations, exponential function, harmonic analysis, holomorphic representations, invariant cones, Jordan algebras, Lie algebras, Lie semigroups, linear monoids, one-parameter groups of probabi- lity measures, reductive groups, reproducing kernels, singular representations, spherical functions, Stein manifolds, symmetric spaces, total positivity, tube domains © Printed on acid-free paper which falls within the guidelines of the ANSI to ensure permanence and durability. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Positivity in Lie theory : open problems / editors, J. Hilgert . .. [et al.]. p. cm. — (De Gruyter expositions in mathematics, ISSN 0938-6572 ; 26) Includes index. ISBN 3-11-016112-5 (alk. paper) 1. Lie groups. I. Hilgert, Joachim. II. Series. QA387.P68 1998 512'.55-dc21 98-6433 CIP Die Deutsche Bibliothek — Cataloging-in-Publication Data Positivity in Lie theory : open problems / ed. J. Hilgert ... - Berlin ; New York : de Gruyter, 1998 (De Gruyter expositions in mathematics ; 26) ISBN 3-11-016112-5 © Copyright 1998 by Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co., D-10785 Berlin. All rights reserved, including those of translation into foreign languages. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Typeset using the authors' TßX files: I. Zimmermann, Freiburg Printing: Arthur Collignon GmbH, Berlin. Binding: Lüderitz & Bauer GmbH, Berlin. Cover design: Thomas Bonnie, Hamburg. Preface In December 1996 the Mathematical Research Institute at Oberwolfach hosted a con- ference on Positivity in Lie Theory in which many of the main contributors to this rapidly developing area discussed recent results and interesting open problems. A characteristic feature of the field is that notions of positivity in Lie theory occur in quite diverse settings, are motivated by a wide variety of problems and applications, and are approached from quite varying mathematical viewpoints. While this diversity is attractive for the specialists who work on these problems, it is often difficult for newcomers to the field to see the relation between the various aspects and to pick the right problems. The participants of the Oberwolfach meeting decided to put together a collection of problems with commentary that would serve as an invitation and a guide to the field. The result of this joint effort is the present book. In each chapter the reader is introduced to a specific open problem or circle of problems that the author considers important for further development. The level of presentation is chosen in such a way that a graduate student with a sound knowledge of basic Lie theory should be able to grasp the gist of the problem. The main definitions are explained, preliminary results are quoted, and the relevant references are listed. Moreover, the authors often tried to formulate smaller problems that might serve as guidelines to the main problems. To make sure that this book does not loose its value too quickly if certain problems get solved, a website has been set up under http://lie.math.tu-clausthal.de/~Hilgert/Problembook where known solutions will be announced and preprints can be made available. The scope of the field. We briefly describe the scope of the field we call "Positivity in Lie Theory". In chronogeometry one considers causal structures which consist of a continuous choice of one half of the double cone of timelike vectors on a Lorentzian manifold. The chosen cone is the positive or forward light cone. Then a central problem of chronogeometry is to decide which pairs of points can be connected by causal curves, i.e., curves with derivatives in the forward light cone. In geometric control theory one models the states of a system by the points of a differentiable manifold and the controls by a set of (control) vector fields on the manifold. A typical problem for the theory is the problem of controllability, where one wants to describe the set of states of a system reachable in positive time from some fixed state with a given set of controls. Such questions lead to a manifold of states and a set of (control) vector fields on the manifold. Many important features of the control vector fields are encoded in the convex cones spanned by the vector fields in the tangent spaces. In this way one again arrives at the concept of a general cone field or "causal structure" on a manifold and the associated causal order. vi Preface If a group acts differentiably on a manifold one asks for invariant causal structures and considers the subset of the group leaving invariant the causal future. In this way one finds the "future" semigroup, which can be viewed as a "dynamical polysystem," a control theoretic analog of the one-parameter semigroups describing a dynamical system. Thus semigroups play an important role in positivity questions related to causal and control structures. Following the basic strategy of Lie theory one studies causal structures via their in- finitesimal objects. This leads to the study of convex cones with invariance conditions in Lie algebras or more general representation spaces. It turns out that invariant cones in Lie algebras also play an important role in representation theory where they show up in dissipativity conditions on the spectrum of the operators representing the Lie algebra. This connection also leads to complex analysis via the possibility of finding holomorphic extensions of unitary representations and at the same time yields tools to study certain Stein domains. In the study of general homogeneous spaces another manifestation of positivity appears in the form of "compression" semigroups associated to distinguished open subsets associated with various classes of homogeneous manifolds. Here to any subset of the manifold one considers the semigroup of transformations carrying this set into itself. Important examples that occur naturally in questions of control theory, harmonic analysis and complex geometry can be found in flag manifolds. Important classes of compression semigroups arise in complex analysis where one studies actions of real groups G on complex manifolds Μ by biholomorphic mappings. In many important cases, such as the action of the automorphism group of a bounded symmetric domain, the action of the real group extends to a holomorphic action of a certain complex semigroup S by integrating the corresponding flows also for positive imaginary time. The holomorphic action of the complex semigroup S and its holomorphic representation theory now can be used to study the complex geometry of Μ with respect to the action of G. This correspondence ties up complex geometry and representation theory in a quite subtle way. The classical positivity concepts for matrices have been generalized in various ways. In harmonic analysis and representation theory one considers positive definite functions and kernels. On the other hand the notion of a totally positive matrix has been generalized from GL(n, M) to arbitrary real reductive groups. Finally a generalization of a toric variety, the Zariski closures of a linear algebraic group, which again turns out to be a semigroup, has been considered. Semigroups of this type are of a quite different character, however, than those associated with an infinitesimal cone of generators. These examples show that the link between the topics treated under the heading of "positivity" in Lie theory is the presence of orderings at the level of manifolds, semigroups at the level of groups, and cones at the level of vector spaces and Lie algebras. Preface vii Recent developments. The problems described in this book primarily reflect recent developments. The intensive work during the eighties on the structure of subsemi- groups of Lie groups as well as semigroup closures of linear algebraic groups laid the foundation for more specialized and application-oriented research conducted in recent years. New results on structure theory of Lie semigroups and causal spaces are now usually motivated by and obtained in the context of either control theory, harmonic analysis or representation theory. Harmonic analysis. A major undertaking at the moment is the study of various types of Hardy spaces associated to symmetric spaces with invariant causal struc- tures. It has its origins in the "Gelfand-Gindikin Program" launched in 1977 with the goal of developing a new approach to the Plancherel Theorem for semisimple Lie groups by grouping irreducible representations together into geometrically constructed "chunks." The way to construct these geometric pieces is to consider G-invariant do- mains in the complexification of G and boundary values of holomorphic functions (or more general objects). Hardy spaces for causal symmetric spaces live on (curved) tube domains modelled on invariant cones, and yield the so called holomorphic discrete series. They are a first successful attempt to give content to the Gelfand-Gindikin Program for semisimple symmetric spaces. It is an open problem (even in the group case) to construct cohomological Hardy spaces for the "non-convex" tube domains. New light is shed on this problem through the use of Jordan algebras. It opens the way to compare the "curved" Hardy spaces with classical families of Hardy spaces on "linear" tube domains. The contributions of W. BERTRAM, J. FARAUT, S. GlNDIKIN and G. 0LAFSSON all deal with different aspects of this circle of questions. Whereas FARAUT and 0LAFSSON concentrate more on the harmonic analysis of causal sym- metric spaces in which convex cones play a central role, W. BERTRAM explains the setting in which one can transcend the causal situation using Jordan algebra techniques involving also non-convex cones and generalized conformal structures. GlNDIKIN ex- posits his philosophy of generalized conformal structures in the context of complex analysis, in particular, Stein spaces. Another very active field is the study of spherical functions on ordered symmetric spaces. Originally motivated by the study of integral operators in scattering theory respecting causality, it has developed into a mature theory parallel to Harish-Chandra's treatment of Riemannian symmetric spaces. Very interesting new phenomena which have no parallel in the Riemannian setting are emerging in the case of non-reductive causal symmetric spaces. These aspects are also touched upon in the articles of FARAUT and 0LAFSSON. Representation theory. A central question in the representation theory of semisimple groups is the construction of the inner products for Harish-Chandra modules, known to be unitarizable. Positivity methods are a powerful tool to attack this question for the class of highest weight representations. In the special case of representations with scalar lowest ÄT-type they already yield a construction of the Hilbert space structure based on Kirillov's orbit method. It is to be expected that they also give new insights in viii Preface the general case. Problems related to the construction of Hilbert spaces carrying singu- lar unitary representations are contained in the chapters written by V. F. MOLCHANOV and Yu. NERETIN. Representation theory of Lie semigroups plays an important role in the study of Hardy spaces, spherical functions and unitarizable highest weight representations, but these examples do not exhaust its potential. A key feature of the holomorphic representation theory of complex semigroups is that it can be viewed as a technique extending the method of Fourier expansion - a central tool in the realm of compact groups - by more general desintegration methods available for representations of complex semigroups which are based on highest weight representations. So far these techniques are well developed for representations by bounded operators on Hilbert spaces. The contribution of K.-H. NEEB describes a circle of ideas aiming at an extension of this theory to certain unbounded representations on more general Banach spaces. An important step in this direction is a better understanding of spaces of holomorphic functions on complex semigroups and in particular a description of a good convolution algebra of holomorphic functions. The articles of S. GLNDIKIN and Yu. NERETIN deal with the converse problem of using complex analytic methods to obtain interesting representations of real groups. These two aspects of the theory illustrate quite well that there are many bridges between complex analysis and representation theory that should be explored in the future. These bridges are most clearly visible for group actions on complexifications of causal symmetric spaces which often serve as model cases. Convex cones in Lie algebras which are invariant under the adjoint action have played an important role in the development of Lie semigroup theory and its appli- cations to representation theory and harmonic analysis. Later one also considered convex cones in the tangent space of a symmetric space invariant under the isotropy representation of the stabilizer group. In both these cases one has a fairly complete picture. Much less is known for the general case of convex cones left invariant by an arbitrary linear group action. J. HILGERT and K.-H. NEEB give an overview what is known in general and present a series of suggestions for attacking the problem of classifying invariant cones in real representations other than the adjoint representation. Control theory. Concepts and methods from Lie theory play an important role in various aspects of geometric control theory. Typically in this approach to control theory one models the states of a system as points on a smooth manifold and the controls of the system as vector fields on the manifold. This set of controls may be viewed as a "dynamical polysystem," and in studying such questions as reachability and controllability, one is interested in the "forward semigroup" generated by finite compositions of positive time phase transitions from the flows corresponding to the given vector fields. This semigroup is in general infinite dimensional, but for a number of interesting problems arising from mechanics or other problems demonstrating a high degree of symmetry, the semigroup in question is both finite dimensional and an infinitesimally generated subsemigroup of a Lie group. In this case the problem at hand can often be pulled back to an equivalent problem on the Lie group, and Preface ix the methods of Lie group and Lie semigroup theory can be applied. The most typical class of problems arising in this context concerns the so-called bilinear control systems, which can be interpreted as control systems on matrix groups in which the vector fields in question are right-invariant. These systems and related problems are discussed in the contribution of F. COLONIUS, W. KLIEMANN and L. SAN MARTIN. For studying reachable sets, investigators have found the notion of the Lie saturate of a set of vector fields useful (where the Lie saturate is the largest collection of vector fields having the same closed reachable sets). These Lie saturates are closely connected to Lie wedges, the appropriate tangent objects of Lie semigroups in the Lie algebra in the finite dimensional setting. The invariant cone fields on coset spaces of Lie groups, which are a prevalent aspect of positivity in Lie groups, are an important special case of the typical setting postulated in the non-smooth approach to control theory. The Pontryagin Maximum Principle has sharpened and simplified versions for the setting of Lie groups, which makes sharper results available and also sometimes facilitates calculations. Conversely the concepts and methods of geometric control theory have proved to be useful tools in the development of the Lie theory of semigroups. We mention some important examples of this interaction between geometric con- trol theory and Lie semigroup theory. Questions of controllability on a Lie group are closely related to a knowledge of the maximal subsemigroups of the Lie group, since a subset of the Lie algebra of a group G viewed as a dynamical polysystem of right invariant vector fields on G is controllable if and only if it is not contained in the Lie tangent wedge (the appropriate tangential object in the Lie algebra) of a maximal subsemigroup. Substantial progress has been made in understanding the maximal subsemigroups, although they have only been characterized in the solvable case. In the case of semisimple Lie groups with finite center the maximal subsemigroups arise as compression semigroups of certain open domains in the flag manifolds of the Lie group. These open domains can be typically located in a "big cell" associated to a Bruhat decomposition of the Lie group and hence pulled back to an open domain in one of the nilpotent algebras associated with the Bruhat decomposition. The article of D. MlTTENHUBER considers the construction of compression semigroups from such a viewpoint. The asymptotic behavior of a constant linear dynamical system is determined by the spectrum of the coefficient matrix. As one moves to the study of analogous prob- lems in time-varying and control systems, generalizations of these ideas are needed. Recent developments and open problems in this direction are discussed in the arti- cle of F. COLONIUS, W. KLIEMANN, and L. SAN ΜΑΚΉΝ. Instead of one-parameter semigroups, one now has multi-parameter semigroups to consider. Varying notions of spectrum and the theory of Lyapunov exponents replace the classical matrix spectrum. The eigenspaces are replaced by control sets, maximal sets on which the semigroup (almost) acts transitively. Various other aspects. A classical problem in probability theory is the embedding of a probability measure on a locally compact group into a one-parameter semigroup of probability measures. As is explained in M. McCRUDDEN's contribution the last χ Preface years have seen impressive progress on this problem, but the problem is also a source of rather subtle Lie theoretic questions. A related question is the identification of those elements in a connected Lie group which lie on a one-parameter group. These are precisely the elements in the image of the exponential mapping. Major results and open problems related to the image of the exponential map are presented by D. ©OKOVIC and Κ. H. HOFMANN. The theory of algebraic semigroups has been developed since 1980. It weds the theories of abstract semigroups and algebraic groups and contributes to both of them. Reductive algebraic semigroups have been studied most extensively. Analogues of Cartan subgroups, the Weyl group, the Bruhat decomposition, and the Tits building have been introduced for them. Recently a complete classification of reductive alge- braic semigroups was obtained. At the same time some important questions about their structure and representations remain to be answered. Making use of reductive algebraic semigroups, the so-called wonderful completion of a semisimple algebraic group was obtained in a most natural way. The asymptotic semigroup of a semisimple algebraic group was defined. In a sense it reflects the behavior of the group at infinity in a manner analogous to the way its Lie algebra reflects its infinitesimal behavior. The semigroup analogue of the Weyl group gives rise to a generalization of the Hecke al- gebra, an interesting combinatorial object. The article of M. PUTCHA and L. RENNER discusses some open problems in this area. One of the earliest examples of a Lie semigroup was the semigroup of totally positive matrices in GL(n, K). In his contribution G. LUSZTIG gives a generalization of total positivity from GL(n, R) to arbitrary real reductive groups; the resulting elements again form a Lie semigroup. An unexpected connection arising in the treatment is the use of canonical bases and perverse sheaves in the study of these semigroups. The contribution explains this connection and points out a number of problems arising in this context. In spite of the extensive work on foundational questions there remain a number of important questions unanswered. J. D. LAWSON's article describes the problems arising from attempts to find the right framework for Lie semigroups which are not necessarily subsemigroups of Lie groups and the efforts to understand semigroups which are freely generated by a local Lie semigroup. Acknowlegdments. We thank the Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach for providing the logistics for the conference on which the content of this book draws. To the editors of the series de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics and to the math- ematics editor of the de Gruyter Verlag, MANFRED KARBE, we express our gratitude for publishing this collection in the usual superb form. The editors are grateful to KARL HEINRICH HOFMANN to whom the field owes so much and who is always willing to share his experience.

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