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Positive Social Behavior and Morality. Social and Personal Influences PDF

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Harcourt, Inc. Corporate Archives Positive Social Behavior and Morality SOCIAL AND PERSONAL INFLUENCES ERVIN STAUB DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST, MASSACHUSETTS Volume 1 ACADEMIC PRESS New York San Francisco London 1978 A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers Figure 8.1 on page 340 is from Donnenwerth, Gregory V., & Foa, Uriel G. Effect of resource class on retaliation to injustice in inter- personal exchange. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 191 A, 29(6), 785-793, Fig. 1. Copyright 1974 by The American Psychological Association. Reprinted by permission. COPYRIGHT © 1978, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS. ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Staub, Ervin. Positive social behavior and morality. Social and personal influences CONTENTS: v. 1. Social-personality determinants. 1. Social psychology. 2. Altruism. 3. Helping behavior. 4. Interpersonal relations. I. Title. HM251.S755 301.1 77-92246 ISBN 0-12-663101-8 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Preface This is the first of two related volumes on positive social behavior and morality. This volume is concerned with the wide range of influences that lead people to behave in a positive fashion toward other people or inhibit them from behaving positively; that is, with how varied forms of positive behavior are determined. The second volume is concerned with how the tendency to behave positively, the personal characteristics that make positive behavior more (or less) likely, develop through socialization, through the influence of peers, and through the child's varied experiences (Staub, 1978b, which will be referred to herein as Volume 2). Although the two volumes are related and enlarge upon each other, the material in them is organized in such a way that each can be meaningfully read independently and that each represents an independent whole. I feel as if I had started writing this book in the ancient past. I first began thinking about it and doing some preliminary writing in 1969. The field was young at that time, and I was younger and more energetic; per- haps this explains why I planned to review all the existing research and theories about positive social behavior and positive aspects of morality. I did not foresee the immediate future. The explosion of research and writ- ing in the 1970s about the various topics related or relevant to the theme of this book—the word explosion is not, I believe, an exaggeration—made comprehensiveness a nearly monumental task. Once I started writing the book in earnest (after several intervening projects), I stayed with this ideal of comprehensiveness in dealing with most (although not all) of the topics xi xii Preface in the book. I resorted to increasing selectivity near the completion of the book, primarily as I was revising already written chapters and was con- sidering for inclusion material that had been published after the original draft was completed. This selectivity is evident in the presentation of liter- ature published in 1977 and is even more so with material published in the early months of 1978. I had also planned to derive from the existing research literature prin- ciples about influences that affect the occurence or nonoccurence of posi- tive behavior and about how the tendency to behave positively toward others develops. To some extent it was possible to do this. My original de- sire for this inductive approach led me frequently to review research projects in some detail, since I wanted to provide the reader with enough informa- tion to be able to join with me in evaluating the findings, in integrating them, and in deriving principles from them inductively. As I reviewed and tried to integrate existing literature, I became aware of both unanswered and unasked questions. It seemed both necessary and inevitable to raise questions and issues, to propose theoretical assumptions, and to state goals for future research. The necessity to theorize, speculate, and develop conceptions also arose due to the limitations of existing re- search. Most of us would agree that our knowledge is limited in most areas of psychology. It is inevitable that this would be so in an area that has received attention primarily in the last 10-15 years. Nevertheless, a sur- prising amount of knowledge has, I believe, accumulated in the domains that this book explores. I hope this book contributes to advancing this knowledge. He and She. A brief note about the use of "he" and "she" in this book. I laboriously included in my manuscript "he" and "she" in most sentences in which I used a third-person pronoun, as well as "him" and "her" and "herself" and "himself," whichever was appropriate. My copy editor—about whom I know only that she is a woman and that she lives in California— conscientiously erased all the feminine pronouns, leaving the masculine ones. At about this time I read a column by Tom Wicker, the New York Times columnist. He described various proposals to deal with the issue, providing examples of some of the most exquisitely convoluted language I have seen anywhere, examples that I certainly did not want to follow. Wicker suggested that when we first make a general reference to the race (of humanity) we use "whatever awkward formulation may be necessary to include both camps." Then writers can proceed to use pronouns re- ferring to their own sex. I shall follow this suggestion. I hope this book at least implicitly communicates my belief in his and her common humanity and equal rights, including the right to kindness and consideration and to equal well-being. Unfortunately, having stated xiii this, I am still left with following tradition by using the masculine pro- noun in the book. Here is my suggestion for the future: that we all write in Hungarian, which has a single third-person pronoun (ö) for he, she, and it. Acknowledgments I would like to thank various people whose positive influence on me gains expression, I hope, in this book. Several people influenced me while I was a graduate student at Stanford, and they continued to do so later as colleagues and friends. Walter Mischel had an important influence on my thinking about psychology, and my association with him led me to want to do research and writing in psychology. Eleanor Maccoby also has strongly affected my way of thinking about psychology. AI Hastorf and Al Bandura were important sources of knowledge and inspiration. During his term as Visiting Professor at Stanford, Arnold Lazarus taught me, in clinical work, a greater appreciation of human complexity. Perhaps it is not surprising, given these varied intellectual influences, that I came to regard social, personality, and developmental psychology as strongly in- terrelated, at least as an ideal, if not as a reality. Furthermore, during my graduate school years, conversations with Perry London about his attempts to study characteristics of "rescuers," people who, during World War II, saved Jews and other minorities persecuted in Nazi Germany, made me wonder about the willingness of human beings to sacrifice themselves for others, as well as about their willingness to close their eyes to the suffering of others. In beginning my independent research in my first job at Harvard and later, in beginning to write this book, my colleague and friend, Robert Rosenthal, was always a willing listener, a source of ideas, and a generous source of encouragement. Lane K. Conn, also a colleague and friend at xv xvi Acknowledgments Harvard, was an important source of both ideas and support. He contributed to my personal growth in ways that, I hope, have found some expression in this book. Many students collaborated with me in research that I discuss or refer to in this book. I am grateful to all of them. Dan Jaquette and Sumru Erkut at Harvard and Helene Feinberg at the University of Massa- chusetts made particularly important contributions. Lynne Feagans was a highly competent, reliable, and hard-working research assistant while we conducted at Harvard some of my early research on helping and sharing behavior. I am grateful to the many people, both children and adults, who par- ticipated in my research. My early research with children was conducted primarily in Watertown, Massachusetts. After 1971, much of my research with children was conducted in Amherst, Massachusetts. I am grateful for the extensive cooperation given me by teachers, by principals (particularly Mr. John Dalton, Mr. Michael Greenebaum, and Ms. Nancy Morrison), and by the superintendent of the Amherst schools, Mr. Donald Frizzle. Finally, I am grateful to the National Institutes of Mental Health. Grant No. MH23886 supported the research that my students and I have been conducting since 1973 and enabled me to spend time and energy on research and writing. Positive Behavior, Morality, and Human Nature 1 chapter Human beings can be extremely cruel, selfish, and inhuman in their treatment of other human beings. The myriad manifestations of human aggression and selfishness in everyday life, together with the mass destruc- tion brought about by war, led Sigmund Freud to believe that human beings are aggressive by nature. The same phenomena led Konrad Lorenz to apply hypotheses drawn from studies of instinctual aggressive behavior in animals to man; he concluded that man also is aggressive by nature. But manifestations of human kindness, goodness, love, and willingness to sacrifice for others are everywhere. Different observers have been inspired, in their thinking about man, by different parts of this total vista. Are people cruel or kind? Obviously, they can be either, or both. What makes them behave kindly rather than cruelly toward others? What leads them to be- have in a manner that benefits other people? How is the tendency to behave either way acquired? Although in their research psychologists have empha- sized forms of prosocial acts that are either dramatic or simple or both, such as helping others in physical distress, donating possessions to others, and sharing with others, this book is concerned with the whole range of positive social behaviors. Positive acts within intimate relationships—be- havior that leads to or maintains friendship, love, and marriage—are part of what will be examined. 1 2 I. Positive Behavior, Morality, and Human Nature Prosocial Behavior: Definition, Significance, and Relationship to Morality Positive social (or prosocial) behavior is simply defined as behavior that benefits other people. To behave in such a way a person has to under- stand another's needs, desires, or goals and act to fulfill them. However, even this seemingly simple definition can be problematic. How does one determine whether an act results in benefit? If someone who has long been depressed works up the courage to commit suicide and then is saved by another—does he benefit? By what standards of judgment? Did mission- aries who bore great material and physical deprivation to save souls neces- sarily produce any benefits? The complexity of the judgment is demon- strated by the controversy about giving food to deprived nations: Some argue that, although this may alleviate short-term suffering, it allows further population growth without creating self-sufficiency and thus leads to even greater human suffering in the long run (Greene, 1975). Although the beneficial consequences of an apparently prosocial act, or of an act that was intended to be prosocial, are often clear, they are some- times questionable. Unneeded help can upset rather than benefit the re- cipient. In studies of prosocial behavior, psychologists have tried to circum- vent these issues by setting up situations in which a certain action is defined as prosocial. They then study the conditions that determine whether this action will be forthcoming. Usually, the need and the required beneficial act are intended to be unambiguous and are probably (although not cer- tainly) perceived by subjects as acts that would produce benefits. The less clear the benefits, the more judgmental processes enter; such processes are also involved in the assessment of the intention underlying prosocial acts. Behavior that has consequences for the welfare of other human beings or for the social group is guided by proscriptive and prescriptive moral values and principles. Proscriptive values and standards prohibit action that would harm others ("Thou shalt not"). Usually people perform prohibited acts to satisfy a need or impulse, or to bring about material or social ad- vantage. Prescriptive values and principles tell people what they ought to do ("Thou shalt"). Much of prescriptive morality is prosocial in nature; it prescribes behavior that will benefit other people. Such behavior usually involves self-sacrifice on the part of the actor; the sacrifice may be of time, effort, material possessions, physical welfare, and sometimes life itself. The importance of prohibitive morality is obviously great. The conse- quences of people freely acting according to their immediate self-interests without regard for others would make the functioning of a social group impossible. This applies not only to behavior that physically harms others, but also to theft and dishonesty of various forms—in general, the violation of others' rights. The laws that protect us express this; they incorporate prohibitions necessary for the protection of the welfare of individuals and the group. Prosocial Behavior: Relationship to Morality 3 Prosocial behavior is also crucial for the functioning of the social group and for the welfare of its individual members. Although prescriptive morality is not usually expressed in laws, in a number of European coun- tries and now also in some states (e.g., Vermont), helping others in certain kinds of extreme need is required by the law; refraining from giving help is a criminal offense. At the most basic level, social groups are based on cooperation, on the willingness of members to work with one another and share the benefits of mutual labor. In some hunting and gathering societies (Cohen, 1972), cooperation was necessary for survival and probably advanced the develop- ment of the social organization. On another level, cooperation is involved in the mutual satisfaction of needs in intimate relationships in our every- day lives. By cooperating with others each person benefits, and thus the behavior of each person can be considered prosocial. Prosocial behavior may be classified according to the degree of self- sacrifice involved (cost to the actor) and according to the degree of benefit an act produces (utility for the recipient). When people cooperate, the cost to the actor may be low relative to his gain, since there is benefit or utility for the actor as well as for others. However, the amount of gain for the participants may be different. Although a larger ratio of effort to gain for one person than for another may be considered a condition of inequity and may result from differential power and exploitation, such inequity may also be due to unselfishness and self-sacrifice; a person may willingly agree that another's gain relative to the other's efforts is to be greater than his own. There are individuals in every society who cannot contribute sufficient work and services to be compensated according to their needs. Old people, young people, the ill, and the infirm have to be taken care of by society or they will suffer and die. In some societies individual members of the society—families, rich people, or others specifically designated by the com- munity—care for those who need help. In the United States it is primarily the government and social agencies that do so, but they rely on the con- tributions of members of society (taxes and donations to charity). Societies vary in the extent to which they help members who cannot help themselves. For example, in the United States old people do not seem to be well cared for, but a tremendous amount is actually done, nevertheless, to provide needed help, as evidenced by old-age homes, welfare, and medicare. Prosocial behavior is also extremely important at the individual level, when one person acts to benefit another who needs help. This kind of pro- social behavior has been the major focus of research, and examples abound. The need may be small—a person may need help carrying a package or changing a flat tire. If asked for a dime, many people freely give it, particu- larly when the reason for the request seems to be a good one (Latané 8c Darley, 1970). Most hitchhikers seem to get a ride. The need may also be extreme, such as when someone's life is in danger. Although it often hap-

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