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Portrait of Haldane at Work on Education PDF

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Portrait of Haldane at Work on Education Also by Eric Ashby Challenge to Education Scientist in Russia Technology and the Academics Community of Universities African Universities and Western Tradition Any Person, Any Study Also by Eric Ashby and Mary Anderson Universities: British, Indian, African Adam Sedgwick's Discourse on the Studies of the University (edited, with introductory essay) The Rise of the Student Estate LORD HALDANE OF CLOAN 1856--1928 Lord Chancellor, Secretary for War, philosopher Drawing by Sir William Rothenstein, rgr6 Portrait of Haldane at Work on Education ERIC ASHBY AND MARY ANDERSON M Palgrave Macmillan ©Eric Ashby and Mary Anderson 1974 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1974 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without permission. First published 1974 by THE MACMILLAN PRESS London and Basingstoke Associated companies in New York, Dublin, Melbourne, Johannesburg and Madras SBN 333 15075 9 ISBN 978-1-349-02012-6 ISBN 978-1-349-02010-2 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-02010-2 Contents page List of Illustrations vu Acknowledgements ix Introduction xiii 1 Appointment with Mr Haldane I His characteristics - 'Public-spirit personified' - youth and education - Edinburgh and GOttingen - called to the bar - enters parliament-state of British education in 188os-state of universities - he becomes a QC - alliance with Asquith - he meets Sidney and Beatrice Webb- his broken engage ment 2 Apprenticeship 22 Universities {Scotland) bill of 1889 - involvement in Uni versity of London - 'Eighty' Club address - candidate for rectorship at Edinburgh - Gresham report - University of London bill of 1897-Haldane and Webb conspire together - his visit to Ireland - the bill is passed 3 Co-conspirators 41 German influence on universities - Haldane VISits Charlottenburg - education in technology - further con piracy with Webb - negotiations for a 'London Charlotten burg' - an anonymous document - the 'great scheme' successfully launched - Liberal victory in 1!)06 4 Above the Snow-line 59 Irish universities - regional universities in England - the Liverpool petition- a privy council 'trial' -Haldane's part in civic universities - Haldane and Chamberlain - state v vi page endowment of universities - Haldane votes against his party on Education bill of 1902 - London University again 5 At the Cabinet Table 86 Haldane rector of Edinburgh - secretary of state for war - standing committee of privy council - the petition from Bristol - squabble between treasury and board of education -royal commission on University of London - Haldane's in fluence on the commission-the Murray committee examines the report-educational provinces-an education bill in the making - Haldane and Lloyd George - outbreak of war - a scheme for scientific and industrial research - Haldane jettisoned - the climacteric of his career 6 On the Periphery of Power 121 Haldane in adversity - his wartime activities - royal com mission on university education in Wales - enthusiastic reception of the report - a national system of education - Haldane's unofficial campaign - the reviewing subcom mittee - Haldane's report unpopular with the board of education - provincial councils - Fisher's Education act of 1918-Haldane's contribution to it 7 Ebb-tide Signs ofo ld age-origin of the University Grants Committee - civic universities - application from Reading - the Geddes axe and education - chancellor of Bristol - reconsideration of the royal commission's report on London-Hilton Young committee-assessment of Haldane's views-adult education - the British Institute of Adult Education - Haldane expects too much of the movement - utopian fancies 8 Epilogue 169 Influence of philosophy on Haldane's public life - his achievement - his personality - his death References 177 Index 193 List of Illustrations Drawing of Haldane by William Rothenstein, 1916 Scottish National Portrait Gallery frontispiece Cartoon of Haldane by F. C. Gould National Portrait Gallery p. 137 vii Acknowledgements For the material in this book it was necessary to draw upon collections of private papers. These are the Haldane papers (National Library of Scotland), the Asquith and Fisher papers (Bodleian Library), the Passfield papers (British Library of Political and Economic Science), the Lloyd George papers (Beaverbrook Library), the Gosse papers (Brotherton Library, University of Leeds), and the Balfour papers (British Museum). We are grateful for the help we have received from members of the staff of the libraries where they are housed, and also for permission, where it was needed, to quote from some of these papers. Sir David Stephens, clerk of the parliaments, and Mr Maurice Bond, clerk of the records in the house of lords record office, kindly helped us to trace some records of parliamentary proceedings. Mr Keith Percy, of the University of Lancaster, who is working on the history of civic universities, generously gave us some transcripts of the Chamberlain papers at Birmingham University and extracts from an unpublished autobiography of M. W. Travers in the University Library at Bristol. Mr Norman Higham, librarian at Bristol Uni versity, gave us a copy of Haldane's address to the University College Colston Society in 1902. We are indebted to the Scottish National Portrait Gallery for permission to reproduce the drawing of Haldane by Rothenstein, and to the National Portrait Gallery for permission to reproduce the cartoon by F. C. Gould. The book has been greatly improved as a result of criticisms by Sir William Mansfield Cooper, who read the first draft, and we are very grateful to him for these criticisms. We have benefited also from conversations with other scholars, especially Professor Talmon of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Through the generosity of the Rockefeller Foundation, one of us (E. A.) was able to finish writing the book as a resident scholar under idyllic conditions at the Villa Serbelloni in Italy. ix

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