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Portable chess coach PDF

173 Pages·2006·11.006 MB·English
by  ShipmanJudee
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PDR UBLE - JODEE SHIPMAN • CARDOZA PUBLISHING FREEG AMBLINGN EWSLETTERS SignU pN ow! Sginu pfo rA veyr Cardozeam'asni elw lsetterasn dy ou rceeitvher feoefrr e eA:v erCya rdoPzoak'esNr e wsletter, AveCrayr d'.soG zaam blNienwgs leatntAdev r,e Crayr d'osza OnliGnaem iNnegw sleOtutrne erw.s leatrtpeea rcskw eidt h tipesx,p ert sstpreactdieiagslic eosfru,en emt osn,e syi gn-up bonufosreo sn lisnietp erse,- publdiicsactoiuonnta sn,d poker gamitnogu rnasmcehnetd nuelweassn,,wd o rdosfw isdom fromt hweo lrdt'osep x ptesar nda utihtoirAends w.h at's be-stthey'FrReE ES!gi nu pn ow! www.cardozapub.com CardozPau blishiisnt gh ef oremogsatm inpgu blisihnet rh e worldw,i tha libraorfoy v er1 75u p-to-daantdee a sy-to-read bookasn ds trategTiheess.ae u thoritwaotrikvaser ew rittbeyn thet ope xperitnst heifire ldasn dw ithm oret han8 ,500,000 booksi np rinrte,p resetnhteb est-selalnidnm go stp opular gaminbgo okasn ywhere. FIRSETD ITION Copyrig©h 2t00b6 yJ udeSeh ipman -AllR ightRse serv-ed LibraorfyC ongreCsast alCoagr dN o:2 005937830 ISBN:1 -58042-185-7 Visiotu rw ebs ite-www.cardozapub.wcroimt-eo r fora f ullli sotfb ookasn dc omputesrt rategies. CARDOZAP UBLISHING P.O.B ox1 500C,o opeSrt atiNoenw, YorkN,Y 10276 Phone( 8005)7 7-WINS emaicla:r [email protected] www.cardozapub.com � AboutthA eu thor JudeSehi pm,ao nftleines dat montgh teo 5p0 fe ­ malpely aerisnt hUen itSeatdet sh,a bse epnl aying tournamcehsnestfo ro ve3r0y era.sS htee asca hfe­ tesrc-hocohelsw so krshotphsr ougthhSoenau F tr an­ cisBcayoa reaanfr de quegnitvleys lpersisvboaynt se pho.nJ eudceuerr enltilviyenC s o tnrCao tsaC ounty withhed ra ughCtlea.rr e foCrl are CONTENTS Foreword 9 Introduction 11 1.M osto ft heR ules 12 2.C astliDnrga,w sa,n dt he Touch-movReu le 29 3.P iecVea lueasn dT he EnP assanCta pture 39 4.T heL anguagoef C hess 48 5.T heC lock 58 6.B asiCch eckmates 62 7.O peninSgt rategy 75 8.M iddlGea me Strategy 85 9.E ndgameS trategy 95 10T.h eM ightPya wn 104 11B.a siTca ctics 114 12S.e einTgh eF uture- theA rto fC ombinations 124 13T.h eT enM ostC ommon BeginnerM'iss takes 136 14C.h esPss ychology 141 15I.n structGiavmee s 146 16P.r actiPcuez zles 157 GlossaorfyC hesTse rms 165 Acknowledgements 173 FOREWOR D byB rucPea ndolfini Best-scehlelaisunstg h aonrsd u bjoeftc htm eo vie SearchfionrBg o bbFyi scher TheP ortaCbhleesC so acihs qpuoisstiebt lhybe e st contoermapirnyt rodtuotc htei ognoa fcm hee Bsass.eo dn thsec hsotlpiarco groafJm usd Sehiep m,at nihesn tertaining anidn gshitvfoullu miets h uel tibmeaigtnen' eisrn rsutction booIkct.o ntaalitlnhm sea tenreieadlte opd ly ac hespsor fi­ ceintalnywd i tcho nefindcMeo.vs er,lu e,ss tergaeitsp,r inci­ pelsn,o tiao,ten xesrectsio,u rnampernetpi aor,an antgdma es arael ls epnrtheeedrw ei tahne lengtsam ipliictnyo t found in othcehers bso kos.A ndt hgeol srsyoa fc hestse rcmnost ains 20e0n iterBsu!te vemno ruen suulaM,s S.hi pmnas hoaw s shasrepn osfhe u moarn adn u nusfluaiafrlo crr eaptrisovee rarseeleyin nt hree aolfim n rscuttiobnoao.lk s Ideaarsee x plaiinnt ehdce l reseatb,re ifespto sbslie temrsa,n adc compbayns iiemdpd liea gramansoy ntcehna a t folloAwl.ms ote vedriya gcrpaatmi poornv idaedsd itional informantoiiton nc luidnte hdte e .xA tndt poicasro ef ten stergaitlclcayo cnludweidt h ohfoi tnhttespor i ctosb ec ov­ ereidnl atcehprat re.s 9 \M( PORTABLCEH ESSC OACH Ms.S hipmafrne quepnrtolyvs im dueltiepxlapemel s, clrelauyn derstwahnedtnih nnegu n aceosfa c oncceapnt becocmoeun sfinSgh.er emianasw aroeft hseep oetntial suocreosf conafumsoinbogen ng niresa,n id't ess pelcliiyna thseep robalreaemst hat hienrc tadiriosesnoi ts l luimni.gn at ThPeo rtaCbhleeCs osa cshe etmoas n swqeure stbiefoornes theayra es kteoda ,d dsrspe rolbembsefo ret heoycc uIr.'e v seldsoemes no miucnrhscu ttiomnaatle rsioea ffle ctively communaitceidns ofe ww odrs. The sepnrteaotfit ohrenlu eissp a rticiunlfoarrmlayt ive ancd omprseih-vecenertatihnmelo syct o nsceyi,e tth or­ ougthr eatomfte hnettmo b efo unadn ywh.Te hrsiie asv ital accopmlsihmeCnhets.b so owkrsi tfotrbe eni gnnteernstd o takteom ou cfho grr adn.Tto eoo ftcehens,ws r itperress ume th'eeyrd ealwiintaghu nifoarumd cieea,nn adk nowledge­ abloen aet t h.aM tsS.h pima'nsse ntsiitveexi tsd evooifd alslu cphr obslS.eh mies as troannegdx peripelynaecre,d buatl asg oi ftteeadc whietarkh e eeny foer t hmee ntraola d­ bloceknscn otuebryebd e ngnieorfas l alge sS.h rece ognizes thaitnd ivlispd eurafaotra mld li ffersekniltle llv ses,os he porvidaec so mplterteea tomfne ensctes rayf undamse,n tal anticiepvaethriniyngtgp, r seuminnogit gnh,a ndl eaving nothoiuntg. A contempcolraasrsyi c cthehsasste ememaa ,ksT eyhse PortaCbhleesC so acmhi gbhett hfier sgte nuimnaeilny­ stretarme atmtehnvites r toyefn c ihlcs aujbcet. Ih ighrleyc ommtehnbidos o !k 10 INTRODUCTION Chesisse asyl eta.oSr one a,si ynfa ctt,h atth viesr y simple AbLoLoy ko' ullni ese idno rdteorr e aacs ho l,i d intermceodpmieattielt eiv.ve el TheP ortaCbhleesC so acihss omewt halihkuem aan chescso cahI.tc laerleyx plbaaisncsino cc e,pt tessts your understwaintrdhei vnigqe uweo sntspi,r oblems and anno­ tatgemade sc,ta etroas l slk illellvs ea,no dff etrissop n ecshs pyschgoylB.out u nliahk uem acnhs esc oacthhP,eo rtable ChesCso acihsi nexspviee,ln igehnto utgoch a rervye ry­ whe,ra enrde awdhye yno aur e. Myfa thtearu mgehc the sbse foIrc eo urledaa dn,cd he ss taugmhett h gisnt hacnta 'btel eranefrdo mb oo-kfoscus, conenctornat,th iorosugsoh,bn jeectainvdpi tatiyee,n,t c o namjeu asfe tw .A sfo rw inn,il negtp umitett ih s y.w .a. Io nchee aarb dr ialnaltci tcioncaghs yat oa na ctwohro watsr yhiinbsge tsots tagdgreurn kaecnsrlsto�h rse t a,"g Ae drudnoke sn'tto tsrtAya d grguetnrrk.i teows a laks traight li.nW"e ha,yt omua yw ondedro,et sihh sa vteod ow itwhi n­ ninacg he sgsma e?N otnhgiT.h a'ttsh peo i:Cn htsespl yaers do'nttr tyow inC.he spsly aertsrt yop lyac hesTsh.sic on­ clusyd eoufirr lsets scohen spisysn c hoyl.o g Thseep agweisul nlal sepho weyrosnu e vkenre ewx ist­ edP.e opwlietl hli ynouk'e r gae uns!iR edao na nddi osvcer, oncaen fodr a l,tl hien nfiistiem pylo ifcc heists. 11

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