SISSA 9/93/EP IC/93/10 PONTECORVO’S ORIGINAL OSCILLATIONS REVISITED 3 E.Kh. Akhmedov , S.T. Petcov 9 ∗ † ‡ 9 1 Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati n Strada Costiera 11, I-34014 Trieste, Italy a J 8 and 1 1 v A.Yu. Smirnov § 7 4 International Centre for Theoretical Physics, I-34100 Trieste, Italy 2 1 0 3 9 / h Abstract p - p e We show that a left-handed neutrino ν can oscillate into its CP- conjugated state L h : ν¯ with maximal amplitude, in direct analogy with K0 K¯0 oscillations. Peculiarities v R − i X of such oscillations under different conditions are studied. r a ∗On leave from Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, 123182 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] †Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Trieste, Trieste, Italy ‡Permanentaddress: Institute ofNuclearResearchandNuclearEnergy,BulgarianAcademyofSciences, BG-1784 Sofia, Bulgaria §On leave from Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, 117312 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] 1 Introduction 35 years ago Pontecorvo suggested the possibility of neutrino oscillations [1, 2] (see also [3]) by analogy with the oscillations of neutral K mesons. The question he raised was ”...whether there exist other mixed neutral particles besides the K0 mesons which differ from their antiparticles and for which the particle antiparticle transitions are not strictly → forbidden” [1]. Direct analogy with the K0 K¯0 case would imply oscillations of a neutrino into its CP- − conjugatedstatewithlargeamplitude. Weshallreferheretosuchaprocessas”Pontecorvo’s original oscillations”. The essential difference between the K0 mesons and neutrinos is related to the spin of neutrinos. It wasrealizedaftertheV Astructureofweakinteractions hadbeenestablished − that neutrinos are produced and interact in chiral states. In particular, only left-handed neutrinos ν have been observed. The CP conjugation transforms ν into a right-handed L L antineutrino ν¯ , and so the realization of the Pontecorvo’s original idea would mean the R existence of the oscillations ν ν¯ . (1) L R ↔ Strictly speaking, transitions (1) are not just a process of lepton number oscillations, but also simultaneously neutrino spin precession. Since the helicity of a free particle is conserved, in vacuum the oscillations (1) cannot occur. Flavour oscillations between the neutrinos of the same chirality are possible in vacuum [4, 3], but in this case the transitions take place between the neutrino states which are not related by CP conjugation. In addition, the mixing of these states need not be large. Particle-antiparticle transitions in vacuum can in principle take place for 4-component neutrinos. In terms of chiral states these oscillations would imply transitions of ν into ν¯ L L (or ν¯ into ν ) [2], so that the neutrino helicity is conserved. However, such transitions R R 1 are not analogous to the K0 K¯0 oscillations: ν¯ is not the true antiparticle of the left- L − handed neutrino, the existence of which is required by the CPT invariance, but rather a different neutrino state. In the ultrarelativistic limit ν and ν¯ can be considered as L L independentparticleswithquitedifferentinteractions(ν isactivewhereasν¯ issterileinthe L L standard model). This is in contrast with the hypothetical neutron-antineutron oscillations, since at low energies the different helicity components of the neutron are strongly coupled throughitslargemass. Moreover, left-handedneutronandantineutronhavethesamestrong interaction. For the above reasons it was generally supposed that Pontecorvo’s original oscillations are just the oscillations of active neutrinos into sterile states, whereas the true neutrino- antineutrino oscillations (1) were considered impossible. In this paper we show that under certain conditions maximal-amplitude ν ν¯ oscillations can nevertheless occur. L R ↔ 2 General conditions for ν ν¯ transitions L R ↔ Consider for definiteness the transitions involving electron neutrinos, ν ν¯ . As we eL eR ↔ already stressed, oscillations (1) imply helicity flip of the neutrino states. Such a flip can be induced, for example, by interactions of neutrinos with external magnetic fields provided the neutrinos have magnetic (or electric) dipole moments. However, the magnetic-moment interaction cannot transform a neutrino into its own antineutrino because of CPT invari- ance. Nevertheless, it can convert a neutrino into an antineutrino of another species [5]. From this fact two conclusions follow: (i) in addition to the neutrino of a given flavour, one needs at least one more neutrino state ν to be involved in the process, and (ii) an x additional interaction which mixes ν with ν is required. If these conditions are satisfied, x e the ν ν¯ transition can proceed via ν in the intermediate state, and ν ν¯ mixing eL eR x eL eR → − appears as a second-order effect. In the simplest case, the additional interaction should not change the helicity of neu- 2 trinos, but it must change their lepton numbers. Indeed, the ν ν¯ oscillations imply lL lR ↔ ∆L = 2 transitions, whereas in the magnetic-moment induced transitions the individual l lepton charges L change by only one unit. The additional interaction one needs can then l be just the one which generates the flavour (mass) mixing of neutrinos. In all cases at least two chains of transitions contribute to the ν ν¯ transition, and eL eR ↔ one should make sure that no cancellation between the corresponding amplitudes occurs. Indeed, let ν bea left-handed neutrino; then the ν ν¯ transitions can proceed through x eL eR → the ν ν ν¯ chain, where the first transition is due to the mass mixing and the eL xL eR → → second one is induced by the magnetic-moment interaction. From CPT invariance it follows that the antiparticle of ν exists, and is a right-handed neutrino ν¯ . It also mediates the xL xR ν ν¯ transitions through the chain ν ν¯ ν¯ . Now the first transition is due eL eR eL xR eR → → → to the magnetic-moment interaction, and the second one results from the mass mixing. The amplitudes of the helicity-flipping transitions ν ν¯ and ν ν¯ in these two chains eL xR xL eR → → have opposite signs due to the CPT symmetry 1, while the amplitudes of the transitions induced by the mass mixing coincide. Therefore, if ν and ν¯ are degenerate in energy, the xL xR contributionsofthetwo chains totheν ν¯ amplitudeexactly cancel eachother andthe eL eR → ν ν¯ mixing does not appear. Obviously, the cancellation takes place for any number eL eR − of additional neutrinos. Moreover, this result holds true for any number of the transitions in the chains: the crucial points are that (i) there should be an odd number of transitions induced by the magnetic-moment interaction, and (ii) for a given chain, another one with CP-conjugated particles and inverted order of transitions in the intermediate states always exists. To induce the ν ν¯ transitions, one should lift the degeneracy of the intermediate eL eR ↔ states. This canberealizedif thetransitions takeplaceinmatter(provided theintermediate neutrino is not sterile) and/or in a magneticfield whose direction changes along the neutrino trajectory. Indeed, matter affects neutrinos and antineutrinos differently (the corresponding 1 The matrix of transition magnetic moments is antisymmetric. 3 forward scattering amplitudes have opposite signs [6]), and rotating magnetic fields affect differently left-handed and right-handed states [7, 8]. The possibility of ν ν¯ transitions in matter and transverse magnetic field was first eL eR ↔ pointed out in [9]. However, for fixed-direction magnetic fields the transition probability was shown to be small even for large neutrino mixing and magnetic moments [10]. As we shall see, the magnetic field rotation can change the situation drastically. The ν ν¯ oscillations could in principle be generated by the magnetic-moment eL eR ↔ interaction alone (i.e. could occur even in the absence of mass mixing) if at least two addi- tional neutrino states, say, ν and ν , and three transition magnetic moments are involved. µ τ However, as it was shown in [11], for massless neutrinos the ν ν¯ mixing vanishes iden- eL eR − tically in this case even in the presence of rotating magnetic field. The reason is that equal numbers of left-handed and right-handed neutrinos are present in the intermediate states, and so the cancellation of amplitudes is not destroyed even by the field rotation. The same conclusion can be shown to hold true also in matter since the properties of ν and ν in µ τ matter are identical. This result changes if neutrinos possess nonzero masses and vacuum mixing. In what follows we shall discuss the ν ν¯ oscillations induced by flavour mixing eL eR ↔ and transition magnetic moment with one additional active neutrino, say, ν . The case in µ which ν is a sterile neutrino will also be commented on. x 3 ν ν¯ oscillations eL eR ↔ Consider a system of four neutrino states ν , ν¯ , ν , and ν¯ with vacuum mixing and eL eR µL µR transition magnetic moment µ relating ν with ν¯ . The evolution of this system in matter eL µR andmagnetic field canbedescribed by the Schroedinger-like equation i(d/dt)ν = Hν, where 4 ν = (ν , ν¯ , ν , ν¯ )T and H is the effective Hamiltonian of the system: eL eR µL µR 0 0 s δ µB 2 ⊥ ˙ 0 2N φ µB s δ 2 H = − − − ⊥ (2) s δ µB H 0 2 − ⊥ µ µB s δ 0 H 2 µ¯ ⊥ Here the angle φ(t) defines the direction of the magnetic field B (t) in the plane orthogonal ⊥ to the neutrino momentum, B (t) = B (t) , φ˙ dφ/dt, N √2G (n n /2), δ F e n ⊥ | ⊥ | ≡ ≡ − ≡ ∆m2/4E, s sin2θ , c cos2θ , where G is the Fermi constant, n and n are the 2 0 2 0 F e n ≡ ≡ electron and neutron number densities, E is the neutrino energy, ∆m2 = m2 m2, m , m 2 − 1 1 2 and θ being the neutrino masses and mixing angle in vacuum. The matrix elements H 0 µ and H in (2) read µ¯ ˙ H (1+r)N +2c δ, H (1 r)N +2c δ φ (3) µ 2 µ¯ 2 ≡ − ≡ − − − where r n /(2n n ). The diagonal elements of H define the energies of the ”flavour n e n ≡ − levels”, i.e. of ν , ν¯ , ν and ν¯ 2. According to our previous discussion, direct ν ν¯ eL eR µL µR eL eR − mixing is absent in the Hamiltonian (2), but can be induced in higher orders. To have practically pure ν ν¯ transitions one should find the conditions under eL eR ↔ whichthe(ν ,ν¯ )subsystemapproximatelydecouplesfromtherestoftheneutrinosystem. eL eR As we have indicated earlier, this decoupling should not be complete, otherwise the effective ν ν¯ mixing would disappear. We shall assume that the following decoupling conditions eL eR − are satisfied: H , H 2s δ ,2µB . (4) µ µ¯ 2 | | | | ≫ | | ⊥ Thisallows onetoblock-diagonalize theHamiltonian(2); theresulting effective Hamiltonian 2 In deriving eq. (2) we have moved to the reference frame rotating with the same angular velocity as the transverse magnetic field [7] and also subtracted a matrix proportional to the unit one so as to make the first diagonal element equal to zero. These transformations amount to multiplying neutrino states by certain phase factors and thus do not affect the transition probabilities. 5 of the (ν ,ν¯ ) subsystem is eL eR 0 H ′ ee¯ H = (5) ˙ H 2N φ+η ee¯ − − Here the nondiagonal (mixing) matrix element is given by ˙ 1 1 φ 2rN H = s δµB s δµB − . (6) ee¯ 2 ⊥ Hµ − Hµ¯! ≃ 2 ⊥ [( rN +φ˙/2)2 (2c2δ)2] − − and η (tanω cotω)H , where ee¯ ≡ − tanω s δ/µB . (7) 2 ≡ ⊥ ˙ Notethatthesecondequalityineq. (6)holdsonlyfor 2N+φ max (1+r)N, 2c δ (see 2 | | ≪ { | |} the discussion below). It follows from (6) that the effective ν ν¯ mixing is caused by an eL eR − interplay of flavour mixing and the one induced by the interaction of the magnetic moment withmagneticfield. Inaccordancewithourgeneraldiscussion, itarisesduetothetransitions throughtheν (ν¯ ) states: ν ν (ν¯ ) ν¯ . In fact, H ineq. (6) exactly coincides µL µR eL µL µR eR ee¯ → → with the result of the calculations in the second-order perturbation theory, and the values H 1 and H 1 are just the propagators of the Schroedinger equation corresponding to ν µ− µ¯− µL and ν¯ in the intermediate state. They enter eq. (6) with opposite signs because of the µR antisymmetry of the matrix of transition magnetic moments. In vacuum H = H and the µ µ¯ contributions of ν and ν¯ cancel each other. Matter (n = 0) and magnetic field rotation µ µ n 6 ˙ (φ = 0) lift the degeneracy of the ν and ν¯ levels and so give rise to the ν ν¯ mixing. µ µ eL eR 6 − It follows from eqs. (6) and (4) that the ν ν¯ mixing term is always smaller than eL eR − each of the generic first order mixings s δ and µB . The better the decoupling, the smaller 2 ⊥ H . The mixing term H increases with decreasing H or H , but this enhancement is ee¯ ee¯ µ µ¯ limited by conditions (4). The ν ν¯ mixing angle θ is defined as eL eR m − 2H ee¯ tan2θ = . (8) m ˙ 2N φ+η − − ˙ In medium with constant N, r, B and φ, the evolution of the ν ν¯ system will eL eR ⊥ − 6 have a character of oscillations with constant amplitude and length: (2H )2 1 P(ν ν¯ ;t) = ee¯ sin2 (2H )2 +(2N +φ˙ η)2t (9) eL → eR (2H )2 +(2N +φ˙ η)2 2 ee¯ − ee¯ (cid:18) q (cid:19) − Let us stress that in nonrotating magnetic fields the ν ν¯ mixing is always strongly eL eR − ˙ suppressed. Indeed, for φ = 0 one gets tan2θ 2r(µB s δ)/(H H ) 1. On the m 2 µ µ¯ ≃ ⊥ ≪ contrary, in a twisting field the ν ν¯ oscillations can be resonantly enhanced. For eL eR ↔ ˙ φ = 2N +η 2N (10) − ≃ − the ν ν¯ mixing becomes maximal (sin22θ = 1) and the oscillations proceed with eL eR m − maximal depth. Eq. (10) is nothing else but the resonance condition for the ν ν¯ eL eR ↔ oscillations. It implies that the field rotation compensates for the energy splitting of the ν and ν¯ levels caused by their interaction with matter. Up to the small term η H , eL eR ee¯ ∼ it does not depend on the neutrino energy. The necessity of matter and field rotation for strong ν ν¯ oscillations can therefore eL eR ↔ be understood as follows. Matter is needed to avoid the cancellation of the amplitudes with ν and ν¯ intermediate states in (6). However, matter lifts the degeneracy of the ν and ν¯ µ µ e e as well, and so the ν ν¯ oscillations will not proceed with maximal amplitude. Field eL eL ↔ rotation can restore the degeneracy of ν and ν¯ while keeping the ν and ν¯ energies split, e e µ µ or vice versa. This comes about because the energies of the electron and muon neutrinos in matter have different density dependence. For the same reason the field rotation alone cannot lead to large-amplitude ν ν¯ oscillations. eL eR ↔ The amplitude of the ν ν¯ oscillations in eq. (9) has a resonant dependence on eL eR ↔ the parameters of the problem. The width of the resonant peak at half-height is ˙ ∆φ ∆N 2 H µB s δ ee¯ 2 = = | | 4(1+r) ⊥ 1, (11) (φ˙) N N ≃ H H ≪ | res| res res | µ µ¯| ˙ i.e. the density and φ widths of the resonance are very small. On the contrary, due to the fact that the resonance condition is almost energy-independent, the energy width of the 7 resonant peak can be fairly large: 2(s δ /µB ) = 2 1 2(2N+φ˙)c22 −1/2, (1+r)N 2c δ, ∆E = 2 0 ⊥ ∼ (cid:20) − (1+r)Ns22 (cid:21) ≪ 2 (12) Eres 2(µB⊥/s2δ0) ∼= 2 1− (1+2r()µNB(⊥2N)2+φ˙) −1/2, (1+r)N ≫ 2c2δ (cid:20) (cid:21) (δ is the value of δ at resonance). This means that for a neutrino beam with continuous 0 energy spectrum a large fraction of neutrinos can undergo resonantly enhanced ν ν¯ eL eR ↔ oscillations. Fromeq. (9)itfollowsthattheν ν¯ oscillationlengthatresonance(l ) = π/H eL eR ee¯ res ee¯ ↔ is much bigger than the lengths of both the flavour oscillations ν ν and the spin- eL µL ↔ flavour precession ν ν¯ caused by the generic first-order mixings. The latter two eL µR ↔ processes will proceed with small amplitudes (s δ/H )2 and (µB /H )2 respectively. 2 µ µ¯ ∼ ⊥ Therefore the ν transition probability will be described by a superposition of maximal- e amplitude long-wavelength and small-amplitude short-wavelength oscillations (Fig. 1a). 4 ν ν¯ oscillations influenced by a third neutrino eL eR ↔ state If the flavour energy levels H or H 0, the ν ν¯ mixing term H and the width of µ µ¯ e e ee¯ → − the ν ν¯ resonance increase, but the influence of the ν or ν¯ levels on the ν ν¯ e e µ µ eL eR − ↔ transitionprobability becomesstronger. Inparticular, theamplitudes oftheν ν (ν¯ ) eL µL µR ↔ transitions increase. In this case the ν ν¯ resonance density approaches the MSW one eL eR ↔ [6] or that of the resonant spin-flavour precession [9, 12]. Let us assume that ˙ φ 2c δ 2 = N = , (13) 2 − −1+r which corresponds to H = 0. Now the energy levels of three neutrino states, namely, those µ of ν , ν¯ and ν , cross in one point (this means that the resonances of the ν ν¯ , eL eR µL eL eR ↔ 8 ν ν and ν ν¯ transitions merge in one point). The influence of the ν state on eL µL µL eR µ ↔ ↔ the (ν ,ν¯ ) system becomes maximal. However, if H satisfies eq. (4) (which is realized eL eR µ¯ for s 1 and µB 4c δ), the ν¯ state will still be decoupled, and so one can perform a 2 2 µ ≪ ⊥ ≪ 3 1 block-diagonalizationofH. The resulting effective Hamiltonian of thestrongly coupled − (ν ,ν¯ ,ν ) system is just given by the 3 3 matrix in the upper left corner of H in eq. eL eR µL × (2) with the following modifications: (i) the diagonal terms acquire small corrections which are not important for our consideration, and (ii) the H = H terms are no longer zero ee¯ e¯e but rather are equal to ( ǫ), where − (s δ)(µB ) 2 ǫ = ⊥ . (14) H µ¯ The eigenvalues of this Hamiltonian are ǫ ǫ ′ ′ H = f , H = f , H = ǫ, (15) 1 ∼ 2 ∼ 3 ∼ ′ − 2 − − 2 where f = (µB )2 +(s δ)2, ǫ = ǫsin2ω, (16) 2 ′ ⊥ − q and ω is defined by eq. (7). The orthogonal matrix diagonalizing the effective Hamiltonian is given to leading order in ǫ/f by sinω sinω cosω √2 √2 S = cosω cosω sinω . (17) m − √2 − √2 1 1 ǫ cos2ω √2 −√2 −f ˙ For constant N, r, B and φ one obtains from (15)–(17) the following probability of the ⊥ ν ν¯ oscillations: eL eR ↔ 1 3 P(ν ν¯ ;t) = sin22ω sin4 ft+sin22ω sin2 ǫt cosft+d sinǫt sinft, (18) eL eR ′ ′ → 2 4 where d = O(ǫ). The first term in (18) corresponds to the limit ǫ 0. We see that in the → three-level crossing point the depth of the ν ν¯ oscillations, sin22ω, does not exhibit any eL eR − suppression related to the higher order direct ν ν¯ mixing. Moreover, in the symmetric eL eR − 9