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Preview Polytypic nanowhiskers: electronic properties in the vicinity of the band edges

Polytypic nanowhiskers: electronic properties in the vicinity of the band edges Faria Junior, P. E. and Sipahi, G. M. Instituto de F´ısica de S˜ao Carlos, USP, S˜ao Carlos, SP, Brazil (ΩDated: January 12, 2011) The increasing interest of nanowhiskers for technological applications has led to the observation of the zinc-blend/wurtzite polytypism. Polytypic nanowhiskers could also play, by their character- istics, an important role on the design of optical and electronic devices. In this work we propose atheoretical modeltocalculate theelectronic propertiesofpolytypiczinc-blend/wurtzitestructure 1 1 in the vicinity of the band edges. Our formulation is based on the ~k ·p~ method connecting the 0 irreducible representations in the interface of the two different crystalline phases by group theory 2 arguments. Analyzing the composition of the states in theΓ point and the overlap integrals of the envelope functions we predict energy transitions that agree with experimental photoluminescence n spectra. a J 1 INTRODUCTION separated: the electrons will be concentrated in the ZB 1 region while the holes will be in the WZ region. A sum- ] Recently an increasing number of papers have re- mary of NWs growth, properties and applications was ll portedhighqualityandcontrolgrowthofnanowiresand made by Dubrovskii et al. [9]. a nanowhiskers (NWs) of III-V compounds such as InP, Fromthetheoreticalpointofview,theliteratureabout h - InAs, GaAs and GaP [1–7]. Nanoelectronics, nanopho- these III-V NW structures, is focused in growth stabil- s tonics and solar cells are some of the technological ap- ity,surfaceenergiesandformationofpolytypism[10–16]. e m plications for these nanostructures like described in the Only recently theoretical calculations of the electronic references above. properties in the band edges have been done for such . at Vapor-liquid-solid(VLS)method[8]wasused,in1964, structures [17]. None has been done in the vicinity of m byWagnerandEllistogrewasiliconwhisker. Sincethen, the band edges. other methods like molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and The polytypism was investigated in a paper of Mu- - d metal organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) have also rayama and Nakayama [18] by ab initio calculations of n beenappliedtothegrowthofNWs. Thesetechniquesal- the bandoffsetsinWZ/ZBinterfaces. Ausefulschemat- o lowthefabricationofhomoandheterostructuresinboth ics of the correspondence between the symmetry of the c [ axial and radial directions opening new opportunities to states of the WZ and ZB structures has been presented engineering novel device applications. in the same article. 2 A heterostructure is composedby assemblingdifferent Theaimofthisstudyistoproposeatheoreticalmodel v 7 materials side-by-side along a growth direction. The ho- basedongrouptheoryargumentsandthe~k p~methodto · 2 mostructure is a similar concept, however, it is not the calculate the electronic band structure in the vicinity of 2 kindofmaterialthatisdifferentbutitscrystallinestruc- the band edges andenvelope functions of a WZ/ZB/WZ 0 ture. This effect is also known as polytypism and have homostructureforindiumphosphide(InP).Theeffective . 2 been observed in NWs structures of several III-V com- mass parameters for the WZ bulk phase of InP were ex- 1 pounds. tractedfromapaperbyPryorandDe[19]thatpredicted 0 Under standard temperature and pressure conditions, thebandstructuresofsomeIII-Vbulkcompoundsinthe 1 : the III-V compounds have as the bulk stable phase the WZphase(phosphides,arsenidesandantimonides). The v zinc-blend (ZB) structure, exception made for the ni- ZBparametersareextractedfromVurgaftmanetal.[20]. i X tridesthathavethewurtzite(WZ)structureasthemost The formulation of a theoretical model for this new r stable phase. However, reducing the dimensions to the kind of nanostructures can lead to band gap engineering a nanoscale level such as in these NWs, the WZ phase has and novel electronic a and also work as a guide for the beenobservedfornon-nitrideIII-Vcompounds. Thenat- crystal growth community. ural explanation to this behavior is the small formation energy difference between the two crystal structures. THEORETICAL MODEL The phase alternation creates ZB and WZ regions alongthegrowthdirectionaffectingtheNWsopticaland electronic properties, generating new forms of band off- The existence two different crystal phases in a single sets and electronic minibands that can be explored to whisker,canbeexplainedbyasimplejointanalysisofthe produce new kinds of applications. ZBandWZcrystalstructures. LookingintoZBalongthe TheWZ/ZBpolytypisminIII-Vcompoundscanmake [111]directionandtoWZ alongthe [0001]direction,one a type II homostructure characterized by a staggered can found a noticeable similarity. Both can be described band-edge lineup, i. e., the charge carriers are spatially asstackedhexagonallayers. Infact,theZBstructurehas 2 with SO no SO with SO (2) (1) (2) (1) Band Gap Band Gap (2) (4) (2) (3) (2) (2) (1) (2) ZB WZ Figure 1. Γ point symmetry for the two crystal structures. The numbers in parentheses are the degeneracy of the irre- ducible representation. This figurewas adapted form [18]. three layers in the stacking sequence (ABCABC) while the WZ structure has only two (ABAB). So, a stacking fault in WZ becomes a single segment of ZB and two sequential twin planes in ZB form a single segment of WZ [4]. An important difference between the two structures is the crystalfield energypresentin the WZ structure that defines the top of the valence band, neglecting spin, as a composition of two different bands, a non-degenerate andabidegeneratebands. InZB,thetopofvalenceband Figure 2. (a) ZB and (b) WZ first Brillouin zones. The ar- rows (red online) represent the growth directions. (c) ZB is composed by a three-degenerate band. This difference conventional unit cell with two different coordinate systems. in the energy bands between the two structures can be (d) WZ conventional unit cell with its common coordinate seen schematically for the Γ point in figure 1, with and system. The [111] growth direction for ZB structure passes without the spin-orbit interaction. alongthemaindiagonalofthecubeandisrepresentedinthe To calculate the band structure of a polytypic NW primed coordinate system. basedinthe~k p~matrixformalism,itis necessarytoun- · derstand the differences between the two crystal struc- tures in the reciprocal lattice or, more precisely, what a smaller set of the states first presented by Murayama happens with the high-symmetry points in the ZB first andNakamura[18]. Analyzingthis,onemaynoticethat, Brillouinzonewhenwearedealingwiththe[111]growth in the present method the irreducible representations of direction and how they can be related to the WZ ones. ZB [111] belong only to the Γ point and no irreducible Looking through the [111] axis in figure 2a one can representationof the L point will appear in the formula- see that the L point of ZB structure is projected in the tion. Γ point. Since the number of atoms in the primitive Anothersubject,asidesthesymmetrycorrespondence, unit cell for WZ is twice the number in ZB, there are must be pointed out: the ~k ~p matrix for the ZB struc- · more states in the Γ point of WZ. This correspondence ture is developed for the cubic main axes, which are the is done by assigning Γ and L points of the ZB to the [100], [010] or [001] growth direction. This implies that Γ point of WZ. This compatibility can be seen in the the definition of the x,y,z coordinatesystem defines the energy diagram presented by Murayama and Nakayama matrix representations of the symmetry operations used [18],thatrelatestheirreduciblerepresentationsoftheZB to calculate the matrix elements in the~k p~ formulation. · Γ andL points to the WZ Γ point. This energy diagram Changingthe coordinatesystemtox′,y′,z′,whichis the providestheessentialinsightforourmethodsinceweare coordinatesystemoftheWZHamiltonian,willenableus going to relate ~k ~p matrices developed with irreducible to relate the ZB and WZ matrices. · representations belonging to different crystal structures. Wecaneitherrecalculatethematrixrepresentationsof Theusual~k ~pmatrixformulationisconstructedinthe thesymmetryoperationsanddeveloptheZB~k ~pmatrix · · vicinity ofthe Γ pointforZBandWZ structures[21,22] or use the rotation matrices presented in the paper of considering the first three valence bands and the first Park and Chuang [23] to transform the ZB ~k ~p Hamil- · conduction band, represented by a 4 4 matrix. When tonian in the x,y,z to the x′,y′,z′ coordinate system. × the spin-orbitinteractionis includedthis numberis mul- The basis, c , in the prime coordinate system is l {| i} tiplied by 2, resulting in a 8 8 matrix. These bands definedas(fromthispointon,theprimewillbedropped × are exactly the ones presented in figure 1, and represent out of the notation): 3 300 a) HH LH 1 200 SO |c1i=−√2|(X +iY)↑i 100 1 0 c2 = (X iY) | i √2| − ↑i -100 c3 = Z -200 | i | ↑i 1 -300 c4 = (X iY) | i √2| − ↓i -400 1 ) |c5i=−√2|(X +iY)↓i meV --650000 |c6i=|Z ↓i gy ( 300 |c7i=i|S ↑i ner 200 b) |c8i=i|S ↓i (1) E 100 HLHH CH which is convenient to describe the WZ Hamiltonian. 0 Since wearenottreatingtheinterbandinteractionex- -100 plicitinthematrix,theconductionbandhaveaparabolic -200 formforbothcrystalsandisnotaffectedbytherotation, -300 reading as -400 -500 ¯h2 ¯h2 E (~k)=E +E + k2+ k2+k2 (2) -600 c g VBM 2mke z 2m⊥e x y 9 6 3 0 3 6 9 12 15 (cid:0) (cid:1) whereE isthegapenergy,E istheenergyofthe g VBM top valence band and for the ZB structure the electron Figure3. (a) BulkZBvalencebandstructurealongthe[111] effective masses are the same mke =m⊥e. direction. (b) Bulk WZ valence band structure reproducing Applying the rotation matrices to the valence band resultsin [19]alongthe[0001]growthdirection. Bothvalence ZB Hamiltonianwe obtainacommonmatrixfor the two band structures were plotted for 20% of the first Brillouin structures: Zoneinkx andkz directions. Withoutspin-orbitthe(x,y,z) coordinates belong tothesame irreducible representation for ZB structure and then we can see that the band structure is F K∗ H∗ 0 0 0 isotropic in kx and kz directions. In WZ structure (x,y) and K −G −H 0 0 ∆ (z)coordinatesbelongtodifferentirreduciblerepresentations  −H H∗ λ 0 ∆ 0  makingthebandstructureanisotropicinkxandkzdirections. HV = −0 0 0 F K H  (3)  −   0 0 ∆ K∗ G H∗   − −  The A (i = 1,...,6,z), and ∆ (i = 1,2,3) WZ param-  0 ∆ 0 H∗ H λ  i i  −  eters can be related to the γ (i = 1,2,3) and ∆ ZB   i SO The matrix terms are defined as: parameterscomparingthe ZB rotatedmatrix to the WZ matrix. InthisworkwewillassumetheWZasidealandthere- F =∆1+∆2+λ+θ fore the lattice parameters will considered the same as G=∆1 ∆2+λ+θ ZB. As a consequence, strain effects will not be taken − λ=A1kz2+A2 kx2+ky2 into account. θ =A3kz2+A4(cid:0)kx2+ky2(cid:1) K =A5k+2 +2√(cid:0)2Azk−kz(cid:1) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION H =A6k+kz +Azk−2 ∆=√2∆3 (4) We first apply our model for bulk ZB and WZ InP to check the reliability of the matrix for both crystal struc- where k =k ik . tures. This initial investigation is useful to fit the ef- ± x y ± The only difference from the usual WZ formulation is fective mass parameters and to understand the valence the inclusion of a new parameter, A , that takes into band states in the band edge since now we are dealing z account the reorientationof the ZB growth axis. with different basis states for the ZB matrix. 4 Energy Set of states 1 Set of states 2 Energies α β E1 |c1i |c4i ZB E1=E2>E3 0.57735 0.81650 E2 α|c2i+β|c6i β|c3i+α|c5i WZ E1>E2>E3 0.98345 0.18116 E3 β|c2i−α|c6i −α|c3i+β|c5i Table II. The energy ordering and the α and β coefficients. Table I. The valence band energies and the respective eigen- The knowledge of these coefficients enable the identification states at the Γ point. of the states. ZB identification WZ identification The ZB parameters were obtained from Ref. [20] and HH HH the WZ parameters were derived using the effective LH CH masses presented in Ref. [19]. Since in our model there SO LH isnoexplicitinterbandinteractiononlythevalenceband is presented in figure 3 for the bulk form of both crystal Table III.The WZ identification for theZB states. structures. The usualidentificationofthe bands wereusedfor ZB while in WZ we had to analyze the composition of the states in the Γ point. Table I summarizes the energies Since in our model we are using the WZ basis to de- and states compositions in the Γ point that helps us to scribe the ZB structure it is useful to think that ZB is identify the WZ states. a WZ structure with zero crystal-field energy. Noting this feature we can identify the ZB valence band states in the Γ point using the WZ identification. This helps The energies and the α and β coefficients are given by us to understand the band edge in the WZ/ZB interface [22]: in a quantum well structure. Table III relates the two different identifications. E1 =∆1+∆2 (5) AsthedimensionsofNWsarebigenoughtoavoidlat- 2 eral confinement, this structure can be considered as a E2 = ∆1−2 ∆2 +s ∆1−2 ∆2 +2∆23 (6) 2-dimensionalsystem, like a quantumwell or a superlat- (cid:18) (cid:19) tice. In this context, we simulated a single WZ/ZB/WZ polytypic quantum well with 160˚A well width and 320˚A barrier width so that the whole system has 480˚A. 2 E3 = ∆1−2 ∆2 −s(cid:18)∆1−2 ∆2(cid:19) +2∆23 (7) poUsssiibnlge tthoecboannstdrumctismthaetcqhuavnaltuuemgiwveenll ipnroRfielfe..[1T9o] iutnis- derstandtheconfinementprofileweplotted, infigure4a, E the bandedge energyin the WZ/ZB interface. Since the 2 α= (8) compositionofthe states LHandCHis differentin both E2+2∆2 2 3 crystal structures we did not think it was convenient to p draw a line connecting the energies. We believe that √2∆3 there’s a mix of these values to form the effective poten- β = (9) E2+2∆2 tial. However,wecannotethattheconductionbandand 2 3 the first valence band form a type-II homostructure. The states identificatipon were made as described in It is also convenient to plot the diagonal terms of the Ref. [24]: HH (heavy hole) states are composed only by total Hamiltonian to check the variation of the param- c1 or c4 , LH (light hole) states are composed mainly eters along the growth direction, which can be found in | i | i of c2 or c5 and CH (crystal-field split-off hole) are figure4b. Althoughthe nondiagonaltermsofthe matrix | i | i composedmainlyof c3 or c6 . Accordingto theidenti- willmixthethreeprofileswecanexpectthattheconfine- | i | i ficationoftheenergiespresentedintableI, E1 isthe HH ment of the electrons will be in the ZB region while the state and, if α>β, E2 is the LH state and E3 is the CH holeswillbe inthe WZregionbelongingintheirmostto state or E2 is the CH state and E3 is the LH state oth- the HH state. erwise. The valence band ordering in the Γ point, which The band structure of the quantum well plotted up to dependsonthevaluesof∆1,∆2 and∆3,andthevalueof 10% of the kx direction and 100% of the kz direction is the coefficients for both crystal structures can be found shownin figure 5. We canobservethat the bound states in table II. in the valence band are mainly HH states, which means 5 1850 a) 1825 1800 1775 1750 1725 ) V e m ( y Figure 4. (a) The band edge energy in the WZ/ZB interface g b) r relating the WZ and ZB states. (b) The diagonal potential e n profile of the total Hamiltonian along the growth direction. E 325 they are composed entirely by the c1 and c4 states of | i | i the basis that have only X and Y components. This | i | i feature directly reflectsin the luminescence propertiesof 300 the system: the light will be almost fully polarized in the xy plane, i. e., transversal to the growth axis of the polytypic quantum well. The LH states have less than 275 5% of Z component. | i The probability densities calculatedfromthe envelope functions for the Γ point of the EL1, EL2, EL3, HH1, HH2andHH3bandsareshowninfigure6. Theseresults 250 6 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 agrees with the experimental data suggesting a spatial separation of the carriers, due to the fact that is more likely to find holesin the WZ regionandelectronsin the Figure 5. Conduction (a) and valence (b) band structure of ZB region. thesingleWZ/ZB/WZpolytypicquantumwell. Frombottom Inaquantumwelltheselectionrulesfordipole optical totop theconduction bandstates are: EL1 - EL5. From top transition are given by the matrix element M [25]. to bottom the valence band states are: HH1 - HH15, LH1, LH2, HH16, LH3,HH17. M =hE|~r·εˆ|Hi=McMg (10) Mg (%) Energy difference (meV) This matrix element can be divided in two parts: M EL1-HH1 ∼2.6 1370.76 c and M . M is the matrix element between the electron EL1-HH3 ∼6.4 1372.89 g c and hole states in the basis c that depends on the EL2-HH2 ∼12 1405.06 l {| i} polarization of the light and M is the overlap integral EL3-HH1 ∼23 1453.86 g between the electron and hole envelope functions. EL3-HH3 ∼33.5 1455.99 TableIV.Finiteoverlapintegrals (Mg)andenergydifference M = c ~r εˆ c (11) between some conduction and valence band states at the Γ c e h h | · | i point. Wecan note that overlap is bigger for excited states. ∞ M = g∗(z)g (z)dz (12) parities, they are either even or odd and we can expect g e h Z−∞ to have null overlap integrals between conduction and valence states. The non-zero overlap integrals and the The M matrix elements are known from symmetry c difference energy in the Γ point are presented in table propertiesofthe Γpointandthenon-vanishingelements IV. are S x X , S y Y and S z Z . We just have to h | | i h | | i h | | i calculate the overlap integral M . 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