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MT30512: Polynomials Semester 2, 2006{07 Chapter 1: Polynomials and Ideals 1 Polynomials in n variables 1.1 Polynomials in one variable A polynomialin the variablex with oeÆ ients inthe ring R is an expression of the form n X i n(cid:0)1 n aix = a0 +a1x+:::+an(cid:0)1x +anx ; (1) i=0 P 0 where n (cid:21) 0 and the ai are elements of R. If the notation is used, then x = 1 by onvention. Note that x itself is NOT an element of R, but is a formal symbol whi h helps to make al ulations as natural as possible. If n = 0, the polynomial is simply an element a0 2 R, and is alled a onstant polynomial. The set of all polynomials (1) is a ring under the usual addition and multipli- ation operations. It is denoted by R[x℄ and is alled the ring of polynomials in one variable over R. We shall use letters su h as f;g;h or p;q;r to denote polynomials; if it is ne essary to draw attention to the variable being used, then we write e.g. f(x), f(y) instead of f. We shall often assume that R is a (cid:12)eld F. We shall always assume that R is a ommutative ring with 1. You should be familiar with the meaning of these terms from MT2262. The most important fa t about divisibility in F[x℄ is the division theorem. If f 6= 0 (i.e. f is not the zero polynomial, so that some oeÆ ient ai 6= 0), then we may assume in (1) that an 6= 0; n is then alled the degree of the polynomial f, and we write n = degf. Note that the degree of the zero polynomial is not de(cid:12)ned. Theorem 1.1 (Division Theorem) Let F be a (cid:12)eld and let f;g 2 F[x℄, where g 6= 0. Then there are unique polynomials q, the quotient, and r, the remain- der, in F[x℄ su h that (i) f = qg+r, and (ii) either degr < degg or r = 0. We shall see that the division theorem fails for polynomials in two or more variables. Thisisonefundamentalreasonwhy thealgebraof polynomialsinmore than one variable ismore diÆ ult. One of the obje ts of this ourse is to onvin e you that it is also more interesting and rewarding! However, before moving on, we note two more things we an do with one-variable polynomials. (i) Substitution Given polynomials f(x);g(x) 2 R[x℄, we an repla e every o urren e of x in f(x) by g(x) to obtain a new polynomial f(g(x)). For 2 2 example if f(x) = x +1 and g(x) = x(cid:0)2, then f(g(x)) = (x(cid:0)2) +1 = 2 2 2 x (cid:0)4x+5 and g(f(x)) = (x +1)(cid:0)2 = x (cid:0)1. 1 (ii) Evaluation Given a polynomial f(x) 2 R[x℄ and an element a 2 R, we an repla e every o urren e of x in f(x) by a to obtain a new element of R, whi h we denote by f(a). In this way, the polynomial f(x) de(cid:12)nes a fun tion from R to R. This fun tion is alled a polynomial fun tion. Although there is a logi al distin tionbetween polynomialsand polynomialfun - tions, it really does no harm to identify these two on epts. However, you should be aware that two polynomials are equal if and only if they have identi al o- eÆ ients, whereas two fun tions are equal if and only if they have the same graphs. The di(cid:11)eren e an be seen by taking the (cid:12)eld F to be (cid:12)nite; for ex- ample if p is a prime number and F = Fp, the (cid:12)eld with p elements, then the p polynomials x and x de(cid:12)ne the same fun tion. But if F is an in(cid:12)nite (cid:12)eld su h as Q (the rational numbers), R (the real numbers) or C (the omplex numbers), two polynomials are equal if and only if the orresponding polynomial fun tions are equal. Espe ially for F = R, polynomial fun tions give a geometri way to visualise polynomials via their graphs. 1.2 Polynomials in two variables When we try to write down a de(cid:12)nition like (1) for a general polynomial in two variables x and y with oeÆ ients in R, we have a diÆ ulty: whi h order do we write the terms in? For example should the `standard form' of a quadrati 2 2 polynomial in x and y be a0;0+a1;0x+a0;1y+a2;0x +a1;1xy+a0;2y , or should 2 the term in x ome before the term in y? Noti e that we an olle t terms in 2 2 either variable, and write this as (a0;0 +a1;0x+a2;0x )+(a0;1 +a1;1x)y +a0;2y 2 2 or as (a0;0 +a0;1y +a0;2y )+(a1;0 +a1;1y)x+a2;0x . We an hide this problem by writing the polynomial in the form X i j ai;jx y (2) i;j(cid:21)0 where ai;j 2 R and the sum is (cid:12)nite, i.e. ai;j = 0 for all but a (cid:12)nite number of indexingpairs(i;j). Althoughtheproblemresurfa es when we trytodopra ti al i j al ulations, we adopt (2) as the formal de(cid:12)nition. We all an expression x y a i j monomial in x and y, and if ai;j 6= 0 we all ai;jx y a term of the polynomial. The (total) degree of this monomial is i + j, and the (total) degree of a nonzero polynomial is the maximum of the degrees of its terms. A polynomial is alled homogeneous of degree d if it has no term of degree 6= d. (Thus the zero polynomial is `homogeneous of degree d' for all d (cid:21) 0, although its degree is not de(cid:12)ned!) The set of allpolynomials(2) forms a ring R[x;y℄ with the usual addition and multipli ationoperations, alledtheringofpolynomialsin two variables over R. By olle ting terms with the same power of x, we an regard a polynomial in R[x;y℄ as a polynomial in x with oeÆ ients whi h are polynomials in y, i.e. as 2 an element of S[x℄ where S = R[y℄. Thus we have a natural way to identify the rings R[x;y℄ and (R[x℄)[y℄. Similarly, we an identify R[x;y℄ and (R[y℄)[x℄. As for the one variable ase, we shall often use letters su h as f;g;h or p;q;r to denote polynomials; if it is ne essary to draw attention to the variables being used, thenwe writef(x;y)et insteadoff. IfR = F isa(cid:12)eld,then apolynomial f in F[x;y℄ is always divisible by any nonzero onstant polynomial, i.e. any polynomial of degree 0. Itiseasytoseethatthedivisiontheoremfailsforpolynomialsintwovariables. Suppose, for example, that we try to divide the polynomial x by the polynomial y. This means we are looking for polynomials q and r su h that x = qy +r and degr < 1 or r = 0. Thus r must be a onstant polynomial, and learly there is then no polynomial q 2 R[x;y℄ su h that x = qy +r. 1.3 Polynomials in n variables The de(cid:12)nitions above are easily extended to the ase of n > 2 variables. A monomial in n variables x1;:::;xn is an expression of the form (cid:11)1 (cid:11)n m = x1 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)xn ; where (cid:11)1;:::(cid:11)n are integers (cid:21) 0. The (total) degree of the monomial m is degm = (cid:11)1 + ::: + (cid:11)n. It is onvenient to adopt a `multi-index' notation for writing monomials, i.e. (cid:11) (cid:11)1 (cid:11)n x := x1 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)xn where x = (x1;:::;xn) is a `ve tor variable' and (cid:11) = ((cid:11)1;:::;(cid:11)n) is a `ve tor (cid:11) exponent'. We denote the total degree of x by j(cid:11)j = (cid:11)1 +:::+(cid:11)n. Let R be a ommutative ring with 1. A polynomial over R in the variables (cid:11) x1;:::;xn is a (cid:12)nite sum f = f(x1;:::;xn) of terms of the form a(cid:11)x , where (cid:11) the oeÆ ient a(cid:11) 2 R. If a(cid:11) 6= 0, we say that the term a(cid:11)x appears in f. We 0 0 identify the monomial x1(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)xn with the identity element 1 2 R. The onstant term of f is the element a(0;:::;0) 2 R; it may of ourse be zero. In multi-index notation, a polynomial an be written as follows. (cid:11)(1) (cid:11)(r) f = a(cid:11)(1)x +:::+a(cid:11)(r)x (3) where the oeÆ ients a(cid:11)(1);:::;a(cid:11)(r) areelements of R. The set of allpolynomials of the form (3) forms a ring R[x1;:::;xn℄ with the usual addition and multipli a- tion operations, alled the ring of polynomials in n variables over R. Noti e that by olle ting powers of one of the variables, xn say, we an identify the rings R[x1;:::;xn℄ and R[x1;:::;xn(cid:0)1℄[xn℄. The (total) degree of a polynomial f 6= 0 is the maximum of the degrees of the terms appearing in f . If all terms appearing in f have the same degree d, f is alled a homogeneous polynomial of degree d or a form of degree d. In the ase d = 1 we speak of a linear form, in the ase d = 2 of a quadrati form, in the ase d = 3 of a ubi form, et . 3 2 Ideals in polynomial rings 2.1 The ideal generated by a (cid:12)nite set LetRbea ommutativeringwith1andleta1;:::;an 2 R. Theideal generated by a1;:::;an is the set of all elements of R of the form a = r1a1 + :::+ rnan, where r1;:::;rn 2 R. We denote this ideal by ha1;:::;ani. In parti ular, the idealhai generated by a singleelement a 2 R is the set of all multiples of a. In the general ase, elements of the ideal are formed analogously to linear ombinations of ve tors in a ve tor spa e. 2 Example 2.1 Let R = F[x;y℄ where F is any (cid:12)eld. Then hx ;yi is the set of 2 all polynomials f(x;y) of the form x g +yh where g and h are polynomials in 2 x and y. By thinking of f as a sum of monomials, we an see that f 2 hx ;yi 2 if and only if every monomial whi h appears in f is divisible by either x or y. 2 Thus hx ;yi is the set of all polynomials su h that the onstant term and the oeÆ ient of x are both zero. 2.2 Prin ipal ideals In general, an ideal in a ring R is a non-empty subset of R whi h is losed under the operations of addition and multipli ation by elements of R. More formally, I (cid:18) R is an ideal if and only if (cid:15) 0 2 I; (cid:15) if a;b 2 I then a+b 2 I; (cid:15) if a 2 I and r 2 R then ra 2 I. It is easy to he k that if a1;:::;an 2 R then ha1;:::;ani is an ideal. Conversely, given an ideal I (cid:18) R, we an ask if there exist elements a1;:::;an 2 R su h that I = ha1;:::;ani. Su h a set of elements is alled a generating set or a basis for I. If I is generated by a single element, i.e. if I = hai for some a 2 R, then I is alled a prin ipal ideal of R. 2 It is easy to see from Example 2.1 that the ideal I = hx ;yi is not a prin ipal ideal in R = F[x;y℄. For if I = hfi, then the polynomial f would have to divide 2 2 both x and y. But the only ommon divisors of x and y are nonzero onstant polynomials a 2 R. However a is invertible in R, and hen e hai = R. Remarkably, the situation is quite di(cid:11)erent in the ase of polynomials in one variable over a (cid:12)eld. Theorem 2.2 Let F be a (cid:12)eld. Then every ideal in the polynomial ring F[x℄ is prin ipal. 4 Proof Let I (cid:18) F[x℄ be an ideal. If I = f0g then it is prin ipal, so we may assume that I ontains a nonzero polynomial g of minimum degree. Clearly hgi (cid:18) I. We shall prove that I (cid:18) hgi, so that I = hgi and hen e I is prin ipal. Thus let f 2 I. By the Division Theorem 1.1, there exist polynomials q;r 2 F[x℄ su h that f = qg + r and degr < degg or r = 0. Sin e r = f (cid:0) qg and f;g 2 I, it follows from the de(cid:12)nition of an ideal that r 2 I. By our hoi e of g, it is impossible that degr < degg, and hen e r = 0. But then f = qg, and so f 2 hgi. (cid:3) 2.3 Finitely generated ideals We see from Theorem 2.2 that the failure of the Division Theorem in the polyno- mialringF[x;y℄intwo variablesover the(cid:12)eld F is loselyrelated totheexisten e of ideals whi h are not prin ipal. From Example 2.1, we might be tempted to guess that every ideal in F[x;y℄ is generated by at most two elements. The following example shows that this is far too optimisti . n n(cid:0)1 n(cid:0)1 n Example 2.3 Let F be a (cid:12)eld, let n (cid:21) 1 and let I = hx ;x y;:::;xy ;y i be the ideal in F[x;y℄ generated by the set of allmonomialsof degree n. We shall prove that I annot be generated by fewer than n+1 polynomials. First noti e that the polynomials in I are the polynomials in whi h no term of degree < n appears. Let f1;:::;fm be a generating set for I: we must prove i n(cid:0)i that m (cid:21) n+1. Ea h of the n+1 monomialsx y an be expressed in the form P i n(cid:0)i m x y = j=1gi;jfj where gi;j 2 F[x;y℄. Sin e the fj have no terms of degree P i n(cid:0)i m < n, equatingterms of degree n gives x y = j=1ai;jhj, where hj isthe degree n homogeneous part of fj and ai;j 2 F is the onstant term of gi;j. However, the homogeneous polynomialsof degree n form a ve tor spa e of dimensionn+1 over P n n(cid:0)1 n(cid:0)1 n i n(cid:0)i m F, with basis fx ;x y;:::;xy ;y g, and the equations x y = j=1ai;jhj express ea h of these basis elements as linear ombinations of the h1;:::;hm. Hen e m (cid:21) n+1, by standard fa ts of linear algebra. WeseefromthisexamplethatthereisnointegerN su hthateveryidealinF[x;y℄ is generated by some set with at most N elements. Obviously, the same is true for F[x1;:::;xn℄ for every n (cid:21) 2. Thus the algebrai stru ture of a polynomial ring in two or more variables is very di(cid:11)erent from the ase of one variable. Here are some questions we might ask about polynomials in n variables. (cid:15) Dotwo polynomialshave agreatest ommondivisor? (Re allthat forn = 1 the answer is yes, and it an be omputed by the Eu lidean Algorithm.) (cid:15) Given an ideal I = hf1;:::fni and a polynomial f, how an we determine whether f is in I or not? (For n = 1, f 2 I if and only if the generator of the ideal divides f.) 5 (cid:15) Does every ideal in F[x1;:::;xn℄ have a (cid:12)nite generating set? The last question is answered by Theorem 2.4 (Hilbert's Basis Theorem) Let F be a (cid:12)eld and let I be an ideal in the polynomial ring P = F[x1;:::;xn℄. Then I is (cid:12)nitely generated, i.e. there exists a positive integer N and a set of polynomials f1;:::;fN in I su h that every P N polynomial f 2 I an be written in the form f = i=1rifi for some polynomials r1;:::;rN in P. We shall return to Hilbert's theorem later. The following example shows that ideals in polynomial rings need not be (cid:12)nitely generated in general. This example will not be needed in our future work, and so the details (in luding the pre ise de(cid:12)nitions!) are left for you to think about. Exer ise 2.5 Let F be a (cid:12)eld and let x1;x2;::: be an in(cid:12)nite sequen e of vari- ables. Let P be the polynomialring F[x1;x2;:::℄ and let I be the ideal onsisting of all polynomials with zero onstant term. Then I is not (cid:12)nitely generated. An ideal whi h is not (cid:12)nitely generated an always be generated by some set, for example, the set of all its elements. Here we make pre ise the de(cid:12)nition of a generating set for an ideal. Let R be a ommutative ring with 1, let I be an ideal in R, and let A be a subset of R. Then A is a generating set or basis for I (written I = hAi) if and only if every element a 2 I an be written in the form a = r1a1 +:::+rnan; (4) where a1;:::;an 2 A and r1;:::;rn 2 R, for some positive integer n. The point is that although the set A an be in(cid:12)nite, only (cid:12)nitely many ele- ments of A are involved in (4) for a given a 2 I. 2.4 Quotient Rings Re all (MT2262) that when I is an ideal in the ommutative ring R, then the quotient ring R=I is onstru ted as follows. An element of P=I is a oset f = f +I = ff +g j g 2 Ig, and that the ring operations in P=I are de(cid:12)ned by (f1 +I)+(f2 +I) = f1 +f2 +I; i:e: f1 +f2 = f1 +f2; (f1 +I)(cid:1)(f2 +I) = f1 (cid:1)f2 +I; i:e: f1 (cid:1)f2 = f1 (cid:1)f2: This is a good way to onstru t lots of interesting rings, as we shall see later. 6 3 Monomial Ideals and Di kson's Lemma Monomials are mu h easier to handle than general polynomials. For example, we an write down the GCD and LCM of two given monomials at sight, e.g. 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 GCD(x y z;x z ) = x z, LCM(x y z;x z ) = x y z . LetF bea(cid:12)eldandletP = F[x1;:::;xn℄bethepolynomialringinnvariables over F. A monomial ideal in P is an ideal I whi h is generated by a set of monomials M. We do not assume that M is (cid:12)nite. Examples 2.1 and 2.3 are examples of monomial ideals in F[x;y℄. Theorem 3.1 Let I be a monomial ideal in P = F[x1;:::;xn℄, and let f be a polynomial in P. Then f 2 I if and only if every monomial whi h appears in f is in I. Proof The `if' part is obvious; we prove the `only if' part. Let f 2 I, and (cid:11) (cid:11) (cid:11) let a(cid:11)x be a term in f. Thus f = a(cid:11)x +f1, where the monomial x does not (cid:11) appear in f1. We must prove that x 2 I. Let S be a set of monomials whi h generates I. Then f is a (cid:12)nite sum (cid:11)(1) (cid:11)(r) f = g1x +:::+grx (5) (cid:11)(1) (cid:11)(r) for some polynomials g1;:::;gr 2 P and some monomials x ;:::;x 2 S. Equating terms in (3.1) with exponent ve tor (cid:11), we obtain (cid:11) (cid:11)(1) (cid:11)(r) a(cid:11)x = t1x +:::+trx (6) where ea h ti is either zero or is the term appearing in gi with exponent ve tor (cid:11) (cid:12) = (cid:11)(cid:0)(cid:11)(i). Sin e a(cid:11) 6= 0, equation (6) expresses x as an element of I. (cid:3) This result redu es the problem of testing a polynomial for membership of a monomialideal I to the problem of testing a monomial. The next result provides su h a test. (cid:11) Theorem 3.2 Let S be a set of monomials in P = F[x1;:::;xn℄, and let x be (cid:11) (cid:11) any monomial in P. Then x 2 hSi if and only if x is divisible by some element of S. Proof Let I be the set of polynomialsf su h that all monomials appearing in f are divisible by some element of S. Then I is an ideal in P. Sin e every element of S is in I, we have hSi (cid:18) I. But if f 2 I, every monomial appearing (cid:11) in f is in hSi and so f 2 hSi. Hen e I (cid:18) hSi, and so I = hSi. Taking f = x , we have the required statement. (cid:3) Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 allow us to des ribe the elements of a monomial ideal 3 hSi pre isely. For example, hxy;y i (cid:26) F[x;y℄ onsists of all polynomials whi h 2 n have zero onstant term and in whi h the monomials y, y and all x (n (cid:21) 1) do not appear. 7 3.1 Sums of ideals Let I and J be ideals in R. Then their sum I +J is de(cid:12)ned by I +J = fa+b j a 2 I;b 2 Jg: (7) This is an ideal in R. If A and B are subsets of R su h that A generates I and B generates J, then I +J is generated by the union A [B of these generating sets. It follows that the sum of two monomial ideals is again a monomial ideal. 2 3 4 2 2 3 4 2 Example 3.3 If I = hx y;y i and J = hx ;xy i, then I +J = hx y;y ;x ;xy i. Noti ethatingeneralI[J isnotanideal,butifI (cid:18) J thenI[J = J = I+J. We an think of I +J as the smallest ideal whi h ontains both I and J. 3.2 Produ ts of ideals Let I and J be ideals in R. Then their produ t IJ is the set of elements r 2 R of the form n X r = aibi; where ai 2 I;bi 2 J: (8) i=1 This is an ideal in R. If A and B are subsets of R su h that A generates I and B generates J, then IJ is generated by the produ t AB = faibi j ai 2 A;bi 2 Bg of these generating sets. It follows that the produ t of two monomial ideals is again a monomial ideal. 2 3 4 2 6 3 3 4 3 5 Example 3.4 If I = hx y;y i, J = hx ;xy i, then IJ = hx y;x y ;x y ;xy i. 4 3 Noti e that we an throw out x y from this list of generators, be ause it is di- 3 3 6 3 3 5 visible by another monomialin the list, x y . The remaining list fx y;x y ;xy g is a minimal generating set for IJ. 3.3 Interse tions of ideals The interse tion I \J of ideals I and J in R is de(cid:12)ned to be their interse tion as sets, i.e. the set of all r 2 R su h that r 2 I and r 2 J. This is an ideal in R. (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:11) If x and x are monomials, then the interse tion of the prin ipal ideals hx i (cid:12) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:11) (cid:12) and hx i is the prin ipal ideal hx i where x = LCM(x ;x ). For example, 2 3 2 3 hx yi \ hxy i = hx y i. This follows immediately from Theorem 3.2. More generally, let I and J be the monomial ideals generated by sets of monomials S1 (cid:13) and S2 respe tively. Then by Theorem 3.2 a monomial x is in I \J if and only (cid:13) (cid:11) (cid:12) if x is divisible by some element x 2 S1 and also by some element x 2 S2. (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:11) (cid:12) Hen e the set fLCM(x ;x ) j x 2 S1;x 2 S2g is a set of monomial generators for I \J. 8 2 3 4 2 4 2 2 4 3 3 Example 3.5 If I = hx y;y i and J = hx ;xy i, I \J = hx y;x y ;x y ;xy i. 4 3 Noti ethatwe anthrowouttheelementx y fromthelistofgenerators, be ause 3 4 2 2 3 it is divisible by another monomial in the list, namely xy . Thus fx y;x y ;xy g is a minimal generating set for I \J. 3.4 Di kson's Lemma The next result is a major step towards the proof of the Hilbert Basis Theorem. Theorem 3.6 Let F be a (cid:12)eld, let S be a set of monomials in P = F[x1;:::;xn℄, and let I = hSi. Then I is generated by a (cid:12)nite subset of the monomials in S. In parti ular, every monomial ideal in P is (cid:12)nitely generated. Proof We (cid:12)rst prove that I isgenerated by some(cid:12)niteset ofmonomials,whi h need not belong to S. For this, we use indu tion on n, the number of variables. k The ase n = 1 is trivial, sin e every monomial ideal is of the form hx i for some k (cid:21) 0. Thus we assume that the result is true for n (cid:0) 1 variables, and let I be a monomial ideal in P = F[x1;:::;xn℄. We shall write the variable xn as y, (cid:11) m so that monomials in P an be written as x y , where x = (x1;:::;xn(cid:0)1) and (cid:11) = ((cid:11)1;:::;(cid:11)n(cid:0)1). Given a monomialideal I in P, let J be the ideal in F[x1;:::;xn(cid:0)1℄ generated (cid:11) (cid:11) k by the monomials x su h that x y 2 I for some k (cid:21) 0. Then J is a monomial ideal in F[x1;:::;xn(cid:0)1℄. By the indu tion hypothesis, we an hoose a (cid:12)nite set (cid:11)(1) (cid:11)(s) of monomials fx ;:::;x g whi h generates J. (cid:11)(i) mi For 1 (cid:20) i (cid:20) s, by de(cid:12)nition of J there is an integer mi su h that x y 2 I. Let m = maxmi. For 0 (cid:20) k (cid:20) m (cid:0) 1, let Jk be the ideal in F[x1;:::;xn(cid:0)1℄ (cid:11) (cid:11) k generated by the monomials x su h that x y 2 I. Then Jk is a monomialideal in F[x1;:::;xn(cid:0)1℄, so again the indu tion hypothesis allows us to hoose a (cid:12)nite set of these monomials fx(cid:11)k(1);:::;x(cid:11)k(sk)g whi h generates Jk. (cid:11)(i) m We laimthatI isgeneratedbythemonomialsx y ,for1 (cid:20) i (cid:20) s, together with the monomials x(cid:11)k(i)yk, for 1 (cid:20) i (cid:20) sk and 0 (cid:20) k (cid:20) m(cid:0)1. This is a (cid:12)nite set M of monomials. (cid:11) k Clearly all these monomials are in I. Let x y be a monomial in I. If k (cid:21) m, (cid:11) (cid:11)(1) (cid:11)(s) then sin e x 2 J and J is the monomial ideal generated by fx ;:::;x g, (cid:11) (cid:11)(i) x is divisible by x for some i with 1 (cid:20) i (cid:20) s by Theorem 3.2. Hen e (cid:11) k (cid:11)(i) m x y is divisible by x y . On the other hand, if 0 (cid:20) k (cid:20) m (cid:0) 1 then sin e x(cid:11) 2 Jk a similar argument proves that x(cid:11)yk is divisible by x(cid:11)k(i)yk for some i with 1 (cid:20) i (cid:20) sk. Thus every monomial in I is divisible by some monomial in the set M, and it follows that I = hMi. To omplete the proof, we must prove that a (cid:12)nite generating set for I an be sele ted from any given set of monomials S whi h generate the ideal I. Let m1;:::;mr be a(cid:12)niteset ofmonomialswhi h generatesI: su h a set existsby the (cid:12)rst part of the proof. By Theorem 3.2, ea h mi is divisible by some monomial 0 0 0 mi 2 S, for 1 (cid:20) i (cid:20) r. Then m1;:::;mr lie in S and generate I. (cid:3) 9 4 Orderings on Monomials We would like to have a division algorithm for polynomials in n variables. That is, we would like to have an algorithm that has, as inputs, two polynomials f and g and, as outputs, two polynomials q (the quotient of f by g) and r (the remainder when f is divided by g). The polynomials q and r should satisfy (1) f = qg+r, and (2) r is `smaller' in some sense than g. For this to work, we must hoose an ordering on monomials. To see why, 2 2 2 2 onsider the example f = x y +xy , g = x y. Here it is natural to hoose q = y 2 2 2 and r = xy . So we would like to regard xy as `smaller'than x y. However, if we 2 2 2 2 inter hange the variables and divide x y +x y by xy , by symmetry we should 2 2 regard x y as the remainder and hen e `smaller' than xy . To es ape from this 2 2 2 2 ontradi tion, we must (cid:12)rst agree whether to have x y > xy or x y < xy . (cid:11) De(cid:12)nition 4.1 Let F be a (cid:12)eld and let M be the set of all monomials x in P = F[x1;:::;xn℄. A monomial ordering on P is a total ordering < on M whi h is ompatible with multipli ation, i.e. the following four axioms hold. (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:15) (tri hotomy rule) Given x ;x 2 M, exa tly one of the three statements (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:11) (cid:11) (cid:12) x < x , x < x and x = x is true. (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:13) (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:13) (cid:15) (transitive rule) If x ;x ;x 2 M satisfy x < x and x < x , then (cid:11) (cid:13) x < x . (cid:11) (cid:11) (cid:11) (cid:15) (initialisation rule) If x 2 M and x 6= 1, then 1 < x . (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:13) (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:11) (cid:13) (cid:12) (cid:13) (cid:15) (multipli ation rule) If x ;x ;x 2 M and x < x , then x x < x x . Along with the < symbol, we shall use the symbols (cid:20);>;(cid:21) with the obvious meanings. We give three examples. In these examples, we shall assume (as part of the ordering) that the variables are ordered so that x1 > x2 > (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) > xn. Let (cid:11) (cid:11)1 (cid:11)n (cid:12) (cid:12)1 (cid:12)n x = x1 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)xn , x = x1 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)xn . (i) The lexi ographi ordering, Lex (cid:11) (cid:12) De(cid:12)ne x < x in Lex if and only if (cid:11)1 = (cid:12)1;:::;(cid:11)k(cid:0)1 = (cid:12)k(cid:0)1, (cid:11)k < (cid:12)k for some k = 1;:::;n. In other words, reading from left (x1) to right (xn), (cid:11) the (cid:12)rst time the exponents are di(cid:11)erent the exponent in x is smaller. (ii) The degree lexi ographi ordering, DegLex (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:11) (cid:12) De(cid:12)ne x < x inDegLex ifandonlyifj(cid:11)j < j(cid:12)jorifj(cid:11)j = j(cid:12)j andx < x in Lex. In other words, we use the degree (the sum of the exponents) as the (cid:12)rst test, and use Lex to order monomials of the same degree. 10

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