POLYMERIZATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF 2-HYDROXYETHYL ACRYLATE A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES OF THE MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY ELİF VARGÜN IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCES IN THE DEPARTMENT OF POLYMER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY JULY 2003 Approval of the Graduates School of Natural and Applied Sciences Prof. Dr. Tayfur ÖZTÜRK Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Sciences Prof. Dr. Ali USANMAZ Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it’s fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science in Polymer Science and Technology Prof. Dr. Ali USANMAZ (Supervisor) Examining Commitee in Charge Prof. Dr. Leyla ARAS (Chairman) Prof. Dr. Ali USANMAZ Prof. Dr. Kemal ALYÜRÜK Prof. Dr. Serpil AKSOY Prof. Dr. Duygu KISAKÜREK ABSTRACT POLYMERIZATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF 2-HYDROXYETHYL ACRYLATE VARGÜN, Elif M.Sc., Department of Polymer Science and Technology Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ali USANMAZ July 2003, 74 pages Poly(2-Hydroxyethyl acrylate), PHEA, is used as hydrophilic polymeric gels which have been studied because of its great importance for agricultural or biomedical applications. Biomedical applications of hydrogels include soft contact lenses, artificial corneas, soft tissue substitutes and burn dressings. In this study, it was aimed to synthesis the polymers with well-defined molecular weights, polydispersities and cahin topologies. Bulk, solution and atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) techniques at different temperatures were examined. The polymerization in bulk form was carried in vacuum and in open atmosphere. The polymerization curves showed autoacceleration mechanism. The polymers obtained were insoluable in most common solvents because of having high molecular weights and are crosslinked. So in order to overcome this iii problem, 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate was polymerized by solution and ATRP methods. The activation energy for bulk polymerization was found from Arrhenius plot. The polymer was characterized by FT-IR, DSC, TGA, 1H and 13C NMR techniques, Tensile tests were also examined for PHEA. Key words: 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate, bulk polymerization, solution polymerization, ATRP, activation energy, characterization. iv ÖZ 2-HİDROKSİETİL AKRİLATIN POLİMERLEŞTİRİLMESİ VE KARAKTERİZASYONU VARGÜN, Elif YL., Polimer Bilimi ve Teknolojisi Bölümü Danışman: Prof. Dr. Ali USANMAZ Temmuz 2003, 74 sayfa Hidrofilik polimerik jel olarak kullanılan poli(hidroksietil akrilatın),PHEA, tarımsal ve biyomedikal uygulamalarındaki öneminden dolayı çalışıldı. Hidrojellerin biyomedikal kullanım alanları içerisinde yumuşak kontak lensler, yapay kornealar, yumuşak doku sübstituentleri ve yanık sargısı yer alır. Bu çalışmada, iyi tanımlanmış molekül ağırlıklı, çok dağılımlı ve zincir topolojisi uygun polimerlerin sentezlenmesi amaçlandı. Farklı sıcaklıklarda kütle, çözelti ve atom transfer radikalik polimerleşme (ATRP) teknikleri kullanıldı. Kütle polimerleşmesi vakum ve açık atmosferde uygulandı. Polimerleşme eğrileri oto-ivmelenme gösterdi. Elde edilen polimerler yüksek molekül ağırlığı ve çapraz bağlanmalardan dolayı bilinen çoğu yaygın çözücülerde çözünmedi. Bu sorunun üstesinden gelebilmek için 2-hidroksietil akrilat, çözelti ve ATRP metodları ile polimerleştirildi. Kütle polimerleşmesi için aktivasyon enerjisi Arrhenius grafiğinden bulundu. Polimerin karakterizasyonu v FT-IR, DSC, TGA, 1H-NMR ve 13C-NMR teknikleri ile yapıldı. Ayrıca PHEA için çekme-kopma testleri uygulandı. Anahtar Kelimeler: 2-hidroksietil akrilat, kütle polimerleşmesi, çözelti polimerleşmesi, ATRP, aktivasyon enerjisi, karakterizasyon. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I express sincere appreciation to Prof. Dr. Ali USANMAZ for his valuable supervision, insight and direction leading me to the better. He always encouraged and supported me morally throughout the thesis. Thanks go to the other faculty members, especially polymer staff for their suggestions and comments. I would like to thank my lab friends Bengi ARAN and Elif ANAÇOĞLU for their helps and friendships throughout this thesis. Thanks go to my friends Eda Ayşe AKSOY, A. Birim İLERİ and Selda KESKİN for their moral supports. I am also grateful to B-24, D-149, D-150 and D-156 polymer research laboratory members. Thanks are also due to Semra CAN for her contribution to this thesis during mechanical analysis. Thanks go to Metin YANIK for his helps on glass-materials whenever they were broken. Additionally, I would like to thank to specialists of DSC and NMR laboratories for analysis. Finally, I wish to express by grantitude appreciation to my family. Without their courage and love, this work couldn’t be accomplished. vii To my.family. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT.........................................................................................................iii ÖZ.........................................................................................................................v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT..................................................................................vii DEDICATION...................................................................................................viii TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................................ix LIST OF TABLES...............................................................................................xi LIST OF FIGURES.............................................................................................xii CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................1 1.1 2-HYDROXYETHYL ACRYLATE....................................................1 1.2. HISTORY AND COMMERCIAL USE OF POLYACRYLATES......3 1.3 PROPERTIES OF POLYACRYLATES..............................................5 1.4 POLYMERIZATION OF ACRYLATES.............................................9 1.4.1 Bulk Polymerization......................................................................9 1.4.2 Solution Polymerization..............................................................11 1.4.3 Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP).........................12 1.5 FREE RADICAL POLYMERIZATION KINETICS (STEADY- STATE)...........................................................................................................15 1.5.1 Initiation......................................................................................15 1.5.2 Propagation..................................................................................17 1.5.3 Termination.................................................................................18 1.5.4 Chain Transfer.............................................................................19 1.6 LITERATURE REWIEV OF PHEA..................................................21 1.7 AIM OF THIS WORK........................................................................25 2. EXPERIMENTAL........................................................................................26 2.1 PURIFICATION OF MATERIALS...................................................26 2.2 INSTRUMENTATION.............................................................................27 2.2.1 Polymerization Tubes..................................................................27 2.2.2 High Vacuum System..................................................................27 2.2.3 Infrared Spectrometer..................................................................28 2.2.4 Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)...................................28 2.2.5 Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)...........................................28 2.2.6 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance......................................................29 ix 2.2.7 Mechanical Testing Apparatus....................................................29 2. 3 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE.....................................................29 2.3.1 Bulk Polymerization under vacuum............................................29 2.3.2 Bulk Polymerization at Open Air................................................30 2.3.3 Solution Polymerization..............................................................30 2.3.4 Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization.......................................30 2.3.5 Tensile Tests................................................................................31 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION...................................................................32 3.1 BULK POLYMERIZATION OF 2-HYDROXYETHYL ACRYLATE UNDER VACUUM........................................................................................32 3.2 BULK POLYMERIZATION OF HEA IN OPEN AIR......................41 3.3 SOLUTION POLYMERIZATION OF 2-HEA..................................43 3.4 ATOM TRANSFER RADICAL POLYMERIZATION OF 2-HEA..46 3.5 FT-IR ANALYSIS..............................................................................47 3.6 NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE...........................................50 3.7 DIFFERENTIAL SCANNING CALORIMETRY ANALYSIS........56 3.8 TENSILE TEST RESULTS FOR PHEA ...........................................68 4. CONCLUSION.............................................................................................69 REFERENCES....................................................................................................71 x