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Preview Polymeric Nanoarchitectures on Ti-Based Implants for Antibacterial Applications

Review www.acsami.org Polymeric Nanoarchitectures on Ti-Based Implants for Antibacterial Applications Long Zhang,†,‡ Chengyun Ning,†,§ Tian Zhou,‡ Xiangmei Liu,*,‡ K.W. K. Yeung,⊥ Tianjin Zhang,‡ Zushun Xu,‡ Xianbao Wang,‡ Shuilin Wu,*,‡ and Paul K. Chu*,∥ ‡ Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Organic Chemical Materials, Ministry-of-Education Key Laboratory for the Green Preparation andApplicationofFunctional Materials, HubeiProvince KeyLaboratory ofIndustrial Biotechnology, Facultyof Materials Science & Engineering, Hubei University, Wuhan, China § School of Materials Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China ⊥ DivisionofSpineSurgery,DepartmentofOrthopaedics&Traumatology,LiKaShingFacultyofMedicine,TheUniversityofHong Kong, Hong Kong, China ∥ Department of Physics & Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China ABSTRACT: Becauseoftheexcellentmechanicalpropertiesandgoodbiocompatibility,titanium-basedmetalsarewidelyused in hard tissue repair, especially load-bearing orthopedic applications. However, bacterial infection and complication during and aftersurgeryoftencausesfailureofthemetallicimplants.Toendowtitanium-basedimplantswithantibacterialproperties,surface modification is one of the effective strategies. Possessing the unique organic structure composed of molecular and functional groups resembling those of natural organisms, functionalized polymeric nanoarchitectures enhance not only the antibacterial performancebutalsootherbiologicalfunctionsthataredifficulttoaccomplishonmanyconventionalbioinertmetallicimplants. In this review, recent advance in functionalized polymeric nanoarchitectures and the associated antimicrobial mechanisms are reviewed. KEYWORDS: polymeric nanoarchitecture, antibacterial properties, biomedical implants, titanium, surface modification 1. INTRODUCTION example, the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register has reported infection rates of about 17 and 11% for total hip arthroplasty The aging population spurs increasing demand for orthopedic and total knee arthroplasty in 2009, respectively,8 and as a devices and implants. For instance, about 69.4 million people overthe ageof50sufferfromosteoporosis inChina andthere result, the need for recurring surgery is rapidly rising. Clinical analysisshowsthattheinfectionrateafterafollow-upsurgeryis are more than 687000 hip fracture and 1.8 million vertebral fracture incidents per year.1 Since the use of pure titanium in higher (5−40%) than that after the first one.9 Although bone implants in vivo in the 1930s,2 different Ti-based alloys infectionisgenerallylesslikelytohappenthanasepticfailure,it including first-generation pure titanium products and new- can cause complications with high morbidity and incur generation Al- and V-free titanium alloys have been developed substantial cost.10 To prevent infection, it is essential to to repair or substitute for damaged hard tissues. Ti-based endow metallic implants with the self-antibacterial ability. The materials offer advantages such as good biocompatibility, coatingstrategyhasbeenproventobeeffectivetoenhancethe corrosion resistance, and wear resistance, suitable Young’s antimicrobial properties of Ti-based implants11,12 and various modulus,aswellashighstrengthcomparedtoothermetals.3−5 Unfortunately, bacterial infection is a serious complication Received: July12, 2014 during and after surgery jeopardizing long-term fixation of the Accepted: September18, 2014 metallic implants and causing premature failure.6−8 For Published: September18, 2014 ©2014AmericanChemicalSociety 17323 dx.doi.org/10.1021/am5045604|ACSAppl.Mater.Interfaces2014,6,17323−17345 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Review ref 57 59 −63 68 4 5 6, 8, 0 1 6 4 5 6 7, 9 7 5 5 5 5 6 6 1 6 6 6 6 6 1 experimentalmodel S.aureus fibroblast;osteoblast S.aureus S.epidermidis S.aureus;fibroblast;osteoblast S.aureus Streptoccoccus;UMR106cells S.aureus S.aureus;Peripheralbloodmononuclearcells Escherichiacoli;S.aureus;L929cells P.aeruginosa;S.aureus;MG-63 P.aeruginosa;S.aureus;Osteoblasts S.aureus;S.epidermidis;osteoblast roperties antibacterialefficiency bactericidaleffectlasts17days thereleaseofGSispH-controlledwithanadjustableperiodoftimefrom1to2years;fullbactericidallevels(100%)after96hrelease awell-definedzoneofinhibition almostcompleteinhibitionofS.aureusgrowth inhibitthegrowthofbacteriacellsandimproveosteoblastfunctions significantdecrease(80%ofcontrol)inthebacterialcellnumber largeinhibitionzone;theanti-bacterialeffectofthepoly-mercoatingwasincreasedwiththedecreasedconcen-trationofthepolymer diminishthegrowthofbacteriastrainS.aureus(percentageofcellreductionwas98.17%afterjust1h) largeinhibitionzone;theZOI±is2.850.24mmand±2.130.15fortwobacteria,respectively inhibitbacterialgrowthandbiofilmformation;CFUsofbacteriaweredecreasedbyatleast85%invivo inhibitthebacteriaadhesionandbiofilmformation inhibitbacterialadhesion P EnhancedAntibacterial antibacterialmechanism theinhibitionofbacterialcellwallsynthesis theinhibitionofbacterialcellwallsynthesis interruptingproteinsynthesis theinhibitionofbacterialcellwallsynthesis interruptingproteinsynthesis interruptingproteinsynthesis interactionswiththecellmembrane interactionswiththecellmembrane interactionswiththecellmem-brane;interactwithnucleicacids;inhibitrespiratoryen-zymes;acceleratethegenerationofreactiveoxygenspecies. interactionswiththecellmembraneandnucleicacids,etc. interactionswiththecellmembrane interactionswiththecellmembrane electrostaticinteractions h Ti-basedMetallicImplantswit theroleofpolymers PLGA:encapsulatedantibioticsandextendedantibioticreleaseupto2.5weeks PPycanreleasedrugsuponelectricalstimulation;biocompatibility NPsallowsahigherdrugdensityandrealizesthereleaseofpH-controlledofGS increasetheloaddensityofvancomycin asacarrierofantibioticandbiomacro-molecule. heparinallowstheefficientbondingofGS/BMP-2;controllingreleaseofBMP-2andGSinasustainedandprolongedmanner antiadhesiveproperties;resistancetoenzymatichydrolysis(dentalimplants);Asadrugdeliverysystems effectivelycontrolthereleaseofCHX ligninasacomponentofHAPcompositecanprovidebetterinterconnectedporousstructureandthuspromptosteogenesis;ligninpossessesantioxidantandantimicrobialproperties goodbiocompatibility;antibacterialproperties asacarrierofTet213;thegraftdensityofTet213iscloselyrelatedtothecompositionsofbrush asanintermediatelinkerforfurtheranchoringofCecB antiadhesionpropertyofPMAA ureson testcondition invitro invitro invitro invitro invitro invitro invitro invitro invitro invitro invitroandinvivo invitro invitro t c mericArchite fabricationmethods plasma-sprayed electrodeposited NPs:ROMP;bygraftingGS-functionalizedNPsontotita-niumsurfaces photochemicalpolymerization surface-initiatedatomtransferradicalpolymer-ization(ATRP) immersion;covalentbonding solventcastingmethodologies sprayingdeposition electrophoreticdeposition(EPD) layer-by-layertechnique surface-initiatedatomtransferradicalpolymer-ization(SI-ATRP) immersion;covalentbonding surface-initiatedatomtransferradicalpolymer-ization(ATRP) y nctionalizedPol ofcoating (vancomycinandcefuroxime)-loadedPLGAcoatings penicillin/streptomycin--loadedPPycoatings GS-functionalizedNPscoatings vancomycin-PEG-acrylatecoatings P(HEMA-SA-GE/Col)-Ti GS/BMP-2/heparinized-DOPA-Ti chlorhexidine-loadedpolybenzylacrylatecoatings chlorhexidine-loadedpolylactidecoatings silver-loadedhydroxyapatite(HAP)/lignincoatings silvernanoparticle-loadedalginate/chitosancoatings antimicrobialpeptideTet213-bondedpoly(DMA-co-APMA)copolymerbrushescoatings cecropinB-loadedpolydopaminecoatings P(MAA-Silk)-Titanium u resentativeF types antibiotic-loadedpolymericarchi-tectures nonantibioticbactericideloadedpoly-mericarchitec-tures adhesion-resistantpolymericarchi-tecture p e Table1.R antibacterialmodes bactericidalproperties antiadhesionproperty 17324 dx.doi.org/10.1021/am5045604|ACSAppl.Mater.Interfaces2014,6,17323−17345 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Review −75 omnican; ref 70 71 72 37,73 76 77 ellsfrSuccichitos cA,d Table1.continued antibacterialfabricationtestexperimentalmodestypesofcoatingmethodsconditiontheroleofpolymersantibacterialmechanismantibacterialefficiencymodel PPy/PEGcoatings;electrodepositedinvitropolypyrroleisaexcellentconductingsurfacehydrophobicity;surfacethepercentageofbacteriaEscherichiacolipolypyrroleandpolymers;PEGcanenhancethemobilitychargeandelectrostaticgrowthinhibitionincreasespolyethyleneglycolofions,improvestability,andenhanceinteractionto88%antibacterialproperties PLL-g-PEG/immersioninvitroPEGcandecreasetheamountofadsorbedsurfacecharges;surfacedecreasetheamountofS.aureus;PEG-RGDcoatingsproteinstopographyadherentbacteriaby69%fibroblast;osteoblast antibacterialulvancovalentbindinginvitroantiadhesivepropertiesofulvansurfacehydrophobicity;surfacedecreasebacterialadhesion,P.aeruginosa;S.polysaccharidespolysaccharides-Tipolysaccharideschargeandelectrostaticwithareductionintheinitialepidermidispolymericinteractionadhesionupto96%.architecture antibacterialantibacterialRGD-Hyaluronicthelayer-by-layerinvitrogoodbiocompatibility;Antibacterialchitosanactsasachelatingagent;exhibitingabout80%reductionS.aureus;propertiespolysaccharidesacid/chitosan(LbL)electro-propertiesinteractswiththemembraneinbacterialadhesionosteoblastspolymericcoatingsstaticdepositionetc.architectureCH-LA-PDA-Tiimmersion;invitroPDA:asanintermediatelinkerforfurtherinteractionswiththecellTheantibacterialrateof93.3%P.eruginosa;S.covalentanchoringofCH-LAmembraneetc.againstP.eruginosaandaureus;bonding95.6%againstS.aureusosteoblast O-CMCS-PDA-Tiimmersion;invitroPDA:asanintermediatelinkerforfurtherinteractionswiththecelltheO-CMCScoatingresultsinS.epidermidis;−covalentanchoringofO-CMCSmembraneetc.7585%reductioninosteoblastbondingadherentbacteriaaAbbreviations:PLGA,poly(lactic-co-glycolicacid);S.aureus,Staphylococcusaureus;S.epidermidis,Staphylococcus.epidermidis;P.aeruginosa,Pseudomonasaeruginosa;MG-63,osteoblast-likehumanosteosarcoma;PPy,polypyrrole;NPs,sphericalnanoparticles;ROMP,ring-openingmetathesiscopolymerization;GS,gentamicinsulfate;HEMA,2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate;SAnhydride;GE,gentamicin;Col,collagen;PEG,polyethyleneglycol;DA,dopamine;PDA,polydopamine;CHX,Chlorhexidine;CH-LA,chitosan-lauricacid;O-CMCS,O-carboxymethylateZOI,zoneofinhibition;CFUs,colony-formingunit. 17325 dx.doi.org/10.1021/am5045604|ACSAppl.Mater.Interfaces2014,6,17323−17345 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Review kindsofcoatingshavebeendeveloped,forexample, antibiotics functionalized antibacterial polymeric nanostructures on Ti- loaded coatings,13 inorganic bactericide doped coatings,14 based metallic implants. bioactive antibacterial polymerization,15 nonantibiotic organic 2.2. Antimicrobial Mechanism. Generally, there are two bactericideloadedcoatings,16andadhesion-resistantcoatings.17 types of antibacterial modes including the bactericidal and Among them, antibacterial polymeric coatings possess distinct antiadhesion way. The former is to kill bacteria directly by advantages such as tunable physical and chemical properties, bactericides on the implants,13 whereas the latter is to prevent diverse functionalities, simple structure, low cost, and easy adhesionofmicroorganismsthroughantiadhesiveagentsonthe fabrication.18,19 However, because of the nature of most surface.37,38 Although the precise antibacterial mechanism is polymers, these polymeric coatings do not possess some stillnotveryclearatpresent,accordingtothereactionbetween specialsurfacepropertiessuchashydrophilicity,roughness,and antibacterial agents and bacterial cells, it can be generally surface polarity thereby hampering clinical applications.20,21 In divided into four main antimicrobial mechanisms as follows. thisrespect,afunctionalizedpolymericnanoarchitectureonthe 2.2.1. Inhibiting the Synthesis of Bacterial Cell Wall. The materials surface not only preserves the favorable bulk antibacterial activity of penicillin and other antibacterial agents attributes of the polymer, but also introduces other unique such as vancomycin and cefuroxime can directly inhibit the functions such as drug delivery, modulation of cell adhesion, synthesis of bacterial cell wall leading to the death of cell differentiation, as well as inhibition and killing of bacteria. bacteria.39,40 Thispaperaimstoreviewtherecentresearchanddevelopment 2.2.2. Disruption of Protein Synthesis. Protein is often of antibacterial polymeric nanoarchitectures on Ti-based synthesized directly from genes by translating mRNA.41 If biomedical implants. inaccurate mRNA translation occurs in this process, the func- tionsoftheproteincanbechangedandasaresult,theprimary 2. BACTERIAL INFECTION AND ANTIBACTERIAL enzymesneededforcellsurvivalcannotbesynthesizedthereby MECHANISM causing death of the bacteria. Some antibiotics like amino- 2.1. Biofilm-Induced Infection. Implant-associated in- glycosides and chloramphenicol operate in this way. For ex- fectionoccursfrequentlyduringandaftersurgeryandiscaused ample, gentamicin acts by irreversibly binding the 30S subunit mainly by staphylococci and streptococcus. Complications can of the bacterial ribosome to disturb protein synthesis.42 lead to implant failure necessitating removal by a second 2.2.3. Interaction with Cell Membrane. Some antibacterial surgery. Formation of a biofilm is one of the main reason for agentsinteractwiththeplasmamembraneofbacteriatodisrupt infection. A biofilm that develops quickly after bacteria attach the integrity of membranes and impact the membrane ontotheimplantsurfaceoftencontainsamacromolecularlayer permeability43 to kill them. Most antimicrobial peptides can formed under physiological conditions.22 The macromolecular achieve this effect through interaction with the phospholipid layerconstitutestheso-called“conditioningfilm”renderingthe component of the cell membrane.43−45 However, there is an surface more hospitable for bacteria to colonize.11,22 Various increasing number of peptides found to proceed under other kinds ofproteins from surrounding biological fluids like blood, mechanisms such as inhibition of cell wall or protein synthesis interstitial fluids, salivary proteins, and plasma proteins adsorb or interaction with DNA or RNA.46 on the implants before the first germs appear.22,23 However, 2.2.4. Inhibiting Transcription and Replication of Nucleic when the conditioning film is formed, bacteria can adhere and Acid. Some antibacterial agents can inhibit the transcription subsequently colonize to form a biofilm that possesses a and replication of DNA, thus influencing the synthesis of complex architecture by accumulation.22,24 A biofilm can resist necessary enzymes and cell division. For example, silver ions the host immune response via host defense mechanism interact with nucleic acids and DNA molecules become consequently destroying the host immunity ability on the condensed and lose their replication ability after treatment metallic implant.25,26 Furthermore, it can withstand anti- with silver ions.47 It has also been shown that silver ions can microbial challenge in two ways.25 The first one is failure of inhibit respiratory enzymes,48 accelerate the generation of theantimicrobialagentthatpenetratesintothebiofilmsdueto neutralization reactions between the antibacterial agent and some components in the biofilms.25,27−29 The second one is reduced susceptibility of the biofilm to antibacterial agents, resulting in loss of activity of antibiotics against some slow- growing bacteria in the biofilm.25,30 Althoughcontaminationduringsurgerycaninduceinfection, most infection occurring on Ti-based metallic implants is not related to surgeries.31,32 In the early stage after implantation, thelocalimmunesystemisaffectedbythesurgicaltrauma,and consequently bacterial infection often occurs during this stage.33 Even after tissue integration, the local host immune abilityispoorandrestrictedbyasmallquantityofbloodvessels attheinterfacebetweentheimplantandsurroundingtissues.If biofilm-related infection becomes chronic, implant failure normally ensues because both surgical debridement and conventional systemic antibiotic therapy have no effects at that time.34 Hence, it is critical to prevent the formation of biofilms by inhibiting initial bacterial adhesion or killing Figure 1. Cumulative concentrations of P/S and Dex after electrical bacteria directly35,36 and a good understanding of the general stimulation(scanningrate=100mVs−1).Reprintedwithpermission antimicrobial mechanism is crucial to the fabrication of from ref55. Copyright 2011IOP Publishing. 17326 dx.doi.org/10.1021/am5045604|ACSAppl.Mater.Interfaces2014,6,17323−17345 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Review Figure2.(A)GraftingofNPsontotitanium.(B)RepresentationofthebioactivematerialsatneutralandacidicpH.(C)Releasekineticprofilesof titaniumfunctionalizedwithFITC-labeledGSasafunctionofpHforGSgraftedtotitanium,DGS=1.0±0.3μg/cm2.Reprintedwithpermission fromref 56. Copyright 2012Elsevier. reactive oxygen species,49 and interfere with the membrane nanoarchitectures by chemical reactions. The polymeric permeability consequently leading to bacteria death.48,50 nanoarchitecture with a sustainable high concentration of On the basis of the aforementioned possible antibacterial antibacterial agents can kill microorganism effectively and mechanisms, while some antibacterial agents work on the cell decreases the amount of drug-resistant bacteria.51 The latter membraneofthebacteria,othersaretakeninsidethecells.The antibacterialagentscanbereleasedcontrollablyfrompolymeric former antibacterial agents can be easily fixed on polymeric nanoarchitectures toavoid possiblecytotoxicity andgeneration 17327 dx.doi.org/10.1021/am5045604|ACSAppl.Mater.Interfaces2014,6,17323−17345 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Review Figure 3. (A) Reaction schematic illustrating the synthesis of VAN bonded to Ti: (a) toluene at room temperature; (b) (i) Fmoc-AEEA, HATU, MeNCHO, and N-methylmorpholine at room temperature; (ii) piperidine/MeNCHO; (iii) Fmoc-AEEA, HATU, MeNCHO, and 2 2 2 N-methylmorpholine at room temperature; (iv) piperidine/MeNCHO; (c) VAN, HATU, MeNCHO, and N-methylmorpholine at room 2 2 temperature.(B)SchematicoftheTisurfacemodificationprocedure.(d)Anhydroustolueneatroomtemperature.Thisreactionplacesalayerwith methacrylategroupsonthesurfacetotakepartinfreeradicalpolymerizationandanchorthepolymerchainstothesurface.(e)UVlight,monomer solution, photoinitiator. The methacrylated surface is covered by a monomer solution containing a polymerizable antibiotic (VPA[3400] in this case), another polymerizable species (PEG[375]-acrylate), and a photoinitiator followed by exposure to ultraviolet radiation resulting in polymerization. A fraction of the polymer chains is covalently attached to the surface, albeit in a geometrically structure more complex than that shown here. In this reaction scheme, a polyacrylate backbone is formed with pendant VPA(3400) and PEG(375) assuming ideal polymerization, m= 9 andn = 80. Reprinted with permission from refs 59 and87. Copyright 2010Springer and 2005Elsevier. of drug-resistant bacteria.52,53 In addition, some polymeric Recently, there is more interest in applying this technique to nanoarchitectureshaveasuitablechemicalcompositiontobody enhancing the antibacterial properties of Ti-based metallic and good biocompatibility. Owing to the versatility and implants by introducing antibiotic-loaded biocompatible advantages, functionalized polymeric nanoarchitectures with polymers such as poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA),54 α-ω- uniqueantibacterialfunctionshavebeendevelopedonTi-based functionalized poly(ethylene oxide) nanoparticles (NPs),56 metallic implants. Table 1 summarizes the fabrication methods PEG-acrylate,58,59 poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (P- andcorrespondingantibacterialactivityoftypicalfunctionalized (HEMA)),60 and heparin-dopamine.61,62 polymericnanoarchitectures,whichcanbecategorizedintotwo Various kinds of antibiotics such as gentamicin sulfate, groups including the bactericidal and adhesion resistant vancomycin,penicillin,andcefuroximehavebeenincorporated ones.16,17,37,54−77 Of course, it is possible to combine the two into polymers by encapsulation54 and covalent bonding56,60 to modes, for instance, antibacterial polysaccharides consisting of introduce bactericidal functions on Ti-based metallic implants chitosan (bacteriostatic/bactericidal) and hyaluronic acid because of their broad spectrum being effective against (antiadhesion), the so-called antibacterial architecture. infection caused by pseudomonas, proteus organisms, staph- ylococci, and Staphylococcus aureus.54,56,61,79,80 3. BACTERICIDALPOLYMERICNANOARCHITECTURES The effectiveness of an antibiotic-releasing architecture 3.1. Antibiotic-Loaded Architectures. Conventional depends strongly on the rate and manner in which the drug systemic antibiotic therapy may cause side effects and drug isreleased,whichisdeterminedmainlybythepropertiesofthe interactions.78 Furthermore, antibiotic prophylaxis cannot polymericarchitecturesandantibiotictype.PLGAisoftenused achieve the expected therapeutic effect on periprosthetic as a carrier of these antibiotics on account of its excellent infection because of the low vascularity at the site of new biocompatibility and biodegradability. The antibiotics encapsu- metallic implants. In contrast, the application of topical latedinPLGAisreleasedatasustainedrateeitherbydiffusion antibiotics that can avoid these potential hazards though local of the drug or through degradation of the polymer. For release of antibacterial agents has attracted growing attention. example,Yehetal.havepreparedavancomycinandcefuroxime 17328 dx.doi.org/10.1021/am5045604|ACSAppl.Mater.Interfaces2014,6,17323−17345 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Review Figure4.InvitroreleaseofgentamicinorBMP-2fromtheTisubstrate.(A)GentamicinreleasefromGS/Hep-Ti(●)andGS/BMP-2/Hep-Ti(○). (B) BMP-2 release from BMP-2/Hep-Ti (●) and GS/BMP-2/Hep-Ti (○). (C) Schematic diagram showing immobilization of gentamicin sulfate and bone morphogenic protein-2 (BMP-2) on the heparinized-Ti substrate. Reprinted with permission from ref 61. Copyright 2012 Elsevier. loaded PLGA layer on Ti6Al4 V by plasma spraying and the of vancomycin makes it easier to dissolve in the PBS solution release rate is determined by the antibiotics concentration and and release from the PLGA matrix. numberofcoating layers ofthe PLGAencapsulation.54Infact, Polypyrrole (PPy), an intrinsic conductive polymer, has been the optimal PLGA capsulation architecture shows a suitable usedincontrolleddrugdeliveryandsomeuniquecharacteristics.82 initialburstrelease(about8%releasein24h)whichisagood For example, the antibiotics that are encapsulated in PPy on feature because the relatively high dose initially released to titanium can be released on demand to potentially combat bac- protect against bacterial infection during the most critical terialinfectionbyapplyingavoltage.55AsshowninFigure1,80% period after implantation, followed by relatively slow and of thedrugsarereleasedataconstantrateondemandwhenthe continuousreleaseofcefuroximeoveraperiodof17dayswith voltageis applied forfivecycles at ascanning rateof 0.1 Vs−1.55 aneffectiveinhibitory effect.54,81Subsequent antibiotics release Although the controlled drug delivery system is an excellent overtheminimuminhibitionconcentration(MIC)canprevent way to improve the lifetime of orthopedic implants, there are bacterialinfectionattheimplantsiteduringhealing.Theinitial some shortcomings such as the demand for detection of burstreleasecanbeexplainedbydiffusionoftheantibioticson infection beforehand and lack of suitable early burst release. the surface or near the surface of the polymer coating, while The ideal drug delivery systems (DDS) should be able to subsequent release is attributed to the diffusion process release drugs over a periodofseveral months toyears in order influenced by the degradation rate of the polymer.81 The to prevent “late” infection that can occur 24 months later hydrophilicityofthepolymerandantibioticsaffectsthe release postsurgery while improved efficacy, reduced toxicity and profile. For example, the total amount of released vancomycin resistance, improved patient compliance, and convenience are is about 95% of the loaded amount and larger than that of attained.83,84 Pichavant et al. have developed a drug delivery cefuroxime (about 65%).54 However, the duration of effective system with automatic capacity on Ti6Al4 V by surface releaseofvancomycinis5daysshorterthanthatofcefuroxime. silanization, in which pH-sensitive functionalized nanoparti- This release phenomenon can be explained by the reduced cles (NPs) are formed by ring-opening metathesis copoly- affinity between the hydrophilic vancomycin and hydrophobic merization in a dispersed medium of norbornene with α−ω- PLGA after degradation of the initial hydrophilic poly glycolic functionalized macromonomers ended with gentamicin sulfate acid (PGA).54 Another reason is that the hydrophilic property (GS). This process is schematically illustrated in Figure 2A.56 17329 dx.doi.org/10.1021/am5045604|ACSAppl.Mater.Interfaces2014,6,17323−17345 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Review Figure 5. Bacterial adhesion on (A) Ti, (B) Ti/PBA, and (C) Ti/PBA-0.35. Percentage of bacterial adhesion to (A) Ti, (B) Ti/PBA, and (C) Ti/PBA-0.35.(D)Tiisthecontrolsurface(100%).Effectsofthesubstrateon(E)thenumberofsurvivingcellsand(F)ALPactivity.TheUMR106 cellsareculturedondifferentsubstratesfor24h.Thevaluesareshownasthemeans.*p<0.05forTisampleand#p<0.05forTi/PBA.Reprinted with permission fromref 16. Copyright 2012 Elsevier. The GS-loaded NPs-APTES (aminopropyltriethoxysilane) (S.aureus)afterthereleaseofGSatpH4,5,and6after48and polymeric architecture allows local release of GS only under 96 h in vitro.56,57 acidicconditions(asshowninFigure2B,C)becausethebond Unlikearchitecturesthatcanreleaseantibioticscontinuously, of GS-NPs is pH sensitive and broken gradually as the pH some polymeric architectures immobilize antibiotic macro- decreases.55,57 In viewofthe decrease ofpH (between 6.9 and molecules on Ti-based metallic implants by means of 6.0) due to inflammation during surgery, about 10% of the intermediate polymeric functional groups. It is schematically initialGSarereleasedand90%oftheGSremain.56Ingeneral, illustrated in Figure 3.59,87 In these cases, a silane coupling bacterial infection and inflammation typically occur at pH as agentisoftentetheredtotheTi-basedmetallicimplantsbySi− low as 5.5−7.0 and local acidosis occurs.56,85,86 There- O−Ti covalent bondto form stable self-assembled monolayers fore,controlledreleaseofGSatthesiteofsurgicalimplantation (SAMs) through cross-linking,88−90 which acts as a “molecular has an advantage of adjustable time period and can minimize bridge” between the metal and polymeric macromolecules. the occurrence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria for a long time. 8-amino-3,6-dioxaoctanoate (aminoethoxyethoxyacetate; In practice, GS-loaded NPs functionalized titanium im- AEEA) and PEG-acrylate are often used to anchor organic plants significantly inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus biocides tightly and increase the amount of anchoring organic 17330 dx.doi.org/10.1021/am5045604|ACSAppl.Mater.Interfaces2014,6,17323−17345 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Review beenreportedtohavethesameeffectsonkillingS.aureuswith 88% ± 16% reduction over 2 h and meanwhile, Vanc-Ti can retain the antibacterial activity after repetitive challenges.87 Besides conventional radical polymerization, intermediate polymeric macromolecules that are utilized to anchor anti- biotics can begrafted onto Ti-based metallic implants by atom transferradicalpolymerization(ATRP).60,91Inthisprocess,the properties of the intermediate polymers such as molecular weight, dispersion effectiveness, composition, and function- alities can be precisely controlled regardless of the shape and composition of the substrate.92,93 Therefore, the content and type of the antibiotics immobilized on the surface can be modulatedbycontrollingthechainlengthandendgroupofthe intermediate polymers. For instance, P(HEMA) has been grafted onto Ti by surface-initiated ATRP.60 Besides favoring surface silanization on the titanium substrate, the pendant hydroxyl end groups of P(HEMA) can be converted into carboxyl groups and introduce amine groups allowing covalent anchoringofpenicillinontitanium.60,94,95Thesustainablehigh concentration of antibiotics almost completely inhibits the growth ofS.aureus onthe antibiotics-P(HEMA)-Ti surfacefor a long period.60 However, the bactericidal effect of the antibiotic-tethered architecture depends on the amount of antibiotics that may be lost during implantation. When the amountoftheantibioticsfallsbelowMIC,prolongedexposure increases the bacterial resistance. In practice, biocides like gentamicin sulfate are often incorporatedintopolymericarchitecturesonTi-basedimplants together with bone morphogenic protein-2 (BMP-2), growth factorsliketransforminggrowthfactor-β(TGF-β),andvascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which not only prevent bacterial infection but also promote bone integration between implants and surrounding tissues.96−98 Titanium implants functionalized by dual drugs (gentamicin sulfate and BMP-2)- eluting exhibit excellent antibacterial activity and enhanced differentiation of osteoblasts attributable to the controlled release ofBMP-2andgentamicin sulfate fromthe heparinized- Ti surface in a sustained and prolonged manner (shown in Figure 4A, B).61,62 The functionalized polymeric architecture is composed of heparin, dopamine, gentamicin sulfate, and BMP-2. Because of the abundant sulfate and carboxylic groups as well as high binding affinity, heparin, a highly sulfated glycosaminoglycan, is often used as the intermediate poly- meric bridge between the implants and antibiotics as well as BMP-2.Thepreparationprocessofthiscomplexispresentedin Figure 4C.61,99 All in all, antibiotics-loaded polymeric architectures have large potential in enhancing the self-antibacterial properties of Figure6.Scanningelectronmicroscopyimages:(A)originaltitanium metallic implants. However, the architecture may induce surface, (B) DAL/CHI multilayer coated surface, and (C) AgNP- antibiotics-resistant bacteria and causes implant failure. Some DAL/CHImultilayercoatedsurface.Reprintedwithpermissionfrom death-causing microorganisms such as the superbug NDM-1 ref66. Copyright 2013Elsevier. and the Ebola virus have developed resistance against known antibiotics.100,101Tosolvetheproblem,theantibiotic-resistance biocides.58,59,88 The covalent bonds between them are not mechanismmustbebetterunderstood.Agoodwaymaybethe influenced by the biological conditions such as pH and combineduseofvariousantibioticsandinorganicnanoparticles composition of the electrolyte. Hence, the surface-tethered suchasZnOandsilvernanoparticlesthatareprimaryinorganic metallic implants exhibit stable antibacterial activity as well as bactericides against a broad spectrum of antibiotic-resistant good cytocompatibility and tissue compatibility.80,87,88 For bacteria. example, Jose and Wickstrom et al. show that vancomycin 3.2. Nonantibiotic-Loaded Architectures. 3.2.1. Chlor- covalentlyattachedtotheTialloysurface(Vanc-Ti)effectively hexidine. Besides antibiotics, nonantibiotic agents such as preventcolonizationofStaphylococciepidermidis(S.epidermidis) chlorhexidine (CHX), Ag nanoparticles, and antimicrobial andformationofbiofilmsevenincontinuousculturingorwhen peptides can be introduced to Ti-based metallic implants by challenged seven times by S. epidermidis.79 This strategy has the surface polymeric nanoarchitecture.16,64−68 Chlorhexidine 17331 dx.doi.org/10.1021/am5045604|ACSAppl.Mater.Interfaces2014,6,17323−17345 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Review Figure7.Sketchofdifferentmodelsdescribingthemechanismandstructureofantimicrobialpeptidesinteractingwithlipidbilayers,asdiscussedin theliterature.(Topleft)α-helicalconformationofmagaininwithitshydrophilicandhydrophobicsidesofthehelix,asquantifiedbyhelicalwheel analysis,alongwiththerepresentationasanamphiphiliccylinder.(Bottomleft)Wormholeporemodelasproposedformagainin.(Topcenterand right) Surface (S) state of antimicrobial peptides with the hydrophobic side groups anchored on the hydrophobic core of the bilayer. (Bottom center)Barrel-staveporemodelasproposedforalamethicin.(Bottomright)Carpetmodel:antimicrobialpeptidescrowdingintheSstateleadingto micellation. Reprinted with permission fromref 43. Copyright 2006 Elsevier. (CHX), a symmetrical molecule with two ionizable guanidine both bactericidal effect and antiadhesion function simulta- moieties, is effective against Gram-positive/negative bacteria neously inthe earlystage. Theformer is ascribed toCHX that and fungi. In addition, it can be retained by dentinal hard inhibits the gycosydic and proteolytic activity to reduce the tissues. CHX is thus often to combat bacterial infection by proteinase activity in most oral bacteria and fungi,117,118 immobilizing it on the surface of titanium implants.102−106 whereas the latter is attributed to the nonadhesive properties IncorporationofCHXintosomebiocompatiblepolymerssuch of PBA suppressing hydrolysis of enzymes.16 However, the as cyclodextrin andits derivatives (b-cyclodextrin (CD), malto- development of suitable drug carriers for prolonged control- dextrin (MD), methylated-b-cyclodextrin (MBCD), hydroxy- lable release ofCHX still faces manychallenges because ofthe propyl-b-cyclodextrin (HPBCD)), PLGA, polylactide (PLA), cytotoxicity of CHX, and good stability of the architecture is and poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) copolymer can achieve neededconsideringthatCHXismainlyusedindentalimplants. controllable and continuous release of CHX.16,64,107−109 For 3.2.2. Silver. Silver is a well-known primary inorganic example, recent studies show that CHX can be released from bactericide against antibiotics-resistant bacteria.119,120 Biomate- CHX-PLA-modifiedtitaniumandthereleaserateisdetermined rials loades with nano silver particles exhibit higher and long- by the degradation rate of PLA.64,110 In the process, the term antibacterial efficiency, excellent biocompatibility, as well titanium substrate is anodized and then coated in a mixed as low cytotoxicity and genotoxicity.121,122 In the case of Ti- solution composed of PLA and CHX by spraying.64 based metallic implants, coatings incorporated with silver nano The cytotoxicity of CHX should be considered when this particles are often introduced.65,66 In comparison with biocide is used to prevent bacterial infection because it can inorganic coatings such as Ag/hydroxyapatite (HA), Ag/ inducedirectcytotoxicityinhumanalveolarosteoblasts,human TiO , Ag/TaN, and Ag/titanate,14,65,66,123−127 the Ag/ 2 alveolar bone cells, and stem cells from exfoliated deciduous ceramics/polymeric structure has better properties such as teeth (SHED).111−116 The best way is to optimize the content higher toughness, better biocompatibility, and controllable of CHX to achieve a satisfactory balance between cytocompat- release of Ag ions.65,66,128 For example, the Ag/HA/lignin ibility and antibacterial properties. Cortizo et al. have prepared complex has been prepared by Erakovic et al. and immediate an effective antibacterial architecture on titanium dental and continuous release of Ag ions from this complex is implants coated with polybenzyl acrylate (PBA) that is loaded responsible for the reduction of S. aureus.65,128 In comparison with different contents of CHX (labeled as Ti, Ti/PBA, Ti/ with Ag/HA coatings, the lignin-modified nanoarchitecture is PBA-0.35, Ti/PBA-0.70, Ti/PBA-1.4).16 When 0.7 and 1.4% homogeneous without fractures.65,129 Similarly, Zhang et al. CHX are loaded, some harmful signals indicating cytotoxicity have combined silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) with the are found, for instance, morphological changes, shrinkage, dopamine-modifiedalginate/chitosan(DAL/CHI)polyelectro- smaller and pyknotic cells, and loss of cytoplasmic processes. lytemultilayer.ThematerialsinhibitthegrowthofS.aureusand Conversely, assays with 0.35% CHX do not show such effects. Escherichiacoli(E.coli)becauseofthesynergisticeffectsofCHI In comparison with 0.7% and 1.4% CHX loading in the andembeddedAgNPs.66Furthermore,incorporationofAgNPs polymericarchitecture,thelowestCHXconcentrationof0.35% into the polymeric multilayer (Figure 6) can avoid cell and results in better comprehensive performance, i.e., higher tissue toxicity induced by the released AgNPs.66 antibacterial efficiency and greater osteogenic activity (shown In conclusion, nano silver-loaded polymeric architectures in Figure 5).16 This CHX-loaded PBA architecture exhibits can regulate the release of silver ions and provide multiple 17332 dx.doi.org/10.1021/am5045604|ACSAppl.Mater.Interfaces2014,6,17323−17345

Department of Physics & Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, To endow titanium-based implants with antibacterial properties, surface bone implants in vivo in the 1930s,2 different Ti-based alloys generation Al- and V-free titanium alloys have been developed.
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