Editor’s Biographies Lan Li LanLi,Ph.D.,isanassistantprofessorofMaterialsScienceandEngineering atBoiseStateUniversityinIdaho. Dr. LifinishedherdoctorateinNanomaterials org at the University of Cambridge in the U.K. in 2006, followed by working at the cs. Bio-NanoElectronicResearchCenterofToyoUniversityinJapan. Sheconducted a 14 | http://pubs.4-1161.ot001 FKdheeleovrnrertiledoSsapteaamatnreecd,nhsCthaeoesnfwtaecoroprmofkoseprtd-uMdtioanatcticeoaornsilaalsalolsbcmoIianraatfteoteirroaimntalatwshtieircteshPsoehnfayarKtsciiohcensncatDolSdletaeapbstaesratUamnndnedinvtuhteneroisvfittreUyarnsniisnitfvioOeesrrhmsoiioanty.titAohoneft 01 of these research codes into modules suitable for effective use in undergraduate 20 uly 15, 21/bk-2 NedauticoantiaolnI.nsItnitu2te01o1f,SsthaendbaercdasmaendaTNeIcShTn-oAloRgRyAinsGenaiionrthfeerlslbouwr,g,wMorakriynlganadt,tohne n J10 energy and sustainability. In late 2012, she joined the Department of Materials N ARBOR o014 | doi: 10. ipSnoccrileounudcseempanoatdleyErminaelgrsis,n,feocecoruimnsgpedoastoiBtneoemisneaetrSegtryaiatealsnUdfnoeirvnenvraisrniotonypmianretnIidctalaelhsoa,p.cpHalriecbraortneiosmenasar.tcehCriuianrltrsee,rneatsnlytds, AN7, 2 sheleadstheMaterialsTheoryandModelingGroupatBoiseState. N y Dr. Li was awarded a senior fellowship by the American Recovery and Aul HIGb): J Reinvestment Act Program, as well as the 2014 TMS (The Mineral, Metals and OF MICDate (We vYMiocaueten-crgihaalLisreaoSdfoetchrieePtTyr)oMfMeSssEPiMdounDcaalt(iDMoneavCteeolroimaplmmsiePtntretoecAaewnsdsairnadgm. e&mShbMeerapnorufeftsahecentuTtlryMinSgseIrDnvteievsgisraaiostenda) UNIV ation ComputationalMaterialsEngineeringCommittee. by blic ded Pu Jeffrey Sharp a o nl w Jeffrey Sharp, Ph.D., joined Marlow in 1995 as a Member of the Technical o D Staff, and is now a Sr. Member of the Technical Staff and Sr. Manager of the MaterialsResearchandDevelopmentDepartment. Dr. Sharp’sdegreesareaB.S. inphysics(1986)fromtheUniversityofCentralArkansasandaPh.D.inphysics (1992) from the University of Tennessee. Immediately prior to joining Marlow, he was a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow working at NIST in Gaithersburg, Maryland. At Marlow, Dr. Sharp has guided the conception, development and scale-to-production of Marlow’s proprietary MAM/MAM+ bismuth telluride alloys, which have been in production since 2001. Recently, Dr. SharpledaneffortthatcreatedalowercostversionoftheMAMprocessto supportnewbusinessopportunities. Heandhisteamarealsoworkingtoimprove bismuth telluride alloys produced by the Bridgman process. In addition, Dr. ©2014AmericanChemicalSociety In Polymer Composites for Energy Harvesting, Conversion, and Storage; Li, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014. Sharp’s team pursues new thermoelectric materials with higher performance for both cooling and power generation, including a current effort to commercialize skutterudite alloys for power generation. Dr. Sharp’s other responsibilities include peer review activities, intellectual property assessment, and technology strategy/roadmapdevelopment. Winnie Wong-Ng WinnieWong-NgreceivedaB.Sc. degreeinChemistry(minorinPhysics) g fromtheChineseUniversityofHongKong,aPh.D.degreeinInorganicChemistry or from Louisiana State University, followed by post-doctoral and research s. c a associate/lecturer appointments in the Chemistry Department of University of s. 14 | http://pub4-1161.ot001 TDc(IhoCievrDomisnDiitsoo)tn,aiCnsoafa1nc9Nar8diat8atii,c.oawAnlahrfleteevrIreinewswstohitresukcthiieneagnsotffibsoeStreattannhndeedmcIanrrpydtelssortanyalaenltoddigosrnTiaaneplccheChenert,ohnsletohrnege.yfjooH(rinNeDreIdiSmffTthra)aiencaCtsiroeernasaemDsatraiacctfhasf 01 n July 15, 21021/bk-20 faimorecpauossretadatnotNnmIStahTteerhipaahlvsaesieninecbqluuuldikleibdarnimad,etaXhsi-unrraeaymndcernytthssitcaaklnlodfiglrsmatpanhfody,ramradsns.docHfreytersctarhelnsocehlaoregcmhicisahtlralyys R o10. of oxide materials. Currently she is the leader of the project “Measurements, ARBO4 | doi: SantadndSaursdtsa,inanabdlDeaDtaefvoerloEpnmeregnytCGornovueprsioofntMheateMriaatlesr”iainlsthMeMeaasuterreimalesnfotrSEcnieenrgcye NN 201 Division. ShealsoworksontheCO2Mitigationproject. A7, She is a fellow of three scientific organizations: the American N y Aul Crystallographic Association, the American Ceramic Society, and ICDD. She HIGb): J received two Bronze Medals from the United States Department of Commerce OF MICDate (We f(r2o0m02IaCnDdD20f0o8r)hfeorrchoenrtrsiubpuetirocnosndtuoctthiveitPyorwesdeearrcDhi,ffthraect2i0o0n4FMilec,MaunrdditeheA2w0a0r7d V n Spriggs Phase Equilibria Award from the American Ceramic Society. She has UNIatio morethan300publicationsandhasgivenmorethan250presentationsincluding by blic 60 invited talks. She is also a co-organizer of about 40 symposia/workshops at ed Pu variousscientificmeetings, d oa She is an associate editor of Journal American Ceramic Society and is the nl w international report editor of Powder Diffraction. She was on the Board of o D Directors of ICDD (2010-2014), and was a member of the Board of Directors of the Applied Superconductivity Conference (2006-2012). She was the past chairoftheElectronicsDivisionoftheAmericanCeramicSociety(2005-2006), the past chair of Ceramics Subcommittee of ICDD (1994-2000), and the local chair of the 1998 American Crystallographic Association annual meeting in Arlington,VA.ShehasservedasSecretary/treasurerofU.S.NationalCommittee for Crystallography (USNCCr, 2000-2003), past president of NIST Association of Asian Pacific Americans (2000-2003), guest editor of a special issue of J. Research of NIST (2001), and guest co-editor of a special issue of J. American CeramicSociety(2007-2008). 214 In Polymer Composites for Energy Harvesting, Conversion, and Storage; Li, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014. g or cs. Polymer Composites for a s. b1 u0 p0 http://61.fw Energy Harvesting, 15, 2014 | k-2014-11 Conversion, and Storage n July 1021/b R o10. BOoi: N AR14 | d N20 N Ay 7, Aul GJ HIb): Ce MIW OF ate ( NIV on D Uati d by ublic eP d a o nl w o D In Polymer Composites for Energy Harvesting, Conversion, and Storage; Li, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014. g or s. c a s. b1 u0 p0 http://61.fw 15, 2014 | k-2014-11 n July 1021/b R o10. BOoi: N AR14 | d N20 N Ay 7, Aul GJ HIb): Ce MIW OF ate ( NIV on D Uati d by ublic eP d a o nl w o D In Polymer Composites for Energy Harvesting, Conversion, and Storage; Li, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014. 1161 ACS SYMPOSIUM SERIES Polymer Composites for Energy Harvesting, Conversion, and Storage g or s. c a s. b1 u0 Lan Li, Editor p0 http://61.fw Boise State University 15, 2014 | k-2014-11 WinnieBWoisoen,gId-aNhog, Editor n July 1021/b National Institute of Standards and Technology R o10. Gaithersburg, Maryland BOoi: N AR14 | d Jeff Sharp, Editor AN ANuly 7, 20 MaDrlaolwlasI,nTdeuxsatsries GJ HIb): Ce MIW OF ate ( NIV on D d by Uublicati ACSDivisioSnpoofnPsoorlyedmberyCthheemistry, Inc. eP d a o nl w o D AmericanChemicalSociety,Washington,DC DistributedinprintbyOxfordUniversityPress In Polymer Composites for Energy Harvesting, Conversion, and Storage; Li, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Polymercompositesforenergyharvesting,conversion,andstorage/LanLi,editor, g or BoiseStateUniversity,Boise,Idaho,WinnieWong-Ng,editor,NationalInstituteof cs. StandardsandTechnology,Gaithersburg,Maryland,JeffSharp,editor,MarlowIndustries, a s. Dallas,Texas;sponsoredbytheACSDivisionofPolymerChemistry,Inc.,American b1 pu00 ChemicalSociety,Washington,DC. http://61.fw Incpluadgeessbcimbl.io--gr(aApChiScaslyrmefpeoresinucmessaenridesin;d1e1x6.1) 15, 2014 | k-2014-11 2I.I.SLPBi,oNLlya9mn7e(8rM-s0-a--t8Ee4lre1iac2lt-sr2ics9c3pie6ron-5pties(rtpt)ieeIrIsm..Wa3n.oenPngot-lpNyamgp,eerWr)ic.1c(.WomEinnpneoirsegi)tyeIshI-Ia-.rESvlheesactrtiprni,cgJ-p.-Mr(oJepafteferrrteiiyaels)s,..1964- n July 1021/b T62K12.084927-.-Pd6c5232014 R o10. 2014019004 BOoi: N AR14 | d N20 N Ay 7, ThepaperusedinthispublicationmeetstheminimumrequirementsofAmericanNational GAJul Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, HIb): ANSIZ39.48n1984. Ce MIW OF ate ( Copyright©2014AmericanChemicalSociety NIV on D DistributedinprintbyOxfordUniversityPress Uati d by ublic AofllthReiUgh.Sts.RCeospeyrrviegdh.tRAecptriosgarllaopwhiecdcfoopryinintegrnbaelyuosnedotnhlayt,pperromviidtteeddtbhyatSaepcteiro-ncsha1p0t7erofre1e0o8f eP ad $40.25plus$0.75perpageispaidtotheCopyrightClearanceCenter,Inc.,222Rosewood o nl Drive,Danvers,MA01923,USA.Republicationorreproductionforsaleofpagesinthis w o bookispermittedonlyunderlicensefromACS.Directtheseandotherpermissionrequests D toACSCopyrightOffice,PublicationsDivision,115516thStreet,N.W.,Washington,DC 20036. Thecitationoftradenamesand/ornamesofmanufacturersinthispublicationisnottobe construedasanendorsementorasapprovalbyACSofthecommercialproductsorservices referenced herein; nor should the mere reference herein to any drawing, specification, chemicalprocess, orotherdataberegardedasalicenseorasaconveyanceofanyright or permission to the holder, reader, or any other person or corporation, to manufacture, reproduce,use,orsellanypatentedinventionorcopyrightedworkthatmayinanywaybe relatedthereto. Registerednames,trademarks,etc.,usedinthispublication,evenwithout specificindicationthereof,arenottobeconsideredunprotectedbylaw. PRINTEDINTHEUNITEDSTATESOFAMERICA In Polymer Composites for Energy Harvesting, Conversion, and Storage; Li, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014. Foreword The ACS Symposium Series was first published in 1974 to provide a mechanism for publishing symposia quickly in book form. The purpose of g the series is to publish timely, comprehensive books developed from the ACS or s. sponsoredsymposiabasedoncurrentscientificresearch. Occasionally,booksare c s.a developed from symposia sponsored by other organizations when the topic is of b1 pu00 keeninteresttothechemistryaudience. http://61.fw Beforeagreeingtopublishabook,theproposedtableofcontentsisreviewed n July 15, 2014 | 1021/bk-2014-11 cfapoodarmdpaeeppdrsrp.ermDhoeparnayrsifatibsvteeeoenafxneccsdhslcua.opdmteWedrpshtroeeahnrbeeeanptpsteeipevrrreof-oprcecorviuvaiseteertwa,hgeeodevbapeonrrovdikoif;erowotrotihnofietrnresarienlmstartacotycodebutphectetaaonadrcuydedecidoehrntaorcpeetpj.eerrScostoviomiadrneee, R o10. andmanuscriptsarepreparedincamera-readyformat. BOoi: N AR14 | d incluAdesdainrutlhee, voonlluymoersi.giVnaelrbraetsimearrcehprpoadpuecrtsionansdofoprirgeivniaolusrepvuiebwlishpeadpepraspaerres N ANy 7, 20 arenotaccepted. Aul GJ HIb): Ce MIW ACSBooksDepartment OF ate ( NIV on D Uati d by ublic eP d a o nl w o D In Polymer Composites for Energy Harvesting, Conversion, and Storage; Li, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014. Preface The 245th American Chemical Society (ACS) Meeting and Exposition was held in the Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, on April g 7–11, 2013. The ACS’s meeting core theme was The Chemistry of Energy or s. and Food. This proceedings volume contains articles that were presented at the c s.a symposium on Polymer Composites for Energy Harvesting, Conversion and 014 | http://pub14-1161.pr001 coeSonftomvprioaprogloynesmm.iteeeTsrn.htceaolm,sTyahpmneodpsisohtyesemiaurlepmtshoeshaiisurascsmuhebstrhooiaunasgvdhoadtllrvsetoesodsgpetirhntohevethsirdeceeiepxdnrpoteaidrfitucsfco,tfrieruoonmnmgianfnteohdereruidrnseiegfsf,eoeaefrrcecponhonteloyarmsrmeiatecosr, 20 uly 15, 21/bk-2 icnotmropdouscietetshaenhdigtehc-hpneriqfouremsafnocree,nleorwgy-caopspt,liacnadtioennsviirnotnomtheentmalalyrkfertipelnadcley.polymer n J10 Based on the symposium content, we invited the speakers to turn their R o10. symposiumpresentationsandresearchworkinto9chaptersforthisproceedings BOoi: volume. The volume explores polymer composites in terms of their chemical AR4 | d synthesis,characterization,andapplicationsintheenergyfield,fromphotovoltaics NN 201 tofuelcells,fromthermoelectricstoenergyharvestingandstorage. Thearticles N Ay 7, include state-of-art synthesis, characterization, and measurement techniques HIGAb): Jul ianpvpolilevdedtoinpotlhyemeprroccoemsspinogsiteosf. poSluycmhemr ectohmodpsosaidtedsr,esssuecdhthaesksetyruccthuarlallenagneds UNIV OF MICation Date (We tiamhdteeotnrhapterihtfiiomccllaoeetgseioiticinnnagloth.fceopTnpotrhtroeiosncle,tiveiaondlltiucenarmgfnsaedcviecdooalcunthemtaasreiafnocisstredudripiefzdfsaeaitrrtieeeodnsnt,ptfoperrrofeomoxpriemtsrhttiaaynntgocoepfp,ttoihemlteyciimz.raepTtrirhoecensoe,onmartndapdteoirostihnoteesf by blic publications with the newest research work in energy applications, as well as ded Pu reviews that present new evaluation and analyses of published research. In a nlo summary, all the articles in the proceedings volume reveal the latest research w o on polymer composites, and are available source material for researchers and D managersworkinginthisfield. Thesuccessofthesymposiumandthepublicationoftheproceedingscould not have been possible without the effort and support of the ACS and other organizers of the program. We acknowledge Mr. Tim Marney, Ms. Aimee Greene, and Ms. Arlene Furman for their involvement in editing and producing thisbook. Specialthanksareduetothespeakers,authors,manuscriptreviewers, andACSprogramcoordinatorsandofficialsfortheircontributions. ix In Polymer Composites for Energy Harvesting, Conversion, and Storage; Li, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014. Lan Li, Ph.D. DepartmentofMaterialsScienceandEngineering BoiseStateUniversity 1910UniversityDrive Boise, ID83725-2090 [email protected](e-mail) WinnieWong-Ng, Ph.D. MaterialsforEnergyandSustainableDevelopmentGroup g or MaterialsMeasurementScienceDivision s. ac NationalInstituteofStandardsandTechnology(NIST) s. http://pub61.pr001 G10a0ithBeurrsebauurgD,rMivDe,2S0to8p998520 14 | 4-11 01 20 JeffW.Sharp, Ph.D. uly 15, 21/bk-2 MMaatreloriwalsInRdeussetrairecsh,Ianncd.DevelopmentDepartment R on J10.10 10451VistaParkRoad BOoi: Dallas, Texas75238 AR4 | d N 01 N2 A7, N y Aul HIGb): J UNIV OF MICation Date (We by blic ed Pu d a o nl w o D x In Polymer Composites for Energy Harvesting, Conversion, and Storage; Li, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014. Chapter 1 Advances in Piezoelectric Polymer Composites for Vibrational Energy Harvesting g or Cary Baur,*,1 Daniel J. Apo,2 Deepam Maurya,2 Shashank Priya,2 s. ac and Walter Voit3 s. http://pub61.ch001 1IDnsetpitaurttem, eTnhteoUfnCihveermsiitsytroy,faTnedxaTshaetADlaalnlasG,.8M00aWcD.iCarammipdbNelalnRooteacdh, 14 | 4-11 Richardson,Texas75080,U.S.A. 01 20 2Bio-inspiredMaterialsandDevicesLaboratory(BMDL),CenterforEnergy 15, k-2 HarvestingMaterialsandSystems(CEHMS),VirginiaPolytechnicInstitute R on July 10.1021/b and3SDteaptearUtmnievnetrsoitfyM,3a1t0erDiaulrshSacmienHcaella,nBdlaEcknsgbinueregr,iVngir,gDineipaa2r4tm06e1n,tUo.fS.A. BOoi: MechanicalEngineering,DepartmentofBioengineering,andTheAlanG. AR4 | d MacDiarmidNanotechInstitute,TheUniversityofTexasatDallas, N 01 800W.CampbellRoad,Richardson,Texas75080,U.S.A. N2 N Ay 7, *E-mail: [email protected]. Aul GJ HIb): Ce OF MIate (W This chapter provides an overview of piezoelectric vibrational UNIV ation D ecnoemrgpyoshitaersvefsotirnghaarnvdesotuintlgineasppsilgicnaitfiiocanns.tadvTahnecepsiienzopeolleycmtreicr d by ublic panhdenoemxpelnaoinnedis. desScerivbeerdalanpdrormelienveanntt teyqpueastioonfs aprieezporeolvecidtreidc eP d oa materials are discussed, followed by a description of the wnl advances made through the combination of polymers and o D particles to create piezoelectric composites. An in-depth description detailing how to significantly increase the piezoelectricity of poly(vinylidene difluoride) through the incorporation of carbon nanomaterials such as single-walled nanotubes(SWNTs)andBuckminsterfullerenes(C )isgiven, 60 followedbythedescriptionofanew,lead-freeceramicmaterial that is a promising candidate for use in non-toxic polymer composites. Finally,acomprehensivedescriptionofthedesign andmodelingofpiezoelectricpolymercompositebimorphsfor vibrationalenergyharvestingisprovided. ©2014AmericanChemicalSociety In Polymer Composites for Energy Harvesting, Conversion, and Storage; Li, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.