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Polyketides: Biosynthesis, Biological Activity, and Genetic g 1 or00 s.w 09 | http://pubs.ac1/bk-2007-0955.f Engineering 02 20 ber 22, oi: 10.1 od Oct7 | n 00 o2 6.64.10 ary 11, 6u 1n 2.Ja 21e: y at bD wnloaded blication Do Pu In Polyketides; Rimando, A., el al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007. g 1 or00 s.w 09 | http://pubs.ac1/bk-2007-0955.f 02 20 ber 22, oi: 10.1 od Oct7 | n 00 o2 6.64.10 ary 11, 6u 1n 2.Ja 21e: y at bD wnloaded blication Do Pu In Polyketides; Rimando, A., el al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007. ACS SYMPOSIUM SERIES 955 Polyketides g 1 or00 Biosynthesis, Biological Activity, s.w 09 | http://pubs.ac1/bk-2007-0955.f and Genetic Engineering 02 20 ber 22, oi: 10.1 Agnes M. Rimando, Editor od Agricultural Research Service n Oct007 | U.S. Department of Agriculture o2 6.64.10 ary 11, Scott R. Baerson, Editor 6u 1n 2.Ja Agricultural Research Service y 21ate: U.S. Department of Agriculture bD wnloaded blication Do Pu Sponsored by the ACS Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Inc. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC In Polyketides; Rimando, A., el al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data American Chemical Society. Meeting (229th : 2005 : San Diego, Calif.) Polyketides : biosynthesis, biological activity, and genetic engineering / Agnes M. Rimando, editor, Scott R. Baerson, editor. p. cm.—(ACS symposium series ; 955) "Sponsored by the ACS Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Inc." "Developed from a symposium by the Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Inc., at the 229th National Meeting of the American Chemical org 001 Society, San Diego, California, March 13-17, 2005"—Prelim, p. s.w 009 | http://pubs.ac21/bk-2007-0955.f II1InS.. c BRPlNuoimd ly1eaks3n e:bd t9iiobd7,l e8iAso-—gg0nr-Cae8pso4 hnM1igc2.,ra -el31 sr99see57fs7e8.r- - e4InI .c( aBelsak ae. rnpsdaop nine, rdS)e cxo. tt R. III. American Chemical 20 ber 22, oi: 10.1 QPS7o5c2i.ePty6.5 DAi4v4i sion2 0of0 5A gricultural and Food Chemistry, Inc. IV. Title. Octo7 | d 572'.45—dc22 2006043052 on 200 The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American 6.64.10 ary 11, NMaattioenriaalls ,S AtaNndSaIr Zd 3fo9.r4 8In-1fo9r8m4a. tion Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library 6u 2.1Jan Copyright © 2007 American Chemical Society y 21ate: Distributed by Oxford University Press bD wnloaded blication Ac1h0lal8 p Rtoeigrf h ftethsee R oUfe s.$Se3r.v3 Ce.0do0.p yRprleiugpshr o$tg 0Ar.7acp5th ipisce rac olplopawygienedg i sfb operya oiidnn tdteor t nthhaaelt uCpseoerp myorintigtleyhd,t pCbrlyeoa vSridaencetcdioe tn Chsae tn1 t0aer7 ,p oeIrnr -c., Do Pu 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. Republication or reproduction for sale of pages in this book is permitted only under license from ACS. Direct these and other permission requests to ACS Copyright Office, Publications Division, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036. The citation of trade names and/or names of manufacturers in this publication is not to be construed as an endorsement or as approval by ACS of the commercial products or services referenced herein; nor should the mere reference herein to any drawing, specification, chemical process, or other data be regarded as a license or as a conveyance of any right or permission to the holder, reader, or any other person or corporation, to manufacture, reproduce, use, or sell any patented invention or copyrighted work that may in any way be related thereto. Registered names, trademarks, etc., used in this publication, even without specific indication thereof, are not to be considered unprotected by law. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA In Polyketides; Rimando, A., el al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007. Foreword The ACS Symposium Series was first published in 1974 to pro­ vide a mechanism for publishing symposia quickly in book form. The purpose of the series is to publish timely, comprehensive books devel­ oped from ACS sponsored symposia based on current scientific re­ search. Occasionally, books are developed from symposia sponsored by g 1 or00 other organizations when the topic is of keen interest to the chemistry s.w 009 | http://pubs.ac21/bk-2007-0955.f ttaihenuentde tirsbee onsistoc kertB.o;e e voftihoteherwee raesaud gd mfrioeeareny ic anebpg.e p Stroaoo dpmpdruieea bdtp leia tsopah en pradsr obcmvooioamdykep , brcteehoh emee xnppcsrriloevuhpedeo enscdeso divtvo ee tranbabeeglsteets e. oar fnW fdco hocfenuon­sr 20 ber 22, oi: 10.1 achpapproteprrsi aatere, poeveerr-vrieevwie wore di nptrroiodru ctot orfyin acl haacpcteerpst anarcee aodr dreedj.e cDtiroanf,t s anodf od Oct7 | manuscripts are prepared in camera-ready format. n 00 As a rule, only original research papers and original review o2 6.64.10 ary 11, poaupselyr sp uabrel isinhcedlu pdaepde risn athree nvoot luamcceesp. teVde. rbatim reproductions of previ­ 6u 1n 2.Ja 21e: y at bD ACS Books Department wnloaded blication Do Pu In Polyketides; Rimando, A., el al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007. Preface Polyketides and their derivatives represent one of the most important classes of natural products, comprising approximately 20% of the world's top-selling pharmaceuticals, with combined revenues of over $18 billion per year. Antibiotics such as tetracycline, erythromycin, and nystatin are just a few of the important examples of polyketides that have benefited our society. In addition, polyketides serve important roles in g 1 s.acs.or55.pr00 tihnev alsiifoe n cbyyc lpeast hoofg menasn, yd eptreordriuncgi npgr eodragtoanrsi,s mass , wseullc ha s aps ropvroidteicntgi omna nfyr oomf ub09 the essential pigments found in plant species necessary for their survival. p://p007- As the structural complexity of polyketides often renders their pro­ 09 | htt1/bk-2 dthuec tgieonn evs iaan dsy ennthzeytmice sc hinevmoilsvteryd iinm tphreairc tbiicoasly, nat hfeusrtihs ewr ilul nddiererscttalyn diimngp acotf 02 20 ber 22, oi: 10.1 pfurotupreer teieffso, rtsa ntdo wparordv itdhee gane neerfaftiicoine not f mnoevanels cfoomr ptohuenird s lawrgiteh- sbceanlee fipcrioal­ Octo7 | d duction. For these reasons as well as others, research on polyketides has n 00 been intensive and fast-paced. The present time is thus a particularly o2 by Date: January 11, p2oep2rp9sothTp rehtAcuistnCi evvS eo soNl unfamert oiemo fwon rlaa elsa a dMdsiseneevgmee trlbioenlspigene agdor ncfa hr oeMmvrsoa rlaauc rhsmo yuemn1 d3pc -oot1hvs7eieu ,r wmi2no g0trh 0lard5et. ctieonno tk S parenlas ucDelt isae tg aotnh, de d n California. The original symposium presentations addressed a wide range eo Download Publicati peofnr odpveoialdvyeok redetdiids cetou- psmsroiaodinnustc aiinongn tphtlhiase n st,cu obnpadece trienlry itiahnli,gs avngode lnufeumtnicegs.a Tl ahsnyed s itnebmcilosu cdaheneddm cwihseat rpyht aevrosef important polyketide biosynthetic pathways found in nature, mechanistic insights obtained from studying the crystal structures of cloned polyke­ tide synthases, new approaches for the identification of genes encoding novel polyketide synthase enzymes, and biotechnological advances toward the development and large-scale production of novel polyketides. We hope that this collection of chapters prepared by an international group of experts will be a valuable resource for investigators working on the biology and chemistry of polyketides as well as those drawn by curiosity wishing to improve their understanding of these fascinating and diverse compounds. xi In Polyketides; Rimando, A., el al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007. We greatly appreciate the contribution of the authors, and we acknowledge the valuable critiques of the reviewers. Agnes M. Rimando Scott R. Baerson Natural Products Utilization Research Unit Agricultural Research Service U.S. Department of Agriculture P.O. Box 8048 University, MS 38677 g 1 cs.orpr00 s.a55. b9 u0 p://p007- 09 | htt1/bk-2 02 20 ber 22, oi: 10.1 od Oct7 | n 00 o2 by Date: January 11, d n eo Download Publicati xii In Polyketides; Rimando, A., el al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007. Polyketides: Biosynthesis, Biological Activity, and Genetic g 1 cs.orpr00 s.a55. Engineering b9 u0 p://p007- 09 | htt1/bk-2 02 20 ber 22, oi: 10.1 od Oct7 | n 00 o2 by Date: January 11, d n eo Download Publicati In Polyketides; Rimando, A., el al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007. Chapter 1 A Plethora of Polyketides: Structures, Biological Activities, and Enzymes Scott R. Baerson and Agnes M. Rimando Natural Products Utilization Research Unit, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box 8048, g 1 s.orh00 University, MS 38677 cc 09 | http://pubs.a1/bk-2007-0955. 02 20 ber 22, oi: 10.1 cPoomlypkoeutinddess, reaplrle sepnrto dau cfeadm ilyv ioaf hitiegrhaltyiv set rudcetucraarlblyo xdyilvaetirvsee od Oct7 | condensations of starter and extender units, analogous to the n 00 biosynthesis of fatty acids. Polyketides have been shown to o2 January 11, panslua mwy beielmlr pasoo rfst earnpvto ilnryogkl eaesst i dicneh -ethdmee ircilivafeel ddc eyfceconlmessep ooafug pnerdnostd s.u acrBiene gc baoiuorsgleoa gnai icslamarlglsye, 21e: active, they have also provided the basis for many important by Dat pharmaceuticals of enormous commercial and therapeutic d n Downloade Publicatio bcpvoioaomllusyypekn.le ettxhiFdietuesy ri sth osyef rnimtnthh oea rsdeem,i foftehelerneec znuygtlme ensee ottirhccge oamamnnsipsdemll evmsxe ees.sc halaimInnnivo sostthtil cvi sed drcii vvheaianrlpss t iettryh,t e hoiaerf brief overview is provided on these major subject areas, to serve as an entry point for readers exploring the subsequent chapters in this proceedings volume. 2 U.S. government work. Published 2007 American Chemical Society. In Polyketides; Rimando, A., el al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007. 3 Introduction In their simplest form, polyketides are natural compounds containing alternating carbonyl and methylene groups ('β-polyketones'). The biosynthesis of polyketides begins with the condensation of a starter unit (typically, acetyl- CoA or propionyl-CoA) with an extender unit (commonly malonyl-CoA or methylmalonyl-CoA, followed by decarboxylation of the extender unit (1, 2) (Fig. 1). Repetitive decarboxylative condensations result in lengthening of the polyketide carbon chain, and additional modifications such as ketoreduction, dehydratation, and enoylreduction may also occur (discussed below). g 1 s.orh00 cc 09 | http://pubs.a1/bk-2007-0955. Figure 1. SGtaernteerr uanli tc Eonxtdeenndesra utinoitn reaction in polyketide biosynthesis. The starter 2002 units are attached to thiol groups of the ketosynthase (KS), and extender units to ber 22, oi: 10.1 thiol groups of either acyl carrier protein or acetyl coenzyme A (X). od Oct7 | n 00 Although the majority of polyketides are apparently produced by microbes o2 January 11, (fablraeov taohln sbooai pcdtrseo)r,d iiaun csaeendcdt sbf uy(e na.gg hi.),o, hsptyo dolrfyo koxetyhtiaedcre eostr oagpnahdne itnshmoensire isdn)ec, rlmiuvdoalitlniuvgse kpss laa (rneet. sgu (.b,e ih.qgau.m,i toinuosl, sa)n, d 21e: sponges (e.g., mycothiazole), algae (e.g., bromoallene acetogenins), lichens (e.g., by Dat usnic acid), and crinoids (e.g., polyhydroxyanthraquinones). Overall, polyketides Downloaded Publication rcacelnoapdmsr sefmiusfeonicnncat tts iitotohrnune. c lsDtacurhirgfeafemels rftee ec nahlttaa ucssrsl eya osse,sft e hntsooa woteufme rcvaeoler mrpg erdpo.uo dOeuu nntcodet s stm h aheanaijdvro eirtm h bdemei semetninon gsscetrt o iddouiivnpv eeetrdhrss aeoit tn iyhn ,ta hsaset rub ubnecaeitfsnuiie srd eo f drawn is between those compounds derived from unreduced polyketone chains that are largely aromatic, and those in which the carbonyl functionalities are mostly reduced (5). As a result of their intensive investigation over many years, polyketides and their derivatives have taken center stage in the quest for new antibiotics and therapeutic agents. Approximately 1% of the 5,000 to 10,000 known polyketides possess drug activity {4\ and polyketides comprise 20% of the top- selling pharmaceuticals with combined worldwide revenues of over USD 18 billion per year (5). Some important examples include antibiotics such as In Polyketides; Rimando, A., el al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

Content: A plethora of polyketides: Structures, biological activities, and enzymes / S. R. Baerson ... [et al.] -- Hygromycin a biosynthesis / N. Palaniappan ... [et al.] -- The biosynthesis of polyketides, tetramic acids, and pyridones in fungi / R. J. Cox -- Searching for polyketides in insect pat
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