Pollution Control Handbook for Oil and Gas Engineering Scrivener Publishing 100 Cummings Center, Suite 541J Beverly, MA 01915-6106 Publishers at Scrivener Martin Scrivener ([email protected]) Phillip Carmical ([email protected]) Pollution Control Handbook for Oil and Gas Engineering Edited by Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff Copyright © 2016 by Scrivener Publishing LLC. All rights reserved. Co-published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey, and Scrivener Publishing LLC, Salem, Massachusetts. Published simultaneously in Canada. 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Cover design by Kris Hackerott Library of Congr ess Cataloging-in-Publication Data: ISBN 978-1-119-11761-2 Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents Preface xi About the Author xiii PART A: Abbreviations and Glossary 1 PART B: Physical Properties and Safety Data 71 PART C: Macropedia of Subjects 81 Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) 83 Air Dispersion Modeling 95 Air Pollution Control Device 109 Air Quality Index 117 Anaerobic Lagoons 131 AP-42, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors 137 API Gravity 141 API Separator 143 Baghouses/Fabric Filters 149 Barrel Burning 163 Belt Filter Presses 167 Best Available Control Technology (BACT) 175 Best Management Practices 181 Bhopal Disaster 185 Blowdown and Purging (Natural Gas Industry Practices) 191 v vi Contents Calpuff 203 Carbon Adsorption 205 Carbon Capture and Sequestration 223 Ceramic Membrane Filtration Technology 235 Clean Air Act 241 Compressors 245 Control Effi ciency 279 Cooling Towers (WET) 303 Criteria Air Pollutants (CAPs) 325 Cyclone Separators 333 Deep Well Waste Injection 345 Dioxins 355 Dissolved Gas Flotation 367 Electrostatic Precipitators 375 Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act 409 Emission Factors 417 Emissions Inventory 425 Environmental Management System 439 Environmental Site Assessment 443 EPA Environmental Voluntary Programs 457 Explosive Limits 461 Faculative Ponds 467 Filter Presses 473 Flares 487 Flue Gas Desulfurization 503 Fly Ash 513 Fugitive Dust Emissions 517 Contents vii Fugitive Emissions (Leaking Equipment) 547 Natural Gas Production Facilities (Emission Factors) 577 Gasifi cation 585 Glycol Dehydrators 599 Gravity Settlling Chambers 603 Green Chemistry Institute 611 Greenhouse Gases 613 Hazardous Air Pollutants 621 Haze 629 Heater-Treaters 637 HEPA Filtration 645 Hydraulic Fracturing 661 Ideal Gas Law 697 Impingement-Plate/Tray Tower Scrubbers 701 Indoor Air Quality 705 Indoor Air Quality Testing 711 Inertial Separators 721 Integrated Gasifi cation Combined Cycle (IGCC) 745 Ion Exchange 749 Leak Detection and Repair 757 Life Cycle Costing Analysis 781 MACT (NESHAP) Standards 801 Mass Balance Method 823 Membrane Filtration 831 National Air Toxics Assessments 841 National Ambient Air Quaility Standards (NAAQS) 845 Odor Control 855 viii Contents Odor Th reshold 875 Oil and Gas Production Facilities (Emission Factors) 901 Petroleum Bulk Plants and Terminals (Emission Factors) 905 Phase Diagram 911 Photochemical Smog 913 Pneumatic Controllers (Natural Gas Industry) 917 Pneumatic Devices 925 Pollution Prevention Practices – Organic Chemicals Industry Sector 931 Pollution Prevention Practices – Petroleum Refi ning 947 Pressure Relief Valves and Regulators 955 Pressure Separators 969 Preventive Maintenance 975 Radionuclides 983 Radon 987 Reciprocating Engines (Natural Gas-Fired) 995 Regenerative Incinerator 1001 Remote Sensing and Monitoring 1013 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 1023 Responsible Care Program 1031 Rotary Drum Filters 1035 Settling Ponds and Sedimentation 1043 Settling 1047 Snubbing 1073 Stack Emissions Testing 1087 Stokes’s Law 1101 Storage Tank Emissions (Oil and Condensate Tanks) 1107 Storage Tank Emissions (General) 1139 Contents ix Th ermal Incinerator 1159 Th ermodynamic Processes 1173 Th ickeners and Clarifi ers 1179 Title V Permits 1189 Total Reduced Sulfurs 1195 Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) 1201 Toxics Release Inventory 1209 Transport Properties 1241 UV Disinfection 1255 Vapor Cloud Explosions and BLEVEs 1261 Vapor Intrusion 1283 Vapor Pressure 1305 Vapor Recovery Units 1311 Venturi Scrubber 1323 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) 1331 Waste Heat to Power 1341 Well Swabbing 1351 Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization 1367 Wet Scrubbing Technology 1373 Preface Th is handbook has been prepared to assist environmental managers and engineers as a practical desk reference for those in need of a working knowledge of technologies and practices for pollution control and man- agement. Th e author has long felt that such a reference would be helpful for young professionals as well as seasoned engineers and managers because of the overwhelming number of diff erent technologies and practices applied in the environmental fi eld. Equally important to recognize is the sea of acronyms and abbreviations created by environmental regulators and industry to help cope with information and ever-expanding compliance obligations. To this end pains have taken to organize and provide a concise listing and defi nitions of key abbreviations and acronyms used within the U.S. and EC regulatory arenas. Th e handbook is organized in three parts. Part A provides an extensive compilation of abbreviations and concise glossary of pollution control and engineering terminology. More than 400 terms are defi ned. Th e section is intended to provide a simple look-up guide to common but sometimes confusing terminology used in the regulatory fi eld, as well as industry jar- gon. Cross- referencing between related defi nitions and acronyms are pro- vided to assist the user. Part B provides some general physical properties and chemical safety information. Th is part is not intended to be exhaustive; however, it does provide supplemental information that is useful to a number of the subject entries covered in the main body of the handbook. Part C is the Macropedia of Subjects. Th e part is organized as alpha- betical subject entries for a wide range of pollution controls, technologies, pollution prevention practices and tools, computational methods for pre- paring emission estimates and emission inventories and much more. More than 100 articles have been prepared by the author, providing a concise overview of each subject, supplemented by sample calculation methods and examples where appropriate, and references. Subjects included are organized and presented in a macropedia format to assist a user in gain- ing an overview of the subject, in some instances guidance on performing certain calculations or estimates as in cases pertinent to preliminary sizing xi