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UPLOADED BY "What's News" vk.com/wsnws TELEGRAM: t.me/whatsnws VOL. 13 • NO. 109 | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 | POLITICO.COM Sense of foreboding Rep. Hunter’s Congress’ health agenda Matt darkens Democratic primary resignation set barrels toward 2020 buzz saw Wuerker Many early state Democrats are gripped California representive Efforts to deliver on high-profile The cartoonist’s by dread over recent headlines. will step down from issues are colliding with the broader daily take on the The candidates are making it worse. Congress on Jan. 13. partisan battle over health care. world of politics. PAGE 9 PAGE 4 PAGE 16 PAGE 18 IMPEACHMENT Trial to start with partisan power play McConnell has the votes to ignore Schumer’s demands for witnesses and new evidence BY BURGESS EVERETT McConnell told reporters. “All AND MARIANNE LeVINE we’re doing here is saying, ‘We’re Senate Majority Leader Mitch going to get started in exactly the McConnell is moving forward on same way that 100 senators agreed a set of impeachment trial rules to 20 years ago.’” without Democratic support. The GOP leader added that the The Kentucky Republican Senate will “get around to the dis- said Tuesday that he has locked cussion of witnesses,” but not be- down sufficient backing from his fore the Senate trial begins. 53-member caucus to pass a blue- Schumer reiterated his pledge to print for the trial that leaves the force votes on witnesses and docu- J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP question of seeking witnesses and ments and offered his own warning Mitch McConnell’s exercise of raw power stings Democrats, who had pressured the GOP to allow witnesses documents until after opening ar- to Senate Republicans on Tuesday and new evidence to be introduced but had little leverage because the GOP conference stuck together. guments are made. afternoon: “You can run, but you That framework would mir- can’t hide.” ror the contours of President Bill “Large numbers of Republicans McConnell’s trial procedure Clinton’s trial and ignore Senate have refused to say whether they Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s are for witnesses and documents demands for witnesses and new and that’s why Leader McConnell win was months in the making evidence at the outset. came up with this kick-the-can “We have the votes once the im- down the road theory,” Schumer peachment trial has begun to pass said. “McConnell will never go for a resolution essentially the same it but will four of his Republican How the Senate majority leader kept his caucus — very similar — to the 100-to- colleagues?” in line at a crucial impeachment moment nothing vote in the Clinton trial,” TRIAL on page 10 BY JOHN BRESNAHAN adversary. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and AND BURGESS EVERETT It took just a few hours for Mc- Mitt Romney of Utah — have New Ukraine revelations Chuck Schumer demanded Connell and Senate GOP leaders agreed to the majority leader’s Tuesday morning that Senate to clinch a final whip count in proposal, according to senators hang over impeachment Republicans allow witnesses to support of moving forward with involved in the process. testify during President Donald a trial framework that ignores McConnell had spent months Trump’s impeachment trial. But Democratic requests. And all 53 cultivating his caucus to get to Mitch McConnell already knew Republicans — even moderates this point. And after McConnell BY KYLE CHENEY he had the votes to roll over his such as Susan Collins of Maine, McCONNELL on page 11 AND ANDREW DESIDERIO The House impeached President Donald Trump three weeks ago, but a gusher of evidence related to the case has continued to flow Trump’s House warriors likely sidelined — threatening to intensify a scan- dal that has consumed the Trump presidency. BY MELANIE ZANONA people familiar with the situa- Instead, Trump’s top defend- New witnesses are volunteering AND ANITA KUMAR tion, despite having played a key ers are more likely to help out in a evidence that the House was un- President Donald Trump’s attack role defending the president during public relations capacity — includ- able to obtain in its three-month dogs in the House are unlikely to be the House’s public impeachment ing the media appearances that investigation, which resulted in unleashed in the Senate impeach- hearings. the TV-obsessed president loves charges that Trump abused his ment trial. “They’re not needed,” said a — though the White House has power and obstructed Congress. GOP lawmakers like Reps. Mark friend of the president who spoke made no final decision as it waits And a series of lawsuits and dis- Meadows, Jim Jordan and John to him recently. And on a scale of for lawmakers to set the timing and closures has yielded new docu- ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES Ratcliffe aren’t expected to serve 1 to 10, one GOP lawmaker pegged parameters of the trial. Senate Ma- ments and emails that the Trump The case against President Donald on Trump’s official impeachment the likelihood of House allies join- jority Leader Mitch McConnell said administration initially withheld. Trump has continued to evolve defense team, according to three ing the defense team at a 2. DEFENDERS on page 13 EVIDENCE on page 12 since the House impeached him. UPLOADED BY "What's News" vk.com/wsnws TELEGRAM: t.me/whatsnws 2 | POLITICO | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 THE WORLD’S MOST POWERFUL ROCKET With more heavy-lift capabilities and flexibility than any other launch vehicle, the Space Launch System (SLS) is the next-generation American rocket to make deep space travel a reality. With a powerful Exploration Upper Stage, the SLS is the only spacecraft that will allow NASA to safely carry humans and cargo to the moon and beyond in a single launch. boeing.com/sls UPLOADED BY "What's News" vk.com/wsnws TELEGRAM: t.me/whatsnws WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 | POLITICO | 3 FORTY FIVE A daily diary of the Trump presidency Defense secretary insists U.S. that it was the regime of Iranian isn’t withdrawing from Iraq Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali after PM calls for timetable Khamenei, not the U.S., that The U.S. military has made no has “done damage to the Persian decision to withdraw from Iraq, culture,” which he described as Defense Secretary Mark Esper “rich and steeped in history and insisted Tuesday, dismissing intellect.” a letter Iraq’s prime minister “They’ve denied the capacity says he received from the U.S. for that culture to continue,” headquarters in Baghdad as Pompeo said, concluding: “The merely “a draft ” that wasn’t real risk to Persian culture does intended for delivery. not come from the United States The comments marked Esper’s of America. There is no mistake second attempt to defuse the about that.” situation, fi rst when the draft — Quint Forgey letter surfaced on Monday and O’Brien says Soleimani more recently aft er reports that was conspiring to attack Prime Minister Adil Abdul- U.S. facilities Mahdi considers the letter an offi cial policy of the U.S. to National security adviser Robert withdraw. O’Brien on Tuesday defended the “Our policy has not changed. intelligence the administration We are not leaving Iraq, and a used to justify its killing of draft , unsigned letter does not Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem constitute a policy change,” Soleimani, claiming Tehran’s top Esper said in a televised briefi ng military commander had been at the Pentagon. devising attacks on U.S. facilities On Sunday, Iraq’s parliament that endangered the lives of passed a nonbinding measure American diplomats and service calling for the U.S. military to members. be expelled from the country “The president has always aft er last week’s lethal U.S. drone made it his fi rst priority to strike against Iranian Quds Force protect American citizens, commander Qassem Soleimani. and the intel that we had, the On Monday, an unsigned copy information we had — which we of a letter to an Iraqi military believe was very strong — shows command from the Marine that Soleimani and those he was brigadier general who heads the plotting with were looking to kill U.S. presence in Iraq surfaced American diplomats and soldiers on social media. It said U.S. The repercussions of snow SUSAN WALSH/AP in signifi cant numbers in the forces were repositioning within coming days,” O’Brien told “Fox Iraq in anticipation of “onward & Friends.” movement” out of the country in Snow falls at the White House on Tuesday. Th e Offi ce of Personnel Management closed federal agencies in Administration offi cials have the wake of Sunday’s vote. the Washington metropolitan area at 1 p.m. Tuesday because of the anticipated snow in the forecast and thus far off ered only vague Esper and Joint Chiefs many schools in the region also closed early. “A cheer for the snow — the drift ing snow! Smoother and purer details about the classifi ed Chairman Gen. Mark Milley than beauty’s brow!” — Eliza Cook. evidence that precipitated scrambled to respond. President Donald Trump’s The letter was only a draft and order last week to launch a U.S. “should not have been sent,” drone strike near Baghdad’s Milley told reporters Monday, international airport targeting adding that the general who were preparing in collaboration they described as temporary and the Islamic Republic attacked Soleimani, the leader of Iran’s sent it was merely coordinating with Iraqi Shiite militia allies related to security concerns over American interests. elite paramilitary Quds Force. the message with his Iraqi were only “days” from being an anticipated Iranian response. Congressional Democrats and Secretary of State Mike counterparts ahead of an offi cial carried out. “We are doing some of that international leaders ranging Pompeo said Friday that notifi cation. On Tuesday, “I think it’s more fair to say as well,” Esper said of the from Iran’s foreign minister to Soleimani “was actively plotting the prime minister said those days,” he answered when asked precautionary movements. “It British Prime Minister Boris in the region to take actions comments didn’t matter and that whether the attacks were days does not mark or signal any Johnson have warned that such — big action, as he described he was expecting a timetable or weeks away. “He was clearly withdrawal from Iraq.” an assault would represent it — that would have put dozens laying out the withdrawal. on the battlefi eld. He was — Wesley Morgan a violation of international if not hundreds of American “They said it’s a draft ,” Abdul- conducting, preparing, planning conventions of warfare and lives at risk.” The intelligence Mahdi said, according to The military operations. We reached Pompeo says U.S. will abide by constitute a war crime by the U.S. community assessed that Washington Post. “OK, it’s a the point where we had to act in laws of war after Trump suggests government. “the risk of doing nothing was draft — but we received it. … If self-defense.” targeting Iranian cultural sites Trump defended his suggestion enormous,” he added. I don’t trust you and you don’t Esper wouldn’t describe Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Sunday, telling reporters aboard O’Brien reiterated the trust me, how are we supposed to the intelligence that led the on Tuesday insisted that any Air Force One: “They’re allowed administration’s position proceed?” Pentagon to that conclusion, retaliatory measures by U.S. to kill our people. They’re Tuesday, insisting Soleimani But Esper said that aft er asking though, saying only that it forces against Iran would abide allowed to torture and maim our “was in the midst of that aides whether a signed copy of was “exquisite” and will be by the laws of war, aft er President people. They’re allowed to use plotting” at the time of his the letter had been delivered to shared Tuesday aft ernoon Donald Trump suggested roadside bombs and blow up our demise. the Iraqi government, he had with the congressional “Gang he might target the Islamic people. And we’re not allowed “That’s why he was traveling been told no. “There is no signed of Eight” — the Democratic Republic’s cultural sites — a move to touch their cultural site? It in the region to Damascus letter as far as I know — I’ve and Republican leaders of the critics said could amount to a war doesn’t work that way.” and Beirut and Baghdad: asked the question,” he said. Senate and House, along with crime. Defense Secretary Mark Esper To conspire with people to And despite Sunday’s vote, the chairs and ranking minority “Every target that’s being broke with the president over attack American facilities that the Pentagon hasn’t received any members of the intelligence reviewed, every eff ort that’s his proposal Monday, asserting contained diplomats, soldiers, formal withdrawal request from committees — but won’t be being made will always that the Pentagon would “follow sailors, airmen, Marines, coast Abdul-Mahdi, Esper said. included in broader briefi ng to be conducted inside the the laws of armed confl ict” in its guardsmen,” O’Brien said. “I haven’t received any lawmakers on Wednesday due to international laws of war,” response to Iran. Democratic lawmakers have communication from him or its classifi cation. Pompeo told reporters during Asked Tuesday by NBC News’ expressed skepticism toward the the Iraqi government about the Esper also downplayed the a news conference at the State Andrea Mitchell whether he intelligence behind the airstrike legislation or about a request to importance of departures of Department. I’ve “seen it, I’ve would “also push back” against against Soleimani and the withdraw U.S. forces,” he said, some allied troops from Iraq, worked on this project, and I’m the targeting of culturally administration’s assertion that adding that the parliamentary saying that in one case, an allied very confi dent of that.” signifi cant sites, Pompeo replied he posed an imminent threat to resolution was “nonbinding” and contingent was temporarily Amid rapidly escalating indignantly. American interests. that “there’s a few procedural repositioned only because of the tensions between Washington “You’re not really wondering, The White House is working to mechanisms — hurdles if you need “to move additional U.S. and Tehran aft er the killing of Andrea. You’re not really schedule a briefi ng on the strike will — that the Iraqi government forces into a confi ned space” that Iran’s top military commander wondering,” he said, adding that Wednesday for the so-called would need to go through, and we the allied troops were occupying last week in a U.S. drone strike, “every action we take will be Gang of Eight congressional remain in constant contact with on an Iraqi base. Trump tweeted Saturday that his consistent with the international leaders and other members of them on that.” Germany and Canada on administration had homed in on rule of law, and the American Congress, who were largely kept Esper spoke briefl y about Tuesday announced that they 52 Iranian sites — including some people can rest assured that in the dark regarding Trump’s the strike on Soleimani, saying are relocating some of their “important to … the Iranian that’s the case.” decision to authorize the assault. attacks that the Iranian general forces from Iraq, moves that culture” — in the event that Pompeo went on to argue — Quint Forgey UPLOADED BY "What's News" vk.com/wsnws TELEGRAM: t.me/whatsnws 4 | POLITICO | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 Trump will attend rally for Van Drew on Jan. 28 BY MATT FRIEDMAN David Richter, Brian Fitzherbert President Donald Trump will be and Bob Patterson — have so far in New Jersey on Jan. 28 for a rally refused to drop out of the race. in the district represented by the Six Democratic candidates have newly minted Republican Rep. Jeff either said they’re running or have Van Drew. filed paperwork to declare their According to the Trump cam- candidacies. On Monday, Amy paign, the rally is scheduled for 7 Kennedy — the wife of former U.S. p.m. at the Wildwoods Convention Rep. Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Is- Center. land — became the latest Democrat Van Drew is not mentioned on to join the race. the invitation, but he has told local The 2nd District, which spans media outlets he expected Trump all or parts of eight counties from to come to the 2nd District. the Delaware River to the Atlantic Michael Glassner, chief operat- Ocean, includes Philadelphia sub- ing officer for the Trump campaign, urbs, farmland, beaches and Atlan- said in a statement that “President tic City. It voted for Barack Obama Trump looks forward to returning in 2008 and 2012 and for Trump in to the Garden State to celebrate his 2016. Moderate Republican Frank message of ‘Promises Made, Prom- LoBiondo represented it for 24 years ises Kept.’” before retiring in 2019. Trump is the reason Van Drew, The district is also unique for a longtime ally of the South Jersey New Jersey, where backlash to Democratic machine, became a Trump’s style and policies helped Republican. The freshman House fuel a Democratic wave in 2018 that member, who as a conservative flipped several congressional seats SANDY HUFFAKER/GETTY IMAGES Democrat served nearly two de- from Republican to Democratic The resignation of Rep. Duncan Hunter (center) is the end of an era for his family, a political dynasty in Southern cades in the New Jersey Legislature control. Van Drew won his seat as California politics. Hunter or his dad have held the San Diego congressional seat since 1980. before being elected to Congress in part of that wave, defeating by a 2018, was one of only two Demo- relatively narrow margin an un- Rep. Duncan Hunter to resign cratic House members to oppose derfunded pro-Trump Republican impeaching the president. who posted white supremacist pro- Van Drew’s friendly stance paganda on social media. toward Trump caused support from Congress on Jan. 13 for him among Democrats in the South Jersey district to collapse, according to internal polling. Party The California Republican had pleaded guilty leaders across the state also began could remain vacant for the rest abandoning him. to conspiracy to misuse campaign funds of 2020. At a White House event with “The people of the 5oth Congres- Trump to announce his switch to sional District deserve their voice the GOP, Van Drew pledged his BY MELANIE ZANONA cash to pursue extramarital af- in Congress restored,” DeMaio said “undying support” to the president. Rep. Duncan Hunter will step fairs with lobbyists and congres- in a statement. “Leaving the 50th Van Drew has three Republican down from Congress next week, sional aides. Congressional District vacant for opponents in the June primary, but EVAN VUCCI/AP more than a month after the Cali- The Hunters, who have three a full year is wholly unacceptable, some GOP leaders in the district Rep. Jeff Van Drew, now a fornia Republican pleaded guilty children, face recommended prison and I urge Gov. Gavin Newsom to have signaled a willingness to back Republican, was one of two to conspiracy to misuse campaign sentences of 8 to 14 months in the call a Special Election as soon as Van Drew after Trump endorsed House Democrats who opposed funds. agreements worked out by their possible.” him. The three GOP opponents — impeaching the president. Hunter had said he would leave lawyers and the Justice Depart- Hunter’s resignation represents Congress after the holidays. His ment, although the court is not the end of an era for his family, resignation will take effect Jan. bound to abide by those plea deals. who have been a political dynasty 13, according to a copy of a letter Hunter is set to be sentenced on in Southern California politics for he sent to Speaker Nancy Pelosi on March 17. decades. Hunter or his father, Dun- Tuesday. The legal cloud that has hung can Hunter Sr., have held that San “Perhaps the contribution I am over Hunter has prompted other Diego seat since 1980. Robert L. Allbritton most proud of is giving a voice to Republicans to seek his seat in the When he first came to Congress our men and women in uniform,” solidly conservative district in in 2009, the younger Hunter was PUBLISHER & EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN wrote Hunter, a Marine veteran. Southern California. Both former seen as something as a young ris- Patrick Steel “It has been an honor to serve the San Diego City Councilman Carl ing star in the GOP. But he devel- CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER people of California’s 50th district, DeMaio and former Rep. Darrell oped a reputation on Capitol Hill and I greatly appreciate the trust Issa are running for the seat, and for drinking heavily and carousing, Matthew Kaminski they have put in me over these last Issa said he jumped into the race and after his indictment, he was EDITOR-IN-CHIEF 11 years.” under the assumption that Hunter stripped of his committee assign- Carrie Budoff Brown Hunter, 43, and his wife, Mar- would not be on the ballot in No- ments, essentially making him a garet, were indicted in August vember. Democrats are also heavily pariah on Capitol Hill. EDITOR 2018 for diverting $250,000 in targeting the district. But despite being arrested for NEWSPAPER STAFF campaign funds for personal use, California Gov. Gavin Newsom misusing campaign funds, Hunter BILL KUCHMAN NEWSPAPER EDITOR SUSHANT SAGAR COPY DESK CHIEF including to pay for lavish fam- does not have to call a special elec- — one of Trump’s earliest con- M. SCOTT MAHASKEY DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY ANDY GOODWIN, JUDAH TAYLOR, ily vacations and their children’s tion because the nomination period gressional supporters — went MATT WUERKER EDITORIAL CARTOONIST ROBIN TURNER COPY EDITORS school tuition. Prosecutors also has closed and it’s an election year, on to win reelection in the 2018 CONGRESSIONAL STAFF accused Hunter of using campaign raising the prospect that the seat midterms. BEN WEYL CONGRESS EDITOR HEATHER CAYGLE, KYLE CHENEY, DAVID KIHARA SENIOR EDITOR ANDREW DESIDERIO, BURGESS EVERETT, JOHN BRESNAHAN CONG RESSIONAL BUREAU CHIEF SARMAEHL AFNERIER ZISA,N MOANRAI ARENPNOER LTeEVRISNE, Grassley: Impeachment could delay For corrections or questions regarding the newspaper, email [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. Senate vote on USMCA by a month POLITICO serves the United States Senate and JANUARY’S PUBLISHING SCHEDULE House of Representatives, the White House afendde oraffli acegse nocf itehse, ethxee cSuutpivree mbrea Cnochu,r tC, alobbinbeyti sdtesp aanrdtm speenctsia al nd S M T W1 2T 3F S4 BY ADAM BEHSUDI per chamber time to vote on the complicated by a procedural move interest groups, the media, airline and rail passengers, paid Senate Finance Chairman Chuck agreement. that would require the bill to be re- sthuibss pcuribbleicrast aionnd i sne wlehcot lne oonr pina ipda rretc iisp piernothsib. Riteepd reoxdcuecptti owni tohf the 152 163 174 185 196 1170 1181 Grassley said Tuesday that an im- “If I want to speculate, they don’t ferred for approval by a number of written permission of the publisher. POLITICO is nonideological peachment trial in the Senate could come over for another week or 10 other committees that have juris- aPCnOodnL gInTroIeCnsOpsa iirsst ipinsu asbnel.is sshieodn ,T auneds doany W therdonuegshd Tahyu wrshdeany C wohnegnre ss is in 2196 2207 2281 2292 3230 2341 25 dAemlaeyri caa nv otrtaed oen d etahle b ny eaw m oNnotrht.h dthaiyss daonnd et,h”e nth wee I’ovwe gao Rt teipmueb tloic gaent dagicrteieomn eonvte.r issues included in the recess for one week or less, by POLITICO LLC. Subscriptions are He said he is still hopeful that said before a committee markup “That’s something I wasn’t $an2d0 0$ 6p0e0r ypeearr y oera $r 3o5ve0r fsoera tsw. oP OyeLaITrsIC fOor i sd opmrinetsetdic astu Ebvsecrrgibreeersn, POLITICO.com a delay by House Speaker Nancy of a bill that would implement the aware of until yesterday, and I Printing and Publishing Co. Inc., Bellmawr, N.J. POSTMASTER: PHONE (703) 647-7999 • FAX (703) 647-7998 Pelosi on sending over the articles U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. think that’s going to be a problem,” S10e9nd2 0ch-0a0n3ge6 .o ©f a dPdOrLeIsTsIC tOo PLOLCL,I T2I0C1O8, .P.O. Box 36, Congers, NY 1000A WRLILINSGOTNO BNL,V VDA. , 282T2H0 F9LOOR of impeachment could give the up- The process could be further Grassley said. UPLOADED BY "What's News" vk.com/wsnws TELEGRAM: t.me/whatsnws WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 | POLITICO | 5 Get in the game with Melanie Zanona as she brings you the play-by-play guide to all things Capitol Hill. Subscribe to the daily newsletter at politico.com/huddle UPLOADED BY "What's News" vk.com/wsnws TELEGRAM: t.me/whatsnws 6 | POLITICO | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 Is Mike Pompeo acting as de facto Defense secretary? Secretary of State has military training appears to in- assumed an outsize fluence his willingness to defend role on the president’s Trump in public and implement whatever the president — the com- national security team mander in chief — wants. In his first major address to his workforce after he became secre- BY NAHAL TOOSI tary of State in 2018, Pompeo raised In recent days, one aide to Presi- the military concept of “com- dent Donald Trump has blitzed the mander’s intent” in pledging to media to talk about troop deploy- craft a vision for what he wanted ments, deterrence and the likeli- to achieve. The concept describes hood of American bombs raining the end state a commander seeks down on Iranian soil. so that his troops can do what they It’s not the man who leads the need to get there. Pentagon. Some in the military world Instead, Secretary of State Mike downplayed questions about Pompeo has seized the spotlight whether, in staying below the ra- amid the escalating U.S. confronta- dar, Esper and the Pentagon were tion with Iran. While doing so, he’s ceding anything to Pompeo. come across to some observers as Pentagon officials are busy deal- an unofficial secretary of Defense, ing with the technicalities of ramp- overshadowing the actual Defense ing up the U.S. troop presence in the secretary. Middle East amid threats of repri- Pompeo’s omnipresence illus- sal from Iran. Esper needs to focus trates the extraordinary influence more on that than public relations, he wields in Trump’s inner circle they argued. three years into the Republican “It goes more to the relation- president’s tenure. ship between Pompeo and Trump His prestige within the admin- than any sort of emasculation of the istration has been enhanced by Pentagon,” said Peter Mansoor, a multiple leadership changes at retired U.S. Army colonel. “The the Pentagon and National Se- Pentagon leaders realize they need curity Council. It has continued to stay under the radar and get on despite questions about his role with their business.” in the Ukraine scandal that led to JACQUELYN MARTIN/AP Another former Pentagon official Trump’s impeachment and amid Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has taken a top role in the Iran confrontation, not just as the administration’s pointed to critiques that over the questions about his political aspi- face on the Sunday shows but by meeting with leaders of Central Command and Special Operations Command. past two decades — especially af- rations. And it has raised eyebrows ter the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks – the at the Defense Department, which Department of Defense has taken is led by Mark Esper, a former West published. The official noted that dermined by a presidential tweet startled Pentagon officials. an outsize role in setting the U.S. Point classmate of Pompeo’s who under his leadership, the Penta- moments later. On June 18, in an odd move for a foreign policy agenda. has kept a relatively low profile in gon “flawlessly” carried out the Plus, Esper, a former Capitol secretary of State, Pompeo traveled He acknowledged that the State his six months on the job. strike against the Iranian general Hill staffer and lobbyist for de- to Florida to meet with leaders of Department remains a weak insti- Pompeo is “first among equals and said the secretary’s low profile fense contractor Raytheon, took U.S. Central Command and Special tution under Trump, who views it in the national security team, and over the past several days has been over as Defense secretary with a Operations Command. The meet- with suspicion as stronghold for others defer to him,” said Tom intentional. thinner executive branch résumé ings focused in part on Iran, which Democrats. But the former official Wright, a Brookings Institution “The administration chose to put than many of his predecessors. And the U.S. was accusing of attacking said it was refreshing to see the top scholar who has been tracking Secretary Pompeo, the chief dip- while he can point to his time as an international oil tankers. U.S. diplomat out front on an issue the Trump team’s dynamics. “He lomat, out to de-escalate tensions infantry officer and at West Point, But the visit also came the same of international relations. doesn’t have a competing center of and make room for negotiations,“ some Pentagon watchers wonder day the president withdrew the “Isn’t this more of a restoration power.” the official said, speaking on condi- whether even that is helping Pom- nomination of acting Defense Sec- of the way the system is supposed Pompeo appeared on all the ma- tion of anonymity. “Secretary Es- peo overshadow him. retary Patrick Shanahan to serve to work?” he asked. jor talk shows on Sunday to field a per has worked diligently to keep Several people from the 1986 in the role on a permanent basis. Pompeo’s willingness to be so in slew of tough questions about the [the Department of Defense] out West Point class hold key admin- Shanahan’s nomination was public also might have to do with Trump administration’s decision of politics. Your metric — Sunday istration positions. Because he shelved after some family troubles politics as much as policy. to kill Qassem Soleimani, a power- show appearances — uses the most was first in that class, Pentagon came to light. His withdrawal was The former Kansas congressman ful Iranian general whom U.S. offi- political media metric available to observers say it’s possible that oth- another low point for the Penta- is believed to have ambitions to run cials blame for attacks against U.S. judge influence. It is the exact op- ers from that class take a back seat gon, which had already seen Jim for office again someday, though troops in Iraq and terrorist opera- posite of what DOD does.“ to Pompeo. Mattis quit as Defense secretary the latest indications are that he tions elsewhere around the world. The secretary of Defense did ap- “The worry at the Pentagon is after the president in late 2018 won’t make a run for the Senate A longtime Iran hawk, Pompeo pear in the media in the hours ahead that [Esper] defers to Pompeo,” ordered the withdrawal of troops this year. Republicans view him as a fiercely defended the strike, which of last week‘s strike on Soleimani. said Mark Perry, author of “The from Syria. potential White House contender in took out Soleimani as he was visit- He told reporters on Thursday that Pentagon’s Wars: The Military’s Pompeo said the purpose of his 2024. Getting face time on national ing Baghdad, even as it has led to the United States “will take pre- Undeclared War Against America’s Florida visit was to “make sure that television helps, especially when vows of Iranian revenge and calls emptive action as well to protect Presidents.” He said there were the State Department and the De- he can sound tough on a country from Iraqi politicians for U.S. American forces,” warning Iran other reasons for that beyond the partment of Defense were deeply loathed by many in the GOP base. forces to withdraw. Pompeo, who that “the game has changed.” West Point dynamics, including coordinated across a whole broad Also unusual for a secretary of graduated first in the class of 1986 And he popped up on Monday that “Pompeo has the president’s range of issues.” But, according to State, Pompeo often takes indirect at West Point, sounded more like to clarify that U.S. troops were ear and Esper doesn’t.” Perry, the visit “still roils” some partisan shots. a swaggering military leader than not planning to leave Iraq, despite Pompeo is one of the few Trump military officials. For instance, he has used his re- America’s top diplomat. an unsigned letter suggesting oth- aides able to deal with tough me- A former senior Pentagon official cent platform to blame the Obama “We took a bad guy off the battle- erwise on the letterhead of a U.S. dia questions without showing called the visit to POLITICO “a very administration for the challenges field. We made the right decision. Marine Corps brigadier general. any personal differences with the unusual way for a secretary of State in dealing with Iran today. On Sun- There is less risk today to Ameri- But otherwise, Esper, who served president — even if that means his to spend an entire day,” not least day, he described it as the “Obama- can forces in the region as a result in the 101st Airborne Division dur- answers are sometimes mislead- because he could have gotten simi- Biden” administration, referring to of that attack,” Pompeo said on ing the first Gulf War, has largely ing. And Trump clearly trusts him. lar briefings at the Pentagon itself. former vice president Joe Biden, a CNN’s “State of the Union.” vanished from sight. “I argue with everyone,” Trump While he was in Florida, some leading contender against Trump “Previous administrations had Given the dangerous situation said in a 2018 account in New York in the Washington foreign policy in this year’s presidential race. allowed Shiite militias to take shots in the Middle East, his absence has magazine. “Except Pompeo. … I establishment wondered whether Pompeo also stressed the scope of at us, and at best, we responded in led to griping among some military don’t think I’ve had an argument he was auditioning to be the next his relationship with the president. theater, trying to challenge and at- reporters, who’ve also long com- with Pompeo!” secretary of Defense. (Pompeo’s “I’ve been with President Trump tack everybody who was running plained about the dearth of news A senior Trump administration first job with Trump was as CIA through the entire strategic plan- around with an AK-47 or a piece of briefings at the Pentagon. official confirmed that it was the director.) ning process related to our entire indirect artillery,” he said on ABC’s Former military officials and White House that requested Pom- Even at the State Department, campaign — diplomatic, economic “This Week.” “We’ve made a very others who track the Defense De- peo appear on the Sunday shows. Pompeo, who served as an Army and military,” he said on CNN, different approach.” partment say Esper appears to have Because he is passionate about the cavalry officer after West Point, of- adding later: “The American peo- Aides to Pompeo did not re- made the calculation that it’s best issue of Iran — U.S. diplomats say ten takes a military-style approach. ple should know that we will not spond to a request for comment. to stay behind the scenes in an ad- he gets deep into the weeds on the He refers to his diplomats’ having a waiver.” But a Trump administration offi- ministration in which few people topic — he requires little prep work. “mission set” and tells his “team” cial defended Esper in comments have Trump’s ear, and where any- But the latest Iran crisis isn’t the to “keep crushing it.” Wesley Morgan contributed to this offered after this story was first thing you say could be easily un- first time Pompeo’s actions have People who know him say his report. UPLOADED BY "What's News" vk.com/wsnws TELEGRAM: t.me/whatsnws WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 | POLITICO | 7 Can the news media manage the Iran narrative? Outlets vow to make icans and others safer or less safe.” up for errors of 2003, In a quadruple-bylined story of but U.S. still controls its own Sunday night, the Post re- ported that Pompeo urged Trump too much information last summer to strike Iran, which the president opted not to do, and more specifically spoke to him BY MICHAEL CALDERONE about killing Soleimani several CNN’s Jake Tapper says he thinks months ago. “Some defense of- often of the Bush administration’s ficials said Pompeo’s claims of an much-discredited admonition, imminent and direct threat were “We can’t wait for the smoking gun overstated,” according to the Post, to be a mushroom cloud.” “and they would prefer that he Washington Post editor Marty make the case based on the killing Baron says flatly, “Most of the of the American contractor and press wasn’t aggressive enough previous Iranian provocations.” in questioning the premise for the Pompeo did mention the killing Iraq War.” of the contractor, which has been John Walcott, the onetime blamed on an Iranian-backed mi- Knight-Ridder bureau chief cred- litia, on the Sunday news shows, ited for ordering skeptical coverage while asserting that Soleimani of U.S. claims of Iraqi weapons of posed an imminent threat, a con- mass destruction programs, says tention that hosts drilled down on. he believes the media has finally “When will the American people learned the lessons of 2003. know why President Trump de- But even if memories of the cided to do what he did?” asked run-up to the Iraq War have led to Margaret Brennan of “Face The heightened vigilance in some news- Nation” on CBS. rooms, it’s unclear whether the me- “Fox News Sunday” host Chris dia’s efforts to fact-check the Trump Wallace asked, “Don’t the Ameri- administration’s claim that an “im- ERFAN KOUCHARI/TASNIM NEWS AGENCY VIA AP can people have the right to some minent threat” justified its decision The president’s claims without offering evidence that Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani posed an “imminent threat” understanding of what it was, why to order the killing of Iranian Maj. so angered columnist Paul Krugman that he urged the media to dismiss the claims until facts are provided. it was so urgent to take out Solei- Gen. Qassem Soleimani are making mani now?” an impact. A lot has changed since “When you say the attacks were 2003. The government’s power to The fact that the administration of the Times’ initial accounts on the involvement in wars. That’s what imminent, how imminent were frame the public debate has been has argued that it has intelligence killing, according to statistics pro- a democracy looks like … The high- they?” Tapper asked Pompeo on only strengthened by the advent of to back up its assertions – but just vided by social media monitoring est responsibility of the press is to “State of the Union.” “Are we social media and the rise of ideologi- hasn’t shared it with the public – is service NewsWhip. report thoroughly, vigorously and talking about days? Are we talk- cal outlets, while the media’s abil- one clear parallel with 2003. That Several of the biggest stories on probingly when this country’s ing about weeks?” ity to control and sustain a narrative means that even if news organiza- Facebook since the killing have fo- leaders take actions that can put Tapper acknowledged the next has diminished accordingly. tions are quick to point to the lack cused on troop deployments, while the lives of American troops and day that “it’s not fun when people Officials’ claims are often ampli- of evidence, they still feel obliged a story from British outlet The Mir- others at risk.” insinuate you don’t love your coun- fied in headlines and cable chyrons to give voice to the administration’s ror about an “unidentified eulogist” And Walcott — whose former try because your job is to question — “Pompeo: Soleimani Was Not claims. at Soleimani’s funeral putting an Knight Ridder team was lionized our leaders, but that’s the job.” In Baghdad On A Peace Mission,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo $80 million bounty on Trump’s in the 2018 film “Shock and Awe” While journalists are press- read a Tuesday Fox News graphic — offered confident assurances of the head had the most interactions. — believes he’s detected a shift in ing the government for answers, even if they are challenged later in strength of Trump’s argument (Fact-checking site Snopes notes the right direction. James Risen, a Pulitzer Prize- greater detail. The president’s mes- that the attack on Soleimani was that the bounty “is not yet known to “I think that although that was winning journalist who notably sage was splashed across MSNBC defensive in nature — not an “as- have been authorized by, or repre- nearly two decades ago, a lot of clashed with his former editors at hours later — “Trump: We Saved sassination,” as some reporters and sent the official position of, Iranian reporters at the Times, the Post The New York Times in trying to get Lives By Killing Soleimani,” read analysts argue — while appearing authorities.”) and elsewhere now recognize that more skeptical pre-Iraq reporting a chryon — during a segment with on six networks on Sunday, barely Despite the signs of faltering at- our job as reporters is not to ac- in the paper, said he still worries an analyst expressing fears about flinching under often-critical tention by readers, news leaders in- cept what the government says that the Trump administration is the U.S. being led to war. questioning. Both the Times and sist they will continue to pursue the about matters of war and peace — setting the agenda. And Trump can also circumvent the Post have run stories quoting truth about the alleged “imminent or anything else — at face value,” “You can see it already when any questioning from the White White House sources as suggest- threat” and will not shift focus as he wrote in an email to POLITICO. Trump and the people around him House press corps, which hasn’t ing the evidence of the threat posed events unfold, as they say happened Indeed, governments of both kept saying there was an imminent had a formal briefing with the press threat and that’s why they had to go secretary in more than 300 days. after Soleimani,” Risen said in an The president defended the killing interview. “That’s the kind of thing to millions on Monday on Rush Lim- “The media and the public are far less gullible now than they were [in 2003], that they kept saying before the war baugh’s radio show and has wielded in Iraq. It’s always difficult to fight his Twitter megaphone to his nearly but even now there’s a tendency to take administration claims at face value, or back against that.” 70 million followers to make addi- at least semi-seriously. Don’t do this. Lies don’t stop at the water’s edge.” Risen — who is currently a se- tional unchecked claims about Iran nior national correspondent at The and further threats. “Without Twit- — New York Times columnist Paul Krugman Intercept, where he and others re- ter, I think we’d be lost,” Trump told cently revealed secret files show- Limbaugh. “We wouldn’t be able to ing Iran’s strong influence in Iraq get the truth out.” — said the broader issue for the me- The president’s ability to shape dia to grapple with is why the U.S. public opinion without offering any by Soleimani was, in the words of a in 2003. parties have misled the public dur- government “is murdering a foreign evidence of an “imminent threat” tweet by the Times’ Rukmini Cal- “With a few rare exceptions,” ing wartime, as the “Pentagon Pa- government official at a time when so angered New York Times colum- limachi, “razor thin.” Tapper said ruefully in a POLITICO pers” revealed during the Vietnam there’s still an assassination ban on nist Paul Krugman that he urged But their reporters continue to interview, “the media drank the War or as the “Afghanistan Papers” the books.” the media to dismiss Trump’s quote the official line, as well. Kool-Aid in the buildup to the war reiterated just last month. The Iran Some news organizations, like claims entirely until he provides In a quadruple-bylined story in Iraq and too many people didn’t crisis presents a unique dilemma in The Associated Press, acknowl- more facts. leading Sunday’s issue, the Times do their jobs.” terms of trusting information from edged mostly refraining from de- “The media and the public are reported that “some officials voiced In case anyone wondered wheth- the government as the president scribing the killing of Soleimani as far less gullible now than they were private skepticism about the ratio- er there were any red-rimmed Di- has made more than 15,000 false an “assassination because it would [in 2003], but even now there’s a nale for a strike on General Solei- xie cups in the CNN newsroom this or misleading claims in office. require that the news service de- tendency to take administration mani, who was responsible for the time around, the network high- Since the killing of Soleimani, cide that the act was a murder, claims at face value, or at least deaths of hundreds of American lighted Pompeo’s lack of specifics there has been a push in the news and because the term is politically semi-seriously,” Krugman wrote troops over the years.” One U.S. Tuesday morning with a chyron: media “to find out if there’s any freighted.” in his newsletter. “Don’t do this. official told the newspaper that the “Pompeo Defends Soleimani Kill- credible intelligence to support the Risen said avoiding that word is Lies don’t stop at the water’s edge. Trump administration’s new intel- ing; Trump Admin Yet To Offer Trump administration’s claim that “cowardly” and likened it to news Administrations that are dishon- ligence was essentially “business Evidence of ‘Imminent Threat.’” another, larger attack on Americans organizations using descriptions est about domestic policy tend to be as usual” for Soleimani and didn’t Baron said in a statement to in Iraq was ‘imminent,’” said Wal- like “enhanced” or “harsh” inter- dishonest about foreign policy too. suggest an imminent threat. POLITICO that “Throughout the cott, now a contributing editor at rogation when covering Bush-era And while the Bush administration That deeply reported follow-up history of this country, there has Time, “as well as the extensive ex- torture techniques. lied a lot, Trump and company lie story, however, appeared to receive been vigorous public debate about aminations of whether escalating “It’s a silly debate,” Risen said. about everything.” less Facebook interactions than two our foreign policy, especially our tensions with Iran will make Amer- “It’s an assassination.” UPLOADED BY "What's News" vk.com/wsnws TELEGRAM: t.me/whatsnws 8 | POLITICO | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 Trump kicks off 2020 with $10M Super Bowl ad buy The president and the RNC raised $493M in 2019 and are ready to put it to use in 2020 BY ALEX ISENSTADT President Donald Trump’s re- election campaign is planning to drop $10 million to advertise during the Super Bowl, the start of a mas- sive election-year spending spree that will intensify over the coming months, according to four people briefed on the plans. The campaign has purchased 60 seconds of commercial time dur- ing the Feb. 2 Super Bowl, which is likely to be the most-watched television event of the year. The ad or ads — it’s unclear whether there will be a single 60-second spot or a pair of 30-second commercials — are expected to run early in the game, when viewership is likely to be at its highest. With the investment, the Trump campaign is dipping into a deep war chest it has amassed over the past year. The reelection effort and the Republican National Committee announced last week that they raised a combined $463 million in 2019 and had nearly $200 million on hand. The Super Bowl advertising, coming a day before the Iowa Democratic caucuses, is part of a broader spending effort. Starting this month, campaign aides say, the campaign intends to increase its TV, radio and digital advertising. It also has plans to spend millions of dollars to reach key voting blocs, JOE RAEDLE/GETTY IMAGES including women, evangelicals, La- President Donald Trump’s Super Bowl ad or ads — it’s unclear whether he will have a single 60-second spot or a pair of 30-second commercials — are tinos and African Americans. The expected to run early in the game, when viewership is likely to be at its highest. Mike Bloomberg also has purchased $10 million in Super Bowl ad time. Trump campaign recently launched an aggressive effort to woo black voters, taking out ads on African referring to the president’s an- campaign advertises during a ma- million in Super Bowl advertising ning on rolling out the ad via text American-owned radio stations nouncement within days of his 2017 jor sporting event. The reelection time, an aide to the billionaire message to supporters in the days and newspapers. inauguration that he would seek re- campaign ran commercials during Democratic candidate said. The before the game, with the hopes of “The president’s decision to stay election. “Now, 300 days out, we last year’s World Series declaring spots are expected to go after the building their supporter list. aggressive and keep the campaign are throttling up. The president that Trump is “no Mr. Nice Guy, but president’s. The New York Times The Trump campaign has been in open after his first election gave has built an awesome, high-per- sometimes it takes a Donald Trump first reported Bloomberg’s plans. talks with Fox, which is airing the us a huge head start on his reelec- formance, omnichannel machine to change Washington.” Trump aides said they’re still de- game, since the fall and reserved tion,” Trump campaign manager and it’s time to give it some gas.” Former New York Mayor Mike termining the content of the Super the advertising time in December. Brad Parscale said in a statement, This won’t be the first time the Bloomberg has also purchased $10 Bowl advertising. They are plan- It will be paying for it this month. DNC to reschedule debate if it conflicts with impeachment trial BY QUINT FORGEY nation, who will act as Trump’s all the candidates to accommodate The chairman of the Democratic jurors and therefore be sidelined them.” National Committee, Tom Perez, from their campaigns during the The DNC had declined to com- said Tuesday it would reschedule proceedings less than a month be- ment when asked whether the next week’s presidential primary fore the first-in-the-nation Iowa qualification deadline on Friday debate in Iowa if the televised event caucuses. would be pushed back if the de- conflicts with President Donald But the Democratic candidates bate were postponed because of Trump’s impeachment trial in the vying to challenge the president the trial. Senate. in November “are very agile, just Although House Speaker Nancy “Democrats and our sena- as the American people are agile,” Pelosi has yet to send to the Sen- tors can walk and chew gum,” Perez said. ate the articles of impeachment Perez told MSNBC. “Obviously, “You know, families across this charging Trump with abuse of if there’s a trial on the 14th, then country walk and chew gum every power and obstruction of Con- we’ll move the debate. If there’s day,” he said. “They take care of gress, Senate Majority Leader not, then we’re going to have the their kids. They feed the family. Mitch McConnell has secured debate. At the moment, all systems They pay the bills. And they want sufficient support from his GOP are go, and so we’re going to move to make sure that their Congress caucus to approve a framework forward.” is doing the same thing, and of rules governing a trial in the Three of the five presidential our candidates will do the same chamber. candidates to have qualified thus M. SCOTT MAHASKEY/POLITICO thing.” House Democrats had with- far for the debate next Tuesday at “Democrats and our senators can walk and chew gum,” DNC Chairman The remarks from the party held the impeachment articles Drake University in Des Moines, co- Tom Perez (center) said. “At the moment, all systems are go.” chairman break with a less defini- in an attempt to add leverage to hosted by CNN and The Des Moines tive statement from Xochitl Hino- Senate Minority Leader Chuck Register, are senators: Amy Klobu- josa, the DNC’s communications Schumer’s negotiations with Mc- char of Minnesota, Bernie Sanders former Vice President Joe Biden ing impeachment trial has com- director, who previously said that Connell over the trial’s rules and of Vermont and Elizabeth Warren and former Mayor Pete Buttigieg plicated the plans of the Demo- if “a conflict with an impeachment because of concerns about bias of Massachusetts. of South Bend, Ind. cratic senators competing for trial is unavoidable, the DNC will toward the White House among Also slated to participate are The potential for a forthcom- their party’s presidential nomi- evaluate its options and work with Senate Republicans. UPLOADED BY "What's News" vk.com/wsnws TELEGRAM: t.me/whatsnws WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 | POLITICO | 9 STEPHEN MATUREN/GETTY IMAGES Decorative balloons forming “SOS” at a Bernie Sanders rally in Des Moines exemplify the downbeat message Iowa voters are hearing from Sanders and other Democratic candidates a month before the state’s caucuses. Voters still jam coffee shops and other venues to hear the candidates, but their sense of urgency is now tinged with anguish. Sense of foreboding darkens Democratic primary Recent headlines inspire dread in early state rible will happen if they don’t. This followed by Warren at 16 percent, “Are we too wide of a field still Dems. The candidates are making it worse year, in the 2020 election, we actu- according to the most recent CBS that people are turned off by that?” ally have both.” News poll. Freese asked. “Or are we so fired up He said, “I fear that our democ- In addition, Iowans still aren’t because of things like impeachment BY DAVID SIDERS Trump, the imperative to remove racy will not survive four more sure — after more than a year and Iran, now … are we so fired up DAVENPORT, IOWA — The new year him from office has remained high years of the imperial Trump presi- watching candidates here — that that we will turn out even harder is taking the presidential primary since the minute he won election dency with his lack of understand- any of them can beat Trump. Asked to caucus? I have no idea.” to a dark place in the nation’s first in 2016. ing and respect for the Constitu- to describe the candidates’ chances At least some of the electorate’s caucus state. But many Democrats did not tion.” He said he feared the planet of defeating the Republican presi- shifting mood can be attributed to President Donald Trump’s im- suspect a year ago that the final might not survive, either. dent, pluralities of Democrats said the calendar. Iowans become more pending impeachment trial and stage of the campaign would begin The turn of the calendar — and Sanders, Biden, Warren and But- serious about the caucuses as they fear of war with Iran — as well as with open conversations about the the abrupt reminder of what Cro- tigieg can “maybe” win the gen- draw closer every election cycle, the Australia wildfires and their prospect of World War III. Or an eral election, according to the poll. said Roxanne Conlin, a former implications for climate change impeached president. Fewer than 40 percent of Demo- United States attorney and former — quickly cast a pall over a con- Standing in the photo line at a crats say any of those candidates candidate for governor and Senate test in which Democrats are al- raucous Warren event Sunday, a “I fear that our “probably would win.” in Iowa. And the “mortal danger” ready wracked with uncertainty high school senior said he worried democracy will not “I think [Trump] has an excel- posed by Trump, she said, has long about which candidate has the best about his friends being deployed to lent chance of being reelected, no been on Democrats’ minds. chance of defeating Trump. the Middle East. The Iowa Starting survive four more matter what,” said Tracy Freese, Still, said Conlin, a Klobuchar All across Iowa hangs an air of Line news site reported that during Democratic Party chairwoman in supporter: “The Iran decision, if years of the imperial heightened distress, which the a single day campaigning with Sen. Grundy County, where she intro- you can call it that — oh, my God.” candidates are readily leaning into. Amy Klobuchar recently, attendees Trump presidency.” duced Sanders at a town hall over Biden frequently warns audi- “I tell you all these things not at three separate events had “com- the weekend. “There are plenty of ences that eight years of Trump will to get you nervous, but to get you pared Trump to Adolf Hitler’s rise — Ken Croken Democrats who are realistic.” “fundamentally change the char- depressed,” Sen. Bernie Sanders, in Germany.” Scott County, Iowa, supervisor The darkening mood has not acter of the nation.” In the audi- speaking about climate change, At a Biden event at the minor changed enthusiasm for the elec- ence at one of his recent events, the said at a town hall meeting in league baseball stadium in Daven- tion itself — even if it is tinged man who asked whether the United Grundy Center, Iowa, over the port, a man asked, “Can America with anguish. Crowds in recent States could survive a second term weekend. survive Trump in office for another days were still jamming into cof- of Trump’s presidency suggested Hours later in Des Moines, it was year?” ken called Iowa’s “truly awesome fee shops, community centers and that recognizing the urgency of re- Joe Biden describing the state of A collection of answers rang out responsibility” of caucusing — has high school gymnasiums to cheer placing him isn’t the problem — and Trump’s presidency more broadly from around the room: “No.” And done little to improve the state’s their candidates. never has been. as “extremely, extremely worri- before Biden addressed the crowd, mood. In fact, impeachment and But even energetic caucusgo- “People sense that urgency, but some.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren ad- Scott County Supervisor Ken Cro- the developments in Iran appear to ers can have frayed nerves. Some they don’t know the solution,” said monished supporters in Davenport ken cast the weight of the upcoming have exacerbated voters’ anxiety Democrats worry an escalating Bruce Peterson, a canoe builder. that “this is a time of crisis in this caucuses in equally somber terms. about their indecisiveness on an conflict with Iran could help Trump He said he didn’t know the solu- country.” “It’s my experience that people alternative to Trump. politically. And despite projections tion, either. But more than ever be- Democrats have fretted for more act for one of two reasons,” he said. Sanders, Biden and Pete Butti- for record caucus turnout, some fore during Trump’s presidency, he than a year about how to choose a “One, something good will happen gieg are locked in a three-way tie in party officials remain unsure what said, “These last two months make nominee. And for those who loathe if they do, or two, something ter- Iowa, each with 23 percent support, to expect. me apprehensive.” UPLOADED BY "What's News" vk.com/wsnws TELEGRAM: t.me/whatsnws 10 | POLITICO | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY IMAGES Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer reiterated his pledge to force votes on witnesses and documents ahead of the upcoming impeachment trial, but his demands so far have been spurned by Mitch McConnell. The majority leader says the Senate will “get around to the discussion of witnesses,” but not before the Senate trial begins. McConnell pushes to set impeachment trial rules TRIAL from page 1 to occur after opening arguments,” for moving forward without them kicked off Clinton’s trial. Those and Susan Collins of Maine said The move is the latest exercise of said Utah Sen. Mitt Romney. and without making any promise circumstances were in some ways they are comfortable with follow- blunt political power by McCon- Speaker Nancy Pelosi has with- to hear from witnesses. different: The Senate had much ing the Clinton model and deciding nell, who since becoming major- held the articles of impeachment “That’s not how you run a coun- more information about Clinton’s whether to call witnesses later. ity leader has found myriad ways since the House voted in Decem- try. That’s not how you run the impeachment inquiry than it has Schumer and Democrats will still to sideline Democrats and move ber to charge Trump with abuse United States Senate,” said Sen. on Trump given this administra- have opportunities to try to shape his agenda with narrow majori- of power and obstruction of Con- Jon Tester (D-Mont.). tion’s all-out effort to block witness the trial. They can force votes on ties. And the partisan impeachment gress, in part to push Republicans “That’s regrettable. If I thought testimony and documents from the their preferred trial structure, road isn’t without risk: Republicans to agree to fair rules for the trial. McConnell’s offer to bring wit- House. which they believe will put vul- are doing little to distance them- The GOP used the delay from the nesses … was in good faith, I could But McConnell needs only a bare nerable Republicans in a bind. selves from the president even on House to get ready to start the probably vote to proceed with im- majority to ignore Democrats’ de- And they could in theory succeed process questions, let alone the clock on the impeachment trial peachment inquiry. I don’t believe mands to subpoena witnesses and if more senators like Romney decide ultimate decision of whether to as soon as possible. that,” said Sen. Chris Murphy (D- documents and instead kick that they need to hear new evidence. remove Trump from office. “I know that I’ll want to hear Yet Republicans say Democrats from witnesses,” Romney said. offered them little alternative: Most Pelosi could deliver the articles of scoffed at the idea that Schumer “If I thought McConnell’s offer to bring witnesses … was in good impeachment as soon as this week. could determine what evidence is While she did not secure any con- heard in the Senate. And McCon- faith, I could probably vote to proceed with impeachment inquiry. cessions from McConnell — who nell’s strategy has key backing from I don’t believe that. … I think this is all a whitewash.” said Democrats were grasping onto the handful of Republican swing “mythical leverage” — the party did votes heading into the trial, though — Sen. Chris Murphy briefly win new scrutiny on GOP many senators, like Lisa Murkows- vows to coordinate closely with the ki of Alaska, had hoped Schumer White House. and McConnell could come to an Now after the long holiday break agreement. and still no additional response “We’ve gotten so snarled up with “What we’re aspiring to do is to Conn.). “I don’t think he’s going to decision until later in the trial. from Pelosi, Republicans are eager debate over witnesses that the two get this process moving forward bring witnesses. I think this is all a Schumer has sought to put pres- to get moving. leaders haven’t been able to come to and indicate to the Democrats that whitewash.” sure on McConnell’s vulnerable The House “wasn’t pushing for terms on this first phase, so it looks as soon as they send those articles McConnell and Schumer have senators by raising the question the witnesses like they should. So like we’ll go forward with a Repub- over here, we’re ready to go. Quit been unable to reach a deal on how of witnesses and pointing to new why the heck did they expect we’re lican [package],” said Murkowski, stalling,” said Senate Majority to run the impeachment trial. And emails that have been released going to jump all over it now?” said who said she would support Mc- Whip John Thune (R-S.D.). their efforts at negotiations were showing the president’s involve- Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), who is up Connell’s proposal. Following McConnell’s an- anemic, boiling down to a 20-min- ment in the Ukraine scandal. for reelection. Pelosi is playing a “I’d like to hear from John Bolton nouncement, the Senate is in a ute conversation on December that Trump’s former national security political game right now and she’s and other witnesses to provide in- position to quickly begin the trial — got them no closer to a bipartisan adviser John Bolton said Monday losing.” formation. That process will ac- even if it requires steamrolling the result. that he would testify before the commodate that. The Clinton pro- 47-member minority. Democrats That impasse squashes hopes Senate if subpoenaed. But mod- John Bresnahan contributed to this cess allows for a vote on witnesses immediately criticized McConnell of repeating the 100-0 vote that erate Republicans like Murkowski report.

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