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Political Liberalism in Muslim Societies (Routledge Islamic Studies Series) PDF

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6 1 0 2 l i r p A 2 0 9 5 : 1 2 t a ] ) e m m a r g o r P T S I L N ( e r t n e C T E N B I L F N I [ y b d e d a o l n w o D Political Liberalism in Muslim Societies 6 1 0 2 l i r p A 2 0 9 5 : 1 2 Having survived the process of modernization and reasserted them- t selvesinpubliclife,religioustraditionsplayanincreasinglyimportant a ] publicroleinshapinganddefiningsocialinstitutionsandinteractions. ) e m This book examines Rawls’s theory of political liberalism in the m contextofMuslimsocieties,wherereligionwieldsasignificantsocial a r andpoliticalinfluence.Contrastingasociologicalanalysiswithathe- g o oreticalapproach,theauthorexploresthepoliticalquestionsbrought r P up by religious individuals, organizations, and minorities, and exam- T S ines fundamental notions such as neutrality of state, public/private I L distinction,andindividualautonomy.Offeringarichsetofconceptual N and normative instruments, the author presents new ways to incor- ( e porate political liberalism into political discourses, advocating policy r nt prescriptionsfortheadvancementofdemocracyinMuslimsocieties. e C Independent of the focus on Muslim societies, this book makes a T significant contribution to the political liberalism debate. As such, it E N will be of interest not only to students of Islam and the Middle East, B but also to those with an interest in political philosophy, democracy, I L religion,andcontemporarypoliticaltheory. F N [I FevziBilginisanAssistantProfessorofPoliticalScienceatSt.Mary’s y b College of Maryland. He received his doctorate from the University d of Pittsburgh in 2004 and has since published a number of essays on e d politicalliberalism,constitutionalpolitics,andreligionandpoliticsin a o TurkeyandtheMiddleEast. l n w o D Routledge Islamic Studies Series 6 1 0 2 l i r p A 2 This broad-ranging series includes books on Islamic issues from all parts of 0 theglobeandisnotsimplyconfinedtotheMiddleEast. 9 5 : 1 Historians,StateandPoliticsin TheSmallPlayersoftheGreatGame 2 t Twentieth-CenturyEgypt ThesettlementofIran’seastern a ] Contestingthenation borderlandsandthecreationof ) e AnthonyGorman Afghanistan m PirouzMojtahed-Zadeh m TheNewPoliticsofIslam ra Pan-Islamicforeignpolicyinaworld InterestinIslamicEconomics g o ofstates UnderstandingRiba Pr NaveedShahzadSheikh AbdulkaderThomas T S TheAlevisinTurkey MuslimDiaspora LI TheemergenceofasecularIslamic Gender,cultureandidentity N tradition EditedbyHaidehMoghissi ( e DavidShankland HumanConscienceand r t en MedievalIslamicEconomicThought Muslim–ChristianRelations C FillingthegreatgapinEuropean ModernEgyptianthinkerson T economics al-d.am¯ır E N S.M.Ghazanfar OddbjørnLeirvik B IslaminNordicandBalticCountries I TheWestandIslam L GöranLarsson F Westernliberaldemocracyversus N thesystemofShura IslamandDisability I y [ MishalFahmal-Sulami Perspectivesintheologyand b jurisprudence d TheRegencyofTunisandthe e OttomanPorte,1777–1814 MohammedGhaly d a Armyandgovernmentofa ProducingIslamicKnowledge o nl North-AfricanEyâletattheendof Transmissionanddisseminationin w theeighteenthcentury WesternEurope o D AsmaMoalla EditedbyMartinvanBruinessen andStefanoAllievi IslamicInsurance AmodernapproachtoIslamic PoliticalLiberalisminMuslim banking Societies AlyKhorshid FevziBilgin Political Liberalism in Muslim Societies 6 1 0 2 l i r p A 2 0 9 5 1: Fevzi Bilgin 2 t a ] ) e m m a r g o r P T S I L N ( e r t n e C T E N B I L F N I [ y b d e d a o l n w o D 6 1 0 2 l i r Firstpublished2011 p A byRoutledge 2 2ParkSquare,MiltonPark,Abingdon,OxonOX144RN 0 9 SimultaneouslypublishedintheUSAandCanada 5 byRoutledge 1: 711ThirdAvenue,NewYork,NY10017 2 t RoutledgeisanimprintoftheTaylor&FrancisGroup, a aninformabusiness ] e) (cid:2)c 2011FevziBilgin m m TherightofFevziBilgintobeidentifiedasauthorofthisworkhas a beenassertedbyhiminaccordancewithsections77and78ofthe gr Copyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988. o r TypesetinSabonbyIntegraSoftwareServicesPvt.Ltd, P Pondicherry,India T PrintedandboundinGreatBritainbyTJIDigital,Padstow,Cornwall S LI Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereprintedor N reproducedorutilisedinanyformorbyanyelectronic,mechanical, ( orothermeans,nowknownorhereafterinvented,including e photocopyingandrecording,orinanyinformationstorageor r nt retrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublishers. e C BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData T AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary E N LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData B Bilgin,Fevzi. I PoliticalliberalisminMuslimsocieties/FevziBilgin. L p.cm.--(RoutledgeIslamicstudiesseries;15) F N Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. I 1.Liberalism--Islamiccountries.2.Islamand [ y politics--Islamiccountries.3.Islamiccountries--Politicsand b government.I.Title. d JC574.2.I74B552011 de 320.510917(cid:3)67--dc22 a 2010034062 o nl ISBN978-0-415-78182-4(hbk) w ISBN978-0-203-83084-0(ebk) o D 6 1 0 2 l i r p A 2 0 9 5 : 1 To my parents 2 t a ] ) e m m a r g o r P T S I L N ( e r t n e C T E N B I L F N I [ y b d e d a o l n w o D Contents 6 1 0 2 l i r p A 2 0 9 5 : 1 2 Acknowledgments viii t a ] ) e 1 Introduction 1 m m ra 2 The idea of political liberalism 8 g o r P 3 Political liberalism and Islam 32 T S I L 4 Political liberalism in Muslim societies 46 N ( e r 5 Tolerating religion 67 t n e C T 6 Religion and the impartiality of the state 89 E N B 7 Conclusion 112 I L F N Notes 122 I [ y Bibliography 130 b d Index 139 e d a o l n w o D Acknowledgments 6 1 0 2 l i r p A 2 0 9 5 : 1 2 This book reflects two of my lifelong intellectual preoccupations, t religion and political theory. I am very fortunate to have had the a ] opportunity to express these concerns in a work of this magnitude, ) e m which, I have to acknowledge, would never have come to fruition m without the help and support I received during my research and a r writing. g o I am extremely grateful for the extensive feedback I have received r P from various friends and colleagues over the years, including T S Frederick G. Whelan, Michael Goodhart, Jonathan Scott, David I L Barker, Ahmet Davutoglu, Burhanettin Duran, Fred Dallmayr, David N Thunder,andtwoanonymousreviewersforcommentingonanentire ( e draftofthebook.IamdelightedtothankaudiencesattheAmerican r nt Political Science Association Meeting, Association for Political The- e C ory Meeting, Midwest Political Science Meeting, CURA Program on T Religion and Globalization at Boston University, International Sym- E N posium on Rethinking the Classical, and National Endowment for B the Humanities’ Summer Seminar on Philosophical Perspectives on I L LiberalDemocracyandGlobalEthics,andmycolleaguesatUniversity F N Pittsburgh, Sakarya University, and St. Mary’s College of Maryland. [I I would also like to thank my editor at Routledge, Joe Whiting, y b and his editorial staff, especially Suzanne Richardson and the copy- d editor Elizabeth Stone, for their support and assistance throughout e d thepublicationprocess. a o This book draws substantially upon some of my previously pub- l n w lished work. Chapter 3 draws upon “Political Liberalism and Inclu- o sion of Religion,” which appeared in Rutgers Journal of Law and D Religion(2006).Chapter4drawsupon“TheProspectofPoliticalLib- eralisminNon-WesternSocieties,”whichappearedinCriticalReview of International Political and Social Philosophy (2007). Chapters 5 and6drawupon“ClassicalLiberalReflectionsontheContemporary Acknowledgments ix Issues of Religion and Politics,” which appeared in Medeniyet ve Klasik, published by Klasik (Istanbul, 2007). I would like to thank thesejournalsandpressesforallowingmetousetheseworks. Most importantly, I would like to express my gratitude to my friends and family members, especially my parents, to whom I ded- 6 1 icate this work, for their neverending support and encouragement 0 2 from thousands of miles away; to Klara, whose care and compan- il ionship have sustained my work and my life; and to my boys Sander r p A andDenizforremindingmeeverydaythatIhavetoworkforabetter 2 worldnomatterwhat. 0 9 5 : 1 2 t a ] ) e m m a r g o r P T S I L N ( e r t n e C T E N B I L F N I [ y b d e d a o l n w o D 1 Introduction 6 1 0 2 l i r p A 2 0 9 5 : 1 2 This book investigates the possible application of John Rawls’s idea t of political liberalism in Muslim societies. Two basic premises guide a ] the analysis. The sociological premise is the recent resurgence of ) e m religious—especially Islamic—claims in public life. Contrary to com- m mon expectations in the past, religious traditions have survived the a r process of modernization and reasserted themselves in public life. g o Today, religious traditions throughout the world are refusing the r P marginal and privatized role predicted by theories of modernity T S and secularization and dictated by secular regimes.1 They play an I L increasingly important public role in shaping and redefining social N institutions and interactions. The political questions raised by reli- ( e gious individuals, organizations, and minorities are among the most r nt pressing and potent issues in the contemporary world of politics. e C These religious claims have posed serious theoretical challenges to T the basic premises of contemporary liberal democracy. Fundamental E N notions such as the neutrality of the state, the public/private distinc- B tion, and individual autonomy have been called into question.2 The I L theoretical premise is the need to address this matter and to offer a F N normativeframeworkfortheproperplaceofreligioninpubliclife. [I Political philosophy has always had to confront the political chal- y b lenges of religion. Among the major trends of thought, there have d been ideas favoring the homogenization of diverse faiths through e d coercive imposition, the rationalization or trivialization of religion a o through secular institutionalization, and, finally, the forceful elim- l n w ination of religious manifestations in public life.3 Liberalism has o developedamongtheseasadecisivealternative,atraditionstemming D from the defense of toleration and peaceful coexistence. However, some variants of contemporary liberalism insist on viewing religion as merely a private matter, and thus overlook the public significance of religion. Rawls’s political liberalism, on the other hand, presents

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