polio and its aftermath [To view this image, refer to the print version of this title.] Pickingupwhereheleftoff. POLIO a n d i t s a f t e r m at h th e pa r a lysis o f c u ltu r e marc shell harvard university press Cambridge,Massachusetts London,England 2005 Copyright©2005bythePresidentandFellowsofHarvardCollege Allrightsreserved PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Shell,Marc. Polioanditsaftermath:theparalysisofculture/MarcShell. p.cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0-674-01315-8 1.Poliomyelitis—Socialaspects—UnitedStates. 2.Poliomyelitis—Biography. 3.Peoplewithdisabilitiesinmotionpictures. I.Title. RC181.U5S53 2005 616.8′35—dc22 2004060562 Aftermath:Secondorlatermowing;thecropofgrasswhichspringsupafter themowinginearlysummer. —ANewEnglishDictionaryonHistoricalPrinciples,1884–1928 Contents Prologue 1 I Autobiographiesof aDisease 1 OnePolioStory 27 2 IntheFamily 57 3 APolioSchool 92 II StasisandKinesis 4 ParalyticPolioandMovingPictures 129 5 Handi-CapitalismandCinemaBusiness 139 6 TheCastofRearWindow;or,CinemaandAkinesia 150 III Politics 7 PolioandtheGreatWars 181 8 RememberingRoosevelt 190 9 WhatWeCanLearn,IfWeHurry 204 Aftermath 227 Notes 231 Acknowledgments 297 TextCredits 299 IllustrationCredits 303 ListofBoxes 307 NameIndex 309 SubjectIndex 313 polio and its aftermath