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Preview Police Motu: An Introduction to the Trade Language of Papua (New Guinea) for Anthropologists & other Fieldworkers

PACIFICL INGUISTICS Se.JLie.6B - No.1 POL ICE MOT U An introductiont o the Trade Languageo f Papua (New Guinea) for Anthropologistasn d other fieldworkers by S.A. Wurm and J.B. Harris Department of Linguistics Research School of Pacific Studies THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Wurm, S.A. and Harris, J. Police Motu: An introduction to the trade language of Papua (New Guinea) for anthropologists and other fieldworkers. B-1, vi + 87 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1963. DOI:10.15144/PL-B1.cover ©1963 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A sealang.net/CRCL initiative. PACIFIC LINGUISTICSi s published by the L�ngu��t�eC ��ele 06C anbe��a and consists of four series: SERIES A -OCCASIONALP APERS SERIES B -MONOGRAPHS SERIES C -BOOKS SERIES V - SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS. EDITOR: S.A. Wurm. ASSOCIATE EDITORS: D.C. Laycock, C.L. Voorhoeve. ALL CORRESPONDENCEc oncerningP ACIFIC LINGUISTICS,i ncluding orders and subscriptions,s hould be addressed to: The Secretary, PACIrIC LINGUISTICS, Departmento f Linguistics, School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University, Box 4, P.O., Canberra, A.C.T. 2600. Australia. � Copyright The Authors. First published 1963. Reprinted 1964,1 965,1 966,1 967,1 969,1 970,1 971,1 972. The editors are indebted to the Australian National University for help in the productiono f this series. This publicationw as made possible by an initial grant from the Hunter Douglas Fund. National Library of Australia Card number and ISBN 0 858830 34 5 111 TABLEO F CONTENTS P�e 1 Intorduction I Subejcta ndp reidcat.e Persnoal pronouns. Listo f preidctae sbea.s Execriseo ne. 3 II Intotnaion. Partcilesv ad�.ln andd ah6r.E.x panisono f persnoal pronousnu bejct:a ., aib6an,t anana. Dual. Expanisono fp reidctaeb aseb ya didtiono fb aess: naha, luo,gw aur�ai,a ndo ther. sExecriset wo. 4 III Adjuncts. Negtaive. Exericset here. 7 IV Expanison ofp ersonla pronouns ubejctb y additiono fa baseb eforei t. Listo fc ommonb aess. S. ass ubejct markre. Subejctf illres. Exericsef our. 8 V Clasifsictaoyr kinshipt ermSj -nas g.;- diap l. Direct object.T ransitvieb aess:t hrecel assesC.au satvie 9 baess.L isto f mspile ba.s eEsxercisef iv.e VI Thirdp esronp ronounass d irecotb ject.s Phrsaesc onsis-t ingo fb ase.s Attrbiute+ hea;d -nam arikngp hrashee ad. Base+ transitiveb asea sa ttrbiute. Locatvie. Dakaan. Partosf t heb od.y Termsf or animlasa ndp lantsE.x er­ 14 ClseSl X. VII Compeltec luasesa s atrtibutesi np hrasesP.os sessvie prononus. Demontsratvie. Adjectives.Ad jectiveass thea ttrbuietsi np hrsae.s Adjuncts. Numreals.L isto f 19 base.s Exericses eve.n VIII Possesisvea na linkinbga ess.I nteorgratvies. Sentences consisitngo ft woo rm orec lauess. Clausel inking 22 particl.e sExecries eight. IX Subejct+ ba + preidcateS.u bejct+ ba + persnoal pro­ noun. Pronoun+ base1 + base2 ± uwaura:i a(ni order) 24 to. Exercisen in.e 26 X English' ot be',t oh av'e. • iv Page Suplpemnetya rtarnsliaonte xesrecI i.I I.I II I1 IV 28 V.V I.V II 29 VIII 30 Keyt oe xercoins.eet wo.t hree 31 fourfvi.e .s ix 32 sev.ee night 33 nine 34 Keyt os upplenmteareyx erci(s1e-)s( 5) 35 (6) 8)( 36 PoliMcoet -uEn glisVho cabulary 37 Englis-hP oliMcoet Vuo cabulary 63 • v ERRATA & ADDENDA Thec onsonacnhtar ts houlrde a:d P t k b d g m n B h r v line 3 shoudl rea:d ·T-hei aa nd- a suffixewsh ihc makr the bulko ft hem emberso ft hisc lasosf b aseosc cura s follows: -iaa fter smst wehicht hesmelvese ndi n- a, -ae lsewhe.r·e 11 footnote1 4T:hi sf ootnotes houdl refeorn lyt ot he fourth sentenced aikia aa biaw,h icmh aym ean· whog ot ito?r"" whom did he ge?t" 11 30: line 1, thep idginw ord for "mes"ho uldb e spelledm i. 11 hevsaahat hiss houldm ean" tom akef uno f" rathert han" to flitr" 11 47: hoai:t hiss houlda lsob eg losesd as tos ell" 11 loulaita:h iss houlfdo llow lou. 11 nauk: thiss houlrde adn aka. 11 66: catfhi nsaku- thiss holudr eadn eke. 11 gourpai goen ttlruma -thiss houldr eadt urumu. Thef ollownig itemss houldb e addedt o tMheo tu-Enlgihs vocbaulayr: a floo,d far eshet galvainsed iron vi coconhuustk. u sulaliyn t hep hransieub unu dahitu room.c opmaretnmt gogaa to lcelcot kaotr o typoef p andawniutseh d ibflreu iwth icihs widelgyr owni nt heh igcho unrtyo fP aupa. sucahs t hGoei laal andS outhHeirng hlands papa pepeprw hichi se ant weitbhe telnut raat coconpuamtl f ro.nu dsulayl int hep hrase niur eta Wurm, S.A. and Harris, J. Police Motu: An introduction to the trade language of Papua (New Guinea) for anthropologists and other fieldworkers. B-1, vi + 87 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1963. DOI:10.15144/PL-B1.cover ©1963 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A sealang.net/CRCL initiative. INTRODUCTOIN This ai bsr ieanfd t netaitve skoefts coehm o ft he moriepm ortant featuorfeP sol cieM otu. thel nigufar aan ocfP apua.I ni tw eh ave attmeptde tor epsreent atcthuela staotfet hel anguaasgi et sipso ken wideltyh rgohouutt het erroiryt withourtef erentcote he grammaorf HanuaadbMao tuf rowmhi chi t oifsc o urdseeir ve.d Likem ostp digilna nggue.asP olicMeo thua s rea liavtleys mlalw orikng vocalbrauy.o fw hicthh ec ories d eirvefdr oHma naubaMdoat ub utw iht ex­ tnesivbeor rowgis.n Mosto ft hesea re froEmng lisahn dd escbreoi bejcts unknoiwnnP apuianp reu-rEoepant mies.W ordlski er asll' irc'e.k aog 'acgro' ,ka ra' acrri'e,hr� a 'ahmmer' amnotdu ka 'omtorcar' are an intelgp raarotft hveo cabunloal reyst sh atnua 'amn',h anu'a ivlalg'eo r vaangl' acno'e.W em akneo a plogoyf orc tinigt he,m sniceo ura mi ist o desrcbieP oliec Motua si ti sa ctaluyl spok.e Tnheo nlcyo nceosnws ei havmea dteo ' correesc'st insi nc iitngl ecxial itmesa sf ara sp ossbile int heo rthograepmlhpyo yeidnL ist-eTrrunearn dC lakr,A D ictionya rof theM otuL anguagoefP apua( escnode ditoin.) Whenewveec ro ulndo tl ocate a paritculfaorri mn tdhieci otnray.w es miplsyp leeldi ta sw eh earidt . One oft hep rolebmso fP olcieM otius t haitt i sn otc opmletleys e­lf consisten,t eihteri ng rammaro rp holnoog.y Thee xact onpurinacitno emlpoeydv ariferso amre at oa era. This refletchteps h olngooichaalib st ofd ifferenltna guea cgommunitietshoug,h i ts eemst hatth reei ss ome cnaono f' ocrrencets'st ow hicgho osdep aketryrs t o fcoormn evewnh en thiisn vlovedsi sitntcionwsh icahre notp arotf t hiern atviel nigiustic habit.s Thef olloiwngr ulense etdo b ef olloewd iinn teripnrgte hte dicitonrayo rthogr,a pihwcyhhr eeflct(shto ugihn coinssnttelyth)ep hon­ oolgyo fH anuabMaodt:au 1. ao andau arer elaizeads / au;/ 2.a ea nda la er relazieda s/ al/; 3.o ea nd0 1a rer eailzeads/ 01/; 4.r and1 are dniotstig nuiesdh1; 5.h iso ftenl osetx ceipnitt iya;l l 6. g andg fallt ogetahse/ gr/ ; 7. kw andgw are relaizeads/ ku/a nd/g /u wherY e= 'unstersds'e; 8.v owelleg nthi sn otd isntctivie. atmtpeth as bene madteo i dnicattheei nicdenocfes torngesstt ress An byt heu seo f tahucet e( ).W ea er awarteht a thiissn ot relayl sati­s ' facotrya ndt haptr atcciev ariceosn sidleyfr raobpmal ceto p lace. Int hep ronuinacitonp resenhteree,d f inla voewlsa re onlyr arley stersdse.W eh aviedn ciateds tersosn d siyllaibcw ordosn lwyh eint oins the fnial sylblla,e anda slow hepne hrapssom ed oubmta ya rie sint he mnidso f trheea dearss ittops al cmeen.t 1 That is. there arpea inroso fw ordsw hicha re djs tinguishepdur ely by the occurrencoef IIIa ndI rla s therea rei n Englishr: eaIdr iydlVS . laedI liyd/. Wurm, S.A. and Harris, J. Police Motu: An introduction to the trade language of Papua (New Guinea) for anthropologists and other fieldworkers. B-1, vi + 87 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1963. DOI:10.15144/PL-B1.1 ©1963 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A sealang.net/CRCL initiative. 2 Thec onsonaonftP soli cMeo ttueh na er: P t It b d If m n • h r The vowlesa r:e I o I And thed pihthongs: I��., , �T .. / .. \ \ It j IU j AllP olcieM otu woridnsa voewnled. T hreea rneo c onsoncaulnstt e.r s sucahs o ccuirnEn glsihw ordlski eSTR ing. l�.e t.c Borrowfirnogms Englisaher reformbeydun sohpisitctaeds pekaerisn a cocrdanwciett hh ese ruleHse nec formlsi kle� lpI' alpm'.p l�rl.t' iaractrf'. (Thel atter isEn glsihf lyimnacghi n.e butn owadtahyePsi gdinEn glsihf orims a slo hearadsb �l.ut.) 3 I The kindo f PolicMeo tus entences wiwlel d iscusisn thiss ketchm ust consisotf subjec+t predicateA. subjecmta yc onsisotf a personal pronouna lonen;o s ubjecotc curws ithoau pte rsonaplr onoun: SUBJECT PREDICATE i a mahuta , { he } sleep's {she} { it } maro i a mahtu a/ mauta/ (theb)o y2 sleep's It willb e ourp urposteo examinteh ew aysi·n whicht hism osts imple sentencper onoun+ predicatcea nb e expandeidn to more cosmepnlteexn ces. Firstl earnt hep ersonaplr onounst hemselves: 1a u' I' ai ita, w e, I oi you Umui you ia 'he,s he,i t {dia' they' Thep redicatoefs s uchs imple senteonfcteesnc onsisotf wordsw hichw e havec alledb asesa,n dw hichc anb e translatbeyd Englishv erbs,a d­ je ctiveosr nouns.T hus: {diak akan'it heya reg irls' {dia m'atih eya rec oming lauu hau' Ia m a singlmea n' ian amo 'iti s good' Thep ronominfaolr msr equirseo mee xplanatifoonr En glishs peakers: (iT)h eP olicMeo tup ersonaplr onounne verd istinguishseesx: h encei a canb e translatbeyd ' he', 'she'a,n d' it'. (2o)i i s alwayssi ngulammur,i plural. ()3 PolicMeo tuh ast wo firstp ersopnl uraple rsonaplr onouns, both of whicha reg losseads 'we'i n thea bovel ist. Thmeeiarn ingasr e, however, very diffIefr,ef onrte .x ampley,o uw isht o say' wea re goingt o thev illage'y,o um ustf irstd ecidweh ethetrh ep ersoon r personssp oketno a rei ncludeadm ongt hoseg oing.I ft heya rei n­ cludedu,s e ita- if not,a i. Similarliyf you aska Papuana questiotno which neitheorf youk nowst hea nswer,mhaey s ays Rd{ra, itad ibal asi',W ed on'tk now'- sad{rian thisc asee xpresseisn ­ determinac'yp:e rhapiss' j usto ne possitbrlaen saltion.I f you knowt hea nswebru,t h e andh isf rienddso not,h e will repslsyd {ra, ai dibal asi.I n futurea,i w illb er eferretdo as thee xclusei v (exclf.i)rs tp ersopnl urali,t aa s thei nclusiv(ei ncl.). 2 Note thatt herei s no consistenwta yo f translatintgh e Englishw ord 'the'. mere can meane qualyl 'a boy',' theb oy'- it dependso n context. 4 (4T)h et hdi rpersopnlu rlap ronoun( diai ss oemtimerse lpacebdyt he thirpde rns sonigulparrno ounl ai nP olcieM otu. The followibnages sf reqnuteloyc cuarsp reidcatienPs ol cieM ot:u mai 'ocme hlua 'unr' Ia D' og gln'lt san'd gwua say hlill 'ist' hllrvah(lrlv'aat)kl 'h lukrl' iled own' ania'nidlne' m .. 1' ide' hohiol' hso'p dlg(udul)g' aws'h rak'a awkl' lorelll' geupt' g{nida'ar arive paudobl' umjp,d viei ntwoa t'e r gaukar'aow r'k roho' lfy' mavrau' adnc'e EXERCOINSEE (a)U set hep ornosun and basesls itde tot ranlstaet hef ololwinPgo lcieM otu senntceesi ntEong lihs: 1. Umuil a.o 2.A ih elati30 Um�u heku.r 3e.I � gwalua mua io 4.I, dimaa s.e S.A ig nii. 6.I ttao erisi.7 .Um uim as.e 8.I didai g.u 9.S ed!iraam as.e 10.O im aL (b) Tranlstaet he fololwinEngg lihs snetceneisn otP olcieM ot:u 1. I amg oin.g 2.The y acroem i.n 3g.Y ou( lp).a rewa sh.i n4g.Y ou( gs.) lei dow5n.S. h es aytsh eayr den inig. 6.W e( nic.l)a rew ashibnugt ihse selenpgi. Theya er walknig. 8.S hes ayhse i sc omi.n 9g.Y ou( gs.) are 7. shoipnp.g 10.W e( xecl.)a res tnadi.n g II InEn glis,h dwei sitngiusvha ruisko nidso fs entceenbsy d ifferceensin worodr dearn db y theo fcu hsaaerc terci isntt.iotn,aipoantt ern.s Notteh e follwoinsge ntences: Stamteent,I: t' sa li'v e Q,Jestni:o ,I t'sal vie'? �esiton:' hWatt miei si t'? Notteh atth ef irsotft heq uesntsi oanitptaiecsa sipmle yesr--oon ansewr,w hreeatsh es encdoq uestdieomna ndsst eaamt enltki e' ifv-ehtir't y or' Ido 'nt wk'.n o InP olcieM otuu,n lkiei nE nlgsih,w odr odreri sn everus ed dit­so tnigiuhs snetnecet pyesl kie th. eLsoeoakt t hesEnegl ihs snetecnesan d thierP olicMeo teuq uilvneats: 'Ia mg oin'gl ua loa 'Am I gonig?l'ua loa? - 'hWa'tst hetm ie?'d inag aunah id.? 3 to' ubt'

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