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Polarization Diffusion from Spacetime Uncertainty Carlo R. Contaldi, Fay Dowker and Lydia Philpott Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ, U.K. AmodelofLorentzinvariantrandomfluctuationsinphotonpolarizationispresented. Theeffects are frequency dependent and affect the polarization of photons as they propagate through space. We test for this effect by confronting the model with the latest measurements of polarization of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) photons. Allapproachestotheproblemofquantumgravitypre- H3 is the 3 dimensional “cone” of future-pointing null 0 dictthatthespacetimeitselfwillsufferfromquantumun- 4-vectors, andB isthespaceofpolarizationstateswhich certaintyatPlanckianscales. Thisbasicideaistheinspi- we will see is the Bloch sphere. ration behind many attempts to formulate phenomeno- Thepolarizationstateofamasslessparticleofmomen- logical models of quantum gravitational effects with po- tum kµ can be given by a complex 4-vector aµ such that 0 tentially observable consequences. To date, much of the kµa = 0 and aµ∗a = 1. The vector a(cid:48)µ = aµ +λkµ, 1 µ µ 0 effort spent on modeling the effect of spacetime fluctua- for any complex number λ, will describe the same state. 2 tions has produced Lorentz symmetry violating models. Toeliminatethisgaugefreedom,wecanconsiderthepo- However, with constraints on violations of Lorentz sym- larization state to be given by the complex two form, n a metry becoming tighter all the time (see e.g. [1]) it is P =k∧a,whosecomponents,Pµν =kµaν−aµkν satisfy J more important than ever to discover quantum gravity the Lorentz invariant conditions 5 phenomenology that respects Lorentz symmetry. 2 That such models can exist has been demonstrated in Pµνkν =0, (1) ] [2]and[3]. Thatworkwasmotivatedbythecausalsetap- PµνPµν =0, (2) c proach to quantum gravity [4–6] but the scheme is quite Pµν∗P =0, (3) q µν - generalanddoesnotdependonanydetailsoftheunder- Pµν∗Pµσ =kµkσ. (4) r lying theory except that it should be Lorentz invariant. g The basic idea is that certain dynamical quantities such If kµ = sµ where sµ := (1,0,0,1), P has the following [ asparticletrajectoriesaresubjecttominute,quasi-local, components 1 random fluctuations due to the uncertainty in spacetime v structure at the Planck scale. The model-building strat- 0 −a1 −a2 0  5 egy is straightforward: identify a space of states for the a 0 0 −a  4 P = 1 1 , (5) 5 system, work out how Lorentz transformations act and µν a 0 0 −a   2 2 4 hencededucethemostgeneralLorentzinvariantdiffusion 0 a a 0 1. process on that space. 1 2 0 In the case of a massive point particle, the outcome where a and a are complex numbers such that |a |2+ 1 2 1 0 ofthisstrategyisanOrnstein-Uhlenbeck-typeprocessin |a |2 =1. Thiscorrespondstoapolarizationvectora = 1 2 µ whichthemomentumoftheparticleundergoesBrownian (0,a ,a ,0). : 1 2 v motiononthemassshellinpropertime[2]. Formassless The phase of the 2-d complex unit vector (a ,a ) is 1 2 Xi particles, the Lorentz symmetry restricts the process to not relevant for the polarization state of a single photon be a one dimensional diffusion in energy – the particles and so the polarization state space has two real dimen- r a always travel on the light cone – but a second indepen- sions: it is the Bloch sphere, B ∼= CP1. Let α and β be, dent parameter enters which governs a drift in energy respectively, the usual polar and azimuthal angles on B, [3]. then they are related to the components of P by µν In this paper we will apply the strategy described above to polarization degrees of freedom as suggested in a1 = e√iγ2 (cid:0)cosα2 +eiβsinα2(cid:1) , (6) [a7]s.pWaceetmimodeeplaospithiootnonxµcl,asnsuicllalmlyoamseanptuomintkpµar=ticl(ekw0,i(cid:126)tkh) a2 =ie√iγ2 (cid:0)cosα2 −eiβsinα2(cid:1) , (7) and a polarization state to be identified. A more realis- where γ is an irrelevant phase. The north and south ticdescriptionwouldusewavepacketsandanevenbetter poles, α = 0,π, are the circularly polarized states and model would take account of the quantal nature of pho- the equator, α = π/2, consists of the linearly polarized tons. For now we assume that this classical state is a states. good approximate description of each of the free stream- Now consider a general photon state (kµ,P ). For a µν ing photons produced by astrophysical and cosmological general kµ, the polarization 2-form P must be trans- µν sources which reach our detectors. formed by a Lorentz transformation that takes kµ to sµ ThestatespaceforaclassicalphotonisthereforeM4× in order for it to be compared to the standard polariza- H3×B whereM4 is4dimensionalMinkowskispacetime, tionbasisanditscoordinatesonB determined. Thiscan 0 2 bedoneusingastandard Lorentz transformation defined whereλisaffinetime,KAB isasymmetric,positivesemi- forexamplein[8]. IfP(k)isthepolarization2-formthus definite 2-tensor, uA is a vector and n is a scalar density transformed,thenitwillhavecomponentsoftheform(5) (“density of states”) on B. These geometric quantities and are the phenomenological parameters of the model and must be Lorentz invariant. P(k)µν =sµaν −aµsν, (8) Thereisanembarrassmentofchoiceofparametersbe- causeLorentztransformationsactaspolarrotationsonly. whereaµ =(0,P(k)10,P(k)20,0). The(α,β)coordinates Anytensor,vectororscalardensitythatdoesnotdepend ofthepolarizationstateonB arethenobtainedfrom(6) on the azimuthal angle, β, is Lorentz invariant. Free pa- with a1 =P(k)10 and a2 =P(k)20 . rameters that are whole functions do not make for pow- In this way, every photon state is specified by coordi- erful phenomenology. If, however, we restrict attention nates (xµ,kµ,α,β) on M4×H03×B. to the linear polarization states alone (corresponding to Under a Lorentz transformation the photon state setting Stokes parameter V to zero), the model recovers (kµ,Pµν) transforms in the usual way as a vector and its predictive power. 2-tensor and it can be shown that this translates into a Thespaceoflinearlypolarizedstatesistheunitcircle, polar rotation on B, a rotation around the north-south the equator of the Bloch sphere, and the Lorentz trans- polar axis generated by ∂ . Details of these derivations formations act as rotations of the circle. The coordinate ∂β will appear elsewhere. aroundthecircleisβandthereis,uptoaconstantfactor, The Stokes parameters (see e.g. [9]) are a convenient one Lorentz invariant vector, ∂/∂β. A Lorentz invariant waytoparameterizethepolarizationofabeamofelectro- density n must be constant on the circle. We deduce a magneticradiation. AmonochromaticbeamwithStokes simple diffusion-cum-drift on the circle for the distribu- parameters (I,Q,U,V) can be modeled as a bunch of tion ρ=ρ(α,β): photons with the same momentum kµ and polarization states distributed over B. I is the intensity of the beam ∂ρ ∂2 ∂ =c ρ−d ρ, (10) andsinceourprocesspreservesparticlenumberI isfixed. ∂λ ∂β2 ∂β Ifabeamconsistsofphotonsofmomentumkµ whichare where c>0 and d are constants. all in the same polarization state (α,β) ∈ B then the Transforming from affine time to “cosmic time”, i.e. Stokes parameters of this perfectly polarized beam are time in the observatory frame, t = hνλ where h is Q=Isinαcosβ, U =Isinαsinβ and V =Icosα. Planck’s constant and ν is the frequency of the photon, If the photons have a distribution of polarizations the we have Stokes parameters are weighted by the probability den- (cid:82) sity ρ(α,β) on B e.g. Q = I sinαcosβ ρ(α,φ)dαdβ ∂ρ c ∂2 d ∂ B = ρ− ρ. (11) andsimilarlyforU andV. Therearemanydistributions ∂t ν ∂β2 ν ∂β thatwillmodelagivensetofStokesparameters. Forex- ample, an unpolarized beam, Q = U = V = 0, could be We absorbed the h into the free parameters governing modeled by a uniform distribution of linearly polarized the diffusion and drift. We see that the rates of diffusion states,orauniformdistributiononthetwocircularlypo- and drift in polarization angle are frequency dependent. larized states alone. In general, the more spread out the NotethattheLorentzsymmetrywehaveassumedisonly distribution on B, the smaller the polarization fraction, invarianceundertheproperorthochronouscomponentof P :=(cid:112)Q2+U2+V2/I. the full Lorentz Group. The drift term explicitly breaks Having identified the state space of the photon as parity invariance. M4×H3×B wecandeducethemostgeneralLorentzin- Our model has assumed that spacetime is Minkowski 0 variantdiffusionprocessonthisspace. Asdescribedin[3] spacetime. Following [3] we can model the effect of an the trajectory in spacetime is simple: the photon moves expandinguniversebysettingthefrequencytodependon along null lines according to dxµ = kµ where λ is affine time, ν = ν(t), such that a(t)ν(t) = a0ν0 where a(t) is dλ time. Moreover the process on the momentum space H3 the scale factor of the universe, a0 is the current value of 0 must not disturb the blackbody nature of the CMBR a and ν0 is the current (observed) value of the frequency spectrum over the age of the universe. This means that of the photon. If we define a new time coordinate t(cid:48) by we can neglect this effect for the purposes of this paper: dt(cid:48)/dt = a(t)/a0 then our diffusion equation keeps the we assume that the photon’s frequency is constant along same form as (11) its worldline. We are left with the task of deducing the ∂ρ c ∂2 d ∂ Lorentz invariant diffusion equation on B. = ρ− ρ. (12) ∂t(cid:48) ν ∂β2 ν ∂β We refer to coordinates on B as XA = (α,β). Then, 0 0 following [10], the most general diffusion equation on B For a matter dominated universe a∼t2/3 and a range of is tof1060 Plancktimesbecomesarangeoft(cid:48) of3/5×1060 ∂ρ (cid:16) (cid:16)ρ(cid:17) (cid:17) Planck times. We drop the subscript 0 from ν and the ∂λ =∂A KABn∂B n −uAρ , (9) prime from t in what follows. 3 Consider a beam of photons of frequency ν whose polarization is initially described by Stokes parameters (U,Q). The drift will result, after a time t in a beam whose polarization angle, Φ, has rotated by χ:=td/ν: (cid:18) (cid:19) U Φ=tan−1 →Φ(cid:48) =Φ+χ. (13) Q The diffusion will result in a decrease in the magnitude of polarization by a factor exp(−µ): (cid:112) P := U2+Q2 →P(cid:48) =e−µP. (14) where µ can be calculated to be 4tc/ν. Clearly, such an effect would be most pronounced in photons that have propagated over long distances. Thus CMB photons, whose polarization is correlated over in- coming directions and have traveled over cosmological FIG. 1: The marginalized 2-d posterior density in the po- distances without rescattering, offer the best chance to larization rotation angle χ (in degrees) and polarization 150 constrain the parameters in the model. The polarization depth µ for the reference frequency of 150 GHz. The con- 150 of the photons is imprinted during the last stages of re- tours indicate the area bounding 68% and 95% of the den- combination as the photons decouple from baryons and sity. We show the result for two data combinations; the first enter the free streaming regime. The correlation in the includes all polarization data and the second excludes the polarization of photons arriving from different directions QUaDresults. Theresultsareconsistentwithnoeffect,how- is encoded in a set of angular power spectra CXY where ever including the frequency dependence reduces the tension (cid:96) between the QuaD and ‘no QUaD’ combinations highlighted XYarethedifferentspectralcross-correlationintotalin- in [20]. tensity T and grad-type and curl-like components E and B respectively. Thespectraarecalculatedbysolvingthe full Einstein-Boltzmann system describing the evolution we modify the CosmoMC1 Monte Carlo Markov Chain of perturbed fluids in a particular cosmological model (MCMC) package to fit for standard ΛCDM model pa- [11]. The rotation and suppression of polarization along rameters together with polarization rotation χ and po- the trajectory will modify the angular power spectra of the observed CMB photons CXY →C˜XY. The mapping larization depth µ. The standard parameters are: cold (cid:96) (cid:96) darkmatterandbaryonicmatterphysicaldensitiesΩ h2 for each spectrum is given by [12, 13] c and Ω h2, angular diameter distance measure θ, optical b C˜EE = e−2µCEE cos2(2χ), depth to reionisation τ, and primordial scalar perturba- (cid:96) (cid:96) tion amplitude A and spectral index n . We assume a C˜BB = e−2µCEE sin2(2χ), s s (cid:96) (cid:96) uniform prior of sufficient range in each parameter and C˜TE = e−µCTE cos(2χ), (15) donotincludeanyprimordialtensorcontributions. How- (cid:96) (cid:96) C˜TB = e−µCTB sin(2χ), ever we do fit to TB, EB, and BB data since these are (cid:96) (cid:96) 1 notexpectedtovanishanylongerinthemodifiedmodel. C˜EE = e−2µCEE sin(4χ), (cid:96) 2 (cid:96) We fit to a combination of data which includes all po- larization sensitive experiments which have reported a wherewehaveassumednoBB contributiontotheorigi- detection of the EE power. These are the DASI results nalspectra(noprimordialgravitationalwaves). TheTT [14], the final CBIpol results [15], the Boomerang 2003 spectrum is not modified as it is not sensitive to the po- flight results [16], the WMAP 5-year results [17] and the larization of the photons. latest BICEP [18] and QUaD [19] results. Of these, the A number of assumptions are implicit in the simple last two contain the highest signal-to-noise determina- mapping given in (15). Firstly it assumes that the pic- tion of the polarization spectra on scales below a degree. tureofrecombination(whenthepolarizationisimprinted BothBICEPandQUaDhavepublishedTBandEBdata on the CMB) and reionisation (a further source of po- whicharecrucialinconstrainingpolarizationrotationef- larization) is not altered in this model. It assumes the fects[18,20]. WeincludethepublishedTBandEBband backgroundcosmologicalevolutionisthesameforagiven powerswithbandpowerwindowfunctionsmimickingthe set of cosmological parameters. In fact, polarization on published TE and EE ones. The frequency dependence large scales is also generated after the universe is reion- ized and this could introduce a mild scale dependence of the diffusion-rotation effect. To constrain this scenario with available CMB data 1 http://cosmologist.info/cosmomc/ 4 fuzziness, foaminess or whatever – will be of this form. TABLE I: Marginalized 1-d constraints for the polarization rotation angle χ and 95% upper limits for the polarization We thank Rafael Sorkin for helpful discussions. FD’s depth µ. research was supported by EC grant MRTN-CT-2004- ALL Pol No QuaD 005616, and Royal Society Grant IJP 2006/R2. LP ac- Pol rotation: χ (degrees) −0.05+0.43 −1.11+0.55 knowledges the support of a TEC doctoral scholarship. −0.43 −0.55 FD is grateful to the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Pol depth: µ <0.024(95%) <0.026(95%) Physics, Waterloo, Canada, for hospitality during work on this paper. isaccountedforbyscalingtheeffectforeachexperiment to a reference frequency of 150 GHz. 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