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Polarization Bremsstrahlung PHYSICS OF ATOMS AND MOLECULES Series Editors P. G. Burke, The Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland H. Kleinpoppen, Atomic Physics Laboratory, University of Stirling, Scotland Editorial Advisory Board R. B. Bernstein (New York, U.S.A.) C. J. Joachain (Brussels, Belgium) J. C. Cohen-Tannoudji (Paris, France) W. E. Lamb, Jr. (Tucson, U.S.A.) R. W. Crompton (Canberra, Australia) P.-O. Löwdin (Gainesville, U.S.A.) Y. N. Demkov (St. Petersburg, Russia) H. O. Lutz (Bielefeld, Germany) J. N. Dodd (Dunedin, New Zealand) K. Takayanagi (Tokyo, Japan) W. Hanle (Giessen, Germany) Recent volumes in the series: ATOMIC PHOTOEFFECT M. Ya. Amusia ATOMIC SPECTRA AND COLLISIONS IN EXTERNAL FIELDS Edited by K. T. Taylor, M. H. Nayfeh, and C. W. Clark ATOMS AND LIGHT: INTERACTIONS John N. Dodd COHERENCE IN ATOMIC COLLISION PHYSICS Edited by H. J. Beyer, K. Blum, and R. Hippler COLLISIONS OF ELECTRONS WITH ATOMS AND MOLECULES G. F. Drukarev ELECTRON-MOLECULE SCATTERING AND PHOTOIONIZATION Edited by P. G. Burke and J. B. West THE HANLE EFFECT AND LEVEL-CROSSING SPECTROSCOPY Edited by Giovanni Moruzzi and Franco Strumia INTRODUCTION TO THE THEORY OF X-RAY AND ELECTRONIC SPECTRA OF FREE ATOMS Romas Karazija MOLECULAR PROCESSES IN SPACE Edited by Tsutomu Watanabe, Isao Shimamura, Mikio Shimizu, and Yukikazu Itikawa POLARIZATION BREMSSTRAHLUNG Edited by V. N. Tsytovich and I. M. Oiringel PROGRESS IN ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, Parts A, B, C, and D Edited by W. Hanle, H. Kleinpoppen, and H. J. Beyer QUANTUM MECHANICS VERSUS LOCAL REALISM: The Einstein-Podolsky- Rosen Paradox Edited by Franco Selleri RECENT STUDIES IN ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR PROCESSES Edited by Arthur E. Kingston THEORY OF MULTIPHOTON PROCESSES Farhad H. M. Faisal ZERO-RANGE POTENTIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS IN ATOMIC PHYSICS Yu. N. Demkov and V. N. Ostrovskii A Continuation Order Plan is available for this series. A continuation order will bring delivery of each new volume immediately upon publication. Volumes are billed only upon actual shipment. For further information please contact the publisher. Polarization Bremsstrahlung Edited by V. N. Tsytovich Institute of General Physics Moscow, Russia and I. M. Oiringel Presidium of Irkutsk Scientific Center Irkutsk, Russia Translated from Russian by D. H. McNeill Springer Science+Business Media, LLC Librar y of Congress Cataloglng-ln-PublIcatlo n Data Polarizatio n bremsstrahlun g / edite d by V.N. Tsytovic h and I.M. Oiringel ; translate d fro m Russian by D.H. McNeill , p. cm. — (Physic s of atoms and molecules) Includes bibliographica l reference s and index. ISBN 978-1-4613-6329-3 ISBN 978-1-4615-3048-0 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-3048-0 1. Bremsstrahlung—Polarization . I. fSytovich , V. N. (Vadim Nlkolaevich) , 1929- . II . Oiringel' , I . M. (Isaa k Mikhailovich ) III . Series . QC484.3.P65 1992 539.7 * 222--dc20 92-20860 CIP ISBN 978-1-4613-63293- © 1992 Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Plenum Press, New York in 1992 All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanica,l photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher CONTRIBUTORS M. Ya. Amus'ya • Theoretical Department, A. P. Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute, St. Petersburg 194021, Russia. v. A. Astapenko • Department of Physics and Quantum Electronics, Moscow Physicotechnical Institute, Moscow 141700, Russia. V. M. Buimistrov • Department of Physics and Quantum Electronics, Moscow Physicotechnical Institute, Moscow 141700, Russia. V. I. Gervids • Theoretical Department, Moscow Institute of Physical Engineering, Moscow 115409, Russia. E. B. Kleiman • Department of Physics, Nizhnii Novgorod State University, Nizhnii Novgorod 603600, Russia. V. I. Kogan • Theoretical Department, Russian Scientific Center, I. V. Kurchatov Institute, Moscow 123182, Russia. A. V. Korol • Department of Physics, Naval Technical University, St. Petersburg 198262, Russia. Yu. A. Krotov • Theoretical Department, Polus Scientific Research Institute, Moscow 117342 Russia. A. B. Kukushkin • Theoretical Department, Russian Scientific Center, I.V. Kurchatov Institute, Moscow 123182, Russia. v vi Contributors v. S. Lisitsa • Theoretical Department, Russian Scientific Center, I. V. Kurchatov Institute, Moscow 12882, Russia. A. M.Oiringel •PresidiumofIrkutskScientificCenter, RussianAcademyofSciences, Irkutsk 664033, Russia. A. V. Solov'ev • Theoretical Department, A. F. Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute, St. Petersburg 194021, Russia. V. N. Tsytovich • Theoretical Department, Institute of General Physics, Russian Academy ofSciences, Moscow 117942, Russia. B. A. Zon • Department of Physics, Voronezh State University, Voronezh 394038, Russia. FOREWORD This book was written by agroup ofauthors and provides a systematic dis cussionofquestionsrelatedtobremsstrahlunginmany-particle systems. Anumber ofnewresults haverecently beenobtainedin thisareawhichrequireafundamental revisionofthepreviouslyexistingtraditionalconceptsofbremsstrahlung. Thisap plies bothto complicatedatomscontaining alarge numberofelectrons and to the additionalbremsstrahlungin asystemofmanyparticlesforming amedium. Infact, the traditional approach was rigorously applicable only either to isolated "structureless" particles(e.g., totheemissionofanelectronon aproton) ortopar ticles radiating in the limit of extremely high frequencies. Polarization effects (eitherpolarization ofan atom itselfby an incident particle orpolarization ofthe medium surroundingan atomic particle)havea significanteffectinthepractically important optical and x-ray frequency ranges and sometimes even predominate. The first effect has come to be known as polarization atomic (or dynamic) bremsstrahlungand thesecond, aspolarizationtransitionbremsstrahlung. The au thorsofthis book useasingleterm: polarization bremsstrahlung. It seemsthat, in contrast to earlierideas on the subject, bremsstrahlung during collisions ofheavy incidentparticleswith atomsis by nomeans small andisentirely causedby polar izationeffects. Theauthorshavebeen able toexplaincorrectlyanentireseriesofexperiments on bremsstrahlung in many-electron systems, on laser breakdown in alkali metal vapor, andtouse theresults toexaminetheradiativepropertiesoflow-temperature plasmas. Ultimately, they have developed a general theoretical scheme for describing radiative processes during particle collisions in which the bremsstrahlung and polarization mechanisms enter as necessary and inseparable componentparts. Thisjustifies the claim ofa newdiscipline with ageneraltheo reticalfoundation andimportantapplications. Theauthorsofthis bookhaveparticipatedactivelyincreatingthis newdisci pline. Ithas been developed by several groupsofresearchers usingdifferent meth- vii viii Foreword ods. Theirjointefforts are theresultofthe coordinating activityofthe Scientific CounciloftheAcademyofSciencesofthe USSRonthePhysicsofLow-Tempera ture Plasmas. In this way agood format was found for fruitful discussion ofthe pressingnewproblemsthatarose: topical workinggroups. Thesegroupswerecre ated to provide an opportunity for deeper study ofthe research topics that arose. Oneofthesegroups wasorganizedbytheSectiononcollectivephenomenainlow temperature plasmas together with the Scientific Council ofthe AcademyofSci encesonthePhysicsofElectronicandAtomicCollisions. Thisworkinggroup was theorganizationalbasisofthe groupofauthors who wrote this bookandreflectsa new form ofscientific communication that permits the testing ofnew results by means ofdiscussions among the members ofthe group. The subsequent tasksof the group included adetailedjointdiscussion ofeach section ofthe book, writing collective introductions and conclusions, and collectively discussing and proof readingeach sectionofthe book. Thismethodofworkingmadeitpossibletocre ateacollectiveworkwithaunifiedpointofviewoftheproblemthatwascommon totheentiregroupofauthors. Thisisadefiniteadvantageofthebook. Thequest for faster acquisition ofscientific results and their generalization thatischaracteristicofourtimerequires thatnew typesofcommunicationandcol lective effort among scientists be found. Perhaps one such way will the method chosenbythe authorsofthisbook. Wewouldespeciallyliketoacknowledgethecreativeandorganizationalcon tributions ofthe chairman ofthe Scientific Council on Collective Phenomena in Low-Temperature Plasmas and leader of the working group, Prof. V. N. Tsytovich. B. B. Kadomtsev L. M. Biberman PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION This book is devoted to a new polarization mechanism for bremsstrahlung which has been neglected in most discussions ofthe bremsstrahlung problem in textbooks. Important new results have also been obtained very recently in the physicsofthe traditionalmechanismforbremsstrahlung. IntheEnglisheditionof thisbookwehaveincludedafinal, thirteenthchapter, written byV. 1.Gervidsand V. 1.KoganandentitledNonpolarizationBremsstrahlungofElectronsinStaticPo tentials. The polarization bremsstrahlung mechanism studied in this book acts against a background oftraditional bremsstrahlung and competes with it. Thus, Chapter 13,whichis concernedwith somenewapproaches to thephysicsoftradi tional bremsstrahlungofelectronsin both Coulomband non-Coulombfields, is an importantaddition tothematerialcontainedintheearlierRussian edition. In termsofthecoexistencewith thepolarizationmechanism, bremsstrahlung onmany-electron atoms orions (Chapters 6-8) isofgreatestinteresthere. Asop posedto thecaseofapure Coulombpotential, thisdoes notadmitofan exactana lytic treatmentand, in addition, does notobey the well-explored Born approxima tion at low energies. At low energies, the motion ofelectrons in atomic fields is quasiclassical. Thisopensup unexpectedly broad possibilitiesfordescribing their bremsstrahlung bythemethodsofclassicalelectrodynamics,which areusedexten sivelyinChapter 13. Withregardto classical electrodynamics,in the literaturethereisalargegap bothintheanalyticdescriptionofemissionattheratherhighfrequencies produced by "sharp"electrontrajectoriesintheframeworkofclassicalelectrodynamicsandin the treatment of the real, as opposed to intuitive (such as I'lw «E), limits of its applicabilityintheframework ofquantumelectrodynamics. This gapisessentially filled bythematerialdiscussedinChapter13. Itforms thebasisofanew, basically classicalapproximatemethodfordescribingandcalculatinghighlyinelastic(andnot ix x Preface to the EnglishEdition onlyradiative; cf. Chapter2)quantummechanicaltransitionsinvolvinglow-energy electrons. This book is devoted to the modern theory ofbremsstrahlung. As in many others areas, Hans Bethe has made a fundamental contribution tothis topic. The papers presented here are distinguished by a detailed accounting for polarization bremsstrahlung owing to the dynamic response ofthe electronic structure of an atom. Oneofthefirst andmostimportantpapersinthisareawas written byPerci valandSeaton. Theroleoftheelectronicstructureofatomsin bremsstrahlunghas turnedout to be much greater than assumed previously. It has become evident that a clear analogyexistsbetweenthebremsstrahlungofachargedparticleonanatomandthe bremsstrahlungontheuniqueclassical atomformed byaplasmaion surroundedby its electron cloud (so-called transition bremsstrahlung). Radiation isproduced by thepolarizationofeithertheatomitselforits surroundingsanditmakessensetore ferto thisradiationaspolarizationbremsstrahlung. Itis significantthat,in anumberofcases,itis impossibletoconstructacor rectphysicalpictureofbremsstrahlungwithouttakingelectronic structureintoac count. Ifweincludepolarizationbremsstrahlungsimultaneouslywith theordinary mechanism, thenitispossibletoexplaineasily andclearlytheresultsthatwerenot containedinthe earliertheoryofbremsstrahlung whichreliedon theshieldingap proximation. Thisalsoappliesto the scatteringofelectronsonatomsinlong-range collisions, when shielding generally ceases to occur, as well as to the bremsstrahlung ofprotons. Polarizationbremsstrahlunghas beenobservedinthe specially set-upexperi ments ofVerkhovtseva,Gnatenko, andPogrebnyakand intheexperimentsofIshii and Morita. Someearlierexperiments on laser breakdown in alkali metal vapors have been explained in terms of absorption through inverse polarization brems strahlung. Inthe nameoftheauthors ofthis book, I shouldliketoexpressourdeep ap preciationofthefactthatitwillbeavailabletotheEnglish speakingreader. Iwould alsoliketoexpressmyappreciation fordiscussionsofthecontentofthis bookwith Prof. D. terHaarandfor hiscommentsand helpin locatingEnglishtranslationsof Russian articles. V. N. Tsytovich

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