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P1:KNP Trim:156mm×234mm Top:.5in Gutter:.75in IBBK007-FM IBBK007/Poland ISBN:xxxxxxxxxxxxx June4,2010 21:3 Anita Praz˙mowska is Professor of International History at the London School of Economics. Her other books include Civil War in Poland,1942–1948,PolandandtheEasternFront,BritainandPoland1939– 1943: The Betrayed Ally, A History of Poland and Wladyslaw Gomulka (forthcoming,I.B.Tauris). P1:KNP Trim:156mm×234mm Top:.5in Gutter:.75in IBBK007-FM IBBK007/Poland ISBN:xxxxxxxxxxxxx June4,2010 21:3 IdedicatethisbooktomydaughterMiriamwhohasbeenmy companionandaconstantsourceofhappiness. P1:KNP Trim:156mm×234mm Top:.5in Gutter:.75in IBBK007-FM IBBK007/Poland ISBN:xxxxxxxxxxxxx June4,2010 21:3 POLAND A MODERN HISTORY Anita Praz˙mowska P1:KNP Trim:156mm×234mm Top:.5in Gutter:.75in IBBK007-FM IBBK007/Poland ISBN:xxxxxxxxxxxxx June4,2010 21:3 Publishedin2010byI.B.TaurisandCoLtd 6SalemRoad,LondonW24BU 175FifthAvenue,NewYorkNY10010 www.ibtauris.com DistributedintheUnitedStatesandCanadaExclusivelybyPalgraveMacmillan 175FifthAvenue,NewYorkNY10010 Copyright©AnitaPraz˙mowska2010 TherightofAnitaPraz˙mowskatobeidentifiedasauthorofthisworkhasbeen assertedbyherinaccordancewiththeCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988 Allrightsreserved.Exceptforbriefquotationsinareview,thisbook,oranypart thereof,maynotbereproduced,storedinorintroducedintoaretrievalsystem,or transmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying, recordingorotherwise,withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthepublisher. ISBN:9781848852730 AfullCIPrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary AfullCIPrecordisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress LibraryofCongressCatalogCardNumber:available PrintedandboundinGreatBritainbyCPIAntonyRowe,Chippenham P1:KNP Trim:156mm×234mm Top:.5in Gutter:.75in IBBK007-FM IBBK007/Poland ISBN:xxxxxxxxxxxxx June4,2010 21:3 CONTENTS Abbreviations .......................... vii Preface ................................ ix Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 1 Poland on the Eve of the First WorldWar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2 The First World War and the Emergence of Independent Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 61 3 Independent Poland in Interwar Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 4 The Outbreak and the Course of the SecondWorldWar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 5 Post-war Poland, 1945–70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 158 6 FromGierektoSolidarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 7 Post-communist Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 261 Notes ................................ 267 Bibliography...........................275 Index ................................ 281 P1:KNP Trim:156mm×234mm Top:.5in Gutter:.75in IBBK007-FM IBBK007/Poland ISBN:xxxxxxxxxxxxx June4,2010 21:3 P1:KNP Trim:156mm×234mm Top:.5in Gutter:.75in IBBK007-FM IBBK007/Poland ISBN:xxxxxxxxxxxxx June4,2010 21:3 ABBREVIATIONS AK ArmiaKrajowa–HomeArmy AL ArmiaLudowa–People’sArmy AWS AkcjaWyborczaSolidarnos´c´ –SolidarityElectoral Platform BBWR BezpartyjnyBlokWspo´l(cid:2)pracyzRza˛dem–Non-Party BlockforCo-operationwiththeGovernment BCh BatalionyChl(cid:2)opskie–PeasantBattalions COP CentralnyOkre˛gPrzemysl(cid:2)owy–CentralIndustrialZone GG Generalgouvernement GL GwardiaLudowa–People’sGuard KNP KomitetNarodowyPolski–PolishNationalCommittee KOR KomitetObronyRobotniko´w–Workers’Defence Committee KPN KonfederacjaPolskiNiepodlegl(cid:2)ej–Confederationof IndependentPoland KPP KomunistycznaPartiaPolski–CommunistPartyof Poland KPRP KomunistycznaPartiaRobotniczaPolski–Communist Workers’PartyofPoland KRN KrajowaRadaNarodowa–HomelandNationalCouncil LRP LigaRodzinPolskich–TheLeagueofPolishFamilies MW Ml(cid:2)odziez˙ Wszechpolska–AllPolandYouth ND NarodowaDemokracja–NationalDemocrats(also knownasEndecja) NKN NaczelnyKomitetNarodowy–SupremeNational Council NSZ NarodoweSil(cid:2)yZbrojne–NationalArmedUnits PKWN PolskiKomitetWyzwoleniaNarodowego–Polish CommitteeofNationalLiberation PO PlatformaObywatelska–Citizens’Platform PiS PrawoiSprawiedliwos´c´ –LawandJustice PSL PolskieStronnictwoLudowe–PolishPeasantAlliance P1:KNP Trim:156mm×234mm Top:.5in Gutter:.75in IBBK007-FM IBBK007/Poland ISBN:xxxxxxxxxxxxx June4,2010 21:3 viii ABBREVIATIONS PPR PolskaPartiaRobotnicza–PolishWorkers’Party PPS PolskaPartiaSocjalistyczna–PolishSocialistParty PPS FrakcjaRewolucyjna PPS RevolutionaryFraction PPS Lewica PPS LeftWing. PZL PolskiZwia˛zekLudowy–PolishPeasantAssociation PZPR ZjednoczonaPolskaPartiaRobotnicza–UnitedPolish Workers’Party RPPS RobotniczaPartiaPolskichSocialisto´w–Workers’Party ofPolishSocialists SD StronnictwoDemokratyczne–DemocraticAlliance SDKP SocjaldemokracjaKro´lewstwaPolskiego–Social DemocracyofthePolishKingdom SDKPiL SocialdemokracjaKro´lestwaPolskiegoiLitwy–Social DemocracyofthePolishKingdomandLithuania SdRP SocjaldemokracjaRzeczpospolitejPolskiej–Social DemocracyofthePolishRepublic SL StronnictwoLudowe–PeasantAlliance SLD SojuszLewicyDemokratycznej–DemocraticLeft Alliance SN StronnictwoNarodowe–NationalFront TRJN TymczasowyRza˛dJednos´ciNarodowej–Provisional GovernmentofNationalUnity UB Urza˛dBezpieczen´stwa–SecurityBureau UD UniaDemokratyczna–DemocraticUnion UPA Ukrain´skaArmiaPowstan´cza–UkrainianInsurrectionist Army WRiN Wolnos´c´,Ro´wnos´c´ iNiepodlegl(cid:2)os´c´ –Freedom,Equality andIndependence ZPP Zwia˛zekPatrioto´wPolskich–UnionofPolishPatriots ZSL ZjednoczoneStronnictwoLudowe–UnitedPeasant Alliance ZWC Zwia˛zekWalkiCzynnej–UnionofActiveStruggle P1:KNP Trim:156mm×234mm Top:.5in Gutter:.75in IBBK007-FM IBBK007/Poland ISBN:xxxxxxxxxxxxx June4,2010 21:3 PREFACE The nationalist revolutions of the twentieth century have been driven by peoples’ conviction of the uniqueness of their history anddestinyandthecontributionofthathistoryanddestinytothe international commonwealth, followed by a journey to a common destinationofweakstatesandsqualiddictatorshipsuniqueonlyin language, geography, and the personnel administering them, and largely unable to face the challenge of building a modern state, let alonecontributingpositivelytointernationalaffairs. The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth ceased to exist in Jan- uary 1795. Poland re-emerged onto the European map in Novem- ber1918.Thetwodatesspanatimeofgreateconomicandpolitical changesinEurope,whichaffectedthePolishareasasmuchasthey didthe restof thecontinent. In WesternEurope, bythebeginning of the twentieth century, the political power of the landed classes was destroyed. Representative governments were the norm. Eco- nomic progress was linked to industrialisation and the growth of the middle class. While areas east of Germany lagged behind, the West European model of governance and economic development was the paradigm according to which Poles would find their way outofpovertyandforeigndomination. Poland presents an interesting historic case of progression from a republic of the gentry and nobility to a liberal polity. The self- proclaimed leaders of the Polish nation first fought for indepen- dence. When this failed, they were forced to address the question ofwhetherthenationalistagendaandmodernisationcouldbepur- suedsimultaneously.Thetraumacausedbythetwosuccessivefailed national uprisings in 1830 and 1863 forced Polish nationalists to look beyond the restoration of the Polish Kingdom. During both, the gentry had played a prominent role the in the planning and fighting which ensued. As a class, the gentry carried the conse- quences of the collective punishments wreaked upon the nation, after Russia re-established control over its Polish territories. The

Polish independence following the end of World War I marked a new era for a nation which had endured centuries of foreign partition. But the spirit of Polish nationalism -- forged during this long period of external domination -- has been frequently at odds with the modernising drives of democracy a
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