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Poet Lore 2001 - 2002: Vol 96 Index PDF

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Preview Poet Lore 2001 - 2002: Vol 96 Index

Volume 96, Nos. 1-4, 2001-2002 Number 1: Spring Number 3: Fall Number2 : Summer Number 4: Winter (Note: Page numbers are preceded by issue number) About a Girl in the Rain, Margaret K. Menges, 3-38 Adolescent in a Small Town in Ireland, Geri Rosenzweig, 2-10 Alchemy, Chad Davidson, 2-27 All Afternoon the Distances Feel Good on Him, Rodney Torreson, 4-13 All My Life I Wanted to Spin And, Mary Winters, 1-45 Altar Boy, Gary Stein, 1-26 Amnesia, Jonah Winter, 2-54 Andrews, Nin, Lying, 4-19; Reincarnation, 4-20 Ankerson, Ingrid, Mother's Scissors, 3-31; The Stone, 3-33; Very Starry Sky, 3-34 Ariel Alone, Mitchell LesCarbeau, 2-19 Arriving Late to the Funeral, Dave Higginbotham, 3-49 As Dusk Fell, Marguerite Bouvard, 3-11 Asarnow, Herman, Magnolia Soulangiana, 1-35 At the Duck-Inn Diner, Judy Smith McDonough, 4-28 At the Party, Elisabeth Murawski, 2-24 Bare, Wendy Barker, 2-30 Bargowski, John, Snow Day, 1-50; Loose and Talking Spring, 1-52; Raw Animal Deep, 1-54 Barker, Wendy, You Dip In Me, 2-29; Bare, 2-30 Barrack, Jack, On the Lawn, 4-35 Bartok-Baratta, Edward, Child, 2-9; Innocence, 2-9 Beale, Alicia, The Resistance, 3-7 Bernard, Artis, The Day of the Bee, 3-59 Berry, Eileen, Escape Artist, 4-33 Black Out, Rebecca Dunham, 4-51 Blind Date, Linda Lancione Moyer, 1-23 “Blow, Wind! Come Wrack!” Jeffrey Franklin, 3-48 Boutelle, Annie, One-Way to Varanasi, 1-43 Bouvard, Marguerite, Casting Pearls, 3-10; As Dusk Fell 3-11 Breakfast, Nancy Takacs, 1-55 Breakthrough, Tony Hoagland, 3-12 Index Bryant, Jen, Here in Missouri, 1-33 Buckley, Christopher, Voyage to the Great Attractor, 1-10 Cape Fear, Stephanie Dickinson, 4-24 Carlson, Nancy Naomi, La Fonda De San Miguel, 2-25; Prophetess, 2-26 Casting Pearls, Marguerite Bouvard, 3-10 Caterpillar Moths of St. Anthony, Peter Covino, 2-32 Chamberlain, Cara, Near Emblem, Wyoming (Brandenburg Concerto #3On Na- tional Public Radio), 2-16 Chandler, Tom, My Parent’s Graves, 2-41 Chapman, Robin S., What Shall I Do?, 1-20 Child, Edward Bart6k-Baratta, 2-9 Chmielarz, Sharon, Washing My Face, 2-42; Remembering 2-43 Chorlton, David, Museum, 4-44 The Church at the Edge of the Sea and Sky: Kahakuloa, Maui, Eric Paul Shaffer, 1- 16 Coe, Dina, Surfeits of Evening, 4-34 The Comet Hyatuke, Peter S. Fendrick, 1-9 Compliance, Dale M. Kushner, 3-20 Cone, Temple, Summer Job, 4-14 Confession, Alison Stone, 2-11 Cosmology in Winter for a Broken Heater, Paul Guest, 3-56 Cousin Mary Visits Elizabeth,Polly Franchini, 4-46 Covino, Peter, The Way, 2-31; Caterpillar Moths of St. Anthony, 2-32 Crow, Mary, Loop in the River, 4-22 Cummings, Gillian, Gulls, 3-8; Still Life, 3-9 Davidson, Chad, Alchemy, 2-27; The Kama Sutra ‘s Banished Illustrator, 2-28 Day Into Night, Walter Griffin, 1-18 The Day of the Bee, Artis Bernard, 3-59 Desire, Stephanie Dickinson, 4-25 Dickinson, Stephanie, Cape Fear, 4-24; Desire, 4-25 Diorama, David O'Connell, 1-27 The Distance of Forgetting, Todd Pierce, 4-31 Donna Baier Stein, Birth, 3-24 Doyle, James, The Entrance, 2-53 Dunham, Rebecca, Black Out, 4-51 Dwyer, Neal, Name, 3-23 Ecotherm, Kim Walters, 4-50 Elegy for Qwerty, Paul Guest, 3-54 108 Elegy for Words, Todd Pierce, 432 Emus, Mary Quade, 4- 49 The Entrance, James Doyle, 2-53 Epling, Kathy, / Return Your Secret Names, 3-22 Ernest Hemingway’s Final Safari, David Roderick, 2-47 Escape Artist, Eileen Berry, 4-33 Farr III, Raymond, The Woodpile, 1-36; What Remains, 1-37 Father Sleeping, Diane Stone, 1-48 Fawson, Shawn, /mpossibilities, 4-17; Inversion, 4-18 Fear and Love, Russell Thorburn, 2-22 Fendrick, Peter S., The Comet Hyatuke, 1-9 Fincke, Gary, Wamo, 2-17 First Harvest, Judith H. Montgomery, 2-38 Fish & Tackle, Melissa Peters, 3-46 Foley, Megan, On a Certain Education, 3-43 Franchini, Polly, Cousin Mary Visits Elizabeth, 4-46 Franklin, Jeffrey, “Blow, Wind! Come Wrack!’ ,3 -48 Galvin, Martin, March 3, 1998, 4-12 Ghazalof Love, Alison Stone, 2-12 Givens, Rebecca, Pot of Brewing Tea, 3-45 Graham, Matthew, Two Grandfathers Fighting, : Graham, Taylor, Painter, 1-34; Sea-Chanty, 3-58 Griffin, Walter, Day Into Night, 1-18; Making Up the Dead, 1-19 Griffith, Rob, The Myth of Infinite Possibility, 2-5 Griinewald’s Body of Christ, Michael Steffen, 2-14 Guest, Paul, Elegy for Qwerty, 3-54; Cosmology in Winter for a Broken Heater, 3-56 Gulls, Gillian Cummings, 3-8; Gurley, James, The Voyage of Edgar Allen Poe, 1-32 Gutstein, Daniel, There Will be a Soothing Nocturne, 4-47; Where an Arc of Imperfect Dissipation, 4-48 Gylys, Beth, Jf Only, 1-30; Nowhere Fast, 1-31 Hawken, Wendell, Winter Scene at Evening Stables, 1-44 Hell’s Angels, David Lawrence, 2-52 Hennessy, Eileen, That Which Gives it Flavor, 3-50 Here in MissouriJ,e n Bryant, 1-33 Herrell, Dennis, Trotline on Austin Bayou, 4-40 Hiding Places, Wendy Mnookin, 3-37 Higginbotham, Dave, Arriving Late to the Funeral, 3-49 Index Hoagland, Tony, Breakthrough, 3-12; Water, 3-14 Hoffman, Cynthia M., The Universe Spat On My Mother and Me, 1-7 Hogan, Angie, Why J Can't Write Stories, 3-30 Holy Water, Bill McDonald, 3-15 Houchin, Ron, Late Summer Field, 4-36; My Neighbor's Great Maple, 4-37 Housecleaning, Ann Rayburn, 4-38 How the Universe Began or Moosehead Time, Jonah Winter, 2-56 Howard, Julie Kate, Losing the Face of the Tide, 2-34; In Rome, Photograph of My Mother, 2-36 I Am Reading The Brothers Karamazov, Russell Thorburn, 2-20 I Couldn't Find His Obituary on Microfilm, Wendy Mnookin, 3-36 I Don't Know Where They've Gone, Len Roberts, 2-8 I Return Your Secret Names, Kathy Epling, 3-22 If Only, Beth Gylys, 1-30 Impossibilities, Shawn Fawson, 4-17 In a Bruise Blue Hour, Marjorie Power, 4-53 In Rome, Photograph of My Mother, Julie Kate Howard, 2-36 Indumir, Katherine Soniat, 3-52 Innocence, Edward Bartok-Baratta, 2-9 Intersections, Ann Rayburn, 4-39 Inversion, Shawn Fawson, 418 Jellema, Rod, A Sighting, 2-33 The Kama Sutra ‘s Banished Illustrator, Chad Davidson, 2-28 Knapp, Trevor West, Luck, 2-45 Knott, Kevin, Southern Gothic, 4-30 Kushner, Dale M., Compliance, 3-20; Renewal, 3-21 La Fonda De San Miguel, Nancy Naomi Carlson, 2-25 Larkin, Mary Ann, Orion, 1-14 Late Summer Field, Ron Houchin, 4-36; Laughter in the Garden, William Rushton, 3-19 Lawrence, David, Hell’s Angels, 2-52 Leaving The Grotto, Mitchell LesCarbeau, 2-18 LesCarbeau, Mitchell, Leaving The Grotto, 2-18; ArielAlone, 2-19 The Lineman, Lucie McKee, 3-18 Living Near the Kill Van Kull, Staten Island, 1954, Gary Stein, 4-9 Lockward, Diane, Miscarriage, 4-16 Loggins, V.P., The Shanty, 1-41 110 Index Long Day’s Journey, Jacqueline Marcus, 2-50 Loop in the River, Mary Crow, 422 Loose and Talking Spring, John Bargowski, 1-52 Losing the Face of the Tide, Julie Kate Howard, 2-34 Luck, Trevor West Knapp, 2-45 Luterman, Alison, Walking Down A Hot Street, 2-48 Lying, Nin Andrews, 4-19 MacPherson, Jennifer, Varieties of Light, 4-52 Magnolia Soulangiana, Herman Asarnow, 1-35 Making Up the Dead, Walter Griffin, 1-19 March 3, 1998, Martin Galvin, 4-12 Marcus, Jacqueline, Long Day's Journey, 2-50; Simone Weil on Easter Morning, 2- 51 Margolis, Michelle, Song from the Earth, 4-29 Marine Museum, Seen With A Sick Friend, Charles Harper Webb, 1-47 Marion, Jeff Daniel, Waste Not, 4-27 McDonald, Bill, Holy Water, 3-15 McDonald, Walt, Packing Parachutes in Flight School, 4-10 McDonoughJu,d y Smith, At the Duck-Inn Diner, 4-28 McKee, Lucie, The Lineman, 3-18 Menges, Margaret K., About a Girl in the Rain, 3-38; Winter Twilight, 3-42 Mescal (Geronimo), Rawdon Tomlinson, 3-25 The Metaphysics of Insomnia, Judith H. Montgomery, 2-37 Miscarriage, Diane Lockward, 4-16 Mnookin, Wendy, J Couldn’t Find His Obituary on Microfilm, 3-36; Hiding Places, 3-37 Moeckel, Thorpe, UR-icicle, 1-29 Montgomery, Judith H., The Metaphysics of Insomnia, 2-37, First Harvest, 2-38 Mother’s Scissors, Ingrid Ankerson, 3-31 Moyer, Linda Lancione, Blind Date, 1-23 Murabito, Stephen, The Night Before He Tells Them All He’s Dying, 2-46 Murawski, Elisabeth, At the Party, 2-24 Museum, David Chorlton, 4-44 My Neighbor’s Great Maple, Ron Houchin, 4-37 My Parent’s Graves, Tom Chandler, 2-41 The Myth of Infinite Possibility, Rob Griffith, 2-5 Name, Neal Dwyer, 3-23 Near Emblem, Wyoming (Brandenburg Concerto #3On National Public Radio), Cara Chamberlain, 2-16 Index Nevin, Sean M., Surf Casting, 1-15 The Night Before He Tells Them All He’s Dying, Stephen Murabito, 2-46 Nothing’s Holding Up Nothing, Margo Stever, 1-40 Nowhere Fast, Beth Gylys, 1-31 O'Connell, David, Diorama, 1-27 Old Woman Eating, Or the Graffiti of the Heart, Ryan G. Van Cleave, 3-35 On a Certain Education, Megan Foley, 3-43 On Castle Creek, Charles Harper Webb, 441 On Display, Alison Stone, 2-13 On the Lawn, Jack Barrack, 4-35 One-Way to Varanasi, Annie Boutelle, 1-43 Opening Day, David Salner, 4-7 Orion, Mary Ann, Larkin, 1-14 Packing Parachutes in Flight School, Walt McDonald, 4-10 Painter, Taylor Graham, 1-34 Peters, Melissa, Fish © Tackle, 3-46 Pierce, Todd, The Distance of Forgetting, 1 4-31; Elegy for Words, 4-32 Poem That Begins With Advice From Betsy, Bryan Walpert, 1-21 Pot of Brewing Tea, Rebecca Givens, 3-45 Power, Marjorie, /n a Bruise Blue Hour, 4-53 Practicing Chopin's First Ballade, Beth Thomas, 3-26 Presence of Absen t joseph Veronneau. 2-40 Prophetess, Nancy Naomi Carlson, 2-26 Prosperity, 1952, Sandee Gertz Umbach, 411 Qu) ade, Mary, Emus, 4- 49 Rash, Ron, Jaking Down the Lines, 1-38 Ratiner, Steven, The Song, 2-7 Raw Animal Deep, John Bargowski, 1-54 Rayburn, Ann, Housecleaning, 4-38; Intersections, 4-39 Reincarnation, Nin Andrews, 4-20 Remembering the Rabbits, Gary Stein, 1-25 Remembering, Sharon Chmielarz, 2-43 Renewal, Dale M. Kushner, 3-21 The Resistance, Alicia Beale, 3-7 Riese, Lynda, Skipping Stones, 3-51 Roberts, Len, /]D on‘t Know Where They've Gone, 2-8 Roderick, David, Ernest Hemingway's Final Safari, 2-47 112 Rosenzweig, Geri, Adolescent in a Small Town in Ireland, 2-10 Ruefle, Mary, Judge’s Comments on Say the Word National Cosmological Competition, 1-6 Rushton, William, Laughter in the Garden, 3-19 Rydell, Noelle, The Search for Extraterrestrial Life Begins At Home, 4-8 Sakson, John, Scarecrow Father, 2-44 Salner, David, Opening Day, 4-7 Say the Word National Cosmological Competition, Judge’s Comments, Mary Ruefle, 1-6 Scarecrow Father, John Sakson, 2-44 Schaffner, M.A., Terra Incognito, 1-39 Schneider, Mike, Tough As God’s Truth, 3-16 Scuba Heaven, Charles Harper Webb, 4-43 Sea-Chanty, Taylor Graham, 3-58 The Search for Extraterrestrial Life Begins At Home, Noelle Rydell, 4-8 Shaffer, Eric Paul, The Church at the Edge of the Sea and Sky: Kahakuloa, Maui, 1- 16 . A Sighting, Rod Jellema, 2-33 Simone Weil on Easter Morning, Jacqueline Marcus, 2-51 Skipping Stones, Lynda Riese, 3-51 Snow Day, John Bargowski, 1-50 Snow Elegy, Beth Thomas, 3-28 Song from the Earth, Michelle Margolis, 4-29 The Song, Steven Ratiner, 2-7 Soniat, Katherine, /ndumir, 3-52; The Garden: Moonset, 3-53 Southern Gothic, Kevin Knott, 4-30 Spool The, Rynn Williams, 1-24 Steffen, Michael, Griinewald’s Body of Christ, 2-14 Stein, Donna Baier, Birth, 3-24 Stein, Gary, Living Near the Kill Van Kull, Staten Island, 1954, 4-9 Stein, Gary, Remembering the Rabbits, 1-25; Altar Boy, 1-26 Stever, Margo, Nothing's Holding Up Nothing, 1-40 Still Life With School Bus, Matthew Graham, 3-6 Still Life, Gillian Cummings, 3-9 Still Water, Larry D. Thomas, 1-49 The Stone, Ingrid Ankerson, 3-33 Stone, Alison, Confession, 2-11; Ghazalof Love 2-12; On Display, 2-13 Stone, Diane, Father Sleeping, 1-48 Summer Job, Temple Cone, 414 Surf Casting, Sean M. Nevin, 1-15 Index Surfeits of Evening, Dina Coe, 4-34 Takacs, Nancy, Breakfast, 1-55 Taking Down the Lines, Ron Rash, 1-38 Tatsuji, Miyoshi (trs. by James O’Brien), Waves of Wisteria, 4-23 Terra Incognito, M.A. Schaffner, 1-39 Terrone, Maria, Witness, 1-17 That Which Gives it Flavor, Eileen Hennessy, 3-50 The Garden: Moonset, Katherine Soniat, 3-53 The Shanty, V.P. Loggins, 1-41 There Will be a Soothing Nocturne, Daniel Gutstein, 4-47 Thomas, Beth, Practicing Chopin's First Ballade, 3-26; Snow Elegy, 3-28 Thomas, Larry D., Still Water, 1-49 Thorburn, Russell, J Am Reading The Brothers Karamazov, 2-20; Fear and Love, 9.99 To Resolve a Dream, Joseph Veronneau, 2-39 Tomlinson, Rawdon, Mescal (Geronimo), 3-25 Torreson, Rodney, All Afternoon the Distances Feel Good on Him, 4-13 Tough As God’s Truth, Mike Schneider, 3-16 Trotline on Austin Bayou, Dennis Herrell, 4-40 Two Grandfathers Fighting, Matthew Graham, 3-5 Umbach, Sandee Gertz, Prosperity, 1952, 4-11 Uncle Outside, Jake Adam York, 1-42 The Universe Spat On My Mother and Me, Cynthia M. Hoffman, 1-7 UR-icicle, Thorpe Moeckel, 1-29 Van Cleave, Ryan G., Old Woman Eating, Or the Graffiti of the Heart, 3-35 Varieties of Light, Jennifer MacPherson, 4-52 Veronneau, Joseph, To Resolve a Dream, 2-39; Presence of Absence, 2-40 Very Starry Sky, Ingrid Ankerson, 3-34 TheVoyage of Edgar Allen Poe, James Gurley, 1-32 Voyage to the Great Attractor, Christopher Buckley, 1-10 Walking Down A Hot Street, Alison Luterman, 2-48 Walpert, Bryan, Poem That Begins With Advice From Betsy, 1-21 Walters, Kim, Ecotherm, 4-50 Wamo, Gary Fincke, 2-17 Washing My Face, Sharon Chmielarz, 2-42; Waste Not, Jeff Daniel Marion, 4-27 Water, Tony Hoagland, 3-14 114 Waves of Wisteria, Miyoshi Tatsuji (trs. by James O’Brien), 4-23 The Way, Peter Covino, 2-31 Webb, Charles Harper, Marine Museum, Seen With A Sick Friend, 1-47 Webb, Charles Harper, On Castle Creek, 4-41; Scuba Heaven, 4-43 What Remains, Raymond Farr III, 1-37 What ShalIl Do?, Robin S.Chapman, 1-20 Where an Arc of Imperfect Dissipation, Daniel Gutstein, 4-48 Why I Can't Write Stories, Angie Hogan, 3-30 Williams, Rynn, The Spool, 1-24 Winter Scene at Evening Stables, Wendell Hawken, 1-44 Winter Twilight, Margaret K. Menges, 3-42 Winter, Jonah, Amnesia, 2-54; How the Universe Began or Moosehead Time, 2-56 Winters, Mary, All My Life I Wanted to Spin And, 1-45 Witness, Maria Terrone, 1-17 The Woodpile, Raymond Farr III, 1-36 York, Jake Adam, Uncle Outside, 1-42 You Dip In Me, Wendy Barker, 2-29 PROSE Blagg, Carmelinda reviews Heartwall by Richard Jackson and The Cartographer’s Tongue by Susan Rich, 1-56 Boyle, Kevin reviews Charon’s Ferry by Gyula Illyés and Miracle Fair by Wislawa Szymborska, 3-61 Brennan, Matthew reviews Aimless Life: Poems 1961-1995 by George T. Wright, 2-59 Cavalieri, Grace reviews The Journey Ends Here: Notes for a Novel in Verse by Carlo della Corte, (translated by Amanuel di Pasquale), 2-67 de los Santos, Marisa, From the Bones Out, reviewed by Matt Getty, 1-63 della Corte, Carlo, The Journey Ends Here: Notes for a Novel in Verse, reviewed by Grace Cavalieri (translated by Amanuel di Pasquale), 2-67 Dougherty, Sean Thomas, Except By Falling, reviewed by Sean Enright, 4-63 Enright, Sean reviews Except By Falling by Sean Thomas Dougherty, 4-63 Galvin, Martin reviews The Smallest Bird in North America by Robert Grunst and Water Becomes Bone by C. Mikal Oness, 2-62 Index Garrett, Nola reviews As Earth Begins to End by Patricia Goedicke, 1-60 Getty, Matt reviews From the Bones Out by Marisa de los Santos’ and Drivers at the Short-Time Motel by Eugene Gloria, 1-63 Gloria, Eugene, Drivers at the Short-Time Motel, reviewed by Matt Getty, 1-63 Goedicke, Patricia, As Earth Begins to End, reviewed by Nola Garrett, 1-60 Grunst, Robert, The Smallest Bird in North America reviewed by Martin Galvin, 9.62? Hicok, Bob, Animal Soul, reviewed by Melita Schaum, 4-68 Holden, Jonathan, knowing, reviewed by Vicki Lambert, 4-54 illyés, Gyula, Charon’s Ferry, reviewed by Kevin Boyle, 3-61 Jackson, Richard, Heartwall, reviewed by Carmelinda Blagg, 1-56 Jacobstein, Roy, Blue Numbers, Red Lives, reviewed by Allan L’Etoile Kelly, Timothy, Stronger, reviewed by Mark Sullivan, 3-70 L’Etoile, Allan reviews The Snake Charmer’s Daughter by Michael Wurster, Blue Numbers, Red Red Lives by Roy Jacobstein and Smoke by Dorianne Laux, 3-65 Lambert, Vicki reviews knowing by Jonathan Holden, 4-54 Laux, Dorianne, Smoke, reviewed by Allan L’ Etoile, 3-65 Oness, C. Mikal, Water Becomes Bone, reviewed by Martin Galvin, 2-62 Rich, Susan, The Cartographer’s Tongue, reviewed by Carmelinda Blagg, 1-56 Schaum, Melita reviews Animal Soul by Bob Hicok, 4-68 Sullivan, Mark reviews Stronger by Timothy Kelly, 3-70 Szymborska, Wislawa, Miracle Fair, reviewed by Kevin Boyle, 3-61 Wright, George T., Aimless Life: Poems 1961-1995, reviewed by Matthew Brennan, 2-59 Wurster, Michael, The Snake Charmer’s Daughter, reviewed by Allan L’Etoile, 3-65

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