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Poet Lore 1997 - 1998: Vol 92 Index PDF

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Preview Poet Lore 1997 - 1998: Vol 92 Index

INDEX Volume 92, 1997-98 Number 1: Spring Number 3: Fall Number 2: Summer Number 4: Winter (Note: Page numbers are preceded by issue number) A Rural Hymn for the Holy Women Late of Ruma, Robert Bense, 3-30 A Woman at a Party, Adrie S. Kusserow, 1-39 Aerie, Naton Leslie, 2-29 After an Ice Storm, Dixie Partridge, 4-33 Albert Einstein at Fallingwater, Carolyn Luck, 3-32 Alice Writes Her Memoirs, Mary Ann Samyn, 1-47 American Nighthawks, Rachel Levine, 4-49 Anderson, Mark, The Visitor, 4-53 Annucci, Marilyn, Buddha Becomes Three Bras and One Answering Machine, 4-63 Any Stunner Can Happen in Snow, Mark Taksa, 4-54 Arrival, Brian Barker, 4-7 Athey, David, Everyone and the Sea, 4-17 At Our Appointed Hour, Julia Wendell, 4-61 Aubade, Carolyn Stoloff, 2-23 Baker, June Frankland, The Jackets, 2-27 Baratier, David, Roadside Stand, 1-10 Barker, Brian, Arnval, 4-7 Barrack, Jack, The Nursing Home Lawn, 3-6; The News at Six, 3-7 Barrett, Nick, Putting On Her Face, 4-27 Bartok-Baratta, Edward, What God Revealed on Tuesday, 3-8; Our Lives, 3-9 Bats, MatthewJ . Spireng, 3-16 Beggs, Marck L., Letters to the Man in the Green Stationwagon, 3-41 Bellinger, Celia, Threads, 2-28 Bend in the River, Kevin Bowen, 1-17 Bense, Robert, A Rural Hymn for the Holy Women Late of Ruma, 3-30; The Object of Their Desire, 3-31 Between a Bullet and Its Target, Elisabeth Murawski, 3-45 Beyond Blue Bayou, Errol Miller, 3-29 Boswell, Marta, Trepassing in the Sculpture Garden, 4-29 Bouquets, Lyrae Van Clief-Stefanon, 2-15 Bowen, Kevin, Bend in the River, 1-17 Boy,J .R odney Karr, 4-38 The Boy with the Oversized Head, David B. Prather, 4-35 Bruise, Becky Rodia, 1-15 Buddha Becomes Three Bras and One Answering Machine, Marilyn Annucci, 463 Budy, Andrea Hollander, What the Married Man Dreamed, 2-12 Byrd, Gregory, Writing the Rosetta Stone, 2-22 California Chardonnay, Ann B. Knox, 3-23 Calypso IT, Douglas Spangle, 2-5 Cancer, Kate Funkhouser, 1-18 The Capture, Laura Krauss Melmed, 1-19 Carousel, Jean H. Johnson, 1-20 Chaff, Sandra L., Spindle Whore, 4-8 Chapman, Robin S., The Daughters of Scientists, 2-31 Chorlton, David, Householders, 4-67 The Circle (or Making 80), Robert Lauder, 2-20 The Circus Fat Lady and Her Dog, Laura Lee Washburn, 1-6 Clompus, Brad, Woman Bathing in the West River, 4-57 Coe, Dina, Funeral Through Clouds, 2-7; Rabbit, 2-9 Confessions of aS ewer Boy, James O’ Keefe, 1-13 Conjugation ofa Mirror, Paul Perry, 4-5 Conservation, Paul Grant, 4-20 Copperhead, M. A. Schaffner, 1-45 Cottonweed, Judit Pinczesi (tr. Len Roberts and Maria Kurdi), 3-37 Craft, Kevin, PersonAda lfo r the Muse, 3-26 Crill, Hildred, Remote Control, 4-16 Creation Story, Theodore Worozbyt, 1-37 Crown Heights, 1953, Rachel Levine, 4-47 Dancing with the One-Armed Man, A. P. Davidson, 3-5 Davidson, A. P., Dancing with the One-Armed Man, 3-5 The Daughters of Scientists, Robin S. Chapman, 2-31 DellaRocca, Lenny, The Healer, 1-11 “Die Dicke Wirtin,” David McAleavey, 1-12 The Difference Between Lonely and Alone, Timothy Monaghan, 4-39 Dinner Table, Claudia March Reder, 4-42 Dougherty, Sean Thomas, Pantoum of the Working Classes, 2-17 Drinker, Robert Kunkle, 4-37 Duehr, Gary, On Keuka Lake, 2-16 Duhamel, Denise, Egg Rolls, 3-11 68 Early Warning Signs, Walt McDonald, 2-32 Eggs Rolls, Denise Duhamel, 3-11 Ehrhart, W. D., Visiting My Parent’s Grave, 3-47 Emerson, Jocelyn, Equinox, 2-43; The Rivers We're Eyeing, 2-44 Endright, Sean, Revision, 1-43 Etter, Carrie, Five at a Table, 2-45 Etter, Carrie, The Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, 4-63 Equinox, Jocelyn Emerson, 2-43 Evening Fire, Christine Sneed, 1-35 Everyone and the Sea, David Athey, 4-17 Five at a Table, Carrie Etter, 2-45 For Better or Worse, Dave Medlinsky, 4-19 Formula, Janet St. John, 2-47 Fried, Philip, Rajasthan, 4-25; Keoladeo, 4-26 Frogs, John Grey, 2-19 (from The Deer), Jim Quinn, 2-33 The Funeral Director, Jeff Hardin, 4-9 Funeral Through Clouds, Dina Coe, 2-7 Funkhouser, Kate, Cancer, 1-18 Ghost in the Socket, John Hennessy, 4-65 Gizzard Stones, Mary-Beth O’Shea-Noonan, 3-50 Goldbarth, Albert, The Morning Paper, 2-21 Grant, Paul, Conservation, 4-20 The Grasshopper, Mary T. Lane, 4-52 Grey, John, Frogs, 2-19 GrossmanJ,a n C., The Wallet, 1-33 Gutstein, Daniel, The Night Shift, 4-11 Gurley, James, Summer Journey Down the Delaware, 3-27 Hardin, Jeff, The Funeral Director, 4-9 The Healer, Lenny DellaRocca, 1-11 Heat, Norma Richardson, 4-34 Heldrich, Philip, Hotline, 2-6 Hennessy, John, Ghost in the Socket, 4-65 The History of the Alphabet, Mary Winters, 2-39 Horsting, Eric, Muse, 2-41; Taking Off, 2-42 Hotline, Philip Heldrich, 2-6 Index Householders, David Chorlton, 4-67 Hurwitz, Lisa, Sleeping with Monsters, 4-45 The Jackets, June Frankland Baker, 2-27 Jenks, Allison Eir, The Little Red School House, 3-15 John Deere Letter, Deborah Warren, 421 Johnson, Jean H., Carousel, 1-20 Juan Marichal, Topps Card #330, 1974, Frank Van Zant, 2-26 I Argued for Her Overcoat, Kristen Tracy, 4-23 The Imperial Palace of Hue, Vietnam, Barbara F. Lefcowitz, 1-21 Infidelity, Georgia Kreiger, 3-24 Inheritance, Robert J. Oberg, 3-39 Inside the V.A. Dictaphone Typing Unit, Division of Outpatient Psychiatry, 1969, Maria Terrone, 4-58 Karr, J. Rodney, Boy, 4-38 Knox, Ann B., California Chardonnay, 3-23 Keoladeo, Philip Fried, 4-26 Kraushaar, Mark, Thinking of Enid, 4-59 Kreiger, Georgia, Infidelity, 3-24 Kunkle, Robert, Drinker, 4-37 Kusserow, Adrie S., A Woman at a Party, 1-39; Rites of Passage, 1-41 Lane, Mary T., The Grasshopper, 4-52 The Last Spanking, Daniel M. Nester, 1-49 Late One Night in Heavy Weather, a Literary Critic, Afraid of Flying, Gets Tired Rehears- ing His Paper Aboard the San Francisco Zephyr, Bernard Quetchenbach, 2-49 Lauder, Robert, The Circle (Or Making 80), 2-20 Lefcowitz, Barbara F., The Imperial Palace of Hue, Vietnam, 1-21 Legaspi, Joseph O., My Grandmother, in Increments, 4-55 Leslie, Naton, Aerie, 2-29 Letters to the Man in the Green Stationwagon, Marck L. Beggs, 3-41 Levine, Rachel, Crown Heights, 1953, 4-47; American Nighthawks, 4-49 Lightness of Being, William F. Van Wert, 1-23 The Little Red School House, Allison Eir Jenks, 3-15 Luck, Carolyn, Albert Einstein at Fallingwater, 3-32 Index Martin, Patrick, Weldon Kees is Alive and Well and Living in Ohio, 4-43 McAleavey, David , “Die Dicke Wirtin”, 1-12 McDonald, Walt, Early Warning Signs, 2-32 McFarland’s Cove, Elizabeth Rees, 2-38 Medlinsky, Dave, For Better or Worse, 4-19 Melmed, Laura Krauss, The Capture, 1-19 Miller, Errol, Beyond Blue Bayou, 3-29 Miller, Sarah, Taking Aim, 2-13 The Mirror, Elaine Preston, 3-38 Monaghan, Timothy, The Difference Between Lonely and Alone, 4-39 Monaghan, Timothy, Reunion, 1-32 Mooney, Alicia, We Met for Brunch, 3-46 Moonshine, Ken Waldman, 4-22 The Morning Paper, Albert Goldbarth, 2-21 Murawski, Elisabeth, The Rehearsal, 3-44; Between a Bullet and Its Target, 3-45 Muse, Eric Horsting, 2-41 My Grandmother, in Increments, Joseph O. Legaspi, 4-55 Nagy, Agnes Nemes (tr. Len Roberts), Town in Winter, 3-33 Nester, Daniel M., The Last Spanking, 1-49 The News at Six, Jack Barrack, 3-7 Night, Heather Smith, 2-37 The Night Shift, Daniel Gutstein, 4-11 Nobles, Edward, She Had Many Orders to Be Filled, 1-46 Nocturne, Scott Withiam, 3-17 North Woods, Todd Smith, 4-18 The Nursing Home Lawn, Jack Barrack, 3-6 Oberg, RobertJ. , Inhentance, 3-39 The Object of Their Desire, Robert Bense, 3-31 October in Thunder Bay, Ontario, John Spauiding, 4-31 O'Keefe, James, Confessions of A Sewer Boy, 1-13 On Keuka Lake, Gary Duehr, 2-16 OQ’Shea-Noonan, Mary-Beth, Gizzard Stones, 3-50 Our Lives, Edward Bartok-Baratta, 3-9 Outside, Theodore Worozbyt, 1-36 Pantoum of the Working Classes, Sean Thomas Dougherty, 2-17 Partridge, Dixie, After an Ice Storm, 4-33 Perchik, Simon, (Untitled), 3-10 Perry, Paul, Conjugation of a Mirror, 4-5 Personal Ad for the Muse, Kevin Craft, 3-26 Pinczesi, Judit (tr. Len Roberts and Maria Kurdi), Cottonweed, 3-37 Prather, David B., The Boy with the Oversized Head, 4-35 Preston, Elaine, The Mirror, 3-38 The Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, Carrie Etter, 4-64 Putting On Her Face, Nick Barrett, 4-27 Quetchenbach, Bernard, Late One Night in Heavy Weather, a Literary Critic, Afraid of Flying, Gets Tired RehearshingHis Paper Aboard the San Francisco Zephyr 2-49 Quinn, Jim, (from The Deer), 2-33 Rabbit, Dina Coe, 2-9 Rajasthan, Philip Fried, 4-25 Reder, Claudia March, Dinner Table, 4-42 Rees, Elizabeth, M-Farland’s Cove, 2-38 The Rehearsal, Elisabeth Murawski, 3-44 Remote Control, Hildred Crill, 416 Reunion, Timothy Monaghan, 1-32 Revision, Sean Enright, 1-43 Richardson, Norma, Heat, 4-34 Rites of Passage, Adrie S. Kusserow, 1-41 The River We're Eyeing, Jocelyn Emerson, 2-44 Roadside Stand, David Baratier, 1-10 Rodia, Becky, Bruise, 1-15 Ron Bryant, Topps Card #104, 1974, Frank Van Zant, 2-25 Royce, Lindsey, The Tao of Wheat, 1-48 Sajé, Natasha, Wanting to Drink the Whole Family, 2-11 Samyn, Mary Ann, Alice Writes Her Memoirs, 1-47 Schaffner, M. A., Copperhead, 1-45 She Had Many Orders to Be Filled, Edward Nobles, 1-46 Sievers, Kelly, To the Girls of My Neighborhood, 2-18 Silence, Bryan Walpert, 3-25 Sleeping with Monsters, Lisa Hurwitz, 4-45 Smith, Heather, Under Trebevica: Sarajevo 1994, 2-35; Night, 2-37 Smith, Todd, North Woods, 4-18 Sneed, Christine, Evening Fire, 1-35 Spangle, Douglas, Calypso I, 2-5 Spaulding, John, Tableaux: Four Nineteenth Century Photographs, 4-30; October in Thunder Bay, Ontario, 4-31 Spindle Whore, Sandra L. Chaff, 4-8 Spireng, MatthewJ. , Bats, 3-16 St. John, Janet, Formula, 2-47 Stoloff, Carolyn, Aubade, 2-23 Summer Journey Down the Delaware, James Gurley, 3-27 Swan’s Anatomy, Paula Tatarunis, 4-13 Tableaux: Four Nineteenth Century PhotographJso,hn Spaulding, 4-30 Takacs, Zsuzsa (tr. Len Roberts and Maria Kurdi), You Who So Much, 3-36 Taking Aim, Sarah Miller, 2-13 Taking Off, Eric Horsting, 2-42 Taksa, Mark, Any Stunner Can Happen in Snow, 4-54 The Tao of Wheat, Lindsey Royce, 1-48 Tatarunis, Paula, Swan’s Anatomy, 4-13 Terris, Susan, Wing by Wing, 3-19 Terrone, Maria, Inside the V.A. Dictaphone Typing Unit, Division of Outpatient Psychiatry, 1969, 4-58 Thinking of Enid, Mark Kraushaar, 4-59 Threads, Celia Bellinger, 2-28 To the Girls of My Neighborhood, Kelly Sievers, 2-18 Town in Winter, Agnes Nemes Nagy (tr. Len Roberts), 3-33 Tracy, Kristen, J Arguedfo r Her Overcoat, 4-23 Trespassing in the Sculpture Garden, Marta Boswell, 4-29 Under Trebevica: Sarajevo 1994, Heather Smith, 2-35 (Untitled), Simon Perchik, 3-10 Van Clief-Stefanon, Lyrae, Bouquets, 2-15 Van Zant, Frank, Ron Bryant, Topps Card #104, 1974, 2-25; Juan Marichal, Topps Card #330, 1974, 2-26 Van Wert, William F., Lightness of Being, 1-23 The Visitor, Mark Anderson, 4-53 Visiting My Parent’s Grave, W. D. Ehrhart, 3-47 Index Waldman, Ken, Moonshine, 4-22 The Wallet, Jan C. Grossman, 1-33 Walpert, Bryan, Silence, 3-25 Wanting to Drink the Whole Family, Natasha Sajé, 2-11 Ward, Thom, Wind and the City, 3-21 Warren, Deborah, John Deere Letter, 4-21 Washburn, Laura Lee, The Circus Fat Lady and Her Dog, 1-6 Weldon Kees is Alive and Well and Living in Ohio, Patrick Martin, 4-43 We Met for Brunch, Alicia Mooney, 3-46 Wendell, Julia, At Our Appointed Hour, 4-61 What God Revealed on Tuesday, Edward Bartok-Baratta, 3-8 What Ought to be Currency, Mary Winters, 2-40 What the Married Man Dreamed, Andrea Hollander Budy, 2-12 Wind and the City, Thom Ward, 3-21 Wing by Wing, Susan Terris, 3-19 Withiam, Scott, Nocturne, 3-17 Winters, Mary, The History of the Alphabet, 2-39; What Ought to be Currency, 2-40 Woman Bathing in the West River, Brad Clompus, 4-57 Worozbyt, Theodore, Outside 1-36; Creation Story, 1-37 Writing the Rosetta Stone, Gregory Byrd, 2-22 You Who So Much, Zsuzsa Takacs (tr. Len Roberts and Maria Kurdi), 3-36 PROSE Allen, Frank, reviewer, Dog Road Woman, Allison Adelle Hedge Coke; Tales from a Child of the Enemy, Ursula Duba; Crown of Weeds, Amy Gerstler; Glass Lunch, Robert Hunter; Drawing the Line, Lawson Fusao Inada, 2-56 Allen, Gilbert, reviewer, Dragonfly Tie, John Millett, 3-53 Appleman, Philip, New and Selected Poems, reviewed by Daniela Gioseffi, 2-51 Balaban, John, reviewer, The Women Carry River Water, Nguyen Quang Thieu, 3-61 Brennan, Matthew C., reviewer, The Old Life, Donald Hall, 3-67 Butts, W.E., reviewer, The Falling Hour, David Wojahn, 2-65 Carper, Thomas, From Nature, reviewed by Madeleine Mysko, 2-71 Cavalieri, Grace, reviewer, A Life Set for Two, Robert Kendall, 3-64 Index Chorlton, David, reviewer, The Deep Heart's Core is a Suitcase, Lisa Fishman; A Hog Slaughtering Woman, David Marlott; Traveling at High Speeds, John Rybicki, 1-60 Coke, Allison Adelle Hedge, Dog Road Woman, reviewed by Frank Allen, 2-56 Duba, Ursula, Tales from a Child of the Enemy, reviewed by Frank Allen, 2-56 Ellis, Anne, reviewer, Spirit & Flame: An Anthology of Contemporary African-American Poetry, edited by Keith Gilyard, 2-68 Etter, Carrie, reviewer, Green Ash, Red Maple, Black Gum, Michael Waters, 3-51 Fishman, Lisa, The Deep Heart's Core is a Suitcase, reviewed by David Chorlton, 1-60 FitzPatrick, Kevin, Rush Hour, reviewed by GregaryJ . Racz, 1-51 Fleming, Bruce, reviewer, Ezra Pound's Early Poetry and Poetics, Thomas F. Grieve, 3-70 Fry, Nan, reviewer, The Woman Who Fell from the Sky, Joy Harjo; Little Girls in Church, Kathleen Norris, 1-55 Galvin, Brendan, Sky and Island Light, reviewed by John Kennedy, 3-57 Gerstler, Amy, Crown of Weeds, reviewed by Frank Allen, 2-56 Gilyard, Keith, editor, Spirit @ Flame: An Anthology of Contemporary African-American Poetry, reviewed by Anne Ellis, 2-68 Gioseffi, Daniela, reviewer, New and Selected Poems, Philip Appleman; Crazy Horse in Stillness, William Heyen; The Body Mutinies, Lucia Perillo, 2-51 Gonzalez, Ray, The Heat of Arrivals, reviewed by GregaryJ . Racz, 1-51 Grieve, Thomas F., Ezra Pound’s Early Poetry and Poetics, reviewed by Bruce Fleming, 3-70 Hall, Donald, The Old Life, reviewed by Matthew C. Brennan, 3-67 Hamer, Forrest, Call © Response, reviewed by Natasha Sajé, 2-56 Harjo, Joy, The Woman Who Fell from the Sky, reviewed by Nan Fry, 1-55 Heyen, William, Crazy Horse in Stillness, reviewed by Daniela Gioseffi, 2-51 Houchin, Ron, Death and the River, reviewed by Gregary Racz, 4-69 Hunter, Robert, Glass Lunch, reviewed by Frank Allen, 2-56 Inada, Lawson Fusao, Drawing the Line, reviewed by Frank Allen, 2-56 Kendall, Robert, A Life Set for Two, reviewed by Grace Cavalieri, 3-64 Kennedy, John, reviewer, Sky and Island Light, Brendan Galvin, 3-57 Index Marlott, David, A Hog Slaughtering Woman, reviewed by David Chorlton, 1-60 Millett, John, Dragonfly Tie, reviewed by Gilbert Allen, 3-53 Mysko, Madeleine, reviewer, From Nature, Thomas Carper, 2-71 Norris, Kathleen, Little Girls in Church, reviewed by Nan Fry, 1-55 Perillo, Lucia, The Body Mutinies, reviewed by Daniela Gioseffi, 2-51 Racz, Gregary, reviewer, Rush Hour, Kevin FitzPatrick; The Heat of Arrivals, Ray Gonzalez, 1-51 Racz, Gregary, reviewer, Worldling, Elizabeth Spires; Odd Mercy, Gerald Stern; Death and the River, Ron Houchin, 4-69 Rybicki, John, Traveling at High Speeds, reviewed by David Chorlton, 1-60 Sajé, Natasha, reviewer, Call & Response, Forrest Hamer; The Presence of Things Unseen: Giant Talk, Chezia Thompson-Cager, 2-61 Short, Gary, Flying Over Sonny Liston, reviewed by D. James Smith, 1-65 Smith, D. James, reviewer, Flying Over Sonny Liston, Gary Short, 1-65 Spires, Elizabeth, Worldling, reviewed by Gregary Racz, 4-69 Stern, Gerald, Odd Mercy, reviewed by Gregary Racz, 4-69 Thieu, Nguyen Quang, The Women Carry River Water, reviewed by John Balaban, 3-61 Thompson-Cager, Chezia, The Presence of Things Unseen: Giant Talk, reviewed by Natasha Sajé, 2-61 Waters, Michael, Green Ash, Red Maple, Black Gum, reviewed by Carrie Etter, 3-51 Wojahn, David, The Falling Hour, reviewed by W.E. Butts, 2-65

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