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o t l o n s Enchanting recipes for dozens of magical brews D - ~. .°" . . ~I 8. I ~".I 8 C ~ ; o " - - - I " - - =­ 0 0 - ' ' - ~ ~3. g ;:;: C ""l » ~ ~ 3 (l) S 0'" (l) '""1 0 ,...,... 1s. '"'ClI :t ::I GIl> 0 ~ '"0 e C/"J ~ ...... ::I r :­ For IammJI and Kristy, Thanks, you two. Your support is unbelievable! ALPHA BOOKS Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A. {ontents Penguin Group (Canada), 10 Alcorn Avenue, 'J(mmto, Ontario, Canada M4V 3B2 (0 division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.) Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London 'vVC2R ORL, England 1 From the Cauldron to the Kitchen 1 Penguin Ireland, 25 Sl Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, Ireland (a division ofPenguin 2 Potion Preparations 13 Books Ltd) Group (Australia), 250 Cambcrwell Road, Camherwell, Victoria 3124, 3 Magical Uses of Plants 35 (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) 4 Tempting Teas 51 Penguin Rooks India Pvt Ltd, 1J Community Centre, Panchshee1 Park, New Delhi-l 10 017, India 5 Indispensable Infusions 69 enr Airborne and Rosedale Roads, Albany, Anddand 1310, 6 Oodles of Oils 87 of Pearson New Zealand Ltd) Ltd, 24 Sturdee Avenue, Roscbank. 7 Tantalizing Tinctures 107 8 Luscious Lotions 121 Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: 80 Strand, London 'vVC2R ORL, England 9 Beguiling Beverages and Brews 143 (opyriCjht Z006 hy th, PtnCjuin Group @ All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a ret.rieval Appendixes :m, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mcch<lnical~ photocopY1ng~ record~ or otherwise~ without written permission from the puhlisher. No patent liability A Glossary 163 is assumed with to the use of the information contained herein. Although prccantion been taken in the preparation of this hook, the pu blisher and B Color Correspondences 167 assume no responsibility it)r errors or omissions. Neither is assumed for damages resulting from the usc ofinformation contail C Potion-Making Resources ]69 infotmalion, address Alpha Books, 800 East 96th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46240. Index 175 THE POCKET IDIOT'S G1JIDE TO and Design are trademarks ofPenguin Group (USA) Inc. Illlernational Standard Book Number: 1-59257,507-2 Library of Congress Catalog end Numher: 2006920725 08 07 06 8 6 4 3 2 Clxle: The rightmost number of the first series of is the year the rightmost number of the second series of llumhcrs is the number For example a printing code l of 06-1 shows that the first printing occurred publIcatIOn contains the opinions and ideas of its author, It is intended telpful an(1 informative material on the suhject matter covered. It is sold lhe understanding that the author and publisher are not engaged in rendering professional services in the book. Ifthe reader requires personal assit;tance or advice, a eOinpetent professional should be consulted. The author and publisher specifically disclaim any responsibility for or risk~ personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a usc and application of any of the contents Most Alpha books are available quantity di,eounts for bulk llurcha'L'S for sales promotions, premiums, or cJuca tional use. excerpts. can also he created to tit needs. For details, write: Special Markets, Alpha Books, 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014. Introduction Potions have gotten a bad rap in the past, but the age-old art is making a tremendous comeback. That's because more and more people are recogniz­ ing the magical and medicinal properties of herbs and other natural ingredients. Combine such mix­ tures with a specific intent, such as to increase energy, achieve success, heal, or even find love, and you have a potent brew. You have probably already used potions hundreds or thousands of times without even realizing it. For instance, ever had one of those neon-colored energy drinks after a race or during an intensive workout? Most of these contain a blend of guarana and gin­ seng, herbs that are known to increase energy. These specialty drinks are essentially potions, it's just that they are manufactured in mass quantities and marketed to a specific audience. Or open your bathroom cabinet, pick out a couple of bottles, and look at their list of ingredients. Most shampoos, conditioners, lotions, and liquid soaps contain herbal extracts, and so are all potions designed to benefit the user in some way. Although we don't usually call energy drinks, sham­ poos, teas, and other natural mixtures potions, that's what they are: a potion is simply a combination of natural ingredients that contain medicinal or magi­ cal properties. (Don't worry, I'll talk about what it means for something to have magical properties in Chapter PocKet Idiot's Guide to Introduction vii This book will teach you everything you need to casting a spell, you build up the magical energy know to get started on using and making your own inside of you by focusing on your intention, and potions. I cover everything from the history of release the energy into the universe. The use potion making, to their modern-day uses, and along of herbs, oils, incense, and potions are all ways to the way I introduce you to dozens of common and increase this enerh'Y and to help you focus on your not-so-common ingredients and their magical intention. properties. Although I provide you with the tools Spells may be elaborate and contain the use of tools you need to create your own recipes, I also give you magical ingredients along with spoken words, several recipes that are known to be effective for or they may be as simple as wishing upon a star. achieving specific aims. Divination ABit of Magic Divination is the practice of finding answers to questions through magical meanings. There are Ifyou are new to magic, you may be wondering just many forms of divination, including tarot card what exactly it is. Magic is a form of energy. It readings, runes, pendulums, scrying, and using a resides in'iide of you, inside of me, inside of animals, crystal balL The type of divination you use dictates and inside of plants. As a matter of fact, every single how the practice is performed. For instance, you organism has magical energy inside of them. interpret tarot cards' meanings by studying the pic­ Some people learn how to harness this energy and tures on the cards and/or relying on standard inter­ use it, while others deny its existence and never get pretations, whereas divining using scrying and to experience their own glorious magical abilities. balls involves focusing intently on the ques­ Since you are reading this book, you obviously want tion and watching for an answer to appear. to know more about harnessing your magical energy to improve your Rituals Magic can take a number of different forms. Let's take a look at a few of the more common magical Rituals are usually performed for one of two rea­ practices. sons: either to celebrate an event or experience (usually in a form of giving thanks), or to ask your Sprlls deities for a specific blessing. I include a brief blessing ritual in Chapter 2. A spell is similar to a prayer. It is a request sent out to the universe, including any deities-Gods, Goddesses, High Powers-you work witll. vVhen PocKet Idiot's Guide to Introduction vii This book will teach you everything you need to casting a spell, you build up the magical energy know to get started on using and making your own inside of you by focusing on your intention, and potions. I cover everything from the history of release the energy into the universe. The use potion making, to their modern-day uses, and along of herbs, oils, incense, and potions are all ways to the way I introduce you to dozens of common and increase this enerh'Y and to help you focus on your not-so-common ingredients and their magical intention. properties. Although I provide you with the tools Spells may be elaborate and contain the use of tools you need to create your own recipes, I also give you magical ingredients along with spoken words, several recipes that are known to be effective for or they may be as simple as wishing upon a star. achieving specific aims. Divination ABit of Magic Divination is the practice of finding answers to questions through magical meanings. There are Ifyou are new to magic, you may be wondering just many forms of divination, including tarot card what exactly it is. Magic is a form of energy. It readings, runes, pendulums, scrying, and using a resides in'iide of you, inside of me, inside of animals, crystal balL The type of divination you use dictates and inside of plants. As a matter of fact, every single how the practice is performed. For instance, you organism has magical energy inside of them. interpret tarot cards' meanings by studying the pic­ Some people learn how to harness this energy and tures on the cards and/or relying on standard inter­ use it, while others deny its existence and never get pretations, whereas divining using scrying and to experience their own glorious magical abilities. balls involves focusing intently on the ques­ Since you are reading this book, you obviously want tion and watching for an answer to appear. to know more about harnessing your magical energy to improve your Rituals Magic can take a number of different forms. Let's take a look at a few of the more common magical Rituals are usually performed for one of two rea­ practices. sons: either to celebrate an event or experience (usually in a form of giving thanks), or to ask your Sprlls deities for a specific blessing. I include a brief blessing ritual in Chapter 2. A spell is similar to a prayer. It is a request sent out to the universe, including any deities-Gods, Goddesses, High Powers-you work witll. vVhen viii T~e Po{ket Guide to Potions ix Ixtras ~ ~. Magical Definitions _____ As you read through the following chapters, like any specialized area, art of encounter the following sidebars, little extras potion making and magic has its own are intended to help you perfect your potion prac­ lingo, I define any terms that might new tices. and other glossary. ~. Toil and Trouble ~ yourr. R.ady to 6.t Start.d! , ..... These boxes contain important and precautions to take while preparing and usina your potions. Following these With this book, you are equipped to make and use potions to your advantage, while enhancing your will keep you and anyone out of harm's magical abilities and spiritual connections. way. Tradrmarks 8 All tenns mentioned in this book that are known to be or are suspected of being trademarks or service Concoction Clues ----------, marks have been appropriately capitalized. Alpha . . you'll find tips, and Books and Penguin Group (USA) Inc. cannot cuts to help prepare and use your attest to the accuracy of this information. Use of a potions as as term in this book should not be regarded as affect­ ing the validity of any trademark or service mark. Enchanting Explanations ~ or at viii T~e Po{ket Guide to Potions ix Ixtras ~ ~. Magical Definitions _____ As you read through the following chapters, like any specialized area, art of encounter the following sidebars, little extras potion making and magic has its own are intended to help you perfect your potion prac­ lingo, I define any terms that might new tices. and other glossary. ~. Toil and Trouble ~ yourr. R.ady to 6.t Start.d! , ..... These boxes contain important and precautions to take while preparing and usina your potions. Following these With this book, you are equipped to make and use potions to your advantage, while enhancing your will keep you and anyone out of harm's magical abilities and spiritual connections. way. Tradrmarks 8 All tenns mentioned in this book that are known to be or are suspected of being trademarks or service Concoction Clues ----------, marks have been appropriately capitalized. Alpha . . you'll find tips, and Books and Penguin Group (USA) Inc. cannot cuts to help prepare and use your attest to the accuracy of this information. Use of a potions as as term in this book should not be regarded as affect­ ing the validity of any trademark or service mark. Enchanting Explanations ~ or at Chapt.r From th. Cauldron to th. Kit(h.n In This (haptef • Demystifying potions • Taking a brief look at the history of potion making " Understanding why potions have a bad rap in some circles .. Using potions today To really understand what potions are and how they are used today, we must turn back the pages of his­ tory to the era before the rise of the Catholic church, when Paganism was the mainstream form of religious practice. We must explore how and why potions went out of fashion, and then take a look at their revival in recent years. This brief history will provide a rich background for the rest of the book, where you will learn the correct ways to prepare and use potions for your own purposes. z POckft to Potions ~ O~~__"~~~ptf!J_~tr~~_t~~(au l~o_~"1~f Kitc~~" """ "O"~" " ) T~f Potions of th. Past as today, potions were used for just about anything-from maladies to magical spells. Potions Potions have been subject to widely shifting were used for everything from soothing a raspy tural attitudes. During Pagan times, potions were cough to easing pain to bringing good luck, primary means of healing and were well fortune, or love to the user. respected. With the spread of Christianity, how­ ever, church leaders discouraged the use of the magical elixirs, caHin!! them the work of the devil. Enchanting Explanations ­ ~ art of potion gone out of ~ Magical Definitions ferent names. 0" makes deSigned to attract A potion is a combination or mixture attention to the wearer! ingredients that contain medicinal or magical properties. Although a potion is mainly made up of liquids, some might PaCJan Practicfs Many Pagan traditions believe that the knowledge of potion making was given to humans by fairies or Thf Potions ~irst the Gods and Goddesses as a reward for good The origin of potion making is lost in the mists of Although there is no way to confirm this time. Basic concoctions involving herbs and other story, we do know the use of potions was an impor­ natural ingredient~, such as bark and nuts, probably tant part of Pagan practiees in the pre-Christian date back to the beginning of human existence, world. those earliest efforts involving a lot of trial and error to determine which combinations of Mfdicinf or MaCJic? ingredients were effective. When the potion maker A cup of chamomile tea will soothe an upset stom­ struck upon a successful elixir, he or she would pass ach. Lavender oil in bath water will help relieve the recipe on to subsequent generations, first orally stress and enable you to relax. Are these concoc­ and later, with the development of written lan­ tions magic or medicine ... or both? Such distinc­ guage, in written form. tions didn't exist in Pagan times, when potions were a comhination of magic and medicine.

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