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Plutonia (Canarivitrina), new subgenus, from the Canary Islands, and the phylogenetic relationships of the subfamily Plutoniinae (Gastropoda: Limacoidea: Vitrinidae) PDF

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Preview Plutonia (Canarivitrina), new subgenus, from the Canary Islands, and the phylogenetic relationships of the subfamily Plutoniinae (Gastropoda: Limacoidea: Vitrinidae)

MALACOLOGIA, 2000, 42(1-2): 39-62 PLUTONIA {CANARIVITRINA), NEW SUBGENUS, FROM THE CANARY ISLANDS, AND THE PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS OF THE SUBFAMILY PLUTONIINAE (GASTROPODA: LIMACOIDEA: VITRINIDAE)* Maria R. Alonso1 Manuel J. Valido1 Klaus Groh2 & Miguel Ibáñez1** , , ABSTRACT Plutonia(Canarivitrina), n. subgen.,andfournewspeciesofthissubgenusaredescribedfrom three islands of the mid-Atlantic Canarian archipelago. The genus Plutonia Morelet, in Stabile, 1864 (of which Insulivithna Hesse, 1923, is a new synonym), restricted to the mid-Atlantic is- lands, ischaracterizedbytheautapomorphyofthespecialcourseofthepenial retractormuscle, roundingthe rightoptic nerve. Canarivitrina, n. subgen., hasa peniswithtwoeasilydistinguish- ableportions:adistalone,shortandslightlywidened,containingaglobulartocylindricalandper- forated penial papillalevelwiththeopeningofthevasdeferens(farfromthepenialapex), anda proximal one, long and slender, with apical insertion ofthe penial retractormuscle andtwopar- allel longitudinal innerstructures: atorus (thickfold, with roundish crosssection) and, opposite, alaminarcrest(velum).Torusandpenialpapillaarecoatedbyglandulartissue,thepenialgland. Theautapomorphiccharacterstateofthissubgenusistheproximalportionofthepenis, longand equipped with internaltorusand velum. Newdataaregivenaboutthesheaththatsurroundsthespoutoftheglándulaamatoria in Ca- narivitrina, n. subgen., and in othersupraspecific Plutoniinae taxa demonstrating the homology of the glándula amatoria and its spout sheath with the sarcobelum of the genus Semilimax, a basal branch of the Vitrinidae: the subfamily Plutoniinae has the "sarcobelum" fused with the proximal partofthevaginatoform the glándulaamatoria. A phylogenetic scenario of the supraspecific taxa of the subfamily Plutoniinae is presented. ThecladisticanalysisshowsthePlutoniinaeasthesistergroupofSemilimax,and Phenacolimax asthe sistergroup ofthe remaining Plutoniinae: the genera Phenacolimax, Gallandia (which is almostcertainlyajuniorsynonymofOligolimax), Arabivitrinaand Plutonia;butthisanalysisdoes notresolvefortheothertaxabecausethedataarestilltoofewtoapplytoacladisticstudyofthe group. ThegenusPlutoniaincludesthesubgeneraPlutonia,s.str., Guerrina, Insulivitrina, Madeirovit- rinaand Canarivitrina, n.subgen.ThepresenceofthisgenusinthearchipelagoesoftheAzores, the Madeirasand the Canary Islands is probablyas old asthe humid "laurisilva" laurel-forest, a Tertiary relict that colonized these archipelagoes before the impact of the Pleistocene glacia- tions. Keywords: Gastropoda, Vitrinidae, Plutoniinae, Canarivitrina, phylogeny, biogeography. INTRODUCTION were described: G. christinae Groh, 1993; /. eceroensisAlonso & Ibáñez, 1987; /. tubercu- The Canarian Vitrinidae were studied only lata Ibáñez & Alonso, 1987; /. gomerensis superficially between 1821-1954; eight spe- Alonso& Ibáñez, 1988; /. emmersoniMorales, cies were described-one doubtful: Vitrina 1988; /. oromii Ibáñez & Alonso, 1988; /. fasciolataA. Férussac, 1832; one of Guerrina machadoi Ibáñez & Alonso, 1990; /. nogalesi Odhner, 1954: Helix cutícula Shuttleworth, Alonso & Ibáñez, 1990; /. tamaranensis 1852; and six grouped in Insulivitrina: Helico- Valido, 1990; and /. mascaensis Morales, limaxlamarckiiA. Férussac, 1821; V blauneri 1987 (Alonso etal., 1987; Ibáñez etal., 1987; Shuttleworth, 1852; V latebasis Mousson, Moralesetal., 1988;Validoetal., 1990, 1993). 1872; V canariensis Mousson, 1872; V retic- The last species, from Tenerife Island, has a ulata Mousson, 1872; and V parryi Gude, peculiar penis, with a very long and slender 1896. In the last years, ten additional species proximalportionhavingaremarkabledistance DepartmentofAnimal Biology, UniversityofLaLaguna, E-38206Tenerife,CanaryIslands, Spain 2MainzerStrasse25, D-55546Hackenheim,Germany "NotesontheMalacofaunaoftheCanary Islands,38 "Towhomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressed; [email protected] 39 40 ALONSO ETAL. between the vas deferens entrance to the Abbreviations penis and the insertion ofthe penial retractor. We have recentlyfound fouradditional new a species with the same penial characteristics: threefrom LaGomeraandonefrom La Palma (Fig. 5); these five species are assigned to a new subgenus, Canarivitrina, n. subgen. In this paper, we describe these taxa and at- tempt a phylogenetic study of the entire sub- family Plutoniinae. METHODS The introduction of Canarivitrina, n. sub- gen., is the consequence of our anatomical studies of the European Phenacolimax major (A. Férussac, 1807), Arabivitrina jansseni Neubert, 1988 (from the Asir province, Saudi Arabia), Madeirovitrina nitida (Gould, 1848) and M. marcida (Gould, 1848) from the Madeira Archipelago, and the Canarian species above mentioned. Moreover, biblio- graphicdataonthe Plutoniinae have been ob- tainedfrom Forcart(1959), Hubendick(1953), Mermod (1930), Zilch (1979), and several ad- ditional papers (Table 1). Calculation of number of shell whorls fol- lowsKerneyetal. (1979: 13).Theterms"shell" and"specimen"intheenumerationsofthema- terial studied refer to empty shells and live specimens respectively, and "proximal" and "distal" refer to the position in relation to the gonad.Theterm"semislugs"referstotheclas- sification of Tillier (1984), that is, the animal usually cannot withdraw completely into the shell, the posterior edge of the foot cavity is lowerandfurtherforwardthanthemostposte- riorpartofthedigestivetract, andthestomach is retained in the uppervisceral cavity. The cladistic analysis involves the eight genus-group taxa of the Plutoniinae and was performedusing PAUP4.0Beta2forWindows (Swofford, 1999)andtheTreeviewapplication (Page, 1996). Tree searches were performed using the exhaustive search command. Zero- legth brancheswerecollapsed, MulTreeswas activated and the accelerated transformation option (Ace Tran) was used. The characters andcharacterstates used are listed inTable 2 andthedatamatrixinTable3mainlybasedon the type species of the single supraspecific taxa. Character polarity was determined by outgroupcomparison using Semilimaxasout- group for the reasons indicated in the com- mentsafterthefamilydiagnosis.Allcharacters haveequalweight. Twooutof ninecharacters CANARIVITRINAAND THE PLUTONIINAE PHYLOGENY 41 TABLE 1. Genus-grouptaxa, type species and bibliographical sourcesofanatomical data. Genus-grouptaxa Type species Sources ArabivitrinaThiele, 1931 VitrinaarabicaThiele, 1910 Thiele, 1931; Forcart, 1957; Zilch, 1959; Neubert, 1998 Canarivitrina, n. subgen. P. (Canarivitrina) taburientensisn. this paper sp. OligolimaxFischer, in Paulucci, VitrinapaulucciaeFischer, in Manganelli etal., 1995 1878 Paulucci, 1878 Gallandia Bourguignat, 1880 Vitrinaconoidea, sensu Schileyko, 1986; Hausdorf, 1995, (= TrochovitrinaO. Boettger, Bourguignat, 1880 [non and personal communication 1Í Martens, 1874] = Gallandia o/ymp/caHausdorf, 1995 GuerrinaOdhner. 1954 HelixcutículaShuttleworth, 1852 Odhner, 1954; Ibáñezetal., 1987; Validoetal., 1993; personal unpublished data InsulivitrinaHesse, 1923 HelicolimaxlamarckiiA. Hesse, 1923; Odhner, 1937; Férussac, 1821 Forcart, 1957; Ibáñezetal., 1987; Schileyko, 1986; personal unpublished data MadeirovithnaGroh & Hemmen, VitrinanitidaGould, 1848 Groh & Hemmen, 1986 1986 PhenacolimaxStabile, 1859 HelicolimaxmajorA. Férussac, Forçait, 1944, 1949, 1957; 1807 Hausdorf, personal communica- tion; personal unpublished data PlutoniaMorelet, in Stabile, 1864 ViquesneliaatlánticaMorelet, Wiktor& Backeljau, 1995; Mordan, 1860 personal communication SemilimaxAgassiz, 1845 HelixsemilimaxJ. Férussac, Eckhardt, 1914; Forcart, 1944; 1802 Kerneyetal., 1979; Grossu, 1983; Schileyko, 1986; Hausdorf, personal communication (1,7) had three character states that were ing whorls. Protoconch generally spirally dot- treated as nonadditive; character 1 was ted with numerous pits, which sometimes are treatedas unordered, and7asorderedforthe also present on the teleoconch. Animal with reasons indicated in the explanation of the penial gland and without penial nerve passing cladistic analysis; four characters (3, 5, 8, 9) through the cerebral ganglion (see Hausdorf, were autapomorphies with an additional au- 1998). tapomorphy in each multi-state character. Comments RESULTS Schileyko (1986) divided the Vitrinidae into TAXONOMIC DESCRIPTIONS three subfamilies-Vitrininae Fitzinger, 1833; Phenacolimacinae Schileyko, 1986; and Family Vitrinidae Fitzinger, 1833 Semilimacinae Schileyko, 1986. Vitrina Dra- Type genus: Vitrina parnaud, 1801, andCalidivitrina Pilsbry, 1919, Draparnaud, 1801 were included in the subfamily Vitrininae (sar- cobelum and glándula amatoria absent; Diagnosis vaginaveryreduced). Semilimacinae, charac- terized by the short vagina and by the pres- Limacoidea, sensu stricto (semislugs and ence of a distinct, atrial sarcobelum, included slugs with vas deferens running along the in- SemilimaxAgassiz, 1845, OligolimaxFischer, side of the penial sheath; without sper- in Paulucci, 1878, Vitrinobrachium Kunkel, matophore, epiphallus and flagellum), with 1929, and dubitatively Eucobresia Baker, shell very thin, glossy, pale and translucent, 1929. This lastgenus lacksa sarcobelum and usually with fewer than three rapidly expand- has a vaginal papilla nearthe atrium possibly 42 ALONSO ETAL. TABLE 2. Characters used on the phylogenetic Odhner, 1954; Arabivitrina Thiele, 1931; In- analysis.Thenumeration referstotheexplanations sulivitrina Hesse, 1923; Phenacolimax Sta- inthetext. bile, 1859; Trochovitrina O. Boettger, 1880; and Plutonia Morelet, in Stabile, 1864. (1)IEEnxxStttheeeerrrlnnnlaaalll,,,rttehhdeeuaacnneiidmma=all2ccaannnwoittwhidtrhadwrianwtoinitto=it1= puhnyaHlcaectuiescpd,toatrbhflee(,S1e9m9it8hl)eimraeVcigitanrraidneeindpaaerthaipsbhyeslieyntsgitce,pmoalnayds- (2)Teleoconch ornamentation only the Phenacolimacinae monophyletic. Glossy = Moreover, the name Phenacolimacinae is a Entirelyandverydensely ribbed = 1 junior synonym of Plutoniinae Cockerell (3) Radulartype (1893), established for Plutonia. Dichoglossan = According to Schileyko (1986), the Vitrini- Beloglossan = 1 — nae and the Phenacolimacinae evolved inde- (4) Location ofthe glándulaamatoria stimulator pendently from an unknown common ances- organ Distinctfrom vagina (Sarcobelum) = tor, while the Semilimacinae derived from the Fused with the proximal partofvagina = 1 Phenacolimacinae by the transformation of (5) Proximal portion of penis long, equippedwith the glándula amatoria ("vaginal gland") into a torusand velum sarcobelum. We assume the contrasting the- Absent = ory, sketched by Simroth (1889) and sup- Present= 1 ported by Hausdorf (1997, 1998), is the most (6) Penial sheath probable: the Phenacolimacinae derived from Strong = a Semilimax-Uke ancestor by the fusion ofthe Rudimentaryorabsent= 1 sarcobelum with the proximal vagina so as to (7)FArrereaonfgtehmeenritghotfotphteicpenneiravler=etractormuscle give the glándula amatoria. Passing roundingthe rightoptic nerve (Fig. 3G) The sarcobelum of the type species of = 1 Semilimax (Fig. 1) consists of a voluminous Penial retractorabsent =2 oblong oval or club-shaped stimulator not (8) Vaginal retractormuscle covered by soft tissue, with a thick glandular Absent= layer wrapping a longitudinal duct, which Present= 1 opens distally intothe atrium through a spout, (9) Oviducal retractormuscle the duct being upholstered (internally with re- Absent= spect to the glandular layer) by a thin layerof Present= 1 circular muscles and a horny tube, the latter missing in all the other Vitrinidae. The wall of the distal portion of the sarcobelum invagi- homologous to the spout of the sarcobelum nates sheathing the spout; atthe invagination (Schileyko 1986: figs. 11,12). Phenacolimaci- edge, the sarcobelum wall is connected with nae, characterized mainly by the long vagina the base of the spout by a very thin layer of and the presence of a glándula amatoria connective tissue. on the proximal vagina, includes Guerrina As Hausdorf (1998) has shown in his hypo- TABLE 3. Originaldatamatrix usedforcladisticanalysis.Allcharacterswiththreecharacterstatesare T treated as nonadditive; thecharacter istreated as unordered and thecharacter'7'asordered. The keysandnumeration refertotheexplanationsinthetext.Thevariableorunapplicablecharacterstates werecoded asa '?'. Key CANARIVITRINAAND THE PLUTONIINAE PHYLOGENY 43 FIG. 1. Genital system of Semilimaxshowing the sarcobelum without the inner horny tube; redrawn from Schileyko (1986: figs. 6-7) withoutscale, astheoriginal drawings. thetical explanation of stimulator evolution in also possible: the sarcobelum could be origi- the Stylommatophora, the genus Semilimax nated by the ancestral loss of portionsA and 2 may be seen as a basal branch of the Vit- A3, the shortening of the A4 portion (the hrionmidoaleo,gtohuesattoriatlhesaperncioablealpupmenpdoissxiboflythbeeiOnrg- sppoorutti)o,n (aGnidusttih,epiernsv.agcionamtmi.o)n.oWfeA4aisnstoumtehetAhe1 thurethra, with portionsA3 and A4 absent and last theory because it explains favourably the A2 and A5 fused. But another explanation is presence of the spout sheath. 44 ALONSO ETAL. Subfamily Plutoniinae Taxa Belonging to Plutoniinae Cockerell, 1893 Schileyko (1986: 147) referred Guerrina, (junior synonym: Phenacolimacinae Schi- Arabivitrina, Insulivitrina, Phenacolimax, Tro- leyko, 1986) chovitrina, and PlutoniaXo his Phenacolimaci- Typegenus: PlutoniaMorelet, in Stabile, 1864 nae. Thetype species of Trochovitrina, T. led- eri (O. Boettger, 1878) and Phenacolimax annularis(Studer, 1820), studied bySchileyko Diagnosis (1986) as examples ofthe respective genera, were later grouped with Gallandia olympica Vitrinidaewith athin shellvariable in shape, Hausdorf, 1995, in the genus Gallandia Bour- normally with a narrow basal periostracal guignat, 1880, by Hausdorf (1995). Hausdorf fringe. Distinct atrial stimulator (sarcobelum) recognized this genus to be characterized by absent. Vagina long, its proximal portion the following autapomorphies: shell conoid- housing a muscular glándula amatoria with a globose, shell and mantle lobes reduced, free distal spout (see Schileyko, 1986). oviduct short, pedunculus [of the bursa copu- The autapomorphic character state of this latrix] short and penis short. subfamily isthe fusion ofthe sarcobelum with Ibáñez et al. (1987) grouped the taxa in- the proximal vagina to givethe glándula ama- cluded by Forcart (1957) in Phenacolimax, s. toria (Hausdorf, 1995). I. (Phenacolimax, s. str., Arabivitrina, Oligoli- max, Insulivitrina, Plutonia, and Guerrina) and Madeirovitrina in the Phenacolimacinae, Comments mainlybasedonthesamecharactersasSchi- leyko (1986). The name Plutoniinae was established by The type species of Oligolimax, Vitrina Cockerell (1893) for Viquesnelia atlántica paulucciae Fischer, in Paulucci, 1878, was Morelet, 1860, an Azorean carnivorous slug considered by Forcart (1965) and Giusti feeding on such animals as earthworms and (1971) to be a synonym of V. bonelliTargioni slugs, and with an almost subterranean way Tozzetti, 1873, which belongs to the genus of life, sheltered in moist places, in moss or Semilimacella Sobs, 1917, anatomically not understones and detritus; dueto itsvery spe- far from Semilimax. Recently, Manganelli et cializedfeaturesforapredatorylifestyle, Wik- al. (1995) indicated that V. paulucciaeis nota tor & Backeljau (1995) proposed to remove it synonym of Semilimacella bonelliand that its from the family Vitrinidae and assign it to a genital system anatomy is so similartothat of separate family. the species grouped in Insulivitrina and Gal- Cockerell (1893) mentioned the possibility landia, that these last two names could be that Plutonia had also been used for a genus seen asjuniorsynonyms of Oligolimax. of trilobites, and Collinge (in Cockerell, 1893) Gallandia is almost certainly a junior syn- proposed an eventual change of the name onym of Oligolimax, butthecompletedescrip- Plutoniinae to Vitriplutoniinae. However, as tion of O. paulucciae has not yet been pub- Backhuys (1975) indicated, the name Pluto- lished (Giusti et al., in prep.). We therefore nia for a genus of the Trilobita was published continueto utilize the name Gallandia. On the later: Plutonia Hicks, 1871, Invalid Generic other hand, Insulivitrina is clearly distinguish- Name by homonymy (ICZN, 1997, Opinion ablefrom Gallandia(and Oligolimax) because 1880). of the peculiar course of its penial retractor. Shelley & Backeljau (1995) recognized a case of homonymy between Plutoniinae Boll- Genus Plutonia Morelet, in Stabile, 1864 man, 1893 (Arthropoda, Chilopoda, type- genus: Plutonium Cavanna, 1881) and Plu- Type species by monotypy: Viquesnelia at- toniinae Cockerell, 1893, and proposed the lántica Morelet, 1860 emendation to Plutoniainae Cockerell, 1893. (Juniorsynonym: Insulivitrina Hesse, 1923, However, Backeljau & Shelley (1996) modi- n. syn.) fied their original application and proposed to amend the myriapod name to Plutoniuminae Diagnosis and to retain the molluscan name unchanged as Plutoniinae; this proposition has been ac- Plutoniinaewiththeautapomorphiccharac- cepted by the ICZN (1997, Opinion 1880). ter state "penial retractor muscle (starting CANARIVITRINAANDTHE PLUTONIINAE PHYLOGENY 45 from the penis) moving forward, forming loop one of the Azorean "Insulivitrina" due to re- around the optic nerve, passing below the duction of the penial retractor (see Com- right ommatophore retractor, then running ments). backwards (left of the same right om- Nervous system as described by Tillier matophore retractor) to end on left side of di- (1989: 64) for the family. Palliai complex as aphragm" (Fig. 3G). described by Wiktor & Backeljau (1995) in Plutonia atlántica; lung small, kidney sig- murethrous, bean-shaped, secondary ureter Description closed like a tube, renal opening near anus and pneumostome. Slugs (Plutonia atlántica), semislugs (the Genital atrium, penis and distal vagina be- "Insulivitrina group") or Vithna-Wke helicoid come completely evaginated when protruded snails (the "Guerrina group"). Mantle border (in some preserved specimens and possibly with well-developed mantle and shell lobes also at mating; Fig. 2J). Genital atrium vari- (the "Insulivitrina group"), with lobes small to able in length, connectedwith adjacentpartof verysmall (the"Guerrinagroup"), orwith shell animal integument by short atrial muscles. lobes absent {Plutonia atlántica, with a vesti- Penial complex without epiphallus and flagel- gial shell entirely hidden in the mantle cavity). lum. Penial sheath thin, inconspicuous, rudi- Right side of mantle generally with distinct mentary orabsent. darker coloured "lateral band" above pneu- Bursa copulatrix duct and free oviduct in- mostome. Footaulacopod. Soletripartite,with sert side by side at proximal end of glándula distinct sole furrows, the lateral fused at short amatoria. Glandula amatoria variable in di- dbiesnteaantchetfhreomshtealill,enbdo.rdFeoroetddborysaallpyaifrlaotftedniesd- omepnesnisontsh,rowuigdheratshpaonutd.istItalcvaangibneapianrtwihalilcyhtiot tinct lateral crests extending forabout halfthe completelycoated byalayerofsofttissuethat tail length; tail tip dorsally keeled. can easily be stripped off and it is formed by Shell thin, greenish, translucent, glossy, thickoutermuscular layerand innerglandular with 2-4 whorls. Shell variable in shape, from layerwrapping the longitudinal duct. slightly depressed, keeled, conical above and Distal vagina variably long, its wall invagi- with small aperture, to auricular with lower nated to envelop the spout of the glándula asindde vweirthy lintatlrerdoewvepleorpieods,trvacearly lfarrigngee.apePrrtoutroe- samaamteorisap,outtotiipt.s Itnipvawgihnearteeditvafguisneasl wwailtlh atnhde conch pitted, sometimes with radial ribs. spout wall entirely connected by thin connec- Jaw oxygnathous, smooth, with median rib tive fibres easily removable without destroy- and central denticle. Radula mainly di- ing the vaginal wall (allowing the invagination choglossan (Jungbluth et al., 1985); central to be eliminated in the laboratory); at the in- tooth little smaller than first lateral teeth, with vagination edge, the vaginal wall is also con- long, slendermesocone having sharp pointed nected with the base of the spout by a very tip and two basal ectocones reaching halfthe thin layerofconnectivetissue (asfound inthe mesocone length; lateral teeth with long, wide sarcobelum of Semilimax; Fig. 1). mesocone, onebasal ectoconeandonesmall Spermoviduct long, about one-quarter of laterodistal endocone; marginalteeth variable total genital system length. Prostate poorly in shape. distinguishable. Albumen gland relatively System of retractor muscles basically as small and oval in shape. Hermaphrodite duct described by Odhner (1937) for Insulivitrina: long. Gonad follicular, located at apex of vis- rightommatophore retractorfree of penis and ceral sac. vagina. Penial retractor, long and slender; soon after it leaves the penis wall, it moves forward passing below some nerves arising Comments from the right pedal ganglion, then above the nerve and the retractor of the lower right ten- The autapomorphic character state of the tacle; soonafter, itformslooparoundtheoptic diagnosis was firstly evidenced in Plutonia nerve and, passing below the right om- (Insulivitrina) lamarcki, two other Plutonia (In- matophore retractor, moves backwards (leftof sulivitrina) species and Plutonia (Guerrina) the same rightommatophore retractor) to end cutícula by Hoffmann (1929) and Odhner on left of diaphragm. This situation is secun- (1937, 1954). It is shared by all the Canahan daria lost in Plutonia atlántica and in at least and Madeiran Plutoniinae and was also evi- 46 ALONSO ETAL. denced in the Azorean Plutoniinae (those erens into the same penis (farfrom the penial which retain a penial retractor; Mordan, pers. apex). Penial papilla perforated, its central comm.). It is interesting to note that one channel continuous with vas deferens. Penial Azorean species (different from Plutonia at- papilla and torus coated by glandular tissue, lántica) has been recently discovered to have the "penial gland". Distal portion of penis with a very vestigial or perhaps missing retractor twoverythin penial folds, whichjoin level with (Mordan & Frias Martins, in prep.), which the penial papilla, a small pit remaining be- hence has been interpreted as a possible tween them and the papilla itself.Thin vaginal synapomorphy of this species and P. at- fold sometimes present, ending before reach- lántica. Thus, all the Macaronesian Plutoni- ing genital atrium. inae would belong to the same genus, Pluto- nia Morelet, in Stabile, 1864, of which Type Material Insulivitrina Hesse, 1923, will become a sub- genus. The relations of P. atlántica with the Holotype (Fig. 2A): collected by K. Groh other Azorean Plutoniinae taxa is supported and M. Ibáñez (8-1-1988) in the Caldera de by the cladistic analysis given below. Taburiente (La Palma Island; UTM: The adult animal (with the exception of the 28RBS1879), at 750 m altitude; deposited in Guerrina species), cannot withdraw com- AIT. Paratypes: 144 specimens and 22 shells pletely into the shell. This may happen only collected between January 1988 and Febru- after a long period of desiccation and (or) ary 1997, invarious localitiesofthe islandand withoutfeeding, a situation that has been ver- deposited in ANSP (A 18852/2), CGH (32 ified in someprobablysenileadultspecimens. paratypes, 29 specimens and 3 shells), CRT Forcart (1957) attributed a glandular func- (8 paratypes), CGS (1 paratype), SMF tiontothesofttissuecoatingthe glándulaam- (311875/5), TFMC (MT 0314/2), ZMH atoria. Other authors believe that despite it (2745/2) andAIT. glandular appearance, it has a different func- tion, as yet undetermined (Schileyko, 1986). Type Locality The glandular function is feasible, but un- proven since this tissue wraps the thick mus- Caldera de Taburiente, La Palma Island. cularlayeroftheglándulaamatoriaexternally, and there is no evident communication with Etymology the central lumen of the glándula amatoria. The Plutonia species are endemic to three The specific name refers to the Caldera de mid-Atlantic archipelagoes located at the Taburiente, a geological feature of La Palma. western fringe of the Palaearctic: Azores, Madeira and Canary Islands. The alpine Vit- rina glacialis Forbes, 1837, once assigned to Habitat and Distribution Insulivitrina(Forcart, 1944: 654), hasbeen re- cently presumed as belonging to Eucobresia A species endemic to La Palma, occurring Baker, 1929 (H. Nordsieck, in Falkner, 1991: in wide areas climatologically different, with 103); data on thecourse of its penial retractor pinewood and sometimes with lowland vege- are nevertheless still pending. tmation, at an altitude between 300 and 1,800 (Fig. 5). Plutonia taburientensis Groh & Valido, n. sp. Animal Diagnosis Body whitish-beige, with numerous small pale-beige spots, more dense in number at Plutonia with penis as long as vagina (in- head. Mantle and tail with darker grey spots cluding its glándula amatoria portion), divided and a short blackish-grey lateral band. Foot into two portions: proximal penis long, slen- sole sometimes with marginal grey spots. der, with penial retractor muscle inserted at apex and two internal parallel longitudinal Shell structures, a torus and, opposite, a wide velum. Distal penis short, slightly widened, Oblong, with about 2.5 whorls. Protoconch containing a globular to cylindrical penial pitted; starting from beginning of second papilla level with the entrance of the vas def- whorl, the pits are less deep and more scat- FIG.2.A-D. Holotypeshells.A. P. taburientensis, n. sp. . P. ripkeni, n. sp. P. dianae, n. sp. D. P. falcifera, n. sp. E. Protoconch of P. taburientensis, n. sp. F-G. Protoconch and pits detail of P. ripkeni, n. sp. H-l. Radulaof P. ripkeni. n. sp. H, centraltoothand lateralteeth; I, marginalteeth. J.Aspecimen of P. mascaen- siswiththedistal partofthegenitalsystemeverted, showingthepeniswiththe;penial papillaandtheva.gina with the glándulaamatoria (bytransparency). Scale:A-D, J, 5 mm; E, F, 200 G, 100\ivn; H, I, 20 48 ALONSO ETAL. FIGS. 3, 4. Genital system and anatomical details.A. P. taburientensis. n. sp., paratype; CalderadeTaburi- . ente. B. P. ripkeni, n. sp., paratype; Jerduñe. P. dianae, n. sp.. paratype; Montaña Bejira. D. P. falcifera. n. sp., paratype;Tamolde. E. P. mascaensis(redrawnfrom Ibáñezetal., 1987, fig. 14). F. Internal penial de- tailsofP. taburientensis,n. sp.G.ArrangementoftheInsulivitrinapenial retractormuscle.Scale:A-E, 1 mm; F-G, withoutscale.

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