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PLUTAKCH'S LIVES WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY BERNADOTTE PERRIN IN ELEVEN VOLUMES VI DION AND BRUTUS TIMOLEON AND AEMILIUS PAULU8 CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD MOMMV First printed 1918 Reprinted 1943, 1954 Printed in Great Britain CONTENTS PAOB PREFATORY NOTE VJi ORDER OF THE PARALLEL LIVES IN THIS EDITION ... ix TRADITIONAL ORDER OF THE PARALLEL LIVES X DION 1 BRUTUS ]25 COMPARISON OF DION AND BRUTUS 249 TIMOLEON 259 AEMILIUS PAULUS 357 COMPARISON OF TIMOLEON AND AEMILIUS PAULUS . . . 459 DICTIONARY OF PROPER NAMES 467 PREFATORY NOTE As in the preceding volumes of this series, agree- ment between the Sintenis (Teubner, 1873-1875) and Bekker (Tauchnitz, 1855-1857) editions of the Parallel Lives has been taken as the basis for the text. Any preference of the one to the other, and any departure from both, have been indicated in the brief critical notes. An abridged account of the manuscripts and editions of Plutarch's Lives may be found in the Introduction to the first volume. None of the Lives presented in this volume is contained in either of the two oldest and best manuscripts. No attempt has been made, naturally, to furnish either a diplomatic text or a full critical apparatus. For these, the reader must still be referred to the major edition of the Lives by Sintenis (Leipzig, 1839-1846, 4 voll., 8vo), The reading which follows the colon in the critical notes is that of the Teubner Sintenis, and also, unless otherwise stated in the note, of the Tauchnitz Bekker, PREFATORY NOTE Some use has been made of the Siefert-Blass edition of the Timoleon (Leipzig, Teubner, 1879), and also of Holden's edition of the same Life (Cambridge, Pitt Press Series, 1889). All the standard translations of the Lives have been carefully compared and utilized, including that of the Brutus by Professor Long. B. PERRIN. New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. December, 1917. ORDER OF THE PARALLEL LIVES IN THIS EDITION IN THE CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE OF THE GREEK LIVES. Volume I. Volume VI. (1) Theseus and Romulus. (22) Dion and Brutus. Comparison. Comparison. (2) Lycurgus and Numa. (7) Timoleon and Aemilius Paulus. Comparison, (3) Solon and Publicola. Comparison. Comparison. Volume VII. (20) Demosthenes and Cicero. Volume II. Comparison. (4) Themistocles and (17) Alexander and Julius Camillus. Caesar. (9) Aristides and Cato the Volume VIII. Elder. (15) Sertorius and Eumenea. Comparison. (13) Cimon and Lucullus. Comparison. (18) Phocion and Cato the Comparison. Younger. Volume III. Volume IX. (5) Pericles and Fabius Max- (21) Demetrius and Antony. imus. Comparison. Comparison. (11) PyrrhusandCaiusMariua. (14) Nicias and Crassus. Comparison. Volume X. Volume IV. (19) Agis and Cleomenes, and Tiberius and Caius (6) Alcibiades and Coriola- Gracchus. nus. Comparison. Comparison. (12) Lysander and Sulla. (10) Philopoemen and Flam- ininus. Comparison. Comparison. Volume V. Volume XI. (16) Agesilaiis and Pompey. (23) Aratus. Comparison. (24) Artaxerxes. (8) Pelopidas and Marcellus. (25) Galba. Comparison. (26) Otho. THE TRADITIONAL ORDER OF THE PARALLEL LIVES. (1) Theseus and Romulus. (2) Lycurgus and Numa. (3) Solon and Publicola. (4) Themistocles and Camillus. (5) Pericles and Fabius Maximus. (6) Alcibiades and Coriolanus. (7) Timoleon and Aemilius Paulus. (8) Pelopidas and Marcellus. (9) Aristides and Cato the Elder. (10) Philopoemen and Flamininus, (11) Pyrrhus and Caius Marius. (12) Lysander and Sulla. (13) Cimon and Lucullus. (14) Nicias and Crassus. (15) Sertorius and Eumenes. (16) Agesilaiis and Pompey. (17) Alexander and Julius Caesar. (18) Phocion and Cato the Younger. (19) Agis and Cleomenes, and Tiberius and Caius Gracchus, (20) Demosthenes and Cicero. (21) Demetrius and Antony. (22) Dion and Brutus. (23) Aratus. (24) Artaxerxes. (25) Galba. (26) Otho. DION AIQN I. *Apd ye, axj-Trep 6 '^ifiwvlhrj^i ^r^aiv, w y^^^ ^oacTte ^epcKioop, toI<; K.opivdloL^ ov firjvUcv to »• i<>2^ ^*^ IMOV €7naTpaTevaaai fxera T(av A'XCLLOiVy OTi KCLKeivoL^ ol irepl TXavKov ef oLp^rj^ KoplvOio^ yeyovoTCf; (jvvefxd^ovv 7rpoOv/jLQ)<;, ovt(o<; etVo? rrj *AfcaSr)fjL€ia fxrjre 'Pcofialov^; /xT/re "EWT/i/a? iyxa- XeiV L(TOV <l>€pO/JL€VOV<i €K Ti)? 7/oa</)^? 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