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PLURALISM IN SELF PSYCHOLOGY Progress in Self Psychology Volume 15 Copyrighted Material Progress in Self Psychology Editor, Arnold Goldberg, M.D. ASSOCIATE EDITORS James L. Fosshage, Ph.D. Mark J. Gehrie, Ph.D. Hans-Peter Hartmann, M.D. Wolfgang E. Milch, M.D. Estelle Shane, Ph.D. Morton Shane, M.D. EDITORIAL BOARD James M. Fisch, M.D. Henry Friedman, M.D. Robert Galatzer-Levy, M.D. Charles Jaffe, M.D. Daniel Kriegman, Ph.D. Robert J. Leider, M.D. Arthur Malin, M.D. Anna Ornstein, M.D. Paul H. Ornstein, M.D. Judith Guss Teicholz, Ed.D. Marian Tolpin, M.D. Paul H. Tolpin, M.D. Ernest S. Wolf, M.D. Progress in Self Psychology invites articles relevant to psychoana lytic self psychology to be submitted for publication. Send the original manuscript (double-spaced, including references, footnotes, quoted passages, and dialogue) and three copies to: Arnold Goldberg, M.D. 122 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60603-6107 If the article is accepted, a diskette will be required as well. All submis sions are refereed. Papers will not be returned if unacceptable. Copyrighted Material PLURALISM IN SELF PSYCHOLOGY Progress in Self Psychology Volume 15 Arnold Goldberg editor ~ THE ANALYTIC PRESS 1999 Hillsdale, NJ London Copyrighted Material © 1999 by The Analytic Press 101 West Street Hillsdale. NJ 07642 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form. by photostat. microfilm. retrieval system. or any other means. without prior written permission of the publisher. ISBN 0-88163-312-7 ISSN 0893-5483 Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Copyrighted Material Acknowledgment We would like to thank Ms. Christine Susman, who provided secre tarial and editorial assistance. Copyrighted Material Copyrighted Material Contents Contributors xi Introduction James M. Fisch xv 1. From the Kohut Archives Charles B. Strozier 1 I T HE CLINICAL SITUATION 2. The Selfobject Transferences Reconsidered Crayton E. Rowe, Jr. 15 3. The Selfobject Function of Interpretation Peter Buirski and Pamela Haglund 31 4. The Optimal Conversation: A Concern About Current Trends Within Self Psychology Allen M. Siegel 51 II THEORY OF TECHNIQUE 5. On Boundaries and Intimacy in Psychoanalysis Mark J. Gehrie 83 6. Analytic Boundaries as a Function of Curative Theory: Discussion of Mark Gehrie's "On Boundaries and Intimacy in Psychoanalysis" Linda A. Chern us 95 7. Surface, Depth, and the Isolated Mind Barry Magid 107 vii Copyrighted Material viii Contents III KLEIN AND KOHUT 8. Melanie Klein and Heinz Kohut: An Odd Couple or Secretly Connected? James S. Grotstein 123 9. Insight, Empathy, and Projective Identification Craig Powell 147 IV CASE STUDIES 10. A Life of One's Own: A Case Study of the Loss and Restoration of the Sense of Personal Agency Dorthy M. Levinson and George E. Atwood 163 11. An Instrument of Possibilities: A Discussion of Dorothy M. Levinson and George E. Atwood's "A Life of One's Own" William J. Coburn 183 12. Response to Coburn Dorthy M. Levinson and George E. Atwood 191 Questions and Responses Regarding Levinson and Atwood's Chapter 193 13. The Case of Joanna Churchill Alan Kindler 197 14. Tracking Alan Kindler's Case Report: A Self and Motivational Systems Perspective James L. Fosshage 207 15. The Centrality of the Selfobject Transferences: A Discussion of Alan Kindler's Clinical Report Paul H. Ornstein 215 16. Antidotes, Enactments, Rituals, and the Dance of Reassurance: Comments on the Case of Joanna Churchill and Alan Kindler Robert D. Stolorow 229 17. Reply to the Discussions Alan Kindler 233 Summation of Discussions James M. Fisch 241 18. Changing Patterns in Parenting: Comments on the Origin and Consequences of Unmodified Grandiosity Anna Ornstein 245 19. The Therapeutic Partnership: A Developmental View of Self-Psychological Treatment as Bilateral Healing Doris Brothers and Ellen Lewinberg 259 Copyrighted Material Contents ix V AFFECTS 20. Affects and Affect Consciousness: A Psychotherapy Model Integrating Silvan Tomkins's Affect- and Script Theory Within the Framework of Self Psychology Jon T Monsen and Kirsti Monsen 287 21. The Self and Its Past: On Shame and the "Biographical Void" Martin Gossmann 307 22. Death and the Self Charles B. Strozier 321 Author Index 343 Subject Index 347 Copyrighted Material

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