PLOTINUS THE ARGUMENTS OF THE PHILOSOPHERS Editor: Ted Honderich Grote Professor of the Philosophy of Mind and Logic, University College London The purpose of this series is to provide a contemporary assessment and history of the entire course of philosophical thought. Each book constitutes a detailed, critical introduction to the work of a philosopher or school of major influence and significance. Already published in the series: *Augustine Christopher Kirwan *J.L.Austin Geoffrey Warn ock Ayer Joh nFost er *Bentham Ross Harrison *Bergson A.R.Lacey *Berkeley George Pitcher Butler Terence Penelhum *Descartes Margaret Dauler Wilson *Dewey J.E.Tiles Gottlob Frege Hans Sluga Hegel M.J.Inwood *Hobbes Tom Sorell *Hume Barry Stroud *Husserl David Bell William James Graham Bird *Kant Ralph C.S.Walker *Kierkegaard Alastair Hannay Karl Marx Allen Wood Meinong Reinhart Grossman *John Stuart Mill John Skorupski *G.E.Moore Tom Baldwin *Nietzsche Richard Schacht *Pierce Christopher Hookway *Plato Justin Gosling *Karl Popper Anthony O’Hear *The Presocratic Philosophers Jonathan Barnes *Thomas Reid Keith Lehrer *Russell R.M.Sainsbury Santayana Timothy L.S.Sprigge *Sartre Peter Caws *The Sceptics R.J.Harkinson *Schopenhauer D.W.Hamlyn *Socrates Gerasimos Xenophon Santas Spinoza R.J.Delahun ty *Wittgenstein Robert J.Fogelin *available in paperback PLOTINUS Lloyd P.Gerson London and New York First published 1994 by Routledge 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2010. To purchase your own copy of this or any of Taylor & Francis or Routledge’s collection of thousands of eBooks please go to Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada by Routledge 29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001 First published in paperback 1998 © 1994 Lloyd P.Gerson All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any storage or information retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data Gerson, Lloyd P. Plotinus/Lloyd P.Gerson. p. cm.—(Arguments of the philosophers) Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Plotinus 2. Neoplatonism. I. Title. II. Series. B693.Z7G47 1998 186!.4–dc21 97–50000 ISBN 0-203-01147-3 Master e-book ISBN ISBN 0-203-17467-4 (Adobe ebook Reader Format) ISBN 0-415-05662-4 (hbk) ISBN 0-415-17409-0 (pbk) To my wife Theresa Krystyniak Gerson Contents Acknowledgments ix The Enneads x Introduction xii PART I I AN ARGUMENT FOR THE EXISTENCE OF A FIRST PRINCIPLE OF ALL 2 II THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE ONE 12 1 The entitative attributes of the One 12 2 The operational attributes of the One 18 III INTELLECT AND SOUL 36 1 Intellect: the realm of essence and life 36 2 Soul: the restless principle 49 IV TRUTH AND THE FORMS 56 1 Where and what is eternal truth? 56 2 Forms of individuals 62 V CATEGORIES AND THE TRADITION 68 1 The criticism of Stoic categories 68 2 The criticism of Aristotle’s categories 72 3 Aristotelian essentialism 80 4 The Plotinian categories 83 VI A PLATONIC WORLD 90 1 The composition of sensibles 90 2 Matter 94 3 Time and eternity 100 PART II VII HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY 109 1 A refined dualism 109 2 Soul and self 119 3 The psychology of the endowed self 125 viii Contents 4 Desires of the dispossessed 130 5 Free will 134 VIII SOME EPISTEMOLOGICAL QUESTIONS 141 1 Perceptual realism 141 2 On thinking incarnately 146 IX CONQUERING VIRTUE 159 1 The good life 159 2 Evil 164 3 Virtue 170 X PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION 175 1 Religion as return to self 175 2 Beauty 182 3 Mysticism and philosophy 187 Some concluding remarks 193 Notes 195 Bibliography 260 General index 286 Index of texts cited 297 Acknowledgments It is a great pleasure to acknowledge the assistance generously given to me by colleagues, students, and friends. Earlier versions of the entire typescript were read by John Bussanich, Gary Gurtler, SJ, Michael Wagner, John Rist, Eyjölfur Emilsson, and Mark Reuter. Their extensive comments were enormously beneficial. Brad Inwood, Doug Hutchinson, and Joseph Owens discussed with me many points of detail. Richard Sorabji provided me with a number of acute comments on an earlier version of part of chapter III delivered at a conference in New Delhi in 1993. In the academic year 1991–2 the Toronto Greek Reading Group worked its way through Plotinus’ treatise III.7, “On Eternity and Time.” All those who participated were of great help to me in learning to better understand Plotinus’ difficult idiom. Abigail Cinader helped with the proofreading and editorial tasks. A grant from The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada relieved me of most teaching duties during 1991–2 when the largest part of this book was written.