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THISDOCUMENTISIMPORTANTANDREQUIRESYOURIMMEDIATEATTENTION.Ifyouareinanydoubtaboutthecontentsofthis document you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other independent professional adviser authorisedforthepurposesofFSMA,whospecialisesinadvisingontheacquisitionofsharesandothersecurities.Aninvestmentinthe Companyinvolvesasignificantdegreeofriskandmaynotbesuitableforallrecipientsofthisdocument.Investorsshouldconsider carefullytheRiskFactorswhicharesetoutinPartVofthisdocument.Ifyouhavesoldortransferredallyourordinarysharesinthe Company, you should send this document, together with the accompanying form of proxy, to the purchaser or transferee or to the stockbroker,bankorotheragentthroughwhomthesalewasaffected,fortransmissiontothepurchaserortransferee.Ifyouhavesold ortransferredonlypartofyourholdingofOrdinarySharesyoushouldretainthesedocuments. The Company, its Directors and the Proposed Directors whose names appear on page 5 of this document accept individual and collective responsibilityfortheinformationcontainedinthisdocumentincludingindividualandcollectiveresponsibilityforcompliancewiththeAIMRules,save fortheinformationconcerningtheConcertPartyforwhicheachmemberoftheConcertPartyisresponsibleandtherecommendationsetoutin paragraph26ofPartIofthisdocument,forwhichtheIndependentDirectorissolelyresponsible.Tothebestoftheknowledgeandbeliefofthe Company,itsDirectorsandtheProposedDirectorswhohavealltakenreasonablecaretoensurethatsuchisthecase,theinformationcontained inthisdocumentforwhichtheyareresponsible(asabove)isinaccordancewiththefactsandcontainsnoomissionlikelytoaffecttheimportof suchinformation.Inconnectionwiththisdocument,nopersonisauthorisedtogiveanyinformationortomakeanyrepresentationsotherthanas containedinthisdocumentandifgivenormade,suchinformationorrepresentationmustnotberelieduponashavingbeenauthorised.Underno circumstancesshouldtheinformationcontainedinthisdocumentberelieduponasremainingaccurateatanytimeafterAdmission. ThedirectorofGrandinex,thedirectorsofObtala,FrankScolaroandDavidRichardsonacceptresponsibilityfortheinformationcontainedinthis documentrelatingtothemselvesorotherwiseexpresslyreferabletothem.TothebestoftheknowledgeandbeliefofeachmemberortheConcert Party(whohastakenreasonablecaretoensuresuchisthecase)theinformationcontainedinthisdocumentforwhichtheyareresponsibleisin accordancewiththefactsandtherearenootherfactstheomissionofwhichislikelytoaffecttheimportofsuchinformation. Thisdocument,whichcomprisesanadmissiondocument,hasbeendrawnupinaccordancewiththeAIMRulesandhasbeenissuedinconnection withtheproposedadmissionoftheEnlargedIssuedShareCapitaloftheCompanytotradingonAIM.IntheUnitedKingdom,anyofferofOrdinary Sharesisbeingmadeonlytoqualifiedinvestorsforthepurposesofandasdefinedinsection86ofFSMAand,accordingly,thisdocumentisnot anapprovedprospectusforthepurposesofsection85ofFSMAandacopyofithasnotbeen,andwillnotbe,deliveredtotheUKListingAuthority inaccordancewiththeProspectusRulesordeliveredtoorapprovedbyanyotherauthoritywhichcouldbeacompetentauthorityforthepurposes oftheProspectusDirective.ThisdocumentandtheaccompanyingFormofProxyshouldnotbeforwardedortransmittedbyyoutoanypersonin theUnitedStates,Canada,Australia,theRepublicofSouthAfricaorJapanortheirrespectiveterritoriesorpossessions. TheExistingOrdinarySharesareadmittedtotradingonAIM.ApplicationwillbemadetotheLondonStockExchangefortheEnlarged IssuedShareCapitaltobeadmittedtotradingonAIM.TheOrdinarySharesarenotdealtinonanyotherrecognisedinvestmentexchange and no application has been, or is being, made for the Ordinary Shares to be admitted to any such exchange. It is expected that AdmissionwillbecomeeffectiveandthatdealingsinOrdinaryShareswillcommenceonAIMon26March2010. TherulesofAIMarelessdemandingthanthoseoftheOfficialListoftheUKListingAuthority.AIMisamarketdesignedprimarilyfor emergingorsmallercompaniestowhichahigherinvestmentrisktendstobeattachedthantolargerormoreestablishedcompanies. AIMsecuritiesarenotadmittedtotheofficiallistoftheUKListingAuthority.Aprospectiveinvestorshouldbeawareoftherisksof investinginsuchcompaniesandshouldmakethedecisiontoinvestonlyaftercarefulconsiderationand,ifappropriate,consultation with an independent financial adviser. EachAIM company is required pursuant to theAIM Rules to have a nominated adviser. The nominatedadviserisrequiredtomakeadeclarationtotheLondonStockExchangeonAdmissionintheformsetoutinScheduleTwo to the AIM Rules for Nominated Advisers. The London Stock Exchange has not itself examined or approved the contents of this document. Gemstones of Africa Group Plc (IncorporatedandregisteredinEnglandandWaleswithregisterednumber05292528) Approval of proposed acquisition of Edenville International Limited Proposed placing of 200,000,000 Ordinary Shares of 0.02 pence each in the capital of the Company at 0.5 pence per share Approval of the waiver of the obligation to make a mandatory offer under Rule 9 of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers Proposed change of name to Edenville Energy Plc Adoption of NewArticles ofAssociation Application forAdmission toAIM and Notice of General Meeting NominatedAdviser Rule3AdvisertoGemstonesofAfrica Broker ZAICorporateFinanceLimited MerchantJohnEastSecuritiesLimited ZimmermanAdamsInternationalLimited TheNewOrdinaryShareswill,followingallotment,rankparipassuinallrespectswiththeExistingOrdinarySharesincludingtherighttoreceive alldividendsandotherdistributionsdeclared,madeorpaidontheOrdinarySharesafterAdmission. ZAICorporateFinanceLimited,whichisauthorisedandregulatedintheUnitedKingdombytheFinancialServicesAuthority,isactingasnominated advisertotheCompanyinconnectionwiththearrangementsdescribedinthisdocument.ItsresponsibilitiesastheCompany’snominatedadviser undertheAIMRulesareowedsolelytotheLondonStockExchangeandarenotowedtotheCompanyortoanyDirectorortoanyProposed Directors or to any other person in respect of his decision to acquire shares in the Company in reliance on any part of this document. No representationorwarranty,expressorimplied,ismadebyZAICorporateFinanceLimitedastoanyofthecontentsofthisdocument(withoutlimiting thestatutoryrightsofanypersontowhomthisdocumentisissued).ZAICorporateFinanceLimitedwillnotbeofferingadviceandwillnototherwise beresponsibletoanyoneotherthantheCompanyforprovidingtheprotectionsaffordedtoclientsofZAICorporateFinanceLimitedorforproviding adviceinrelationtothecontentsofthisdocumentoranyothermatter.NoliabilityisacceptedbyZAICorporateFinanceLimitedfortheaccuracy of any information or opinions contained in, or for the omission of any material information from, this document, for which the Company, the Directors,theProposedDirectorsandtheConcertPartyaresolelyresponsible. ZimmermanAdamsInternationalLimited,whichisauthorisedandregulatedbytheFSAandamemberoftheLondonStockExchange,isactingas brokertotheCompany,ZimmermanAdamsInternationalLimited’sresponsibilitiesasthebrokertotheCompanyareowedsolelytotheCompany. Norepresentationorwarranty,expressorimplied,ismadebyZimmermanAdamsInternationalLimitedastoanyofthecontentsofthisdocument (withoutlimitingthestatutoryrightsofanypersontowhomthisdocumentisissued).ZimmermanAdamsInternationalLimitedwillnotbeoffering adviceandwillnototherwiseberesponsibletoanyoneotherthantheCompanyforprovidingtheprotectionsaffordedtocustomersofZimmerman AdamsInternationalLimitedorforprovidingadviceinrelationtothecontentsofthisdocumentoranyothermatter.Noliabilityisacceptedby ZimmermanAdamsInternationalLimitedfortheaccuracyofanyinformationoropinionscontainedin,orfortheomissionofanymaterialinformation from,thisdocument,forwhichtheCompanyandtheDirectorsaresolelyresponsible. MerchantJohnEastSecuritiesLimited,whichisauthorisedandregulatedintheUnitedKingdombytheFinancialServicesAuthority,isactingas Rule3AdvisertotheCompany.MerchantJohnEastSecuritiesLimited’sresponsibilitiesastheRule3AdvisertotheCompanyareowedsolelyto theCompany. Thewholetextofthisdocumentshouldberead.InvestmentintheCompanyisspeculativeandinvolvesahighdegreeofrisk.Your attentionisalsodrawntothesectionheaded“RiskFactors”inPartVofthisdocument. CONTENTS Page Forward-looking statements 3 Admission Statistics 4 Expected Timetable 4 Directors, Proposed Directors, Secretary andAdvisers 5 Definitions 7 Glossary 13 PART I: Letter from the Chairman of Gemstones ofAfrica Group Plc 14 PART II: Information on Tanzania 26 PART III: Mining Regulations in Tanzania 28 PART IV: Competent Persons Report on Edenville International Limited 32 PART V: Risk Factors 84 PART VI: Information on the Concert Party 91 PART VII: Financial Information on Gemstones ofAfrica Group Plc 92 PART VIII: Financial Information on Edenville International Limited 96 PART IX: Additional Information 107 PART X: Notice of General Meeting 139 APPENDIX 141 2 FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This document contains forward-looking statements.These statements relate to the Enlarged Group’s future prospects, developments and business strategy. Forward-lookingstatementsareidentifiedbytheiruseoftermsandphrasessuchas“believe”, “could”, “expect”, “envisage”, “estimate”, “intend”, “may”, “plan”, “will” or the negative of those, variationsorcomparableexpressions,includingreferencestoassumptions.Thesestatements are primarily contained in Part I of this document. The forward-looking statements in this document are based on current expectations and are subjecttorisksanduncertaintiesthatcouldcauseactualresultstodiffermateriallyfromthose expressed or implied by those statements. Certain risks to and uncertainties for the Company are specifically described in Part V of this document headed “Risk Factors”. If one or more of these risk factors or uncertainties materialises, or if the underlying assumptions prove incorrect, the Enlarged Group’s actual results may vary materially from those expected, estimated or projected. Given these risks and uncertainties, potential investors should not place any reliance on forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements speak only as at the date of this document. Neither the Directors, the Proposed Directors nor the Company undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements or risk factors other than as required by the AIM Rules for Companies or by the rules of any other securities regulatory authority, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. 3 ADMISSION STATISTICS Number of Existing Ordinary Shares 1,393,941,536 Number of Existing Deferred Shares 64,179,632 Number of Consideration Shares proposed to be issued 1,393,941,536 Number of Placing Shares proposed to be issued 200,000,000 Placing Price 0.5 pence Number of Ordinary Shares in issue onAdmission 2,987,883,072 Percentage of Enlarged Issued Share Capital represented by the Placing Shares 6.69 per cent. Percentage of Enlarged Issued Share Capital represented by the Consideration Shares 46.65 per cent. Percentage of Enlarged Issued Share Capital not in Public Hands on Admission 80.40 per cent. Gross proceeds of the Placing available to the Company £1,000,000 Net proceeds of the Placing available to the Company £840,000 Market capitalisation immediately followingAdmission at the Placing Price £14,939,415 International Security Identification Number (ISIN) GBOOB05MCJ34 TIDM Symbol GOA.L EXPECTED TIMETABLE Publication date of theAdmission document 3 March 2010 Latest time and date for receipt of Forms of Proxy in respect of the GM 10.00 am on 24 March 2010 General Meeting 26 March 2010 Completion of theAcquisition,Admission and dealings in the Ordinary Shares expected to commence onAIM 29 March 2010 Expected crediting of CREST accounts (where applicable) by 29 March 2010 Expected despatch of definitive share certificates (where applicable) 29 March 2010 Each of the times and dates in the Expected Timetable is subject to change. 4 DIRECTORS, PROPOSED DIRECTORS, SECRETARY AND ADVISERS Directors Simon John Rollason, Non-Executive Chairman and Proposed Executive Chairman RakeshRameshPatel,ExecutiveDirector(IndependentDirector) Registered Office and Aston House Principal Place of CornwallAvenue Business London N3 1LF Proposed Directors Mark Jonathan Pryor, Chief Executive Officer Sally Joy Schofield, Non-Executive Director Secretary David Venus and Company LLP Continuing Board Simon John Rollason Rakesh Ramesh Patel Mark Jonathan Pryor Sally Joy Schofield NominatedAdviser ZAI Corporate Finance Limited 12 Camomile Street London EC3A7PT Broker ZimmermanAdams International Limited 12 Camomile Street London EC3A7PT Rule 3Adviser to Merchant John East Securities Limited Gemstones 10 Finsbury Square London EC2A1AD Auditors and Reporting HW Fisher & Company Accountants Acre House 11-15 William Road London NW1 3ER Solicitors to the Harbottle & Lewis LLP Company as to Hanover House English law 14 Hanover Square London W1S 1HP Solicitors to the Company Mkono & CoAdvocates as to Tanzanian law 9th Floor, PPF Tower GardenAvenue Ohio Street P.O. Box 4369 Dar es Salaam Tanzania 5 Solicitors to the Speechly Bircham LLP NominatedAdviser 6 New Street Square London EC4A3LX Competent Person WardellArmstrong LLP Sir Henry Dalton House Forge Lane Etruria Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire ST1 5BD Registrars Capita Registrars Limited Northern House Woodsome Park Fenay Bridge Huddersfield HD8 0GA Website www.gemstonesofafrica.net changing to www.edenville-energy.com 6 DEFINITIONS The following definitions apply throughout this document, unless the context requires otherwise: “Acquisition” the proposed acquisition by the Company of the entire issued share capital of Edenville pursuant to the AcquisitionAgreement “AcquisitionAgreement” the conditional agreement dated 3 March 2010 between the Company and the Vendors relating to the Acquisition, further details of which are set out in paragraph 14.6 of Part IX of this document “Acts” the CA1985 and CA2006 “CA1985” the CompaniesAct 1985, as amended “CA2006” the CompaniesAct 2006, as amended “Admission” the admission of the Enlarged Issued Share Capital to tradingonAIMbecomingeffectiveinaccordancewithRule 6 of theAIM Rules for Companies “AIM” the market of that name operated by London Stock Exchange “AIM Rules” the rules published by London Stock Exchange governing the admission to, and operation of, AIM from time to time and including the AIM Rules for Companies and the AIM Rules for NominatedAdvisers “Articles” the current articles of association of the Company “Audit Committee” the audit committee of the Board to be established after Admission “Board” the board of directors of the Company from time to time andanydulyauthorisedandconstitutedcommitteethereof “Code” or “City Code” or the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers published from “Takeover Code” time to time by the Panel “Combined Code” the Combined Code on Corporate Governance published in June 2006 by the Financial Reporting Council, as amended from time to time “Company” or “Gemstones” Gemstones ofAfrica Group Plc “Completion” completion of the Acquisition Agreement in accordance with its terms “Concert Party” Grandinex, Obtala, Frank Scolaro and David Richardson “Consideration Shares” the 1,393,941,536 Ordinary Shares to be issued to the Vendors on Completion in accordance with the terms of theAcquisitionAgreement 7 “Continuing Board” the board of the Company immediately after Admission, comprising the Directors and the Proposed Directors “CPR” Competent Persons Report “CREST” the relevant system (as defined in the CREST Regulations) enables title to be evidenced and transferred without a written instrument and which is operated by Euroclear “CREST Regulations” the Uncertificated Securities Regulations 2001 (SI 2001 No. 3755) (as amended) “Directors” or “Board” the directors of the Company as at the date of this document, whose names are set out on page 5 of this document “Edenville” Edenville International Limited, a company incorporated in the Republic of the Seychelles with a registered number 51823 “Edenville Tanzania” Edenville International (Tanzania) Limited, a company incorporated in the United Republic of Tanzania with a registered number 72897 “Enlarged Group” the Company and its subsidiary undertakings immediately followingAdmission “Enlarged Issued Share the aggregate of the Existing Ordinary Shares and the Capital” New Ordinary Shares in issue immediately following Admission “Euroclear” Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited, the operator of CREST “Existing Ordinary Shares” the 1,393,941,536 Ordinary Shares in issue at the date of this document “Form of Proxy” the form of proxy enclosed with this document for use by holders of Existing Ordinary Shares at the GM “FSMA” Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 as amended, including any regulations made pursuant thereto “General Meeting” or “GM” thegeneralmeetingoftheCompany,noticeofwhichisset out at the end of this document “Grandinex” Grandinex International Corp, a company registered in the Republic of the Seychelles with a registered number 039018 “Group” the Company and its subsidiaries at the date of this document “IAS” InternationalAccounting Standards “IFRS” International Financial Reporting Standards 8 “Ikungu Licence” the prospecting licence number PL5659/2009 held by Edenville Tanzania allowing for the exploration for all minerals other than building materials or gemstones in an area of 81.73km2 in the Singida District, Tanzania, further details of which are set out in paragraph 3 of Part I of this document “Ikungu LicenceArea” the area covered by the Ikungu Licence “Independent Director” Rakesh Patel “Independent Shareholders” those Shareholders of the Company, excluding Obtala Resources plc, considered to be independent for the purposesofapprovingthewaiveroftheobligationtomake a mandatory offer under Rule 9 of the Code “Kyela District” is one of 8 districts of the Mbeya Region of Tanzania “Kyela-Rungwe Licence” the prospecting licence number PL5002/2008 held by Edenville Tanzania allowing for the exploration for all minerals other than building materials or gemstones in an area of 102.70km2 in the Kyela and Rungwe Districts, Tanzania, further details of which are set out in paragraph 3 of Part I of this document “Kyela-Rungwe LicenceArea” the area covered by the Kyela-Rungwe Licence “Geosurvey” Geosurvey International; the company that completed the country wide airborne radiometric, magnetic and geological survey between 1976 and 1980 “Lock-InAgreements” the agreements dated 3 March 2010, entered between the Company, each member of the Continuing Board, ZAI CF, and Robert Quested further details of which are set out in paragraph 14.8 of Part IX of this document “London Stock Exchange” London Stock Exchange plc “Matiri North Licence” the prospecting licence number PL6174/2009 held by Edenville Tanzania allowing for the exploration for all minerals other than building materials or gemstones in an area of 28.50km2 in the Mbinga District, Tanzania, further details of which are set out in paragraph 3 of Part I of this document “Matiri North LicenceArea” the area covered by the Matiri North Licence “Matiri South Licence” the prospecting licence number 6149/2009 held by Edenville Tanzania allowing for the exploration for all minerals other than building materials or gemstones in an area of 76.65km2 in the Mbinga District, Tanzania, further details of which are set out in paragraph 3 of Part I of this document “Matiri South LicenceArea” the area covered by the Matiri South Licence “Mbinga District” one of the 5 districts of the Ruvuma Region of Tanzania 9 “Mtwara Development a Spatial Development Initiative (SDI) which has the Corridor” backing of the 4 countries directly affected, namely Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique. The corridor runs for approximately 856km from Mtuara in the east (Indian Ocean port) to Mbamba Bay or Manda in the West (Lake Nyasa). The anchor project is the Colliery and the Thermal Power Station both in the Mchuchama area with its supporting infrastructure “Mwitikila East Licence” the prospecting licence number PL5420/2008 held by Edenville Tanzania allowing for the exploration for all minerals other than building materials or gemstones in an area of 170.16km2, further details of which are set out in paragraph 3 of Part I of this document “Mwitikila East LicenceArea” the area covered by the Mwitikila East Licence “Mwitikila West Licence” the prospecting licence number PL5790/2009 held by Edenville Tanzania allowing for the exploration for all minerals other than building materials or gemstones in an area of 138.33km2, further details of which are set out in paragraph 3 of Part I of this document “Mwitikila West LicenceArea” the area covered by the Mwitikila West Licence “NewArticles” the new articles of association to be adopted by the Company, details of which are set out in the appendix to the Notice of GM “New Options” options to subscribe for Ordinary Shares to be granted by the Company, as at Admission, under the Share Option Plan, further details of which are set out in paragraph 6 of Part I of this document “New Ordinary Shares” the Consideration Shares and the Placing Shares “Ngaka Coalfield” coal seams and associated sedimentary rocks at the Karoo Supergroup occurring within the Ruvuma Region of South Western Tanzania “Notice of GM” the notice of GM set out at the end of this document “not in Public Hands” Ordinary Shares held, directly or indirectly (including via a related financial product) by: (i) a related party (as defined in theAIM Rules) (ii) the trustees of any employee share scheme or pension fund established for the benefit of any directors/employees of the Enlarged Group (iii) any person who under any agreement has a right to nominate a person to the Board (iv) anypersonwhoisthesubjectofalock-inagreement pursuant to rule 7 of theAIM Rules for Companies; (v) the Company as treasury shares “Obtala” Obtala Resources plc 10

ZAI Corporate Finance Limited, which is authorised and regulated in the .. The geological settings of the six prospecting licences are considered to
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