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PlaytihFnerg e nch By Jacobrd Aagaa &N ikolaos Ntirlis QuatylC ih ess www .qualitychess.co.uk Fierdsit2t i01o3bny Q ualitUyK L Cthde ss Copyri2g01h3Jta cAoabg aaNridok laNotisr lis © & PLATYHFIERN EGN CH Allr igrheetsrsv Neodp .ao rftt h piusb altiimcoanby e r eprosdtueocdre d, inr eat rsiyesvotartel rm atntsiemnadi n fyro mo rb ya nmye nase,l eocntirc, electrmoasgtntaepatteipi,chc ,o tocroeprcydoiionnroggh t, e irswwei,t hporuito r permiosfts hpieuo ibnsl .h er PaperIbSaB9cN7k 18 --907918 2-36- HardcIoSvB9eN7r 18 --907982-37-8 Alsla olrees n qruisiehso buel ded cittreoQd u alCihteUysK sL td, 20B alRvoiaeMd i,nl gaevG,il asGg6o72wT AU,n iKtiendg dom Pho+n4e14 4 210 240 73 e-imilan:of@ qiuyatclshseo..kcu website.u:qa ylcishtseo..kcu www Disterdii nNb ourtAtmhe rbiyGc lao Pbeeq Puerosts , Bo4x8 204,G6o oLsaen Geu,io lrCdfT,0 643870-U,0S 4 p.o. .lgobeopteo.qmc u www DisuttreiidnRb e osftt hWeor lbdyQ ualitUyK L Cthtdeh srso ugh SunrHiasneda tifscu,rlS .ko rmn3a, 2L0u-i7bn0lP,4o land TypesbeyJt a cAoabg aard PororfeiandbgyJ ohSnh awA ndrGerewe t & EdibtyeC do lMicnN ab Covedre sibgyBn ar rAyd amsCoonv;ep hro tboyc patuer356.ocm Baccko vpehro tboyJ ohSna uenrds Preidni tnEs otnbiyaT a llinRnaaa matutLrLiiCk ikoja Contents KeyS mytboo ulsse d 4 Preface 5 Biobglriaphy 6 Inrtoduction 9 TheA dvaVnarciea tion 13 2 TheE uwSey stem 27 3 6.3a 53 4 6�.e2 75 5 TheE xchVaanrgiea tion 95 6 TheS mymetarVlair ciation 190 7 Brenagtk hiSey mmetry 142 8 TheT arraVsarciha tion 193 9 4.xed'lW5x 5d I-tnraon 5d. xdc5 195 10Al terntaott hiMeva eiLsni ne 147 11M aiLni wniet 1h.0 lLldx4 169 12Th eS tneiziV tariation 218 13 5.elLl2c 227 14I tnrocdtuitoo7.n a. 6. 243 15Th eO lMda iLni -n9e.x dc5 265 16Th eM ode9r.3na 282 17Th eC lacsaVslaii ration 299 18A lheikGnaem ibwti t6.h c. 5.! 312 19C lacsa6sI.xi�e'lW7x e7 328 20 ClacsaMslai iLni ne8 w.3ilLl tfh 340 21Th eM cCuhtecoVanr iation 345 22 6�.cla n6d�. e3 373 23 6�.d2 395 24 TheK inIgn'dsAi tatna ck 416 25 SiRxa red sB ir 437 IndoefMx a iGna mes 455 VariaItdnieoxn 457 Ketyso y mbuoslesd Whitiess l hitgbleyt ter Blcakis sl hitgbleyt ter Whitiebs e tter ± + Blcaki bse tter Whitheaa sd eicviaesd vantage +- Blcakh aasd eicviaesd vantage -+ equiyat l witcho mpensation a; witcho tuenrplay ? 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Thiwsa tsh rese uolfito r nd emtienrataitfoeInhr a rde jeaclotlfNe idk oost'hsseu rgt gieoasnss beidnugb ious-looking. Int heen 9d5 %o ft hmea teirnti habilos oc ko mfeorsmN ikThoess .a mweat sh cea wsieto hu r prevbioooAuktst. h sea mtei Imt ea 1k0e0% r eosnpsiyfb roit lhcieot ntTheend rtie.oc not ift he mateirmsii antleh e,ev uaaltioofmn asnk ye pyo siatrimeoi nnasen t dh e veroiftfi hlceia nteiso n imsi naews e llW.e h avweo rkaesatd e aomnt hbiosoa knc do mibndOe ustrt engittnhh mseo st eeffctwiavye. Youw ifilnltd h aalttu ghthoh bioso hkat sw aou thwoer sh,da evcei tdole etdth b eo ohka ve onveo iNciek:.o5 s0w' hseriestvae yrs i magais nleiG grhetae ckc ebnukttn, o twh at the ''1'', grandminasos dtdeiirnan p rgpo viantlh b ea ckugnrdo. I ndoott h itnhkNa itok sn eeadc eod- auotnth hpoiorrsej cnto;dr oI t hiIcn oku hladvw er itten thiso nbm oyoo wk.nTh usIh optehr ee awdiedlril v piardieas necd r itfiialcryi;sp mra atliols e Nikosa lcalrn idt tiomc ei.s m JacAoabg aard GlgaoswO,c to2b01e3r Biblhiyo grap Inm y1 y1e aorfsst d uyniga ncdo llemcatteiornntig ha Felr eDnecefhn cIhe a,vu es cedo untless sourtcoee rnsim cyhfi leFsom.ra nyye a, rhsIat dh e hbaiab(tdu nrteeicnlt nloytt!or ) ee frence three lesvuoarncitenm s yn otbeusit,nm yd eefnctehi ed eaI w tohuawltrd i atb eo ooknt he FreDnecehfn cneev cerro smsyme idn SdoI!a ms uetr hleib sewtl, to houlgohni gis,no cmplete. Thes ourlcieesdast rt ehm ea ionn eIrs e -chdeucrktiehnpdegor ceosfws r ittihbniogso Ikf ee.l luckyIh atvihenam tyl iabrtryh ebsoeso a,kr t,i cDDlsVed,sa taabnasdsoo e nsa, n Id' ldit koe thatnhakeu thoofer asco fht hefmrob rdoeanmiynh go riaznohdne sml ept ob etteurn derstand cheasnisd np a rtithcFeur leaDnrece fhn ce. Advnacaen Odt hAenirFt- rnecVahr iiao,tLn esPvs haikBsa,ot rs2df0 03 AR ocSko-lCihdeO spesn giR npeertfoorBi larceVk i,a chEeisnlgaGovar mnb2,i01 t2 AttacCkhie:Thsn esgF erncShi,mW oilnl iEavmesr,y2 m01a1n CheEsxpsla inTheeFd er:n ,cV hiachEeisnlgaoVvra enln tBiognd anGoavm,b2 i0t0 8 & CheFsunsad meanls(t Greedeiiko)t Jn,o RsaeuC la pablKaendcr1ao99,s9 ChePsrsax, Ai rsoNnim zotwsicQhu,a lCihte2ys0 s0 7 DanguesWer apoosnTh:e F erncJho,hW ant osnE,v ery2m0a0n7 DvroeytA'ss nklyatiMcanaula Mla,r k DyvR,o urses2te0sl0kl8 Expretosnt hAeni St-icnisAl,ai gaaaanrSddh a(we dris,Qt )uoalCihte2ys01 s1 FitgihtnhgAe ni St-icnisRl,ii cahPaalrlid,sE veerry2m0a0n7 FerncAhd:va anncOdet hLeirnS etsee,nPff edseeGrna,m b2i0t0 6 FrnecDhefe nc3Ne.c ,3L ePvs haikBsa,ot drs2 f003 FrnecDhefe nc3Ne.d 2,L ePvs hakiBsa,ot drs2 f003 FrnecDhefe ncRee loNadiiektVdati, i ouvCg,h eSstsa2 r01s2 FrnecDhefe ncSeet:iz n,Ci latiscsaanlOd t hVaerrii ao,tLn esPvs haikBsa,ot drs2 f005 Howt Boe tahtFe rn ecDhefe ncAen,d rTezearsm inaodEsiv,ae ry2m0a0n8 Howt Boe tahte SDiefecniclGeia,aw naJ ionn,E e vsery2m01a1n Howt Pol Aayga in1es 4tN, e MiclD onEavledr,y2 m0a0n9 KasparoonMv o drenC heIs-sIG V,ar rKya srpoaEvv,e ry2m0a02n70 ,0280,02901,0 Knigtoh nth Leeft H,a raKledi lShcahcakc,h Kvaien2ar0 l0ag5 LeswsioatnG hsar ndmasteBro rilska onG du RJ.So neelEe vde,r y2m011a2n,01 2 1&- 1!, MastetrhiFener gn cNhe,Mi clD onaanlAddn drHearwel yB,a otdrs1 f997 My GrePartee cdesV,s GoaryrsK r asrpoaEvv,e ry2m0a02n30 ,0 4, 2006 1- MyS syte,Am roNnim zotwsi,cQ hualCihte2ys0 s0 7 OpeninWghifotArec r cdoitnog AVonla6.nAl, de xanKdhaelmria fnC,h eSstsa2 r0s0 6 PlatyhF ern echs 4tt-ehd iiotnJso)hW,ant soEnv,e ry1m89a41n,9 9 62,0 02301,2 (J SecorfCe htesDs efesn cMei,h MaairlGi anm,b 2i0t0 3 StratiOnug1te :4 N!e,Mi clD onEavledr,y2 m0a0n6 StratiOnugKt in:g I'sdn ian JAotthaEncm km,Es v,e ry2m0a0n5 TheA letrmGaamnbi Gtu eiW:dh itGeam biBtosrA,itl se r,mQ aunalCihteys s 2009 TheC heAsdsvt aanignBe la cakn Wdhi tLea,rK raymu afnM,c Ka2y0 04 Bibgrlaipohy 7 TheF lxeibFerlne cVhi,cM toosarkl enNkeowI, nC he2s0s0 8 TheF rnecTahr rsac,Jh ohEnm m,sB aotrs1df99 8 TheF rnecTahr:r aVasrciihao ,tSn tePffeende enGr,as mb2i01t0 TheG ameo fC he,Ss eisgbTearrrctah Ds,o v2e01r 1 TheM ainL iFneren ch: S3te enNPff c3ed,e Grsamebn2i,01t 0 TheM odeFrernn cDhea,jnA ntaincBd r iamnMiarsk ivmioNce,wI nC he2s01s2 WhatWo ulda G MD o,L aBrosH ansAemna,zK onind 2l0e1 2 Wininnwgi tthhFe er ncWohl,gfa nUgh lmnaB,na otrs1df99 5 Encyclopaedias ECOC 5-tEhdt iio,Sn ahoIvnosfrkmia 2t0o0r6 NCO,C ado1g99a9n DVDs BeattihFnerng ec Vohl u2m,Re u stKaaimsm zdhavnC,o heBsas2s 0e 07 CrusWhhiin-tgThe eF rnecDhefe ncDea,m ien ELmepemiC orhse,2s 01s3 Ftifo rt hFeer ncVhi,cB toolro CghaeBnsa,s2s e01 1 FrnecDhefe ncSett rgyea,N igDealev siC,h eBsas2s e01 0 JoWsahi tnz'Vksii dfeoroms" ChessmasterE dGir"taU,inb odinms2ao0sft0t 8e r Knowt hTeer raVoilnu,1m eTh: e C apabalaS nrtcuctSuarme ,C oClhleBisans2ss e01, 2 MastetrhiFenrn egc Chh eOspesn i(nPrgat1 s3-, )S usPaonl 2g01a0r PowePrla yNo 1 ,7D anKinieglC, h eBsas2s e01 3 TheF rnecDhefe ncAerZ,ii egClheeBrsa,s2s 0e 06 TheF rnecDhefe nc3eN.:d2 A c opmlerpteeer tfoorWi hirteSe e,r Tgievyi Cahkeosvs 2 01B3a se TheK illeFrrn ec(hPr at1s2- )S,i mWoilnl iGaimensGrg, M 2 010 Periodicals ChessMBaaagszei( n15e-) 51 CheCsafes 'IThsnet rucMtaorDrkv' obrye (t17s3":kS yat treLgeoysn ss") CheEsvsot li(uoanil sls ues) CheIfosnsr ma(n1t-) 1 17 ChesbslPius(huipSn egttp oe m2be01r)3 CheTosdasy( ailusles s) CheVsisbO epesng is(n ailsls ues) KaissiMbaeagrz i(nsee vieusresals ) NewI nC heYesasr b(o-1o01k 8 s) 8 Plyaignt hFer ench Websites ht:t/ip/mrtkh.omse4.lnaxll.lre(cToiKrrmad bsb Ceh'esRs esc owrebdsesi) t Analygsaemdfre osm : .hcessseob.mac www .hcesasm.geoscm www .hcsespub.scsopmu nb(glco.ihmcfse rohuim) www .hcess.vocimb es www Videfroosm : .hce.socsm www .cic.com www Middlemgaatmeefrr oima:l ht:tt/pri/ansefi.rdceo.m/vse.uythrsml

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