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Playing a quantum game on polarization vortices A. R. C. Pinheiro1, C. E. R. Souza1, D. P. Caetano2, J. A. O. Huguenin3, A. G. M. Schmidt3, and A. Z. Khoury1 1 Instituto de F´ısica, Universidade Federal Fluminense, 24210-346 Niter´oi - RJ, Brasil. 2Escola de Engenharia Industrial Metalu´rgica, Universidade Federal Fluminense, 27255-125 Volta Redonda - RJ, Brazil and 3Instituto de Ciˆencias Exatas, Universidade Federal Fluminense, 27213-415 Volta Redonda - RJ, Brazil The quantum mechanical approach to the well known prisoners dilemma, one of the basic ex- amples to illustrate theconcepts of Game Theory, is implemented with a classical optical resource, nonquantum entanglement between spin and orbital degrees of freedom of laser modes. The con- cept of entanglement is crucial in the quantum version of the game, which brings novel features witharicheruniverseofstrategies. Asweshow,thisrichnesscanbeachievedinaquiteunexpected context,namely that of paraxial spin-orbit modes in classical optics. 3 1 PACSnumbers: 03.67.Ac,42.50.Ex 0 2 n Numerous quantum information protocols rely on en- entanglement hasbeencoinedtodesignatethespin-orbit a tanglement, a property usually attributed to composite inseparability of paraxial modes in connection with the J quantum systems that cannot be described by a tensor Muellermatricesemployedinpolarizationoptics. Inthis 3 product state vector. Quantum cryptography and tele- work we demonstrate how this kind of nonquantum en- 2 portation are popular examples of protocols relying on tanglement can be used to evaluate the performance of quantum entanglement. While this property is consider- quantumstrategiesinaclassicalexampleofgametheory, ] h ably sensitive to local measurements performed in each the prisoners dilemma. p party of the composite system, it is unaffected by local Alaserbeampropagatingalongthe z directionisusu- - t unitary operations. Teleportation protocols, for exam- allydescribedbyitspolarizationunitvectoreˆanditsspa- n ple, are achievedby classicalcommunicationfollowed by tialmodeψ(r). Thespatialmodesinrectangularcoordi- a u local unitary operations and measurements. This frame- natesareHermite-Gaussian(HG)solutionsoftheparax- q work is where Quantum Mechanics meets an important ialwaveequationdescribedinmanytextbooks[12]. The [ area of applied Mathematics, the Game theory, a pow- subspace of first order spatial modes has a qubit struc- 1 erful tool for decision making [1, 2]. Here, two or more ture similar to the polarization mode space, where HG v agents(players)taketheirdecisionsbyactingonaquan- modes along different orientations play the role of linear 7 tum system with unitary operations. These decisions or polarizationsandtheLaguerre-Gaussian(LG)modesare 3 conflict situations can be as simple as tossing a coin[1] equivalenttocircularpolarization[13]. Bycombiningthe 5 or rather involved like the so-called minority game [3], two mode spaces,a generalspin-orbit mode canbe writ- 5 . where one models a competition among several players ten as 1 for a limited resource. In this sense games can be co- 0 3 operative or non-cooperative like the prisoners dilemma, Ψ(r) = αψh(r)eˆH +βψv(r)eˆH 1 and with complete (incomplete) information where one + γψ (r)eˆ +δψ (r)eˆ , (1) h V v V : playerknows(does notknow)allstrategieshis opponent v can choose. Quantum versions of this game was realized i whereeˆ arelinearpolarizationunitvectorsalongthe X experimentally both with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance horizontHa(lV()vertical)directions,andψ (r)areHGspa- h(v) r [4] and entangled photon pairs [5]. a tialmodesalongthesesamedirections. Inanalogytothe Although frequently attributed to quantum systems, usual entanglement measure used for bipartite quantum entanglementhasbeenrecentlyidentifiedinclassicalop- states [14], we can define the spin-orbit mode concur- ticsasthecoherentsuperpositionofparaxialmodeswith rence, which for eq.(1) is C = αδ βγ . We shall refer | − | orthogonal spatial profiles and orthogonal polarizations. tothespin-orbitmodeswithmaximalconcurrenceC =1 Weshallrefertosuchsuperpositionsasspin-orbit modes. as maximally entangled modes. In these modes neither These modes were used in our group as a classical opti- the polarization nor the spatial profile is well defined, in calresourcetoinvestigatethetopologicalphaseacquired fact they correspond to polarization vortices which have by an entangled state following a cyclic evolution under been extensively studied due to their potential applica- local unitary operations [6] and to demonstrate align- tionsto highresolutionmicroscopy[15,16]. Inthis work ment free BB84 quantum cryptography ref.[7]. Also, a we demonstrate another appealing feature in the unex- spin-orbit Bell inequality has been investigated both in pected context of a quantum game. An example of such the quantum[8]andclassical[9]domains. Animportant entangled spin-orbit mode is tool for spin-orbit coupling was used in ref.[10] to ex- change quantum information between these two degrees ψ (r)eˆ +iψ (r)eˆ Ψ (r)= h H v V . (2) of freedom. In a recent work [11] the term nonquantum 0 √2 2 We use this mode to implementa classicalopticalver- two-qubit state is prepared by a nonlocal operation sion of the well known prisoners dilemma, in which two players,AliceandBob,accusedofafelony,havetodecide 1 0 0 i whether they cooperate(C) ordefeat(D) eachother. In 0 1 i 0 U =  (4) classical game theory, each agent decision is represented 0 i 1 0 by one bit of information with possible states C and D.   i 0 0 1 Depending on their decision, a reduced penalty may be     applied to each one of them. The penalty reduction is acting on an initial state CC , so that U CC = | i | i thepayoffeachplayergetsfromtheircombineddecisions. (CC +iDD )/√2. After each player has applied his | i | i The penalty reductions for bothplayersareshownin ta- own strategy U (j = A,B), the qubits are nonlo- j ble I for all possible strategies adopted by Alice (rows) cally operated with U† and separately measured. The and Bob (columns). From the table we see that both payoff function (3) is evaluated with the probabilities p(m,n) = mnU†(U U )U CC (m,n = C,D) as- A B h | ⊗ | i sociated with the two possible outcomes (C or D) in (RA,RB) C D each qubit. Therefore, the strategy space is much larger C (3,3) (0,5) in this quantum approach, it corresponds to the space D (5,0) (1,1) of SU(2) SU(2) matrices, apart from irrelevant global ⊗ phases. Thisquantumversionhasbeenimplementedex- TABLE I: Penalty reduction table perimentally with quantum correlatedphoton pairs gen- erated by parametric down conversion [18]. players are tempted to choose D, although their added reduction would be maximized by CC. Here comes the dilemma,the playersareisolatedwithoutthe permission to negotiate. Each player is left to his own and has to decide whether to defeat or cooperate with the other, a bad choice may cost his freedom. For a cooperative game, players would choose strategies which maximize both payoffs, i.e., they would search for Pareto optimal strategies; on the other hand, since prisoners dilemma is a non-cooperative game, each player will try to max- imize solely his own payoff, i.e., the intelligent choice is the Nash equilibrium DD. At this point, the con- cepts of Game Theory are due. Suppose this situation is repeated many times and the players adopt probabilis- tic strategies, that is, they randomly choose between C andD withprestablishedprobabilities. Then, the payoff FIG. 1: Experimental setup. function of each player is given by the average penalty reduction obtained: We now demonstrate the implementation of the quan- tumgamestrategieswiththe nonquantumentanglement $ = p(m,n)R (m,n), (3) j j provided by the spin-orbit classical mode (2). In the m,nX=C,D game language, we shall make the identification H C ≡ and V D. The experimental setup is shown in fig.(1). where j = A,B and p(m,n) = pA(m)pB(n) is the joint The TE≡M00 output of a He-Ne laser is diffracted by probability that Alice chooses m and Bob chooses n. In a hologram that generates an HG mode on the first theclassicalapproachtotheproblem,oneshowsthatthe diffraction order, so that the initial spin-orbit mode is payoffas a function ofpA(m) and pB(n) has anabsolute ψh(r)eˆH. This mode is firstsentto a quarterwaveplate minimum at pA(D) = pB(D) = 1, that is the best the (QWP) rotated at 45o, which makes the transformation playerscandoistodefeat,asaconsequenceofthesevere eˆ (eˆ +ieˆ )/√2, and then to a Mach-Zehnder H H V cost brought by a possible betrayment. (MZ→) interferometer with input and output polarizing In ref.[17] Eisert proposes an ingenuous alternative to beam splitters (PBS). A Dove prism (DP) is inserted in the classical approach, employing the concept of quan- onearmoftheMZinterferometer,andtherelativephase tum entanglement. Briefly, in this approach the pris- φ between the two arms is controlled by a piezoelectric oners share a pair of entangled qubits and rather than transducer (PZT). The DP oriented at 45o makes the making a definite C or D statement, they are allowed transformation ψ ψ , so that this MZ interferome- h v to perform single qubit unitary operations (strategies), ter coherently super→poses modes ψ (r)eˆ and ψ (r)eˆ v V h H each one on the qubit in his possession. The entangled at its output with an adjustable phase φ. In the basis 3 ψ (r)eˆ ,ψ (r)eˆ ,ψ (r)eˆ ,ψ (r)eˆ , the matrix rep- After this transformation, we arrive at the measure- h H v H h V v V { } resentation of the MZ transformation is: ment stage where the probabilities p(m,n) used in the payoff function eq.(3) are obtained. In our setup, these 1 0 0 0 probabilities are given by the projected intensities: 0 1 0 0 MZ(φ)= −  , (5) 2 00 00 e0iφ −0eiφ p(m,n)=|cmn|2 =(cid:12)(cid:12)Z d2r ψm∗ (r)[eˆ∗n·Ψ2(r)](cid:12)(cid:12) , (10)   which,infact,correspo(cid:12)ndtophotodetectionprob(cid:12)abilities sothatafterpassingthroughtheQWPandthebalanced (cid:12) (cid:12) when the beam is attenuated down to the single photon interferometer (φ = 0), the beam is prepared in mode regime. In order to measure the projected intensities, (2). This mode is the object on which the players will the Ψ (r)mode is firstsenttoa PBSwhere polarization implement their strategies. 2 projection is performed. Then, each PBS output is sent In order to continue our experimental description, it to a balanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer with an ad- is essentialto define the mode converteroperatorswhich will be used to implement the players strategies and U†. ditional mirror in one arm (MZIM), where spatial mode projectionoccurs[20]. Theprojectedintensitiesaremea- We will be dealing witheither polarization(waveplates) sured at the four outputs of the two MZIMs either with or spatial (DP and cylindrical lenses) mode converters, a CCD camera or with photodetectors. The payofffunc- that is, elements acting on one degree of freedom only. tion is evaluated with the intensities measured with four We shall inform rotationangles in degrees and phase re- photodetectors. The backgroundnoise is subtractedand tardations in radians for immediate identification of the the partial intensities are then normalized to the total physical meaning all over the experimental description. intensity so that p(m,n) I /I . When oriented along horizontal and vertical directions, ≡ m,n TOT they introduce a retardation phase φ between H and V modes. A mode converter rotated by the angle θ is de- scribed by the SU(2) matrix: cosφ +isinφcos2θ isinφsin2θ C(θ,φ)= 2 2 2 . " isinφsin2θ cosφ isinφcos2θ# 2 2 − 2 (6) For example, quarter waveplates correspondto φ=π/2 and half wave plates (HWP) to φ = π. Spatial mode converters can be made with cylindrical lenses [19] for variable retardation φ, or the DP for φ = π. Now, Al- ice is equipped with polarization elements and realizes strategiesofthekindC(θ ,φ ),whereasBobisequipped A A with DPs and cylindrical lenses, and his strategies are C(θ ,φ ). After the players have made their choices, B B the spin-orbit mode of the laser beam is: Ψ (r)=[C(θ ,φ ) C(θ ,φ )]Ψ (r). (7) 1 A A B B 0 ⊗ The mode converters are also used together with MZ(φ) to implement U†. Indeed, one can easily show that: U† =MZ(0) [C( 45o,π/2) I] MZ(π/2), (8) − ⊗ which physically means that, after passing through the players strategies, the beam is sent through a MZ inter- ferometer with a π/2 phase shift, a quarter wave plate (QWP)rotatedat 45o, andanotherMZ interferometer − with balanced arms (φ = 0), where it gets transformed to mode Ψ (r)=U†Ψ (r)= c ψ (r)eˆ , (9) FIG. 2: a) Coefficients table of thefinal mode in the compu- 2 1 mn m n tational basis. b) Images of the corresponding output ports. m,n X where m=h,v and n=H,V. For each player, we implemented five different strate- 4 gies: iX C(45o,π), Q C(45o,π/2), I C(θ,0), couldbe realizedin the classicaloptics framework. Non- 1 ≡ ≡ ≡ Q C(0,π/2), and iZ C(0,π). In this notation X separablespin-orbitmodescorrespondingtopolarization 2 ≡ ≡ and Z are the usual Pauli matrices. Strategies I and vortices were used. This implementation opens promis- iX are equivalent to the classicalones where the players ing perspectives regarding potential applications of non- can only cooperate or defeat, while the other strategies quantum entanglement to the investigation of quantum are intrinsically quantum mechanical since they involve information protocols. rotationsandphaseretardationsnotavailableintheclas- sicalscenario. Atablewiththecoefficientsc resulting mn from these strategies is shown in fig.(2a). Also, the im- agesobtainedwiththe CCD cameraare displayedinthe Acknowledgments same table format in fig.(2b). As expected, only those output ports corresponding to nonzero coefficients are Funding was provided by Coordenac¸a˜o de Aper- illuminated. In this sense, the qualitative agreement be- fei¸coamento de Pessoal de N´ıvel Superior (CAPES), tween the two tables is clear. We have also evaluated Funda¸ca˜o de Amparo `a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Alice’s payoff as a function of the strategy parameters de Janeiro (FAPERJ-BR), and Instituto Nacional de (θA,φA) and (θB,φB) in the domain (θ = 0,0 φ π) Ciˆencia e Tecnologia de Informac¸a˜o Quaˆntica (INCT- ≤ ≤ and (θ = 45o,0 φ π). The analytical result is CNPq). ≤ ≤ shown in fig.(3) together with the points corresponding to all possible combinations of the experimental strate- gies. Theexperimentalvalueswereobtainedfromthein- tensity measurements,where the relativeintensities play the role of measurement probabilities. We observe, from [1] D. A. Meyer, Phys.Rev.Lett. 82, 1052 (1999). boththeoreticalandexperimentalresults,thatthequan- [2] H. Guo, J. Zhang, and G. J. Koehler, Decision Support Systems 46, 318 (2008). tum move U = U = iZ proposed originally in [17] A B [3] D. Challet, Y.-C. 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