“The authors succeeded in whetting my curiosity and challenging my intellect. This provocative yet pragmatic book drove me to ‘up the ante’ by leading with my strengths and intelligently mining the strengths of my team.” —Katy Holt-Larsen, director, Training and Development and Qual- ity Assurance, North American Customer Support, eBay, Inc. “Play to Your Strengths is a rich, easy-to-read conversation about a very transformative mindset. This book is thorough, thoughtful, and—above all—practical.” —Phil Sandahl, coauthor, Co-Active Coaching “Play to Your Strengths is an excellent resource for anyone who is seeking to leverage personal strengths more effectively at work and in life. The poker analogy is very enlightening, even for those of us who don’t play the game! Unlike many assessment exercises, the material in this book is both entertaining and informative, and very useful as soon as you decide to apply it. The authors have succeeded in transforming their years of experience into easily accessible and usable wisdom.” —Dr. Kathy E. Kram, professor of organizational behavior, Boston University School of Management “Leavitt and Sigetich deal us a winning hand with Play to Your Strengths! Finally, a breakthrough book that shows leaders how to en- gage the best talents of each employee to generate amazing results and achieve competitive advantage. This book, written with clarity, pas- sion, and conviction, assures us that what’s needed for success in the workplace—and in life—is right here inside each of us. A must-read for leaders everywhere!” —John Barrasso, M.D., United States Senator “Stop bluffing. If you’re ready for full-flush success, show your pay hand, buy this book.” —Cliff Hakim, Career Consultant, best-selling author of Rethinking Work “Playing to your strengths is such a simple yet powerful idea, so much more productive than beating yourself up over shortcomings! And this book is the ‘real deal’ for helping you to get clear about your unique genius and to deploy these special strengths to ensure success.” —Dr. Douglas T. Hall, Morton H. and Charlotte Friedman profes- sor in management, faculty director, MBA Program, Boston University School of Management “Within hours of reading just the first few chapters of Play to Your Strengths I was able to harness this new perspective, helping me through a chal- lenging situation. It is amazing to be able to look at individuals with the expectation that they can and will be excellent at certain things, and that they will never fully excel at others. It is freeing as an employee and as a manager. Thank you to Leavitt and Sigetich for helping me to see, appre- ciate, and nurture the glorious potential in my staff members.” —Jamie Lynn Bails, senior vice president, Paradigm Business Solutions, Inc. “This extraordinary book discusses an aspect of leadership that is often overlooked, misunderstood, and ignored. The single most important real- ization I’ve had in my career is that I don’t have to, nor can I, do it all. There are those whose skills and insights are superior to mine, and actively endeavoring to get those strengths into the ‘game’ in a meaningful way is the primary challenge for an effective leader. To do otherwise smothers the very development of others in the up-and-coming leadership progression, which is so critical to the long-lasting success of any organization. I whole- heartedly endorse this book.” —John Inglish, general manager and CEO, Utah Transit Authority “Every person has talent. The challenge is to recognize it and develop it until it leads. This book offers profound insight into how the unique talents of each person can enrich an organization. A must read...a leap forward in helping all of us discover the great potential within our- selves, in others, and in our organizations.” —Terri Kane, CEO/administrator, Dixie Regional Medical Center “Play to Your Strengths opens doors for leaders to find greater satisfac- tion and success by applying a new philosophy of professional develop- ment to help individuals achieve more of what they really want out of life and to support the very best possible outcomes for their organiza- tions. Now, that’s what I call a winning hand for all!” —Lois Peters Vallerga, FACHE, Former Vice President of Organization De- velopment, St. Charles Medical Centers, Cascade Healthcare Community “Play to Your Strengths is an extremely practical leadership primer. Wonderful and effective stories.” —Oliver K. Myers, Ph.D., Chairman, College of Graduate Business, Utah Campus of the University of Phoenix P Y LAY TO OUR S TRENGTHS Stacking the Deck to Achieve Spectacular Results for Yourself and Others Andrea sigetich AND Carol Leavitt, MBA Career Press, Inc. Franklin Lakes, N.J. Copyright© 2008 by Andrea Sigetich and Carol Leavitt All rights reserved under the Pan-American and International Copyright Conventions. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the publisher, The Career Press. PLAYTO YOUR STRENGHTS EDITEDBY GINA TALUCCI TYPESETBY MICHAEL FITZGIBBON Cover design by Lucia Rossman/Digi Dog Design NYC Printed in the U.S.A. by Book-mart Press To order this title, please call toll-free 1-800-CAREER-1 (NJ and Canada: 201-848-0310) to order using VISA or MasterCard, or for further information on books from Career Press. The Career Press, Inc., 3 Tice Road, PO Box 687, Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 www.careerpress.com Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Sigetich, Andrea. Play to your strengths : stacking the deck to achieve spectacular results for yourself and others / by Andrea Sigetich and Carol Leavitt. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-1-56414-980-0 ISBN-10: 1-56414-980-3 1. Leadership. 2. Management. 3. Success in business. I. Leavitt, Carol. II. Title. HD57.7.S5225 2007 658.4’09--dc22 2007041385 D edication To Beryl, my hero and guide. You play to your strengths with such heart, panache, and attitude! The strength of “us” far surpasses the mere sum of us. And, fast gratitude to Carol Leavitt for her strengths of insight, perspective, and above all, perpetual energy! —Andrea To my magnificent parents, Joan and Blaine, whose uncondi- tional love and whole-hearted encouragement have been—and continue to be—instrumental in my discovery of personal strengths. To Mae Taylor, Dorothy Dart, and Andrea Sigetich—my compassionate mentors—and to countless colleagues who have supported me in growing and capitalizing on my strengths throughout a thrilling career. And to Coby Sr., Coby Jr., Ian, and Dave, whose unique and splendid strengths inspire me to amplify my own in this glorious life. —Carol This page intentionally left blank A CKNOWLEDGMENTS We are deeply grateful to our clients who, by seeking their own strengths, contributed to this work more than they know. We appreciate the seminal work of the Gallup organization, which has been highly instrumental in bringing strengths to the forefront. You have been spared from our incomplete explanations and blunders due to the brilliance of our amazing guest readers! They provided us with insights and perspectives that significantly im- proved the book. For your time and wisdom, we thank Jamie Bails, LaNae Barber, Donna Billings, Joan Cameron, Steve Camkin, Mary Cary Crawford, Carolyn Esky, Janet Janke, Kathy Kram, Gretchen Rawdon, Teresa Rozic, David Sigetich, and Lois Vallerga. In addition to our readers, we had others on our support team who bolstered and encouraged us, and also made us get out and play every once in a while! We very much appreciate Jan Baker, Cindy Clemens, Martha Ham, Darci Hansen, Kayla Koeber, Stephanie Martini, Nancy Obymako, Jane Oliver, Mary Ronnow, Charlene Rynders, The Juice Group, and the Wild Women. Finally, we wish to acknowledge our “silent partner” Beryl Rullman, who read—red pen in hand—every single page of this book in nearly every iteration along the way. We owe you a huge debt of gratitude, and a box of red pens! This page intentionally left blank C ontents HHHHHooooowwwww tttttooooo UUUUUssssseeeee TTTTThhhhhiiiiisssss BBBBBooooooooookkkkk 1111111111 IIIIInnnnntttttrrrrroooooddddduuuuuccccctttttiiiiiooooonnnnn 1111155555 AAAAA PPPPPoooookkkkkeeeeerrrrr PPPPPrrrrriiiiimmmmmeeeeerrrrr 1111177777 Chapter One Pat Hand: Playing the Cards You’re Dealt 19 Chapter Two Dealer’s Choice: Naming the Game You’ll Play 41 Chapter Three Discards: Knowing When to Hold ’em or Fold ’em 67 Chapter Four Showdown: Playing for High Stakes 95 Chapter Five Ante Up: Building the Kitty 119 Chapter Six Ace in the Hole: Uncovering Hidden Strengths 149