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NicolaPie dVe.r sen play the Benko gambit EVERYMANC HESS GloucePsutbelri sphlecwr wsw .everymanchess.com Frisptu lbhiesidn2 01b1yG olucesPtuibelsrrh spe l(cfr omerElvyye mraPnu ibhslers pl),cN ortbhurHghou se1,0N otrhbuSrtgrhe Leotn,dE oCnV1O AT Coyprgih©t 2 01N1io clVa.Pi e dersen Ther igohfNt i caoiVl .P edertsobe ein ed ntiieafdst haeu tohro fitwhso rhkas beeans rsetedi na ccorcdewa intthhe C oyprgih,tD seisgannsdP taenAtcs1t 9 88. Alrli grhetessr vNeodp. a rotft ihpsu bilctaiomnay b er eprod,su tcoeirdenad reetvraisly stetmr saomnirt tiend faonryom rb ya nmye anse,l teorcn,i c eeltcrostmaagtnitecit,ca ppeho,t oopciynrge,c ionrogdro tehrsweiw,i tohuptr ior pemrissioofn e pt uhbihlser. BriLtbiiarsyrhC altoaignug-icna-tPDiuaobtnla i Ac talaoguree cofortrdih bso oikas v abillfear otmhe B ritLiiasbrhry . ISB9N7:188 57464304 DsitrtiebidunN otrh eArcmiab yT heG lboe uPoePtqr ePs.sBO,o 4x8 0, 24G6o osLea enG,u iolrfCd,T0 6473-0480. Alolte hrs laeesnu qiiressh oludbe d iretcoEt veyedmr anC heNsosr,tbh urHghou se, 10N ortbhurSgther teL,od noEn CV1O AT te:0l 2702 57388f7xa 0:2 704 93007 8 emai:il [email protected];cw esbiwtwew:. eervyamnhcesosm. c Everyamn irse sgtthieetr readmd aer ko fR adnomH ousIen .ae ndi s uisnteih ds worukn dleirc efnrcoRmea dnomH ousIen c. EvyemraCnhe sSse ries Chiaedfsv oiBry:r Jocano bs Commissniionegd itorE:m mJso hn Assstiaendti tRoiharcr:Pd la sleir Tyepstae nde dibtyeF di rRsatnP kul bhiisnBgr,i g.h ton Covdeers ibygH nor taiMoo nteverde. Pirntaenddb oudni nthe U Sb yV erPseras s. Contents Biiborlgaphy 4 Itnrotdiuocn 5 BenAkcoc epted 1 TheF icahenttVoaa rition 12 2 TheC lacslaVs aiarition 33 3 The' Qeuti5'e 3 73 BenoDk eclined 4 The 5V afar3tio in 85 5 Whiptaley sb Sb-6 99 6 OtehrO potnifso Wrh ite 141 Antein-okB 7 TheK asrpoaGvam bit 149 8 TheT opoavVl aarition 173 Inedxo fV aartioins 202 Inedxo fC omeptlGeam es 207 Bibliography Books 1 dVo4l umTewo ,B osrA ivru(kQhu aClhiet2sy01s 0 ) ThBee knoG ambitP,laB en(kBotaf sor1d97 4) DangerWoeausp o:nF lsnakO peinn,gR siacrhPdla sleierta l( Eevryamn eCsh2s0 08) ThGeam btiG udiet ot hBee knoG ambitS,t effPeend er(saGemnb1 i9t9 9) PlatyhB ee knoG ambitV,ad yiaantahnR vaikaur(m CdaoagnC hes1s9 92) SqeueztihnGgeam bitKsi,Gr ieolri ge(vC hSetsas2r 01s0 ) Winnnigw itthhB ee knoB,y rJocano b(sBt afsorCdh eLsisb r1a9r9y5 ) Webtseiasn pde riicloasd CheIsnosfr amnt1s1- 09 New inC heYseasr obok1s- 98 Datbaases/DVDs MegaB2a0s1e1 ThAeB oCf t hBee knoG ambitA,nd reMwa trinh e(BsCasse DVD) 4 I ntroudc tion TheB enGkaom biitas n a gegssriavned Gambihtas b eemnyo wnm ainr eptloy sounpda wsnc arciefw ihihc hasb een1 d4,a nd witdhe centl trTseh.se u palyebdy spurcohim nnetg arndmas­readcearnf ,oi rsn tcaens,e mey w ins tearssG arrKya srpoaVve,ls eiTno ploav,a gasitgn arndamstePHr.N.si leesna nd Vsiwaantahn aAnndA,el xanKdheailr­f VP.etraoswv e, lalst he recegnatm e man,t on ameb uat feSwi.igi fncnatlya,g asitVn N.everionvt he Ficahentto Topoavlh asu seidti nm anyg ames,l ine. whihc syas somtheingab ouitt s Now cIa cnal imt hatt heB enikso sounedsnsI.t w ast he Amecrain sounUdn.kl eio tehrm ored ubious gradnmastePra,lB enkwoho, fuond gambi(tcIso ludm entimoanny h erei)t, manyn ew iedasi nt he 1970asnd is baslenodgt -eorncm o mpsetanoin. plyaedt hge ambistu ecscsfualftleyrT, h oed lm aximtha ta ccepcteia tsnhe whihc iti nrceasienpd o paurliAt­ly.c rcilatt iesitsp r oabbleys pelcltiyra ue thoutghhe wreer oet ehrwsh o ve­n fourn sougnamdb ithsow,e veirts till turieetdra iletrhe,yw erneot t hem ain hast ruitnhi ta nd Balchk ast op aly isnpriaotnfi omre w;h ereaal stoo ft he witsho mper escii.o n ideiants ih bso oakr iesn pibryeB de nko andK hailfamni np atriuaclr. Somet ypiciadle as Ih avef caetdh Bee nko mmyansye alnfd t hemeisn t heB enko tmieasn df etehalti to nioesft hem ore Toj sutitfyeh s cariicfoefa p awnB alck dagneorurse ipeltso1 d 4a,sW hihtaes a mist os eitzheei ntiitaiavnedi its of­ tob ec arenfuotlt oc edteh ient iitaivet ean f eattuharteB alchk as sal ight toB alckI.h avep alyeadr odu n10 laedi nd evoeplmewnhtih,cc alnae dt o gamesw ittt:hh:l 3i nt he Finahcettom atearlgi aino rs omwee kanessfeosr Vaartiioannd,m ayb2e0 g ames( iofn eW hitIens. o mcea sfeusre trsh carifices inlcduersa pgiamde sw)i tthhe f sah­ arcela lfeodor f,w hihct heraer mea ny iobnela 10l:[ bl.M ye xpieecrneassl o examepsl tiihns b ookId.ne edt,he inlcduet heB enDkeolc idnw eit5hb 6. BenGkaom biitsa g oodw ayf oBral ck Ovetrh lesa tf ewy eartshe Benktoo g tet hec hantcowe i -na ndt ow iinn 5 Plya thBee nkGoa mbit stey.lF uretrhmoreen,d mgeasc an C5-C4 •.• soemitmebseq utieg oodf oBral ctko,o ,A lotuhgthih si s coam imttmaovle i,t ift herei ss tialnil n ittiivae teho nc abne l tehali ifts uppoark tnsi gohnt queens iefd oirsn tcaen. d3a fte.ltJr. g.-4 eo5r. ltJ .d.-7 C(5o. r. . ltJd7- e5)Th.e obovuisd rawbiasct kh aitt Themefso rB lack weakse tneh d4-squianpr aer;t icular ltJf-3d4i-uscs 6ul alnyot maan oeuvtroe .e.7.- e6 allwo.S oa fteltJrf -3do2r ltJ h3,fo irn ­ Them ove. e.7.- iesa6c ommont ehme,s tcaen.,c. 5c.-4 i sm orelk ielyb est uoc ­ trnygti ob reuapkt hew hitcee ntIrites . c essfu.lA se xamepsIl c odu mlention usuamlolryee ffectiivfWe h itheas Buramkni-K5a.srpoa(vG mae1 )A,s ve­e palyecdo mimtltm aovessu cahs f -2 Ponoarmi(oGvm ae 7)a nd Manicni­ f,3e2e-3o rf -2f4P.la Benkooft enD ergae(vGea m1e8a )nd,i itos ft esne en palye.de .7.- aeft6e sro me aprrtaeiponi nteh a naylstiosSo o..c .5c.-4 i ast ehme int hem iddelgmaew,i th tbheoi tedha whihc cabne e ffectuinvdete ehr grhit ofa tatkcintgehc etnraend s oemitmesc ircsutcmaenIsct.a ansl ob ea w ayt o ofal tae.rd. 6.- sdt5ta irnar go llcienng­o pefinl eaftse arw hibt2e- Hbo3w.e ver, treh ioosfw .nS oi ti sat ehmee venB alcskoh udlb ec aretfuhlaW th ictae­n whenW hihtaes n'ctr eastuebds ttilaa nnots imlpya nswe.rc. 5c.-4 b yb 3-bf4o,­l wekanessTehesr.ae r mea nyi sntcaensl woedb ya 24-,aw itthw os trgo cno­n oft ihsin t heb ooIkst.oh udlb en otedn etcepda wsno nt eh quseiedne . thatt hanktseh mtios swihnigt e c4- pawn etb hreaek7s- ae.sw6. e,.la ls.. .f- 7 Ane xmaplies APsoeonemavr-iov f,5 amroreel ilktyeo b ee ffective. (Gam7e) : One exampCloem,a Tsfo-rplooavm (Gmae 13): Heret eh wihtken igohnht 3 c an't raecch 6s ffiucielnyqt uicaKndlt yh ere inso b 3-b4. 6 Itnordcution .tt:J.d.7 -e(5o .rtt:J. g.4 -e5), seemnan yt imienst he gamesa nd tt:Jd7-C5-odr3 tt:J,e 8-c7-b5-adna4yl saissl a edintgoa tl esate quailyt ••• ••• Ins omcea steeh"Sk nigohnft 6i sh in­foBral cki,t ousdlh bceos niedrevde ry deirntghe dakr-usaqrebdi shaondp craefully,w itht he possieb lgain migshete akno tehrp osvtid a7 o rg 4,w egiheadg asittn he weaeksnsiets whilteeh t hemtai.cttJ. e.8 -cS(7--dib4s) l evaeasr odut nhbel akcigkn. aslos omiemteesffe tcvieS.o moef et h kesyuq arse wihhc cang oobdfe o treh FroNmev erPoevd-er(sGeanm3 e) : knigahrtee S a nd( esipaelcdl4yc,)4 andd3. .:iV.a 5, 'iVb6,'iV C7o,r 'iVa7 ••. •.. .•• Them ove.1W .as.i se spelcltiyeha mtaic, follwoedb y. f..l:b8:t.S omtiemetshe queemni gghott ob 6w herieit ssu p­ potrintghed 6p-awn atfthee. er.7 .- e6 brewahki,li ens omcea ses fb2e might weka.Th es uqarce7sa nda 7a rues u­ ally idlleeb,asu sti nt he BenkDoe ­ cilne(dw ibtShb -6t)eh queeno ften The a2-wpnai sw ona nd theirse endusph ereb ecaoufttJs de-2 C4. furtehrp rseusroent ehl igshuqta rse: Obvoiustlhyve a oruipsa wnm oves. i..b.3a sw elals. ttJ .b.6 -4a( o.rttJ. xd.S ) and knigahndt q ueenm anoevurse arpeo ssibeisl.i ti sohudlb e conmebadpi proprainda tely requsiormetem i inagnd p rescii.o n .f-7f5 •• The ...f 7b-rfeSac ka n qbuteie r siky, .i.xc3 weaeknitnehgb alckki nagnd t ehe 6- ••• Thism oved oeisdn eesde emve rys uqarienp arituclaSroi. nt hem iddel­ comimt,tg aiilvnugp etg hoodb isph ogamec ricusmtcaenosft ehnav et ob e ong 7I.ns oemc asheoswe,v eirte, n ­fvaoubrelaf oBral ctko p aly.. 7.ff- .SI n abelsBa lctkor egathiew nh iat-ewp na tehe ngdameo,n t eho tehrh an,id ti s (usuallyw iotfunhr teahr2t )h rtesa.v eryt ehmtaiacnd i sse eqnui toefte n, Someex amepsal rsee einnt ehg ames espieaclwlheyn aBcilksp er ssfionarg andn otetsoN evevrP-oeder(sGeanm ew in.Th ent hed s-pwanc an wbeeaa ks 3)C,o s-sVianiceh(rG am8e)L ,ug ovo­iitar laedlyc aktsh seu pptoo fra p awn Khamlani( fGmae9 )a,nd P itk-eTloopva onc4. (Game Ess1e0n)lty.li, .i.a .x.c 3a v iesry An exampilseC os-sVihanicre cocnremtoev ea ndw,hi lietc anb e (Gam8e) : 7 Plya thBee nkGoa mbit A classfiocramla tioorn Themefso rW hite a morer apiadp proach Thet ehmtaiacnd sltilgsyhl oswe t-uTph eb lockaad2e-:ab 42,- b3 wit.hliJ. bd.7 .,.'iW. a s,0 -.a0.nd . . .l:..fb.8 , and/aop ri eocneb S poslsyfi olblwoedb y. liJ.c.7 s-,ib soft enI nt ehB enAkcoc epotneeo dft hec en­ a goodp aln.H oweveIrr ,e cmoemndt rtahelm eisas wihtbeol ckaodnte eh thatB alckke eapg soo dd egroeffeel x iq­ueesnidAe b.i pga rotfB alkc'sst rat­ biiltyi nt he BenkFoo.ri sntcaen,e gyc oiusen rtapylo nt heq ueseind seo, agaisnt et FhinahcettVoa artioin,o neo fW hitpeal'nssi st op alya 2-a4 9. liJ.f.d w7i tthhe i deoaf.liJ .b.6- 4Ca nd andp laanp ti eocnbe s o,ft epnr epared ...'� a(sad n. liJ.d.7 -bism6 )or ee ffectibvyem ovelsi "kCe2a ndb 2b-3.t uNrlaayl thatnhe clacslasf oiramtoin.A giants Balcwkil tlr tyoh ienrdt hespealn sF.o r Whitpeal'nsw itfh-2 fI3s uggets ai sntcaent,he m oveb 2-wbe3a kset nhe quikc. e.7.- ienr6 e pwlhyih,cl aedtso a a3-usaqrweh,i l.e. -.c i4css s oemitmes versyh arapnd unecral game.A nd mored agnero(utish sm oitssl cyha rac­ agaisnts oemo f etl hecsosr rleiecnst, t esrtcioi f etF hicahenttVoaa rtioin). sucahs 4 �gs inG rivKahaslm-iafn Thet ehmea sloo ccunrows a ndt hen (Gam3e2B )al,c pkl yas.liJ .e.4a nd. ".a.s int hBee nkDoe celdif,no irsn tanicne and eveng 7-s.g .(.s feoleo1 windgai ­ tehf 2-fd3e 2a-lnei3ni efas c Bpkll aay s garm)g,ai inntgi maend,i asl ardebye t­ltae.ra. 6.bx sO.n t eho tehrh and, tihne tefrr otmhe e arloyp einnpgha se: bsb-6l inIme osts ldyon otr emcmoend Witthhe g ambiBtal ciks try intgo palynig.a .6.- aasts eh,b ss-uqariets h en obatianl edai nd evoeplmen(tma ongts as reiowuesa eksns. otehrt ihnsg)s,os lomwov ebsy W hite Ing eenrtaehlb lkoacdeb soc no ­m aroeft eang oodr eastoosn ha rptehne b inweidtt hhe e 4-ber5ke ( asbeeeol w) paly. iss omtheinBgalc skoh ulmdak ea s rei­ ouesff otropt r eenvt. 8

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