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Plato's universe PDF

157 Pages·2005·2.84 MB·English
by  Plato.
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PLATO’S UNIVERSE This page has been intentionally left blank. PLATO’S UNIVERSE Gregory Vlastos With a new Introduction by Luc Brisson PARMENIDES PUBLISHING 2005ParmenidesPublishing Allrightsreserved Originallypublishedin1975 bytheUniversityofWashingtonPress Thispaperbackedition,withanewIntroductionbyLucBrisson, publishedin2005byParmenidesPublishing intheUnitedStatesofAmerica ISBN-10:1-930972-13-X ISBN-13:978-1-930972-13-1 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Vlastos,Gregory. Plato’suniverse/GregoryVlastos;withanewintroductionby LucBrisson. p.cm. Originallypublished:Seattle:UniversityofWashingtonPress, 1975,inseries:TheJessieandJohnDanzlectures.Withnew introd. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindexes. ISBN-13:978-1-930972-13-1(pbk.:alk. paper) ISBN-10:1-930972-13-X(pbk.:alk. paper) 1.Cosmology—History.2.Philosophy, Ancient.3.Plato. I.Title. B187.C7V552005 113—dc22 2005032892 Figures 2, 3, 4, and 6 are taken from Figures 1–4 in Plato, by Paul Friedl¨ander, translated by Hans Meyerhoff (Bollingen Series LIX), vol. 1, An Introduction (copyright  1958 by Bollingen Foundation and  1969 by Princeton University Press), and are reprinted by permissionofPrincetonUniversityPress. 1-888-PARMENIDES www.parmenides.com I dedicate this little book in affectionate gratitude to Princeton’s trustees and loyal alumni. On their faith in their university rests its continuing excellence. This page has been intentionally left blank. The Jessie and John Danz Lectures (The Series in which Plato’s Universe was originally published) In October, 1961, Mr. John Danz, a Seattle Pioneer, and his wife, Jessie Danz, made a substantial gift to the University of Washington to establish a perpetual fund to provide income to be used to bring to the University of Washington each year‘‘...distinguishedscholarsofnationalandinternational reputation who have concerned themselves with the impact of science and philosophy on man’s perception of a rational universe.’’ThefundestablishedbyMr.andMrs.Danzisnow known as the Jessie and John Danz Fund, and the scholars brought to the University under its provisions are known as Jessie and John Danz Lecturers or Professors. Mr.DanzwiselylefttotheBoardofRegentsoftheUniver- sity of Washington the identification of the special fields in science, philosophy, and other disciplines in which lecture- ships may be established. His major concern and interest were that the fund would enable the University of Washing- ton to bring to the campus some of the truly great scholars and thinkers of the world. Mr. Danz authorized the Regents to expend a portion of the income from the fund to purchase special collections of books, documents, and other scholarly materials needed to reinforce the effectiveness of the extraordinary lectureships and professorships. The terms of the gift also provided for vii viii THEJESSIEANDJOHNDANZLECTURES the publication and dissemination, when this seems appro- priate, of the lectures given by the Jessie and John Danz Lec- turers. Through this book, therefore, another Jessie and John DanzLecturerspeakstothepeopleandscholarsoftheworld, as he has spoken to his audiences at the University of Wash- ington and in the Pacific Northwest community. Contents INTRODUCTION TO THE NEW EDITION BY LUC BRISSON xi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xxi INTRODUCTION xxiii 1. THE GREEKS DISCOVER THE COSMOS 3 2. PLATO’S COSMOS, I: THEORY OF CELESTIAL MOTIONS 23 3. PLATO’S COSMOS, II: THEORY OF THE STRUCTURE OF MATTER 66 APPENDIX 98 BIBLIOGRAPHY 117 INDEX OF GREEK WORDS 123 INDEX OF NAMES 125 INDEX OF PASSAGES 127 ix

A distinguished Platonic scholar discusses the impact of the Greek discovery of the cosmos on man's perception of his place in the universe, describes the problems this posed, and interprets Plato's response to this discovery. Starting with the Presocratics, Vlastos describes the intellectual revolu
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