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Plasmon Modes of Graphene Nanoribbons with Periodic Planar Arrangements C. Vacacela Gomez,1,2 M. Pisarra,3,4 M. Gravina,3,2 J. M. Pitarke,5,6 and A. Sindona1,2,∗ 1Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita` della Calabria, Via P. Bucci, Cubo 30C, I-87036 Rende (CS), Italy 2INFN, Sezione LNF, Gruppo Collegato di Cosenza, Cubo 31C, I-87036 Rende (CS), Italy 3Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita` della Calabria, Via P. Bucci, Cubo 30C, I-87036 Rende (CS), Italy 4Departamento de Qu´ımica, Universidad Auto´noma de Madrid, Calle Francisco Toma´s y Valiente 7 (Mo´dulo 13), E-28049 Madrid, Spain 5CIC nanoGUNE, Tolosa Hiribidea 76, E-20018 Donostia - San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain 6Materia Kondentsatuaren Fisika Saila, DIPC, and Centro Fisica Materiales CSIC-UPV/EHU, 644 Posta Kutxatila, E-48080 Bilbo, Basque Country, Spain Amongtheiramazingproperties,grapheneandrelatedlow-dimensionalmaterialsshowquantized charge-density fluctuations–known as plasmons–when exposed to photons or electrons of suitable energies. Graphenenanoribbonsofferanenhancedtunabilityoftheseresonantmodes, duetotheir geometrically controllable band gaps. The formidable effort made over recent years in developing 6 graphene-based technologies is however weakened by a lack of predictive modeling approaches that 1 draw upon available ab initio methods. An example of such a framework is presented here, focus- 0 ing on narrow-width graphene nanoribbons organized in periodic planar arrays. Time-dependent 2 density-functionalcalculationsrevealunprecedentedplasmonmodesofdifferentnatureatvisibleto p infrared energies. Specifically, semimetallic (zigzag) nanoribbons display an intraband plasmon fol- e lowing the energy-momentum dispersion of a two-dimensional electron gas. Semiconducting (arm- S chair) nanoribbons are instead characterized by two distinct intraband and interband plasmons, whose fascinating interplay is extremely responsive to either injection of charge carriers or increase 9 in electronic temperature. These oscillations share some common trends with recent nanoinfrared imaging of confined edge and surface plasmon modes detected in graphene nanoribbons of 100- ] l 500 nm width. e - r PACSnumbers: 73.20.Mf,73.22.Lp,73.22.Pr t Keywords: graphene,graphenenanoribbon,plasmonics,time-dependentdensityfunctionaltheory s . t a m Plasmonsarequantizedoscillationsofthevalenceelec- ther a semiclassical electromagnetic picture [31] or a TB tron density in metals, metal-dielectric interfaces and scheme [5, 32, 33], and specializing to THz frequencies. - d nanostructures,beingusuallyexcitedbylightorelectron- A comprehensive characterization of the dielectric prop- n beam radiation. Plasmon-related technologies are ex- erties of such systems is, however, lacking. o c pected to receive a burst from nanocarbon architec- Here, we provide an ab initio study of plasmon excita- [ tures [1–10], due to one of the fascinating features of tions in regular planar arrays of GNRs, sorting a wide monolayer graphene (MG) [11], i.e., its extrinsic plas- range of frequencies, from the lower THz to extreme 4 monmodesatterahertz(THz)frequencies[12–20]. These v ultraviolet (UV). We use time-dependent (TD) density 5 show much stronger confinement, larger tunability and functional theory (DFT) in random-phase approxima- 8 lower losses [21] compared to conventional plasmonic tion (RPA), emphasizing the 4ZGNR and 5AGNR ge- 1 materials, such as silver or gold. Nowadays plasmons ometries, which are respectively characterized by four 0 are launched, controlled, manipulated and detected in zigzag chains [Fig. 1(a)] and five dimer lines [Fig. 1(c)] 0 a variety of graphene-related materials and heterostruc- . across the GNR width [26]. 2 tures, whichsuggeststhatgraphene-basedplasmonicde- 0 The dangling bonds of each GNR array are passivated vices are becoming closer to reality, with the potential 6 by hydrogen atoms on both sides, with the C-C and to operate on the “THz gap”, forbidden by either clas- 1 C-H bond lengths being fixed to their nominal values, : sical electronics or photonics [4, 22, 23]. Plasmons with v which differ by less than 1% from the corresponding ge- widely tunable frequencies have been observed in graph- i ometrically optimized values (Figs. S1 and S2 in [34]). X ene nanoribbons (GNRs)–from the nano- to microrange The GNR arrays are separated by an in-plane vacuum r in width [12, 14, 24, 25]. On the theoretical side, den- a width of 15 ˚A [Figs. 1(a) and 1(c)], while periodic sity functional and tight-binding (TB) approaches have boundary conditions are used for the direction parallel explored the electronic structure of zigzag and armchair to the GNR axis, which mimics a situation of long sus- GNRs, with particular attention to the band-gap values pended ribbons with fixed edges on the far ends. The of the intrinsic systems, being a major control factor of equilibrium electronic structures of the systems (Sec. I theirplasmonicproperties[26–30]. Farfewerstudieshave in [34]) are computed using the local-density approxi- been focused on plasmon resonances in GNRs using ei- mation (LDA [35]) with norm-conserving pseudopoten- 2 tials [36] and the plane-wave (PW) basis [37, 38]. The trons in the GNRs, as given by the Adler-Wiser for- three-dimensional periodicity required by PW-DFT is mula [39, 40] generated by replicating the GNR arrays over an out-of- plane distance L of 15 ˚A, which ensures negligible over- χ0 = 2 (cid:88) (fνk−fν(cid:48)k+q)ρkννq(cid:48)(G)ρkννq(cid:48)(G(cid:48))∗, (1) lap (but not negligible interaction) of charge density be- GG(cid:48) Ω ω+ενk εν(cid:48)k+q+iη k,ν,ν(cid:48) − tween the replicas. which is a corollary of the Kubo formula for a periodic Accordingly, the different geometry of the assem- system with associated reciprocal lattice and Brilloiun blies [Figs. 1(a) and 1(c)] produces electronically dis- Zone (BZ) [41]. Hartree atomic units are used through- tinct band dispersions and densities of states (DOS). out this work, unless otherwise stated. 4ZGNR [Fig. 1(b)] appears as a semimetal with the In Eq. (1) the electron energies ε and states νk valence and conduction bands overlapping close to the νk | (cid:105) are indexed by the band number ν and the wave vec- X point. The quasiflat dispersions near the intrinsic tor k in the first BZ. These are taken to be the KS- Fermi-level E give rise to strong peaks in the DOS, F eigensystems of our PW-DFT approach, leading to the as opposite to MG where the linear dispersing valence electronic structure of Figs. 1(b) and 1(d). The KS and conduction levels yield a vanishing DOS at E . F wave functions, normalized to unity in the crystal vol- 5AGNR [Fig. 1(d)] is a semiconductor with the valence ume Ω, are expressed as linear combinations of PWs and conduction electrons having parabolic-like disper- that depend on the reciprocal-lattice vectors G asso- sions around a small gap of 0.36 eV at the Γ point ∼ ciated to the replicated GNR lattices (Sec. I and II that result in two peaks in the DOS. It should be noted in [34]). The correlation matrix elements are given by that local spin density calculations suggest the opening ρkq(G) = νke−i(q+G)·r ν(cid:48)k+q . The population of of a band gap larger than 0.1 eV in ZGNRs [26–28]. Ad- νν(cid:48) (cid:104) | | (cid:105) single-particle levels is established by the Fermi-Dirac ditionally, GW approaches predict larger band gaps in distribution f , which we evaluate by sampling temper- both ZGNRs and AGNRs by roughly 1 eV with respect νk atures from 300 to 900 K. The factor of 2 accounts for to local density calculations [27]. Nonetheless, band-gap the spin degeneracy, while η is a small (positive) lifetime valuesofthesameorderoftheLDAbandgapof5AGNR broadening parameter [42]. have been measured for some GNRs as wide as about Polarization effects are activated by a test electron or 20 nm grown on Au(111) [30]. Thus, the application of photon with incident energy ω and in-plane momentum an RPA scheme to the LDA band structure of 5AGNR qthatweaklyperturbsoursystems. Thesearedescribed can be of help in interpreting plasmon measurements on by the density-density response function of interacting currently synthesized GNR structures [25]. Complemen- electrons, which can be obtained in the TDDFT frame- tarily, the LDA analysis of a virtually gapless GNR, i.e., 4ZGNR, is particularly instructive to emphasizing the work as χGG(cid:48) =χ0GG(cid:48) +(χ0vχ)GG(cid:48) [43, 44]. In the RPA, one neglects short-range exchange- different role played by doping. correlation effects by simply replacing the unknown v by (a) (b3)Γ X DOS tshereiobuasredrCawoublaocmkbstteemrms fsrovmG0Gth(cid:48) e=lo4nπgδ-rGaGn(cid:48)g/e|qch+arGac|t2e.r oAf 4ZGNR 2 1.1 1.2 the Coulomb potential, which allows nonnegligible inter- ) V w e 0.1 actionsbetweenrepeatedplanararraysevenatlargedis- ( UCnelilt w=9.28 Åε -νk1 Zoom at X -0.1 4ZGNR tva0ncesb.yTtohceuttruoffnctahtiesdunFwouarniteerdinptheegnroaml [e1n8o,n1,9w, 4e5r–e4p7la]ce -2 GG(cid:48) -3 (cid:90) L/2 (cid:90) L/2 1.09Å 1.42Å 0.0 0.2 0.4 k0 .(6Å-1)0.8 1.0 1.2 arb. un. vGG(cid:48) = dz dz(cid:48)eiGzv¯g0g(cid:48)(z,z(cid:48))e−iG(cid:48)z(cid:48), (2) H C C C (d) −L/2 −L/2 Γ X DOS 3 where v¯0 is the Fourier transform of v0 along the 2 gg(cid:48) GG(cid:48) UCnelilt w=6.81 Å(eV) 0.2 Zoom at Γ 5AGNR oouutt--ooff--ppllaanneeacoxmis,pwonheilnetsgoafnGd.Gdenotethein-plane and w ε -νk1 -0.2 Within linear response theory, the inelastic cross sec- 0.02 0.06 -2 tion corresponding to a process where the external per- 5AGNR -3 turbationcreatesanexcitationofenergyωandwavevec- 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 arb. un. (c) k (Å-1) torq+Gisrelatedtothediagonalelementsoftheinverse FIG. 1. Geometry [(a) and (c)], band energies (zoomed at dielectricmatrix: ((cid:15)−1)GG(cid:48) =δGG(cid:48)+(vχ)GG(cid:48).Collective E =0)andDOS[(b)and(d)]for4ZGNR[(a)adn(b)]and excitations (plasmons) are dictated by the zeros in the F 5AGNR [(c) and (d)]. real part of the macroscopic dielectric function (permit- tivity): (cid:15)M = 1/((cid:15)−1) . The so-called energy-loss (EL) 00 The starting point of our TDDFT approach is the function is proportional to the imaginary part of the in- density-density response function of noninteracting elec- verse permittivity: E = Im[((cid:15)−1) ]. Nonlocal field loss 00 − 3 effects are included in E through the off-diagonal el- ical square-root-like dispersion of two-dimensional plas- loss ements of χGG(cid:48) [48]. mons [53] for low q [Fig. S4(d) in [34]] that has been Thepeculiarelectronicstructureof4ZGNR[Fig.1(b)] mostly observed in extrinsic MG [17], which even in the and 5AGNR [Fig. 1(d)], as compared to the well-known intrinsic case allows for a weak intraband mode at room band dispersion of MG, is reflected in the EL spectra of temperature assisted by the conduction-electron concen- the intrinsic systems shown in Fig. 2. Undoped 4ZGNR tration n∗ =1.15 1011 cm−2. × and 5AGNR have two high-energy excitations (for ω > On the other hand, the energy gap at E in F 3 eV) that follow one-electron transitions connecting the 5AGNR [Fig. 1(d)] yields a negligibly small intraband k points with high DOS in the π-π∗, σ-π∗ and π-σ∗ mode due to the tiny concentration of conduction elec- bands. Thesearecounterpartstotheπandσ-πinterband trons at room temperature (n∗ = 8.70 108 cm−2). The plasmons observed in intrinsic MG [Figs. 2(a) and 2(b)], latter is not detectable in Figs. 2(d) a×nd 4(a), but can few-layergrapheneandgraphite[49–52]. Specifically,the be, in principle, characterized (Sec. III in [34]). In con- π and π-σ structures of the GNRs exhibit a discontinu- trast, an interband two-dimensional plasmon is clearly ous dispersion vs q and ω, as they are split into more recorded in the low-energy spectrum of 5AGNR, as tes- branches [Figs. 2(c) and 2(d), plus Figs. S3(c) and S3(d) tified by the intense signal in Figs. 2(d), 4(a) and 4(d); in[34]]. ThisisduetothefinitewidthoftheGNRsinthe this corresponds to a collective mode that is triggered periodic array, generating several one-dimensional bands by transitions between the valence and conduction DOS of π and σ character. peaks at Γ [Fig. 1(d)]. The collective nature of the newly detected modes in 4ZGNR and 5AGNR is proved E at 300K LOSS in Figs. 3(e) and 4(e), respectively, where we see that 20 (a) MG (b) MG (c) 4ZGNR (d)5AGNRun eachexcitationpeakintheELspectrumcorrespondstoa π-σ π-σ π-σ π-σ arb zerointhereal-permittivityRe((cid:15)m),atafrequencywhere 15 the imaginary-permittivity Im((cid:15)m) is small. Moreover, V) as is the case for the high-energy π excitations, these (e low-energy modes arise from transitions involving the π- ω π π bands, which means that their intensities and energy- 5 π π momentum dispersions can be modulated according to Intraband Interband external factors that change the band levels, such as the 0 already mentioned ribbon width, in-plane distance and 0.1 0.4 0.7 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.4 0.7 q ΓK (Å-1) q ΓM (Å-1) q ΓX (Å-1) q ΓX (Å-1) chirality. (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) FIG.2. E vsω<20eVandq<0.8˚A−1 forintrinsicMG loss (a,b), 4ZGNR (c) and 5AGNR (d). 4ZGNR → E at 300K LOSS 1.4 (a)ΔEF=0.00 (b)ΔEF=0.25eV (c) ΔEF=0.50eV (d) ΔEF=1.00eV strTonhgelynuinmflbueerncaenddbyditshpeerGsiNonRowfidtthhe,sechibraanlidtys aisndalisno- 11..02 Intraband plane distance: the wider the ribbon the more regular 0.8 the high-energy interband peaks, which approach the π 0.6 and σ-π peaks of MG as the ribbon width tends to in- 0.4 finity [Figs. 2(a) and 2(b), plus Figs. S3(a) and S3(b) (eV) arb un arb un arb un arb un in [34]]. Then, the main designing “ingredients” of the ω 0.05 0.15 q(Å-1) 0.10 q(Å-1) 0.05 0.15 q(Å-1) 0.10 0.18 GNR arrays may be finely tuned to reach a specific en- n*=3.96 1012cm-2 n*=1.58 1013cm-2 n*=1.98 1013cm-2 n*=2.73 1013cm-2 1.0 × × × × ebvriecgeyuswfeoodrrkttihonegcπhinaanntghdeeσtvh-πiesiberxelescpit(oaVntIsiSoen)sot,fowaUhGiVchNrRiengibmtuaesr.endmTdhaeye- 000...468 mIm((cid:2)) Å-10.039 ELOSS Å-10.039 m((cid:2)) Å-10.039 Å-10.039 low-energy ends of the spectra (for ω < 3 eV) ex- 0.2 q= q= Re q= q= hibit an extra peak in both metallic and semiconducting 0.0 GNRs, which is strictly absent in MG at the absolute un Re((cid:2)m)=0 zero. These structures are more detailed in Fig. 3(a), arb (e) ΔEF=0.00 (f) ΔEF=0.25eV (g) ΔEF=0.50eV (h) ΔEF=1.00eV 0.2 0.6 ω(eV) 0.3 0.7 ω(eV) 0.3 0.7ω(eV)0.2 0.6 1.0 3(e), 4(a) and 4(e) below. The large DOS value close FIG. 3. EL spectrum and complex permittivity of intrinsic to E in 4ZGNR [Fig. 1(b)] yields a concentration of F and extrinsic 4ZGNRs at room temperature. (a-d) E vs n∗ = 3.96×1012 cm−2 conduction electrons, which al- ω<1.5eVandq<0.11˚A−1. (e-h)Re((cid:15)m),Im((cid:15)m)andloEssloss lows the appearance of an intraband plasmon where the vs ω < 1.5 eV at q = 0.039 ˚A−1. In (a-d) the same color charge carriers located on each ribbon of the array oscil- code or intensity scale as in Fig. 2 is used, with the green late as a single 2D gas [Figs. 2(c), 3(a) and Figs. S3(c), dotsdenotingthe(ω,q)dispersionoftheintrabandplasmon. S4(a) in [34]]. This observation is confirmed by the typ- 4 Let us now see how the dielectric properties of the plasmonentersaregionwhereitisdampedbyinterband GNR arrays behave with injecting or ejecting electrons transitions; as a result, most of the spectral weight is bydopingorgating. Extrinsicsystemsaresimulatedhere concentrated on the interband plasmon, while the over- by slightly changing the level populations in Eq. (1), in dampedintrabandplasmononlyappearsasafaintpeak. such a way that band dispersions and single-particle KS Another remarkable effect is the high sensitivity of the orbitals are negligibly altered by the applied variations of the f factors. For doping levels ∆E not larger 5AGNR → E at 300K νk F LOSS tshpaecntr∼a 1isepVratchteichalilgyh-uennaerffgeycteendd. (Oωn>th3eeVco)ntorfaoryu,ruEnL- 11..24 arb un Interband arb un arb un arb un precedented new features are recorded at the low-energy 1.0 end (ω <3 eV). 0.8 theInloFwi-gω.3a(nad)-l3o(wd-)q(arengdioFnigo.fSt4h(eaE)-LS4s(pce)citnru[m34]o)fw4ZeGshNoRw 00..46 Intraband arrays,zoomingontheundopedcaseandanalyzingthree V) (e (a) ΔEF=0.0 (b) ΔEF=-0.2eV (c) ΔEF=0.3eV (d) ΔEF=0.4eV positive doping levels, whose charge-carrier concentra- ω 0.01 0.05 0.09q(Å-1) 0.05 0.09q(Å-1) 0.05 0.09q(Å-1) 0.05 0.09 tions are consistent with the measurements of Ref. [54]. n*=8.70 108cm-2 n*=-1.91 1012cm-2 n*=3.65 1012cm-2 n*=5.59 1012cm-2 WppofleaeaIsmkmobc(o(cid:15)osnmer,rr)evw[seFhpiaiogcnh.sdi3inis(ngeagl-ehgt)oed]n.iasupWzineeerersoacivloisneloleRscntetroi(utv(cid:15)ciemcte)umramoen,didneto,harwesdimitinhffatelrtlrahevbenaaEclnueLdes 00001.....24680 (mRe((cid:2))e) × Å-1q=0.038 (f) ×ELOSS Å-1q=0.038(g) m)Im((cid:2) × Å-1q=0.049 (h) × Å-1q=0.060 in the four EL spectra, with the plasmon energy slightly n increasing with increasing ∆EF up to 1.0 eV [Fig. S4(d) b u Re((cid:2)m)=0 in [34]]. ar ΔEF=0.0 ΔEF=-0.2eV ΔEF=0.3eV ΔEF=0.4eV 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5ω(eV)0.5 1.0 1.5ω(eV)0.5 1.0 1.5ω(eV)0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 More interesting features are observed in doped FIG. 4. Dielectric response and plasmon dispersions of in- 5AGNRarrays,whoselow-ωandlow-qresponseisshown trinsic and extrinsic 5AGNRs at T = 300 K. (a-d) E vs loss in Fig. 4. In the undoped case, a single dispersive peak ω<1.5eVandq<0.11˚A−1 withthesameintensityscaleas is detected that represents an interband plasmon, which Fig. 2 and Fig. 3(a)-3(d). The blue and green dots mark the followscoherentone-electrontransitionsbetweenvalence interband and intraband plasmon (ω,q) dispersions, respec- and conduction states [Figs. 4(a), 4(d) and Fig. S5(c) tively. in [34]]. When a small doping is introduced (∆E = F 0.2,0.3 eV) the conduction-electron or valence-hole intraband plasmon to the type of doping; opposite dop- − concentration bursts from 109 to 1012 cm−2, a value ing levels, such as the ∆E = 0.2 and ∆E = 0.3 ± ± F ± F ± reported in previous experiments [55]. Then, another values of Fig. S5(h) in [34], produce significantly differ- dispersive peak appears due to a clearly resolved intra- entcharge-carrierconcentrationsandplasmondispersion bandplasmon[Figs.4(b),4(c),4(f),4(g)andFigs.S5(b), curvesforenergieslargerthan0.1eVandtransferredmo- S5(e) in [34]]. menta above 0.02 ˚A−1. Such a sensitivity is ascribed to For these low wave vectors (q < 0.02 ˚A−1), the intra- theslightasymmetryofthevalenceandconductionelec- band mode is the most intense contribution, while the tron levels of 5AGNR close to the band gap [inset in interband plasmon is depressed because the doping par- Fig. 1(d)]. tially fills the conduction band near Γ thus inhibiting Ontheotherhand,theinterbandplasmonismuchless quasivertical (q 0,ω) interband transitions. In the influenced by the doping type, because the valence and → 0.02 < q < 0.06 ˚A−1 region, both the intraband and conductionDOSpeakshavesimilarintensities[Fig.S5(h) interband plasmons coexist. At larger values of q, the in[34]]. Theinterplayofthetwomodesisalsomodulated interband plasmon becomes the most intense peak while by changes in the incident momentum direction, relative the intraband plasmon is strongly damped. totheribbonaxis,duetothetensorcharacteroftheGNR A slightly larger value of the doping (∆EF = 0.4 eV) dielectric response (Fig. S6 in [34]). In the lower THz leadstoanevenmoreintriguingsituation: thesingledis- region, interband transitions are forbidden by the band persive peak visible in Figs. 4(d) and 4(h) has a double gap. Theintrabandplasmonfollowsanω-vs-q dispersion nature, as testified by the kink in peak dispersion and thatisconsistentwiththesemiphenomenologicalrelation theabruptdecreaseinintensity(increaseinwidth)found of Ref. [31], and appears at the same scale as the low-q at q 0.05 ˚A−1 [Fig. S5(f) in [34]]. Indeed, interband dispersions of Ref. [33], computed from the TB approxi- ∼ transitions between the high-DOS points of Fig. 1(d) for mation where 5AGNR is virtually gapless [Fig. S7(a) in q <0.04 ˚A−1 are strongly quenched by electron popula- [34]]. Then,theTDDFTresponseofnarrow-widthGNRs tion of conduction levels; thus, the intense peak showing has the correct q 0, ω 0 limiting behavior predicted → → the √q dispersion is mostly originated by the intraband by (non-ab initio) approaches on larger GNR structures, plasmon. Conversely, for q > 0.04 ˚A−1 the intraband currently available for experiments. 5 As a final remark we observe that in semiconducting GNRs, due to their small band gap, the temperature playsaroleindictatingthepopulationsofthelevelsclose ∗ corresponding author: antonello.sindona@fis.unical.it to E (Sec. IV in [34]). 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Nanotechnol. 7, 330 (2012) i Supplemental Material The main text has been concerned with the dielectric response of two narrow-size graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), organized in periodic planar arrays with the zigzag (Z) and armchair (A) geometries. Time-dependent density- functional theory has been carried out for both intrinsic (undoped) and extrinsic (doped, gated) systems within the random phase approximation (RPA). The energy loss spectra of the GNR arrays have been reported and discussed for a range of incident energies below 20 eV and transferred momenta smaller than 0.8 ˚A−1. These supplementary notes are organized as follows: Sec. I provides the details on ground state computations and geometry optimizations for the GNR arrays, denoted in the main text as 4ZGNR and 5AGNR [26]; Sec. II deals with the calculations of the plasmon structure of the intrinsic systems in comparison with that of pristine graphene; Sec. III gives some additional arguments on the effect of doping in 4ZGNR and 5AGNR, focusing on the energy-momentum dispersion oftheintrabandandinterbandplasmons; thesemiclassicallimitoftheapproachisvalidatedbyzoomingonthelower THz region; Sec. IV is devoted specifically to the role played by increasing the electronic temperature on 5AGNR. LOCAL DENSITY CALCULATIONS AND the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfard-Shanno method [37].The GEOMETRY OPTIMIZATION resulting average C-C and C-H distances turned out to be slightly different from the nominal values of 1.42 and Density functional calculations were performed using 1.09˚A,respectively,usedinthemaintexttoproducethe the plane-wave (PW) basis set [37], represented by the non optimized structures of Figs. 1(a) and 1(c). space functions PW (r) = Ω−1/2ei(k+G)·r, where k Periodic planar arrays of 4ZGNR and 5AGNR were k+G 0 then generated with both the optimized and non- is a wave vector in the first Brillouin Zone (BZ), G a optimized unit cells assuming an in-plane vacuum dis- reciprocal vector, and Ω denotes the unit-cell volume of 0 tanceof15˚A.Thethree-dimensionalperiodicityrequired the real-space lattice. The number of PWs was limited by the cut off condition: k+G2/2<25 Hartree. byPW-DFTwassetbyreplicatingtheGNRarrayswith | | an out of plane lattice constant of 15 ˚A, corresponding The local density approximation (LDA) was used, as to the unit-cell volumes Ω 950 ˚A3 for 4ZGNR and parametrizedbythePerdew-Zungerformoftheuniform- 0 ∼ Ω 1470 ˚A3 for 5AGNR. gas correlation energy [35]. Norm-conserving pseudopo- 0 ∼ tentials of the Troullier-Martins type [36] were adopted. (a) (b) 5AGNR Γ X d0=1.090 Å l (a) l (b) Γ 4ZGNR X dd1==11..430666 ÅÅ d0 α 0 2 dddddl=01234=====9.111112.....304444990312 43656Å ÅÅÅÅÅ Cd2 dααα30d111 dd04 w ε (eV)nk-202 ONOPTM ddαlwα=23410=====26.11118...217344187512..0 8255Å ooÅÅÅ d1 α3d1d4α2αd23 Cw ε(eV)nk --420 ONOPTM w=1.230 Å d2 αd03 -4 αα23==111189..69oo H 0.0 0.2 k (Å0-1.)4 0.60.734 αα01==111189..86oo d1H d0 0.0 0.4 k (Å-1)0.8 1.2 FtdueIrnGeo.t(Sebd2).d5AO,.Gp..Nt,idmR.iazTneddheαund,iit.ff..ce,erαellns,t(rabe)sopnaendcdtlieLvneDglytAh;swelaelnactbdreoalnsnitgchlesetscraeulrcle-- 0 4 0 3 FIG. S1. Optimized unit cell (a) and LDA electronic struc- widthandlthecell-length;theC-Hbondlengthapproximates ture (b) for 4ZGNR. The different bond lengths and angles to 1.09 ˚A; the average C-C bond length equals to 1.404 ˚A. are denoted d0,...,d4 and α0,α1, respectively; w labels the Thebandlevelsfromtheoptimized(OPT)unitcellsof(a)are cell-width and l the cell-length; the C-H bond length ap- comparedin(b)withthoseresultingfromthenominal(NOM) proximates to 1.09 ˚A; the average C-C bond length equals cells of Fig. 1(c), which are plotted in Fig. 1(d) of the main to 1.419 ˚A. The band levels from the optimized (OPT) unit text. cells of (a) are compared in (b) with those resulting from the nominal (NOM) cells of Fig. 1(a), which are plotted in Both geometry optimization and ground state calcu- Fig. 1(b) of the main text. lations were carried out using an unshifted (Γ-centered) Monkhorst-Pack(MP)grid[38]madeof60 10 1wave × × The basic parameters of the unit cells of 4ZGNR and vectors, which results in a uniform sampling of the irre- 5AGNR, i.e., the C-C and C-H bond lengths and an- ducible area of the first BZ (see Fig. S6). gles, were determined by geometry optimization using The band energies obtained with the optimized ii cells [denoted OPT in Figs. S1(b) and S2(b)] were found two-dimensionalmaterial,including80bandsand 5000 ∼ todiffernegligiblyfromthoseofthenonoptimizedstruc- PWcoefficientsperwavefunction[Figs.2(a),2(b),S3(a) tures [denoted NOM in Figs. S1(b) and S2(b)] that are and S3(b)]. also reported in Figs. 1(b) and 1(d) of the main text. The non interacting density-density response (or un- Regular planar arrays made of wider ribbons were perturbed susceptibility) χ0 was computed for MG, GG(cid:48) tested as well (though not reported here) for more sys- 4ZGNR,and5AGNRatroomtemperature. Asreported tematic future studies. in Eq. (1) of the main text, χ0 includes all possible GG(cid:48) Electronic structure calculations were also run on one-electronprocessesbetweenoccupiedandemptyband monolayer graphene (MG) for comparison purposes (see levels, separated in energy by ενk εν(cid:48)k+q. The dy- − Figs.2andS3). Inthiscase,thehoneycomblatticestruc- namical screening features are provided by the retarded tureofCatoms(separatedbyanearestneighbordistance Green’sfunctions(ω+ενk εν(cid:48)k+q+iη)−1,whichcontains − of 1.42 ˚A) was replicated with an out-of-plane vacuum thepositiveinfinitesimalη. Transitionratesbetweenthe distance of 15 ˚A, i.e., a unit-cell volume Ω 110 ˚A3. band levels are made of products of correlation matrix 0 ∼ The first BZ of the two-dimensional material was repre- elements sented on an MP grid of 60 60 1 k points. (cid:90) × × ρkq(G)= d3r νkr e−i(q+G)·r rν(cid:48)k+q νν(cid:48) (cid:104) | (cid:105) (cid:104) | (cid:105) Ω (cid:88) INTRINSIC SYSTEMS = cνk−G+G(cid:48)cν(cid:48)k+q+G(cid:48), (S3) G(cid:48) Energy Loss (EL) calculations in the main text were weighted by the Fermi-Dirac factors f f . νk νk+q based on the “nominal” cells reported in Figs. 1(a) Theunperturbedsusceptibilityof4ZGN−Rand5AGNR and 1(c) that have a more balanced space symmetry was represented with 121 reciprocal lattice vectors, group with respect to the optimized cells of Figs. S1(a) sorted in length and cut off by the condition G = and S2(b). With this choice, the computational burden (cid:112)g2+G2 < 7.2˚A−1, with g and G denoting t|he|in- required to sample the KS structure of the systems is | | plane and out-of-plane components of G, respectively. reduced to the analysis of the irreducible part of the 60 q-values were sampled along ΓX, and 3001 frequen- first BZ, ended by the Γ and X points along the GNR cies below 20 eV. η was replaced with a (finite) lifetime axis [and shown in Figs. 1(b), 1(d), S1(b) and S2(b)]. broadening parameter of 0.02 eV. In the ΓX domain, we calculated the KS energies ε νk TheunperturbedsusceptibilityofMGwasrepresented and wave functions with 50 reciprocal lattice vectors, being such that G < | | rνk =N−1/2(cid:88)c PW (r), (S1) 3.2 ˚A−1 [17]. The ΓK and ΓM high-symmetry paths νk+G k+G (cid:104) | (cid:105) weresampledwith60and90q-values,respectively. 3001 G ω-values below 30 eV were selected with η =0.02 eV. being normalized to unity in the crystal volume Ω = Accordingly, unperturbed susceptibility matrices were NΩ0, with N expressing the number of sampled k calculated for all sampled frequencies and momenta. points (in the MP mesh) and the G-sum being limited Withtheχ0 matricesathand,theinteractingdensity- GG(cid:48) by the cut off condition set forth above. density response function (susceptibility) χGG(cid:48) was ob- The full plasmon structure of the intrinsic GNRs was tained from the central equation of TDDFT (see main exploredatfrequenciesω 20eV[Figs.2(c),2(d),S3(c) text). The latter is a Dyson-like equation, which can be ≤ andS3(d)]. MomentumvaluesqparalleltotheGNRaxis rewritten as were considered in the range of 0.02 to 0.8 ˚A−1. (cid:88) The converged ground state d∼ensity ∼ χGG(cid:48) =χ0GG(cid:48) + χ0GG(cid:48)(cid:48)vG(cid:48)(cid:48)G(cid:48)(cid:48)(cid:48)χG(cid:48)(cid:48)(cid:48)G(cid:48), (S4) G(cid:48)(cid:48)G(cid:48)(cid:48)(cid:48) occ n(r)=(cid:88) rνk 2 (S2) by making explicit the summation indices. |(cid:104) | (cid:105)| TheeffectivepotentialmatrixelementsinEq.(S4)may νk be calculated from the truncated Fourier integrals given was determined with 15000 PW coefficients cνk+G in Eq. (??), which yields ∼ { } per occupied wave function, leading to the electronic structure of Figs. 1(b) and 1(d). 4πδGG(cid:48) 4πδGG(cid:48)e−iLzG−2G(cid:48) n(r)wassubsequentlyusedinanonself-consistentrun vGG(cid:48) = q+G2 + L q+G (S5) z | | | | to determine the KS energies and wave functions on an 1 e−Lz|q+G| GG(cid:48) q+G2 MP mesh of 180 1 1 k points. 120 bands (indexed by − −| | . × × × G2+ q+G2 G(cid:48)2+ q+G2 ν) were included to have a reliable dielectric response in | | | | the considered frequency and momentum ranges. ThevGG(cid:48) termshavebeenprovedtoefficientlycutoffthe EL calculations for MG were run on an MP grid of spuriousinteractionbetweenreplicasofplanargraphene- 180 180 1wavevectorsintheirreduciblefirstBZofthe based systems [18, 45–47]. × × iii (a) Graphene ΓK (b) Graphene ΓM q (Å-1) q (Å-1) Such a mode is absent in MG at the absolute zero 0.738 0.754 because of the vanishing behavior of the density of 0.681 0.688 states (DOS) at the inequivalent K points of the first 0.624 0.623 0.568 BZ. The change in the Fermi-Dirac statistics at room 0.557 0.511 temperature leads to n∗ = 1.15 1011 cm−2 [Figs. 2(a) 0.454 0.492 × and 2(b)], which in turns is responsible for a weak struc- 0.397 0.426 0.341 0.361 tureintheopticalregionofMG.Thisisbarelyvisibleat 0.284 0.295 the lowest q’s in the plots of Figs. 2(a), 2(b), S3(a) and 0.227 0.229 S3(b), due to both the on-set of the π structure and the 0.170 0.164 energyresolution(0.01eV)usedtosamplethe0 20eV 0.114 0.098 − 0.057 π π-σ 0.033 π π-σ range. 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 12 16 20 ω(eV) ω(eV) (c) 4ZGNR ΓX (d) 5AGNR ΓX q (Å-1) q (Å-1) DOPED SYSTEMS 0.721 0.718 00..666048 ntraP 00..655837 ToexplorethedielectricpropertiesoftheGNRsatin- 0.551 I frared frequencies, we used an MP mesh of 1000 1 1 0.495 0.522 × × 0.438 0.457 wave vectors with ∼ 30 bands, covering the frequency 0.382 0.392 P region ω 2 eV. Besides the dielectric properties of the 0.325 0.326 nter pristine G≤NR arrays, we also studied how these proper- 0.268 0.261 I ties change with doping. Indeed doping can happen as 0.212 0.196 0.155 an unwanted effect due to chemical contamination or it 0.131 0.099 0.065 0.042 π π-σ π π-σ (a) ΔE =0.0 (b) ΔE =0.25 eV F F 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 12 16 20 F4ZIGG.NSR3.(c)Ealonsdsωv5(esAVωG) N<R20(de)VatfoTr i=ntr3i0n0sicKM. TGωh(ee[V(Ea))Lasnpdec(tbr)a],, ELOSSarb. un. ELOSSarb. un. correspondingtosomeofthesampledmomentainthedensity q (Å-1) q (Å-1) plots of Fig. 2, with q (cid:107)ΓK (a), q (cid:107)ΓM (b) and q (cid:107)ΓX [(c) 0.1907 0.1907 and (d)], are shifted vertically for clarity. 0.1625 0.1625 0.1342 0.1342 0.1059 0.1059 0.0777 0.0777 0.0600 0.0600 Finally, the EL spectra were computed by 0.0459 0.0459 0.0317 0.0317 (cid:88) 0.0176 0.0176 E = Im v χ , (S6) loss 0G G0 0.0035 0.0035 − G 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 ω(eV) ω(eV) where (c) ΔEF=0.5 eV n. 1.4 (d) IntraP χGG(cid:48) =(cid:88)[(1−χ0v)−1]GG(cid:48)(cid:48)χ0G(cid:48)(cid:48)G(cid:48), (S7) ELOSSarb. u 1.2 G(cid:48)(cid:48) 1.0 is the solution of Eq. (S4). q (Å-1) V) Fig. S3 provides a complementary view to Fig. 2, with 00..11960275 ω (e0.8 tpmohnoeeernt-tEpeudeLmakfsodprsoetcmsrteuralceaitncutoser.fedAMoqsfGpvt,aho4lieunZetπGesdNainRnoudttahσnien-dπct5ohpArelrGaemssNmpaRoionnndbstieenixingntg,MmtrhoGee-- 0000000.......1000100374106347575102796970 000...246 13-2n* (10cm)1120....597388396 0001....50200050F ΔEeV() is turned into well resolved sub-peak structures in the 0.0035 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.2 GNRs. These originate from the several π and σ bands 0.0 0.4ω(eV0.)8 1.2 q (Å-1) of the 1D materials [Figs. 1(b), 1(d), S1(a) and S2(b)]. FIG. S4. E vs ω < 1.5 eV (a)-(c) and intraband loss The low-energy intraband and interband modes for plasmon dispersion (d) for intrinsic and extrinsic 4ZGNR at 4ZGNR and 5AGNR, respectively, appear to be well re- T = 300 K. The EL spectra in (a)-(c), corresponding to solved and have higher intensities with respect to the some of the sampled momenta shown in the density plots of π and σ-π modes. In particular the intraband mode of Figs.3(a)-3(c),areshiftedverticallyforclarity. Theplasmon 4ZGNRisgeneratedbyaconduction-electronconcentra- resonances represented as green dots in Figs. 3(a)-3(d) are tion n∗ of 3.96 1012 cm−2 [Fig. 2(c)]. shown together in (d). × iv (a) ΔE =-0.3 eV (b) ΔE =-0.2 eV (c) ΔE =0.0 (d) ΔE =0.2 eV F F F F n*=-4.12 1012 cm-2 n*=-1.91 1012 cm-2 n*=8.70 108 cm-2 n*=1.08 1012 cm-2 × × × × q (10-2Å-1) q (10-2Å-1) q (10-2Å-1) q (10-2Å-1) 11.198 11.198 11.198 11.198 9.833 9.833 9.833 9.833 8.467 8.467 8.467 8.467 7.101 7.101 7.101 7.101 5.736 5.736 5.736 5.736 4.370 4.370 4.370 4.370 3.004 3.004 3.004 3.004 1.640 1.640 1.640 1.640 0.273 0.273 0.273 0.273 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 ω(eV) ω(eV) ω(eV) ω(eV) ( e ) Δn*E=F=3.605.3× e1V012 cm-2 ( f ) Δ nE*=F=5.05.94× e1V012 cm-2 (g) ΔEF=0.8 eV n * ×=110.1238 cm-2 11..68 ΔEF-0(0e..02V) InterP q (10-2Å-1) q (10-2Å-1) q (10-2Å-1) 0.2 1.4 11.198 11.198 11.198 -0.3 1.2 0.3 9.833 9.833 9.833 0.4 8.467 8.467 8.467 V)1.0 0.8 e 7.101 7.101 7.101 (0.8 5.736 5.736 5.736 ω0.6 IntraP 4.370 4.370 4.370 0.4 3.004 3.004 3.004 0.2 1.640 1.640 1.640 (h) 0.273 0.273 0.273 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 ω(eV) ω(eV) ω(eV) q(Å-1) FIG.S5. E vsω≤2eV(a)-(g)and(q,ω)plasmondispersions(h)forintrinsicandextrinsic5AGNRatT =300K.Values loss of ∆E ranging from −0.3 to 0.8 eV are considered in (a)-(g), which correspond to charge-carrier concentrations n∗ of the F order of ±1012 cm−2. The EL spectra in (a)-(g) are represented for some of the sampled momenta below 0.15 ˚A−1 along the GNR axis and shifted vertically for clarity. canbeintroducedinacontrolledway,i.e.,afterfunction- ergies slightly increase with increasing the injected elec- alization of the GNR or through a gating potential. tron concentration, following the typical squareroot-like Doping or gating was simulated by changing the oc- dispersion of the two-dimensional plasmon in MG as cupation factors f and f in χ0 (see Eq. (1)), q 0. ThesefeaturesareseparatelyvisibleinFigs.3(a)- νk νk+q GG(cid:48) → accordingtotheconcentrationofinjectedorejectedelec- 3(d). trons. It can be safely assumed that the doping values Itisworthmentioningthattheeffectivecharge-carrier sampled in this Letter have a negligible effect on the KS densitycontributingtotheintrabandmodein4ZGNRis electronic structure [17, 18]. of the same order of magnitude for all sampled doping All other settings were the same as for the intrinsic levels, i.e., 1013cm−2. Therefore, moderateenergyshifts, systems. Figs. S4 and S5 provide a complementary rep- up to 0.5 eV, are recorded in the intraband plasmon dis- resentation of the EL properties of 4ZGNR, given in persions [Fig. S4(d)]. In contrast, doping levels of 0.5 Figs.3(a)-3(d),and5AGNR,reportedinFigs.4(a)-4(d), and1eVinMGleadtoamorepronouncedcharge-carrier respectively. densityincrease,of1013and1014cm−2,respectively. Ac- In semimetals like mono- and bilayer graphene, even cordingly, a substantial variation in the plasmon energy a small doping yields the formation of a quasi two- oftheextrinsictwo-dimensionalplasmonofMGhasbeen dimensional gas of charge carriers (electrons or holes). reported [17]. The fact that the conduction or valence band becomes In 5AGNR, the presence of a small gap with high partially occupied or unoccupied causes the appearance DOS [Fig. 1(d)] allows the appearance of an interband of low-energy intraband single-particle transitions and plasmon that seems to be weakly influenced by electron collective excitations. injection or ejection. In 4ZGNR, the non vanishing DOS at the Fermi On the other hand, positive or negative Fermi energy level [Fig. 1(b)] causes the appearance of a well resolved shifts generate an intraband plasmon that is extremely intrabandmodebeingweaklyaffectedbythedoping(gat- sensitive to the doping level and may interfere with the ing). As shown in Fig. S4(d), the plasmon resonance en- interband plasmon. These other features are highlighted

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