PLASMA POLYMERIZED HYDROGEL THIN FILMS FOR APPLICATIONS IN SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A Dissertation Presented to The Academic Faculty by Prabhakar A. Tamirisa In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology December 2006 PLASMA POLYMERIZED HYDROGEL THIN FILMS FOR APPLICATIONS IN SENSORS AND ACTUATORS Approved by: Dr. Dennis W. Hess, Advisor Dr. J. Carson Meredith School of Chemical & Biomolecular School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Clifford L. Henderson Dr. Mark R. Prausnitz School of Chemical & Biomolecular School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. William D. Hunt School of Electrical & Computer Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Date Approved: September 05, 2006 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First, I would like to thank my research advisor, Prof. Dennis Hess for providing valuable guidance, financial support, and encouraging creative ideas and critical thinking throughout my stay at Georgia Institute of Technology. I also wish to thank my committee members Prof. Clifford Henderson, Prof. William Hunt, Prof. Carson Meredith, and Prof. Mark Prausnitz for their suggestions, feedback, and critique of my work. I thank Prof. William Hunt and Dr. Sang-Hun Lee, School of Electrical & Computer Engineering for collaborating on the development of the electrophoretic immobilization procedure and surface acoustic wave sensors. I wish to thank Prof. Clifford Henderson for kindly allowing the use of many analytical instruments. Most of this work would not have been possible without access to the thin film characterization equipment. I would like to thank Prof. Y. C. (Jerry) Jean, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Missouri-Kansas City, for kindly agreeing to conduct positron annihilation studies on the plasma deposited hydrogel films, and assisting in the interpretation of the results. I would also like to thank Prof. Yulin Deng for kindly allowing the use of a contact angle measurement apparatus at the Institute of Paper Science and Technology. I thank Dr. Jere Koskinen, formerly of the Institute of Paper Science and Technology, for collaborating on the initial stages of this project, and providing financial support. I also thank Ms. Gloria Beale for processing numerous purchase orders, Mr. Scott Fowler for helping me troubleshoot the RF power system, and Mr. Johnafel Crowe for training me on the confocal laser scanning microscope and providing several useful suggestions. iii Thanks to Dr. Sudeep Vaswani, former member of Prof. Hess’ group, for training me on the operation of the plasma reactors. I would like to acknowledge several members (both former and present) of Prof. Hess’ research group for sharing their valuable insights on my experiments during and outside of the group meetings, training me on various analytical instruments, and their camaraderie (in no particular order): Dr. Matthew Spuller, Dr. Ebony Mays, Dr. Jie Diao, Dr. Satyanarayana Myneni, Dr. Christopher Timmons, Dr. Qian Luo, Dr. Galit Levitin, Ashwini Sinha, Lingbo Zhu, Ingu Song, Yonghao Xiu, Gelareh Shakourian, Shantanu Pathak and Bala Balakrishna. I thank Mr. Safdar Ali, for working with me to study the stability of NIPAAm thin films. In addition, I would like to thank Dr. Desmond Stubbs, Mr. Tony Dickherber, and Mr. Christopher Corso, members of the ‘maglab’, for their valuable comments and support. I would also like to thank Mr. Daniel Hallow for loaning a DC power source. I also thank Troy, Sean, David, Len, and Murali, for their friendship and support during my stay in Atlanta. Finally, I thank my parents for their love, encouragement, and precious support over the years. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF FIGURES viii SUMMARY xi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 BACKGROUND 5 2.1 Plasma polymerization 5 2.2 Hydrogels 15 2.3 Applications in sensors and actuators 21 3 SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION 29 3.1 Introduction 29 3.2 Experimental Section 31 3.3 Results and Discussion 36 3.3.1 Infrared Spectroscopy Characterization of Hydrogel Films 38 3.3.2 Thermoresponsive Properties of Hydrogel Films 44 3.4 Conclusions 49 4 WATER AND MOISTURE UPTAKE CHARACTERISTICS 51 4.1 Introduction 51 4.2 Experimental Section 55 4.3 Results and Discussion 58 v 4.3.1 Water uptake measurements 59 4.3.2 Moisture uptake measurements 66 4.4 Conclusions 73 5 MICROSTRUCTURE CHARACTERIZATION 74 5.1 Introduction 74 5.2 Experimental Section 78 5.3 Results and Discussion 79 5.4 Conclusions 85 6 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 87 6.1 Summary 87 6.2 Recommendations 89 APPENDIX A: ELECTROPHORETIC IMMOBILIZATION AND SENSOR DEVELOPMENT 91 APPENDIX B: STABILITY STUDIES 109 REFERENCES 126 vi LIST OF TABLES Page Table 2.1: Examples of polymers that exhibit LCST behavior in aqueous solutions1 16 Table 3.1: VASE results of NIPAAm films deposited on silicon 37 Table 3.2: FTIR band assignments for NIPAAm films deposited on silicon 41 Table 5.1: Thickness and refractive index of plasma polymerized NIPAAm films from variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry 81 Table 5.2: Fitted parameters (from VEPFIT2) for DBES plots shown in Figure 5.1 83 Table B.1: Thickness values of NIPAAm films exposed to DI water 113 Table B.2: Thickness values of NIPAAm films exposed to PBS 114 Table B.3: Thickness values of NIPAAm films exposed to TAE 115 Table B.4: Comparison of Amide I and II bands in the FTIR spectra 123 vii LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 2.1: Schematic of the competitive ablation and polymerization (CAP) mechanismof plasma polymerization: (1) Ablation of the monomer to form reactive species in the plasma phase; (2) Adsorption of reactive species on substrate; (3) Heterogeneous reaction with substrate to form plasma polymer film; (4) Desorption of unreacted species from substrate25 8 Figure 2.2: Relationship between basic plasma parameters and plasma-surface interaction parameters3 11 Figure 3.1: Schematic of the capacitively coupled, parallel plate plasma reactor used to deposit NIPAAm thin films 33 Figure 3.2: FTIR spectra of NIPAAm films deposited on silicon at 133.3 Pa at 150 °C, 175 °C and 200 °C; 30 W rf power 39 Figure 3.3: FTIR spectra of NIPAAm films deposited on silicon at 93.3 Pa at 120 °C, 150 °C, 175 °C and 200 °C; 30 W rf power 40 Figure 3.4: Contact angles of plasma polymerized NIPAAm on silicon surface deposited at (a) 120 ºC, 93.3 Pa, (b) 150 ºC, 133.3 Pa. RF power was 30 W for all samples, (c) 150 ºC, 93.3 Pa, and (d) 175 ºC, 133.3 Pa. RF power was 30 W for all samples 45 Figure 4.1: Variation of –Δf (top) and ΔD (bottom) with temperature for NIPAAm films prepared using process condition B (Substrate temperature = 120 ºC; Reactor pressure = 93.3 Pa) 61 Figure 4.2: Variation of –Δf (top) and ΔD (bottom) with temperature for NIPAAm films prepared using process condition C (Substrate temperature = 175 ºC; Reactor pressure = 133.3 Pa) 62 Figure 4.3: Variation of –Δf (top) and ΔD (bottom) with temperature for NIPAAm films prepared using process condition D (Substrate temperature = 175 ºC; Reactor pressure = 93.3 Pa) 63 Figure 4.4: Variation of –ΔD/Δf (1E-6) with temperature for NIPAAm films prepared using different reactor conditions 65 Figure 4.5: Moisture absorption kinetics from ambient air (~ 40% relative humidity) for NIPAAm film prepared using: (a) process condition B (Substrate temperature = 120 ºC; Reactor pressure = 93.3 Pa); (b) process condition C viii (Substrate temperature = 175 ºC; Reactor pressure = 133.3 Pa – top); (c) process condition D (Substrate temperature = 175 ºC; Reactor pressure = 133.3 Pa – bottom) 67 Figure 4.6: Comparison of moisture uptake capacities of NIPAAm films prepared using different reactor conditions, through swelling ratio, Q 70 Figure 5.1: Interactions of positron and positronium with condensed matter4 75 Figure 5.2: A schematic diagram of the slow positron beam at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. A: 50 mCi 22Na positron source, B: W-mesh moderator, C: magnetic field (75 G) coils, D: E X B filter, E: positron accelerator and electric insulator, F: correcting magnets, G: gas inlet, H: positron lifeline system for PAL, I: turbo molecular pump, J: samples, K: sample manipulator, L: cryo pump, M: Ge solid state detector, N: PAL detector5 79 Figure 5.3: Variation of S parameter as a function of positron incident energy in plasma polymerized NIPAAm thin films prepared under different process conditions: (a) 0 < positron incident energy < 30 keV (top) (b) 0< positrons incident energy < 5 keV (bottom) 80 Figure 5.4: Values of S parameter of the second layer and refractive index of plasma polymerized NIPAAm films prepared under different reactor conditions 84 Figure A.1: Schematic of the electrophoretic immobilization set up (not drawn to scale) 97 Figure A.2: Frequency response of SAW devices after NIPAAm deposition (---), after anti-FITC immobilization (---), and after exposure to uranine vapor (---); (a) Electrophoretic immobilization at 5 V (top); (b) Electrophoretic immobilization at 1 V (bottom); (c) No anti-FITC immobilization 100 Figure A.3: Frequency response of SAW devices after NIPAAm deposition (---), after anti-FITC immobilization (---), and after exposure to uranine vapor (---); (a) Electrophoretic immobilization at 0.5 V for 15 min (top); (b) Electrophoretic immobilization at 0.5 V for 10 min(bottom); (c) NIPAAm film - no electrophoretic immobilization (top); (d) Blank SAW device – No NIPAAm film, no electrophoretic immobilization (bottom) 105 Figure A.4: CLSM images: (a) Anti-FITC containing NIPAAm film (0.5 V for 15 min); (b) Anti-FITC containing NIPAAm film (0.5 V for 10 min); (c) Blank SAW device – no hydrogel film; (d) Hydrogel coated SAW device – no anti-FITC 107 ix Figure B.1: Thickness of NIPAAm films prepared under different reactor conditions as a function of exposure to DI water 111 Figure B.2: Thickness of NIPAAm films prepared under different reactor conditions as a function of exposure to PBS solution 112 Figure B.3: Thickness of NIPAAm films prepared under different reactor conditions as a function of exposure to TAE solution 112 Figure B.4: FTIR spectra of NIPAAm films exposed to DI water showing the amide I and II regions 120 Figure B.5: FTIR spectra of NIPAAm films exposed to PBS solution showing the amide I and II regions 121 Figure B.6: FTIR spectra of NIPAAm films exposed to TAE solution showing the amide I and II regions 122 x