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Plasma actuators for separation control – design and application by Julie A. Vernet November 2014 Technical Reports from Royal Institute of Technology KTH Mechanics SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden Akademisk avhandling som med tillst˚and av Kungliga Tekniska H¨ogskolan i Stockholm framl¨agges till offentlig granskning f¨or avl¨aggande av teknologie licentiatsexamen den 19 december 2014 kl 10.30 i sal E2, Lindstedsv¨agen 3, Kungliga Tekniska H¨ogskolan, Stockholm. TRITA-MEK 2014:25 ISSN 0348-467X ISRN KTH/MEK/TR-14/25-SE ISBN 978-91-7595-354-0 (cid:13)cJulie A. Vernet 2014 Universitetsservice US–AB, Stockholm 2014 To my grandfather who taught me his own interpretation of the Archimedes principle “A body immersed or partially immersed in water ... gets wet!” iii iv Julie A. Vernet 2014, Plasma actuators for separation control – design and application Linn´e Flow Centre, KTH Mechanics, SE–100 44 Stockholm, Sweden Abstract This thesis deals with the experimental realisation of an active flow control technique, that utilises dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma actuators, to re-energise boundary layers subjected to adverse pressure gradients. The ultimate goal of the research is to delay flow separation occurring on the A- pillar of trucks tractors within the Flow Research on Advanced and Novel Control Efficiency (FRANCE) project. The first part of the project consists of the development of manufactur- ing techniques for in-house built DBD plasma actuators and to evaluate their performance when placed on a curved surface. The behaviour and parameter dependence of the electric wind in quiescent air were investigated by means of Laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV). The electric wind was found to develop similar to a wall jet and the results of the parametric study are in agreement withtheliterature, viz. increaseofwindvelocitieswithincreasingdrivingvolt- age and frequency and with decrease of dielectric sheet thickness. The mea- sured evolution of the induced wall jets served also as a benchmark data base for a companion numerical project. Furthermore, during the two half-periods (strokes) of the alternating current, the electric wind was investigated through phase-resolved LDV data, which revealed that while the velocity during both strokes remains positive, it differs in magnitude with nearly a factor of two be- tween the strokes. Since the phase dependence of the electric wind is observed only in the vicinity of the actuator, the assumption of a steady induced force in simulations seems to be justified. Forthesecondpartoftheproject,adoubleDBDplasmaactuatorwasused tocontrolflowseparationoccurringonacylindricalbumpapproachedbyatur- bulent boundary layer. The uncontrolled flow that develops on the flat plate upstream the bump, separating on the half-cylinder geometry and reattaching on the downstream flat plate was characterised using hot-wire anemometry. Finally, detailed pressure measurements at the wall and in the wake of the cylinder showed that the double actuator was able to reduce the reattachment lengthdownstreamthecylindricalbumpwhichresultedinadragreductionup to 30% when the actuator was placed a few millimetres upstream the separa- tion point. However, drag reduction was observed for a wide range of actuator positions and it is hypothesised that the measured reduction could be due to different mechanisms, either as a re-energising of the shear-layer or as addition of momentum close to the wall thereby delaying separation and increasing the base pressure on the backside of the half-cylinder. Descriptors: electric wind, drag reduction, wind-tunnel experiments v Julie A. Vernet 2014, Plasmaaktuatorer f¨or separationskontroll – design och till¨ampning Linn´e Flow Centre, KTH Mekanik, SE–100 44 Stockholm, Sweden Sammanfattning En unders¨okning av str¨omningskontroll med sk DBD plasmaaktuatorer f¨or att p˚averka avl¨osningen av ett turbulent gr¨ansskikt i en positiv tryckgradient har utf¨orts. Det slutgiltiga m˚alet f¨or forskningen ¨ar att f¨orsena eller i b¨asta fall f¨orhindra avl¨osning av str¨omningen vid A-stolpen p˚a en l˚angtradares dragbil och forskningen g¨ors som en del inom projektet FRANCE (Flow Research on Advanced and Novel Control Efficency). En tillverkningsteknik tagits fram f¨or att bygga DBD plasmaaktuatorer som kan placeras p˚a en kr¨okt yta. Den elektriska vind som aktuatorerna ger upphov till har best¨amts med laser Doppler velocimetri (LDV) i stillast˚aende omgivande luft och hastighetsf¨altet l¨angs den kr¨okta ytan kartlagts. Resul- taten visar att vinden uppf¨or sig likartat med vad som tidigare rapporterats i litteraturen, n¨amligen en ¨okning av hastigheten med ¨okande drivsp¨anning och frekvens och ocks˚a en ¨okning n¨ar tjockleken av det dielektriska materialskiktet minskas. Fasuppl¨osta m¨atningar med LDV visade att b˚ade de positiva och negativa halvperioderna av den drivande v¨axelsp¨anningen ger samma riktning avvinden,dockmedenskillnadidenmaximalahastighetenmedenfaktortv˚a. Vindens fasberoende observerades dock bara i n¨arheten av aktuatorerna och i simuleringar antas en stationa¨r inducerad kraft vilket d¨arf¨or kan anses vara en god approximation. Resultaten har ocks˚a anv¨ants f¨or att kalibrera en modell f¨or aktuatorerna i ett parallellt numeriskt projekt inom FRANCE Tv˚a plasmaaktuatorer i en dubbel (tandem) konfiguration har anv¨ants f¨or att p˚averka avl¨osningen p˚a en halvcylinder som anstr¨ommas l¨angs en plan yta med ett turbulent gr¨ansskikt. Basstr¨omningen, dvs str¨omningen utan kontroll, framf¨or, ¨over och nedstr¨oms cylindern, har kartlagts med hj¨alp av varmtr˚adsanemometri. Detaljeradetryckm¨atningarp˚aytornaochivakenned- str¨oms cylindern visade att med str¨omningskontroll kunde l¨angden p˚a det avl¨osta omr˚adet minskas, bastrycket p˚a nedstr¨omssidan av cylindern ¨okas och det totala motst˚andet minskas med 30% f¨or den b¨asta placeringen av aktu- atorn (ett par mm uppstr¨oms avl¨osningslinjen). Minskningen kunde emeller- tid observeras f¨or ett brett intervall av positioner och uppvisade tv˚a omr˚aden med lokalt maximal effekt. En hypotes ¨ar att detta kan bero p˚a att tv˚a olika mekanismer ¨ar verksamma, i ena fallet genom att aktuatorn ger extra r¨orelseenergi till sj¨alva str¨omningen utan att direkt p˚averka avl¨osningen, och i andra fallet genom att tillf¨ora r¨orelsem¨angd n¨ara ytan och som f¨orskjuter avl¨osningen p˚a cylindern nedstr¨oms och d¨armed minskar det avl¨osta omr˚adet. Nyckelord: elektrisk vind, motst˚andsminskning, vindtunnel experiment vi Preface In this licentiate thesis, the capability of Dielectric Barrier Discharge plasma actuatorstocontrolflowseparationisexperimentallyinvestigated. Thethesisis dividedintotwoparts. Thefirstpartgivesanintroductionandmotivationsfor the project together with prerequisite concepts concerning plasma actuators. The different experimental setups and measurement techniques employed are also described together with a summary of the results. Finally, a conclusion sectionwithdiscussionoftheresultsandplansforthenexttwoyearsisending this part. The second part consists of three papers giving more details to the reader about the observations made and results obtained during this project. November 2014, Stockholm Julie A. Vernet vii viii Contents Abstract v Sammanfattning vi Preface vii Part I. Overview and summary Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Motivations 1 1.2. Flow separation and control 1 1.3. Heavy trucks aerodynamics 2 1.4. Layout of the thesis 4 Chapter 2. History, principle and review of plasma actuators 5 2.1. Plasma actuators for flow control? 6 2.2. Review of studies on the electric wind induced by DBD plasma actuators 10 2.3. Applications of DBD plasma actuators to flow control 15 Chapter 3. Design of DBD plasma actuators and study of the induced electric wind in quiescent air 21 3.1. Design and construction of DBD plasma actuators 21 3.2. Electric wind measurement setup 27 3.3. Results 31 Chapter 4. Flow separation control and drag reduction study 37 4.1. Flow separation control setup 37 4.2. Drag evaluation 45 4.3. Results 47 ix Chapter 5. Outlook 49 Chapter 6. Papers and authors contribution 51 Acknowledgements 53 References 55 Part II. Papers 61 Paper 1. Phase-averaged measurements of the electric wind induced by a Single Dielectric Barrier Discharge plasma actuator 65 Paper 2. A turbulent boundary layer with pressure gradient, curvature and separation – results from hot-wire measurements 87 Paper 3. Flow separation delay on trucks A-pillars by means of Dielectric Barrier Discharge plasma actuation 107 x

other losses (6%) such as driveline and accessories losses. In the case Post & Corke (2004) investigated DBD plasma actuators to increase the lift.
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