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Plants living on the edge PDF

207 Pages·2016·27.13 MB·English
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Plants living on the edge Colonization processes of aquatic and riparian vegetation along restored lowland streams Rob G.A. Fraaije Thesis committee: Dr. A. Baattrup-Pedersen Prof.dr. E. van Donk Prof.dr. H. de Kroon Prof.dr. J. Silvertown Prof.dr.ir. P.F.M. Verdonschot Photo courtesy of: R.G.A. Fraaije and M.B. Soons Layout and printing: Print Service Ede, Ede, the Netherlands ISBN: 978-94-91602-67-2 This thesis should be cited as: Fraaije R.G.A. (2016) Plants living on the edge: colonization processes of aquatic and riparian vegetation along restored lowland streams. PhD thesis. Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands Plants living on the edge: colonization processes of aquatic and riparian vegetation along restored lowland streams Planten die op de rand leven: kolonisatie processen van beek- en oevervegetatie langs herstelde laaglandbeken (met een samenvatting in het Nederlands) Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Utrecht op gezag van de rector magnificus, prof.dr. G.J. van der Zwaan, ingevolge het besluit van het college voor promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen op woensdag 31 augustus 2016 des ochtends te 10.30 uur door Robertus Gerardus Aloijsius Fraaije geboren op 23 augustus 1984 te Ammerzoden Promotor: Prof.dr. J.T.A. Verhoeven Copromotor: Dr. M.B. Soons This study was supported by Agentschap NL (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland), the Foundation for Applied Water Research (STOWA) and grants from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) to M.B. Soons: NWO-ALW Meervoud and Vidi grants. Contents Chapter 1 7 General Introduction Chapter 2 21 Elevational patterns of hydrochorous seed deposition along stream riparian gradients Chapter 3 51 Early plant recruitment stages set the template for the development of vegetation patterns along a hydrological gradient Chapter 4 85 Dispersal versus environmental filtering in a dynamic system: drivers of vegetation patterns and diversity along stream riparian gradients. Chapter 5 119 Functional responses of aquatic and riparian vegetation to hydrogeomorphic restoration of lowland streams and their valleys Chapter 6 153 Synthesis References 167 Summary 185 Nederlandse samenvatting 191 Dankword 19 Author’s affiliations 203 Publications 205 About the author 207 Chapter 1 General Introduction Chapter 1 PLANT SPECIES DISTRIBUTIONS AND BIODIVERSITY Plant diversity is increasingly threatened across the globe by habitat loss and deterioration (Tilman et al. 2001; Dirzo & Raven 2003; Butchart et al. 2010). Besides threats to the conservation of species (Myers et al. 2000), these biodiversity declines may impair ecosystem functioning and stability (Tilman & Downing 1994; McCann 2000; Tilman et al. 2012). In order to successfully protect sensitive species and biodiversity in general, a central goal in ecology is to understand the mechanisms that determine species distributions and biodiversity. Determinants of species distributions and biodiversity Niche differentiation is a major concept in this field, explaining species distributions by interspecific differences in the ability to acquire limiting resources (Tilman 1982) or withstand adverse conditions (Kenkel et al. 1991; Lenssen & de Kroon 2005). This combination of abiotic constraints and biotic interactions forms an ‘environmental filter’ (sensu van der Valk 1981; Keddy 1992; ter Steege & Zagt 2002) for species establishment and persistence, which segregates species along environmental or temporal niches (Silvertown 2004). With every species occupying its own niche, stable coexistence in an ecosystem is promoted which generally increases biodiversity. A concept contrasting to niche differentiation by environmental filtering, is the explanation of species distribution by differences in arrival, or ‘dispersal filtering’. According to this view, size of the local and regional species pools, chance colonization events and differences in species dispersal abilities are critical factors structuring plant communities, with species being ‘neutral’ to differences in habitat conditions (MacArthur & Wilson 1967; Zobel 1997; Hubbell 2001; Myers & Harms 2009). Mechanisms of environmental and dispersal filtering Although there is general consensus that both environmental filtering and dispersal filtering play a role in natural community assemblages (Gravel et al. 2006; Adler et al. 2007; Myers & Harms 2009; Götzenberger et al. 2012; Fig. 1.1), the assessment of their relative importance across time, space, or ecosystem types remains challenging (Chase & Myers 2011; Shipley et al. 2012). Moreover, although niche differentiation along environmental axes has been shown in many studies (Silvertown 2004) it is often unclear at which stage in a plant’s life cycle such filters operate: during early stages, thereby preventing occupation of the full potential niche of adult plants (Grubb 1977; Grime 2001), or at later stages, e.g. through competitive interactions among adults (Wedin & Tilman 1993). Additionally, several early recruitment processes can be distinguished, namely germination, seedling survival and seedling growth. While early recruitment stages are increasingly recognized as determinants of adult species distributions (Evans & Etherington 1990; Eriksson & Ehrlén 1992; Kotorová & Lepš 8 General Introduction 1999; Stampfli & Zeiter 2008), studies to date have focused either on one particular recruitment stage or on the combined result of all stages (total seedling establishment). Hence, quantitative information on the relative importance of the different stages to recruitment and adult species distributions is generally lacking. Such information 1 would add significantly to our understanding of community assembly and biodiversity. Also for dispersal filtering several mechanisms may play a role. Dispersal limitation may occur due to a lack of nearby source populations (Bakker & Berendse 1999; Brederveld te .la 2011; Baattrup-Pedersen te .la 2013; Lorenz & Feld 2013), by limited dispersal opportunities (blocked dispersal pathways; Ozinga te .la 2009; Nilsson te .la 2010), but also by a mismatch in spatial patterns of deposited seeds hampering seeds in reaching certain microhabitats (Nathan & Muller-Landau 2000; Jordano .la te2007; Sarneel & Soons 2012; Sarneel .la te2014a). A better understanding of plant dispersal pathways is required to be able to predict species (re-)colonization potential and their effects on plant diversity. Figure 1.1. Overview of the processes that determine plant community assembly (modified from Götzenberger et al. 2012). The global species pool defines a regional species pool through the speciation, extinction and migration of species (phylogeographic assembly). At a given local site the species pool constitutes species from the regional species pool that are able to disperse there (dispersal assembly). At the local site, habitat filtering and biotic interactions define the actual assemblage of plant species (ecological assembly). 9 Chapter 1 Relative importance of environmental and dispersal filtering in dynamic habitats Recent studies suggest that environment-driven community assembly may become more important under stressful environmental conditions (Chase 2007; Jiang & Patel 2008; Lepori & Malmqvist 2009), whereas dispersal filtering may become more prevalent under benign conditions (Myers & Harms 2009; Germain et al. 2013). Species interactions may additionally enforce both types of filtering by competitive displacement of subordinates towards peripheral ends of environmental gradients (Wisheu & Keddy 1992), narrowing species’ realized niche ranges (Hutchinson 1957; Pickett & Bazzaz 1978; Silvertown et al. 1999), or by preventing establishment of later arriving species (‘priority effects’), especially in more productive environments (Chase 2010; Kardol et al. 2013). In dynamic habitats that are prone to natural disturbance regimes, it is particularly unclear whether environmental filtering or dispersal filtering dominates, or how the two interact in community assembly (Lepori & Malmqvist 2009; Myers & Harms 2009; Brederveld et al. 2011). Disturbance regimes, i.e. “any relatively discrete event that disrupts the structure of an ecosystem, community, or population, and changes resource availability or the physical environment” (White & Pickett 1985), are an intrinsic feature of many highly diverse and ecologically important habitats, that are increasingly disrupted by human interventions across the globe (Mack & D’Antonio 1998; Shea et al. 2004; Turner 2010). Information on the relative importance of dispersal filtering versus environmental filtering is of highest importance for the design of effective conservation and restoration strategies of these habitats. When environmental filtering dominates, measures should first seek to improve or maintain proper local environmental conditions (e.g. Roelofs et al. 2002; Jähnig et al. 2009; Lamers et al. 2015) but when dispersal filtering dominates, it is of primary importance to protect nearby source populations and secure dispersal pathways (Soons et al. 2005; Verhoeven et al. 2008; Brederveld et al. 2011) STREAMS AND THEIR RIPARIAN ZONES Riparian zones along streams provide a typical example of a dynamic and highly diverse habitat (Naiman & Décamps 1997), in which the relative roles of dispersal filtering and environmental filtering, as well as a full mechanistic understanding of both filtering processes, are yet unresolved. Riparian zones form the interface between the aquatic and terrestrial environments, and comprise the area between the low and (extremely) high water marks (Naiman & Décamps 1997). Spatial and temporal variation in flooding (limitation by abiotic stress) and drought (resource limitation) stimulate community re-assembly and impose strong environmental filters. These dynamics coincide with a strong hydrological gradient from the channel to the upland, together generating gradients in the vegetation that are commonly explained by species niche 10

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