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Plant Resources of Arid and Semiarid Lands A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Edited by J. R. Goodin Department of Biological Sciences and International Center for Arid and Semiarid Land Studies Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas David K. Northington Department of Biological Sciences Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas 1985 ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers Orlando San Diego New York Austin London Montreal Sydney Tokyo Toronto COPYRIGHT © 1985 BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Orlando, Florida 32887 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING IN PUBLICATION DATA Main entry under title: Plant resources of arid and semiarid lands. Includes bibliographies and index. 1. Botany, Economic. 2. Arid regions flora. 3. Arid regions. I. Goodin, Joe R. II. Northington, David K. SB107.P57 1985 630'.915'4 85-7385 ISBN 0-12-289745-5 (alk. paper) PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 85 86 87 88 987654321 CONTRIBUTORS Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors' contributions begin. EDWARD S. AYENSU (1), Office of Biological Conservation and Department of Botany, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560 LOUTFY BOULOS (129), National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt ROLANDO H. BRAUN W. (257), CONICET, Instituto Argentino de Investiga- ciones de las Zonas Aridas (IADIZA), Mendoza (5500), Argentina K. M. M. DAKSHINI (69), Department of Botany, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, India JUAN M. GASTÓ (257), Facultad de Agronomia, Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile J. R. GOODIN (319), Department of Biological Sciences, and International Center for Arid and Semiarid Land Studies, Texas Tech University, Lub- bock, Texas 79409 HSIOH-YU HOU (233), Laboratory of Plant Ecology, Institute of Botany, Aca- demia Sinica, Beijing, People's Republic of China M. LAZARIDES (35), CSIRO Division of Plant Industry, Institute of Biological Resources, Canberra City, A.C.T. 2601, Australia C. M. McKELL (187), NPI, Salt Lake City, Utah 84108 N. T. NECHAYEVA (291), Desert Institute, Ashkhabad 744000, USSR 1 DAVID K. NORTHINGTON (319), Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409 ALFREDO OLIV ARES E. (257), Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile O. B. WILLIAMS (35), CSIRO Division of Water and Land Resources, Institute of Biological Resources, Canberra City, A.C.T. 2601, Australia 1 Present address: National Wildflower Research Center, Austin, Texas 78725. IX PREFACE It was our intent to develop a reference work that would assess the existing native plant resources in all arid and semiarid regions of the world. This invento- ry was to include potential food, forage, fiber, fuel, medicinal, and industrial uses. No such inventory is currently available for the world as a whole, and since the dry areas comprise one-third of the earth's land surface, such a resource should provide a stimulating focal point for human developmental efforts in these regions. Every effort was made to have the chapters as uniform as possible in organiza- tion and as complete as possible in content. Because of a lack of available information in given areas, however, some of the authors were unable to include parallel data on all topics. Nonetheless, the result is easily the most complete and impressive compilation of worldwide plant resource data for the arid zone. To provide the reader with an overview of the nature, scope, and organization of information that each author attempted to provide, we include the following outline that was used in the preparation of this book: I. A general and short paragraph introducing the chapter. II. Brief information about the total size and the amount of area treated as arid 2 and semiarid (km ), and the location of these dry areas, including stability and rate and direction of change. Because of edaphic factors, seasonality, or other factors, areas not classically considered "deserts" are included because of their low productivity. III. Annual precipitation, temperature, humidity; wind ranges and patterns; and seasons in each of the dry areas described above, including discussion of "effective" precipitation (that available to plants) and the total climatic pattern. IV. Elevation, relief, aspect, and the effects of topography on water drainage and loss. V. Basic soil types and their origins in these dry areas, with special reference to any unusual edaphic problems such as gypsum outcrops, high salinity or alkalinity, or serpentine soils, as well as comments on water penetration, holding capacity, runoff, and the physical features that control such factors. xi xii PREFACE VI. The availability of surface and subsurface water in the dry areas, includ- ing any past or planned modification of usage by humans, such as dam building, irrigation from diverted and underground sources, and other factors, and com- ments on water quality as well (including water resource projections). VII. Current and projected growth rates for countries and for the dry areas, within each continent. Some authors discuss one or a few countries; others discuss many. VIII. The current economic reliance on arid land productivity for each country. IX. Balance of trade, current resources and needs, and developing resources. X. The fate of those countries with dry regions. Can the resource and eco- nomic base be affected by the presence of these dry areas—positively and/or negatively? XI. Emphasis on the nature of the plants to be discussed: native, with signifi- cant potential but presently not being developed as a "crop" plant. Introduced plants are not included; if such plants have potential, they are discussed with the continent of origin. A. Food plants. Discussion of those plants native to the dry regions of a given area that have demonstrated potential as a source of food for human consumption. Herbs, spices, and beverage plants are included. As possi- ble, there is commentary on the degree of usefulness, time scale of devel- opment as a crop, and potential use of the plant that is more than local (i.e., Could it become important as an exportable resource?). B. Forage plants. Inventory of the herbs or shrubs that have potential as forage plants for domestic animals, including information on palatability, nutritional quality, potential problems (toxicity), and the potential degree of intensification or development as a "crop" plant, if available. C. Medicinal plants. Survey of the plants having known value in the treat- ment of illness or ailments. This section does not include an exhaustive list of all plants, especially those having only rumored or undocumented value. D. Industrial plants. 1. Fibers. An inventory of any plants useful as wood for building or for macerating for paper, weaving, basket making, textiles, etc. 2. Fuels. Sources of firewood or biomass energy from methane or alcohol production are considered, in addition to any potential sources of hydrocar- bons for direct energy consumption. 3. Oils. A survey of those plants native to the dry areas that contain extracta- ble oils, since industrial uses for extractable oils are very broad. 4. Waxes, resins, and latexes. An inventory of plants from which commer- cially producible waxes, resins, and latex products (such as rubber) can be extracted. PREFACE xiii E. Other plants. Plants that are not potential foods, forages, or medicinals, and have no commercial or industrial value for their fibers or extractable chemical compounds but might have value as ornamentals, or be useful in dune stabilization or erosion control or land reclamation after mining or other disturbances. XII. Discussion of the degree of habitat stability, water availability, and other factors that must be considered in developing native "crop" plants in arid and semiarid regions. XIII. A consideration of the balance among population pressures, ecological stability, potential of the plant resources, and economic or local needs. What, philosophically, should be our overview of arid land development? XIV. A summary of the native plants having the greatest potential as new resources from the dry regions of each continent or subcontinent. Economic worth, local need, time scale for development, etc., are considered. The need for this book became evident at the International Conference on Arid and Semiarid Land Plant Resources, held in 1978 in Lubbock, Texas. Sponsored by the International Center for Arid and Semiarid Land Studies at Texas Tech University, this conference included 200 participants from 22 countries and resulted in the publication of the proceedings, Arid Land Plant Resources. Plen- ary talks summarizing specific geographic regions of the world were presented at this conference, but because of the length of the proceedings the presenters decided that a second publication would be appropriate. We gratefully acknowledge the support of ICASALS and Texas Tech Univer- sity, and especially thank Katina M. Clark for the preliminary editing of all the manuscripts. 1 AFRICA Edward S. Ayensu Office of Biological Conservation and Department of Botany Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C. I. Introduction 1 II. Physiography 2 A. Size and Location 2 Β. Topography and Climate 2 C. Edaphic Factors 7 D. Hydrology and Water Resources 16 III. Demography 16 IV. Socioeconomic Factors 20 V. Plant Resources 22 A. Food Plants 25 B. Forage Plants 26 C. Medicinal Plants 28 D. Industrial Plants 29 E. Other Plants 31 VI. Summary 31 References 33 I. INTRODUCTION This chapter is designed to provide a detailed perspective on the development problems facing the arid and semiarid zones of Africa. Generally, in terms of average family income, the countries that fall within these zones are among the least prosperous. They include countries in the Sahelian zones that bound the Sahara and large areas in eastern and southern Africa. The populations living in these zones also experience poor dietary standards. Their caloric intake, more than 70% of which is derived from cereals, is barely adequate; various studies by the FAO and WHO indicate that in 13 of the 17-odd countries in Africa that fall PLANT RESOURCS E 1 Copyright © 1985 by Academic Press, Inc. OF ARDI AND SEMIARD ILANSD All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 2 EDWARD S. AYENSU within the semiarid tropical zone, the average caloric consumption is well below acceptable levels. It is also known that because of uncertain and variable produc- tion levels and inadequate storage facilities, caloric intake just before harvest is generally 25-30% lower than it is immediately after harvest. Regardless of cultural differences among the arid and semiarid countries of Africa, these countries share enough natural characteristics that should enable them to adopt similar policy frameworks to remedy some of the major develop- ment problems that confront them. II. PHYSIOGRAPHY A. Size and Location Second in size only to Asia, Africa is joined to the Asian continent by the isthmus of Suez. Geologically, Africa was at one time also connected to Europe at what are now the straits of Gilbraltar and Tunis. The continent stretches for —35° on either side of the equator, and is also crossed by both the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Thus, the bulk of the continent lies within the tropics. Additionally, its shape is such that most of the continent lies in the northern hemisphere. B. Topography and Climate Because its coasts are almost unbroken, Africa has been described as a com- pact continent. Apart from the Atlas Mountains in the northwest of the continent, Africa is mainly a plateau arising by steep escarpments from narrow coastal plains. (See Fig. 1 for the topography of the continent.) The UNESCO (1979) Map of the World Distribution of Arid Regions delimits 2 portions of Africa's 30 million km area as hyperarid, arid, or semiarid. The division between arid and semiarid roughly follows the 400-mm annual rainfall contour, but the criterion actually used to separate climatic zones is the ratio of annual precipitation to évapotranspiration. The latter is estimated from insola- tion, atmospheric humidity, and wind data. This ratio is preferred over precipita- tion or the amount of available water (the difference, rather than the quotient, between precipitation and évapotranspiration) because it approximates a water balance parameter which governs vegetative dry-matter production, and does so in spite of contrasting seasons in different regions to which is it applied. Figure 2 has been redrawn from the UNESCO map; the subhumid zone shown on the original has been omitted, and the description of temperature regimes to 2 aridity per se has been subordinated. The hyperarid zone, —6.5 million km , consists of the vast Sahara region, the north coast of Somalia, and the coast of southwest Africa. Each of its parts is bounded by broad bands of less-desiccated 1. AFRICA 3 Fig. 1. Countries and topography of Africa. 2 land; together they make up the 6.1 million km arid zone. The semiarid zone, 2 —4.8 million km in area, surrounds drier lands and extends out from them to varying distances, depending on the topography. Aridity, defined in terms of atmospheric parameters such as rainfall, sunlight, humidity, and the transport of air, represents a constraint on any plant-soil system. Within an arid zone, however, different soil associations and vegetative cover occur. Whereas climate is reasonably stable, vegetative change can lead to irreversible destruction of the habitat by unskilled management, and is one of the 4 EDWARD S. AYENSU MAGHREB HYPERARID ARID SEMIARID 1 ] COOL WINTER (0-IO°C) WARM WINTER (20-30°C) H| ^KARROO Fig. 2. Arid zones of Africa. major and urgent problems facing the people of the continent. Soils erode be- cause of vegetational changes or become saline through irrigation and long-term accumulation of underground water. Thus, the inhospitality of an arid zone to vegetative production increases and becomes widespread. For example, Le Houerou (1970) estimated that on an annual basis, 100 km 2 of sandy soils lose the capacity to support a Stipa tenacissima steppe in the four North African

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