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Plant Physiol. (1993) 103, xxxi-xxxiv 0032-0889/93/103/xxxi/04/$1.00/0 Author Index A Boger, Peter, 903 Clark, Anna M., 677 Adams, William W., III, 1413 Bohnert, Hans J., 677, 1299 Colman, Brian, 943 Aegerter, Mary, 467 Boller, Thomas, 221 Comai, Luca, 1291 Aitken, Joyce, 1 Bolter, Caroline J., 1347 Conley, Terry R., 1115 Akimitsu, Kazuya, 67 Bones, Atle M., 671 Coruzzi, Gloria M., 1285 Alba, Rob, 1173 Booth, J. Russell, Jr., 467 Cosgrove, Daniel J., 1321 Alberte, Randall S., 1437 Borchert, Sieglinde, 131 Cote, Francois, 1173 Albrecht, Huguette, 139 Boss, Wendy F., 637 Craig, Stuart, 685 Aldington, Suzanne, 1 Botella, Miguel A., 665 Cséke, Csaba, 281 Allen, Randy D., 1067 Botterman, Johan, 1155 Cui, Muyi, 519 Allen, Stephen M., 467 Bottger, Michael, 593 Cullimore, Julie V., 73 Amsellem, Ziva, 1097 Boudet, Alain M., 1447 Cyr, Richard J., 543 An, Gynheung, 97, 1027 Bowler, Chris, 1155 An, Hongyan, 1031 Bowley, Stephen R., 1155 D Anandan, Shivanthi, 1461 Bradley, Douglas, 671 AArnadie,r sYounji,, 5J6a5n M., 105, 835 BBrraaFyev,lo i-xE,Al li1mz0ao2bn3ea tchi dA,. , F5e9r7n, an1d0o3 5 DDDaaailv,ti oensZ,,i yuDK,ea vv8ii3nd MA..,, 626911 , 1015 Aro, Eva-Mari, 835 Brears, Timothy, 1285 Day, David A., 1481 AAAsssshsewmloianrn,tn h,,A l aSiEandr,wa ha1 r2dM7 .7, N.3,9 97 53 BBrreesnsnaenr,, RMaayr kA .,L .,7 1134 63 dDee lhBaeiuzse,, MiEtmcmhaeln,u el11,5 5 685, 695 Atkinson, Ross G., 669 Broekaert, Willem F., 1311 DDeellrmoetr,, SeDregbeo, ra4h9 P., 307 Axelos, Michéle, 299 Brown, John A., 993 Brown, R. Harold, 1183 De Michelis, Maria Ida, 385, 391 Demmig-Adams, Barbara, 1413 Browse, John, 467 Brunn, Sandra A., 449 Demura, Taku, 815 Baba, Tadashi, 565 Bryant, Donald A., 171 Den Hartog, Paul R., 1305 Bach, Martina, 407 Bucher, Marcel, 441 Dewdney, Julia, 1115 Badger, Murray R., 1075 Bugos, Robert C., 1469 De Wit, Pierre J. G. M., 91 Bakaltcheva, Irina, 59 Bureau, Jean-Marc, 1211 D’Halluin, Kathleen, 1155 Baker, Alison, 1055 Burnap, Robert L., 893 Dhindsa, Rajinder S., 667 Baldwin, Timothy C., 115 DiTomaso, Joseph M., 919, 963 Burnett, Ronald J., 41 Banga, Minke, 783 Buse, Edward L., 305 Dixon, Richard A., 719 Bardet, Claude, 299 Bush, Douglas Scott, 7 Dobres, Michael S., 663 Barendse, Gerard W. M., 783 Bushnell, David, 585 Donaire, Juan P., 763 Barker, David G., 73 Bushnell, Timothy P., 585 Doring, Olaf, 593 Bar-Peled, Maor, 1377 Buzzell, Richard I., 1061 Dotray, Peter A., 919 Barrow, Kevin D., 485 Byerrum, Richard U., 243 Douce, Roland, 1329 Bartley, Glenn E., 1475 Byrd, George T., 1183 Dreyfuss, Beth W., 1461 Barton, Sarah L., 1471 Driesenaar, Alexandra R. J., 1097 Barz, Wolfgang, 297 Cc Droillard, Marie-Jo, 1211 Bastide, Brigitte, 1089 Dulson, Jacqueline, 829 Bauer, Stephan, 1479 Caetano-Anollés, Gustavo, 1139 Durner, Jorg, 903 Beaton, Colin D., 685 Cammue, Bruno P. A., 1311 Dvorak, Jan, 257 Beator, Jens, 191 Campeau, Nathalie, 301 Becker, Wayne M., 933 Carlson, Thomas J., 467 Beevers, Leonard, 205 Carnelli, Antonella, 385 Edwards, Gerald E., 83 Bell, Erin, 1133 Caro, Andres, 949 Eilenberg, Haviva, 1455 Bellemare, Guy, 301 Carrington, C. M. Sean, 429 Eilers, Robert J., 281 Belver, Andrés, 763 Carroll, Kathleen L., 525 Ek, Bo, 703 Benedict, Chauncey R., 535 Carter, John V., 371 Ellis, R. John, 1461 Bennet, Robin J., 685 Cary, Andrew J., 925 Emmermann, Michael, 615 Bennett, Alan B., 863 Caster, Cheryl S., 467 Enkerli, Jirg, 1173 Benziman, Moshe, 307 Chadchawan, Suprachitra, 671 Ernst, Dietrich, 1479 Berg, Virginia S., 251 Chagolla-Lopez, Alicia, 1407 Berkowitz, Gerald A., 629 Chatfield, Mark, 661 Eskew, David L., 1139 Bernstein, Nirit, 1107 Chen, Ri-Dong, 301 F Bertoni, Gregory P., 933 Chen, Yurong, 1155 Bertsch, Uwe, 1449 Cheong, Jong-Joo, 1173 Fairfield, Scott R., 1421 Bevins, Mark A., 1123 Chetelat, Roger T., 863 Falk, Anders, 703 Bieleski, Roderick L., 213 Chinn, Ellen, 727 Farmer, Edward E., 1393 Binet, Marie-Noélle, 673 Chinnappa, C. C., 1029 Feldmann, Kenneth A., 467 Bishop, John, 671 Cho, Moo Je, 359 Fender, Susan E., 597 Bisson, Mary A., 197 Cho, Myeon H., 637 Ferrol, Nuria, 763 Blackwell, Marita, 467 Chow, Wah Soon, 105 Feuillet, Catherine, 1447 Blanco-Labra, Alejandro, 1407 Christoffersen, Rolf E., 289 Fisher, Deborah D., 543 Blom, Cornelius W. P. M., 783 Chu, Boyang, 371 Fligge, Ulf-Ingo, 131 XXxxi XXxxii Author Index Plant Physiol. Vol. 103, 1993 Fluhr, Robert, 1377 Haworth, Philip, 449 Lawton, Michael A., 315, 323 Ford, Susan, 977 Hedley, Clifford L., 649 Lay-Yee, Michael, 1017 Foster, Michael A., 535 Heim, Ignaz, 1009 Layzell, David B., 421 Fraga, César G., 949 Heldt, Hans W., 131, 1147 Leaver, Christopher J., 621 Franceschi, Vincent R., 457 Henriksen, Gordon H., 885 Lee, Dae Sil, 359 Fritig, Bernard, 509 Hetherington, P. Richard, 1, 987 Lee, Hyung Hoan, 359 Fry, Stephen C., 1, 235, 987, 993, Higashiyama, Takanobu, 1467 Lee, James M., 1027 1399 Hilson, Pierre, 525 Lee, Soon A., 1017 Fukuda, Hiroo, 815 Hincha, Dirk K., 59 Leech, Rachel M., 1055 Hirsch, Ann M., 21 Legrand, Michel, 509 G Hitz, William D., 467 Lemoine, Rémi, 49 Gaillard, Cécile, 49 Hoglund, Anna-Stina, 703 Lenman, Marit, 703 Gaiser, J. Christopher, 413 Holaday, A. Scott, 1067 Leon, José, 315, 323 Galliano, Héléne, 1479 Horvath, David P., 1047 Lescure, Bernard, 299 Galvez, Alfredo F., 257 Hudson, Graham S., 1075 Li, Paul H., 607 Galway, Moira, 977 Hunt, Donald F., 139 Li, Zhen-Chang, 1321 Gao, Jianwei, 1027 Lin, An-Chi, 289 Gao, Yu, 1437 Lindell, Judith S., 1235 Gardner, Richard C., 669, 855, Inzé, Dirk, 1155 Liscum, Emmanuel, 15 1017 Iseli, Beatrice, 221 Liu, Bin, 293 Liu, Christopher, 1285 Gee, Robert, 243 Gemel, Joanna, 1431 Lobler, Marian, 21 Gengenbach, Burle G., 295 Locy, Robert D., 1339 Geoffroy, Pierrette, 509 JJaacgiandtios,h ,T aVniiad,y a 13C9.,3 685 Loik, Michael E., 871 Gifford, David J., 477 Jagendorf, André T., 585, 673 Lomax, Terri L., 413 Gijzen, Mark, 1061 Lovatt, Carol J., 1195, 1203 Glass, Anthony D. M., 1249, Jansen, Marcel A. K., 1097 Lowe, Alex, 1471 Javelle, Francine, 329 Lur, Huu-Sheng, 273 Goh1,2 59C hong-Jin, 1019 Jaworski, Jan G., 1361 Lithje, Sabine, 593 Ji, Wan, 535 Lynch, Daniel V., 1421 Golbeck, John H., 171 Jiang, Qunyi, 1139 Goldsbrough, Peter B., 911 Jin, Chang-Duck, 955 M Gomarasca, Stefano, 165 Jin, Tie, 435 Gonen, Liat, 307 Joshi, Chandrashekhar P., 675 Ma, Jian Feng, 1033 Goodman, Howard M., 1115 Madhavan, S., 1123 Gorton, Holly L., 399 Maki, Shinya, 1467 Goyal, Arun, 243 Maldonado-Mendoza, Ignacio E., Grabau, Elizabeth A., 1457 Kahn, Tracy L., 597 41 Gray, Julie E., 1471 Kamada, Hiroshi, 1021 Mandaci, Sevnur, 663 Green, Beverley R., 1451 Karpinska, Barbara, 1385 Mandel, M. Alejandra, 1041 Greer, Ann Francine, 301 Karpinski, Stanislaw, 1385 Mannan, R. Mannar, 971 Grenier, Jean, 1277 Karsten, Ulf, 485 Mano, Junichi, 733 Gressel, Jonathan, 1097, 1377 Kaufman, Lon S., 305 Markwell, John, 1123 Gresshoff, Peter M., 1139 Kawamura, Yukio, 1025 Marre, Maria Teresa, 165 Greve, L. Carl, 429 Kawasaki, Tsutomu, 565, 1025 Marrison, Joanne L., 1055 Grierson, Don, 1471 Kempin, Sherry A., 1041 Martin, Debra J., 295 Grima-Pettenati, Jacqueline, 1447 Kim, Jeong Hee, 181 Martinez-Gallardo, Norma, 1407 Grimes, Howard D., 457 Kim, Seong-Ryong, 97, 1027 Masle, Josette, 1075 Gro&mann, Dieter, 593 Kim, Yong Sung, 359 Masson, Patrick H., 525 Gronwald, John W., 919 Kim, Younghee, 97 Masucci, James, 977 Guitton, Marie-Christine, 1473 King, Robert J., 485 May, Mike J., 621 Gulick, Patrick J., 257, 1031 Kinney, Anthony J., 467 McCaffery, Stephanie, 835 Gunasekera, Dhammika, 629 Kirsch, Thomas, 205 McCann, Maureen C., 115 Gupta, Ashima Sen, 1067 Klann, Ellen M., 863 McClung, C. Robertson, 553 Kloppstech, Klaus, 191 McIntosh, Lee, 877, 1481 Knight, Thomas J., 1285 McKersie, Bryan D., 1155 Hahn, Michael G., 1173 Knorzer, Oliver C., 903 McKnight, Thomas D., 41 Hallgren, Jan-Erik, 1385 Kobayashi, Eiki, 565 McLarney, Brett K., 1047 Hangarter, Roger P., 15 Kochian, Leon V., 919, 963 Melis, Anastasios, 181 Hann, Janet, 1089 Koizumi, Shinichi, 733 Me®8ner, Burkhard, 1479 Hanning, Iris, 1147 Kolattukudy, Pappachan E., 267 Mentaberry, Alejandro Nestor, Harada, Hiroshi, 1021 Krall, John P., 823 1023 Harbinson, Jeremy, 649 Ku, Maurice S. B., 83 Michel, Hanspeter, 139 Harmens, Harry, 1305 Kuhlemeier, Cris, 441 Middleton, Elizabeth M., 741 Harren, Frans J. M., 783 Kutsunai, Sally Y., 289 Milier, Patsy M., 519 Hart, Jonathan J., 963 Kwak, June Myoung, 359 Minamikawa, Takao, 1459 Hart, L. Patrick, 67 Kwon, O-Yu, 359 Mitchell-Olds, Thomas, 671 Hartwig, Ueli A., 1009 Mizuno, Kouichi, 565 Hasegawa, Paul M., 665, 713, L Moloney, Angela H., 421 911 Labavitch, John M., 429 Moloney, Maurice M., 1029 Hashimoto, Mutsumi, 733 Larsen, Knud, 73 Moore, Anthony L., 1431 Hashimoto, Takashi, 1465 Laties, George G., 227, 289, 305 Morigasaki, Susumu, 435 Hatano, Mika, 733 Lauchli, André, 1107 Morishige, Daryl T., 1461 Hauser, Hugh D., 251 Lauriére, Christiane, 1211 Muday, Gloria Kressin, 449 Plant Physiol. Vol. 103, 1993 Author Index xxx iii Mudde, Catharina M., 783 Poff, Kenneth L., 157 Setter, Tim L., 273 Muhlbach, Hans-Peter, 1473 Popham, Phillip L., 1243 Shabanowitz, Jefferey, 139 Muhlenhoff, Ulrich, 171 Potter, Ian, 235 Shaner, Dale L., 1221 Mullen, Robert T., 477 Potvin, Claude, 1277 Shears, Stephen B., 637 Mullet, John E., 309, 1133 Preiss, Jack, 1355 Sherman, Louis A., 893 Murrmann, Martina, 335 Pritchard, Jeremy, 493 Shibata, Daisuke, 1025 Pua, Eng-Chong, 1019 Shih, Ming-Che, 1115 N Pugliarello, M. Chiara, 391 Shimada, Hiroaki, 565 Nadeau, Jeanette A., 31 Puntarulo, Susana, 949 Shorrosh, Basil S., 719 Purcell, Larry C., 149 Siddiqi, M. Yaeesh, 1249, 1259 Nagata, Reiko, 1021 Nair, Helen, 31 Siedow, James N., 845 Silk, Wendy K., 1107 Nakajima, Keiji, 1465 Q Nam, Hong Gil, 359 Silverthorne, Jane, 727 Narasimhan, Meena L., 713 Quesada, Miguel A., 665 Simontacchi, Marcela, 949 Nasrallah, June B., 1165 Sinclair, Thomas R., 149 Singh, Bijay K., 1221 Nasrallah, Mikhail E., 1165 Singh, Narendra K., 911 Nazario, Gladys M., 1195, 1203 Rabinowicz, Pablo Daniel, 1023 Sipes, Deborah, 1089 Negrel, Jonathan, 329 Randall, Douglas D., 1431 NNeesmssleorn,, CrJeafifg A.L,. , 14811 RRaansdia-lCla,l dPoegtneor, J.F, r6a8n5c,a ,6 9358 5, 391 SSimvaalkl,e y,M irSttae pNhoeenm iJ,. , 215315 5 Neubauer, Christian, 575 Rask, Lars, 703 Smeda, Reid J., 911 Neuhaus, Jean-Marc, 221 Raskin, Ilya, 315, 323 Smith, Alan G., 1463 Nguyen, Henry T., 675 Rastogi, Rajeev, 829 Smith, Alison G., 139 Niecke, Manfred, 593 Redgwell, Robert J., 1399 Smith, G. Jason, 1437 Snowden, Kimberley C., 855 Nishihara, Miwa, 565 Reiter, Robert S., 467 Niu, Xiaomu, 713 Rhoads, David M., 877 Snustad, D. Peter, 371 Nobel, Park S., 519, 871 Rines, Howard W., 295 Soave, Carlo, 165 Soll, Jurgen, 1449 Nomoto, Kyosuke, 1033 Ristic, Zoran, 753 Norris, Joanna Hanks, 925 Roberts, Keith, 115 Somers, David A., 295 Spano, Anthony J., 139 NNoossbaekrag,e rY,a suJohsietfo,, 1010497 7 RRooddirni,g ueJzoa-kRioms,a le7s0,3 M. Pilar, 763 Spanswick, Roger M., 885 Novacky, Anton, 1243 Rodriguez-Suarez, Roberto J., Stanford, Anne C., 73 Starrett, David A., 227 1453 oO Rogers, Linda M., 267 Stecca, Kevin L., 467 Steudle, Ernst, 335 Ochs, Gunther, 303 Roldan, Marta, 763 Stoop, Johan Marcel Henri, 1001 O'Connell, Mary A., 597 Rost, Thomas L., 1291 Strickland, James A., 1227 Ohana, Patricia, 307 Rothstein, Steven J., 829 Subramaniam, Jayaram, 719 Ohnishi, Shintaroh, 565 Rouet-Mayer, Marie-Aude, 1211 Subramanian, Mani, 449 Olivari, Claudio, 391 Roux, Stanley J., 955 Sugimoto, Toshio, 1025 O’Neill, Sharman D., 31 Rundle, Sabine J., 1165 Summers, Peter S., 1269 Onyeocha, Ignatius, 1055 Russell, Sandra H., 467 Sundby, Cecilia, 105 Ruth, Thomas J., 1249, 1259 Orbovic, Vladimir, 157 Swedlund, Brad, 1339 Osborn, Rupert W., 1311 Ryan, Clarence A., 1393 Osman, Mahasin, 673 Ryan, Peter R., 695 Outlaw, William H., Jr., 1189 Rygol, Joachim, 493 T Tabaeizadeh, Zohreh, 301 P S Tada, Sachiyo, 733 Pakrasi, Himadri B., 971 Sakamoto, Atsushi, 1477 Tai, Heeyoung, 1361 Pallardy, Stephen G., 1243 Sakr, Soulaiman, 49 Takeuchi, Hajime, 1459 Palta, Jiwan P., 793 Salvucci, Michael E., 501 Talarico, Alberto, 165 Park, Shin, 359 Salzman, Ron A., 713 Tanaka, Ken-ichiro, 565 Pascal, Nadine, 1329 Sandermann, Heinrich, Jr., 1479 Tanaka, Kunisuke, 1477 Paynot, Michel, 329 Satoh, Shinobu, 1021 Tanimoto, Eugene Y., 1291 Pearcy, Robert W., 823 Scheidegger, Alfred, 733 Tarczynski, Mitchell C., 1189 Pedersen, Ole, 1369 Schiefelbein, John, 977 Ten Bookum, Wilma M., 1305 Pellegrini, Luca, 509 Schlicher, Thomas Bernhard, Teramura, Alan H., 741 Percival, Frank W., 289 1449 Terras, Franky R. G., 1311 Pérez-Grau, Luis, 467 Schmitt, Jurgen M., 59 Thangstad, Ole P., 671 Pesce, Adam S., 1457 Schmitz, Udo Klaus, 615 Thevissen, Karin, 1311 Peterson, Carol A., 335 Schmitzer, Paul R., 281 Thier, Robert H., 783 Pfeiffer, Friedhelm, 1479 Schnitzler, Jorg-Peter, 407 Thom, Margaret, 1469 Pharr, David Mason, 1001 Schock, Gerald, 303 Thomas, John C., 1299 Pichersky, Eran, 1451 Schoofs, Hilde M. E., 1311 Thomashow, Michael F., 1047 Picton, Steve, 1471 Schopfer, Peter, 351 Thornber, J. Philip, 1461 Pierce, John, 467 Schroder, Inge, 1449 Timko, Michael P., 139 Pike, Sharon M., 1243 Schubert, Karel R., 719 Ting, Irwin P., 1089 Piigrim, Marsha L., 553 Schiinemann, Danja, 131 Tolbert, N. Edward, 243 Pladys, Dominique, 379 Schweiger, Bruce, 467 Tomos, A. Deri, 493 Plaxton, William C., 285 Scolnik, Pablo A., 1475 Tranbarger, Timothy J., 457 Podesta, Florencio E., 285 Segura-Nieto, Magdalena, 1407 Troxler, Robert F., 293 Podila, Gopi Krishna, 267 Seitz, Hanns Ulrich, 407 Troyan, Tracy, 893 Author Index Plant Physiol. Vol. 103, 1993 U von Fircks, Heinrich A., 125 Witty, Michael, 139 Vossen, Paul, 91 Wolfraim, Lawrence A., 667 Umbach, Ann L., 845 Wolosiuk, Ricardo A., 1453 Utrup, Linda J., 925 Ww Wu, Mian, 1019 Wyse, Donald L., 919 Wada, Keishiro, 435 Vv Wada, Masato, 1021 x Wada, Sachiko, 1459 Valdes-Rodriguez, Silvia, 1407 Wagner, Margaret, 1355 Xin, Zhanguo, 607 Valpuesta, Victoriano, 665 Wallace-Cook, Ashley D. M., 139 Vance, Carroll P., 379 Walsh, Terence A., 1227 Y Van den Ackerveken, Guido F. J. Walton, Jonathan D., 67 Yadav, Narendra S., 467 M., 91 Wang, Fei, 1463 Yalpani, Nasser, 315, 323 Vanderleyden, Jozef, 1311 Wang, Miao Yuan, 1249, 1259 Yamada, Takashi, 1467 van Huystee, Robert, 1061 Webb, Mary Alice, 1235 Yamada, Yasuyuki, 1465 Van Montagu, Marc, 771 Webb, Robert P., 1067 Yamauchi, Daisuke, 1459 Vannini, Candida, 165 Weiss, Laurie S., 793 Yanofsky, Martin F., 1041 Varner, Joseph E., 805 Weller, Stephen C., 911 Yao, Xiaogiang, 197 Vazquez-Tello, Alejandro, 1025 Wen, Chao-Ming, 1019 Ye, Zheng-Hua, 805 Venegoni, Alberto, 165 Weng, Jian, 675 Verbruggen, Nathalie, 771 Weretilnyk, Elizabeth A., 1269 Yu, Lian, 171 Yun, Song J., 295 Verhey, Steven D., 413 Werner, Ralf, 1473 Verkleij, Jos A. C., 1305 Whelan, James, 1481 Z Verver y Vargas-Cortina, Aurora, Whitaker, Bruce D., 793 1407 Whittier, Robert F., 1025 Zhang, Shuqun, 955 Verwijst, Theo, 125 Wierzbicki, Anna, 467 Zhang, Xian Sheng, 31 Vierstra, Richard D., 679 Wild, Aloysius, 303 Zhang, Xing-Hai, 1029 Villarroel, Raimundo, 771 Williams, Richard S., 1461 Zhao, Jindong, 171 Voesenek, Laurentius A. C. J., Williams, Timothy G., 943 Zhu, Jian Jun, 493 783 Williams, William E., 399 Zilberstein, Aviah, 1455 Vogelsang, Ralph, 297 Wingsle, Gunnar, 1385 Zimmermann, Ulrich, 493 Plant Physiol. (1993) 103, xxxv—-xlv 0032-0889/93/103/xxxv/11/$01.00/0 Subject Index ant, covalent and noncovalent dimers, disruption, pollen tube and root-hair tip A higher plant mitochondria, 845 growth, 977 Abscisic acid Aluminum reduced response to fusicoccin, 165 early stages of genetic salt-stress re- induction of five genes, wheat root, 855 osmoregulation, pyrroline-5-carboxylate sponses, amphiploid, wheat and Lo- tolerance in wheat, 685, 695 reductase gene, 771 phopyrum elongatum, 257 Amaranthus hypochondriacus, seed, amino phytoene desaturase, 1475 exogenous, cold acclimation mimicry, cacti acid sequence, trypsin inhibitor, 1407 regulation in response to low temperature, differing in freezing tolerance, 871 Amino acids 1947 -induced cDNA from Lycopersicon chilense, acetohydroxyacid synthase inhibitors, seedling, growth distribution during pho- sequence of, 301 phototoxicity, corn, 1221 totropism, 157 molecular responses, water deficit, 1035 sequence of a trypsin inhibitor, Amaranth suspension cultures, oxidative stimulation, proline and, induction of chilling toler- seed, 1407 glutathione synthesis, 621 ance, suspension-cultured maize cells, 2-Aminobutyrate, acetohydroxyacid syn- Arabinogalactan, hydroxyproline deficiency, 607 thase inhibitors, phototoxicity, corn, protein secretion, suspension-cul- -regulated tomato genes, drought-resistant 1221 tured carrot cells, 115 species, Lycopersicon pennellii, 597 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate —_oxi- Arginine decarboxylase, cloning of tomato Acclimation, cold, cloning and sequencing of dase, temporal and spatial regulation, gene, expression during fruit ripening, cas17 cDNA, alfalfa, 667 pollination-induced senescence, or- 829 Acer pseudoplatanus (see Sycamore) chid flowers, 31 Ascorbate peroxidase Acetohydroxyacid synthase, phototoxicity of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate syn- overexpression of superoxide dismutase, inhibitors, corn, 1221 thase, nucleotide sequence of cDNA protection of plants from oxidative Acetolactate synthase, imazaquin-resistant clone, mustard, 1019 stress, 1067 Xanthium strumarium, lack of cross- Ammonium, uptake by rice roots, 1249, 1259 soybean root nodules, 661 resistance, flumetsulam and chlori- a-Amylase, gene, nucleotide sequence, Vigna Asparaginase synthetase, ectopic over- muron, 281 mungo, 149 expression, transgenic tobacco, 1285 Acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase, inhibitors Anabaena variabilis, ATCC 29413, dark het- Atrazine, resistance, serine-to-threonine sub- on root cell transmembrane electric erotrophic growth conditions, content stitution, potato cells, 911 potentials, graminicide-tolerant and - of photosystem II units, 971 Atriplex nummularia, glycophyte and halo- susceptible corn, 919 Anoxia, long-term tolerance, Acorus calamus, phyte, NaCl regulation, plasma mem- Acid invertase, gene expression, control of 441 brane H*-ATPase gene expression, sugar composition, tomato fruit, 863 Apium graveolens (see Celery) 713 Acid reductoisomerase, -ketol, barley, 903 Apoproteins, synthesis, circadian oscillator, Auxin Acorus calamus, long-term anoxia tolerance, barley chloroplast development, 191 -dependent pH changes, coleoptile cell 441 Apple walls of corn and oat, null-point Actinidia deliciosa (see Kiwifruit) cDNA method, 351 Adenosine diphosphate, ADP/ATP translo- clone for flavanone 3-hydroxylase, 291 maize endosperm development, 273 cator, pea root plastids, 131 homology to Antirrhinum Candica, Zea Avena sativa (see Oat) Adenosine triphosphatase, uncoating of, A2 genes, 1015 Avocado clathrin-coated vesicles, developing gene highly expressed in fruit, 1017 fruit and mesocarp discs, preclimacteric pea, 205 Appressorium, formation in Colletotrichum phase, ethylene and wound-induced Albumins, radish and oilseed rape 2S, en- gloeosporioides, chemical signals, avo- gene expression, 227 hancement of antifungal activity, cado surface wax, 267 ripening-related polygalacturonase cDNA, wheat and barley thionins, 1311 Aquatic plants, long-distance water trans- 289 Alfalfa port, 1369 surface wax chemical signals, germination cloning and sequencing of cDNA, cas17, Arabidopsis thaliana and appressorium formation, Colleto- 667 blue and red light and nuclear gene trichum gloeosporoides, 267 plant gene-controlled ineffective nodules, expression, chloroplast glyceralde- proteolysis, development and senes- hyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, cence, 379 1115 Bacteria, induction of hypersensitive reac- plant protein disulfide isomerase, expres- cDNA tion, water relation alterations, cotton, sion and localization, 719 33-kDa laminin receptor analog, 299 1243 Rhizobium meliloti-induced root nodules, sequence encoding myrosinase, 671 Barley invasion zone, gene that encodes pro- cloning, plant w-3 fatty acid desaturases, apparent induction of nitrate uptake, line-rich nodulin, 21 467 NO; -selective microelectrodes, 885 transgenic, tolerance of freezing stress, su- differential involvement of circadian clock, chloroplast development, synthesis of peroxide dismutase, 1155 Rubisco synthesis, assembly and ac- apoproteins and pigments, circadian Algae, Porphyra columbina, floridoside, t- tivation, 553 oscillator, 191 and p-isofloridoside, 485 leaf, alteration of 8-tubulin gene expres- ketol-acid reductoisomerase, 903 Alkaline phosphatase, inactivation, casein sion, low-temperature exposure, 371 pathogenesis-related proteins, funga! cell kinase II-type protein kinase, pea cy- Lhcb4 gene, nucleotide sequence, 1451 wall lytic activity, inhibition of yeast toplasm, 955 lipoxygenase gene, response to methy] jas- growth, 1277 Allantoinase, purification from soybean monate, wounding, 1133 purification and properties, monofunc- seeds, characterization, anti-allanto- modulation of gravitropism, red-absorbing tional imidazoleglycerol-phosphate inase antibodies, 1235 form of phytochrome B, 15 dehydratase, wheat, 733 Allophycocyanin, 8 subunit gene, Cyanidium molecular characterization of PAB2, thionins, enhancement of antifungal activ- caldarium, 293 poly(A)-binding proteins, 525 ity, radish and oilseed rape 2S albu- Alternative oxidase protein, cyanide-resist- mutant mins, 1311 XXXV XXXxvi Subject Index Plant Physiol. Vol. 103, 1993 Beet, leaf, effect of cutting, solute uptake by onic callus of maize, 1339 class III acidic, cloning of, chickpea, 297 plasma membrane vesicles, 49 sources, mannitol 1-oxidoreductase activ- Chlorella saccharophila, internal and external Benzoic acid, salicylic acid biosynthesis, ity, celery suspension cultures, 1001 isozymes, carbonic anhydrase, 943 pathway, healthy and virus-inocu- Carbon dioxide Chlorella vulgaris, a-tubulin gene, nucleotide lated tobacco, 315 ambient concentration, growth and nitro- sequence, 1467 Benzoic acid 2-hydroxylase, induction, virus- gen use, Rubisco in tobacco, 1075 Chlorimuron, lack of cross-resistance, ima- inoculated tobacco, 323 exchange growth, open-top chambers, zaquin-resistant Xanthium strumarium Beta vulgaris (see Beet) Opuntia ficus-indica, 519 acetolactate synthase, 281 Boron, effects on proton transport, mem- oxygen exchange and, concurrent meas- Chlorophyll brane properties, sunflower cell mi- urements, lightflecks in maize, 823 expression, temperature-sensitive mu- crosomes, 763 Carbonic anhydrase, internal and external tants, sweetclover, 1123 Bradyrhizobium japonicum, kinetics of nodule isozymes, Chlorella saccharophila, 943 -protein complex, iron-deficient Synecho- development, Glycine soja, 1139 Carotenoids, flavonol glycosides and, protec- coccus, encoding by isiA gene, 893 Brassica, effects of inhibitors, protein serine/ tion from ultraviolet-B damage, soy- Chlorophyll a/b-binding protein, light-har- threonine phosphatases, pollination, bean, 741 vesting gene, light-dependent chlo- 1165 Carrot roplast development, Ginkgo biloba, Brassica juncea (see Mustard) ability to immunolocalize calmodulin to 727 Brassica napus (see Rape) cortical microtubules, calcium levels, Chloroplasts Brassica oleracea (see Cabbage) 543 barley, synthesis of apoproteins and pig- Broad bean embryogenic and nonembryogenic cells, ments, circadian oscillator, 191 circadian rhythms, stomatal responsive- differential expression of cDNA, 1021 Dunaliella tertiolecta, two isoforms, dihy- ness, red and blue light, 399 protoplasts, elicitor-induced changes, ions droxyacetone phosphate reductase, guard cell phosphoenolpyruvate carboxyl- and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid synthesis, 243 ase, interactive effects of pH, t-malate 407 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydroge- and glucose-6-phosphate, 1189 suspension culture nase, blue and red light, Arabidopsis Bundle sheath cells, conductance in C, spe- changes in phosphatidylinositol metab- thaliana, 1115 cies, O2 insensitivity of photosyn- olism, response to hyperosmotic lettuce, dithiothreitol effects, nonphoto- thesis, 1183 stress, 637 chemical fluorescence quenching, 575 hydroxyproline-deficient arabinogalac- light-dependent development, light-har- Cc tan protein secretion, 115 vesting chlorophyll a/b-binding pro- Cabbage, purification and properties, mon- xyloglucan endotransglycosylase activity, tein gene, Ginkgo biloba, 727 ofunctional imidazoleglycerol-phos- cell elongation, somatic embryogene- -localized porphobilinogen deaminase, phate dehydratase, wheat, 733 sis, 987 PCR, pea, 139 Cacti, freezing tolerance, mimicry of cold Casein kinase II, -type protein kinase, inac- pea, zinc protease EP1, Rubisco degrada- acclimation, exogenous abscisic acid, tivation by alkaline phosphatase, pea tion, 585 871 cytoplasm, 955 photosystem II reaction center, damage Caffeine, threobromine biosynthesis, sepa- Castor, activation of cytosolic pyruvate ki- and repair, Dunaliella salina, 181 rate de novo and salvage purine pools, nase, polyethylene glycol, 285 rape Coffea arabica leaves, 1203 Catalase, purification and characterization, glutamine synthetase, 303 Calcium loblolly pine megagametophytes, 477 sequence, fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, ability to immunolocalize calmodulin, cor- Cathepsin D, inhibitor protein, nucleotide 1453 tical microtubules, carrot and tobacco, sequence, tomato, 1473 spinach 543 Cations, effective permeability to sulfuric ADP/ATP translocator, pea root plas- cytosolic, regulation of, 7 acid, pear leaf cuticles, 251 tids, 131 influx and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid synthe- Cavitation, intracellular ice formation and, sequence, mature phosphoglycerate ki- sis, elicitor-induced changes, carrot supercooling wood tissue, Cornus flor- nase, 1449 protoplasts, 407 ida, 753 transcription, dynamic regulation, 309 pump activation in plasma membrane, Celery, suspension cultures, different carbon Choline, synthesis in spinach, relation to salt controlled proteolysis, radish, 385 sources, mannitol 1-oxidoreductase stress, 1269 -requiring plasma membrane kinases, zuc- activity, 1001 Cicer arietinum (see Chickpea) chini, 413 Cellulose, in vitro synthesis in plants, 307 Cinnamic acid, salicylic acid biosynthesis, -sodium salinities, kinematics and dynam- Cell wall pathway, healthy and virus-inocu- ics, sorghum leaf development, 1107 coleoptile, auxin-dependent pH changes, lated tobacco, 315 Callose synthase, in vitro synthesis of cellu- corn and oat, 351 Cinnamyl! alcohol dehydrogenase, nucleo- lose, 307 lytic activity, inhibition of yeast growth, tide sequence of cDNA, Eucalyptus, Cailus barley pathogenesis-related proteins, 1447 embryonic, sorbitol as primary carbon Circadian rhythms source, 1339 metabolism in ripening fruit, transgenic differential involvement in Arabidopsis tobacco tissue cultures, biochemical basis tomato, 429 thaliana, Rubisco synthesis, assembly of resistance, hydroxyphenylethylam- oligosaccharides as signals and substrates, and activation, 553 ines, 329 1 stomatal responsiveness, red and blue Calmodulin suspension-cultured plant cells, O-p-gai- light, broad bean, 399 activation of plasma membrane Ca’* acturonoyl esters, pectic polysaccha- Citrus grandis, juvenile-specific localization pump, controlled proteolysis, radish, rides, 933 and accumulation, rhamnosyltrans- 385 xyloglucan endotransglycosylase, kiwifruit ferase, its bitter flavonoid, 1377 immunolocalization to cortical microtu- ripening, 1399 Cladosporium fuluum, AVR9 race-specific el- bules, calcium levels, carrot and to- Chara buckelli, membrane depolarization and icitor, processing by endogenous and bacco, 543 conductance increase, high-salt con- plant proteases, 91 Camptotheca acuminata, 3-hydroxy-3-meth- ditions, passive proton conductance, Clathrin, -coated vesicle uncoating, uncoat- ylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, dif- 197 ing of ATPase, developing pea, 205 ferential regulation, wounding and Chickpea, cloning of class III acidic chitinase, Clover, white, current nitrogen fixation, reg- methyl jasmonate, 41 297 ulation, nitrogenase activity, 1009 Capsicum annuum (see Pepper) Chitinase Coffea arabica Carbon class I, chitin binding in tobacco, N-ter- intact leaves, regulation, purine metabo- primary source, sorbitol, growth of embry- minal cysteine-rich domain, 221 lism, 1195 Plant Physiol. Vol. 103, 1993 Subject Index Xxxvii leaf, separate de novo and salvage purine thesis, bundle sheath cell conduct- 291 pools, threobromine biosynthesis, ance, 1183 cloning and gene expression, soluble 1203 Cucumber, hydroxypyruvate reductase gene starch synthase, immature rice seeds, Cold expression, light fluence and wave- 565 acclimation, mimicry by exogenous abs- length, 933 differential expression, embryogenic and cisic acid, cacti differing in freezing Cucumis sativus (see Cucumber) nonembryogenic carrot cells, 1021 tolerance, 871 Curcubito pepo (see Squash, Zucchini) EPI12, epidermis-specific transcripts, 677 acclimation and freezing tolerance, plasma Cyanide, -resistant alternative oxidase pro- glucose transporter, sugarcane, 1469 membrane lipids, genetic variability tein, covalent and noncovalent di- 24-kDa light-harvesting protein, photo- in Solanum species, 793 mers, higher plant mitochondria, 845 system I, pea cDNA clone, 1461 Coleoptiles Cyanidium caldarium, allophycocyanin 8 sub- Malus, homology to Antirrhinum Candica, cell walls of corn and oat, auxin-depend- unit gene, 293 Zea A2 genes, 1015 ent pH changes, 351 Cyanobacteria manganese-superoxide dismutase, cloning oat, role of expansin, cell enlargement, Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413, dark het- and sequence analysis, rice, 1477 1321 erotrophic growth conditions, content molecular cloning and characterization, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, germination of photosystem II units, 971 tracheary element differentiation, cul- and appressorium formation, chemi- Synechococcus, PsaE requirement, electron tured Zinnia cells, 815 cal signals, avocado surface wax, 267 flow around photosystem I, 171 nucleotide sequence Conyza bonariensis, paraquat-resistant, devel- Cystatin, functional domains in potato, pro- cinnamy| alcohol dehydrogenase, Euca- opmental variability, photooxidative teolysis, 85-kDa cystalline cysteine lyptus, 1447 stress tolerance, 1097 proteinase inhibitor, 1227 dehydrin-like protein, Stellaria longipes, Copper, -Zn-superoxide dismutases, molec- Cysteine, -rich domain of tobacco, class I 1029 ular responses to photooxidative chitinase, chitin binding, 221 precursor of Rubisco small subunit, stress, Pinus sylvestris, 1385 Cysteine proteinase, 85-kDa crystalline in- Pteris vittata, 1455 Corn hibitor, proteolysis, potato, 1227 pepper severe mosaic virus coat protein A2 genes, Malus cDNA, homology to An- Cytochrome, alternative pathway respiration gene, 1023 tirrhinum Candica, 1015 and, tobacco, 877 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, se- auxin-dependent pH changes, coleoptile Cytochrome c reductase, integrated process- quence, soybean, 1025 cell walls, nuil-point method, 351 ing peptide, eall yendoprc a random root clones of rape, generation of C, photosynthesis, 83 potato mitochondria, 615 expressed sequence tags, single-run endosperm development, role of auxin, Cytokinin, role of auxin, maize endosperm partial sequencing, 359 273 development, 273 ripening-related polygalacturonase, avo- graminicide-tolerant and -susceptible, ace- Cytokinins, biochemical basis of resistance, cado, 289 tyl-coenzyme A carboxylase inhibi- hydroxyphenylethylamines, tobacco sequence tors, root cell transmembrane electric callus tissue cultures, 329 chloroplast fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, potentials, 919 Cytoplasm, pea, casein kinase II-type protein rapeseed, 1453 growth of embryonic callus, sorbitol as kinase, inactivation of alkaline phos- soybean alternative oxidase, 1481 primary carbon source, 1339 phatase, 955 sequence encoding myrosinase, Arabidop- lightflecks, concurrent measurements, Cytosol sis thaliana, 671 oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange, activation of pyruvate kinase, polyethyl- sequence of (1-3,1—4)-8-glucanase, oat, 823 ene glycol, castor, 285 295 phototoxicity, acetohydroxyacid synthase calcium, regulation of, 7 tomato fruit sucrose synthase, 1463 inhibitors, 1221 tropinone reductase II, Hyoscyamus niger, purification and properties, monofunc- D 1465 tional imidazoleglycerol-phosphate Daucus carota (see Carrot) wheat, plastid-localized heat-shock pro- dehydratase, wheat, 733 Daylily, ephemeral flower, fructan hydroly- tein, 675 root sis, petal expansion, 213 Dunaliella salina, damage and repair, photo- penetration by artificial electron accep- Dehydrin, -like protein, nucleotide sequence system II reaction center, 181 tors, plasma membrane-bound redox of cDNA, Stellaria longipes, 1029 Dunaliella tertiolecta, chloroplasts, two iso- system, 593 Density gradient, victorin-binding proteins, forms, dihydroxyacetone phosphate transpiration, radial turgor pressure gra- oat, 67 reductase, 243 dients, 493 Diatoms, Skeletonema costatum, nitrate re- transport of water and solutes, punctur- ductase, 1437 ing of endodermis, 335 Dihydroxyacetone phosphate reductase, two Electrons suspension cells, paraquat transport, pro- isoforms, Dunaliella tertiolecta chlo- allocation of nitrogenase, model of regu- toplasts, 963 roplasts, 243 lation, legume nodules, 421 suspension-cultured cells, induction of Disulfide isomerase, plant protein, expres- artificial acceptors, plasma membrane- chilling tolerance, proline and abscisic sion and localization, alfalfa, 719 bound redox system, corn root, 593 acid relationship, 607 Dithiothreitol, effects on nonphotochemical changes in P-700 oxidation, early stages, Cornus florida, intracellular ice formation and fluorescence quenching, intact chlo- induction of photosynthesis, 649 cavitation, freezing injury, supercool- roplasts, lettuce, 575 flow and photosystem I, PsaE require- ing wood tissue, 753 DNA ment, Synechococcus, 171 Cotton, hypersensitive reaction induced by nuclear, role of auxin, maize endosperm Elicitor bacteria, water relation alterations, development, 273 -induced changes in Ca** influx and K* 1243 replication-dependent histone H2A efflux, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid synthe- Cotyledons, hydroxypyruvate reductase mRNA expression, pea root tips, 1291 sis, carrot protoplasts, 407 gene expression, light fluence and Rubisco antisense, rate limitation of pho- induced ortho-diphenol-O-methyltrans- wavelength, cucumber, 933 tosynthesis under water stress, trans- ferases, molecular cloning and expres- Crassulacean acid genic tobacco, 629 sion, tobacco leaves, 509 metabolism in Xerosicyos, severe water DNA, complementary Elongation, cell, xyloglucan endotransglyco- stress, 1089 Arabidopsis, 33-kDa laminin receptor hom- sylase activity, carrot cell suspensions, salt stress perceptions, plant growth regu- olog, 299 987 lators, Mesembryanthemum crystal- clone encoding short-chain alcohol dehy- Embryo, callus of maize, growth, sorbitol as linum, 1299 drogenase, Norway spruce, 1479 primary carbon source, 1339 C, species, O2 insensitivity of photosyn- clone for flavanone 3-hydroxylase, apple, Embryogenesis, somatic, xyloglucan endo- XXXViii Subject Index Plant Physiol. Vol. 103, 1993 transglycosylase activity, carrot cell tolerance, mimicry of cold acclimation, ex- deficient Synechococcus, 893 suspensions, 987 ogenous abscisic acid and cacti, 871 lectin, sequence of vegetative homolog, Endodermis, puncturing of, water and solute tolerance and cold acclimation, plasma pea seed, 663 transport, maize roots, 335 membrane lipids, genetic variability Lhcd4, nucleotide sequence, Arabidopsis Endoplasmic reticulum, expression and lo- in Solanum species, 793 thaliana, 1451 calization, plant protein disulfide iso- Fructan, hydrolysis and petal expansion, lipoxygenase, response to methyl jasmon- merase, alfalfa, 719 ephemeral daylily flower, 213 ate and wounding, Arabidopsis thal- Endosperm, development in maize, role of Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, rapeseed chloro- iana, 1133 auxin, 273 plasts, sequence, 1453 long-term anoxia tolerance, Acorus cala- es Fruit, tomato, ripening, cell wall metabolism, mus, 441 cyanide-resistant alternative oxidase pro- 429 modulation of gravitropism in Arabidopsis tein, covalent and noncovalent di- Fungi, cell wall lytic activity, inhibition of thaliana, red-absorbing form of phy- mers, higher plant mitochondria, 845 yeast growth, barley pathogenesis-re- tochrome B, 15 radish root and leaf, ferredoxin-NADP* lated proteins, 1277 myrosinase, differential expression, rape, oxidoreductase isoenzymes, antibod- Fusicoccin 703 ies, 435 mimicry by controlled proteolysis, plasma nuclear, chloroplast glyceraldehyde-3- Epidermis, -specific transcripts, EP112, 677 membrane H*-ATPase, radish, 391 phosphate dehydrogenase and blue Escherichia coli, protein homolog, genomic reduced response, mutant Arabidopsis thal- and red light, Arabidopsis thaliana, nucleotide sequence of gene, Arabi- iana, 165 1115 dopsis thaliana, 673 PAB2 characterization, poly(A)-binding Ethylene G proteins, Arabidopsis thaliana, 525 submergence-induced synthesis, flooding Galactose, -specific lectins, protection from phytochrome, functions, 679 resistances, Rumex palustris and R. freeze-thaw damage, spinach thyla- plasma membrane H*-ATPase, NaCl reg- acetosa, 783 koids, 59 ulation, glycophyte and halophyte, wound-induced gene expression and, pre- O-p-Galacturonoy] esters, peptic polysaccha- 713 climacteric phase, avocado fruit and rides, suspension-cultured plant cells, polygalacturonase, kiwifruit, 669 mesocarp discs, 227 933 proline-rich nodulin, invasion zone, Rhi- Eucalyptus, nucleotide sequence of cDNA, Gene zobium meliloti-induced alfalfa root cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase, acid invertase, control of sugar composi- nodules, 21 1447 tion, tomato fruit, 863 regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana cor78, Expansin, role in cell enlargement, oat co- allophycocyanin 8 subunit, Cyanidium cal- response to low temperature, 1047 leoptiles, 1321 darium, 293 stress-induced ESI35, Lophopyrum elonga- a-amylase, nucleotide sequence, Vigna tum, 1031 F mungo, 149 tobacco floral homeotic NAG1, ectopic Fatty acid desaturases, w-3, cloning of, Ara- antisense polygalacturonase, cell wall me- expression, conversion of perianth bidopsis thaliana, 467 tabolism in ripening fruit, transgenic into reproductive organs, 1041 Fatty acid synthase, 3-ketoacyl-acyl carrier tomato, 429 a-tubulin protein synthase III, spinach, 1361 apple, high expression in fruit, 1017 low-temperature exposure, Arabidopsis Ferns, Pteris vittata, nucleotide sequence of atp9 transcript, RNA editing, soybean mi- thaliana leaves, 371 cDNA clone, precursor of Rubisco tochondria, 1457 nucleotide sequence, Chlorella vulgaris, small subunit, 1455 AVR9 race-specific elicitor, Cladosporium 1467 Ferredoxin, -NADP* oxidoreductase isoen- fuluum, processing by endogenous variability in Solanum species, plasma zymes, antibodies, radish root and and plant proteases, 91 membrane lipids, freezing tolerance leaf enzymes, 435 cas17, cloning and sequencing of cDNA, and cold acclimation, 793 Flavanone, 3-hydroxylase, cDNA clone, ap- alfalfa, 667 Zea A, Malus cDNA, homology to Antir- ple, 291 cDNA cloning and, soluble starch syn- rhinum Candica, 1015 Flavonoid, rhamnosyltransferase, juvenile- thase, immature rice seeds, 565 Germination specific localization and accumula- chloroplast transcription, dynamic regula- appressorium formation and, chemical sig- tion, Citrus grandis, 1377 tion, 309 nals from avocado surface wax, Col- Flavonol glycosides, carotenoids and, protec- -controlled ineffective alfalfa nodules, letotrichum gloeosporioides, 267 tion from ultraviolet-B damage, soy- proteolysis, development and senes- soybean embryonic axes, oxidative stress, bean, 741 cence, 379 a-tocopherol, 949 Flooding, resistances in Rumex palustris and drought- and abscisic acid-regulated, Gibberellic acid, xyloglucan endotransgly- R. acetosa, submergence-induced eth- drought-resistant species, Lycopersi- cosylase activity, pea internodes, 235 ylene synthesis, 783 con pennellii, 597 Ginkgo biloba, light-dependent chloroplast Floridoside, t- and p-isofluoridoside, Por- ethylene and wound-induced expression, development, light-harvesting chlo- phyra columbina, 485 preclimacteric phase, avocado fruit rophyll a/b-binding protein gene, 727 Flower and mesocarp discs, 227 (-3,1-4)-8-Glucanase, cDNA from oat, se- daylily, fructan hydrolysis, petal expan- expression, molecular responses, water quence of, 295 sion, 213 deficit, 1035 Glucosamine, oligosaccharides as signals and orchid, pollination-induced senescence, 1- expression patterns, tracheary element for- substrates, plant cell wall, 1 aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate mation, single mesophyll cells of Zin- Glucose, transporter cDNA from sugarcane, oxidase, 31 nia elegans, 805 1469 tobacco, ectopic expression of NAGI, con- genomic sequence, protein homolog of Glucose-6-phosphate, pH and _ t-malate, version of perianth into reproductive Escherichia coli, Arabidopsis thaliana, guard cell phosphoenolpyruvate car- organs, 1041 673 boxylase, Vicia faba, 1189 Flumetsulam, lack of cross-resistance, ima- glutamine synthetase, differential expres- Glutamine synthetase zaquin-resistant Xanthium strumarium sion, Medicago truncatula, 73 gene family, differential expression, Med- acetolactate synthase, 281 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A icago truncatula, 73 Fluorescence, nonphotochemical quenching, reductase, wounding and methyl jas- rape chloroplasts, 303 dithiothreitol effects, intact lettuce monate, Camptotheca acuminata, 41 Glutathione, oxidative stimulation of synthe- chloroplasts, 575 hydroxypyruvate reductase, light fluence sis, Arabidopsis thaliana suspension Freezing and wavelength, cucumber, 933 cultures, 621 stress, tolerance and superoxide dismu- induction by aluminum, wheat root, 855 Glutathione reductase, molecular responses tase, transgenic alfalfa, 1155 isiA, chlorophyll-protein complex, iron- to photooxidative stress, Pinus sylves- Plant Physiol. Vol. 103, 1993 Subject Index Xxxix tris, 1385 ria, water relation alterations, cotton, spinach Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydroge- 1243 mitochondrial metabolism during pho- nase, chloroplast, effects of blue and tosynthesis, 1147 red light, Arabidopsis thaliana, 1115 xanthophyll cycle and protein turnover, Glycine max (see Soybean) Ice, intracellular formation and cavitation, high light tolerance, 1413 Glycine soja, kinetics of nodule development, supercooling wood tissue, Cornus flor- tobacco, molecular cloning and expression, 1139 ida, 753 ortho-diphenol-O-methyltransfer- Glycophyte, halophyte and, NaCl regula- Imazaquin ases, 509 tion, plasma membrane H*-ATPase acetohydroxyacid synthase inhibitors, tomato, methyl jasmonate, induction of gene expression, 713 phototoxicity, corn, 1221 papain inhibitors, 1347 Gossypium hirsutum (see Cotton) -resistant Xanthium strumarium acetolac- Ss Graminicide, -tolerant and -susceptible corn, tate synthase, lack of cross-resistance, galactose-specific, protection from freeze- acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase inhib- flumetsulam and chlorimuron, 281 thaw damage, spinach thylakoids, 59 itors, root cell transmembrane electric Imbibition, soybean embryonic axes, oxida- gene, sequence of vegetative homolog, pea potentials, 919 tive stress, a-tocopherol, 949 seed, 663 Granule, -bound starch synthase, role of Imidazoleglycerol, -phosphate dehydratase, Legumes, nodules, model, regulation of ni- waxy protein, pea, 1355 wheat, 733 trogenase electron allocation, 421 Gravitropism, modulation by red-absorbing Immunofluorescence, recognition of peroxi- Lettuce form, phytochrome B, Arabidopsis somes, transformed and untrans- intact chloroplasts, dithiothreitol effects, thaliana, 15 formed tobacco cells, 1055 nonphotochemical fluorescence Guard cells, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxyl- Infection quenching, 575 ase, pH/t-malate/glucose-6-phos- induced ortho-diphenol-O-methyltrans- purification and properties, monofunc- phate interactive effects, Vicia faba, ferases, molecular cloning and expres- tional imidazoleglycerol-phosphate 1189 sion, tobacco leaves, 509 dehydratase, wheat, 733 Gymnosperm, Ginkgo biloba, light-depend- thread development, five nodulation mu- Light ent chloroplast development, light- tants, distinct phenotypes of white blue and red, expression of nuclear genes harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding sweetclover, 925 encoding chloroplast glyceraldehyde- protein gene, 727 Internodes, pea, xyloglucan endotransglyco- 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, Arabi- sylase activity, 235 dopsis thaliana, 1115 H Iron -dependent chloroplast development, Halophyte, glycophyte and, NaCl regulation, deficiency, respiration of sycamore cells, light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b- plasma membrane H*-ATPase gene 1329 binding protein gene, Ginkgo biloba, expression, 713 -deficient Synechococcus, chlorophyll-pro- 727 tein complex, encoding by isiA gene, -harvesting protein of photosystem system H*-ATPase plasma membrane, mimicry of fusicoccin 893 I, 24-kDa, pea cDNA clone, 1461 Irradiances, growth, acclimation, photoinhi- high tolerance, xanthophyll cycle and pro- effect, controlled proteolysis in radish, bition and D1 protein degradation in tein turnover, sun-acclimated spinach 391 peas, 835 leaves, 1413 plasma membrane gene expression, NaCl Isozymes, internal and external, carbonic an- red and blue, stomatal responsiveness, cir- regulation, glycophyte and halophyte, hydrase, Chlorella saccharophila, 943 cadian rhythms in broad bean, 399 713 Lightflecks, corn, concurrent measurements, Heat-shock protein, plastid-localized, wheat oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange, cDNA clone, 675 3-Ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase III, 823 Helianthus annuus (see Sunflower) other condensing enzymes, fatty acid Lipids Hemerocallis (see Daylily) synthase, spinach, 1361 plasma membrane, freezing tolerance and Hepta-8-glucoside, elicitor-binding proteins, 2-Ketobutyrate, acetohydroxyacid synthase cold acclimation, genetic variability in plasma membrane localization, solu- inhibitors, phototoxicity, corn, 1221 Solanum species, 793 bilization and soybean, 1173 Ketol, -acid reductoisomerase, barley, 903 transfer protein, epidermis-specific tran- Histone, H2A mRNA expression, DNA rep- Kiwifruit scripts, EPI12, 677 lication, pea root tips, 1291 polygalacturonase gene, 669 Lipoxygenase Hordeum vulgare (see Barley) ripening, xyloglucan endotransglycosy- gene responsive to methyl jasmonate, 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid, synthesis in carrot lase, 1399 wounding, Arabidopsis thaliana, 1133 protoplasts, elicitor-induced changes, nitrogen-responsive, expression and accu- Ca** and K* efflux, 407 L mulation patterns, soybean, 457 3-Hydroxylase, flavanone, cDNA clone, ap- Laminin, 33-kDa receptor analog, Arabidop- soluble isoforms, tomato pericarp, 1211 ple, 291 sis CDNA, 299 Lobelia dortmanna, long-distance water trans- 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A Latuca sativa (see Lettuce) port, 1369 reductase, gene expression, wounding Leaf Lophopyrum elongatum and methyl jasmonate, Camptotheca early stages of genetic salt-stress re- Arabidopsis thaliana, alteration of 8-tubulin acuminata, 41 sponses, amphiploid, 257 gene expression, low-temperature ex- 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A posure, 371 stress-induced gene ESI35, 1031 reduseasconalt vaariastionesin,rubb er beet, effect of cutting, solute uptake by Lycopersicon chilense, abscisic acid- and synthesis, Parthenium argentatum, 535 plasma membrane vesicles, 49 drought-induced cDNA, sequence of, Hydroxyphenylethylamines, biochemical Coffea arabica, regulation, purine metabo- 301 basis of resistance, tobacco callus tis- lism, 1195 Lycopersicon esculentum (see Tomato) sue cultures, 329 pea, mitochondria, regulation of pyruvate Lycopersicon pennellii, drought-resistant, Hydroxyproline, -deficient arabinogalactan dehydrogenase, 1431 expression of drought- and abscisic acid-regulated tomato genes, 597 protein secretion, suspension-cul- pear, cuticle permeability to sulfuric acid, tured carrot cells, 115 effect of cations, 251 Lysine, highly reactive and essential residue Hydroxypyruvate reductase, gene expres- potato, plasma membrane protein pp34, of Rubisco, tobacco, 501 sion, light fluence and wavelength, response to oligogalacturonide sig- M cucumber, 933 nals, 1393 Hyoscyamus niger, CDNA encoding tropinone sorghum, development at various Na/Ca Maize (see Corn) reductase II, 1465 salinities, kinematics and dynamics, t-Malate, pH and _ glucose-6-phosphate, Hypersensitivity, reaction induced by bacte- 1107 guard cell phosphoenolpyruvate car- xl Subject Index Plant Physiol. Vol. 103, 1993 boxylase, Vicia faba, 1189 gene families, differential expression, rape, Opuntia ficus-indica, CO, exchange and Malic acid, aluminum tolerance in wheat, 703 growth, elevated CQO2, open-top 695 chambers, 519 Malus (see Apple) N Orchid, pollination-induced senescence of Manganese, -superoxide dismutase, cDNA, NADP* oxidoreductase, isoenzymes, ferre- flowers, regulation, 1-aminocyclopro- rice, 1477 doxin, antibodies specific for radish pane-1-carboxylate oxidase, 31 Mannitol 1-oxidoreductase, activity in celery root and leaf enzymes, 435 Organogenesis, five nodulation mutants, suspension cultures, different carbon Naphthylphthalamic acid, single binding white sweetclover, distinct pheno- sources, relative growth rate, 1001 site, zucchini plasma membrane, 449 Medicago sativa (see Alfalfa) Nicotiana tabacum (see Tobacco) Ortho-diphenol-O-methyltransferases, mo- Medicago truncatula, differential expression, Nitrate lecular cloning and expression, to- glutamine synthetase gene family, 73 assimilation products, mitochondrial me- bacco leaves, 509 Megagametophytes, loblolly pine, purifica- tabolism during photosynthesis, spin- Oryza sativa (see Rice) tion and characterization, catalase, ach leaves, 1147 Osmoregulation, pyrroline-5-carboxylate re- 477 uptake in barley, apparent induction, ductase gene, Arabidopsis thaliana, Melilotus alba (see Sweetclover, white) NO;--selective microelectrodes, 885 771 Membrane Nitrate reductase, Skeletonema costatum, Osmosis -associated and soluble lipoxygenase iso- molecular responses, water deficit, 1035 forms, tomato pericarp, 1211 Nitrogen Porphyra columbina, floridoside, t- and p- depolarization and conductance, passive fixation, regulation of nitrogenase activity, isofloridoside, 485 proton conductance, Chara buckelli, white clover, 1009 response to hyperosmotic stress, changes 197 -responsive lipoxygenase, expression and in phosphatidylinositol metabolism, properties of sunflower cell microsomes, accumulation patterns, soybean, 457 carrot cells in suspension culture, 637 effects of boron, proton transport, 763 use by tobacco, ambient CO, concentra- Oxygen Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, salt stress tion, Rubisco, 1075 carbon dioxide exchange and, concurrent perception, plant growth regulators, Nitrogenase measurements, lightflecks in maize, 1299 electron allocation, model of regulation, 823 Mesophyll cells, Zinnia elegans, tracheary legume nodules, 421 changes in P-700 oxidation, early stages, element formation, gene expression regulation of activity, current nitrogen fix- induction of photosynthesis, 649 patterns, 805 ation, white clover, 1009 insensitivity of photosynthesis, bundle Moatall yendoprc +, , cytochrome c reduc- Nodulation, five mutants of white sweet- sheath cell conductance, C, species, tase integrated processing peptidase, clover, distinct phenotypes, 925 1183 potato mitochondria, 615 Nodules oxidative stress, a-tocopherol content, Methyl jasmonate kinetics of development, Glycine soja, 1139 soybean embryonic axes, 949 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A legume, model, regulation of nitrogenase permeability responses, soybean nodule reductase gene expression, wounding electron aliocation, 421 physical traits, 149 and, Camptotheca acuminata, 41 Nopaline synthase, promoter in tobacco, protection of plants from oxidative stress, induction of papain inhibitors, tomato methyl jasmonate and salicylic acid overexpression, superoxide dismu- leaves, 1347 response elements, 97 tase, 1067 salicylic acid response elements and, no- Norway spruce, cDNA clone, short-chain al- stimulation of glutathione synthesis, Ara- paline synthase promoter, tobacco, 97 cohol dehydrogenase, 1479 bidopsis thaliana suspension cultures, wounding and, Arabidopsis lipoxygenase Nucleotides 621 gene, 1133 cDNA clones, dehydrin-like protein, Stel- Microsomes laria longipes, 1029 P sphingolipid long-chain base synthesis, protein sequences of 60S ribosomal pro- P-700, changes in oxidation, early stages, squash, 1421 tein L17, tobacco, 1027 induction of photosynthesis, 649 sunflower cells, effects of boron, proton sequence Panicum, bundle sheath cell conductance, C, transport and membrane properties, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate species, O2 insensitivity of photosyn- 763 synthase, mustard, 1019 thesis, 1183 Microtubules, cortical, immunolocalization a-amylase gene, Vigna mungo, 1459 Papain, induction of inhibitors, methyl jas- of calmodulin, calcium levels in carrot Arabidopsis thaliana Lhcb4 gene, 1451 monate, tomato leaves, 1347 and tobacco, 543 cathepsin D inhibitor protein, tomato, Paraquat Mitochondria 1473 -resistant Conyza, developmental variabil- atp9 transcript, RNA editing, soybean, Chlorella vulgaris a-tubulin gene, 1467 ity, photooxidative stress tolerance, 1457 cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase, Euca- 1097 higher plants, covalent and noncovalent lyptus, 1447 transport in protoplasts, maize suspension dimers, cyanide-resistant alternative peroxide genes, tomato, 665 cells, 963 oxidase protein, 845 precursor of Rubisco small subunit, Parthenium argentatum, seasonal variations metabolism during photosynthesis, spin- Pteris vittata, 1455 in rubber biosynthesis, 3-hydroxy-3- ach leaves, 1147 methylglutaryl-coenzyme A _ reduc- pea leaf, regulation, pyruvate dehydroge- oO tase, rubber transferase, 535 nase, 1431 Oat Pea potato, cytochrome c reductase integrated auxin-dependent pH changes, coleoptile cDNA clone, 24-kDa light-harvesting pro- processing peptidase, metalloendo- cell walls, null-point method, 351 tein, photosystem I, 1461 proteases, 615 coleoptiles, role of expansin, cell enlarge- chloroplasts, zinc protease EP1, Rubisco Mosaic virus, coat protein gene of pepper, ment, 1321 degradation, 585 cDNA sequence, 1023 purification and properties, monofunc- cytoplasm, casein kinase II-type protein Mung bean, mitochondria, covalent and tional imidazoleglycerol-phosphate kinase, inactivation of alkaline phos- noncovalent dimers, cyanide-resistant dehydratase, wheat, 733 phatase, 955 alternative oxidase protein, 845 victorin-binding proteins, density gradient developing, uncoating of clathrin-coated Mustard, nucleotide sequence of cDNA study, 67 vesicles, uncoating of ATPase, 205 clone, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-car- Oligogalacturonide, signals, potato leaf internodes, xyloglucan endotransglycosy- boxylate synthase, 1019 plasma membrane protein pp34, 1393 lase activity, 235 Myrosinase Oligosaccharides, signals and substrates, leaf, mitochondria, regulation of pyruvate Arabidopsis CDNA sequence, 671 plant cell wall, 1 dehydrogenase, 1431

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