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Plant Pathology (2005) 54, 812-819 Author index Abe, J.P. see Chung, W.H. Bar-Joseph, M. see Gera, A. Acharya, S.N. see Li, G.Q. Barba, M. see Tomassoli, L. Agarwal, J. see Ramachandran, P. Barbara, D.J. see Collins, A. Ahlawat, Y.S. see Ramachandran, P. Barnes, I., Nakabonge, G., Roux, J., Wingfield, B.D. & Ahoonmanesh, A. see Farzadfar, Sh. Wingfield, M.J. Comparison of populations of the wilt Akino, S. see Gotoh, K. pathogen Ceratocystis albifundus in South Africa and Al Magbali, Y. see Al-Bahry, S. Uganda, 189 Al Raeesi, A. see Al-Bahry, S. Barreto, R.W. see Soares, D.]. Al Sa’di, A. see Al-Bahry, S. Barrett, L.G. see Thrall, PH. Al-Bahry, S., Elshafie, A.E., Deadman, M., Al Sa’di, A., Basim, E. see Basim, H. Al Raeesi, A. & Al Magpbali, Y. First report of Basim, H., Basim, E., Yilmaz, S$. & Ilkucan, M. First report of Ganoderma colossum on Ficus altissima and Delonix regia pith necrosis of tomato caused by Pseudomonas in Oman, 245 mediterranea in Turkey, 240 Ala-Poikela, M., Svensson, E., Rojas, A., Horko, T., Paulin, L., Bateman, G.L. see Freeman, J. Valkonen, J.P.T. & Kvarnheden, A. Genetic diversity and Bateman, G.L. The contribution of ground-level inoculum of mixed infections of begomoviruses infecting tomato, pepper Fusarium culmorum to ear blight of winter wheat, 428 and cucurbit crops in Nicaragua, 448 Beales, P.A. see Lane, C.R. Alexander, H.M. see Thrall, P.H. Beasley, J.P. see Rowland, D. Almeida, R. see Arocha, Y. Berg, T., Tesoriero, L. & Hailstones, D.L. PCR-based Altinok, H.H. First report of fusarium wilt of eggplant caused by detection of Xanthomonas campestris pathovars in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melongenae in Turkey, 577 Brassica seed, 416 Alves-Santos, F.M. see Santamaria, O. Bernal, A. see Diaz, J. Amiri, A. & Bompeix, G. Diversity and population dynamics of Bertaccini, A. see Rancic, D. Penicillium spp. on apples in pre- and postharvest Bertrand, B. see Herve, G. environments: consequences for decay development, 74 Bharathan, N., Saso, H., Gudipati, L., Bharathan, S., Whited, K. Amrao, L. see Iram, S. & Anthony, K. Double-stranded RNA: distribution and Andrivon, D. see Forbes, G.A. analysis among isolates of Rhizoctonia solani AG-2 to -13, see also Pasco, C. 196 see also Pilet, F. Bharathan, S. see Bharathan, N. Antesana, O. see Jones, P. Blachinsky, D. see Kleitman, F. Anthony, F., Topart, P., Martinez, A., Silva, M. & Nicole, M. Blechert, O. & Debener, T. Morphological characterization of Hypersensitive-like reaction conferred by the Mex-1 the interaction between Diplocarpon rosae and various rose resistance gene against Meloidogyne exigua in coffee, 476 species, 82 Anthony, K. see Bharathan, N. Bloomer, P. see Coetzee, M.P.A. Arabolaza, A.L. see Dunger, G. Bock, C.H. see Wan, A.M. Aramburu, J. & Galipienso, L. First report in Spain of a variant Boland, G.J. see Kora, C. of Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) overcoming the Tm-2? Bompeix, G. see Amiri, A. resistance gene in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), 566 Bongiovanni, M. see Jacquet, M. Aramburu, J. see Galipienso, L. Boudon-Padieu, E. see Milkus, B. Arocha, Y., Horta, D., Pifiol, B., Palenzuela, I., Picornell, S., Brading, P.A. see Chartrain, L. Almeida, R. & Jones, P. First report of a phytoplasma Brasier, C.M. see Denman, S. associated with Bermuda-grass white leaf disease in Cuba, Brennan, J.M., Egan, D., Cooke, B.M. & Doohan, EM. Effect of 233 temperature on head blight of wheat caused by Fusarium Arocha, Y. see Jones, P. culmorum and F. graminearum, 156 Arocha, Y., Lopez, M., Fernandez, M., Pifiol, B., Horta, D., Briddon, R.W. see Iram, S. Peralta, E.L., Almeida, R., Carvajal, O., Picornell, S., Britz, H., Coutinho, T.A., Wingfield, B.D., Marasas, W.F.O. & Wilson, M.R. & Jones, P. Transmission of a sugarcane Wingfield, M.J. Diversity and differentiation in two yellow leaf phytoplasma by the delphacid planthopper populations of Gibberella circinata in South Africa, 46 Saccharosydne saccharivora, a new vector of sugarcane Brown, J.K.M. see Chartrain, L. yellow leaf syndrome, 634 Budding, D.J. see Forbes, G.A. Arruda, G.M.T., Miller, R.N.G., Ferreira, M.A.S.V. & Burdon, J.J. see Thrall, PH. Café-Filho, A.C. Morphological and molecular Burr, T.J. see Kaewnum, S. characterization of the sudden-death syndrome pathogen of Buschmann, H., Gonsior, G. & Sauerborn, J. Pathogenicity of soybean in Brazil, 53 branched broomrape (Orobanche ramosa) populations on Auld, B.A. see Gilbert, R.L. tobacco cultivars, 650 Awasthi, L.P. see Jain, R.K. Aysan, Y. see Mirik, M. Café-Filho, A.C. see Arruda, G.M.T. Caffier, V. & Laurens, F. Breakdown of P/2, a major gene of Bag, S. see Jain, R.K. resistance to apple powdery mildew, in a French Baloglu, S. see Mirik, M. experimental orchard, 116 812 © 2005 BSPP Plant Pathology (2005) 54, 812-819 Author index Abe, J.P. see Chung, W.H. Bar-Joseph, M. see Gera, A. Acharya, S.N. see Li, G.Q. Barba, M. see Tomassoli, L. Agarwal, J. see Ramachandran, P. Barbara, D.J. see Collins, A. Ahlawat, Y.S. see Ramachandran, P. Barnes, I., Nakabonge, G., Roux, J., Wingfield, B.D. & Ahoonmanesh, A. see Farzadfar, Sh. Wingfield, M.J. Comparison of populations of the wilt Akino, S. see Gotoh, K. pathogen Ceratocystis albifundus in South Africa and Al Magbali, Y. see Al-Bahry, S. Uganda, 189 Al Raeesi, A. see Al-Bahry, S. Barreto, R.W. see Soares, D.]. Al Sa’di, A. see Al-Bahry, S. Barrett, L.G. see Thrall, PH. Al-Bahry, S., Elshafie, A.E., Deadman, M., Al Sa’di, A., Basim, E. see Basim, H. Al Raeesi, A. & Al Magpbali, Y. First report of Basim, H., Basim, E., Yilmaz, S$. & Ilkucan, M. First report of Ganoderma colossum on Ficus altissima and Delonix regia pith necrosis of tomato caused by Pseudomonas in Oman, 245 mediterranea in Turkey, 240 Ala-Poikela, M., Svensson, E., Rojas, A., Horko, T., Paulin, L., Bateman, G.L. see Freeman, J. Valkonen, J.P.T. & Kvarnheden, A. Genetic diversity and Bateman, G.L. The contribution of ground-level inoculum of mixed infections of begomoviruses infecting tomato, pepper Fusarium culmorum to ear blight of winter wheat, 428 and cucurbit crops in Nicaragua, 448 Beales, P.A. see Lane, C.R. Alexander, H.M. see Thrall, P.H. Beasley, J.P. see Rowland, D. Almeida, R. see Arocha, Y. Berg, T., Tesoriero, L. & Hailstones, D.L. PCR-based Altinok, H.H. First report of fusarium wilt of eggplant caused by detection of Xanthomonas campestris pathovars in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melongenae in Turkey, 577 Brassica seed, 416 Alves-Santos, F.M. see Santamaria, O. Bernal, A. see Diaz, J. Amiri, A. & Bompeix, G. Diversity and population dynamics of Bertaccini, A. see Rancic, D. Penicillium spp. on apples in pre- and postharvest Bertrand, B. see Herve, G. environments: consequences for decay development, 74 Bharathan, N., Saso, H., Gudipati, L., Bharathan, S., Whited, K. Amrao, L. see Iram, S. & Anthony, K. Double-stranded RNA: distribution and Andrivon, D. see Forbes, G.A. analysis among isolates of Rhizoctonia solani AG-2 to -13, see also Pasco, C. 196 see also Pilet, F. Bharathan, S. see Bharathan, N. Antesana, O. see Jones, P. Blachinsky, D. see Kleitman, F. Anthony, F., Topart, P., Martinez, A., Silva, M. & Nicole, M. Blechert, O. & Debener, T. Morphological characterization of Hypersensitive-like reaction conferred by the Mex-1 the interaction between Diplocarpon rosae and various rose resistance gene against Meloidogyne exigua in coffee, 476 species, 82 Anthony, K. see Bharathan, N. Bloomer, P. see Coetzee, M.P.A. Arabolaza, A.L. see Dunger, G. Bock, C.H. see Wan, A.M. Aramburu, J. & Galipienso, L. First report in Spain of a variant Boland, G.J. see Kora, C. of Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) overcoming the Tm-2? Bompeix, G. see Amiri, A. resistance gene in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), 566 Bongiovanni, M. see Jacquet, M. Aramburu, J. see Galipienso, L. Boudon-Padieu, E. see Milkus, B. Arocha, Y., Horta, D., Pifiol, B., Palenzuela, I., Picornell, S., Brading, P.A. see Chartrain, L. Almeida, R. & Jones, P. First report of a phytoplasma Brasier, C.M. see Denman, S. associated with Bermuda-grass white leaf disease in Cuba, Brennan, J.M., Egan, D., Cooke, B.M. & Doohan, EM. Effect of 233 temperature on head blight of wheat caused by Fusarium Arocha, Y. see Jones, P. culmorum and F. graminearum, 156 Arocha, Y., Lopez, M., Fernandez, M., Pifiol, B., Horta, D., Briddon, R.W. see Iram, S. Peralta, E.L., Almeida, R., Carvajal, O., Picornell, S., Britz, H., Coutinho, T.A., Wingfield, B.D., Marasas, W.F.O. & Wilson, M.R. & Jones, P. Transmission of a sugarcane Wingfield, M.J. Diversity and differentiation in two yellow leaf phytoplasma by the delphacid planthopper populations of Gibberella circinata in South Africa, 46 Saccharosydne saccharivora, a new vector of sugarcane Brown, J.K.M. see Chartrain, L. yellow leaf syndrome, 634 Budding, D.J. see Forbes, G.A. Arruda, G.M.T., Miller, R.N.G., Ferreira, M.A.S.V. & Burdon, J.J. see Thrall, PH. Café-Filho, A.C. Morphological and molecular Burr, T.J. see Kaewnum, S. characterization of the sudden-death syndrome pathogen of Buschmann, H., Gonsior, G. & Sauerborn, J. Pathogenicity of soybean in Brazil, 53 branched broomrape (Orobanche ramosa) populations on Auld, B.A. see Gilbert, R.L. tobacco cultivars, 650 Awasthi, L.P. see Jain, R.K. Aysan, Y. see Mirik, M. Café-Filho, A.C. see Arruda, G.M.T. Caffier, V. & Laurens, F. Breakdown of P/2, a major gene of Bag, S. see Jain, R.K. resistance to apple powdery mildew, in a French Baloglu, S. see Mirik, M. experimental orchard, 116 812 © 2005 BSPP Author index Cakir, E. First report of potato wart disease in Turkey, 584 De Jonghe, K., De Dobbelaere, I., Sarrazyn, R. & Héfte, M. Capezio, S. see Forbes, G.A. Control of Phytophthora cryptogea in the hydroponic Carvajal, O. see Arocha, Y. forcing of witloof chicory with the rhamnolipid-based Castagnone-Sereno, P. see Jacquet, M. biosurfactant formulation PRO1, 219 Castillo, J. see Phillips-Mora, W. Deadman, M. see Al-Bahry, S. Castillo, P. see Vovlas, N. Debener, T. see Blechert, O. Cayford, B. see Saqib, M. Delatte, H., Holota, H., Naze, E., Peterschmitt, M., Reynaud, B. Cetinkaya-Yildiz, R. see Mirik, M. & Lett, J.M. The presence of both recombinant and Chacon, M.G. see Forbes, G.A. nonrecombinant strains of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus on Chang, Y.-C. see Lee, Y.-A. tomato in Réunion Island, 262 see also Li, C.-Y. deLittle, J.A. see Wilson, C.R. Chartrain, L., Brading, P.A. & Brown, J.K.M. Presence of the Denman, S., Kirk, $.A., Brasier, C.M. & Webber, J.F. In vitro leaf Stb6 gene for resistance to septoria tritici blotch inoculation studies as an indication of tree foliage (Mycosphaerella graminicola) in cultivars used in wheat- susceptibility to Phytophthora ramorum in the UK, 512 breeding programmes worldwide, 134 Denman, S., Kirk, $.A., Brasier, C.M., Hughes, K.J.D., Griffin, Chen, K.-P. see Lee, Y.-A. R., Hobdon, E. & Webber, J.F. Foliar infection of sweet Chen, S., Dai, X., Qiang, S. & Tang, Y. Effect of a nonhost- chestnut (Castanea sativa) by Phytophthora ramorum in the selective toxin from Alternaria alternata on chloroplast- UK, 581 electron transfer activity in Eupatorium adenophorum, Denton, G. see Henricot, B. 671 Diaz, J., Silvar, C., Varela, M.M., Bernal, A. & Merino, F. Chen, W. see Meng, X. Fusarium confers protection against several mycelial Chen, X.Y. see Zhu, X.Q. pathogens of pepper plants, 773 Chhetri, D.B. see Coetzee, M.P.A. Diez, J.J. see Santamaria, O. Chow, S. see Fortune, M.P. Dilbar, A. see Fortune, M.P. Chowda Reddy, R.V., Muniyappa, V., Colvin,J .& Seal, S. Anew Distel, S. see Forbes, G.A. begomovirus isolated from Gossypium barbadense in Dolby, C.A. see Stevens, M. southern India, 570 Doohan, EM. see Brennan, J.M. Chung, W.H., Abe, J.P., Yamaoka, Y., Haung, J.W. & Kakishima, Dorner, J. see Rowland, D. M. First report of plumeria rust disease caused by Doulis, A.G. see Vakalounakis, D.]J. Coleosporium plumeriae in Taiwan, 812 Dror, O. see Kleitman, F. Ciampi, M.B. see Fenille, R.C. Duan, C.J. see Li, Q.Q. Cilas, C. see Herve, G. Duncan, J.M. see Forbes, G.A. Ciuffo, M., Finetti-Sialer, M.M., Gallitelli, D. & Turina, M. First see also Hussain, S. report in Italy of a resistance-breaking strain of Tomato see also van de Graaf, P. spotted wilt virus infecting tomato cultivars carrying the Sw5 Dunemann, F. see Urbanietz, A. resistance gene, 564 Dunger, G., Arabolaza, A.L., Gottig, N., Orellano, E.G. & Ciuffo, M., Pettiti, D., Gallo, $., Masenga, V. & Turina, M. First Ottado, J. Participation of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. report of Blueberry scorch virus in Europe, 565 citri brp cluster in citrus canker and nonhost plant responses, Clair, D. see Milkus, B. 781 Clewes, E. see Collins, A. Duvnjak, T. see Vrandecic, K. Coetzee, M.P.A., Wingfield, B.D., Kirisits, T., Chhetri, D.B., Bloomer, P. & Wingfield, M.J. Identification of Armillaria Edison, S. see Jeeva, M.L. isolates from Bhutan based on DNA sequence comparisons, Egan, D. see Brennan, J.M. 36 Elena, K. Fusarium wilt of Phoenix canariensis: first report in Collins, A., Mercado-Blanco, J., Jiménez-Diaz, R.M., Olivares, Greece, 244 C., Clewes, E. & Barbara, D.J. Correlation of molecular Ellisséche, D. see Forbes, G.A. markers and biological properties in Verticillium dabliae and see also Pilet, F. the possible origins of some isolates, 549 Elmore, J. see Mumford, R.A. Colon, L.T. see Forbes, G.A. Elshafie, A.E. see Al-Bahry, S. Colvin, J. see Chowda Reddy, R.V. Erickson, R.S. see Li, G.Q. Constantinescu, O. see Lane, C.R. Evans, K.J., Jones, M.K. & Roush, R.T. Susceptibility of invasive Cooke, B.M. see Brennan, J.M. taxa of European blackberry to rust disease caused by the Cooke, D.E.L. see Hussain, S. uredinial stage of Phragmidium violaceum under field Cooter, R.J. see Thresh, J.M. conditions in Australia, 275 Cosic, J. see Vrandecic, K. Coutinho, T.A. see Britz, H. Fang, R.X. see Sun, Q.H. Cuadrado, I.M. see Janssen, D. Farzadfar, Sh., Ohshima, K., Pourrahim, R., Golnaraghi, A.R., Cunnington, J.H. see Pascoe, I.G. Jalali, S. & Ahoonmanesh, A. Occurrence of Turnip mosaic virus on ornamental crops in Iran, 261 Dai, X. see Chen, S. Farzadfar, Sh., Pourrahim, R., Golnaraghi, A.R. & Damsteegt, V.D. see Fatmi, M. Ahoonmanesh, A. Occurrence of Cauliflower mosaic virus in Das, D.R. see Ramachandran, P. different cruciferous plants in Iran, 810 David, J. see Lane, C.R. Fatmi, M., Damsteegt, V.D. & Schaad, N.W. A combined agar- Davis, R.E. see Jomantiene, R. absorption and BIO-PCR assay for rapid, sensitive detection De Dobbelaere, I. see De Jonghe, K. of Xylella fastidiosa in grape and citrus, 1 © 2005 BSPP Plant Pathology (2005) 54, 812-819 Author index Feng, J.X. see Li, Q.Q. Gobbin, D., Jermini, M., Loskill, B., Pertot, I., Raynal, M. & Fenille, R.C., Ciampi, M.B., Souza, N.L., Nakatani, A.K. & Gessler, C. Importance of secondary inoculum of Kuramae, E.E. Binucleate Rhizoctonia sp. AG G causing Plasmopara viticola to epidemics of grapevine downy root rot in yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) in Brazil, j mildew, 522 325 Golnaraghi, A.R. see Farzadfar, S.. Fernandez, M. see Arocha, Y. Gonsior, G. see Buschmann, H. Ferreira, M.A.S.V. see Arruda, G.M.T. Gosine, S. see Fortune, M.P. Finetti-Sialer, M.M. see Ciuffo, M. Gotoh, K., Akino, $., Maeda, A., Kondo, N., Naito, S., Kato, M. Finlay, A.R. see Lane, C.R. & Ogoshi, A. Characterization of some Asian isolates of Fitt, B.D.L. see Wan, A.M. Phytophthora infestans, 733 Forbes, G.A., Chacén, M.G., Kirk, H.G., Huarte, M.A., Gottig, N. see Dunger, G. Van Damme, M., Distel, S., Mackay, G.R., Stewart, H.E., Goyeau, H. see Rimé, D. Lowe, R., Duncan, J.M., Mayton, H.S., Fry, W.E., Grau, C.R. see Meng, X. Andrivon, D., Ellisséche, D., Pellé, R., Platt, H.W., Green, S. First report of Septoria betulae causing leaf spot of MacKenzie, G., Tarn, T.R., Colon, L.T., Budding, D.J., birch in the UK, 580 Lozoya-Saldana, H., Hernandez-Vilchis, A. & Capezio, S. Griffin, R. see Denman, S. Stability of resistance to Phytophthora infestans in potato: Gryzenhout, M. see Rodas, C.A. an international evaluation, 364 Gubler, W.D. see Rumbolz, J. Forbes, G.A. see Garry, G. Gudipati, L. see Bharathan, N. Fortune, M.P., Gosine, $., Chow, S., Dilbar, A., St. Hill, A., Guo, L.Y. see Zhu, X.Q. Gibbs, H. & Rambaran, N. First report of black sigatoka Gutteridge, R.J. see Freeman, J. disease (causal agent Mycosphaerella fijiensis) from Trinidad, 246 Habili, N. see Milkus, B. Foulkes, M.J. see Pillinger, C. Hadas, R., Kritzman, G., Klietman, F., Gefen, T. & Manulis, S. Frampton, C.M. see McLear., K.L. Comparison of extraction procedures and determination of Franco, P. see Jones, P. the detection threshold for Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. Frederickson, D.E. see Pazoutova, S. michiganensis in tomato seeds, 643 Freeman, J., Ward, E., Gutteridge, R.J. & Bateman, G.L. Hagiwara, K. see Kubo, C. Methods for studying population structure, including Haider, M.S. see Tahir, M. sensitivity to the fungicide silthiofam, of the cereal take-all Hailstones, D.L. see Berg, T. fungus, Gaeumannomyces graminis vat. tritici, 686 Hallan, V. see Mehra, A. Fry, W.E. see Forbes, G.A. see also Singh, A.K. see also Verma, N. Galipienso, L. see Aramburu, J. Hallsworth, P.B. see Stevens, M. Galipienso, L., Herranz, M.C., Pallas, V. & Aramburu, J. Hansen, J.G., Koppel, M., Valskyte, A., Turka, I. & Kapsa, J. Detection of a tomato strain of Parietaria mottle virus Evaluation of foliar resistance in potato to Phytophthora (PMoV-T) by molecular hybridization and RT-PCR in field infestans based on an international field trial network, 169 samples from north-eastern Spain, 29 Harju, V. see Mumford, R.A. Gallitelli, D. see Ciuffo, M. Harvey, J.L. see Wan, A.M. Gallo, S. see Ciuffo, M. Haung, J.W. see Chung, W.H. Garcia, B. see Velasco, L. He, C.Y. & Wolyn, D.J. Potential role for salicylic acid in induced Garry, G., Forbes, G.A., Salas, A., Santa Cruz, M., Perez, W.G. resistance of asparagus roots to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. & Nelson, R.J. Genetic diversity and host differentiation asparagi, 227 among isolates of Phytophthora infestans from cultivated He, C.Z. see Sun, Q.H. potato and wild solanaceous hosts in Peru, 740 Hegde, V. see Jeeva, M.L. Ge, C. see Sun, Q.H. Hennecke, B.R. see Gilbert, R.L. Gefen, T. see Hadas, R. Henricot, B. & Denton, G. First record of the rust Puccinia Gera, A., Mawassi, M., Zeidan, M., Spiegel, S. & Bar-Joseph, M. lagenophorae on Emilia spp. in the UK, 242 An isolate of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma australiense’ group Henricot, B. see Lane, C.R. associated with Nivun Haamir dieback disease of papaya in Hernandez-Vilchis, A. see Forbes, G.A. Israel, 560 Herranz, M.C. see Galipienso, L. Gessler, C. see Gobbin, D. Herve, G., Bertrand, B., Villain, L., Licardie, D. & Cilas, C. Ghosh, D.K. see Ramachandran, P. Distribution analyses of Meloidogyne spp. and Pratylenchus Gibb, K.S. see Streten, C. coffeae sensu lato in coffee plots in Costa Rica and Gibbs, H. see Fortune, M.P. Guatemala, 471 Gibson, L.J. see Wilson, C.R. Hiruki, C. see Wang, K. Gil, F. see Janssen, D. Hita, I. see Velasco, L. Gilbert, R.L., Auld, B.A. & Hennecke, B.R. Leaf and stem spot Hobdon, E. see Denman, S. of Alternanthera philoxeroides (alligatorweed) in Australia HO6fte, M. see De Jonghe, K. caused by Nimbya sp., 585 Holota, H. see Delatte, H. Gimeno, C. see Lannou, C. Horko, T. see Ala-Poikela, M. Giorgi, S. & Scortichini, M. Molecular characterization of Horta, D. see Arocha, Y. Erwinia amylovora strains from different host plants Hsiang, T. see Huang, J. through RFLP analysis and sequencing of brpN and dspA/E Hu, J. see Sun, Q.H. genes, 789 Huang, G.X. see Sun, Q.H. © 2005 BSPP Plant Pathology (2005) 54, 812-819 Author index Huang, H.C. see Li, G.Q. Jones, R.A.C. see Sagib, M. Huang, J., Zheng, L. & Hsiang, T. First report of leaf spot caused Jouan, B. see Pasco, C. by Curvularia verruculosa on Cynodon sp. in Hubei, China, Jung, H.S. see Lee, H.B. 253 Jung, T. see Jonsson, U. Huarte, M.A. see Forbes, G.A. Jurkovic, D. see Vrandecic, K. Hubert, P. see Lannou, C. Hughes, K.J.D. see Denman, S. Kaewnum, S., Prathuangwong, S. & Burr, T.J. Aggressiveness of Hunt, J.S. see McLean, K.L. Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines isolates to soybean Huo, N.X. see Li, A.L. and hypersensitivity responses by other plants, 409 Hussain, D. see Rahman, M. Kajihara, H. see Kubo, C. Hussain, S., Lees, A.K., Duncan, J.M. & Cooke, D.E.L. Kakishima, M. see Chung, W.H. Development of a species-specific and sensitive detection Kapsa, J. see Hansen, J.G. assay for Phytophthora infestans and its application for Kato, M. see Gotoh, K. monitoring of inoculum in tubers and soil, 373 Khan, A.A., Naqvi, Q.A., Khan, M.S., Singh, R. & Raj, S.K. First report of a begomovirus infecting Calendula in India, 569 Ichiki, T.U. see Kubo, C. Khan, M.S. see Khan, A.A. Idir, S. see Milkus, B. see also Raj, S.K. IIkucan, M. see Basim, H. Kirisits, T. see Coetzee, M.P.A. Iram, S., Amrao, L., Mansoor, M.S., Malik, A.H., Briddon, R.W. Kirk, H.G. see Forbes, G.A. & Zafar, Y. First report of a begomovirus associated with leaf Kirk, S.A. see Denman, S. curl disease of Duranta erecta in Pakistan, 260 Kitkaru, A.S. see Mantri, N.L. Klietman, F. see Hadas, R. Jonsson, U., Jung, T., Sonesson, K. & Rosengren, U. Kleitman, F., Shtienberg, D., Blachinsky, D., Oppenheim, D., Relationships between health of Quercus robur, occurrence Zilberstaine, M., Dror, O. & Manulis, $. Erwinia amylovora of Phytophthora species and site conditions in southern populations resistant to oxolinic acid in Israel: prevalence, Sweden, 502 persistence and fitness, 108 Jacquet, M., Bongiovanni, M., Martinez, M., Verschave, P., Klironomou, E. see Vakalounakis, D.J. Wajnberg, E. & Castagnone-Sereno, P. Variation in Kondo, N. see Gotoh, K. resistance to the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita Kong, X.Y. see Li, A.L. in tomato genotypes bearing the Mi gene, 93 Koppel, M. see Hansen, J.G. Jain, R.K., Bag, S$. & Awasthi, L.P. First report of natural Kora, C., McDonald, M.R. & Boland, G.J. Occurrence of fungal infection of Capsicum annuum by Tobacco streak virus in pathogens of carrots on wooden boxes used for storage, 665 India, 257 Kovaé, M. see Krecéié-Stres, H. Jalali, S. see Farzadfar, S.. Krauss, U. see Phillips-Mora, W. Janssen, D., Saez, E., Segundo, E., Martin, G., Gil, F & Kreci¢-Stres, H., Vucak, C., Ravnikar, M. & Kovaé, M. Systemic Cuadrado, I.M. Capsicum annuum — a new host of Potato virus Y‘" infection and levels of salicylic and gentisic Parietaria mottle virus in Spain, 567 acids in different potato genotypes, 441 Jarvis, B. see Mumford, R.A. Krishna Kishore, G., Pande, S. & Podile, A.R. Management of Jeeva, M.L., Hegde, V., Makeshkumar, T., Nair, R.R. & late leaf spot of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) with Edison, $. Dioscorea alata, a new host of Sclerotium rolfsii chlorothalonil-tolerant isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, in India, 574 401 Jenkyn, J.F. see Wan, A.M. Kritzman, G. see Hadas, R. Jermini, M. see Gobbin, D. Kubo, C., Nakazono-Nagaoka, E., Hagiwara, K., Kajihara, H., Jia, J.Z. see Li, A.L. Takeuchi, $., Matsuo, K., Ichiki, T.U. & Omura, T. New Jiménez-Diaz, R.M. see Collins, A. severe strains of Melon necrotic spot virus: symptomatology Jomantiene, R. & Davis, R.E. Apple sessile leaf: a new disease and sequencing, 615 associated with a ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ Kucera, L. see Leisova, L. subgroup 16SrI-B phytoplasma in Lithuania, 237 Kulshrestha, S. see Verma, N. Jones, M.G.K. see Saqgib, M. Kuramae, E.E. see Fenille, R.C. Jones, M.K. see Evans, K.J. Kurt, S. see Soylu, S. Jones, P. see Arocha, Y. Kurt, S., Soylu, E.M., Soylu, S. & Tok, F.M. First report of crater Jones, P., Arocha, Y., Antesana, O., Montellano, E. & Franco, P. rot caused by Rhizoctonia carotae on carrots (Daucus ‘Brotes grandes’ (big bud) of potato: a new disease associated carota) in Turkey, 251 with a 16SrI-B subgroup phytoplasma in Bolivia, 234 Kusek, M. see Mirik, M. Jones, P., Arocha, Y., Antesana, O., Montilliano, E. & Franco, P. Kvarnheden, A. see Ala-Poikela, M. First report of an isolate of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma australiense’ associated with a yellow leaf roll disease of Lal, B. see Mehra, A. peach (Prunus persicae) in Bolivia, 558 Landa, B.B. see Vovlas, N. Jones, P., Arocha, Y., Antesana, O., Montellano, E. & Franco, P. Lane, C.R., Beales, P.A., O’neill, T.M., McPherson, G.M., ‘Hoja de perejil’ (parsley leaf) of tomato and morrenia little Finlay, A.R., David, J., Constantinescu, O. & Henricot, B. leaf, two new diseases associated with a phytoplasma in First report of Impatiens downy mildew (Plasmopara Bolivia, 235 obducens) in the UK, 243 Jones, P., Arocha, Y. & Plata, G. First report of a ‘Candidatus Lannou, C., Hubert, P. & Gimeno, C. Competition and Phytoplasma asteris’ isolate associated with a witches’ interactions among stripe rust pathotypes in wheat-cultivar broom disease of alfalfa in Bolivia, 559 mixtures, 699 © 2005 BSPP Plant Pathology (2005) 54, 812-819 Author index Lannou, C. see Rimé, D. Manulis, S. see Hadas, R. Laurens, F. see Caffier, V. see also Kleitman, F. Lee, H.B., Park, J.Y. & Jung, H.S. First report of leaf Marasas, W.F.O. see Britz, H. anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum boninense on spindle Martin, G. see Janssen, D. trees, 254 Martin, R.R. see Tzanetakis, I.E. Lee, Y.-A., Chen, K.-P. & Chang, Y.-C. First report of bacterial Martinez, A. see Anthony, F. leaf blight of white-flowered calla lily caused by Martinez, M. see Jacquet, M. Xanthomonas campestris pv. zantedeschiae in Taiwan, 239 Masenga, V. see Ciuffo, M. Lees, A.K. see Hussain, S. Matsuo, K. see Kubo, C. see also van de Graaf, P. Mawassi, M. see Gera, A. Leisova, L., Kucera, L., Minarikova, V. & Ovesna, J. Mayton, H.S. see Forbes, G.A. AFLP-based PCR markers that differentiate spot McDonald, M.R. see Kora, C. and net forms of Pyrenophora teres, 66 McLean, K.L., Swaminavhan, J., Frampton, C.M., Hunt, J.S., Lemaire, O. see Stevens, M. Ridgway, H.J. & Stewart, A. Effect of formulation on the Lett, J.M. see Delatte, H. rhizosphere competence and biocontrol ability of Li, A.L., Wang, M.L., Zhou, R.H., Kong, X.Y., Huo, N.X., Trichoderma atroviride C52, 212 Wang, W.S. & Jia, J.Z. Comparative analysis of early H,O, McPherson, G.M. see Lane, C.R. accumulation in compatible and incompatible wheat— Mehra, A., Hallan, V., Lal, B., Negi, H.R. & Zaidi, A.A. Sorbaria powdery mildew interactions, 308 tomentosa — a new natural host for Potato virus Y (PVY), Li, B.-D. see Li, B.-H. 572 Li, B.-H., Xu, X.-M., Li, J.-T. & Li, B.-D. Effects of Meng, X., Grau, C.R. & Chen, W. Cultivar preference exhibited temperature and continuous and interrupted wetness by two sympatric and genetically distinct populations of the on the infection of pear leaves by conidia of Venturia soybean fungal pathogen Phialophora gregata f.sp. sojae, nashicola, 357 180 Li, C.-Y. & Chang, Y.-C. First identification of Tobacco mild Mercado-Blanco, J. see Collins, A. green mosaic virus on Capsicum annuum in Taiwan, 258 Merino, F. see Diaz, J. Li, G.Q., Huang, H.C., Acharya, $.N. & Erickson, R.S. Mifsud, D. see Vovlas, N. Effectiveness of Coniothyrium minitans and Trichoderma Milkus, B., Clair, D., Idir, $., Habili, N. & Boudon-Padieu, E. atroviride in suppression of sclerotinia blossom blight of First detection of stolbur phytoplasma in grapevines (V itis alfalfa, 204 vinifera cv. Chardonnay) affected with grapevine yellows in Li, J.-T. see Li, B.-H. the Ukraine, 236 Li, Q.Q., Feng, J.X., Tang, J.L., Lin, W., Duan, C.J., Ye, YE & Miller, R.N.G. see Arruda, G.M.T. Luo, K. Siraita grosvenorii (Luo Han Guo; Cucurbitaceae) is Minarikova, V. see Leisova, L. a new host of Ralstonia solanacearum in China, 811 Mirik, M., Baloglu, S., Aysan, Y., Cetinkaya-Yildiz, R., Liang, Y.C., Sun, W.C., Si,J .& Romheld, V. Effects of foliar- and Kusek, M. & Sahin, F. First outbreak and occurrence of root-applied silicon on the enhancement of induced citrus blast disease, caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. resistance to powdery mildew in Cucumis sativus, 678 syringae, on orange and mandarin trees in Turkey, 238 Licardie, D. see Herve, G. Misal, M.B. see Mantri, N.L. Lin, W. see Li, Q.Q. Montellano, E. see Jones, P. Lopez, M. see Arocha, Y. Mumford, R.A., Jarvis, B., Harju, V., Elmore, J. & Skelton, A. Loskill, B. see Gobbin, D. The first identification of two viruses infecting trailing Lowe, R. see Forbes, G.A. verbena in the UK, 568 Lozoya-Saldafia, H. see Forbes, G.A. Muniyappa, V. see Chowda Reddy, R.V. Luo, K. see Li, Q.Q. Myburg, H. see Rodas, C.A. Luo, Y. see Zhu, X.Q. Nair, R.R. see Jeeva, M.L. Matolepsza, U. Spatial and temporal variation of reactive Naito, S. see Gotoh, K. oxygen species and antioxidant enzymes in o- Nakabonge, G. see Barnes, I. hydroxyethylorutin-treated tomato leaves inoculated Nakatani, A.K. see Fenille, R.C. with Botrytis cinerea, 317 Nakazono-Nagaoka, E. see Kubo, C. Mackay, G.R. see Forbes, G.A. Naqvi, Q.A. see Khan, A.A. MacKenzie, G. see Forbes, G.A. Naze, F. see Delatte, H. Mackey, I.C. see Tzanetakis, I.E. Negi, H.R. see Mehra, A. Maeda, A. see Gotoh, K. Nelson, R.J. see Garry, G. Maiti, S. see Mandal, K. Nicole, M. see Anthony, F. Makeshkumar, T. see Jeeva, M.L. Nikolaou, K. see Tsopelas, P. Malathi, V.G. see Rouhibakhsh, A. Malik, A.H. see Iram, S. Ogoshi, A. see Gotoh, K. Malik, T.A. see Rahman, M. Ohshima, K. see Farzadfar, S.. Mandal, K. & Maiti, S. Bacterial soft rot of aloe caused by Olivares, C. see Collins, A. Pectobacterium chrysanthemi: a new report from India, 573 Omura, T. see Kubo, C. Mansoor, M.S. see Iram, S. O’Neill, T.M. see Lane, C.R. Mantri, N.L., Kitkaru, A.S., Misal, M.B. & Ravi, K.S. First Oppenheim, D. see Kleitman, F. report of Papaya ringspot virus — W in bottle gourd Orellano, E.G. see Dunger, G. (Lagenaria siceraria) from India, 806 Oros, G. see Vajna, L. © 2005 BSPP_ Plant Pathology (2005) 54, 812-819 Author index Ottado, J. see Dunger, G. Ramachandran, P., Agarwal, J., Roy, A., Ghosh, D.K., Das, D.R. Ovesna, J. see Leisova, L. & Ahlawat, Y.S. First record of aH op stunt viroid variant on Nagpur mandarin and Mosambi sweet orange trees on Padilla, V. see Velasco, L. rough lemon and Rangpur lime rootstocks, 571 Palenzuela, I. see Arocha, Y. Rambaran, N. see Fortune, M.P. Pallas, V. see Galipienso, L. Ranéié, D., Paltrinieri, $., ToSevski, L., Paltrinieri, S. see Ranéi¢, D. Petanovic, R., Stevanovic, B. & Bertaccini, A. First report Pande, S. see Krishna Kishore, G. of multiple inflorescence disease of Cirsium arvense and its Park, J.Y. see Lee, H.B. association with a 16SrlII-B subgroup phytoplasma in Pasco, C., Jouan, B. & Andrivon, D. Resistance of potato Serbia, 561 genotypes to common and netted scab-causing species of Ravi, K.S. see Mantri, N.L. Streptomyces, 383 Ravnikar, M. see Krecié-Stres, H. Pascoe, I.G., Priest, M.J., Shivas, R.G. & Cunnington, J.H. Raynal, M. see Gobbin, D. Ustilospores of Tilletia ebrhartae, a smut of Ehrharta Reynaud, B. see Delatte, H. calycina, are common contaminants of Australian wheat Riccioni, L. see Vrandecic, K. grain, and a potential source of confusion with Tilletia Ridgway, H.J. see McLean, K.L. indica, the cause of Karnal bunt of wheat, 161 Rimé, D., Robert, C., Goyeau, H. & Lannou, C. Effect of host Patron, N.J. see Stevens, M. genotype on leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) lesion development Paulin, L. see Ala-Poikela, M. and urediniospore production in wheat seedlings, 287 Paveley, N. see Pillinger, C. Robert, C. see Rimé, D. Pazoutova, S. & Frederickson, D.E. Genetic diversity of Robinson, J. see Xu, X.M. Claviceps africana on sorghum and Hyparrhenia, 749 Rodas, C.A., Gryzenhout, M., Myburg, H., Wingfield, B.D. & Pellé, R. see Forbes, G.A. Wingfield, M.J. Discovery of the Eucalyptus canker see also Pilet, F. pathogen Chrysoporthe cubensis on native Miconia Peralta, E.L. see Arocha, Y. (Melastomataceae) in Colombia, 460 Perez, W.G. see Garry, G. Rodriguez, E. see Phillips-Mora, W. Pertot, I. see Gobbin, D. Rojas, A. see Ala-Poikela, M. Petanovic, R. see Ranéié, D. Roémheld, V. see Liang, Y.C. Peterschmitt, M. see Delatte, H. Ronco, L. see Sisterna, M. Pettiti, D. see Ciuffo, M. Rosengren, U. see Jonsson, U. Phillips-Mora, W., Castillo, J., Krauss, U., Rodriguez, E. & Rouhibakhsh, A. & Malathi, V.G. Severe leaf curl disease of Wilkinson, M.J. Evaluation of cacao (Theobroma cacao) cowpea — a new disease of cowpea in northern India caused clones against seven Colombian isolates of Moniliophthora by Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus and a satellite DNA roreri from four pathogen genetic groups, 483 B, 259 Piatek, M. First report of powdery mildew of Ligustrum caused Roush, R.T. see Evans, K.J. by Erysiphe syringae-japonicae, 578 Roux, J. see Barnes, I. Picornell, S. see Arocha, Y. Rowland, D., Dorner, J., Sorensen, R., Beasley, J.P. & Todd, J. Pilet, F., Pellé, R., Ellisseche, D. & Andrivon, D. Efficacy of the Tomato spotted wilt virus in peanut tissue types and R2 resistance gene as a component for the durable physiological effects related to disease incidence and severity, management of potato late blight in France, 723 431 Pillinger, C., Paveley, N., Foulkes, M.J. & Spink, J. Explaining Roy, A. see Ramachandran, P. variation in the effects of take-all (Gaeumannomyces Rumbolz, J. & Gubler, W.D. Susceptibility of grapevine buds to graminis vat. tritici) on nitrogen and water uptake by winter infection by powdery mildew Erysiphe necator, 535 wheat, 491 Pinol, B. see Arocha, Y. Saez, E. see Janssen, D. Plata, G. see Jones, P. Safrankova, I. First report of Volutella pachysandricola on Platt, H.W. see Forbes, G.A. Pachysandra terminalis in the Czech Republic, 808 Podile, A.R. see Krishna Kishore, G. Sahin, F. see Mirik, M. Pourrahim, R. see Farzadfar, Sh. Salas, A. see Garry, G. Prathuangwong, S. see Kaewnum, S. Santa Cruz, M. see Garry, G. Priest, M.J. see Pascoe, I.G. Santamaria, O., Alves-Santos, FM. & Diez, J.J. Genetic Putnam, M.L. Allantophomopsis lycopodina — a new aerial characterization of Gremmeniella abietina var. abietina pathogen of lingonberry ( Vaccinium vitis-idaea), 248 isolates from Spain, 331 Saqib, M., Jones, R.A.C., Cayford, B. & Jones, M.G.K. First Qiang, S. see Chen, S. report of Bean common mosaic virus in Western Australia, 563 Rahman, M., Hussain, D., Malik, T.A. & Zafar, Y. Genetics of Sarrazyn, R. see De Jonghe, K. resistance to cotton leaf curl disease in Gossypium hirsutum, Saso, H. see Bharathan, N. 764 Sauerborn, J. see Buschmann, H. Raikhy, G. see Verma, N. Schaad, N.W. see Fatmi, M. Raj, S.K., Khan, M.S. & Singh, R. Natural occurrence of a Schlenzig, A. First report of Phytophthora inflata on nursery begomovirus on pigeonpea in India, 809 plants of Rhododendron spp., Gaultheria shalon and Raj, S.K. see Khan, A.A. Vaccinium vitis-idaea in Scotland, 582 Ram, R. see Singh, A.K. Schupp, P.J. see Wilson, C.R. see also Verma, N. Scortichini, M. see Giorgi, S. © 2005 BSPP Plant Pathology (2005) 54, 812-819 Author index Seal, S. see Chowda Reddy, R.V. Thrall, P.H., Barrett, L.G., Burdon, J.J. & Alexander, H.M. Segundo, E. see Janssen, D. Variation in pathogen aggressiveness within a Sert, H.B. & Siimbiil, H. First report of leaf spot caused by metapopulation of the Cakile maritima—Alternaria Phoma sorghina on Trifolium campestre in Turkey, 249 brassicicola host—pathogen association, 265 Sert, H.B. & Siimbiil, H. First report of Melampsoridium Thresh, J.M. & Cooter, R.J. Strategies for controlling cassava hiratsukanum infecting alder (Alnus orientalis var. orientalis) mosaic virus disease in Africa, 587 in Turkey, 241 ToSevski, I. see Ranci¢, D. Shivas, R.G. see Pascoe, I.G. Todd, J. see Rowland, D. Shtienberg, D. see Kleitman, F. Tok, EM. see Kurt, S. Si, J. see Liang, Y.C. see also Soylu, S. Silva, M. see Anthony, F. Tomassoli, L., Zaccaria, A. & Barba, M. Capparis spinosa —a Silvar, C. see Diaz, J. new host of Cucumber mosaic virus in Italy, 263 Singh, A.K., Hallan, V., Ram, R. & Zaidi, A.A. Variability in the Topart, P. see Anthony, F. coat protein of Lily symptomless virus isolates infecting Tsopelas, P. & Nikolaou, K. First report of Heterobasidion various lily species, 621 annosum in Cyprus, 583 Singh, A.K. see Verma, N. Turina, M. see Ciuffo, M. Singh, A.K., Hallan, V., Verma, N. & Zaidi, A.A. Natural Turka, I. see Hansen, J.G. occurrence of Lily symptomless virus on spider lily, 255 Tzanetakis, I.E., Mackey, I.C. & Martin, R.R. Tulip virus X Singh, L. see Verma, N. (TVX) associated with lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) Singh, R. see Khan, A.A. variegation: first report of TVX in the USA, 562 see also Raj, S.K. Sisterna, M. & Ronco, L. Occurrence of grapevine leaf spot Urbanietz, A. & Dunemann, F Isolation, identification and caused by Pseudocercospora vitis in Argentina, 247 molecular characterization of physiological races of apple Skelton, A. see Mumford, R.A. powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha), 125 Smith, H.G. see Stevens, M. Soares, D.J. & Barreto, R.W. First report of Oidium piperis on Vajna, L. & Oros, G. First report of Rhizoctonia zeae on Lolium Piper aduncum in Brazil, 579 perenne and Festuca sp. in Hungary, 250 Sonesson, K. see Jonsson, U. Vakalounakis, D.J., Doulis, AG. & Klironomou, E. Sorensen, R. see Rowland, D. Characterization of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis- Souza, N.L. see Fenille, R.C. cucumerinum attacking melon under natural conditions in Soylu, E.M. see Kurt, S. Greece, 339 see also Soylu, S. Valkonen, J.P.T. see Ala-Poikela, M. Soylu, S., Kurt, $., Soylu, E.M. & Tok, F.M. First report of Valskyte, A. see Hansen, J.G. alternaria leaf blight caused by Alternaria dauci on carrot in Van Damme, M. see Forbes, G.A. Turkey, 252 van de Graaf, P., Lees, A.K., Wale, S.J. & Duncan, J.M. Effect of Soylu, S. see Kurt, S. soil inoculum level and environmental factors on potato Spiegel, S. see Gera, A. powdery scab caused by Spongospora subterranea, 22 Spink, J. see Pillinger, C. Varela, M.M. see Diaz, J. St. Hill, A. see’ Fortune, M.P. Velasco, L., Garcia, B., Hita, I. & Padilla, V. Detection of Stead, D.E. see Weller, S.A. Grapevine virus B associated with rugose wood (corky bark) Stevanovic¢, B. see Ranci¢, D. symptoms in grapevine cv. Napoleon in Murcia (Spain), Stevens, M., Patron, N.J., Dolby, C.A., Weekes, R., 264 Hallsworth, P.B., Lemaire, O. & Smith, H.G. Distribution Verma, N., Singh, L., Singh, A.K., Kulshrestha, S., Raikhy, G., and properties of geographically distinct isolates of sugar Hallan, V., Ram, R. & Zaidi, A.A. Ornithogalum: a new host beet yellowing viruses, 100 of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) from India, 256 Stewart, A. see McLean, K.L. Verma, N. see Singh, A.K. Stewart, H.E. see Forbes, G.A. Verschave, P. see Jacquet, M. Streten, C. & Gibb, K.S. Genetic variation in Candidatus Villain, L. see Herve, G. Phytoplasma australiense, 8 Vovlas, N., Mifsud, D., Landa, B.B. & Castillo, P. Pathogenicity Siumbiil, H. see Sert, H.B. of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica on potato, Sun, Q.H., Hu, J., Huang, G.X., Ge, C., Fang, R.X. & He, C.Z. 657 Type-II secretion pathway structural gene xpsE, xylanase- Vrandecic, K., Cosic, J., Riccioni, L., Duvnjak, T. & Jurkovic, D. and cellulase secretion and virulence in Xanthomonas oryzae Isolation of Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora from pv. oryzae, 15 Abutilon theophrasti in Croatia, 576 Sun, W.C. see Liang, Y.C. Vuéak, C. see Krecic-Stres, H. Svensson, E. see Ala-Poikela, M. Swaminathan, J. see McLean, K.L. Wajnberg, E. see Jacquet, M. Wale, S.J. see van de Graaf, P. Tahir, M. & Haider, M.S. First report of Tomato leaf curl New Wale, S.J. The science of appliance, 715 Delhi virus infecting bitter gourd in Pakistan, 807 Wan, A.M., Bock, C.H., Fitt, B.D.L., Harvey, J.L. & Jenkyn, J.F. Takeuchi, S. see Kubo, C. Development of Oculimacula yallundae and O. acuformis Tang, J.L. see Li, Q.Q. (eyespot) on leaf sheaths of winter wheat in the UK in Tang, Y. see Chen, S. relation to thermal time, 144 Tarn, T.R. see Forbes, G.A. Wang, K. & Hiruki, C. Distinctions between phytoplasmas at the Tesoriero, L. see Berg, T. subgroup level detected by heteroduplex mobility assay, 625 © 2005 BSPP Plant Pathology (2005) 54, 812-819 Author index Wang, M.L. see Li, A.L. Wong, J.A.L. see Wilson, C.R. Wang, W.S. see Li, A.L. Ward, E. see Freeman, J. Xu, X.M. & Robinson, J. Modelling the effects of wetness Webber, J.F. see Denman, S. duration and fruit maturity on infection of apple fruits of Weekes, R. see Stevens, M. Cox’s Orange Pippin and two clones of Gala by Venturia Weller, S.A., Stead, D.E. & Young, J.P.W. Induction of root-mat inaequalis, 347 symptoms on cucumber plants by Rhizobium, but not by Xu, X.-M. see Li, B.-H. Ochrobactrum or Sinorhizobium, harbouring a cucumopine Ri plasmid, 799 Yamaoka, Y. see Chung, W.H. Whited, K. see Bharathan, N. Ye, Y.F. see Li, Q.Q. Wilkinson, M.J. see Phillips-Mora, W. Yilmaz, S. see Basim, H. Wilson, C.R., deLittle, J.A., Wong, J.A.L., Schupp, P.J. & Young, J.P.W. see Weller, S.A. Gibson, L.J. Adjustment of soil-surface pH and comparison with conventional fungicide treatments for control of lettuce Zaccaria, A. see Tomassoli, L. drop (Sclerotinia minor), 393 Zafar, Y. see Iram, S. Wilson, M.R. see Arocha, Y. see also Rahman, M. Wingfield, B.D. see Barnes, I. Zaidi, A.A. see Mehra, A. see also Britz, H. see also Singh, A.K. see also Coetzee, M.P.A. see also Verma, N. see also Rodas, C.A. Zeidan, M. see Gera, A. Wingfield, M.J. see Barnes, I. Zheng, L. see Huang, J. see also Britz, H. Zhou, R.H. see Li, A.L. see also Coetzee, M.P.A. Zhu, X.Q., Chen, X.Y., Luo, Y. & Guo, L.Y. First report of see also Rodas, C.A. Monilinia fructicola on peach and nectarine in China, 575 Wolyn, D.J. see He, C.Y. Zilberstaine, M. see Kleitman, F. © 2005 BSPP_ Plant Pathology (2005) 54, 812-819 Plant Pathology (2005) 54, 820-823 Keyword index 16/235 spacer region, 625 chitinase, 773 16S rRNA gene, 8 Chrysoporthe cubensis, 460 a-Proteobacteria, 799 Chrysoporthella hodgesiana, 460 Cichorium intybus var. foliosum, 219 Acacia mearnsii, 189 citrus variegated chlorosis, 1 accumulated temperature, 144 Claviceps spp., 749 AFLP, 339 clonality, 749 AFLP marker analysis, 125 closterovirus, 100 age-related susceptibility, 347 cocoa, 483 aggressiveness, 287, 723 Coffea arabica, 471, 476 airborne Penicillium, 74 Colombia, 460 alfalfa blossom blight, 204 compatible interaction, 308 allozyme analysis, 733 competition, 471 Amelanchier, 789 competitive bioassay, 180 amphihaploids, 549 conifers, 512 anastomosis group, 196 Coniothyriuen minitans, 204 anastomosis grouping, 325 conjugation, 799 antibiotic resistance, 108 cost of virulence, 699 apple, 108 cotton, 764 apple cultivars, 74 crown defoliation, 502 apple scab, 347 crucifer black rot, 416 Arachis hypogaea, 401, 431 cucumber, 409, 678 area under disease progress curve, 364 Cucumis melo, 339 Armillaria mellea, 36 Cucurbita argyrosperma, 448 Armillaria root rot, 36 cultivar mixture, 723 Asia, 36 cultivar ranking, 169 attachment, 799 cultural control, 587 Auchenorrhyncha, 634 D1 (herbicide-binding) protein, 671 bacterial canker, 643 DAS-ELISA, 621 bacterial wilt, 643 Daucus carota, 665 barley net blotch, 66 decision support system, 169 begomovirus, 587 defence responses, 227 begomoviruses, 764 density dependence, 287 Bemisia tabaci, 587 detached leaf dip assay, 512 Bhutan, 36 detection, 416 biodiversity, 625 diagnosis, 1 biological control, 204, 212, 219 diagnostic protocols, 161 biological species, 36 Diaporthales, 460 BIO-PCR, 1 disease assessment, 169 biotype, 331 disease epidemic, 265 black rot, 416 disease forecasting, 347, 357 black spot, 82 disease incidence, 108, 535 blackberry rust, 275 disease pattern, 347 blue mould, 74 disease resistance, 483 Botrytis cinerea, 665 disease resistance screening, 764 Brassica spp., 416 disease severity, 535 broad-leaved species, 512 DNA fingerprinting, 733 brown stem rot, 180 dormancy, 535 dot-blot, 29 Ca(OH),, 393 dsRNA, 196 cacao, 483 CaCO,, 393 ELISA, 431 calcium hydroxide, 393 epidemic development, 144 Capsicum spp., 448 epidemiology, 287, 299, 522 cassava, 587 ergot, 749 Ceratocystis fimbriata, 189 Erwinia pyrifoliae, 789 Cerebella andropogonis, 749 ethylene, 773 820 © 2005 BSPP

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