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Plant Nutrition — from Genetic Engineering to Field Practice: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, 21–26 September 1993, Perth, Western Australia PDF

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Preview Plant Nutrition — from Genetic Engineering to Field Practice: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, 21–26 September 1993, Perth, Western Australia

Plenary papers PLANT NUTRITION- FROM GENETIC ENGINEERING TO FIELD PRACTICE Developments in Plant and Soil Sciences VOLUME45 Plant Nutrition - from Genetic Engineering to Field Practice Proceedings of the Twelfth International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, 21-26 September 1993, Perth, Western Australia Edited by N.J. BARROW CSIRO, Division of Soils Wembley, Western Australia '~·' SPRINGER-SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, B.V. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data ISBN 978-94-010-4832-3 ISBN 978-94-011-1880-4 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-011-1880-4 All Rights Reserved © 1993 by Springer Science+B usiness Media Dordrecht Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1993 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1993 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. v Contents Twelfth International Plant Nutrition Colloquium XV International Council on Plant Nutrition XIX Preface XXI Plenary papers The rhizosphere and plant nutrition: a quantitative approach. P.R. Darrah 3 Molecular biological approaches to plant nutrition. David T. Clarkson and Malcolm J. Hawkesford 23 Recent developments in electron microscopical techniques for studying ion localization in plant cells. Ralf Stelzer and Heiner Lehmann 35 Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of the location and function of plant nutrients in vivo. R.B. Lee and R.G. Ratcliffe 47 Modelling nutrient responses in the field. J.F. Angus, J.W. Bowden and B.A. Keating 59 The rhizosphere and plant nutrition Non-destructive methods for demonstrating chemical changes in the rhizosphere I. Description of methods. B. Dinkelaker, G. Hahn, V. Romheld, G.A. Wolf and H. Marschner 71 Non-destructive methods for demonstrating chemical changes in the rhizosphere II. Application of methods. B. Dinkelaker, G. Hahn, V. Romheld, G.A. Wolf and H. Marschner 75 Dissolution of ferric phosphate by alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) root exudates. Y. Masaoka, M. Kojima, S. Sugihara, T. Yoshihara, M. Koshino, and A. lchihara 79 Mucilage secretion, its interaction with soil and contact reduction. N.C. Uren 83 The chemistry of the lowland rice rhizosphere. G.J.D. Kirk, C.B.M. Begg and J.L. Solivas 87 Influx and efflux of amino acids from Zea mays L. roots and their implications for N nutrition and the rhizosphere. D.L. Jones and P.R. Darrah 91 Mobilization of different phosphate fractions in the rhizosphere. A. Jungk, B. Seeling and J. Gerke 95 Secretion of acid phosphatase by the roots of crop plants under phosphorus-deficient conditions and some properties of the enzyme secreted by lupin roots. T. Tadano, K. Ozawa, H. Sakai, M. Osaki and H. Matsui 99 Mechanism of sugar retention by root of intact maize and field beans plants. Karl Hermann Mtihling, Sven Schubert and Konrad Mengel 103 Biosynthetic pathway of phytosiderophores in iron-deficient graminaceous plants: A new assay system for the detection of nicotianarnine amino-transferase activity. K. Kanazawa, S. Mihashi, N .K. Nishizawa, M. Chino and S. Mori 107 Influence of minerals on cytoplasmic streaming in root hairs of intact wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum L. ). Burkhard Sattelmacher, Ingmar Heinecke and Karl Hermann Mtihling 111 Mobilisation of iron and manganese by plant-borne and synthetic metal chelators. F.S. Zhang 115 VI Membrane function Towards an understanding of the molecular basis of plant K+ transport: characterization of cloned K+ transport cDNAs. L.V. Kochian, D.F. Garvin, J.E. Shaff, T.C. Chilcott and W.J. Lucas 121 Plasma membrane Ca2+ channels in roots of higher plants and their role in aluminium toxicity. Miguel Piiieros and Mark Tester 125 Reduction of Fe(III), Mn(III), and Cu(II) chelates by roots of pea (Pisum sativum L.) or soybean (Glycine max). W.A. Norvell, R.M. Welch, M.L. Adams, and L.V. Kochian 129 Effect of zinc nutritional status on activities of superoxide radical and hydrogen peroxide scavenging enzymes in bean leaves. Ismail Cakmak and Horst Marschner 133 Molecular biology Screening Arabidopsis for mutants in mineral nutrition. E. Delhaize, P.J. Randall, P.A. Wallace and A. Pinkerton 139 Temporal and nutritional regulation of soybean 7S seed storage protein gene promoter in transgenic petunia. M.Y. Hirai, T. Fujiwara, Y.Komeda, M. Chino and S. Naito 143 Expression of a gene (lds2) induced by Fe deficiency treatment in the roots of Hordeum vulgare L. S. Mori, N. Okumura, H. Nakanishi, Y. Umehara, M. Chino and N.K. Nishizawa 147 Approaches to cloning genes encoding for nutrient transporters in plants. F.W. Smith, M.J. Hawkesford, I.M. Prosser and D.T. Clarkson 151 Dynamics of nutrient transport and uptake Investigations of boron uptake at the cellular level. Mandy Jenkin, Hening Hu, Patrick Brown, Robin Graham, Reg Lance and David Sparrow 157 Boron uptake in sunflower, squash and cultured tobacco cells-studies with stable isotope and ICP-MS. Patrick Brown and Hening Hu 161 Uptake and distribution of calcium in rose plantlets as affected by calcium and boron concentration in culture solution. Ruth Ganmore-Neumann and Sara Davidov 165 The contribution of different regions of the seminal roots of wheat to uptake of nitrate from soil. D.J. Brady, P.J. Gregory and I.R.P. Fillery 169 Regulation of nitrate uptake by amino acids in maize cell suspension culture and intact roots. Pamela E. Padgett and Robert T. Leonard 173 Simulation of the maximum nitrate inflow (lmax) of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) grown under fluctuating climatic conditions in the greenhouse. B. Steingrobe and M.K. Schenk 177 Relationship between intracellular pH and N metabolism in maize (Zea mays L.) roots. J. Gerendas, R.G. Ratcliffe and B. Sattelmacher 181 Changes in the amino acid composition and protein modification in phloem sap of rice. H. Hayashi, S. Nakamura, Y. Ishiwatari, S. Mori and M. Chino 185 Energy dependent transport occurs in some anoxic plant tissues. Qisen Zhang and Hank Greenway 189 Nutrient partitioning Nutrient storage pool concentrations in plants as diagnostic indicators of nutrient sufficiency. P.B. Barraclough 195 Postanthesis remobilisation and losses of nitrogen in wheat in relation to applied nitrogen. J.A. Palta and I.R.P. Fillery 199 VII Allocation of carbon and nitrogen as a function of the internal nitrogen status of a plant: modelling allocation under non-steady-state situations. Adrie VanderWerf, Tessa Enserink, Bert Smit and Remmie Booij 203 Growth and biomass partitioning of Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm. and Festuca ovina (L.) at different relative addition rates of nitrogen. Margareta L. Hansson and Anders Goransson 207 The role of free sugars and amino acids in the regulation of biomass partitioning and plant growth. Jan Buysse, Erik Smolders and Roel Merckx 211 Nitrogen supply and the control of expansive growth and function in leaves and roots. A. James S. McDonald and I. Stadenberg 215 Nitrogen redistribution to sorghum grains as affected by plant competition. Ciro A. Rosolem, Silvia M. Kato, Jose R. Machado and Silvio J. Bicudo 219 Carbon-nitrogen interaction model in field crop production. M. Osaki 223 Comparison of production efficiency among field crops related to nitrogen nutrition and application. Takuro Shinano, Mitsuru Osaki and Toshiaki Tadano 227 Glutelin accumulation and changes in the levels of its mRNA in the superior and inferior spikelets of rice ear during ripening. Yasunaga Iwasaki, Tadaniko Mae, Chikafusa Fukazawa, Amane Makino, Koji Ohira and Kunihiko Ojima 231 Improving the mineral reserves and protein quality of maize (Zea mays L.) kernels using unique genes. R.M. Welch, M.E. Smith, D.R. Van Campen and S.C. Schaefer 235 Effect of sulphur nutrition and leaf excision on distribution and redistribution of sulphur in barley. I.G.K. Adiputra and J.W. Anderson 239 Diagnosatic techniques Critical plant K concentrations for growth and problems in the diagnosis of nutrient deficiencies by plant analysis. P.B. Barraclough and R.A. Leigh 245 Use of cation/anion exchange membranes for multi-element testing of acidic soils. M.J. McLaughlin, P.A. Lancaster, P.W.G. Sale, N.C. Uren and K.I. Peverill 249 The nutrition of grazed pastures in New Zealand. I.S. Cornforth, A.G. Sinclair and J.S. Rowarth 253 Nitrogen and phosphorus requirements of cotton and wheat under changing atmospheric C0 concentrations. 2 G.S. Rogers, L. Payne, P. Milham and J. Conroy 257 Fluorescence and reflectance characteristics of manganese deficient soybean leaves: Effects of leaf age and choice of leaflet. M.L. Adams, W.A. Norvell, J.H. Peverly and W.O. Philpot 261 Release characteristics of ion-exchange resins as buffers in low ionic strength nutrient solutions. G.L. Kerven, C.J. Asher, and L. Dethlefs 265 Non-structural carbohydrate: analysis by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy and its importance as an indicator of plant growth. G.D. Batten, A.B. Blakeney, V.B. McGrath and S. Ciavarella 269 Understanding zinc reactions in vertisols to predict zinc responses by wheat. Y.P. Dang, R.C. Dalal, D.G. Edwards and K.G. Tiller 273 Use of Geochem-PC to predict rare earth element (REE) species in nutrient solutions. E. Diatloff, C.J. Asher and F.W. Smith 277 Correction of leaf nutrient values for the assessment of H evea nutrition. C.H. Lau and C. B. Wong 281 Symptoms of mineral nutrient deficiencies and the nutrient concentration ranges in seedlings of Eucalyptus maculata Hook. B. Dell and J.M. Robinson 285 Mineral nutrient disorders of root crops of the Pacific: preliminary observations on sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). J.N. O'Sullivan, C.J. Asher, F.P.C. Blarney and D.G. Edwards 293 Foliar analysis in the South African Sugar Industry for diagnostic and nutrient trend purposes. B.L. Schroeder, R.A. Wood and J.M. Meyer 299 A global approach of mineral nutrition based on the growth needs of seedlings produced in forest tree nurseries. C.G Langlois and J. Gagnon 303 VIII Strategies for plant survival Why are hairy root clusters so abundant in the most nutrient-impoverished soils of Australia? Byron B. Lamont 309 Mineral uptake and transport in xylem and phloem of the proteaceous tree, Banksia prionotes. JohnS. Pate and W. Dieter Jeschke 313 Mycorrhizas Phosphorus allocation in P-efficient and inefficient barley cultivars as affected by mycorrhizal infection. J.B. Baon, S.E. Smith and A.M. Alston 319 Root characteristics of native plant species in relation to the benefit of mycorrhizal colonization for phosphorus uptake. D.A. Jasper and J Davy 323 Effects of levels of V AM and P fertilizer on the response of linseed to zinc fertilizer in an Indian vertisol. A.K. Khare, A.K. Rawat and J.P. Thompson 327 Effect of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) intercropping on growth and nutrient uptake of upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) in relation to VA- mycorrhizae and soil fertility. Y.B. Pasolon and H. Hirata 331 Phosphorus nutrition Phosphorus nutrition and competitive ability in semi-arid grasses. R.D. Armstrong 337 Effect of waterlogging and application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer on the production of two species of an Argentine natural grassland. R.S. Lavado, G. Rubio, G. Casasola and C.R. Alvarez 341 Adaptation of tropical forage species to acid soils: The influence of varying phosphorus supply and soil type on phosphorus uptake and use. I.M. Rao, V. Borrero, M.A. Ayarza and R. Garcia 345 Seed size and fertilizer effects on seedling growth of contrasting plant species. B.T. Kang and M.O. Ofeimu 349 Effects of seed phosphorus concentration on the emergence and growth of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum). C.J. Thomson and T.P. Bolger 353 Management of phosphorus Field studies on calibrations relating soil test phosphorus to plant yield. M.D.A. Bolland 359 Defining phosphorus efficiency in plants. C.J.P. Gourley, D.L. Allan and M.P. Russelle 363 Genotypic differences in phosphorus efficiency of wheat. W.J. Horst, M. Abdou and F. Wiesler 367 Sowing date and phosphorus utilization by wheat. G.D. Batten, N.A. Fettell, J.A. Mead and M.A. Khan 371 Development of guidelines for the use of PROVIDE™ on wheat and canola. M.E. Leggett, S.C. Gleddie, E. Prusinkiewicz and J. Xie 375 Effects of rate and time of phosphorus application on seed yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) cv. Vita 4. B.M. Ikombo D.G. Edwards and C.J. Asher 379 Contrasting phosphorus responses of pigeonpea genotypes differing in maturity duration. A. Kubota, C. Johansen, N. Ae, J. Arihara and K. Okada 383 Dissolution of phosphate rock and triple superphosphate in acid soils measured using an open-leaching system. M.M. Hanafi and J.K. Syers 387 Boron The mobility of boron in plants. J.J. Oertli 393 IX The control of boron accumulation by two genotypes of wheat. Trevor P. Garnett, Mark A. Tester and Ross 0. Nable 397 Grain set failure in boron deficient wheat. B. Rerkasem, R. Netsangtip, S. Lordkaew, and C. Cheng 401 Effects of boron on pollen viability in wheat. C. Cheng and B. Rerkasem 405 Comparison of seed yield and quality of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cultivars in low fertility soils and their response to boron and complete fertilizer. P. Keerati-Kasikom, R.W. Bell, P. Panya, R.F. Gilmour and J.F. Loneragan 409 An effect of shade on the boron requirement for leaf blade elongation in black gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper). R.N. Noppakoonwong, R.W. Bell, B. Dell and J.F. Loneragan 413 Effect of boron on nodulated and non-nodulated pea plants. A. Garate, E. Esteban, J.J. Lucena, R.O. Carpena and I. Bonilla 417 Responses of rape genotypes to boron application. Yang Yuai, Xue Jianming, Ye Zhengqiang and Wang Ke 421 Trace element composition of different plant species used for remediation of boron-laden soils. G.S. Banuelos, I. Wu, S. Akohoue, S. Zambrzuski and R. Mead 425 Nitrogen fixation e The use of a double isotope 5N and 34S) labelling technique to assess the suitability of various reference crops for estimating nitrogen fixation (BNF) in Gliricidia sepium and Leucaena leucocephala. K.O. Awonaike, S.K.A. Danso and F. Zapata 431 15N2 measurement of nitrogen fixation by legumes and actinorhizals: theory and practice. M. Wood and A.M. McNeill 435 Differences between Bradyrhizobium strains NC92 and TAL 1000 in their nodulation and nitrogen fixation with peanut in iron-deficient soil. G.W. O'Hara, A. Hartzook, R.W. Bell and J.F. Loneragan 439 Responses of Bradyrhizobium-inoculated mungbean (Vigna radiata) to applied nitrogen. P.J.A. Santos, D.G. Edwards, C.J. Asher and P.J. Dart 443 Bradyrhizobium technology: a promising substitute for chemical nitrogen fertilizer in Bangladesh agriculture. M.S. Hoque 447 Spatial distribution of root activity and nitrogen fixation in sorghum/pigeonpea intercropping on an Indian Alfisol. Osamu Ito, Ryoichi Matsunaga, Satoshi Tobita, Theertam P. Rao and Y.Gayatri Devi 451 Effects of low molybdenum seed on nodule initiation, development and N fixation in black gram (Vigna 2 mungo L.). S. Jongruaysup, G.W. O'Hara, B. Dell and R.W. Bell 455 The role of copper in nitrogen fixation in Lupinus lute us L. Henryka Seliga 459 Distribution of fixed-Nand nitrate-N in cowpea during pod development. L.A. Douglas and R.W. Weaver 463 Pod development of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in solution culture. G.E. Zharare, C.J. Asher, F.P.C. Blarney and P.J. Dart 465 Nitrogen and sulfur Nitrogen use efficiency of rice reconsidered. What are the key constraints? K.G. Cassman, M.J. Kropff, J. Gaunt and S. Peng 471 Synchronising diagnosis and correction of nitrogen deficiency in barley grown in semi-arid environments. D.E. Elliott, S.D. Pelham and D.J. Reuter 475 Improving the effectiveness of urea as a forage fertilizer. S.S. Malhi and K. Heier 479 Making the most of fall-applied N fertilizer. S.S. Malhi and M. Nyborg 483 Fate of nitrogen fertilizer applied on two main arable crops, winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) in the loam region of Belgium. J.P. Destain, E. Francois, J. Guiot, J.P. Goffart, J.P. Vandergeten and B. Bodson 487

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